Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 19, 1956, Page 9, Image 9

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    Salem, Oregon, Friday,
Mocal Government Proposals
Readied for Next Legislature
Seven legislative proposals incounties to obtain a report and
regon s basic city-county struc-
irc to meet the needs of subur
an areas will be sent to the 1957
gislature by the legislative inter
n committee on local govern
luent, Chairman Ormand R. Bean
nnounced Friday.
The committee Wt earlier this
eek, at which time tentative ing
estions were studied and agree
ment was reached upon recom
mendations, dralt of which has just
fccen completed.
Tax Differential Claimed
One important proposal will be
hill to authorize a tax dilfercn
ial (or newly annexed districts.
The committee said a strong np-
insition to annexation now is the
reument that the area involved is
not fully developed and thus not
need of a lull range of city serv
ices, inoreiore u was felt that
such areas should not be required
Ito pay the full city tax rate.
A constitutional amendment to
authorize counties to establish
fcrvice areas outside of incorporat
ed dies and towns, following an
election in the affected area, is
another of the committee's pro
posals. Another constitutional
nient recommended permitting vol
crs in counties to adopt and amend
their own charters on a basis of
charters of incorporated cities.
The committee also favors
amendment of the state constitu
tion to permit counties to issue
bonds for purposes other than
roads and bridges.
Zoning Encouraged
Proposals recommended by the
committee would encourage and
strengthen county planning and
zoning in two ways. All counties
having a non-city population of
15.000 or more would be required
to appoint a county planning com
mission. Closer coordination of
city and county planning is pro
vided in an amendment to the
planning law which would require
Admiral Corporation 16 i
Allied Chemical 94 '
Allis Chalmers 32
Aluminum Co. America .105 'i
American Airlines 23 'i
American Can 40 ft
American Cyanamide 71 V
American Motors 6
American Tel. & Tel. 169 i
American Tobacco 73 1a
Anaconda Copper 7S 3i
Atchison Railroad 28
Bethlehem Steel 168 v,
Boeing Airplane Co. 54 U
Borg Warner 47 '.'4
Burroughs Adding Mach. 41 "i
Burroughs Adding Mach. 41 i
California Packing 44
Canadian Pacific 33 4
Caterpillar Tractor 89
Celanese Corporation 14 V
Chrysler Corporation 75
Cities Service fil
Consolidated Edison '45 !'
Crown Zellcrbach 53 Vj
Curtiss Wright 38 y4
Douglas Aircraft " 88
du Pont de Nemours 105 k
Eastman Kodak 91
Emerson Radio 7 V
Ford Motor 59 J4
General Electric 60
General Foods 46
General Motors 46:,
Georgia Pac Plywood' 31 '7
Goodyear Tire 76 4
International Harvester 36 li
International Paper 113
Johns Manville 48
Kaiser Aluminum 54 '-a
Kennecott Copper 131 si
l.ihhy, McNeill 14 'j
Lockheed Aircraft 51 '4
Loew's Incorporated 33 "(
Long Bell A 68 14
Montgomery Ward 40 V,
New York Central 40 4
Northern Pacific 39 '
Pacific American Fish 14 4
Pacific Gas & Electric 48 s,
Pacific Tel. Tel. 126
Tenney u.C. Co. 81
Pennsylvania R. R. 23 T,
Pepsi Cola Co. 19 H
Philco Radio 20
Pugel Sound P k L 25
Radio Corporation 38 '
Rayonier Incorp. 31 4
Republic Steel 54 'i
Reynolds Metals 69 '4
Richfield Oil 68 '
Safeway Stores Inc. 6" i
St. Regis 49 '
Scott Paper Co. 63 .
Sears Roebuck & Co. 31 k
Shell Oil Co. 75
Sinclair Oil 58 N
Socony-Vacuum Oil S3 -
Southern Pacific 48 li
Standard Oil Calif 47 h
Standard Oil N.J. 54
Studehaker Packard S 1
Sunshine Mininn 8 1
S'vift k Company 43 1
Transamerica Corp. 38
Twentieth Century Fox 26 1
Union Oil Company 58 '4
Union Pacific 30 '
United Airlines 40 1
I nited Aircraft 83 S
United States Plywood 37 1
t'niled Slates Steel 68 .
Warner Pictures 26 '
western Union Tel 19
Westinghouse Air Brake an
Westinghouse Electric 52 '1
W oolworth Company 45 '
This vliuibl lim triad lini
ment In u 60 yean, has
proved effective in the treat
ment of rheumatic and neu
ralgic palm, ora muscles,
backache, iffjJJiOSJr insect
bitet, - Itching or burning
Only at
Open Dally, 7:30 a.m. In t p.m.
SendiW. 9 a. m. to .1 p. m.
October 19, 1956
recommendations from city plan
ning tuminissions on proposed sub
division plats and zoning actions
for areas within six miles of cities.
The law permitting public tran
sit companies to operate within
three fniles of cities without com
ing under the jurisdiction of the
public utility commission would be
extened to 15 miles under a pro
posal by the committee.
One other change would be in
regard to reports filed by special
districts providing that a'financial
showing be made to the stale
treasurer prior to extending the
district's tax levy.
1st Frost Hits
Inland Oregon
Much of Eastern ar.d Cenfral
Oregon had freezing weather
early Friday, but the Weather
Rurcau said it would he slightly
warmer this weekend.
Rlirns fit 9.1 rfnnrruG hnrf Hrn.
g0n's lowest temperature report-
en 10 me weather Bureau early
Friday. It was 24 in Klamath
Falls and 25 in Baker.
Blustery weather tapered off in
Western Oregon after a day of
intermittent rain and wind. As
toria measured .65 of an inch of
rain in 24 hours. Winds of 15 to
30 miles an hour were expected
along the coast from Astoria to
Coos Bay.
LEBANON (Special) -An inter
church gathering will be held Sat-,
urday at 7:30 p.m. at the First
Baptist church, with the Ilev. Phil
Shuler. evangelist from Pasadena,
and Bill Jackson, singing evange
list from Salem, in charge of the
services. They are currently con
ducting a revival at the Evangeli
cal United 'Brethren church.
Political TV
The Friday, Oct. 19, srhedule
of political talks reported by
candidatcs or their representa
tives: President Elsenhower's Los
Angeles address, 8:3tT-9:30 p.m.,
Gov. Smith, 6:15-6:30 p.m.,
Jazz Age
W. U. Parents
Begin Arriving
Mothers and fathers of Willam
ette university students began ar
riving at the school Friday to take
part in the annual Parents Week
end activities at the school. Some
500 are expected.
The festivities get off to a swift
start Friday evening with the pre-! Weather for the week end in the
sentation of the Varsity Varieties Salem area will be mostly cloudy,
show at the Fine Arts Auditorium.' with recurring rain for the first
Following this presentation will part of the five-day period and
be informal firesides at all campus aSain "'ar ,he nd. the Weather
living organizations. Bureau says. r
Registration will get underway Thototal amount of rainfall will
Saturday morning followed by j be V to 1 inch. Little change in
talks from university and student ; temperature is expected, with an
officials 1 average of near or slightly below
The annual meeting of the f'JZTin l
ents association gels underway at 1 65 and ""mums ln thc 40s-
10:20 with election of officers. Out
come nresident is Roy Harlan, parents
A barbecue luncheon Is planned ,
ai Jl.l.i lounweti uy a iuui ui iiit
campus. Faculty members will
ocavaudme .u. u un m, (
Parents- I
At 3:45 the drama department
is presenting a one-act play "Mr. j
F." in the auditorium.
All living organizations will host j
Tor a nearby destination.
0ratlip across thenation.
Ve Pde yur lranSPOrtatiIl'S
Mayourhotel reservation,
And or ycr accommodation,
Well pre-plan
Dancers in Production
"these Willamette university coeds ponra.v Ja.z Age flappers
at (he Vnrsllv Varieties production whirh highlights this eve
ning's activities at Parents Weekend. Pictured from left to right
arc Angela Cesario, Barbara Bretfstcen, Audrey Ball, Gall Reyer,
Harriet Kundali and Laurel Warner. The production will be held
in the school auditorium starting at 8:15.
Mostly Cloudy
Weekend Eyed
at dinner Saturday eve
. j .1 :- - i- - u..t
wj, bc hcjd a( (hc Fjrst
Methodist church at 5:30 sponsor
ed by the Salem Mothers club.
cimax Qf SaUrday ac,ivitiM
will be the football game with
college of Idaho,
The final activity will be parent
amj sludent attendance at the
churches of their choice Sunday.
a JallVacation.
Teachers to
Study Books
Representative teachers,, num
bering about' 300 throughout the
state, arc evaluating language art
textbooks at thc request of (he
state board of textbook commis
sioners. The reports from the teachers
will bc submitted to thc commis
sion prior to Nov. 12 when the
commission will make its text
book selections.
Availing themselves of teach
ers' recommendations began sev
eral years ago, and since that
lime 90 per cent of thc first choice
eluded in the multiple choice list
approved by thc textbook com
mission, it was slated.
MONMOUTH The All-Campus
drive at thc Oregon College of
Education reached more than 20
per cent of the goal of $t,000 to
the United Fund at the end of the
second day of the drive, Tuesday,
IyoU want
Let's nave
See us now tor
At Greyhound !
,., UDlIf OK 0Mtt-
But Depot
Police Spot
Two Runaways
Two runaway youlhs from Ta
coma found out that Salem Isn't
a good place to visit if you want
to stay "lost."
The two. 15 and 17-year-olds
drove into the city about 4:30 a.m.
Friday in a 1953 model auto be
longing to the father of the 17-year-old.
Just IS minutes later they
were talking to a city policeman
who spotted them driving aim
lessly around.
Shortly thereafter tiicy were
lodged in the county juvenile sec
tion as runaways. They told of
ficers they left Tacoma Wednes
day with 14.15 in their pockets and
had been sleeping in the car. Par
ents of the two were being noti
fied of their whereabouts Friday.
Radio Station
Bids Received
The county commissioners took
under advisement Friday two bids
submitted for the proposed radio
station to be operated from the
county shops. Thc bids covered the
antenna, the base station and 10
mobile units for installation in as
many motor vehicles. -
General Klectric company's bid
was $.i.528 and that of the Motorola
company was $7,891.04.
Board Inspects
Health Building
Members of thc executive com
mittee of the Marion County De
partment of Health, including rep
resentatives of the county, the
City of Salem and the county
court, took part in an acceptance
inspection of thc new county
health building erected in thc vi
cinity of Salem General hospital.
lhc health department, current
ly quartered on thc second floor of
thc Masonic building, will move to
the new location in thc near fu
ture. Four Tires Stolen
Theft of four white wall tires
valued at $125 was reported to city
police Friday by Ray Rogers, own
er of Rogers Used Car lot at 2615
South Commercial.
Rogers told police lhc tires were
apparently taken sometime Thurs
day night from a rack near a
building on the property.
more expo:
a conversation
TO lHt Winu.
450 N. Church
Suspended Driver
Uses Brother s
Name, Gets Fined
A Salem man was arrested
Thursday on a charge of driving
while his operator's license was
suspended after city police found
that he was driving with a license
he had obtained in his brother's
When Richard Allen Springstead,
1578 Sixth St., was stopped by
olficers he gave his brother's
name instead nf his own and told
them he left his license at home.
He was arrested on a charge nf
not having an operator's license
on his person.
At thc police station, it was
found that Springstrad's license
had been suspendsd last May un
der the slate financial responsi
bility act and that subsequently.
Springstead had applied for a li
cense in his brother's name. The
brother is in the service, police
Springstead was fined $100 in
municipal court on the charge Fri
day. 7 to Report
For Induction
The following Marion county
men will report at Salein Armory,
Oct. 23, at 2:30 p.m. for forward
ing Induction Into the armed
formes. They will be Inducted at
Portland on Oct. 24. 1956.
Harold Fredrick Remmy, Dan
iel Lee Gust, Robert Lee Lowcry,
Waller Carl Jackson, Salem: An
drew Morris Gilchrist, Michael
Ray Ramp. Brooks; Robert Erwin
Guerin, ldanah.
Reserve Jurors Called
A number of reserve jurors have
been summoned to report for duty
next Monday in Judge George R.
Duncan's circuit court. Those
called are Gelta Anderson. Lcsta
Bates, Wallace H. Bonestcele. Jr.,
Josephine M. Brand, Roy W. Bren
ner, Timothy J. Burke, Alice A.
Collen, Roy E. Davidson, Elhcl G.
Forbis, Almo W. Frcy, Robert
Gangware and E. Ray White.
WiiUs lugist Silling Astim ftr CbiUm
i i" I V7
U0 Parents
Set Meeting
The University of Oregon
Mothers and Dads club will hold its
first meeting of the fall in thc
Coral room of McKinley elemen
tary school at 6:30 p.m. Thursday,
Oct. 25.
A covered dish dinner will be
served at 6:30. followed by a pro
gram which will include addresses
by Golda Wickham. dean of women
and Roy Hawk, dean of men at
the university.
Parents nf students who arc new
to the university campus arc being
urged to attend, as well as all
Clackamas Corn
Show Best Ever
. OREGON CITY Ml The Clack
amas County corn show will be
the biggest in history, field crops
agent Clint Cook reported Thurs
dav. .
The Slnto Corn Show is sched
uled for Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at
Local Paragraphs
Speed Sign Asked North San-
liam school officials have asked
that a 20-mllc speed sign bc placed
along thc road near the building.
It was explained that previous
signs have disappeared, probably
through the work ol vandals.
Illegal Possession Ally H R.
Pierce. 19, 3950 Monroe St., was
arrested by city police at 12:05
a.m. Friday on a charge of illegal
possession nf intoxicating bev
erages. Pierce was arrested in
front of a North Salem lavern
where he had purchased beer with
an illegal identity card.
Sunday Meeting The first con
gressional district, Townsend club,
will meet at 11 a.m. on Sunday at
Beaver hall. A luncheon will bc
Phons 2-2428
e U r
Section 1 Page 9
Live Cannon
Shell Founds
By Childrep.
Marion County Deputy Sheriff
Amos Shaw came up with one'ol
his "touchier" investigations Fri
day morning and one. he says he
doesn't want again. ;
Subject of thc investigation wis
a 105 mm howitzer shell children
found in a field in the northeast
section of Salem. The "find" win
reported by Mrs. W. E. Meyers,
324A Beacon St. i
Shaw checked the shell and
found it had been fired and had
a time fuse, but had not explode)!.
He took the explosive to ths Sa
lem armory. National guard offi
cers there called Vancouver,
Wash., for a demolition expert.
Thc shell had apparently been n
the field for some time, Shaw saitj.
National guardsmen said they had
no idea how the shell got there.
Let's be frank" .
There's no
known Cure'
for J
gets results :'
like this!
ACTUAL TISTJ t Uiding mtdlttt
colleg provtd that mora thin tw
out of ivtry thnt got bltttod rtM.
with SUIl INI Thfy could llvi, work ind
pUy gln thtnki to rtgulir uit oi
SUftlN. And 80 In Horn for Agd
didn't ncid narcotics or leditivii afttt
uilng SURIN. fNamai of Inifltitioni
furnished on rtquitfj
SUIIN H Intandcd for arthritic pilni
provisionally daflnad at alrnpfa, but
which to you art Qonlxlngly itvtrtv.
If lymptoma an progressiva, consult '
your physician. '
MUSCULAR ACHU causad by unaccusA
tomad physical txtrtlia era quickly
rtllavtd with SUftlN.
Hit SAMFUf Ask your drug girt for .
gtntroDs frw umpl