Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October-4, 1956 THE CAPITAL JQURNAL j Section 1 Page 5 .... Local Paragraphs Liquor Sentence TlnnaiH va. win Blankenship, 665 Madrona Aye., was sentenced to 90 days in jail Wednesday after pleading F.u 10 charge of contributing lo the delinquency of a minor. Blankenship was arrested for fur nishing liquor to a 15-year-old boy. - Treasurer's Report Marion county had assets of $3,323,210.94 as of September, according to a re port filed Thursday by Treasurer S. J. Butler. Balances included $1,339,005 in the general fund; $1, 137,288 in the general road fund and $60,220 in the public assistance fund. Indoor Sports Meet Indoor ! Soldier Leaves-Pfc. Delbert L. i ii j 1 sPonsor a food Disbrow left Wednesday for Camp sale all day Saturday at Orcutt's ! Davis, Calif., following a 30 day Market, 4200 North River Rd. A leave at the home of parents, Mr. business meeting will be held at and Mrs. Walter Harris. He wiU 7:30 p.m. at the home of Gcr- soon be leaving for Korea. nuuc risner, azi Laurel Ave. Pump Missing A small elec tric pump was taken from a lock er room at the Willamette univer sity gymnasium, it was reported to city police Wednesday. The pump, used to agitate the water in the foot bath, was taken some time in ine past month, mainte nance superintendent Schwalcn said. Capitol Toastmasteri The Capi tol Toastmasters club will Install officers during a meeting to be held at Nohlgren's at 6:15 Thursday night. Speakers will be Dick Bat dorf, Jack Bush and Tom Mosher. Streets Accepted Peace street and Vista avenue have been ac cepted into the county's road svs Jem by the county commissioners. The acceptance was voted upon the recommendation of John An derson, county engineer, who re cently made an inspection of the two streets which were recently hard surfaced. Woman Burned Mrs. Lola Dornbecker, 565 North 17th St., G u s suffered first and second degree burns of the face and hands Thursday morning when a pres sure cooker "blew up" on her, city first aidmen reported. Mrs. Dornbecker .apparently . opened the cooker before the steam pres sure was entirely exhausted, aid men said. They treated the burns and left her at her home. Realtors Meet Kent Mathewson, Salem city manager, will address the Salem Board of Realtors during their luncheon meeting at the Ben ator hotel Friday. The meeting will be the first of the fall season for the Realtors. . News of Record Air Force (Continued from Page 1) CIRCUIT COURT Edward A. Relllng vs. Flora E. Rclllng: Order dismissing plain tilt's complaint, and defendant's answer and cross complaint. - Lee Roy Howland vs. Margaret P. Howland: Decree of divorce to plaintiff awarding custody of three minor children to defendant. Plain tiff required to- contribute $50 monthly toward support of two children. Prperty settlement rati fied. . Charlotte G. Parker vs. Walter W. Parker: Divorce complaint al leging cruel and inhuman treat ment. Married at Olympia, Wash. Sept. 20, 1952. Plaintiff asks cus tody of two minor children and $50 monthly support for each. Eleatn Brown ns administratrix of Jay Irvine Brown estate vs. Frances Aleshlrc: Suit for judg ment of $20,000 as the result of traffic accident resulting in the death of Brown. Otto R. and Sara K. Nation vs. Slate Highway Commission: Order allowing defendant's motion for non-suit. ' 1 ., Credit Service company vs. Schmltt's Feed and Seed Co. Inc.: Order of dismissal upon motion of plaintiff. Lois Clark vs. Ivan D. Clark: Or der of dismissal on motion of plain tiff. Frances Fowler vs. Walter Fowl er: Divorce decree awards plaintiff custody of five minor children and $i: monthly support. Edith Wagy vs. Ralph C. Wagy: Divorce decree to plaintiff awards her custody of two minor children and $50 monthly support for each. Eric Rohs and Ida Rohs vs. Alma Schroeder: Suit for judgment of $3,000 for alleged failure to meet contract terms. Charles D, McCauley vs. Beulah Pearl McCauley: Divorce decree to plaintiff awards defendant custody uf minor child and $25 monthly sup port. State Public Welfare Commission vs. Harry Blanchard: Order of dis missal with prejudice. Slate vs. Donald Edwin Blanken ship: Defendant sentenced to 90 days in jail after pleading guilty to charge of furnishing liquor to a minor. MARRIAGE LICENSE George L. Ncal, 24, plywood worker, Route 1, Lyons, and Joyce Arlene Kale. 22, telephone opera tor, Route 1, Aumsville. Victor John Drydcn, 24, supply clerk, Woodburn, and Darlene Anne Felland, 20, bookkeeper, Mt. Angel. air force and now. it appears that farmers will be there for at least another year. One Portland air force official indicated that funds may become available at the start of the 1958 fiscal year,, which will be July 1, 1957. It is possible though, that even then, no funds will be allotted to the Woodburn base, he said. $13.5 Million Cost First announcement of the base early in 1956 called for an esti mated $13,500,000 initial expendi ture. Total cost of the base was estimated at around $40,000,000 over a period of years. Later, - air force officials an nounced they , would -eck only enough funds to start land acquisi tion this year. They asked for and received the $2,400,000 figure for this purpose. They said that con struction monies would be re quested at a later date. Further announcements indi cated that the base might have an annual pay roll of up to $10 mil lion. Property acquisition was first scheduled to start this fall. 4 Area Youths Nominated to AF Academy Norblad Nominates v 10 Youths for 3 Oregon Spots Four Salem area youths have been nominated for appointments at the United States Air Force academy. The nominations were among 10 made by Representa tive Walter Norblad. The nom inees will vie for three positions allotted Oregon in the third class a: the academy, temporarily lo cated at Lowry AFB, Denver. , Nominees named by Norblad are Jerry M. May, Salem; Carl B. Barner, Gervais; David Owen Harris, Dallas; Laurence D. Men denhall, Willamina. Paul E. Kelley, Ncskowin; Rob Allen McCutcheon, Corvallis; James A. Ross, Jr., Toledo; James P. Phillips, Seaside; and Robert L. McKillip, Cloverdalc. May, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. May, 265 North 24th St., Salem, is a 1956 graduate of North Salem high school. He- is cadet commander of. the Salem Civil Air Patrol and has won the CAP Certificate of Proficiency. He recently returned from a tour of Brazil under the CAP Cadet Exchange program. He is employed currently at the Meier and Frank store. Barner is the son of Warren B. Barner, Rt. 1, Gervais. He is a 1956 graduate of Gervais Union high school and is currently at tending Northwest Air college, Spokane, an airlines-sponsored school. Barner is a former mem ber of the Salem CAP squadron. , The nominees will compete among themselves and nominees made by the- four other Oregon members ,of congress for the there vacancies. In addition to scholastic tests, thc will be re- examinations to determine if they arc physically capable of taking flight training. The three winners will enter the academy in July, 1957. Salem Students Gain Honors at Marylhurst Elizabeth Carey; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene, J., Carey, .2560 Cherry St., has been elected presi dent of St. Catherine hall at Maryl hurst college, where she is a soph omore. . . . . Sharon McKinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. McKinney, 1492 Center St.. has been chosen a member of the house council of Marian hall. She is a junior. Both girls were hostesses for the annual fun night of the Marylhurst Recreational club, held in the gym nasium the evening of October .4. Mid-Valley Births SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL ROBINS To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Robins, 1440- N. Church St., a boy, Oct. 3. LULAY To Mr. and Mrs. Ad rian Lulay, Sublimity, a girl, Oct. 3. .-, FINN To Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Finn, 864 Jefferson St., a boy, Oct. 3. ' ; BARTELL HOSPITAL KREGER To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kreger, Albany, a boy, Oct; 1. SILVERTON HOSPITAL TODD To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Todd, Molalla, a girl, October 1. Always Been Airplanes , ' if. - C! -i -.A'- i : J 7 "?4r Hal Sweeney, manager of United Airlines Salem office the past 10 years, who was honored this week for his 25 years with United. , (Capital Journal Photo) i United' s Hal Siveeney Honored By Staff on 25th Anniversary Hal F. Sweeney, manager for the Salem station of United Air Lines, this past week celebrated his 25th anniversary with the company. A dinner arranged by the com pany stalf here was given lor Sweeney at the Marion hotel for all employes of the local office and their wives. A handsome Lord . Elgin wrist watch with the UAL 25-year me dallion on it was presented to Sweeney at the dinner. On October 19, Sweeney will go to Denver for a UAL staff dinner and celebration at which W. A. Patterson, president of United Air Lines, will present the Salem man with his fourth diamond for his lapel pin, and his 25-year pin. A gold, pin is given at the con clusion of five years' service with the company, a diamond for the pin for each five years after that. Sweeney started with United in Portland in the radio and opera tions department. He later was in the flight operations side, then with the office personnel, coming to Salem 10 years ago to assume the managership here. Attending the local dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Stinnett; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Larry McLaughlin, George Hutmacher, Miss Dotty Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Lcs Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hubbard Store Sold HUBBARD (Special) The Hub bard Hardware store has been pur chased from Harry Van Arsdalc By Ervin A. Susa who took possession of the business Monday. Susa will continue to operate a linoleum and floor covering business which he also owns in Hubbard. They're So Easy, when it comes to renting! Want Ads let nearly everybody in town Know aoouij your vacancy. Ph. 4-6811 and lot ; a Want Ad writer ao me rest. (adv.) Rummage Sale, Oct. 5 & 6. 512 State Street. St. Anne's Guild, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, (adv.) Good used clothing for the entire family on sale at the YWCA Bud get Shop 141 So. Winter, Open Fri. & Mon. Noon to 4 p.m. (adv.) Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Hunt of Better Bedding for contributing new merchandise for St. Anne's Guild of St. Paul Episcopal Church Benefit sale. New Merchandise at greatly reduced prices this week, today through Saturday. (adv.) CB. PEO rummage sale over Greenbaums, Sat., Oct. 6, 8 to 4. (adv.) Growing pains. See Classified Display. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. Iadv-1 New Merchandise Sale. 512 State Street (Former Better Bedding Slorei. St; Anne's Guild, St. Paul's Episcopal Church. (adv.) Protect your rights. Register to Vole before October 6. Paid Adv. Marion County Republican Central Committee. Don't forget. Register to Vole before October 6. Paid Adv. Marion County Republican Central Committee. MIKE PANEK CO.. 1235 So. 12th St. will be closed October 1, thru October t for vacation. Dine in the restful atmosphere : of our; Oregon Room this Friday evening .... . DINNER CHOICE OF CRAB OR SHRIMP COCKTAIL, CHILLED TOMATO OR GRAPEFRUIT JUICE '. SOUP OF THE DAY MtF TOSSED GREEN SALAD, SOUR CREAM DRESSING 3 ENTREE SPECIAL PLATE ROAST PRIME RIB OF BEEF, NATURAL GRAVY, . SELECTED FROM PRIZE BEEF... - FLAKED YOUNG TENDER CREAMED CHICKEN ON BUTTERED BISCUIT FRESH ROCK POINT OYSTERS PAN FRIED IN BUTTER, TARTAR SAUCE $1.35 COMPLETE DINNER $1.75 1.00 1.40 v 1.15 1.55 1.60 2.00 1.15 1.55 1.25 1.65 i .95 1.35 BROILED PRIZE BEEF SPECIAL NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK WITH FRESH MUSHROOMS AND ONION RINGS BONED FRESHLY CAUGHT, OREGON'S OWN CHINOOK SALMON, RIGHT FROM OUR BROILER, SERVED WITH LEMON BUTTER - ROAST CORN FED EASTERN YOUNG PORK, SPICED CRAB AIJPLE - - BREADED HALIBUT FILLETS, PAN FRIED, TARTAR SAUCE WHIPPED OR AU -GRATIN POTATOES BUTTERED CUT GREEN BEANS OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN DESSERT , SHERBET OR ICE CREAM . BEVERAGE COFFEE, TEA, MILK, SANKA, POSTUM, ICED TEA OR COFFEE LITTLE FOLKS DINNER 60c BREADED FRESH HALIBUT FILLETS, WHIPPED POTATO, VEGETABLE ASSORTED VEGETABLE PLATE (no spinach) BROILED HAMBURGER (all the trimmings) MILK OR CHOCOLATE MILK FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Raines, Miss Sally Stinnette, Jim Lund, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Amend. Mrs. Durbin, Former Salem Woman. Dies . Death in a North Bend hospital came Tuesday for Mrs. '. Mary Emily Durbin, 79, a former Salem resident who had lived in Ore gon 11 years. Mrs. Durbin was born at Ne braska City, Nebr., Dec. 20, 1877. Her husband. : Lewis S. Durbin, former West Salem city employe, died in 1951. . . Recitation of the rosary will be Thursday at 7:30 p.m. int-North Bend Holy . Redeemer Catholic church. Requiem mass will be at 8 p.m. on Friday. Concluding services will be at Belcrcst Me morial Park in Salem. Mills mor tuary of Coos Bay is in charge of services. 1 , Miss Jessie Knife who died at a Agnes OKinue, uuuieiiuurg, m-u.;Salcm hospital Thursday will be FormerWillamette Athlete Solos in - First Navy Try - Jack L. Bishop, former Willam ette university and Salem high school student, prominent in bas ketball circles, is making good progress toward becoming a naval aviator. - This information is contained in a letter from Capt. John J. Lynch, commanding officer at Whitney Field, Milton. Fla., to Bishop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bish op, 1760 N. 17th St. Capt. Lynch reports that Bishop completed his first solo flight in the navy's newest primary train er, the "Mentor." Later he is to be transferred to Corry Field, near Pcnsacola where he will fly planes with much greater power. Former Coquille Resident Passes eight sons, Lawrence Durbin, Cas per, Wyo.; Edgar and Warren Durbin, Salem; Harvey and Hugh Durbin, Coos Bay; Richard Dur- bin,. Bakersficld, Calif.; ., William Durbin, Turlock, Calif.; Robert Durbin, Reno, Ncv.; sister Miss Agnes Eads, Portland and ' 39 grandchildren and 41 great-grandchildren. -. interred in City View Cemetery Oc tober 6, following private services in the Clough-Barrlck chapel at 10 a.m. with Dr. Brooks Moore of ficiating. Miss Knife was a late resident of Coquille., Survivors are a '.' sister, Mrs. Frank Ames, Arkansas City, Kan sas; two brothers, R. B. Knife, Co quille and E. - E. "Knife, Eureka, Calif.; and many nieces and ne phews. , Farmers Seek Drainage Aid The county commissioners have agreed to investigate a request for participation in the. Woodburn drainage area as suggested by the soil conservation organiza tion. Farmers of the area, involved in the project have asked that the county share a portion of the cost of installing supplemental drainage tile. : The entire cost of (he jroject is $1,200 and it has been sug gested that the county contribute 11.3 per cent of this sum. $300,000 Collected in Liquor Tax in Quarter Lumberman Sells' Lyons Interests ' LYONS (Special) Sidney Bi' Lewis has sold his interest in the Mt. Jefferson Lumber Co., here to his partner, Walter D. Miller and resigned his position as pres ident and general manager. Mil ler lives at Stayton. Lewis formerly was associated with the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., of Longvicw, Wash., and the Willamette Valley Lumber Co. of Dallas. He lives at 340 Plane PI., Salem. Bulldozer Okayed For Garbage Pit A county bulldozer will be sent to the Macleay dump just as soon as the apparatus is available for Distribution of $300,000 ini'no purpose of smoothing over the liquor privilege tax moneys for the , quarter ending September 30 was announced today by Secretary of State Earl T, New bry. ' The funds are distributed 75 per cent to the counties and 25 per cent to the general fund for use as old ace pensions, mothers' aid and direct relief of the indigent. WWI VETS TO INSTALL SILVERTON (Special)-Officcrs will be installed Thursday at 8 p.m. for the newly formed Silver Falls Barracks. Veterans of World War I. The ceremonies will be in Ameri can Legion hall. heaps of refuse filed there. Decision to this effect was reached during a session of the county commissioners Thursday. The dump is being used exten sively by garbage collectors in the Silvcrton area. It is one of two authorized by the county. The other is located in the Woodburn area. , FOOD SALE SATURDAY Members of the Indoor Sports club will hold an all day food sale Saturday at Orcutt's market near Keizer. A business meeting of the group will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Miss Gertrude Fisher,1 2322 Laurel Ave. ft8- 1 Ja -W i Kyy3'CKr""V WF.ISriF.IJVS JEWELKRS J .... 1 V3 M 3 Ml r qTrCTn I iln and will send -per M lw 12 1 J f 37) M mU jk I S Twl I poite and tax (where applicable) li paid. . rf5flfnr UAJXinjJvr- -s l nAME phoNE v i7iTi.7 41 1 MM ii ' I address how long? Q fXlJilR Vjggy 4 J. CITY ZONE - STATE .i. (J0CBlIi VJn fjy I EMPLOYED BV HOW LONG? I I 1 1A 1 1 k I I O I ' (Firm Nmf and Where "Located) I 305 N. Liberty OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY Till P.M. it ,--' ii :rf '' -Tl I . -! ' u 4, v (.'' K 3