Page 6 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October 4, 1956 High Court to Rule on Lawyer 2-Hour Sentence Arguments In the appealed cise of Spencer Yates, Koseburg attorney, who is under a 24-hour sentence lor contempt of court, were heard Wednesday afternoon by the State Supreme Court. Yates was given the contempt .sentence by Circuit Judge Carl Wimberly, Ttoseburg, after Yates allegedly described the judge's tone of voice as irascrible in ques tioning a witness in a civil case. At the conclusion of the trial Judge Wimberly requested the Roseburg attorney to make a public apology but Yates refused. The attorney spent few hours Jin jail, before being released on his notice of appeal to the su iprcme court. The famed Bow Bells of Lon ' don's church of St. Mary-le-Bow, i historic since the time of William i the Conqueror, will soon be re ! placed. They were destroyed by j Nazi bombs in World War 2. pw. at .....a m mm m --m w i 1 Because w s tnuch softer 1 -in .a snaue You'll love two-ply Powder Room tissue in Colors! Powder Room Tissue comes in just the beautiful tinted shades you want to mix or match with your towels or tiles. Made of the finest two-ply facial tissue, it's twice as soft . . . twice as absorbent ... twice as firm and strong. Buy the "see-thru" cellophane 4-roll package-4000 single sheets, 2000 two-plys. Comes in pretty Powder Room COLORS Yellow White Green Pink at I ea ' Vote Due on Annexation of 20 Acre Area Some 30 or I .voters in an area of about 20 acres in the northeast Salem suburbs will vote on annex ation to the City of Salem Friday. The proposed annexation area is located south of Silverton road, east of Lansing avenue, north of and including Hammel street. The Salem city council has al ready approved the annexation, following a favorable report from the City Planning commission. Polling booths have been In-, stalled by City Itecorder , Alfred Mundt at 3310 Silverton Kd., and will be open for voting from 2 to 8 p.m. Friday. The annexation proposal was in itiated by petition circulated by A. H. Rogers and other property owners in the area. Widening of Hammel street was required by city officials before endorsement was given by the council. Richardson New Chief of Cliemeketans Gerald A. Richardson, statisti cian for the State Unemployment Compensation ' commission, was named president of the Chemeke tans during the annual meeting of the hiking organization Wednes day night. Other members selected for of ficial positions included: George LaBordc, vice president; Mrs. Al ta Melchort, treasurer; Barbara Mail, recording secretary; Sallic Hooper, corresponding secretary; Jacques Cubillc, Santiam moun tain rescue chairman. Alice Nielsen, was elected pub lications chairman; Mrs. Frances S. McDuffee; Chemeketan chair man; Hayden Smithson, lodge chairman; Wanda Gifford, picture night chairman; Bessie Smith, en tertainment chairman; Russell Shipman, hiking chairman; Dr. A. Weston Nicmcla, conservation chairman; Dr. John Van Dyke, membership chairman; Oliver Fursman, annual outing; Leroy McDuffee, historical chairman. New Market Ready in South Salem I . " ' i"' I r-) ,.ti,ai!&.lArVa. a j..v ,r. JLi-i dered to pay additional $3 court costs and remove every staple on the ticket. South Salem's newest supermarket, the new krickson store which Is rocated at 1555 South 12lh St., will hold a grand open ing observance starting Friday and continuing through Sunday. The market, of contemporary design, Is Erlckson's fourth in the Salem area. (Capital Journal Photo) Fourth Salem Erickson Store Grand Opening Slated Friday celebration . - ing at s-- m on Smith Cnmmeri-ial Slr. Throughout Friday, Saturday , Portland Road and at ' Four Cor and Sunday free coffee and cook- iners. in addition Erickson op, ies will be served, special dem- ;rates supermarkets in Woodburn, onstrations will be staged and Albany and McMinnville, two there will be prizes for free stores in Springfield, and four drawings throughout the open- stores east of the mountains. in In addition there will be j i selected the South 12th free balloons and candy for the .street, location because I felt the kiddies. district was entitled to 'a mod- Arthur M. Erickson, who ope-,crn supermarket and further be rates three other super markets ! caUse 1 believe that it is th in Salem, has appointed Al fastest growing area in the city," Franks, formerly manager oi iiie KriCKSon saia. in sprmBiieiu, TRAIN TROUBLES DETROIT (UPl- Arthur Her weyer saw the lights flashing at a train intersection .Wednesday and moved his car forward to see if a slow freight was approaching. A fast passenger train whipped by, chopping the front bumper, fenders, hood and motor o(f Her weyer's car. Herweyer was uninjured. s-riltsnn market in Springfield, as manager of the new market. Richard Walker will manage the meat department and John Stron will handle the produce market. There will be 90 feet of frozen foods and ice cream in line with Erickson's idea that frozen foods will become even more popular than thev are now. A complete bakery department with a variety of breads and pastries baked in Court Voids Suit On Basis of Old Time Water Rule Holding that the plaintiffs had no legal claim to the water that flows down Mill creek, .fudge George R. Duncan Wednesday , afternoon al lowed the deiendant's motion ior n nonsuit In the damage suit brought by Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Nation against the state highway commis sion. The Nations had sought damages of $25,000, claiming that the diver sion of water from Mill creek by the Commission, in connection with the construction of the Salem bvonss had virtually mined the op eration of Paradise Island, owned by the plaintiffs. The Commission's counsel delved into the records and came up with the information that back in IB57 a man-made channoL diverted water from the Santiam river into Mill creek. The claim was advanced that this water does not belong to property owners living along the stream. POLICE PUNISH PINNER PRINCETON, N.J. (UPl-Frank A. Rechif pinned his $1 fine to a parking ticket with 55 staples be cause he wanted to make sure the money got to court. He was or- 11 Mild TilUia UM1V BO X J FLEISCHMANNS 1 4 G C i i r i r lU UPP J P wr- -W 1 3,r "'.'If '-W A JW' WW uiwjfwi.imumia.uj. ...?.-..jn?j..'.n....'-i n rr FLEISCHMANNS YEAST FLEISCHMANNS YEAST Spe Anothar Fin Product of Stancfortf inndi Inc. , ecial offer fo introduce you fo Fleischmann's new "YEAST-RIZ" Crust Now on the bnr-k of every "Thrifty Three" iciiie for ona of Flcischmann'a "Yoast-Ri" Min Disheo. Now a siwial offer that saves you one-third the usual price) of a "llirifty Three" stripof Kleisi'hmann'a Active Dry Yeast. What a groat time to try the new "Yeast-RU" crust. ..nnrf to buy Fleischmann's. This dry yeast keeps for months, always risen fust. Take) the coupon below to your grocer and get Fleischmann's Active Pry Yeast the yeAat pri?-winning cooks prefer. jL7r I (i I I I w jl THIS COUPON WORTH ONE FREE PACKAGE of Fleiichmann'$ Active Dry Yeast When you tnki thin roupon to your grocer, he'll gne you b off th regular prire on Klwhmii tin's "Thrifty Thrw" strip. In most pltf this more thnn xjvers thff ctst of one pnokRc MR. (IROCKK - Yor frh roupon yn if rfH otir kiithorttM tfifnt. r will py yoii iW (fiv rt?nt.i (iliti umiil hindlinf rlinfM. prnvhlwi you tint your fitonir hsv compliM with th trmii ot thu oflr; iny oihtv ipplionirtn fonlitutM friuH. In voirM ihowmf j-our purrhu o( tuffldtnt lork to t?ovt?r all coupons nKiwrnwi muJ b hon upon rttv.Mt. Riim only throith our rprMtnitiv or hy msitinK to th irt drw ihown blow. Voiit it prohibit.. tnl, or minded in tny wmy. Your customer mutt ty tny sale ux. t'aah vtlu l20ih of t tit. ThU pouixin Mpiri on P. St, Standard Hrandi Incorporated. P.O. Boi SM$ Rmcon Annex, San Kranciseo 9, California. MggagV ; pi SERVING ALL THE WEST PRICES GOOD THVRS. - FRI. - SAT. - SUN. - OCTOBER 4-5-6-7 GIRLS' PANTIES 2 Br Rayon Tricot Band or Elaitic Leg Asst'd. Fancy Plaidi-Siz 2-12 49c Value 2? BIRDSEYE DIAPERS 27x27-Inch Diapers Soft Highly Absorbent Packed In Cello 1.29 Value mm 84 r CHILDREN'S PAJAMAS 2-Pc. Knit Cotton Pajamas Slip Over Top Elastic Waist-Siie 4-6-8 1.29 Value mm 86 MEN'S SOCKS Men's Cotton Ankl Socks Argyle Patterns Siza 10 to 12 39c Valua ' liln - 24' MEN'S SWEATSHIRTS Gunmatal Cray Sweatshirts Nylon Reinforced "Neck-Ribbed Cuffs and Waist Sizes S-M-l 1.79 Value Is 99 Boy's Reversible JACKET Cotton Poplin Jacket-Wilh Flannal lined Ravarsa Sid Asst'd. Colors Siza 8 to 18 3.29 Value m $2i3 LADIES STRETCH NYLONS II Lf V tO gauge Nylon.. Stretch.. Hose... Choice of 2 currant shades. Sizes S-M-L $1.00 Value FLASHLIGHTS 3 -nil rsoulir. Pra focused. jiivw cut WywBt ji.jyYiiua. m m mm price m m m MEN'S STRETCH SOCKS 100 nylon stretch socks. As sorted colors and patterns. 69c value. 7-PC. SPICE SET t ti t 1 . fi. r -i rivtv inimK ipnv jvi noon raH. am ayaj ,)i.zviiu. CMMET PRICE WW BOY'S SHIRTS Boys' long ileeva gabardine sport shirts. Assorted solid colors. Sizes 4-1 2. $1.98 value. 5 t 99 COLGATE S TV-RAMA -faaturina Giant Skes at Big Savings'! l PLASTIC DRAPES 27x84" Panels. Assorted col ors. Prints. $1.49 value. m 11 LADIES' NYLON SUPS ladies' 40 denier nylon slips. Full style. Trim at hem and top. White, pink or blue. Size 32-40, $1.79 value. TRAINING PANTS White cotton double thick, triple crotch. Sizes 2-4-6. 29c value. 20 CORDUROY CRAWLERS Infants' crawlers. Snaps at crothc. Assorted col ors., Sizes M-l. $1.39 value. LADIES' SCARFS 29x29 inch silk scarfs. Hand rolled edge. Assorted prints. 69c value. BOY'S BRIEFS Broadcloth front, knit cotton back. Elastic waist, Assorted colors. Sizes 2-8. 39c value. mm rani 20 BOY'S JEANS Blue denim boxer style jeans. Flannal lined, elastic waist. Size 3-6. $1.39 value. LADIES' PANTIES 2-bar rayon tricot panties. Brief style with assorted trim on leg. Sizes S-M-l. 49c value. 28 BOY'S ANKLETS Boys' cotton ankle socks. Assorted argyle patterns. Sizes 7-104. 39c value. 20 WEST SALEM 625 Wallace Rd. Prices Good at Both Stores SOUTH SALEM 287S S. Commercial Covpon good unll Oectnber 31, 1956