Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 11, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    Salero, Oregon, Tnursaay, uciooetju,,
Air Force Firepoiver Thrills
:Writirig Group at Air Shoiv
Traffic Claims
305 in State
Traffic accidens in Oregon have
killed 305 persons so far this year,
the State Traffic Safety Division
reported today.
The count includes 36 deaths re
ported in September.
The nine-month death count is
10 higher than for the same per
iod last year.
Speaking of former Salemltcs,
just before departing for Eglin
from Keesler Sunday morning
someone yelled at me and asked
if I was not Magee from Salem. It
was Tommy Hoxie, formerly with
KSLM in Salem and now with a
paper in Long Beach, Calif. He
had come in Saturday night with
a group from California.
ii iji mi n i i i ......i.iii.ii i in h i-,,,,
t ' Capital Journal Writer
' EGLIN AFB, Fla.. Oct. 7 (Spe
cial) It was a great show of air
power that the U.S. Air Force
gave some 6.000 persons here to
day' (or the aerial firepower dem
onstrations. Persons came from
all .over the U.S.A. and Canada
and, South America for the demon
stration. Bombers tossed bombs Into the
air .and flew off and left them be
fore they had started their descent
to their targets, jets broke through
the 'sound barrier and even the old
Standard E-l World War I fighter
made its appearance. In fact the
World War 1 fighter was the sec
ond plane to perform. The first
was a formation of F-lOOs passing
through the sonic barrier in I dive
from 43,000 feet.
Trained In Salem
In the parade of pianos also was
the F-51 World War II fighter,
which many in Salem will prob
ably remember was first flown
over Germany by a squadron that
trained in Salem In World War II
with Maj. James II. Howard, now
a brigadier general In the air
force reserves, as the commander.
The squadron switched to the Mus
tangs after leaving Salem.
The first operational jet fighter,
the F-80, now used as a drone air
craft at Eglin; the F-86, the fa
mous Korean fighter that had a 14
to one kill ratio against the Rus
sian built MIG-15; and the F-1PC,
present supersonic fighter, which
was the first to break the speed
of sound in straight and level
flight, were all in the parade of
planes that opened the demonstra
tion, which also included a dem
onstration of the firing of air force
armament weapons.
Bombing, Strafing Shown
The present-day supersonic in
terceptor the F-102, called the Iron
Dart by many, and the first plane
with the delta wing was also pre
sented. Giving a demonstration of pre
cision flying in their Thundcrbirds
was the famous United States Air
Force demonstration team, organ
lied in May 1953, who today were
making their 253rd precision flight.
Bombing and strafing are still a
very important part of air power
and pilots showed their skill In hit
ting the target with both bombs
and their guns. Four F-80H's
bombed a simulated factory, while
an F-100, an F-101 and F-94B
strafed simulated enemy aircraft,
all hitting their marks.
Bombers showed how bombing
had advanced since the skip bomb
ing of World War II, demonstra
ting the toss bombing technique at
60 degrees, 90 degrees, and 110 de
grees. In each instance the bomb
er had tossed the bomb and was
out of the area before the bomb
began Us descent on Its target,
Former Ornonlan
The demonstration attraolcd
many high ranking military men
and civilians In prominent posi
lions. Among them was a former
Orcgonlan, Gen. Nathan Twining,
chief of start for air, whom a num
ber will remember for his National
Guard days in Oregon. Also in the
group was the under secretary for
the Air Force. All were guests of
the commander of the Air Proving
Ground Command, Maj. Gen. Rob
ert W. Burns. '
Signal Hearing
Set on Oct. 17
The Marion county court has
been notified that t h e Oregon
Public Utilities commission has set
Wednesday, October 17, as the
time lor a hearing on the county's
application for the installation of
an electrically-operated automatic
warning signal at the Boone
intersection of the Southern Pacif
ic railroad.
Residents of the area had peti
tioned the court for the warning
signal on the ground that the cross
ing presented a serious hazard to
traflic using the county road,
Butler Blasts
At 'Hypocrisy'
Of Truth Unit
WASHINGTON up Chairman
Paul M. Butler o( Ihe Democratic
National Committee Thursday
accused a dozen members of the
Republican "truth squad" of "hy
rracrlsy," on the basis of votes .In
Congress against Eisenhower ad
ministration policy.
Democratic headquarters re
leased a study of 26 roll calls in
the House and Senate, each of
which showed from one to six of
the traveling GOP campaigners
opposing the administration stand.
Along with the tabulation the
committee issued a statement by
Butler saying: ,
"It Is ironic that the Republi
can Party should select the very
men who refused to support Mr.
Eisenhower in the Congress to
campaign for his re-election as
president. And it is sheer hypoc
risy on the part of the 'truth
squad' members to stand up and
speak for the re-election of the
man they voted against on crucial
issues in the Congress."
the assignment of the "truth
squjid" is to follow up Democrat
ic candidates and give the GOP
side on what the Republicans
view as misstatements in cam
paign speerhes.
Hunters SuiT-sfiil
PjONAliD 'Special' Mr. and
Mrs. Lin Cromwell and two
daughters returner to Donald Sun
day evening following a 10 day
hunting trip 18 miles the other side
of Burns. They reported they got
their two deer the 2nd day hunting
but stay id on for the vacation.
OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.
You are. cordially invited to the
Live Bird Display
Presented by the
Friday and Saturday, October 1 2 and 13
Moving Picture Show
Friday-7:30 P. M.
Satur'day-3:00 P. M. '
The Star Highway Commission
t will sail at public auction
- an the property described below
ot 1:30 p.m., October 25, 1956
A parcel' of land lying In Section 12, Township 7 South,
Range 3 West, W.M., Marion County, Oregon, and being a
portion of that tract of land described In that certain deed to
G. C, Farmer recorded in Book 301, Page 623, of Marlon
County Records of Deeds; the said parcel being described
as follows:
Beginning at the most southerly corner of said property, said
corner being 591.6 feet south and 511.6 feel west of the north
west corner ot the Towner Savage D.I..C. No. 31, Township 1
South, Range 3 West, W. M. thence northwesterly along the
southwesterly line of snld property 108 feet to the true place
of beginning; thence North 16' 30' 59" Hast, 230 fret; theme
North 17' 37" 05" West, 45 feet; thence North 60' 15' 21"
Wesf, 73.23 feel, more or less, to a point on the northwester
ly line of said property, said point being 25 feet from the
center line of tfi Clatter Road right of way; thence south
westerly along Ihe northwesterly line of slid property 262,10
feet to Ihe most weslrrly corner of said properly; thenre
southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said properly
179,15 feet, more or less, to the true place of beginning, con
taining 0.80 acre.
The property Is part of the former G. C. Fanner property on Clai
ter Road, located near the Ilavesville Interchange north of Sa
lem, and Is Property No, 19985.
The minimum price which will be accepted is (4,250.00.
conveyance win oe oy Bargain ana hale flcen with access to
Claxter Road at the most northwesterly 73.23 feet of said tract,
only. ,
The State will not furnish abstract or title Insurance.
The deed will contain a condition that the property shall never
be used for the placing, maintenance or display of any advertis
ing sign, bill or poster, except such thereof as may advertise the
use to which the property conveyed is devoted, or for the sale
or lease of said property or any portion thereof.
TERMS OF SALE: Cash. The right Is reserved to accept or reject
any or all bids.
INFORMATION: W. II. llaikln, Property Manager.
fasfest way to
Northbound irv leave 7:85.
i-m. and 10:45 t.m.; Southbound al
8:S5 a.m., 8:10 p.m. and 7:05 pja On
' Convalr flights enjoy the extr
moothneas and dependability of
United s all-weather radar.
Alrfrt Utmtnml. In lWm ff 1-1441
Every Department Participates! Lowest Prices of the Season!
4 ft j
"U 1 '
. ! . , ';r --.
w u
9-1 b'. capacity . . . easy
onerdial control.
Never before offered
at this price.
We ' Service' What We ' Sell
; v-1 m bin
Free 15.95 Thermostat-Your Choice 1
of Blond or Mahogany Oil Heater
Set the dial to maintain an even
temperature all day long. .Radiates
efficient heat .through 4-5 rooms..
Spec, purchase Sale
93c Wardoleum
9, 12'
Best grade printed-en-amel
made. Smart tex
tured , and geometric
patterns. Resists stain.
CAFES-usually 1.98
Sanforized Poplin
Match kitchen with gay
patterns or solid color,
wsihfast cafe. 60x36".
Valance, ea. 7Sc
24" New Middleweight "Comet"
New FLO-BAR frame-usually $60
Med. size li" whitewalls. Fram
Bonderized to prevent rust. Rich
chroming. Boys' red, Girls' blue.
26-IN. COMET 44.88
6'4-ln. Saw with FREE
' Steel Case, Blade
Saw alone sells nation
ally for 46.95. Safety
"Slip Clutch" virtually
eliminates burnouts.
Battery, 2-Yr. Guar.
Withstands extreme tem
peratures. Extra fluid ca
pacity. 12-V. 13.44
Plui old battery trade.
Enameled Wood Seats
Five s t i n-resistant
colors. Brass hinges.
Fit standard closets. .g. 4.M
3.98 Sq. Griddle, 10-ga.
4 times' thicker than J 1A
ordinary aluminuml 017
Won't warp or dent. ' si. pri
24.95 Portable Heater
Deluxe thermo-t y p e -.
model I On-Off auto- X88
matically. Safety J"
switch. Mi Prli
Reg. 2.59 Pint Lunch Kit
With pint vacuum 1 Aft
bottle to keep liquids 177
hot, cold. M.ul lo
Western Field
3-shot 12-ga. bolt action repeat-
.ing shotgun. Full choke. Recoil pad.
Rag. 29.M
1 Wnvrl Ciikk. LI...... D:x
.; hi h vjci iiuuse mini
,S None finer at .any J Aft
S-i-. j j Price- Self-cleaning. tj0
White and 1 1 colors. C.ll.n
3 Modern Ceiling Fixture
Usually sold for $3. l ftft
Has 14" square bent I.OO
glass shade. Save! -. might
Red. 2.79 Rnth ttmrla
f.. - - - - viMvnvi (
A. White 'shade, chrome 1 A A
-'older. Plug-in. Clear 10.0
Stvi Now
1 9.9 r-LI.
For indoor wiring. m
New improved outer Aft
cover. Ripcord; UL ap- Wl '
proved. it.g, 9c n.
2.79 Twin Floor Mats
Contoured for full
front floor protection, y QR
Available in 5 colors.
Reg. 1.74 Hvy. Duty Oil
Additive treated to
add mileage, engine
life. lncl. ex. tax. -oi- cno
1.10 Oil Filler fnriMrlno
Resin-treated pleated -
paper filler for uni- XXp
form filtering action. ."WW
3.95 Proctor Cover Set
Scorch-resistant Zeda-
lon cover over thick
white cotton pad. i.i. pia
9.50 Shelf Door Cabinet
All steel. 14x24" mir- '
ror; 6 shelves. 13x- 7 1
18x5" overall, '
Jave on 50-ft. Steel Tape
Sells under "Name" ft ftti
label for 4.00. Jet 200
black graduations. , M v