Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 11, 1956, Page 20, Image 20

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    Sjalem, Oregon, Thursday, October 11, 1956
Section 3 Vagtt 1
1 CapitalVqmen''
WWMv'aawT'nmiaiM nit nil mi1 mum n unmmir n i n it
Activities (or the fall and com
mittees for 'the new year were an
nounced at the meeting of Court
Capital City, Catholic - Daughters
of America, Wednesday night. A
guest at the meeting was the Rev.
Joseph E. Vanderbeck. pastor of
St. Joseph's. Miss Judy Nielson
played piano numbers, Mrs.
George Herberger reported on the
junior CDA institute which shp nnri
Mrs. George Corrigan attended at 'Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy
Mr., Mrs. Pomeroy .
Will Be Honored
Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Pomer
oy will be honored at a reception
on the occasion of their 50th wed
ding anniversary, Sunday, October
21 at their home, 4715 Norm Kiver
road, from 2 to J p.m.
Mr. v and Mrs. Pomeroy. were
married on October 22, 1006 at
the old Marion hotel in Salem. The
then county judge, John H. Scott,
officiated at the ceremony.
Hosts for the reception are the
seven sons and daughters of the
couple: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pom
eroy, Mr. ana Mrs. Konaia romer
oy, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pomeroy,
For Lunds
i Mr. and' Mrs. Fred A. Lund
were given a surprise housewarm
ing Wednesday night at their new
residence on Candalaria Heights,
by. employes of the Miller store.
The Lunds came recently from
Everett, Wash., Mr. Lund being
manager of "the Miller store.
More than 50 attended the party
Soroptimist Club
Activities Noted
Five members of Salem Soropti
mist club are to be in Eugene this
weekend to attend the district two
meeting, northwest region, Sorop
timist International. They include
Mrs. W. W. Goodwin, local presi
dent: Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. Ter
ese Hanks, Mrs. Abner K. Kline,
Miss Mary Brady.
Guest speaker for the meeting of
the club Wednesday noon was
Harry H. Holloway, district com
The guests were shown through j mercial manager or the Pacific
me nuuae, gnu wee . T. .Dhone and Telearaoh company.
Woodburn. Mir Marguerite Glee-
son reported on the National Coun
cil of Catholic Women's convention
to he in Chicago in November.
Plans were made for a join' so
cial with the Knights of Columbus
on October 30. On the entertain
ment committee from CDA are
Mrs. George Madison, Mrs. Neil
Boehmcr, Miss Gloria Hougham,
Miss "Johanna IcCaffrey.
At the Wednesday meeting, Mrs.
H. C. Epping won the special
Committees were named as fol
H o s p itality . Mrs. Robert
Schreiner, Mrs. Charles Linday,
Mrs. George Herberger. Chaplain
me Kev. J. E. Vanderbeck, Bul
letinMrs. J. P. Prinz, Junior
CDA Mrs. George Corrigan,
chairman, with the following as
counsellors, Mrs. J. J. Coleman,
Mrs. George Herberger, Mrs.
Ward Shryock, Mrs. Luverne
Lechtenberg, Mrs. Frank Slimak,
Mrs. Stewart Leek, Mrs. L. J.
Braulick. Remembrance Mrs.
H. C. Epping. Publicity Mrs.
Walter Link. Program Mrs. Hil
lary Etzel, Mrs. John Ritchie,
Mrs. Glen Clark. Share the faith
Mrs. John White, Mrs. Paul Pap
pert. Retreat Mrs. Marie Ber
tram. Social welfare Mrs. A. W.
Lovcik. Archdiocesan council of
Catholic Women Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brantncr,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olson, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Wahl.
Friends are invited to call.
the Lunds and refreshments were
Couple Wed Oct. 6
At Church Ceremony
Wed October 6 were Miss Sonna
Helen Johnson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin George- Johnson,
and Clifford Paul Alt, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley A. Alt of Gervais.
The service was- at 8 o clock in
the evening at the First Church of
God on Lancaster drive, the Rev.
Mr. Mclntire officiating.
The bride wore a pale green bal
lerina length dress of nylon taffeta,
Initiation for
Horizon Group
New members for Nancy Gorm-
sen Horizon club were initiated
at a formal ceremony conducted
recently at the home of Mrs. Rob
ert W. Gormsen.
The new members, include Col
leen Zamzow, Jackie LaDue,
Marilyn Murphy, Marilyn Zeller,
Judie Baker, Bcv Carpenter, Don- :.and Mary Alt
who discussed plans of the future
by the company for this area and
the improvements being maac.
Guests included Richard Nelson,
David Huff, George Paulus, George
F. Todd, Mrs. E. A. Guenthner.
The club's monthly social comes
next eWdnesday night at the home
of Mrs. G. E. McCormick.
Open House Fetes
Silverton Women
S1LVERTON (S p e c i a 1)
Among affairs honoring Mrs. Du
ane Rold and her daughter, Miss
Piper Rold, on the eve of their
and a corsage ot wnuc carnations : ieavml! for a trip to Paris,
and gardenias. Mr. Johnson gave'F nce was an opcn nouse at the
home of Mrs. Rold's mother, Mrs.
Dclbert Harrington, Sunday aft
ernoon from 3 to 5 o clock.
Assisting in serving were Mrs.
Carroll Rold and Mrs. James
The centerpiece on the serving
his daughter in marriage.
Mrs. Richard Alt was honor at
tendant. She wore a green suit
with yellow roses and carnations.
Richard Alt was best man.
The reception following was in
the church parlors. Mrs. Eldon Alt
of Silverton cut the cake. Mrs. ai ... . ,..j . ,,. u nf
Hudson of Gleneden Beach poured I lliLTnwr,,! frmts
and assisting were Misses Sandra '""''. V" ?, f '
juaie Baiter, dcv itupemi-i , uun- ,.ana maiy trn. , . - j i:ai.iaH tanorc
na Grayson, Lolita Miller, Janice 'The couple will be at home at,-! blossoms and hght d .apers
Phillips, Marv Wilbur, Martha 1 288 Draper street
Rhcam, Kay Nichols, Jody Bourne,
Molly Allen and Claudia Fry.
First meeting of the group is
planned tonight at ":30 o'clock at
the home ot Miss Baker, iuwj
North 24th street.
Junior CDA Group
Sophomore class of the Junior
Catholic Daughters of St. Vincent
de Paul parish met Tuesday night
at the home of Mary Gruchalla.
The co-c ounsclors arc Mrs.
George Gruchalla and Mrs. Le
nore Coffey.
Officers for the coming year
were elected as follows: President,
Marie Gripentrog; vice president,
JoAnn Marsh; secretary, Mary
Gruchalla; treasurer. Ruth Les
meister; reporter, Marilyn
Schrocder. The next meeting will
be at the home of Kathryn Burke
on November 9, with Shirley
Weissbeck supplying the refresh
ments. . --. .
' . - .
MISSOURI 'club '''met - the pa'sl
Tuesdav for a no-host-luncheon al
the home of Mrs. Lucia Keyt with
Mrs. A. Anderson and Mrs. fc. B
Kasson assisting. There were 19
members and three visitors pres
ent. Officers named for the new year
are: Mrs. George Clark, presi
dent; Mrs. Wilms Loc, vice presi
dent; Mrs. Wade Weekly, secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. E. B. Kasson
and Mrs. C. R. Osborn, game
chairmen. Next meeting is to be
November 11 for a turkey dinner
at the home of Mrs. A. Boyles.
Marriage Told
WILLAMINA (Special) Mr. and
Mrs. LcRoy Lockwood of Toledo,
formerly of Willamina, have an
nounced the marriage of their
dauehter. Miss Stella Elizabeth
Lockwood, to Merle Andrew
Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Abraham Holmes of Grand Ronde.
The marriage was pertormea uc
tnhor 9 in Tnledo.
Th hride is employed in the
office of Georgia Pacific ot To
ledo. Mr. Holmes is in tne army,
stationed at Camp Gordon, ua.
MOLALLA (Special) Mrs.
R. C. Storey was guest of honor
at a shower Monday evening in
Fellowship hall of Molalla Metho
dist church. Hostesses for the af
fair were Mrs. Bill Ireland, Mrs.
Fred Purvine and Mrs. Elwyn
Swigart. - ...
Mrs. Storey's daughters, Jane
13, and Kay, 7, together with Mrs.
Bland Foelesons helped in open
ing and listing the many gifts.
There were about 60 present for
ii. hn.r fr stnrpv's CamD
Fire Girls served refreshments. 1
The Camp Fire Girls were snaron
May. Sharon Mazingo, Karen
Everhart, Doris Lambert and
Jane Storey. Several guests were
present from out-of-town.
WISTERIA club's first dance ot
the fall is slated for Friday night
at the Knights of Columbus hall,
dancing to be between 9 and 12
o'clock. Stubby Mills orchestra
is to play.
'On the committee for the dance
are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keudell,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klippert,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dickson, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Lannigan. Mr. and
Mrs. F. R. Colgan and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Claus.
Plan Project
Beta Omicron Chapter, Beta Sig
ma Phi, met Tuesday evening at
the home of Mrs. Bessie Loomis.
Plans were completed for a ways
and means project, a car wash,
October 20. Proceeds will go for a
Christmas party for the Children's
Farm home near Corvallis.
Guests (or the evening were
Mrs. Betty Templeton .and Mrs.
Lois Willig. Mrs. Nelson E. Stew
art gave the program on
"Speech." Co-hostess (or the eve
ning was Mrs. Richard Reynolds.
Mrs. Walter Hart will be host
ess for the October 23 meeting.
The room decor was in bronze
and golden blossoms and autumn
Guests included: From Salem:
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Neal, Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Conklin, Miss Ora Lee
Frey and Melvin G. Beard; from
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. (juentin
Kuhmaif and Gill and Dianna;
fom Silverton, Mrs. Otto Dick
man and Miss Patty Dickman,
Mrs. Mary Davis, Mrs. Charles
Amos. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mc-
Cullough, Mrs. S. A. Gay, Miss
Marguerettc Hallock, Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Powell, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Park, Miss Pam Park, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Hatteberg, Miss
Kathy Hatteberg, Mrs. Charles
Cox, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brenne-
man, Miss Nellie Harrington,
Mrs. Loe
New officers for Salem Women's
Golf association are announced
following the elections, Wednes
Mrs. Chester Loe is the new
captain, succeeding Mrs. Bruce
Williams. Co-captain will be Mrs.
Thomas Hill, Jr. and other officers
include: Mrs. Glen Stevenson, sec
retary; Mrs. Kenneth Vollmar,
treasurer; Mrs. Seth P. Smith,
tournament chairman; Mrs. Rob
ert Cannon, handicap chairman;
Mrs. Arnold Krueger, social chair
man; Mrs. William Hugh Adams,
chairman for the nine-hole group,
with Mrs. Harry Wesely as co-
Mrs. Harold M. Olinger was an
nounced winner of the captain's
trophy, and Mrs. Ivan Marble
winner of tne Oregon women s
Golf association trophy.
Plans were made (or the annual
stagette to be conducted next
Wednesday night at Randall's
ChucK wagon. ,
Mr., Mrs. Rogers
Hosts at Brunch
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers
entertained at an informal brunch
at their home Sunday Tor Mr. and
Mrs. Marshall Case, newcomers
here, and the state banking depart
ment personnel and their wh'es
or husbands.
Mr. Case is the new state su
perintendent of banks, succeeding
Mr. Rogers, who has retired.
Presiding at the cotfee urn wert
Mrs. Case and Mrs. Donald Pe
terson. Assisting in serving were
Mrs. Sydney Kromer and Mrs.
L. C. Pfeiffer.
4 ; V'
i. f 'L It
Queen Contests of Interest
MOLALLA (Special) When the
Monday afternoon contract bridge
club met to play in the home ot
Mrs. Jerry Gilmore, the birthday
of the hostess was observed with
a surprise handkerchief shower.
A birthday cake also was brought
by the club. High score was held
by Mrs. W. C. Orcutt; second
high, Mrs. Jerry Gilmore, and low
score, Mrs. Norman Edmondson,
Miss Betty Harrington, Mrs. Pel
bert Harrington, Miss Kay Rold,
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Rold, Rickie
and Larry Jones and Mr. , and
Mrs. James Jones.
To Be Honored Mrs. Emma GemmelL above, will be honored
at an open house next Sunday afternoon at the home of her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gcmmell, in celebration
of her 95th birthday anniversary, Friends are invited to call be
tween 2 and 4 o'clock. (Capital Journal picture) , :
(Capital Journal Correspondent)
Corvallis (Special) Queens and
sweethearts will soon be in the
limelight at Oregon State, as
candidates are now competing
(or Homecoming queen, and Sweet
heart of Sigma Chi. Jodc Boyer
and Delores Loring have been in
the running for Homecoming
queen, while Sue Crier is one of
the 10 Sweetheart finalists.
The W. B. Jubilee, with the
theme "Song of the South," was
presented last week by the Wom
en's Recreational association. En
tertaining skits were given to
show the various activities con
nected with the Women's Phys
ical Education department; Com
mittee chairmen for te event in
cluded Susan Borders and Carol
Peterson. Carol was also one ot
the narrators, and played the
part of gruff "Brer Bear."
Nancy Owens, president oi ine
sophomore women's scholastic
honorary. Aipna umnaa ueua,
was introduced last week at the
scholarship convocation. The
honorary was recently the spon
sor of a picnic held for freshmen
with a 10 decilemal rating.
The Nickle Hops last Friday
were a bie success, having sur-
oassed th $600 goal by $70.95.
Although some people are still
babying their feet, most ot tne
students have many new ac
quaintances to show for the eve
nine's function. '
The Delta Uos on fraternity
recently conducted their formal
initiation. New members include
Measures Topic '
At Chapter Event
Xi Upsilon chapter of Beta Sig
ma Phi met at the home ot Mrs.
Herbert Dalke, Wednesday night.
Mrs. Dalke introduced Mrs. E. B.
Daugherty, guest speaker (or the
evening. She led at a discussion
on the forthcoming measures to
be voted upon by the Oregon vot
ers this election Mrs. Daugherty
is a member of the League of
Women Voters. Her guest for the
evening was Mrs. Clarence Byrd,
also a member of the League of
Women Voters,
Mrs. James Fourlner was co
hostess for the evening. It was
announced Xi Upsilon chapter is
assisting on the blood bank (or No
vember here in Salem. A Hol-
lowcen party, "SpooK Spree," is
planned (or October 27.
A surprise shower was given
in honor o( Mrs. William Haber-
nicht, Xi Upsilon president this
Dennis Olson and Phil Jntz
Another new fraternity member
is Ron Brown, who was initiate j "
into Phi Kappa Tau.
Coach Tommy Prothro gave
'chalk talk" Wednesday to giv
students a better understanding
of football. The second annual
football assembly was sponsored
by the Associated Women Stu-.
dents, and coveret) rules, penal- -y
ties, formations aod othfr foot
ball essentials. .
Kathy McMeekan passed the
American Red Cross test , this
summer, for advanced swimmers.
Only 11 persons in Oregon hav
passed this test, so it is quite an
accomplishment. The test was
given by the American Red Cross
Aquatic school at camp i-uie-quoia,
Calif. , i -
This Friday mgnt is open io?
men's house dances. Attending
the dance at the Sigma Phi Epst
Ion fraternity will be Wayne
Erickson, Jim Hardy, Will Bati
son, Georgia Keortge, ' Jerry
Carleton, Vidke Ward and- Doa
Davis. The Sig Ep junior class
will come to Salem for dinner at
Randall's Chuck Wagon, - before
the dance. .
The Engineers' Ball, "Research
in Rhythm," is to be Saturday
evening in the mechanical en
gineering .laboratory, saiem ton -attending
the dance will include
Carol McFarland, Lynn Enyeai
and Terry Parsons, Besides sea- -ing
several unique engineering
displays at the ball, students will
receive liquid refreshment from
a genuine hydraulic pumping sytr
tern. . . .-': ' ' t
Keizer Sewing Club
Reports Election
KEIZER Keizer ' Sewing club
met the past week at the home of
Mrs. J. E. Gardner. '
Officers elected include: Mrs. M.
O. Nichols, - president; Mrs. Ben
Claggctt, vice president; Mrs. A.
E. Cummings, secretary; , Mrs.
Harry Broadbcnt, treasurer.
Committees named by the presi
dent Include: Mrs. Hoy Melson,
publicity; Miss Lois Keefer, Miss
Alta Hall, courtesy; Mrs. Oscar
Noren, Mrs. R. 1. Kinney, Mr,
Ben Claggett, Miss Ruth Rullfson,
work committee. 3
The club voted to give $10 to
the United Fund. Next meeting ti
planned for October 18 at the
home of Miss Lois Keeter. '
...... . . - '- 7 -
KEIZER (Special) The East
Kcider Kensington club met re
cently at the home of Alta Alli
son on Q linaby road. Nine mem
bers were present. Myrtle .GuW
ppi was elected president and
Beryl Foote secretary. The nexj
meeting will be Oct. 12 at Chris
tine BartuH'i home, S10 Che
mawa Road.
Today's Menu
Give spoonbread mix special
treatment this way.
Baked Ham Spiced Crabapples
nmihle Corn Sooonbread
Snan Beans Salad
Fruit Compote with Cake Squares
tnurpdients: 1 can (8?i ounces)
whole-kernel corn, 1 package (84
wets I spoonbread mix, water,
jniut, eggs, 2 canned whole pimi
entos (drained and diced).
Method: Drain corn: reserve li
quid. Make up spoonbread using
the corn liquid for part of the
water called for in the package
after adding the
amount of milk and the number
of eggs directed on package, stir
in drained corn and pimiento. Turn
into well-buttered baking dish (li
aru Bake in hot 1400 degrees'
.n ss to 40 minutes. Serve at
. twtrtinnc with lafffe
once, remui"B . it
spoon. Makes 8 16 servings.
Spoonbread wiU puff up like a S
- fabric m; M:r , V-N ? AO) " '
tt ' i t 1 4lM "V A J " aw? I Mi ft b MT 1 ' I HI . Hi TWI " I ... I
ws r r - 'v v ,w . . ;; ..... . . . .... i . , . , , .. . -rm
.V3LX M: mil" m ': 11 i
1 values 10 o7.7j - Ifll 11 f . 1 t ' 1 iltV'i I , II 1
8 . i -S II--- Wc i II r ft 1 t ' ft 1 iv I ' l It m ft 1
I TopFashions f . 'K ' . i ,! , f U 3- A . ..
. NeweslColois btl WJU
J Value Priced s - "i lf !
I ' j f ' ' v I ' Super savings - in richly textured woolen fabrics -
1 . t C:MM I 'i I - I " O ' I ... .
I lernriw JUTihw I 1 I ...; ook no data na.. .narrow and tra aht. tull and : I
I : 1 0r J I f. 1 II LtL -..-I J... L.r .t..l In ,ai LnU jl
g - I ' ''area. . . Imie collars or uig,,,i.ouui wi uidmunroi ww., ... , g
S I I f - I . .,,,11. rt. is iL. I. A
I ik j I f Vft tweeds or smoom Diena wooiens, mui o ro 10 - in me wown
I LeH) w' ' 1J ' I latest colors - are surely the Season's Style Starters.
I Use our Budget "Charges o monms TJT J mday INlte i
1 or our Regular charges 30 days IV SZZ 'Til 9 I
1 . Hnun 234 N. UBERTY 1
tOUI I1C DO liWta