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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October-4, 1956 Page 12 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL I i i'i l imiiiimiii i m ill urn in in i I. 11111.11 mil Ill - --v i"' ' '4-' I I . A I 1 1 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY . L L J .L JL -J 12:15 TO 9 P. M. 1$ "1 f , OTHER DAYS $ 7 A - 4p- 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. I fT I' ? FREE STORE-SIDE L " &L PARK,NG F0R 0VER ' Heart Attack Claims Eighth State Hunter One Seriously Wounded And Another Still Is Missing Ay THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The eighth death of a hunter from a heart attack since the start of Oregon's deer season last Saturday was reported Wednes day. Another hunter was reported seriously wounded and another still was missing. The latest victim of a heart seizure was Fred Wiedemann, 73, Wilsonville. He was found dead by his sons Wednesday afternoon when they returned to' a camp about 30 miles west of Seneca. It was the second heart attack death of a hunter in Grant County in two days. James B. Johnson, 21, Gold Beach, was in a North Bend hos pital with a wound suffered when hunters mistook his dog for a coy ote. He was sleeping beside his dog near ARness when two other hunt ers fired at the dog. A bullet went through the dog's ear and hit Johnson's shoulder. After treating Johnson, the other hunters moved him down the Rogue Hlver to a hospital at Gold Beach. Johnson lost considerable blood and later was taken to North Bend, where attendants called his condition serious. How ever, ho was reported somewhat lmoroved Wednesday. Meanwhile search continued In the Cascade flange woods south west of Bend for Charles Pike, 20, who has been missing since early Monday. Norman Wilson of Dallas took bloodhounds to the area Wednes day, but they failed to pick up Pike's trail. G. C. Foster, 22, . Bend, his brother-in-law, said Pike became separated from him on a decr hunting trip and did not return to their car. W' . iiwiiii 1 1 inir a - - m f i .. . v ?. nT j (iV t f I " y. """""" . ?,i a y l . :.T'U umijiwi nwimimim'-'''''"-" m ' ' 1 I . ii I' Pinamiiii-igraTj -I'lliiiiMiniiTTniwi m lirr-' "' "" - i . -ma , hi 1 1 1 ... ' ,-. '-. . i '- sp..,ff; i Five Killed in Plane Crackup At Cape Nome NOME, Alaska WV-The wreck age of an Alaska Airlines plane which crashed at Cape Nome Tuesday night, killing all five persons aboard, was found Wed' ncsdoy. The six-place plane, en route to Nome from unalaklcet, smashed into radio aerial guy wiros of an abandoned Alaska Communications System station 15 miles south of here during a heavy snowstorm. The craft was piloted by John Hutchinson, a veteran Alaska bush pilot. . Others killed were Johnny Kakak, Shaktoolik. the father of nine children; Johnny Elook, a crippled teenager; Don Stewart, Seattle, a mining engineer with a dredging operation at Council; and Buddy 'Owens, Golovnin, Sherry Fong's Appeal Ready PORTLAND W Attorneys pre paring an appeal for Sherry Fong Wednesday filed in circuit court five volumes of trnnscrlpt from the woman's murder trial. Mrs. Fong has been in jail here since early Inst year. She now is awaiting a decision on appeal of a second degree murder conviction in tho death of a lli-year-old baby silter, Diane Hanks. Mrs. Fong and her husband, Wayne, had been convicted earlier but Circuit Judge Alfred P. Dobson ordered new trials for each. Sherry's second trial ended in mistrial and the third in convic tion. Her husband wns freed on n directed verdict of acquittal in his second trial. Irvin Goodman, attorney for Mrs. Fong. said the appeal to the state Supreme Court probably would be ready for presentation within 30 days. Hearings Set For Compact A pubblic hearing on the pro posed Columbia Interstate Com pact will be held at 10 a m. Fridar at the Portland Stale Office Build- ing In Portland. The compact is being drnfted by representatives from Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Montana. Utah, Wyoming and Nevada cov ering use of waters of the Colum bia River and its tributaries. The tentative draft has been completed, and will be submitted ti the 1057 sessions of the Legis laturcs of those states. The hearing is being sponsored by tho Oregon Commission on in terstate Cooperation. PARTICIPATED IN REVIEW Eight Salem men participated In the largest fleet review since sec ond World War held September H at Long Beach, Calif. These local men were in (he exercise: Donald H. Bennett. 2014 Highway Ave. Clifford H. VanLoh, 1890 N. Lan caster Dr.; Watson W. Wade, 1091 Sixth St.; Gene A. Mollenhauer. fin Catterlln Ave.: George ft. Waters, 960 N. !9lh St.; Paul E. Benner, 1221 Fair-mount Ave.: Charles J. Church, 4920 Grater St. and William , Johnson of Turner. r ij reg. $1.99 pure ivhile English bone China cups and saucers Dainty pure while cup and sa.ucers of fine, translucent bone china, trimmed with delicate gold lines. Choice of three styles. ' CHINA SECOND FLOOR $ each $1.95 values Imperial glass, reproductions ' of antiques Choke of six Items, In four colors . . . rose, lemon, tur quoise or clear crystal. 1. Sail & pepper 2. 6-Inch vase 3. S'j-lnch bon bon 4. o'j-inch oval nappy 5. 4Vj-inch compote 6. 5-inch handled nappy $ each CHINA SECOND FLOOR $1 Day toy sale $1.98 Plastic covered clown dolls, washable $1 $2.00 Harmonica, brass plated and covered $1 $1.39 Musical elephants and donkeys wind-up toys $1 $1.98 Jackie Gleason story stage, acting game $1 $1.50 "Fix-it" wrecker trucks end convertibles $1 $2.95 Calypso card game, suitable for all ages $1 $2.98 Pinky lee games, 50 competitive games, stunts $1 $1.29 Sparking rifle with harmless bayonet, whistle $1 $1.39 Friction motor diesel engine, 18" long $1 $1.29 Plastic tea set; service for four $1 $1.98 Jewelry craft set; design, make jewelry $1 $1.19 Cradle telephone, dial & bell; plastic ..$1 $1 Day companion features $3.95 Gray & white plush elephant, soft, cuddly $3 $4.95 Battery operated tractor, all metal $3 $7.95 Double gun & holster set; leather cuffs, spurs $5 $5.95 Marx super circus, with fixtures, animals $3 $6.98 22-inch giant cuddle bear, assort. colors $4 TOYS-SECOND FLOOR Reg. $1 Dorothy Gray Shampoo Leaves' your hair soft, shimmer- J $H Ing, easy to manage. for I TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR large economy sizes Beau Kreml ..$1 Vitalis $1 Kreml $1 Wildroot Creme hair dressing ..$1 Regular Kreml ....$1 Stephan's hair tonic $1 Brushless shaving cream, 1 -lb. jar 2 fr $1 lanolin soap 25 btrs $1 Wrisley's soap chest, reg. $1.98 $1 Rose hair oil, I quart $1 Cocoanut oil or Castile shampoo, 1 quart $1 . TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR toilet tissue, towels . cleansing tissue Scot toilet' tissue, limit 20 ' .....10 for $1 Scot Softweave tissue, limit 18 9 fr $1 Waldorf, toilet tissue, limit 30 ..15 for $1. Kleenex,. 400 sheets, limit 8 4 for $1 , Scotties, 400 tissues, limit 8 ; 4 for $1 MD toilet tissue, limit 26 '13 for $1 Chiffon toilet tissue, limit 18 ......9 for $1 Chiffon cleansing tissue, 400 sheets ...5 for.$l Scot Towels, limit 12 . :6 for $1 TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR Ivory soap Personal size, limit 40 , 20 for $1 Medium size, limit 26 13 for $1 Large size, limit 16 :g for $1 TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR hand size Siveetheart soap One of the most popular soaps 1 J for all the family. Pleasantly I perfumed. TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR for U ' liiiiii fl famous soaps your choice Lux, bath tize Camay, bath size Lifebuoy, ' bath size Palmolive, bath size Cashmere Bouquet, bath size , 9 for TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR $ linollied hand lotion, t quart 10IIITRIES-SIREHT FLOOR Dial leap, bath ilio, limit 9 - j; 9,r TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR Waldorf perfumed balh cryitali 48 oi. bafl JSt lul tx TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR Htlhlnt reducing wilen TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR R. louli cleansing cream, I pound i i 2 jo, TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR reg. $1.50 Dermoid curl lotion TOILETRIES STRET FLOOR reg. $1.00 Chateau du Pare 111 ST TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR reg. $1.49 Florlenl room deodorant TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR pure lanolin, one-pound jar jtlLuwiilII mr I I TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR reg. SI. 95 aluminum whistling lea kettle HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR reg. $2.25 ball bearing wood rolling pin HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.49 decorated hamburger preii J HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR reg. $2.25 Ironing board pad I cover let HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.75 3 pc. aluminum range let HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.49 all aluminum collander 11 $11 HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR bathing Epiom salts, ' 5-pound package TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR tooth paste, large economy ilie TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR mouth wash, '; gallon, red or amber color' TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR reg, $1,95 warmer, brass frame and tile center HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR reg. 59c aluminum cake pan, 8"x8"x2" HOUSEWARES SECOND ItOOR reg. $1.69 angel lood cake pan, removable bottom HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.29 antique auto serving trays rare, 3 HOUSEWARES SECONO FLOOR rag. $1.95 rubber "welcome" doormat, 22Vi"x15" moth crystals, (Para-Dlchlorlclde) Vh Ibl. TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR reg. $2 $4.95 reducing tablets, Waist line, Slender Caps, Eei, Junex your choiet I I TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR reg. $1.95 4-pc. wooden salad set, with wall rack HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.69 crystal sail and pepper sel 1M HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR en HOUSFWAtSS SECOND FLOOR We regret that we must reserve the right to limit quantities on all items. Pleas., no mail, phone or C.O.D. orders. On sale while quantities available. ON SALE FRIDAY rim mo.