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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1956)
Page 10 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Salem, Oregon, Thursday, October A, 1956 British Fire A-Weapon at Ground Level SYDNEY, Australia m The British exploded an atomic weap on at ground level today at the Maralinga Proving Ground in South Australia. It was the second explosion in Britain's fourth scries . of test blasts. "The firing went off satisfactor ily," Australian Supply Minister Howard Beale announced. "The cloud behavior was as forecast and meets the requirements of the Australian Safety Committee." Earlier reports said the ground level explosion was intended to test the effect of shock waves on underground shelters and water, sewage and gas pipes. The first explosion of the cur rent series, from a tower on Sept. 27, wrecked everything within a two-mile radius and rattled win dows 200 miles away. Two more firings are planned at Maralinga, Sir William Penney, the British scientist in charge of the test, has said the explosive power of the weapons is equiva lent to a few thousand tons of TNT. It is generally believed the weapons the British are testing are designed to become warheads for guided missiles. French anthropologists discover ed a human jaw in Algeria they estimated to be more than 900,000 years old. Returned to His Family, But Still Sees the 'Other Woman' By DOROTHY DIX DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Last year my husband started datine another woman, and stopped support of myself and four children. I left him, but in six months he asked me to come back. I did. hut he still sees the other woman. Do you thjnk he really loves me7 Adele DEAR ADELE: I think he likes your home ec-okine. Let him do without it again. , . DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Last year my boss gave me a very lovely gift. Should I reciprocate this year? D.T.B. DEAR D.T.B.: No. His gift was in appreciation of the service you've rendered. Nothing but your thanks should be given in return. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: We are two girls with secret loves. The boys have bad reputations so our parents lorbid us to see them. Do you think our reputations will suffer if it is known that we see them? A and M DEAR A and M: Nothing is so contagious as a bad reputation. Continue your secret dating, and you will incur not only the wrath of your parents, but the contempt of your friends, and condemnation Dy tne wnole community. A good name is your most precious posses sion; don't jeopardize it. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: We recently took my in-laws 1n with us, and I've been miserable ever since. Though they have their own apartment, they spend most of their time with us. They in trude when we have company, barge in on every activity, won't even let us read in peace. I haven't the courage to ask them to slay away. What can I do? Jennie DEAR JENNIE: Of course, the technique of living in the same house should have been settled before your in-laws moved in. Now they are so accustomed to being part of your family that it would be difficult to change things. Is their apartment really as cheerful, homey and pleasant as you can make it? Do they have facilities, such as radio or television for entertainment? Do they, and you, encourage visits from their own friends? Do you keep them supplied with newspapers, maga zines and books? If these things don t keep them content with their own place, use all your tact and charm to suggest a living arrange ment that will insure privacy lor you. Have any readers a satis- it Nyssa Sugar Beet Processing Starts NYSSA (UP) Processing of a record-breaking sugar beet crop got under way in the Nyssa-Nampa area yesterday when the Amalga mated Sugar factory here started operations for the season. General Manager Jed Lewis said that Indications are that between 500.000 and 600.000 tons of beets will be processed this season. Plan Harvest Fete For Salem Heights SALEM HEIGHTS (Special) The coming Harvest f estival sponsored by the Salem Heights Mothers Club was the topic of discussion when the executive board met Tuesday morning at tne scnooi. The date has been set for Oct. 19 at the school. The room mothers will have charge of the various booths. The Camp Fire Girls, Blue birds, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts have been asked to participate in the Festival. Bandit Guilty In Slaying of Buddy by Cop READING, Pa. W A jury has convicted an AUentown. Pa., man of murder although a policeman urea me latai shots. The Berks County Jury yester day convicted James W. Redline. 32. of murder in the first degree wun a recommendation, ot lire imprisonment for the death of Ebor Worseke. also of AUentown. I his alleged accomplice in an at tempted holdup. Worseke was killed in April by a jieaumg policeman - during a running battle with police in which two officers were shot. The jury ruled Redline was responsible for me aeain. Dogs, like human beings, suffer acutely from claustrophobia the tear of being shut in. factory solution to this problem that is becoming more and more frequent? If so, write me and I'll share vour comment with mv DEAR DOROTHY DIX: We're an elderly counle In noor health and are plagued by mean neighbors. They stand outside, taunting us ano caning names, iney nave even thrown rocks at us. Were too ill to fight hack; what else can we do? P.L. DEAR P. L.: Call in the police. A good healthy line for disturb ing the peace will doubtless end your neighbors' tormenting ten dencies. I'd like to suggest much more drastic punishment, but as a beginning this is probably all they will get. Write Dorothy Dix for free leaflet D-39, "Is There A Test For Love?" Be sure to enclose a stamped, self-addressed enveloDe and Send request to her, care of this newspaper. Dorothy Dix is a Trademark registered jn the U. S. Patent Office by The Bell Syndicate, Inc. AT BROWN'S -SALEM'S OWN CREDIT JEWELERS teQiiite (as tecs to 3HSI SELLS EVERYWHERE FOR LESS TRADE-IN-ALLOWANCE as80 20 so you pay only PAY 50c WEEKLY Lay Away for Christmas Giving I'l AlARMER ' TRY IT FOR la FULL DAYS If you don't agree it's one of the finest watch values you've over soon, return it for full refund. ) IHIS 54950 BtNRUS NOW 29S0 t ! H-l Ur.ttM W"MM Mi MfM-.ll f"( ll'tttti 1 14 1 THIS $4950 KNRUS WRIST ALARM NOW$29Mh"'" jut 0 Rings to remind you tot Ot I Mm MU A lnnii c4 Ml MIIH l.tM f t rv ' Cfc A tf A at A w A Y O R X M A S N O W ASK TO SEE Special Purchase ladies' and Man's 17-Jew.l VllMI le 535.00 WATCHES $2788 YOUR OLD WATCH AS DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT JEWELERS SINCE 1925 Open Evenings Mon. and Frl. to 9 P. Dally 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. M, Also Liberal Trade-in On ELGIN HAMILTON BULOVA GRUEN And Many Other Fine Watches i OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO g9 P-m., OTHER DAYS 9:30 .m. TO 5:30 p.m.jf FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 10000 CARS I great typewriter value! Aimcee Portable typewriter $89.50 All steel typing table...,. $6.98 Five typing lessons at Northwestern School of Commerce ..$ 12.00 now only Total Value $108.48 59.50 The Aimcee Portable typewriter is exclusive at Meier & Frank's. Full standard keyboard with additional keys for ', , , characters. Marginal release, back spacer, 3 space line spacer, ribbon color selector; will cut stencils. Automatic ribbon reverse. Luggage stye carrying case.. Five FREE typing lessons . . . each a full hour lesson at Northwestern School of Commerce . . . available to begin ners, as well as advanced students of typing. All Steel Typing table . . . rigid and sturdy; with two drop leaves-open it accommodates a standard typewriter or add ing machine. STATIONERY STREET FLOOR just 120 pieces of fine luggage priced to clear All first quality, famous make luggage, priced to save you moneyj Buy for yourself, or take advantage of our lay-away plan and buy these fine matched sets or single pieces as a superlative gift. Do shop early for good selectionl reg. $17.95-$88.00 train cases $1 1.95-$44.00 reg. $17.95-$80.00 21" o'vernighls...$l 1.95-$40.00 reg. $2 1.95-$ 135.00 Pullmans. $14.95-$67.50 reg. $24.94-$ 11 5.00 Wardrobes -$19.95-$57.50 reg. $17.95-$26.95 car sacs $11.95-, 7.95 Men's and women's styles. Firm tubular sides for support and self-standing. Zipper pocket for shoes or laundry. Guar anteed waterproof. Gay plaids. reg. $10.00-$ 1 3.00 hat boxes $6.66-8.66 Full 16" and 18" diameter; popular plaids or solid colors. Heavy-duty zipper. Waterproof. - reg. j3.00-$6.00 lipper bags 2.00-'4.00 ; Handy travel bag, shopping aid or athletic bag. 16" and 18" .' sizes, in blue or brown rayon and nylon. LUGGAGE STREET FLOOR I v s $ does more things heller Sunbeam cooker and deep fryer $24.50 The most versatile cooking appliance any kitchen can boasti Accurate thermostatic control with "simmer range;" exclu sive Sunbeam "cool; guide;" ease and efficiency of operation and range of usefulness is almost unlimited. See it demon strated todayl Mail and phone orders' EIECTRICAIS-SFCOND FLOOR brighten your home with Westinghouse lamp bulbs 40 wait 57' for ill I 4 fyf ' i for homework and reading, you'll need a few extra lamps on hand. We carry all sizes includina fluorescent. M 60 watt 3 for 57 Mail and phone orders' EIECTRICAIS-SECOND FLOOR 100 watt lfT-ifcJ