Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 19, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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f Page 6 Section 1
Capital Women
Bethel 48
Plans for
Barn Dance
A hayrldc nnd barn danco arc
planned for November 3, by mem
bcrs of bethel 48, Job's Daugh
ters. Misses Louise Henderson
and Lynn .Johnson are co-chairmen
for the affair, and serving
on the refreshments committee
are Misses Carol Powell, Jean-
nctlc Roakc, Mikell Kinzcr and
Margo Wine.
Honored and escorted at the
meeting of the bethel Thursday
evening, were Miss Lamnna Col
lins, honored queen of bethel 35.
who presented the traveling tiara
to Miss Tnsha Pornn, honored
queen of bethel 48; Paul Itiffcy,
past guardian, Mrs. liny String'
ham, guardian, bethel 43; Husscll
Forrest, associate guardian, bethel
43; Mrs, Norman Fletcher, guard
lan bethel 35.
Miss Pat Warden was Initiated
.Miss Louise Henderson reported
on the candy sale, and Miss Linda
Vernon reported on favors for the
Masonic Order of Eastern Star
home at Forest Grove. The bethel
members will visit the home this
. Sunday.
Miss Beth Goodman won the at-
tendance prize. Miss Helen sang
a solo. Refreshments were served
following the meeting, by Miss
Sara Booster.
. .
Junior CDA Troop
Elects Officers
St. Calhorino of Sienna troop,
Junior Catholic Daughters of
America, met on Wednesday night
at the home of llio leader, Mrs.
Stewart Leek. Officers for the
troop were elected.
Miss Barbara Biseboff Is presi
dent: Miss Lynda Thompson, vice
president; Miss Jeanne Stone, scc
relary-t r c a s u r e r; Miss Marie
Steiner, reporter.
. The troop will make holiday fa
vors for children in Salem Gen
eral hospital. Miss Norma Hupp Is
project chairman and will' bo as
sisted by Miss Roberta Thrush and
Miss Margaret Dnuenhnucr.
The next meeting will be on
Wednesday, November 14 at 7:30
p.m. .
Bazaar Dated
Annual bn.nnr of the women's
association of the First Presbyter
ian church win he Saturday, Do.
comber 1, at the church. Mm.
a w. I.OUCKS ami Mrs. iu l m c
nooion aro co-cnnirmen.
I een Lanteen
nn Cnh, -! f,.n. T.m i m.nn
. "i"
open In Ihc YWCA gvm. The
Teen council will mnei. ,1 7 -.hi
nm a,, ,,i,- r n, i.
Bt'h or flu, grades are Invited Inl1"1" Sup was thanked for their
allend Ihe dance. Boh Ross. Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Grilsch and Miss
Carolyn Anderson will he ill charge
of the affair.
Mrs. Healy to Leave
Mrs. William K. Healy will be
In Washington Ibis weekend, to
visit her father. Dr. ,1. Ward Fin
ley, in Ridgefleld, nnd her sister,
Mrs. Kent Anderson, in LaCcnler.
Mrs. Healy will he leaving Ihe
first of the month for San Fran
cisco to make her home. Mr
Healy has already gone to San
Francisco, where he has laken a
position with Pacillc lnlernioun
tain Express.
AL Card Parties
LEBANON iSpecinli-The first
nl a series of card parlies spon
sored by Ihc American Locum
auxiliary was Monday night nl the
new hall, witli Mrs. Roy Abraham
in cnarge, Assisling her were Mrs.
George Crnndnll, Mrs. John Sheri
dan, Mrs. Kenneth Brown. Mrs
William Anderson. Mrs, Harold
Home, Mrs. W. V,. Bohle and Mis,
Charles Cammaek.
Chairman for the next card
parly, October 20 at 8 p.m., will
be announced Ibis week.
"oday's Menu
Shrimp Indionne
Oven-tried Chicken
Creamed Green Peas wilh
Salad Rolls
Fruit Compolc Beverage
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons but
ler or margarine. 2 tablespoons
flour, 'i teaspoon sail, lj leaspoon
der. ' teaspoon paprika. , Ira -
spoon Worcestershire sauce. : !:,
hlespoons chili sauce. 1', cups
milk, 1H cups small cooked and
Jhelled and deveincd s h r i m p
mixiui 4i".
Melhod: Melt butler over I
heal in .imicepan H quart ': stir
in flour; remove from heat. With1
a w iiimv n mi k, ni'iii ill SOI! ,
celery salt, rurry powder, pap
rika. Worcestershire nnd chili
Muce. riradually add milk. Mir-
riiiR until .smooth alter each ad-
dition. Return to tnoderalely low
ncal; ur coiwinmiy until imrK-Mmm TiMnis. Jim Phelps, Oiarles
fned nnd huhnly. Add shrimp and . Hum-lie. Hay Adams. Mrs. Annie
heat but do not boil. Turn into 1 hliiiit r, and the hostesses. Mrs
wallop Shells; serve at once. Or- Kree and Mir. Snffler. ,
make ahead, turn into fcallupj i
shells, cover and rcfriRrrate; re I A DAl'dHTKIt, Lmda Sue. was
heat In moderate or' hot oven jusl
until sauce begins t$ bubble.
Makes 5 to 6 first-course servings
Notei Two .Vounce cans of fro?,
en small shrimp that come vook-
d, shelled and deveined w
make the amount needed for thi:
recipe; thaw and drain before!
Y-Wives Hear
Talk on Voting
At the Y-Wives meeting Thurs
day night, a talk was given by
Mrs. Edgar B. Daugherty of the
League of Women Volers, on the
measures on the November bal
lot. All members entered into the
open discussion and were especial
ly interested in lax measures.
A special highlight was the show
ing of new fall hats by Miss Mar-
jone Webster and Mrs. William r..
Johnson. Kach hat was modeled by
a member of the club.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Gilbert Finley, Mrs. Robert
C. Arthur and Mrs. Jolene Horner.
Group Studies
Southeast Asia
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding was
hostess Thursday morning to a
large group of women of the First
Methodist church, who are making
a study of Southeast Asia. She was
assisted by Mrs, r. A. fugaic,
Special guests at the meeting
were Mrs. William McAllister, wile
of the Justice of the Oregon Su
preme court, Mrs. Everett R. Mar
tin. Buhl, Idaho, sister ol Mrs.
Brooks Moore, nnd Mrs. Gilbert
Nciman from southern California
Following the coffee hour, Mrs.
Waldo Zcller gave a brief review of
the book "The Church in South
east Asia" by Wilburn T. Thomas
and Rajah B. Manikam. the coun
tries being studied are Burma.
Thailand. Indn China, Indonesia,
Malaya' and the Philippines. She
then spoke of the people, their
country, and their religious views,
nnd how the churches, can help.
There will ho three more meet
ings and there is still time for
others lo enroll in the class or
visit. The next meeting will be
October 25 at the home of Mrs
Keith Lusted, 545 Penwny.
The November meeting will be
with Mrs. Thad Morcland, 2(120 At
varado, and the final meeting will
be November 8, wilh Mrs. Robert
F. Anderson, 1830 Childs avenue.
Panel Discussion for
Insurance Women
A panel on Insurance wait given
Thursday night at the dinner meet
ing of the Insurance Women's as
sociation of Salem at the Marion
hotel. . Miss Nila Cluett was in
charge of Ihc program
Insurance men participating in
tile panel were Sid House, W. 11
,vi..on'nw.!.l ttontnn mt K.rt
r Hourlaml. iror music the Cor-
,plrs ,, sov(,r nuni,prs,
Members of tho Cordelles aro Mrs
.John L. Hoffman, Airs. George G
Martin, Mrs. Ronald Jtohdc and
Airs. Evelyn Pnlzer.
'" Jun""" nf ,San
Francisco, Calif., was a guest as
was Mrs. R. A. Gnrrall. The A!
reccnl nimmage sale in Albany
Friendship Night
For Orchid Chapter
MOLALLA (Speeiall-Ahoul UO.
were present for Tuesday's meet
ing of Orchid chapter, Order of
Kaslern Star, when annual friend
ship night was observed. Many
visitors were present from Laurel
chapter, Cnnby; Venus chapter.
Donald: Evergreen chapter. Wood
burn; Pioneer cbapler, Oregon
C'ily: Victory cbapler, Turner: St.
Helens chapter, St. Helens. Mrs.
F.dnn Fugle, worlhy matron of
Orchid c h n p t e r, greeted Mrs,
Helen Heck, grand represenlnlive
of Tennessee from Oregon, and
past worthy matron of Canhy's
cbapler. Numerous other worthy
matrons ami patrons were intro
lucod, Five new petitions for member
ship by initiation were read. Ini
tiation ceri'iiioines will be al the
meeting November li. Invilnl ions
were received lor members to Pioneer chapter. Oregon Cilv,
ami lo Venus cbapler, Donald, in
Ihe near fulure
On Ihe evenine's musical pro
gram, Mrs. Irma llowill's mixed
chorus group from Ihe local grade
school sang throe songs. A trio
of three boys wilh their accordions
played several svlreliim Playing
in the trio were Keith Wrolslnd.
wrtnr llunlon and Michael Pur
Rrfreshnieills were served at
labile deconiled wilh the fa
coitus nnd Halloween motif wilh
Mrs Vidua l-'.ngle. Mis, Hahe
Heed, Mrs. Don Allen, Oliver Hus
ton and Mr, and Mis, Allen Hever
lin on Hie committee.
Altar Society Event
LYONS 'Special' - ThC Altar
' th Kre-c Hh Mrs. Lowell Sliltler
,, ,.,,, A ,,,,.,, ,,,.,.,.
,,, wns v,iclnc I .d Mrs. Truman
: r,i,i,;i. ,. ,n i..i, n,., ii,,, .i ,i
uwh Ciieclusm classes lor Ihe
nrt HuTt wt'oks mslo.'iti of Mrs
.lini Phelps. It Wits jiNu ilci'iilinJ
to .start t he tr.irhn Umh lui.skrt.
j(mi Mrs. .Inn Phclpi
Mrs. Pal
Lyons ami Mrs. Mike Schwmilt
writ1 apmmited nn t lit nominating
i'ommiih'0 (or the officers, fur the
coining year,
Sam Hnles. Mike Seinwmtt, Tru
- horn or Tuesday at Saletn Gen
er.-vl hospital lo Mr, and Mrs.
Steve H. Menon There are two
brothers, Steven Donald and Mi
chael Allen, greeting the new sis
ter. Grandparents nte Mr, and M
h, V. Kenson and Mr. and Mrs.
(jcorgc J. Johnson, All of Slrnv
Salem Girl
Wed in
Before a setting of autumn
colors and lighted candles in the
sanctuary of the Audubon Park
Methodist church in Spokane,
Wash., on Saturday, October 1,1
at 3 o'clock, Miss Lorctta Gcral-
dine Bartnik of Scio was married
to Eugene J. Grandinettl Jr. The
Rev. Joseph II. Beall officiated.
Miss Bartnik is the daughter ot
Mrs. David Boshart, Scio, and L.
P. Bartnik, Portland. Mr. Grandi-
nelti is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Grandinetti Sr., Spokane.
The bride was given in marriage
by her father and wore a wedding
dress of tulle and Chanlitly lace
over satin, fashioned with a high
neckline, yoke of illusion and a
ace bodice. The bouflant skirt of
tulle extended into a cathedral
train. The French illusion finger
tip veil fell from a headband of
Chantilly lace and pearls. The
wedding bouquet was of red rose
buds and white streamers.
Mrs. John P. Turk, Spokane,
sister of the bridegroom, was the
matron of honor, and wore a bal
lerina length dress of gold crystal-
ette over taffeta, and headband
of pearls on satin. She carried a
nosegay of bronze chrysanthe
mums. Mrs. Kenneth Monson,
Scio, and Miss Gloria Wood were
bridesmaids. They wore net over
Inlfeta dresses wilh matching
stoles and mitts. They carried
bouquets and wore headbands like
the matron of honor's.
Miss Judith Twax, Portland,
cousin of the bride, nd Miss Con-
lla Woods were the candlelight-
ers. They wore dresses of pink
and white.
John P. Turk, brother-in-law of
the bridegroom, was the best man.
Ushers were Arnold Spatafore,
uncle of the bridegroom and Wal
ter LcVinc.
Mrs. Mary Jacobson was t h e
organist and Mrs. W. W. Wog-
man sting.
Ihe church and reception rooms
were decorated with baskets of
white and yellow chrysanthemums
nnd bronze spider chrysanthe
mums. Mrs. Robin Twax, Port
land, cousin of the bride, and
Mrs. Everett Woods, presided at
the coffee urns. Mrs. Allen Le-
Bard, Scio, screed punch. Miss
Marie Soderherg, Portland, passed
the guest hook and Mrs. Harold
Bartnik, aunt of Ihc bride, was in
charge of Ihc gift table.
For a wedding trip to Nevada
and California, the bride wore a
winter white wool suit and brown
and beige accessories. Iter flow
ers were u corsage of cymbidium
orchids and stcphanotis. Ihe
couple will he at home in Spo
kane. Activities Planned
By Naomi Assembly
DAIXAS (Special )-Many Hal
loween costumes were in evidence
nf. (he meeting of Nnomi assem
bly, Rainbow for Girls Mondny
nidil. Miss Mary Kllen McClenry,
worthy ndviser, presided over the
nieelniR. Plans for n cooked food
sale October 27 were discussed.
Miss Judy Pntfc wns appointed gen-
ral chairman for the sale.
Mrs. H. M. Wait, mother ad
viser, reported n very successful
wo days that Ihe assembly was
n charge of a concession booth
iit Ihe Polk County fair.
was announced that the grand
worthy adviser of the grand as
sembly ' of Oregon, Miss Mary
lleisler, would pay her official
visit here December 2. The worthy
adviser appointed Miss Carol Mer
cer in charge or decorations for
the affair and Miss Carolyn Iln
worlh head of the degree com
For entertainment Dee (lee
Oreen sang and several donees
were presented.
50 Year Members
Honored at Meeting
DAYTON iSpeciaD - At the
regular meeting of Klecta chapter,
Order of Kastern Star, on Tues
day night al the Masonic temple,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of
Portland, were honored onneir Ml
years of membership.
I'oltowing the meeting, other
guesls were welcomed, including
Mr. and Mrs. Divk Stevens. Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Knssncr Sheri
dan, Carl Anderson, Portland, and
Mrs. Helen Adams, Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. Kvn Baxter, lonn time
friend of the Andersons, pre
sented Mrs, Anderson wilh her f0
year jewel pin nnd Hussell Leh
man presented Mr. Anderson with
his pin.
It was announced that New berg
and Holly chapters will he guests
on November 13.
srHI.IMITV tSpocinDtfr. and
Mrs Hu-hard Heater are visiting
in Orangeville, Idaho where Mrs.
Heater was a bridesmaid at n
wedding on Wednesday,
Rainbow Initiation
i MIl.l. CITY iSpeeiaP-iniliatioii
t ceremonies for several new can
didates for Order of Rainbow for
(litis was Sundav afternoon at the
IOOP hall with Miss t'amille
(ioble, worthy adviser, presiding
Initialed were the Misses Judy
Handall, Cheryl Hirte, Sharon
Heagles and Judith Hampton Dis
tinguished guests present included
grand worthy adviser Miss Mary
Heisler from The Dalles and sub
deputy to the suprcjne assembly,
Mrs, Ann Metyger
Miss Hosalie Hassrtt presented
a degree honoring Miss Hosier,
using the Indian theme She was
presented an Indian headdress and
gift from Marilyn assembly mem
bers A buffet luncheon was served
preceding the ceremonies with the
Misses Cnra Tee Whitlen and
linsahe Hassett in charge. Deco
rations of autumn leaves and flow
ers were arranged by the deco
ration chairman Sherrcn Muir. (
I 7.
Arc Married Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lcander Kinmark (Dixie Ann
Avriettei, above, were wed al a recent church ceremony. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Avrictte and the bride
groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Ronald G. Kinmark, Klamath
Palls. (Kennell-Kllis studio picture) "
Warricks Feted
On Anniversary
AMITY (Special) Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Warrick celebrated their
silver wedding anniversary, re
cently, with an open house at their
home in Amity. Their sons and
daughters. Mr. and Mrs. llichard
Warrick, Mr. and Mrs. uean War
rick, Ronald, Karen anl Dennis
Warrick, were hosts.
The rooms were decorated In
autumn shades with bowls of fall
flowers completing the decor. The
reception table was covered wilh
a lace cloth and adorned with sil
ver candle holders, with contrast
ing colored candles. In the center
wns a three tiered cane, DaKca
and decorated by Mrs. Richard
and Mrs. Dean Warrick, daughters-in-law,
who were also in
charge of the refreshments.
Quests during the alternoon
were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter War
rick and Mrs. Turner of Molalla;
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Warrick and
Howard of Lafayette; Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Howard and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Warrick and Bruce
of McMinnvillc; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wilcox of Bellevuc; Mr.
nnd Mrs. Rupert Christiansen, Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Warrick. Mrs. rrctl
Killers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ruckcr
and family, Mr. and Mrs. hlmcr
KnKclland, Miss Dorothy Irwin
and Ronald, Dennis and Karen
Warrick all of Amitv.
Mrs. Baxter Guest
At Coburn Home
DAYTON (Special) Mrs. Eva
Baxter of Forest Grove, has been
a house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Knrle Coburn since last week.
While here she visited old friends
and had been dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Burt Hord; Mr. and Mrs.
John Todd and Mrs. Kelly Pajala.
at Alderman Farms; and Mr. and
Mrs. George Webster. Relatives
coming from Portland to sec her
were Mr. and Mrs. ered Melbnger
and son .lim: Mrs. John Scholz and
Harry Chapman; Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Peake.
She also attended Klecta Chap
ter, Order of Kastern Star, on
Tuesday evening, when her friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of
Portland, were honored nnd re
ceived their 50 year membership
Mrs. Bnxler returned to the Ma
sonic, home Thursday.
New Members for 0
Sublimity Club
SUHUMITY (Special ) The
Sublimity Woman's club met re-
ently for the first fall session at
Ihe home of Mrs. Phil Steffes with
two new members, Mrs. Amelia
Albus nnd Mrs. Gertie Kremcr,
leing welcomed.
l-our tables of 500 were in play.
Other members present were Mes-
dames Omar Roberts, Lee High-
berger, Martha Glover, Barbara
(iehlen, Margaret Holfman,
Kmmn Doerfler, Cecelia l.ulay.
Hose Riesterer, Kugene Ditter,
John Heuberger and Adam Sus
bauer. Mrs. Roberts nnd Mrs.
Holfman won prizes.
J 'A Night Out (It Meier S, Frank's Salem" . Spe
cial menu and dinner music, modeling, free fa
vors 'or I1 children.
' 5:00 8:00 P. M.
Mrs. Wardle Speaks
To Mothers Club
Mrs. Lucille Wardle, a teacher
at Washington school, was the
speaker at the first meeting on
Thursday afternoon of the Wash
ington 'school Mothers club. Mrs.
Wardle was an exchange teacher
in England iast year.
Ihe annual benefit dinner was
announced for Friday, November
2 from 5 to 8 p.m. with ham and
fish being served. Mrs. O. P. Lo
gan is chairman and will be as
sisted by Mrs. Bruce Thompson
and Mrs. Virgil Wilson. "Greet
Your Teacher" night will also be i
observed wilh the teachers in '
their room from 7 to 8 p.m.
At Ihe meeting, the club voted
lo continue their support of their
school service clubs, '
New Wing Planned
For Methodist Home
The Building and Endowment
committee of the Methodist home,
met at the Home, Tuesday, to ap-1
prove the plans for a new wing
to be built in Ihe near future. Mem
bers of the committee represent
the Woman's Society of Christian
Service of the Methodist church
for the entire state. Members of
the committee represent the Wom-
n s Society of Christian Service
of the Methodist church for the
entire stale. Members from Sa
lem were Mrs. C. W. Stnccy, Mrs. ;
Preston Doughton, Mrs. Virgil !
Burson, Mrs, Laurance Walworth,
and Mrs. J, W. Klinger.
Mrs. Klinger was elected vice
president of -the committee filling
a vacancy. One of the features
planned was a parade of sugar
bowls at the coming Harvest
Home tea which will be at the
Methodist home November 16 i
from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. The sugar!
bowl idea was initiated in June
in which each member of the j
Woman's Society of Christian Serv-j
ice of the Oregon conference de
cided lo contribute two cents per 1
week toward the building fund.'
From ten to twelve thousand do!-.
lars aro hoped to he realized from
the more than 12,000 members of
the W.S.C.S. in the state. Sugar
bowls will be emptied as the semi
annual contribution to the building
On display at the tea will be an
tique, modern, improvised, and
unique sugar bowls. The tea is
a benefit open to the public at
which the guests of the Home will
be at home to their friends.
Garden Club Event
Fred Rrowning discussed gladi
olus pollination at the mceling of
the South Hills Garden club Tues
day evening at the home of Mrs.
George Davis, with Mrs. Delbert
McDonough as co-hostess.
Guests at the meeting were Mrs.
Charles A. Powell and Mrs. Alice
Next meeting of the group will
be the 2,tti annual Chrysanthe
mum show, al the Salem Heights
Community hall on November 3
and 4.
Miss Merth
Is' Engaged
Announcement Is being made of
the engagement of Miss Darlene
Merth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph S. Merth, to Robert L.
Cross, son of Mrs. Susie Cross and
Woodford C. Cross, all of Salem.
The bride-elect is a student at
North Salem High school. Mr.
Cross is a graduate of Salem
High school, and is employed at
the Oregon Pulp and Paper com
pany. Dinner For
Salon Members
A no-host dinner was served
members of Salon 412, Eight and
Forty on Wednesday night at
China City.. Table decorations
were in an ornamental idea.
Stale officers and chairman
present were Mrs. Earl T. Andre
sen, le chapeau departmental;
Mrs, Velma Jones, le demi cha
peau premiere, Albany; Mrs. Vio
let parson, le demi chapeau deux
ieme, Springfield; Mrs. Austin H.
Wilson; la secretaire; Mrs. Mary
I.arscn, l'archiviste, Portland;
Mrs. Gretehen Robins, Tavocate,
Junction City; Mrs. Eda Zolezzo,
national demi'chapeau of western
division, Portland; Mrs. Bertha
Berkshire, fun chairman, Spring
field; Mrs. Lue A. Lucas, scrap
book chaitman, Salem; Mrs.
Frank P. Marshall, le petit demi
chapeau premiere.
Mrs. Marshall presided and Mrs.
Lucas, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs.
Stanley Krueger, Mrs. Beryl Por
ter and Mrs. Don Appcrson were
in charge of the evening's affair.
Manufacturer's Closeout!
Women's Better Shoes
611 Pairs to Choose from
Three Big Groups . . . Flats, Wedges, Heels . . .
Width 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 Vh 10
AA 1 23 2 3 12
A 3 1 S 2 J J 2 1 1
AA 5 J 1 8 ; 13 16 22 17 14 922
A 4 T 2 i
B 4 to 5 22 39 58 46 69 81 34 28 7T
C 2 4 3 2 5b f "2
To Speak at Luncheon Dr.
Frank Munk, above, professor
of political science at William
Reed college, will be guest
speaker at the meeting of
American Association of Uni
versity Women, Saturday. (Bor
den photo)
Plan Homecoming
Members of Oregon Grape
camp, Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica, met on Wednesday night at
the Veterans of Foreign Wars, hall
to plan for the homecoming din
ner on November 13 at the VFW
hall. Mrs. Joseph Lebold is chair
man. Mrs. Edward Seguin was in
charge of refreshments Wednesday
MOLALLA (Special) Mrs. Ada
Mochnke will be home this Friday
from an eight-day trip and sight
seeing tour in Hawaii where she
visited the various islands. She
made the trip with a group of
about 50 others on a planned tour.
Your Size Here?
Come In! Trv A Pair On!
Salem, Oregon, Friday, October 19, 195t
urmv (QrM.riflD Announce
ment Is being made by Mr. and
Mrs Clyde Coulter 01 ine msw
merit of their daughter. Miss Carol
Ann Coulter, to Edwin Lawrence
Freeman, son of the Rev. and
Mrs. Clyde D. Freeman, all ot
Stayton. .
A mid-November wedding is
The bride was graduated from
Stayton Union high school in 195a,
and her fiance attended Slayton
and Washington school before en
tering service witli Ihe Marine
Corps, serving 16 months in Korea.
He is employed as a logger.
Sisterhood Plans
November Tea
The nominating commillce was
appointed on Wednesday night at
Ihe regular meeting of Temple
Beth Sholom sisterhood at the
lemple. Those on the committee
arc Carl Sandstedt and Mrs. Ted
The program for Wednesday
was in charge of Mrs. .1. J. Col
ton, and Mrs. Jules Jacobson read
a piece on "Voting is our Busi
ness." .
A tea on November 11 begin
ning at 8 o'clock at the temple
was planned. Mrs. J. J. Colton
and Mrs. Arthur Wcinstein are in
charge. , ,
MEMBERS of fte Live Vers
club of the YWCA will travel to
Silver Creek Falls parly for a
camera hike on Sunday afternoon
if weather permits. The group
will meet at 1:15 p.m. at the
YWCA and members should bring
a sack lunch.
Tremendous Values
Await You At Pauley's!
Activities- For
BSP Chapter
Reta Mu chapter, Epsilon Siimi
Alpha, met at the home of Misl
Biilie Miller Wednesday evening,
with Mrs. John Erickscn, vice
president, in charge of the meet,
It was decided to sponsor a
cooked-food sale at the Farmer's
market to benefit the annual con
tribution to the Oregon Stale
Crippled Children's Hospital
school. The sale will start at 8:4! .
a.m. on Saturday, October 27.
Outlined schedules of coming
activities were offered by the var
ious committees to be voted on,
A small Halloween party for mem
bers and their husbands is plan
ned the evening of October 27.
The theme will be Barn Antics ,
and the dress will Include blue
jeans, plaid shirts and straw haLs.
It was also agreed to conduct a
welfare project for Thansgiving.
and Chrislmas for the needy and
underprivileged children.
A white elephant sale was con
ducted at the close of the meeting
wilh proceeds going to the treas
ury. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Milton
Ingram and Mrs. Robert Stevens.
The next regular mecling will be
November 7 at (he home of Mrs.
Phil Sanders.
Alumnae Event '
Mrs. Joseph Wetherbee was wel
comed as a new member on
Wednesday night at the first fall
meeting of Sigma Kappa alumnae.
Mrs. Edwin Becker was the host
ess. Twelve members wer present
and Mrs. August Geiring of Gold
Beach was a guest. Mrs. Luther
Jensen will be the November host- '