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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October 4, I9oo Page 14 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Nixon Makes 1st Network ..V OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 let Meier & Frank's experts renew your furniture with CHJSTdDM MIEWlUPffl(n)LSTIElIBX , OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Talk Tonight Ends 32-State Tour by Blasting at Adlai 'Nonsense' I FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING I By WILLIAM F. ARBOGAST WASHINGTON IJ1 Vice Pros!- icnt Nixon reports to the nation tonight on his 32-state campaign tour that ended last night in Phil adelphia with a blast at what he . called Adlai blcvcnson s catas trophic nonsense." The GOP's campaign workhorse will make his first network televi sion appearance (NBC 7:30 p.m EST) of the 1956 campaign in what the republican national committee billed as "another first." Political writers in eight cities visited by Nixon on his airborne campaign tour that traveled 15,000 miles in 16 days will quiz him on his find ings in an unrehearsed program. Nixon will rest here for five days and confer with parly offi cials and President Kisenhowcr before leaving next Tuesday on another swing that will take him to 14 slates in 10 days. He arrived at National Airport here late last night after a wind-up foreign policy speech in Philadel phia, last stop on tne irip in.-ii took him up and down the Pacific Coast, Into the Northwest, through the Farm Belt, into the South and the Southwest and into New Eng land. He chose "the City of Brotherly Love" to answer Stevenson's pro posal in New Jersey on Tuesday., that President Eisenhower take; the lead in seeking a ban on hy drofien bomb tests. i That, Nixon said In tho sharpest: speech he made during the entire j trio, "is one of the most extra-i ordinary, appalling statements in the history of American political campaigning" and raises "a grave doubt as to whether he (Steven son) has the judgment, the res ponsibility and the temperament to lead the United States and the free world in this critical period." Stevonson's campaign state ments both on foreign and domes tic subjects, Nixon charged, are "terribly damaging to America's Interests abroad" and are provid ing "grist for the propaganda mills" of those seeking to woo the uncommitted peoples o( the world to tho causo of communism. Stevenson's "shotgun attacks" on tho nollclcs of "a president who ts a svmhol of peace throughout the world," Nixon said, hurt America abroad and do not help Stevenson at home. Dag Trying to Nip Showdown In UN on Suez Works for Negotiation Unit to Keep Canal Talks Going By MAX IIARREUSON UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Ul - Secretary General Dag Hammnr tkjold Is reported using his full influence to avert a showdown Security Council fight which might shut the door to further U.N. peace efforts in the Suez dis pute. . Informed quarters said this was the mnih theme in the series of private talks llammarskjold is having with high ranking diplo mats assembling here for the Suez debate beginning in the Security Council tomorrow. The secretary general was un derstood to have found substantial support, but Britain and France said they were determined to push their demnnds for a U.N. endorse ment of the plan (or international control of the canal approved hy the London conierenco in Mid-August. llammarskjold and his support ers feared that the Dossibilitv nt future U.N. helpfulness might be eliminated it this plan were re jected either by a Soviet veto or through failure to get the neces sary 7 votes in the 11-nntion coun cil. Hammnrskjold is trying to en list support for formation of some kind of negotiating committee to keep tho discussions alive without placing the U.N. behind either side in tho dispute. Tho form of the negotiating group and the sponsorship lilt were under dis cussion. One of those backing this Idea Is Iranian Delegate Djalal Ahdoh. Diplomatic observers said Hie United States Is Interested In this plan, but the U.S. delegation so far has not come out for it puh licly. Pending the arrival of Secretary o( Stale Dulles for tomorrow's meeting, U.S. Delegate Henry Ca bot Lodge .Ir. has been keeping in close contact with British and French representatives. British Foreign Secretary Solwyn Lloyd said yesterday he hoped the United States would support I lie British-French proposal but in formed sources Indicated the United States was extremely cool toward it. Accept New Firemen LAFAYETTE (Special) Lafayet te's Volunteer Fire Department met Tuesday evening, with the fire chief Ellery McDougall, leading the meeting. Three new members for fhe department were announced and received into the organization. Joining were Judy Ellii. Jack Mil ler, and Howard Hills. The evening was spent reviewing the work of the department, 1 Handyhot electric juicer approved by Sunkist reg. $9.98 to $11.98 yard upholstery fabrics Horn Hundreds and hundreds of yards of beautiful fabrics from which to choose . . . lovely imported Italian matelasse, domestic nylon blend frieze with unusual, weavings of Lurex. Decorative fabrics in modern and traditional patterns, sturdily woven to give years and years of wear. Beige, brown, blue, turquoise, gold, rose, sandalwood, wine, red, hunter and many-other dec orator colors. 50 and 54-inch widths. all this is included in our re-upholstery service frames re-glued, if necessary new units added where necessary springs re-tied new webbing exposed portions of frames re-touched new filler material added, if necessary free pick-up and delivery within our regular delivery area , DRAPERIES SECOND FLOOR j j FOR OVER 1,000 CARS j JL standard style UJl t " i sofas, re-upholstered V Wsj J t f In these fabrics 1 1 T -A '139.5.0 I ' All jft ''rl" '''h"r hlih" standard style """ ' ? V 3s. XS" -f cnw'r re-upholstered J 5j -f In these fabrics 1 F '" tl 79.30 f ' Gats the pure uice from oranges, lemons or grapefruit, without bitter oil from the rind. Os cillating strainer cuts pulp and extracts as much as 20 more uice. Remove bowl and strainer can be rinsed and assembled In less than a minute. 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Mail and ionr orders' ELECTRICALS-SECOND FLOOR Hallicrafters big 24 series table Enjoy the big season of TV entertainment ahead with this Halli craftersl Huge 24 series screen with bigger-than-life pictures, clear and bright and teamed with sxcellent quality sound. Convenient side mounted controls. Mahogany or blond finish cabinet. Made especially for Meier & Frank's, and ours exclusively. Guaranteed by Hallicrafters and by Meier Ic Frank's . . . full year on the picture tube, 90 days on other tubes and parts. Buy your television with complete confidence in the set, installation and service at Meier 4 Frank's the store of Integrity. All sets sold in our delivery area are delivered, installed, connected to your antenna, serviced, and operating instructions are given by a tech nician, at no extra charge. IT TAYS TO BUY AT MEIER & FRANK'S. We offer installation and service on television sets in many localities throughout Oregon and Washington. Mail and phone orders' TELEVISION HEADQUARTERS SECOND FLOOR 'Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular TV PRICE AS LOW AS $7 A MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT truck delivery routes. iniwit'"" it''"t 1 q '