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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October 4, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 1 Capital Women 1 - Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER i Affiliates Welcomed By Group The affiliation ceremony was conducted for four new members at the meeting of Alpha Xi Delta alumnae Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. John H. Hanh. The new alumnae are Mrs. Ted Carl son, who moved here from Corval lis; Mrs1. Joseph Doerfler, who has come from Victor Point; Mrs. J. Dwight Russell, who has come here from Illinois; and Mrs. Rus sell Whitmer, newcomer f r o m Iowa. Mrs. Reinhardt Behm, Mrs. My ron Pogue and Mrs. Lloyd Darl ing conducted the affiliation cere mony. Attending the meeting were the four new members, and Mrs. Behm, Mrs. Pogue, Mrs, Darling, Mrs. Hjalmer Anderson, Mrs. E. R. Dcrflinger, Mrs. Or ville Kannier, Jr., Miss Marion ' Joseph, Miss Verna Keppinger, Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker, Mrs. Rollin 0. Lewis, Mrs. Elmer Meade, Mrs. A. C. Newell, Mrs. Harry Woodward, Mrs. John M. Williamson and Mrs. Hann. Co hostesses were Mrs. Behm argl Mrs. Williamson. St. John's Guild ' Meeting Thursday Mrs. William H. Fischer will speak at the meeting of St. John's guild, St. John's Lutheran church Thursday night at 8 o'clock. The topic will be "Good Shepherd Home of the West." Mrs. Fischer recently returned from Terra Bella, where she attendee; tne board of directors meeting of the home. The home opened its doors to a group of retarded children for the first time in June of this year. There are fifteen children in . the first unit, with a capacity of 36. The children are from Mon tana, Washington and California, and applications for more than 230 children are on file, including a number from Oregon. The board of directors has applied for a loan of $100,000 for building the second wing in the near future. At the meeting, Mrs. Clarence Kraft, representing the Salem As sociation for the retarded, will show the film "Tuesday's Child", followed by a question period. 6th Anniversary Event tor Chapter The sixth anniversary of Ains worth chapter, Order of Eastern Star, was observed at the regular meeting Wednesday evening, at the Scottish Rite temple. Introduced and escorted "were Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. and Mrs. Paul Robinson, past grand matrons; Mrs. J. Edgar Reay, Estarl fund committee member: Mrs. Bertha Charlton, grand representative of New Jcr - sey in Oregon; Mrs. A. L. Beck, grand representative of Tennessee in Oregon; Mrs. Edward Williams, worthy matron, and Virgil T. Gold en, worthy patron, Chadwick chap ter; Mrs. Harry Hiday, worthy matron and Kenneth Dodge, worthy patron, Salem chapter; Mrs. R. W. Hoffman, worthy matron and Clar ence Field, worthy patron, Trinity chapter. Howard Jenks, worthy patron, presented Ainsworth chapter with a silver service in memory of the late worthy matron, Mrs. Elma Sherman. Charter members were Mrs. Fred Koken, worthy matron Honorary members introduced were Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Mrs.! Paul Robinson, Mrs. Velma Lewis, Mrs. Albert Cohen, Miss Lelia Johnson and Gail Jones. Past mat rons and patrons were honored with a degree. The social hour in the dining room followed. Fall flowers andi fruit decorated the room. The table was centered with a large birthday cake baked by Mrs. Koken. Mrs. Koken and Mrs. Rcay poured. The refreshments committee included Mrs. Eugene Walters, chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Rambo.'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James N. Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Glascott, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Cass, Mr. and Mrs. Ho- i ward Jenks, Mrs. Carrie nan, Mrs. E. F. Whelan, Eugene Wal- i ters. Mrs. Morse Stewart presented the program. The Business women of Ains worth chapter will meet Tuesday at the Chalet on North Capital street. A no-host supper for all members and matrons of Ainsworth lodge will precede the meeting on Octo ber 17. MR. AND MRS. Rex Sanford re turned home Tuesday evening from a trip east. They flew to New York, and visited relatives there and in Boston and Ipswich, irn anri 1 .ttrhfipld. Conn. From luaao.f ... ----- there they took motor trips to the Housatonic river and jwonawn irau In Connecticut and to Cape Ann Gloucester and Plymouth, Mass. SWGA Events Salem Women's Golf association has notices out for the wino-up oi the season. Last business meeting aio.tinn rnmpc next Wednes day, the annual stagette dinner to be the night oi ucioocr ii ai nan- dall s ChucK w agon. cntiTD HIT T G fiaritpn rlub W9S ilUL t ' 1 anuuw . entertained Tuesday night at the hnme ot Mrs. Jonn uarsi who Mrs. Harvey Peterson as co-hos Norman Frees was guest speaker to discuss birds. For the n.aatins oarh mpmher is to take a bird feeder. Also on the program as a display of table settings, one modern, another con temporary, a third Early Ameri can, and a fourth on the Victorian nriod. Mrs. thanes a. roweu Delta Zetas Plan For Founders Day . Plans for their founders day on October 24 were made by Delta Zeta alumnae of Salem when they were entertained Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Duane Burgess in Stayton. Mrs. Eugene Spaniol was co-hostess. Mrs. Lloyd Sand ers, Mrs. Virgil Sexton and Mrs. Emmett Kleinke were appointed on the founders day committee. Mrs. M. C. Buchanan was elected secretary of the group to replace Mrs. Clyde E. Carlson, the latter moving to Portland. Mrs. Garnet Parks was wel comed as a new member. Mrs. Forrest Stewart gave a re port on her recent trip to South America as the program feature. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Albert Depen brock, Mrs. Charles H. Derthick, Mrs. William H. Foster, Mrs. Parks, Miss Prudence Paulsen, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Sexton, Mrs. H. E. Smedley, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Orville Wensley, Mrs. Kleinke, Mrs. Hugh Morrow and the two hostesses. - Academy Sets Dance "Pigskin Prance'-' is the theme for the dance to be presented by the senior girls at Sacred Heart academy, Friday evening, follow ing the football between Silverton and'Scrra High schools. The party will be at Knights of Columbus hall. The dance is also in observ ance of the dedication of Serra's new football field. Committee chairmen for the dance are: Decorations, Miss Janet Larson; refreshments, Miss Sue Watson; floor, Miss Sue Good ing; clean-up, Miss Janice Ebner. Chqdwick Chapter Reports Meeting Guests at the meeting of Chad wick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Tuesday evening, were Mrs. Tommy Thompson,- Orenamah, No. 141 Portland, Mrs. Olc Jorge- son, Jefferson chapter, Mrs. Es ther Martin, 'West Star chapter, Kirby Mrs. Yvonne Watson, North Bend, Mrs. Pauline Riddle; , Las Vegas, Nev. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, past grand matron, was escorted and given grand honors. Mrs. Ervin C. Smith who resigned as courtesy officer, was escorted and given a' gift. Mrs. Clyde Fahlman, newly ap pointed courtesy officer, was intro duced. Mrs. Gordon Barker, secre tary; was escorted and presented a gift. A skit was presented in honor of Mrs. Barker, bv Mrs. bral Lemmon, Mrs. Paul Robin son, Mrs. B. G. Forest, Mrs.. J, Edgar Reay, Mrs. Lelia Johnson, Gordon Barker. Under good of the order, Mrs. Paul H. Hauser and Mrs. Paul Robinson spoke. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Archie Brewster, chairman. Mrs. Gerald Fisher, Mrs. Bill Damcry; Mrs. Max Flannery, Mrs. Charles McCabe, Mrs. Gale Fox and Miss Bessie Smith. OSC NOTES Studying Emphasized On Campus , Bj PHOEBE LOU BRAUN .: (Capital Journal Correspondent) OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallis (Special) Now that the excitement of new classes is over, the Oregon State students arc settling down to a daily routine. The teachers must be anxious to get started, for they are vigor ously giving out homework. Politics was in the air last week, as students listened to Senator Robert Holmes, Democratic can didate for governor of Oregon, who spoke at the scheduled convoca tion. Oregon State's two political groups, the Young Republicans, and the Young Democrats, have an active season ahead. To remind students of the main purpose of college, the Associated Women Students promoted a schol arship week which started Mon day. Members of Mortar Board, the senior women's service honor ary, and Alpha Lambda Delta, sophomore women's scholastic honorary, delivered speeches at the freshman women's living groups Tuesday evening in an at tempt to emphasize scholarship. On Wednesday, a convocation Tvas staged to further stress the im portance of learning and educa tion. Two Salem students seem to have discovered the correct way to study, for they made straight As last spring term. Beatrice M Heiken received honors in busi ness and technology, while James McClelland earned honors in agri culture. Getting off to a good start were several freshmen boys from the Salem area who were among the 50 top scorers in the OSC math placement test. High scorers in cluded George Andrews, Michael Jenkins, Ronald Carr, Gary Glea son, and Carl Krucger, Salem; and Norman R. Franzen, Turner. Returning to Salem after 14 years, is Judy Dalton, who ar rived home just in time to start college at Oregon State. Judy has lived in Alaska, Italy, Germany, and Virginia, with her parents, Colonel and Mrs. Kenneth W. Dal ton. Ginger Lively is the active vice chairman of Y Round Table, the campus YM-YWCA organization. Y Round Table is giving its an nual open house, which started Tuesday and will end Friday. Gin ger is also chairman of an orien tation program planned to help new women students become ac quainted with campus life and Y Round Table activities. One of the weekend firesides was -at the Beta Theta Pi frater nity, and included many Salcmites. Those present were Jill Cum- mings, Carol Bocsch, Pam Clay ton, Judy Dalton, Joan Lewis, Kieth Boyer, Ken Carl, Dave Soco lofsky, Jim Gordon, Bruce Patter son, and Bob Beals. In store for this weekend are the annual Nickel Hops, Friday and men s bouse dances Saturday, Bon Voyage Party Mrs. J. A. Nunn and Mrs. S. E. Orcutt entertained this morning during the Meier & Frank's-Salem store "coffee and" period at a party to honor Mrs. A. G. Hum phreys. A group of Mrs. Humphreys close friends was invited to wish her bon voyage. . She is leaving with her children. Nels and Molly, ou October 14 for England to join he'- husband, Andy Humphreys, who is stationed there with the Air Force at a jet bomber base. Wedding Oct. 23 Announcement is being made of the engagement and forthcoming marriage ot Miss Karla Wolz, Slaughter of Mrs. Carl Wolz, to James Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hart of Independence. ihe wedding will be at 8 o clock in the evening on October 23, in St. Paul's Episcopr', "church.- A DAUGHTER, Jeanlne Lynn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas Osborn, Milwaukie, September 19, in Portland. There is another child in the family, Mark. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Thomas W. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Osborn, all of Sa lem. Great grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. D. G. Osborn, Portland Couple Engaged The engagement of Miss Lois Pankratz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pankratz, Dallas, to Richard Reimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reimer, also of Dallas, has been announced. The couple are both graduates of Dallas High school. The bride elect is employed at the office of the Pacific Telephone company in Salem, and Mr. Reimer is em ployed in the Gerlinger Carrier company in Dallas. A February wedding is planned. HOME from a visit with rela tives and friends in Iowa, Illinois and California are Mr. and Mrs. Gernand Jones. At Burlington, Iowa, they were honored at a f am- i fly reunion at which 80 were pres-' cnt. .... MISS CAROL WATERMAN was hostess - to members of Cascade chapter, National Secretaries s sociation Tuesday evening, with Miss Maymc Smith assisting. Mrs. J. B. Hansen was selected as a cAegate and Mrs. Lloyd Darling, alternate, to attend a regional convention of National Secretaries association in Spokane, Wash., October 12, 13, 14. Mrs. Hansen gave a report of assistance being given the Marion oounty Tuberculosis association by mem bers of Cascade chapter. Shortbread Party Mrs. i Elizabeth White, visitor from Scotland fdr the past year at the home of her daughter, Miss Grace White, was hostess at a short bread party Tuesday. During the evening, Mrs. While made the shortbread, and gave each guest the recipe and sam ple. Mrs. White is leaving Sunday for her home in Scotland. Attend ing the Tuesday party were Miss Dora Johnston, Mrs. Nels Ton ning. Mrs. Lloyd Riegcl, Mrs. William Haskin, Mrs. Harry Ohcr mann, Mrs. Arthur Hagcn, Miss Grace White and Mrs. White. Bride-elect Is Feted Honoring Miss Nancy Jane O' Neil, who is to be married Satur day night to Orland K. Green, two parties have been arranged this week. This evening Miss O'Neil will be honored at a bridal shower fpr which Miss Phyllis Newland and the bride's " future sister-in-law, Mrs. James B. Tooze, will enter tain at the Tom Girard home in Dallas. A group of 18 has been invited for dessert and miscellane ous shower. Mrs. George Stanley and Mrs. Robert Stanley recently enter tained, at the home of the former at a party for Miss O'Neil on her birthday, a group of 18 close friends of the honorce and of Mr. Green being invited. Miss O'Neil was feted with a personal shower. ... HOMESTEADERS Square dance club will meet Friday, at 8 p.m. at the Izaak Walton league club house. All square dancers are wel come. A beginners class is being spon sored by the Homesteaders. Mose Van Dell is in charge of the new Miss Strode Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strode are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Nadine Elza -Strode, to James D. Morley, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Dolph C. Morley. No- date nas Deen sen lor inn wedding. Mr. Morley is now with the army stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. - : class beginning at the Izaak Waltorj league club house Thursday; at 8 o'clock. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO S:30 P.M. Elixir de Markoff from the bees in a new travel size , Infused with vitalizing royal jelly, this golden lotion bestows amazing benefits on the dry, mature skin. A rich, complete treatment that helps to lubricate and moisturize your sldn. " makes it glow with a dewy fresh, youthful radiance. Travel size, $8. Many months' supply, $15. plus tax MISS VESPER SCHILL ". Alexander de Markoff Beauty Analyst will be in our store Friday and Saturday, Oct. 5th and 6th tor tree beauty consultation CAPITAL DRUG STORE ; : 405 State-617 Chemeketa , ! , : we oive z?C green stamps get a head start with Bucilla Christmas kits Before the last-minute rush, malce your own decorative and useful presents for gifts or your own holiday enjoyment. 1. Nylo Kraft Christmas tree skirt or table cover; 36" round; needs no hem. DrifJ dry. Decor included. 3. Christmas card holder; stamped on red felt; contains all needed materials forap plique trim. 3.95 2.95 2. Make your own pretty table cover; metallic trim is completely washable. All thread included. 9.95 ; Christmas stockings - .$1,59 . Snnfo Git holder; door or wall ornament : $2.95 Sfliifn Claus; 14" decoration for mantel or tree $3.95 Mail and phone .orders. Plus shipping cost to areas outside our reuular truck delivery routes. i NEEDLEWORK SECOND FLOOR FIRST DANCE of the season for the Cottonpickers Square Dance club of West Salem will be Satur day night at 8:30 o'clock, at the West Salem City hall. Neil Brown is the instructor. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited. SQUARE dancers will meet Saturday at 8:13 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus hall. The dance is open to anyone interested. The group will meet every first and third Saturday of each month. Clyde and Margaret Charters will be in charge of the program. I Square and round dances will bej danced and the dance of the month , for October will be taught. Dancers are asked to bring their ; own lunch. Coffee will be served at 11 p.m., followed by an hour . of round dancing. PARISIAN PREDICTIONS By RON MAGEE emotions -v :. ,. ;ee !;;1 r 4 J 'BOUFFANT AST - from Salem's Finest Beauty Salon The Parisianne Room at Johnson's Let our expertly trained staff style your hair to fit your own individual personality. At the Parisianne Room ... the finest costs no more , . . and you may use your Johnson's charge account. Phone 4-7474 or 3-7698 .Blouses by .Melody-Modes Beautiful Chifonata Nylon Georgette, Pleat ed, square neck blouse, short sleeves, two rhinestone pins White and Pink-Sizes 32- 38. 8.95 Satin Blouse, Jeweled Button Front and Cuffs, smartly tailored-White and Pink Sizes 32-38. 7.95 ' ' a- Park Free At All Downtown Lots "One Stop Ar One Shop" MHt . Car Coat success story ... at tractive gold buttons, converti ble hooded collar . for rainy weather, two side pockets. Beige, Red. Sizes 10-16. 14.98 CAR COATS and RAINCOATS ' By FITZGIBBON Here we show two coats from our collection of smart, young car coats and raincoats. You will find just tin; style you're looking for at the price you want to pay. Smartly tailored raincoat with gold buttons and match ing belt trim. Colorful cotton print lining. White. Sizes 10 16. 22.98 Salem's leading Fashion Store Corner Liberty and Court i aijuesu i A