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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1956)
Page 2 Section' I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October 4, 1956 Workmen Trapped in Structure Collapse 0 V o M (' J mmmmmmmmmmmmMtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm "'; JACKSON, Mich. Thli li a section of the new' nesday, burying- at leait two (core workmen In Consumer Power Co., building that crumbled Wed- the debrli. (AP Wlrephoto) ' i 6 Killed, 4 Buried in Ruins as Half -Finished Building Plunges ; By AL LANIER ;JACKS0N, Mich, m With a roar like the sound of an explod ing bomb, a half-completed four- story office building collapsed without warning yesterday while dozens of men wcro working in side. At least six workmen fell creaming to their deaths amid steel girders and chunks of con crete that crashed through all four floors. Flflocn others were Injured and at least four still unaccounted for were (cared dead beneath the wrcckagu. The building, which was to contain offices of the Con sumers Power Co., was designed to withstand the shock of an A- bomb blast. '"It all happened so fast I didn't get to see very much, snld Jtussell Taylor, 64, a carpenter who was Inside the building. "There was a cloud of dust and It was over In about three sec onds. Shortly afterward I could hear the screams of Ihe jnen who were trapped," ;J. H, Crowe, a carpenter who Japanese Run Surveyors Off Air Base Land ITOKYO W Angry villagers Thursday drove off a 55-mnn Japanese government team try ing to survey land needed to en large the big U.S. -occupied Tachl kawa Air Base west of Tokyo. Four persons wero reported hurt slightly, and more serious clashes threatened. The lnnd to be surveyed, a two- acre plot accidentally left out of a previous survey, is needed to extend runways so they can takej modern jets. The adjacent Sunakawa village has lost land six times to the air field since the early 1930s. The villagers complain they are paid only a pittance. ; ;The villagers rioted In Septem ber, 1055, to protest expansion of the base and more than 70 per-; sons were Injured. 1 had left the building moments be fore, said "It sounded like a big bomb exploding." Weary rescue squads, using bull dozers, , cranes and sometimes bare hands, dug at the debrli throughout the night In the faint hope the four trapped workmen would be found alive. A tense moment came late last night when noisy generators and rescue machinery wore shut oft for 10 minutes while a dozen workers went far down into the debris to listen for moans or a sound that would Indicate lilc. Hut all was silent and the men returned wearily, to dig soma more. During the silence, the Rev. Francis Desmond pastor pf Jack- sons Queen of tho Miraculous Medal iioman Catholic church, led the huge crowd of onlookers In the Lord's Prayer. Relatives of missing men stayed at the scene through the long night tinder (he glare or floodlights. One wing of Ihe building, de signed (o keep power flowing to Michigan's mighty Industry In the event of enemy attack, caved inward about 1:30 p.m. EST yes terday as if pulled down by an invisible force. Its four heavy floors crumbled one by one and telescoped Into tho basement. About 40 electricians, car penters and construction men were working on the floor Hint gave way. Several were able to ' leap to sections that remnlned i standing, but more than a score was trapped. Doctors and nurses gave pain- killing drugs and first aid as bat tered victims were dragged clear to wailing ambulances. Clergy men gave comfort and the last rites of the church. All the city's ambulances were called to the scene three miles north of Jackson just off U.S. 127, State Police and Jackson County law officers were quickly Joined by Civil Defense workers and Red Cross personnel. Jackson is about 70 miles west of Detroit. Gov. G. Mcnncn Williams or dered all nearby National Guard forces to stand by for duty. OOX OFFICE O TICKETS NOW ON SALE DALLAS MOTOR-VU Gates Open 6:45, Show at 7:00 Charlton Union, Julie Adams in "IHE PRIVATE WAR OF MAJOR BENSON" Technicolor RKCONI) FEATURE Lex Barker, Mara Corilsv In "MAN FROM BITTER RIDGE" Technicolor Salem Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Presents "PRIVATE LIVES" With The Prntacle Players Willamette Auditorium Friday, October 12, 8 P. M. WILLAMETTE CONCERT SERIES 1936-57 Season PORTLAND SYMPHONY SERIES Willamette Auditorium First Concert October 16 Store Hours 9:30-5:30 Every Day . For Reservations Dla' 4-2224 Exclusive 1st Run! Tha lova atory of a teen-age boy and an understanding woman M-G-M present In Cinemascope and METROCOLOR I Fnm Tht Ftmtd Sltg HUI Deborah Kerr John Kerr PLUS WORLD'S FASTEST TRAIN THE VESUVIUS EXPRESS CORNS FROM THI 3h WITH OIL aM.NI V RICE IS NICE for those that lika It . , . Pro found statement. But I'll bet you'll shout its praises, too. once you get a. taste of the delicious rice dish our chef ii now serving in the Oak Room. It comes along with our matchless Columbia River salmon steaks, prawn and scallop dinners but you can order it as a side dish with anything your heart desires. Rmmbr in S.lam it'i tka Hotel Marlon Phone 3-4133 McKay Forecasts His Victor) By UNITED PRESS Sen.- Wayne Morse and former Interior Secretary Douglas McKay continued their drives for votes in the state last night. McKay, speaking in Portland, forecast victory in November and said there was a "feeling of opti mism among the vast number of people who are giving their time and effort" to his campaign. Speaking before union members in the Portland Labor temple last night, Sen. Morse charged "The Eisenhower administration has shown Its callous disregard for the welfare of America's elder citi zens, by its opposition to reduc- Newspaper Service Told to Rotarians MOLALLA (Special) Speaker at Tuesday's Rotary meeting was Bernard Mainwaring, publisher of Salem Capital Journal, in observ ance of national newspaper week. He was brought to the meeting by publisher of Molalla Pioneer, Paul Ruud. Wren Matheny of Silverton was a visiting Rotarian; William Mer ritt from the Woodburn club; Al Shaver of Molalla brought Frank Buhman, the new secretary of Mo lalla Telephone Co. Hons in minimum ages for bene fit payments." Morse also heaped criticism up on what he called "the tight mon ey, high interest rate, tight credit policies" of the Eisenhower admin istration. McKay received some help from Phil Hitchcock, the man he de feated in the primary, last night and also from Mrs. Paul Patter son, the widow of the late governor. Speaking in Coos Bay, Hitchcock told his audience that "Enthusi asm and vigor of grass-root Re publican efforts would result in victory in Novemoer lor jncivay. Mrs. Patterson told a Portland television audience that Presi dent Eisenhower has asked us to give him support in the senate for his program o! peace. And who better could give him support than Doug McKay. . Sen. Richard L. Neuberger con tinued his campaigning in behalf of Morse yesterday with a speech at McMinnville in which he told the student body at Linfield col lege that "restoration of the GI Bill if Rights is essential to achieve equality of sacrifice dur ing the present period of 'the cold war. ' " . Later in the day, Neuberger challenged McKay and other Ore gon Republicans to "back a pro posal to end all large donations in political campaigns." r t,-..i rtnMalc nf Illinois is sen. raui slated to be in Oregon this week end to help along the Democrat ic candidates and speak at three fund-raising dinners. Sen. Douglas is slated to speak in Baker Friday, appear at Pen dleton Saturday and then fly to Portland Sunday. ri v . :;,. t Relax With Your Friends while watching the WORLD SERIES on Television Games Starling at 10 A.M. The Stagecoach Lounge 442 N. Church St. liiiiK! lit UiiiiiiimiH: K0 FROM Bringing You Better Products at Better Prices With Better Service custom engineered 3 ru jffit i X HIGH FIDELITY UUU in a fine furniture cabinet the magnificent lag na von ( high fidelity , radio-phonographs THE CONQEHT MASTER only 298So In Genuine hand -rubbed Mahogany ACOUSTICAL CAIINIT-fune- tionnl yet beautiful, Urge reo ord storage compartment. lur-iaa am-tm ruNii-uti- Uut IS tubes (with amplifier, rectifiers and precision tuning ye). v. Lffl JiM lira. ill i -MBr : vLi IHMa)!,,, M Only Magnavox, the greatest name in high fidelity, can offer you this exceptional value, Exclusive "Integrated Design" of superior Magnavox custom engineered components assures ,. matchless tonal performance at a price far below what you would expect to pay for such quality. Make any comparison of features, performance and price. A demonstration will prove Magnavox superiority. TNI OMtr FUU CONSOll HtOH FIDELITY, PNONOORAFN AT A IOW "TABLE MODEL" PRICE THI MAONAfONIC 110 1 1" la teaxltlly ' ektr ie wvn kieh itaWatr ampa t preelaiea eeleaiatli Hiivm ni4 tkcmejef : W tfrlvf Pltk-vp . - Campeel awwttUfll tefcme now only In tSnuln Mahogany tflMty hlghar In Oak or C harry MAINAVOX It I CO R D CHANOIR precision luto-1 matic, for depend iblt perform- -nee, tuperior dual stylus ' pickup. M WATT AM H If II R --for OS dmorted, full-rani reeroduc lion of hiih fidelity sound. miom nDtiirr sriAKita- Masnavoi built-two 12" ban plus two coaxiauyaounted S" bish frequency apeakers-.whh sound dtfluaers. elhtr Magnavox high fidelity Instruments from only $99.50 FREE HOME TRIAL ALWAYS Super Trade-In Allowances OPEN 9 to 9 EVERYDAY EXCEPT Sat t Sua. NOW PLAYINGI JAMES - JOHN III'MB ALSO tuts tati Mtuu ' Tom Tryon, Jan Merlin Jacqueline Beer NOW PLAYINGI LOVE THAT LIVED AMID THE SHADOWS OF WESTERN GUN-TYRANNY! HUNTIR j Natalie U P WOOD V BUntlltJG QUILLS m WarnerColor a i Mi Met. nerval .-FXnTING ro-lllT The WAY OUT Cene NELSON Mona FREEMAN . PLUS Donald Duck Cartoon in Cinemascope j Hey Kids! Don't Forget On This And Every Saturdayl Cartoons Serial And A Special Feature Just For You! Hey Mom! In At 1:00 Out At 3:00 NOW PIAYINGI SAVED A NIHON ITSELn lF- 'i TOW I0HN AGA MAMIE Yon DOREN a uMtaMinowaeNu fenaa -ALSO Margaret O'Brien in "GLORY" STANDBY CANNED FOODS 3 sv. Peas 303 Siie Solid Pak Tomatoes 303 Siie 3 sv. Green Beans 303 Size Sauerkraut 2V4 Sire Cranberry Sauce 303 Siie Grapefruit Sections 303 Siie Applesauce FOR 303 Siie SUNSHINE CHEEZ-IT 2 . 35c Dole'i "Pineapple Pete' Salutes Salem with Hawaiian Harvest DOLE PINEAPPLE.' JUICE 211 Si" Tin 10 PRODUCE- CANNING TOMATOES 4Q A Bushel !! Box ,r 50 Potatoes 79; CclCry Large Per Stalk 10 SYams ,,10' EARLY-BIRD SPECIALS '10 TO 1 J A.M.J$AfURDAY ONlY ' vi PILL PICKLES , Full Qt. 25c HOLIDAY 0LE0 white mrrrE house wrrcc 4 ib,. 75c 89c NEW HONEY TOASTED SUGAR PUFFS. FRESH FROZEN Bex 10c CHICKEN GIZZARDS 5 t $1.19 . U.$. Inspected HAMS Shank Half T Bull Hall Center Cut IL FRESH HOME MADE Chili Rolls OLD FASHION Franks 5-lb. Box $1.49 Mild v Cured ,, 43' ,47' ,79 ,,49 , 33' COUNTRY STYLE Pork Sausage ... 39' 3 lbs. 89c COUNTRY SMOKED Thuringer lS ,,49 We Reseve the Right to limit-No Ssles to Deeleri Prices Good Through Thuredev $avihg Renter SALFS A SERVICE NOW LOCATED AT 363 N. HIGH Ph. 4-2271 Portland Road Edgewater St. SALEM WEST SALEM