1 Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Friday, October 19, 1958 Ghost Haunts Leslie JII in Play .-ws V . '!.. A'jh h ': ..' ''1 'HSr n l s i ; ' ff rs 4 "The Midnight Ghost" put In an appearance at Leslie Junior hljch Friday mornlnK in a one-art play given lor the student. In two .cpnrale pcrfor.nance.. At left Is Karen Guldlnger taking a close look at the Rhoul, played by Larry Gndsey. Screaming at , the night ot the Intruder is the maid, Doris Stoillonberg, while 'Policeman Arthur Rosenheim holds gun on him. (Capital Jour nal Pholo) If Mother Won't Feed You, Take Your Lunch With You By DOROTHY DIX DEAR DOROTHY D1X: Although my mother Is a well-to-do person, she is very cheap. In the Jive years I've been married, he has never had my husband and me to dinner. She expects us to visit every Sunday, but we must come after dinner and so before supper. I hate to say it, but I'm ashamed ot my mother. Mrs. M. UftAii mia. iu ":t jiiu ...... learned to accept tho situation and adjust to It by now. Since you know you can't expect food at your mother'! hruse, bring it alonii. It you expect to be hunHiy before departure lime, carry a sand wich and thermos. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm 26 and am going with a married man of 41). We eel along beauu- Scouts Stage Honor Court Boy Scout Troop No. 18 and Ex plorer Post 18, conducted a joint court of honor at Morningside Methodist church early this week when more than 70 persons gath ered to recognize advancement for members of the two organizations The tenderfoot award went lo Jeff Hogenson, Mike Evcritt, Craig lloblis, Itirhnrd Rohde and Bill Lishkc. Second class awards, Itickie Nichols, Rlchurd Marco- Y sinn and (Inry Olson; first class, l ' loin lloy, uougins iitinuoru, iviiKe Braiumun, Karl I'oguc and Gregg Wilteman. Thirty merit badges were dis tributed among (Inry Wnnglcr, Mike Fritz, (Ircgg Wilteman, fully, have the same tastes and interests. He's Owen McVay, Roger Mink. Harold asked me to marrv him. and to go with him lo see his lawyer lo arrange the divorce. His wife will not consent, however. I've asked several Feoplc for advice and have gotten so many different answers that m contused. Penny DKAR PENNY: What sort of advice did these various people Rive, and why do you think it was all unsalislactory? Ynu have two very ancient laws to snide you two of the Ten Commandments. Stick to them, girl, and let other advice be forgotten. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Six months ago I was married sccrelly, but I can't convince my wife that she should tell her parents. She seems very afraid of her family. We love each other dearly, I have good job, we are of age. I really don l know what tneir oDjecnnns could be. C.W. DEAR C.W.: Your wife may be of legal age but she has never learned to live independently. A secret marriage is a poor beginning for long life together. Convince your wife that the time for hiding Is over, and win her folks lo acceptance of the marriage. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: My husband has been retired for a fear. We moved lo Florida for my health, and he has been miser able ever since. He doesn't like the climate, the people, the hous ing. All he talks about is Long Island. ' He fusses so much lie's making mc nervous; I can't even enjoy my meals. The only thing I can do Is get a job where I could live In and send him back north. Mrs. K. DEAR MRS. K.: Your husband can't get used to enforced leisure, and he's homesick. In one of his reasonable moments, try lo talk him into getting a part-time job. Or he might take up a hobby that would produce a small income. Your limited pension can he stretched best in a warm climate, and your best chance for mutual happiness is to have hubby adjust lo the new conditions. Have him meet people, heroine active in local politics or church affairs. There's lots of work a retirrd man ran do. For further ideas, send me a sell-addressed, stamped en velope and ask for "Retirement Suggestions," O Carlson, Douglas Bnmford, Jeff Wiltcnum. Dale llenken, Dick Dnrst and Karl Pogue. Nuwly elected patrol leaders j and assistants: Gary Filsingcr, and Tom Hoy; Dave Peterson and i .left Wilson, Douglns' Ramford and : Karl Poguc, Dale llenken and Gregg Witleman. Explorer Post 18 welcomed six new members into their search and rescue squad: Owen McVay, Jeff Wilteman, Dnrrell Ryhlonm. Gary Greer, Bill Rcclor and John Reed. Elevator Crushes Student to Death LOUISVILI.K. Ky. UP - A 24- yenr-old woman medical student jj was crushed lo death by an ele I vntor in General Hospital as eight & I persons on llic elevator watched.1! unable lo help. I One witness snid he grabbed for ' 3 Mary Ann Logan in an attempt lo save hor but "she jusl went out of reach." i Miss Logan h:id her right foot and head inside Ihe elevator whenis it stalled up without warning, wit- ,s nesses snid. I Write Dorothy Dix for free leaflet IIP, "Philandering." Be mre to enrlose a stamped, srlf-adilressed envelope and send request In her, care of this newspaper. Dnrnlhy Dix is a Trademark registered in Ihe U.S. Patent Office by The Bell Svndicale, Inc. Smith to Make Appointments (iovernor Klmo Smith has Ihree major appointments to make thir Inp tho next BO days. The oilier now held by T, Mor ris Dunne of Portland, n member of the indstrtal nccidenl rninniis Kion and the state unemployment compensation commission expires December 3. Another appontment is on (he ulate parole and probation board The term of Harry Collins, former district manacer of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com pany, expires December 31. The third appointment is a mem ber of the state sanitary authority now filled by Harold Wendell, Portland, whose term expires Dec. IS. Police Grab 'Robin UooiV NKW YOHK CT-A New Jersey youth wearing a Itohin Hood out fit and carrying how and arrows whs picked up inOnnies Square last ninht while olfrrQ; tilU)llt an apple off the head ol nnyNiO in person. I David 1 1 all n, Hasbrouck Height. N .1., was standing at (he corner of Rrondway and -t.trd St. He was uoanns a green Robin j Hood costume, hunter's cap and deerskin jacket. He carried a large bow and two steel-tipped arrows. Save Your Valuable Rugs and Furnishings Soil free carpels and uphol stery wear longer. We recom mend frequent cleaning with the new, easy to use, Blue Lustre. The swift action of this new miracle foam works equally well on wall-to-wall carpels, fine oriental rugs or uphol stery. Bright original colors gleam like new. Blue Lustre is easily applied Willi a long handle brush, leaving Ihe pile open and lofty. No residue remains to cause rapid resoil ing. Wry economical, too, as 'j gallon of Blue Lustre con emirate clrans Ihrre pxl2 rugs Downstairs l'nrmer lightweight i-hampinn .limmy Carter has a small gym in his home al South 0 i o n e Tark. N. V. Schaefer Corn Remedy The corn or callous should come off in 6 to 10 days. 25c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dili) 7:30 a.m. to p.m Sundays. 9 a.m. lo 3 p.m., I3S N. Cnmm"rrll 150 lbs. of baggage checked FREE CITY OF PORTLAND TO CHICAGO 'On oh oduli tare, pint all trie luaqng Mtaed nouUl Coll or wnlti Ufon fsttftc 3 Pi $4 ;I1 FRED UNGENFEIDER, O.n. P.n.no.r Aaanl 751 Pillock Block . Phont CApilol 7-7771 Portland, Orfjon PROVkRBS 24:8-He that deviselh to do evil shall be called a mischievoui person. ' ' ' "-$ " x ' ; ' m "" m ) No. It's just a rope ... at the breaking point: But, frankly, it's a good illustration of how a man feels when his nerves are "worn to a frazzle." The Church has never claimed that religion is a cure for frazzled nerves. But a man's Christian faith does this for him: It shows him a Purpose in life more important than mere existence. It shows him a Power more effective than his own strength. It shows him a Future more rewarding than selfish gain. And it gives him courage more lasting than the sheer force of his human will. With these spiritual resources, founded in the cer tainty that God understands and helps, a man never reaches "the breaking point." For when his human reserve is exhausted ... he has only begun to tap the vast reservoir of Divine Strength. THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE CAN SHOW YOU THE WAY I THE CHURCH FOR ALL . ALL FOR THE CHURCH strong Church nithrVl ,alu". wuhout a can .'rviv Cfa e rurOCr;r dViliw""' ond .upper, ,he Church TLy m, 7U,a;'r own .ak. (2) For hi, . '" '"' bis Sund,., ,, Tuesdty .. Frid,, Sturd,... Chapter Book Jeremiah ti Proverb, j Co'imhieni it . If ."" 1. Vcrtet ii; .17 ! 1( JJ-S. 1-14 1-21 'if Cnn Hehi Ittl. Kneur Aev. Strike. Sireeeert. Ve. r : v BIIADl.KYS IIICYCI.E & SPORT SHOP 237 N. High Th. 3 3844 BrTTI.KR Ql'ISTAI) I.BR. CO. "Kvcrythinn to Huild With" 495 Wallace ltd. Ph. 3-8181 RI'SS PRATT t APITOI. i THA.VSI'KR .limine rrutectpd Slurstc Kxpert Packing Agent lur Maytlinver Nalinnid"j'urnnu).Movers Phone 2-2438 230 S. Front St. I.DSn.R llrl.APP TRANSFKR STORAGE "l.icl and N.tlnnwide Mover." Ph. 2 1750 1115 N. Commercul R. I.. El. ( STROM CO. 20 South Liberty OSf K r.St.IR AGENCY Inririnct All Type. 5 N r;p,(n phone 4-2201 HENRY'S TIIOTO SHOP Things Photographic Ph. 2-150S 46UStale St. H O W E 1. 1 .- E I) V A R I) S FUNERA' HOME Across from Sear. S45 North Capitol H'TCHKON PAiNT STORE Paints- - Varnishes allpapcr Ph. 3 6187 162 N. Commercial I.l Mni lt DIVISION OREGON Pl l.P I'.fPER CO, 0 Quality Material Coiirlfinis Service Front and Ferry Ph. 2 2421 MITCHELL'S RADIO A Nil TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales and Service We Givi a.'H Green Stamps Phone 3-7577 18S0 State MAYFLOWER MILK Phone 3-920 MONTGOMERY WARD Department Stort EES NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shoes 179 North Commercial MASTER BREAD Broucht to Vou Fresh Daily by Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. PAY LESS DRl'G STORE "Pay Less Has Everything" 484 State SL Phone 2 3554 DICK .MEYER LIMBER TO. One Piece or a Truckload 1775 Lana Ave. Ph. 3 4939 W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Directors 299 N. Cottage Phone 3 3173 RORERTS BROS. Department Store SEARS, ROEBl'CK & CO. SENATOR HOTEL and COFFEE SHOP SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P.M. Court and High Sts.. Salem Phone 3-4151 TWEEDIE Fl EL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph. 2-4151 1174 Edgcwotcr West Salem THE VISTA MARKET Complete Shopping lenler 3045 South Commercial I'.NITF.D THEATER coup. Elsinore Capitol Grand Drive in OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Buick Sales. Servie. 388 N.' Commercial Ph. 2-3621 V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 605 S. Commercial Ph. 4.2257 THIS SERIES 0$ ADS IS BEING PUBLISHED EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST OF ALL SALEM AREA 0 CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED BY THE PUBLIC-SPIRITED, CIVIC-MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS f t?yw.'we T4eTN