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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday. (VfnW 4( 1051? THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 11 Texas College Pickets Turn BackNegroes v.. iJ- -, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Texas segregationists last night continued their picketing of an- integrated college and othei protested the appearance of Go Frank Clement of Tennessee, In the nation's capitot the battle of words - continued over a special House subcommittee's hearing on Integration in Washington public scnoois. - ' Three Negro students at Lamar State College of Technology in Beaumont, Tex., were stoDDed and turned away by pickets as thev attempiea 10 emer tne campus The pickets, stationed at the cam pus entrance, were kept off the school grounds by police. Both men and women, most of them apparently members of a While Citizens Council, were in the picket line, which has num bered as few as six and as manv as 150 in the past two days. Clement was confronted by js pickets carrying signs of protest when he arrived at Houston' Shamrock Hotel to speak at a din ner. Several pickets said thev were protesting Clement's action in calling out the National Guard during recent disorders over pub lic school integration at Clinton. Tcnn. Among the signs were those saying: "See you later Integrator," "Tennessee tanks won't work In Texas," and "Where's the storm troops?" Clement 'said the pickets "either misunderstood the fact or are against law and order." He said he ordered out the troops to main tain law and order, not to support either segregation or Integration. In Washington, both the Amer ica Veterans Committee (AVC). claiming membership of about 25.000 veterans, and Washington Chapter of the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) . de nounced the House subcommit tee's handling of the public school inquiry. The AVC said the Investigation, conducted mostly by Southerners "was carefully and wilfully planned to subvert the process of Integration of the nation's public schools." Even before the hearings began, the ADA charged, "it was obvious that the committee was deter mined to "scavenge a 'record' of failures and horror stories about desegregation in Washington that could be used to frighten little children and their parents throughout the South into defiance of the law." Chairman James C. Davis (D Ga), who adjourned the subcom mittee Monday, said In Atlanta he did not consider the statements by either the ADA or AVC as "worthy of notice." - Independents To Hold Rally WASHINGTON Iffl Backers of an Independent States Rights tick et in the coming election Thurs day announced formation of a na tional committee and plans for a "states rights-tax reform rally ' In Richmond, Va. States Rights candidate for president is T. -Coleman Andrews of Richmond, a former Internal Revenue -. Commissioner under President Eisenhower. His run ning mate is former Republican Rep. Thomas H. Werdel of Bak ersfieft, Calif. In the past. An drews has listed himself 1 as a Democrat. The Andrews-Werdel ticket is supported by a number of inde pendent political . groups. The avowed aim of the movement is to try to throw the election into the House of Representatives and ul timately to win election of a "con servative" to the presidency. Selection of 39 business, educa tional and professional figures from 28 stales to form a national committee for the Andrews-Werdel campaign was announced bv Clarence E. Manion and John U. Barr, the group's co-chairmen. Manion, of South Bend. Ind., is former dean of the Notre Dame Law School. Barr, of New Or leans, is an industrialist. , Benny Plays His Fiddle in Carnegie Hall NEW YOR KlAV-Comedian Jack Benny solemnly sawed a fiddle for laughs and charity in an un usual "concert" in Carnegie Hall last night. Impeccable in while tie and tails, Benny dusted off a bor rowed Stradivarius and strode on to the stage where Heifetz, Kreis ler and Elman made musical his tory. He tucked the violin under his chin with professional aplomb arW prepared to plav. But he stopped before he started. He had forgot ten his bow. The audience howled. And so it went as Benny wres tled with Sarasote's woefully dif ficult "Ziguenerweisen" (Gypsy Airs) and the first movement of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto. In the middle of the "Gypsy Airs." he fiddled into his trade mark number, "Love In Bloom," without missing a beat. Seventy members of the New York Philharmonic-Symphony Or chestra more or less accompanied the violinist. The concert was a benefit for the Committee to Save Carnegie Hall and the National Assn. for Retarded Children. 5 m IKS: 1 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. ' ' OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. a & immii 2 sensational money saving SPECIALS to introduce you to the wonders of famous ACCIDENT-PROOF ME L MAC ' this offer good only from October ! through 13 reg, $4.60 4-pc'. plate setting . , , 10" plate, bread and butter plate, cup, saucer. turquoise gardenia while charcoal gray flame pink ' mist gray glade green ; glow copper spray lime " Here's your chance to enjoy the many advantages of quality Melmac dinnerware In your home ... at sensational savings, Modern, colorful Royale and Color-Flyte din. nerwares. are guaranteed for one full year against chipping, cracking or breaking In normal use, 8 beautiful color , , . place settings in solid colors only. ' reg. $6.75 4-piece place setting, knife, fork, teaspoon, dessert spoon D I N Nl RWARI M x ' 1 . , X ' fc' - Jk. 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These new copper-accented essentials will make your kitchen radiate friendliness and hospitality. Matching ensembles in heavenly com binations. Precision-made of heavy gauge steel; copper accents have non tarnish lacquer finish. 1. slicing board bread box . . . ?8.9d air-conditioned; removable shelf 2. 4-piece stackable canister set .' , . ?8.98 for flour, sugar, coffee, tea - 3. step-on Beautycan . . . 14-qt. size, ?8.98 white porcelain enamel insert 4. 3-way paper dispenser ... 86 98 with top shelf; cutting edges ws ' 5. cleanser cabinet . . . with handy (. QQ top shelf and towel bar not shown: ' ?' Oil matching waste basket with copper inlays utsy Mail and phone orders' HOUSEWARES SECOND FLOOR Here's the easy-operating, practical, attractive and popular ironing table to take the fatigue out of your ironing dayl Whether you're tall or short, whether you stand or sit to Iron, this table adjusts to your most comfortable position at a finger's touch. Lemon yellow lop . . . charcoal offset legs for knee room , , . turquoise rybber tips. Adjusts to any height from 24" to 36", . Mall and phone orders' HOUSEWARES-SECOND FLOOR tfleg. U.S. Fat. Off. ZvduSott scorch resistant Outwears ordinary covers 5 to 1; elastic bind-I ing for snug fit; washes without shrinking;' perfect ironing surface for steam or dry; completely odorless. Meier It Frank's Salem, Salem, Oregon Please send me the following: Quan. Item I Color I ToUl Name - . Street - . City Zone State . Charge . CCD. .... Remittance Enclosed.... This shippir" cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes.