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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October '4, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 7 County Hires 2 Counselors, Third Leaves The juvenile section of Marion county has placed two college ' erariuates nn iiG ctafr ti... ...... OPEN FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9:00 P. M. Miss Ann White, Willamette uni-i veraiy graduate in psychology of last June, and Mrs. George Ma tile, sociology graduate of Lewis and Clark in 1954. Both will oper ate as juvenile counselors. Dr. James Ashbaugh, director of the department, who announced the new staff member selections, at the 'same time revealed that G. David Hardy, who has been with the department as a coun selor will leave the department Nov. 1. Hospital Meet Here to Draw 150 Headers The 23rd annual meeting of the Oregon Association of Hospitals, will get under way at the Sena tor hotel Sunday with approxi mately 150 persons in attendance. The conference will extend over a three-day period. Speakers will include David T. Hiddell, assistant director of the American Hospital association, Chicago, who experienced two ma jor disasters while director of publicity for Perth Amboy hos pital in New Jersey. "A Solution to Professional Lia bility Problems in Hospitals," will be the subject of an address Tuesday afternoon by Jack J. Ful ton of the California Hospital as sociation. t . r ' . Damage Suit Asks $20,000 Frances Aleshire was named de fendant in a $20,000 damage suit filed in Marion county1 circuit court Wednesday by Mrs. Eleata Brown, administratrix of the estate of Jay Irvine Brown. The suit stems from a traffic ac cident at the intersection of Win ter and Hood streets Dec. 28, 1955. Brown died 33 days following the accident. The defendant is charged with negligence jn the operation of her Surgeons to Hear Eastern I Gynecologist Dr. Leo Brady, professor of gyn ecology, at J o n n Hopkins uni versity, will be principal speaker during a banquet meeting of the Salem Surgical society at the Mar ion hotel Thursday night. Dr. Brady spoke during the sec ond annual meeting of the local society held in the Salem Gen eral hospital auditorium Thursday afternoon. Other speakers were Dr. Geo. R. Hoffman and Dr. Otto Kraushaar, both of Salem. While in Salem, Dr. Brady is visiting his . son-in-law and daugh ter, Dr, .and Mrs. Richard Em-bick. Court Receives letition Seeking Vacation of Land The engineering department of Marion county will investigate a request for the vacation of a por tion of Belle Vista court, off Ma drona avenue. A petition asking the vacation of 105 feet of the street has been presented to the county court. It was slated that the section has never been opened to general use. AF Will Enlarge Reserve Program The airforce announced today that it starts immediately to, re cruit "six month trainees" into combat and support units of its air reserve program. Plans call for recruiting 2500 trainees by Julv 1, 1957 and 4000 from July 1, 1957 to July 1, 1958. Individuals entering into the six month reserve program will do so by enlistment as a reserve of the air force for a period of eight years, including an initial period of active duty for training of at least six months duration. High school students may be enlisted only if they are enrolled in their senior year but they will not be called to active duty until the end of their senior year. Oregon Unemployment 400 Fewer Than '35 Two thousand Orogonians were added to the unemployment rolls last month, bringing the total to 15.500. the state unemployment compensation commission report ed Thursday. The total was 400 fewer than a year' ago. The commission said .that many lumber mills closed this week for the opening of the deer hunting season, and that some might' not reopen immediately unless there is an upturn in the lumber market. NEW LOOK FOR DOUGHNUTS NEW YORK (UP) The Na tional Dunking Association an nounced Wednesday a new look for doughnut holes for 1957. The sire of the dnughnu' hole at the start of the new year will be inch to allow millions of dunkers greater flexibility. I 340 court street HUMMUS x k GENERAL ELECTRICS 141 V16 PORTABLE Streamlined "Traveling Companion" weight only 32 pounds for easy carrylngl This powerful performer comes in a terra-cotta and ivory cabinet with carrying handle.. Has exclusive Black-Face picture tube and Dynapower Speaker for superb tone quality. ' (3EK1BCSAIL EHG(SKD(S ,lf you can't actually see the World Series ... , the next best thing is to watch it on a GE TV right in the easy comfort of your own homel You'll thrill to the "right here" feeling-the picture will be sharp and clear, the sound constantly goodl GE offers the world's greatest combination of performance and value! On with your GE TV ... on with the series '. ' b GE Gives 1-Yi Guarantee on all Parts, Tubes, Picture Tube GENERAL ELECTRICS 21C160 CONSOLE IN MAHOGANY Ultravision full base mahogany console with concealed casters for easy movingl Features double directional power tuning that rotates tuner in any direction and locks it in position. Set-and-forget ' volume control with push-pull power switch. (VHF only 279.95) A A CHANNEL NO DOWN PAYMENT en our approved credit 24 months to pay Roberts' TV. Dept., downstairs 11 I fit J$&$$' Pfj . if j i 1 1 GENERAL ELECTRICS 17 T 025 PORTABLE Newly designed cabinet and chassis compact portable weighs only 32 pounds s, . baked-on enamel finish In Bermuda bronze, with chrome-plated handle for easy , portability. Take It anywhere . . . Inside or outside, on trips tool ' "- 1 w M A CHANNEL GENERAL ELECTRICS 21TO50 TABLE TV WE GIVE AND REDEEMrMGREEN STAMPS Blend of contemporary and functional styling, designed to harmonize with mddern and period furniture. Features GE's aluminized picture tube . . . tilted clear safely glass Insures a glare-free picture. (VHF only 179.95) 11.0095 .y a ALL CHANNEL All CHANNEL