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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, October 24, 1956 Page 2 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Conversion of Farm Land to Receive Study Governor Picks Group To Investigate Changed Usage The ever increasing conversion of top agriculture lands in Oregon to . non-agriculture purposes will he studied by a committee named Wednesday by Gov. Elmo Smith. The group will be a sub-commit lee of the natural resources com mittee which suggested the study after receiving a resolution on the subject from the state soil conser vation committee. The committee was asked by the governor to investigate such prob lems as conversion of good agri culture lands for airports, highway right of ways and industries in areas adjacent to cities. Named on the special committee are Randall Grimes, Horrisburg, chairman of the soil conservation committee; .1. fl, Beck, assistant director of the Oregon Stale col lege extension service; .1. F. Short. ' state director of agriculture; Hoi lis Dole, stale director of geology and mineral industries and Dwighl Phipps, stale forester. The governor also named five men to work with Robert Baum. executive secretary of the natural resources committee on a :tate wide Conservation Week program next May. On this committee arc Arthur A. King. Oregon State col lege; Don Lane, water resources board; Phil W. Schneider, slate game director Glenn Purncll, soil conservation service and Stale Forester Dwight Phipps. Local Paragraph Tax Discount Explained Mar ion county properly taxes that are paid in full by Nov. 15 will be allowed a three per cent discount. A story Tuesday indicated taxes must be paid by Nov. 3 for this discount and was in error. Proper ty tax statements went in the mail Wednesday. Assumed Business Names As- sumcd business name certilicatcs have been filed with the county clerk by George H. Kecte, 3395 Hadley St. for ' Yellow rroni sup ply "; and by Karl T. and Klianor R. Hiley, 5015 Windsor Island Rd. for Riley s Welding works. State Highway Traffic Rises Latest Oregon highway depart ment rural tallies at .13 check points ' on major state routes showed vehicle volume increased two per cent during September over the same month a year ago, W. C. Williams, slate highway engineer, said Wednesday. Highest average daily vehicle county at these lixed stations dur ing the month was registered nl the Chomawa check station on the Baldock Ireeway with the heaviest single day clocked at 14,(125 ve hicles. Check stations in this area arc located at Woodburn, Gervais, Gates, Iluhbard and Chemnwa. The tally at Gervais on Market road B2H scored a 194 gain over the same count a year ago. Sherer Gets United Post Formosa Road Building Due The Chinese Nationalist govern ment hopes to launch a three-year construction program with U. S. aid next year on a $15,000,000 high way across the waist of Formosa, Fdgar H. Fang, visiting Nationalist highway engineer said Wednesday. Fang, 40-ycar-old civil engineer, currently is winding up a four month study ol Oregon bridge and highway engineering and construc tion methods. Before returning lo Formosa next April, Fang expects to make similar studies in Texas and Georgia. The Nationalist engineer said his government plans to provide further employment for thousands of Natipnlisl soldiers, now ncaring retirement age from military serv ice, on the proposed highway pro gram. Volcr Pamphlet Mailing Finished All of the approximate 875,000 voters' pamphlets are in the mail, David O'llara, chief of the state election's bureau ..announced Wednesday. A total , of 290.000 pemphlcts were mailed from the Portland of lice of the secretary of stale and the remainder were mailed in Sa lem. O'llara said. TODAY'S CLOSE n. stock ipmiois (By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Admiral Corporation Allied Cheinicnl Allis Chalmers Aluminum Co. America American Airlines ' Amerienn Cyannmide American Motors American Tel. fc Tel. Amerienn Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Ilnilrood Bethlehem Steel Hoeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Much. California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Cclnncso Corporntion Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Krlison Crown Zellerhach Curtis Wrighl Douglns Aircraft S. .1. Sherer, veleran of 14 years of association Willi Uniled A I r Lines, has been appointed Pacific jvortnwest regional affairs mana ger for United, succeeding K. C. Jones. Jones, who during the years he was In that position visited here many limes, went lo Ihe position of director of public relations for riuPnnt do Nemours tnc company last July. Knslman Kodak Sherer, who starled wilh United Kmerson Radio In 1942 as assistant personnel dir-iFord Molor ector at Cheyenne. Wyn., in 1949; General Kleclric was named insurance claims mana ger at Ihe company's Chicago exe cutive offices. He is a graduate of Brown University. Providence, H. 1 . and Lake Forest Academy, Lake Forest, 111. Ike Thanhs for R Ore mm vcwlum iTcsinotu iMKciilinw General Foods General Motors Georgia Tac Plywood Goodyear Tire International Harvester International Paper Johns Mnnvillc Kaiser Aluminum Kennet-oll Copper I.ihhy, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Locks Incorporated Pacific (Ins Kleclric Pacific Tel. t, Tel. Penney (.I.e.) Co. Pennsylvania U.K. Pepsi Cola i I'hilcn Itailio Piigcl Sound P K L Itadio Corporation I Hayonier Incot p. Iti'pulilic ,sio(. thanked the people ol Oregon Wednesday (or his reception in Portland Inst Thursday. In a letter to Gov. Klmo Smith, the President wrote-. "Again 1 want to th:ink vmi and the penple of Orecnn. for' the I llcvimlck imIi heartwarming reception we re-! Itiihfield Oil ceived in Portland I Safeway Slores Inc. "Also. 1 am mindful of Ihe fine SI. Hegis cooperation extended to me and Scoll Paper Co. the members of my stall hy vour Scars Itoeliui k & Co associates in slate gm eminent. : Shell Oil Co. Good luck lo you. I shall eagerly Sim-lair Oil look forward to your reelection Soconv-V.-iriumi n.i governor of Oregon.' Driver License Applications Co To Vehicle Dep.. Oregon reMdeiils were reminded Wednesday that letters and remit tances pertaining to molor vehicle registrations or driver 'irensrs should be sent to the drparlinenl of molor vehicles, nol lo the Sec retary of Stale. Addressing motor vehicle rnrrc- """ "' .- .tmy ni nesunghinisp 1 In ti li censes a delay in prncessini and ; Wiwlworth Coinnaiiv response, department officials; said. The molor velm-le depart ment was established as a separ ate slate agency in July of this year. Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil Studehnker Packard Swift k Company Transamerira Corp Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airline. United Aircraft United Cnrpnralion lined Slates PIvwuih) United Stales Steel Warner Pirluies Western Union Tel Weslinghoiise Air Brake 16 9.1 .11 103 ",4 2.1 Vi 70 -U 6 167 V. 73 ' '. 7S 2f. r, 100 -M. 47 '. 40 !i 4.1 K .1.1 (4 0!) ',4 14 74 Hi 59 -14 45 53 .19 14 7 '.I 195 V, 90 7 53 k Ml 45 , 45 31 i. 77 l 35 Vi 111 47 'I 52 ' 124 i 14 5.1 14 '., 4R ' 12B 8.1 V, 21 '4 19 ', 19 25 37 . .1(1 'j 53 S7 67 67 . 49 1 1 61 i .1(1 76 53 , 55 , 47 47 54 5 42 H .13 IGA Tree Tap Jell-It WK Will Get the dfnT -IC b) 15 15'' il - $' ppii I) Dollar Bill . . . Nothing lo Buy . . . Register al Salem IGA Stores sSs Sea II Diiplydil Commercial Binko( Salem, 301 N. Church f5sT ..' 00r IGA Stores Reserve the I r Morrell's Pride Smoked I le ma TDIflf tn TRPAT vniircolf tn Inuor nriVoc A raw d ii n r u u, l n aw. mi i v . Am- ' SUGGESTIONS SW, Armour', II A C C OnDisplay.! IGA M Banner ID. JL J J,;., Cracker jacks mj f o ice 57 Inin ran far II V mm .t ' r I cui u,ta Id. J1Z1L1 I 1 fmftin Margarine . 5 . $1 Apple Cider 79 Asst. Flavors Geljtine Dessert Pkg. 5 Pillsbury Cake AAixesB S9 They're New Choc, Spice, .Yellow or White Fresh Frozen Whole Kernel Case 24 Ppckages Only $1.95 iinna... IGA Evaporated Guaranteed To Satisfy MILK 3 39' SHORT RIBS SLICED BACON PORK CHOPS PORK ROAST lean, Loin End IGA Cut Green BEANS Ncm 6 For $1 IGA PEANUTS In the Shell - 12-oi. Pkfl- 29 Planters Spanish PEANUTS - 39 '; Planters Cocktail PEANUTS Tin 39 Planters Mixed NUTS 59 Planters Cashew NUTS .o, 59 Kraft's CARMELS : 39 m Krafts Handi Snacks CHEESE 29 Kraft's Philadelphia Cream CHEESE 2 TC 29 Portland PUNCH Favorite Punch Recipes Bottle 45 ' Oberti 1 Select Ripe Pitted I OLIVES J 3 for $1.00 CRISCO SHORTENING 5c Off Reg. Price Mb. Tin 94 For fluffy Popcorn Wesson Oil 59 Centennial POP CORN 2 BIGGSRl FLUFfllR! BISU Pound Packages 5t0.c HALLOWEEN MASK twhilt tbtr wild purchoit U. JI REAL GOLD LT7i CHEEZWHIZ if A Lg. Jar 47 I Kraft Deluxe ? C CHEESE Pkg. J J J V'lices American W-lb. Pkg FLUFFO Shortenin 99 Yellow Shortening Mb. ROMAN MEAL Fw w ROMAN MEAL CEREAL Pkg. When School Days Bring Child's Cold Misery for f!tt?r. dMprr rrtip, Mother, rub on nrw ChiM'i Mild Miwicrole. Now con tains mj(7ini pAin rrlievw CuM.f idy. ol mnnnMlirvUir) fomlnrt to Mp hrwk up locul JCHSl P"in- vP"r (rnm iMl hln orn stuHv nnj, tr Juc ewirti, Siv-hii Urre l:-f hlbM. Htfaiu tnd Stron, OUlit MJd tiimucli no. " Rip Van Winkle Couldn't Sleep with NaggingBackach Now ! fan ..I ll. I.. f'.Ur , he i I'm rtichlt tmt it rut nmrn th: W hen (hi rttttinn nr tirr nn1 ilm fllff - rn! il fail' h h ni.l.l M,l,Ur fititMli'irt! ionr ttl an.l ilnnk ffn ti-U.n. ul, ft mdr.i iinronifottuhl- frhn. Fr ti.iicli rH.-f . Mn'a I'ill. Tk. -k f-.t n i .fi.t. i. hw ir-H, fflni MrVifhf. h..tirhrt, muifulir rh. Jind Mini f. , tr.,r .(hinf -ff-d or ft inn Irndint a fnrrtua output ef lh U mil nf kirln- t-h. mil hw auirUj tVl. mHlrfn ff iti trnrh t .i.t. . nf (h tarn hirpt Vtlif mtlltni vk. ."n ! I in m drink mp I HP i Jm loiliM . . , cripw. . . Uoy, I lb, 57c SWANSON'S TV DINNER 70 Chix., Turkey or Beef Swanson's Will Buy You 2 Fruit Pies Buy otlr favorite Swansnn TV Itrand Dinner (ihiikrn. hrrf nr tiirkrv ) snrl a parkasr nf 2 individual SnanMin Fruit Firs. Send our nanir and tddrrss, and the nrico von paid for the pirs alone with Hip panrl w'th Sur Snansnn's piiturr from both Ihp TV Itinnrr and the Fruit I'lrs lo 1-TtlTT I'lFS. ItOX till. ( AMI)t: I. M W Jl ltSFY and Snanon Hill mail voll the purchas? price of the pies plus 3c postage. ESI All . Buy 2 Pounds it Ad AllSWeet Get 2 Pounds Fre. Pig 1 MARGARINE Lb. Pkg. 27c4 $i For HAUOMtN TRCK or TREAT CHOCOLATi CANDIES (OTH PLAIN AND PEANUT 29 BUT THtM ST IM 10 DASH Automatic Washers CASCADE 2Jm. '0 Pkcj. For Automatic Dilh Washtri . LAVA SOAP 43' 43 2 I9 291 (or Cm3 SHOP AT You Save and Save at IGA Cinnamon Sugar Cake DoughnutSo., 35c For Hallowoon PROTEX 2 Br 27 WHITE DEODORANT SOAP UQUlDJ.TA8CH27' 237 O'CELLO SPONGES n.. ...... 29 RIIHVHITI W.UB f LAKES Ef-AiaAUV A A' art. Aili fnr nw J M? moot;, Gal Doaut i rill (odaj I Mm 1 ilr"-- t