Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 03, 1956, Page 7, Image 7

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    . Page 8 Section I
I Capital Women
"'' Various activities for the fall
Were discussed by members of the
board of Salem branch. American
'Association of University Women,
Monday night at the home of Mrs.
H. E. Smedlcy.
Mrs. Gene Knudson reported the
recent fashion show at Meier and
Frank's-Salem store a financial
Mrs. Wendell Schwartz discussed
the management and activities at
the Happytime Nursery sponsored
by AAUW.
The next luncheon meeting was
Announced for October 20 with Dr.
If rank Munk of Reed college as
speaker. .
5 On October 30 will be given the
Sinmial fellowship dinners. These
Affairs are given in a two-way
program of fellowship, one to pro
vide opportunity for members to
ipecome better acquainted; the sec
Send purpose, to acquaint members
Jjlvith the AAUW fellowship proj
ects. The dinners arc given simul-
laneously in a number of homes
in the city. Mrs. Marvin Holland
was co-hostess for the board meet
;I MRS. CLARK C. McCAU, will
.be in Rainier Thursday, to speak
yo the Maimer club of the Repub
lican Women's Federation of Ore
.ion. if . . .
)3 SEWING club of Capital unit,
;No. 9, American Legion 'auxiliary,
yvill not meet this Thursday, as
planned. The next meeting will be
Thursday, October 18.
Ttierly of Willamette university
flaw school faculty, will direct the
discussion of legal matters of im
portance to women at tlje meeting
f the legal and finance study
group at the YW Thursday morn
ing at 10 o'clock. All Interested
"women are invited.
MRS. LEO N CHILDS was host
. 'ess to members of the Tuesday
Sewing club and a few additional
guests, at her home Tuesday for
.' In the group were Mrs. Bryan
tioodonough, Mrs. Helen Grnbcn-
horst, Mrs. R. D. Ross, Hrs. T. J.
flrabec, Mrs. Charles E. Wngncr,
:-Mrs. Adam Engle. Mrs. Hall Lusk.
;J1ri. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Duane
Clbson, Mrsf Frederick Brcnnan,
;Iri. Floyd Kenyon, Mrs. Gene
- S HONORING Mrs. Edward A I.e
iold, who with Dr. Lcbold will be
leaving soon on a trip to Japan
-2nd other Far Eastern areas, Mrs.
Fred H. Thompson Is to entertain
Thursday at luncheon and bridge
t her home. A group of 18 friends
.01 Airs. LeDoia nas Deen Diaaen.
V ! AS A farewell for Mrs. E. J.
cellars, who with Mr. Sccllars
U'ill be leaving in mid-October for
jn extended stay in the Hawaiian
Jslands, Mrs. Frank Prime is en
tertaining Thursday morning at an
gnformal coffee at her home. A
group of close friends of Mrs.
.Scellars has been bidden between
30:30 and 12 o'clock.
THE LIVE Vers club of the
JYWCA will meet for a bowling
party this Friday night. All single
men and women arc invited.
Whose attending arc asked to
neet at the YWCA at 7:45 p.m.,
hnd leave at II p.m.
FRIENDSHIP shrine, While
Shrine ol Jerusalem, will observe
friendship night and ceremonial
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, nt
Ihc Scottish Rile temple. Seven
candidates will be initiated.
INSURANCE Women's associa
tion of Salem will snnnsnr its nn-
Jjiual all day rummage sale in
VUhany. at the Veteran's Memnr
Jal hall, Saturday. The next meet
ing of the club will be October
v SALEM HRK.HTS (Special)
;The Salem Heights Woman's club
-Will meet on Friday (or one
Ji'elock dessert at I lie home ol
jMrs. Fred Browning, 110 East
"Browning avenue,
i Plans for the year's activities
JMI1 be outlined and delegates
flamed for the Marion County
Federation meeting to be at Mac
Jleay. I Mrs. Harvey Willard serves the
Jclub as president this year.
I Today's Menu
," Popcorn
Minnie's Banana Bread
Hot Cocoa
i Ingredients: 2 cups silted Hour,
'l teaspoon double-acting baking
Ipowder, i pound 0 cup) mar
;;garine. I cup sugar, 2 eegs, 1
;cup mashed ripe banana, l tea
Cspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon
;;walcr, j cup coarsely-broken
"walnut meats.
; Method:' Silt together the flour
.'and baking powder. Cream mar
garine and sugar; beat in eggs
thoroughly, one at a time. Beat
'. in mashed banana. Dissolve bak
' ing soda in water and stir in.
'. Add sifted flour and baking pow-
dcr all at one time: beat only
viinlil smooth. Fold In walnuts.
Turn into greased loaf pan (about
9 by 5 by, 3 inches); allow to
Island for 20 minutes. Bake in
I;moderatc 1350 degrees) oven 1
;Ihour or until cake tester inserted
tin center comes out clean.
v' Note: No salt is called for In
i;this recipe: the margarine us-1
;-ually provides enough salt. This
thread keeps well.
LOWV Unit Stages
Annual Fund Canvass
Friday will be the day pin
pointing the finance campaign of
Salem unit of the League of
Women Voters, all calls being
made that day for funds to aid
the league program.
Mrs. Melvin Cleveland is the
finance chairman.
In discussing the" drive, Mrs.
Cleveland said: "This is the week
for the annual canvass for funds
for the LOWV budget, the league
members are going to reach
those persons who are known to
be interested in greater parti
cipation in government."
In the pamphlet announcing
the canvass, the league points out
that the league, during the past
year, has provided: (1) a voter
service, including a big assistance
ir. getting voters registered,
candidate questionnaire, a public
candidates meeting, a speakers
bureau, and an explanation and
summary of all local ballot meas
ures: (21 has conducted a public
meeting on county government
programs; (3) has staged month
ly unit meetings for discussion
of current issues; (4) has pro
vided a voter Information booth
at the State Fair.
For Bride-Elect
Among affairs being planned in
compliment to Miss Margaret
Slump, who Is to be married Oc
tiber 20 to Arthur .lames Young,
will be the dessert and shower for
which Mrs. Ross Hogue, Mrs. Wal
lace Carson and Mrs. John It.
Caughcll will entertain October 11
at the home of Mrs. Hogue.
Alumnae Meet
A founders day banquet was
planned at the meeting of Salem
alumnae of uamma I'm beta,
Tuesday evening. The banquet will
be next month, at the Marion ho
tel. Mrs. Jack G. Haller is chair
man for the affair, and assisting
her are Mrs. Jack Steward and
Mrs. Donald Lludahl.
The meeting was at the home
of Mrs. Delwyn Kleen, with Miss
Alice Lehman, Miss Margaret
Simms and Mrs. Orcutt Frost co-
hosresseR. '
IN roiHPI.IMENT to a eroiin
of new neighbors, Mrs. Ilenrv M. !
Hanzen. Mrs.. Vcrn Shaw, Mrs. I
Waltcr Guidinger and Mrs. John
Hcrr entertained Tuesday after
noon at an informal coffee at the
Johnston and others assisting in
vited to call between 2 and 4
o'clock. Pouring were Mrs. Don
ald Burke and Mrs. William
Johnston and other assisting in
cluded Mrs. Jack Price, Mrs. Ver
non Wiscarson, Mrs. C. J. Ham
ilton and Mrs. S. D. Wiles,
HOSTESS to her bridge club
last evening was Mrs. Robert
Strcbig. New members in the
club are Mrs. Homer Brobst and
Mrs. Courtney Jones.
Program Planned
LEBANON (Special) - A pro
gram of piano music by Iris Gray,
professor of music at Oregon State
college, will bo sponsored by the
Lebanon Federated Music club Oc
tober 9 nt 8 p.m. in the First I
Christian church fellowship room.
Mrs. Estclle Jacobs is program
chairman, assisted by the club
president, Harold Reeves, and
Mrs. W. H. Dcnnlson. Mrs. Gene
McKlnney Is chairman of the re
freshment committee.
The public is invited. -
WOOD1UIRN (Special) The
Singing Blue Birds, a new group,
has been organized with Mrs.
K. A. Buchanan as leader and
Mrs. Donald B. Eaton as assis
tant lender. Officers are Cheryl
Jo Knos, president: Karen Bu
chanan, vice president; Peggy
Walker, secretary and Carolyn
Cnnnivet and Susan Rush, scrap
Dr. E, E. Boring
Office and laboratory In Sam Building
We Do Our Own Grinding for Faster Service
We Will Fill Your Prescription for New Glasses
No Matter Where You Had Your Eyes Examined
of All
Are Still
on File
Plan Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gibson are
leaving next Thursday, for a four
months trip to South America.
They will drive to San Francisco,
and take the train to New Orleans.
From there, they will sail on the
SS Del Norte for Rio dc Janiero,
where their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hanscll
and daughter Lynn Christine will
meet them. They will all be in Rio
dc Janiero for two weeks and then
will fly to Buenos Aires for a stay,
and then to Curitiba, where the
Hansclls are making their home
while Mr. Hansen is with the v.i.
department ol agriculture. About
the first of February, Mr. and
Mrs. Gibson will fly to Lima,
Peru, to Mexico City, and then to
San Francisco, and will then drive
Mrs. Gibson was honored at a
luncheon today, when Mrs. Robert
M. Fitzmaurice entertained at her
home. Places were set for about
16 friends of the honorcc,
Hospital Auxiliary
Plans New Season
First meeting of the fall for Sa
lem General hospital auxiliary was
Tuesday morning. Anthony G.
Branson, administrator at the hos
pital, reported on the new equip
ment, and remodeling of the kit
chen which has been the project
of the auxiliary.
Plans were discussed for the
membership drive. Mrs. Joseph
Solomon is chairman for the event.
The annual tea Is planned for No
vember, nt the home of Mrs. Brad
ley Burkland, with Mrs. Joseph M.
Dcvers and Mrs. Robert Cannon
Coffee Honors
Wives of Candidates
WOODBURN (Special) Mrs.
Tom Higginbolham was hostess
at a coffee Saturday morning at
her home honoring Mrs. Wayne
L. Worse of Eugene, Mrs. Jason
Lee and Mrs. Robert Y. Thorn
ton of Salem and Mrs. Robert
D. Holmes of Astoria.
In the receiving line were Mrs.
A. G. Cowan, Mrs. R. L. Ander
son, Mrs. Frank Covey and Mrs.
James B. Gay. Mrs. T. K. San.
dcrson presided at the attractive
coffee table, and assisting about
the room were Mrs. W. J. Mur-
pny, airs. Marion venncr ot mm-
hard and Mrs. Gay,
Other guests present wore Mrs
Elmer O. Berg, Mrs. S. W. Horn,
Mrs. Marshall Swcaringen, Miss
Hazel IngalLs, nil of Salem; Mrs.
John Way, Portland; Mrs. Mar
lon Z.ehner and Mrs. Boyd Brown,
Hubbard; Mrs. Clara A. Marker,
Mrs. Robert Wellman, Mrs. E. C.
Peyton, Mrs. Russell Blevans.
Mrs. W. R, Walter, Mrs. Edward
Murphy, Mrs. Robert Barrett,
Mrs. Max Warring, Mrs., Roy
Adamson, Mrs. Lena Nehl, ' Mrs.
William Richardson, Mrs. Archie
Axtcll, Mrs, John Dickson, Mrs.
W. W. Sporalsky and Mrs. Peter
Zastoupil, all of Woodburn,
Birthday Event
SILVERTON (Special) - Mrs.
Sarah Gay of Woodburn was enter
tained at the Silverton home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Gay, Sunday on the oc
casion of her 94th birthday anni
versary. Mrs. Gay was born In Missouri
and has been a resident of Oregon
ror 92 years.
Members of her Immediate fam
ily attending the no-host dinner and
social program of the day, were
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gay of Silver
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gay of
Woodburn; Mrs. Mary Callahan
and Ernest Gay of Eugene: Mrs.
Russell Curtis and three children
of Boise, Idaho; and Mrs. Virtue
Spicer and Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Rattcry and daughter, Sharon, of
Other members of the group
nro Sue McMillan, Linda Fulps,
Sue Scarborough, Catherine
Schaack. Edylh Willard, and
Marsha Rarbour.
All Types of Bifocals
line-free Bifocals
Continuous Vision lenses
Prescription Sun Glasses
Safety Glasses
lileil in Fashion Frames, Both Imported and Domestic
J. R. Kolb, Dispensing Optician
On Duty at All Tiuet for Repairs and Replacements
New Office Hours:
Monday and Friday Evenings
and Saturdays 'til 5 p.m.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schafer, above, will be hon
ored on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary, with a
reception Sunday in Silverton. (McEwan's Studio picture, Silver-
tqnl ,
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schafer will
be honored at a reception on the
occasion of their 50th wedding an
niversary, Sunday, at the Calvary
Lutheran church on Jersey street
Silverton. Hours of the affair will
be 2 to 3 p.m.
Hosts are children of the couple,
Mrs. r.dna liupp. Mr. and Mrs
Nial Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Emidio
DcSantis, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Schafer, Albert Schafer and Mr
and Mr Adolf Schafer.
Relatives and friends are invited
Kjrough the press to attend.
Group Honored
At Bethel Meeting
Escorted 'and honored at the
meeting of bethel No. 35, Job's
Daughters Monday evening .were
Miss Dennise Walker, honored
queen, bethel 34, Independence
Monmouth; Miss Sylvia Graffen
burgcr, senior princess, bethel 34;
Miss Glenda Fisher, junior prin
cess, bethel 34, and grand bethel
honored queen: Clair Holcomb,
bethel grandfather.
The annual bethel candy sale
will begin Saturday, October 6,
with Miss Darlcne Johnson, gen
eral chairman. Booths will be at
the Erickson markets and at the
The bethel members will go to
Turner on Wednesday, October 10,
to exemplify the work for the
Turner chapter, Order of Eastern
Mrs. Cliff Bellinger of Ains-
worth lodge, No. 201, has donated
cut flowers to the bethel for the
flower sole. Miss Martha Creigh
ton is chairman, and has hecn
assisted by Misses Sandra Van-
Lydegraph and Jnn Pease. Pro-
cecds from the flower sale will,
go to the fund for the chartered
bus for the beach trip.
Honored queen. Miss Dennise
Walker, of bethel 34, presented
honored queen, Miss Lamona Col
lins, with the traveling queen's
tiara. Miss Collins will keep it for
two weeks, wearing it to all visi
tations, and then will present it
to the honored queen of another
Celebrating birthdays were
Mjsscs Sharon Truax, Marcia
Chase, Sherri Shipley and Bar
bara Wheathcrby. The next meet
ing will be October 15. at the
Scottish Rite temple.
Guild Meets ' j
DALLAS (Special) Among or
ganizations meeting recently was
the Women's guild of St. Thomas
Episcopal church. Mrs. M. R. Scha-
dewitz was hostess for the evening.
Mrs. Gaye Edwards conducted
the business meeting. Plans arc
being made for a rummage sale in
October and a pre-Christmas festi
val In early December. Mrs Gene
1 la islet is the general chairman for
Ihc festival. The Rev. Mr. Schade
witz led a discussion by the group '
on the question "What is Man?"
A series of programs on parish life
is planned for October. Mrs. Ida
Smith was welcomed as a new
Officers for the' year are Mrs.
Edwards, Mrs. Richard Root, vice
president, and Mrs. Frank Sciac
cotti, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. A. B. Starbuck will be hos
tess to the guild for the October 15
meeting at the parish hall.
3 6506
1194 Center
Announced ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Holland of
Eugene, formerly of Salem, have
announced the engagement and
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Miss Verlee Maureen
Holland, to Herbert Louis Arn
hold; Jr., son of Mr. and Airs.
Herbert Louis Arnhold, Sr., of
Wallace, Idaho.
The wedding Is planned for
Saturday, October 13, at St. Jos
eph's Catholic church at 10 a.m.
Miss Holland is a graduate of
South Salem High school, and
Mr. Arnhold is a graduate of
bacred Heart academy.
Hostess to Club
LIBERTY (SoeciaD Mrs. Wil
liam Lusthoff will entertain the
Liberty Woman's club on Thurs
day, for their get-acquainted tea
at her home on Liberty Road.
The hours will be from 1 to
4 pirn., and all of the women in
the Liberty community are in
vited. Delegates will be appointed for
the Marion County Federation of
Women's clubs meeting to be in
October. ' i
Hostesses for the affair are the
officers, Mrs. William Lusthoff,
president, Mrs. Nina Browning,
vice - president, Mrs. Florence
Toler, secretary - treasurer, and
Mrs. Adeline Free, assisting.
MOLAIXA (Special) St. Wil
liams Altar society will meet next
Tuesday. October 9, in the Parish
hall of the church. There will be
a talk on the Rosary by Mrs
J. W. Moore and Mrs. Burt
Scarl. The meeting will open at
8 p.m. Refreshments will be
,:F f;. VHP
LADIES-Plan to Attend the Fashion Show Monday Evening, October 8. from 7:00 to 8:30
P. M. Relax to Organ Music by Mrs. Friesen. Remember, the Place is the 3rd Floor Mont
gomery Wards-Salem.
Announcement Is being made of
the engagement of Miss Mildred
Veer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Veer, to Wayne Williamson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wil
liamson. The couple are both graduates of
Salem college and Academy. Miss
Veer is employed by the state, in
the social security department.
Mr. Williamson is employed by
Hogg Brothers.
A June wedding Is planned.
Sorority Council
Names Committees
Salem City council of Epsllon
Sigma Alpha sorority met Monday
night at Mrs. George Steinmann's
home. Plans rere made for the
Northwest District council meeting
October 21 at Randall s Chuck
Committees for the year's ac
tivities were named as follows:
Philanthropic. Mrs. Wallace Turn-
idge; Mrs. Walter A. Martin and
Miss Billie Miller; secial commit
tee, Mrs. George Steinmann, Mrs.
Kenneth Oliver and Mrs. A. G.
Dickinson; convention, Mrs. Rob
ert Sandstrom, Mrs. John Erick
sen and Mrs. Deryl Currie.
Friday Event
The Golden Age club will meet
at the YWCA Friday, at 1:30 p.m.
Mrs. Kirby Haskell, president, has
named the following chairmen for
the coming term: Pianist and mu
sic, Hiram Ellis; tables, George
Ditto. Henry Meyers. A. havage
receptionists, Mrs. E. Koble and
Mrs. L. Jones. Hostesses are Mrs.
Emma Peterson and Mrs. Eliza
beth Kent; corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. Carrie Ringo; devo
tions, the Rev. Mr. Empy. Mrs.
Floyd Smith is to be in charge of
the program; Mrs. M. B. Stegncr,
flower and publicity.
For the program, Mrs Floyd
Smith will present a skit. Kitty
Green will give a reading. Re
freshments will be served.
MOLALLA (Special)-Mrs. Mil
dred, Ericks,on and, Durman Love,
Molalla, were married in a quiet
ceremony in the, First . Christian
church in Camas, Wash., at 5
p.m., September. 22. The cere
mony was performed by the Rev.
Rex. -Jones, pastor of. Molalla
Christian church.
Attendants for the couple were
Mrs. Rex Jones of Molalla and
Howard Love of Portland, brother
of the bridegroom.
Mr. Love has entered North
west Christian college in Eugene.
Wards October
Coat Pageant
1 lt-
Chi Omegas
Tea Hostesses
Members of Nu Delta chapter of
Chi Omega sorority gave a lea
Sunday afternoon at their new
home at 425 North 14th to honor
their new chaperone, Mrs. Mary
Langan. Guests were invited to
call between 2 and 4:30 o'clock.
Miss Marilyn Morton, vice presi
dent, greeted guests and asked
them to sign the guest book. Re
ceiving in the living room were
Miss Joan Roberts, social chair
man) Miss Shirley (Binder,- chap
ter president; Mrs. Mary Langan,
the housemother; Mrs. Jackson
Hazclett. alumnae representative
The tea table was -in the dining
room and a pink floral centerpiece
was placed on a white damask
cloth. At the coffee service were
Dr. Helen Pearce, honorary alum
na: and Mrs. Logan C. Berry,
alumnae president. Pouring at the
punch bowl was Mrs. Hope Ed
wards, president of the Mothers
Guests were shown the Chapter's
new home in a tour which included
the beau parlor, study rooms,
sleeping porch, and outside bar
becue. More than 300 friends of
the chapter called.
Salem actives assisting were:
Misses Priscilla Payne, Michelle
and Patricia Edwards, Lo Anne
Mundinger, Sandra McCabe, and
Shirley McCauley.
FROM Roseburg comes news of
the birth of a son, .Wayne Rich
ard, on October 1 to Mr. and' Mrs.
Richard Singer, formerly of Sa
lem. The grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Rolland A. Lanham and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Singer, all of
Feted on Birthday
hart was honored at a traditional
birthday celebration Sunday on his
90th birthday anniversary, when a
family reunion was given at the
home of his son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Albin J. Butsch.
A birthday dinner was served
at noon. Centering the table was a
large birthday cake decorated with
flowers and the numerals "90."
Covers were placed for the hon
ored guest, Anton Engelhart, and
Mrs. Engelhart, their two sons-in-law
and daughters, Mr. and Mrs.
Albin J. Butsch and Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence A. Zeis, and. their grand
children and great-grandchildren,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald-Butsch and
children Jill and Jack of Newport,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zeis and
Miss Diane Zeis. Unable to be pre
sent was their other daughter ' and
her family, Mrs. Bert Busch (Ann
Engelhart) of WatsonVille, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Engelhart cele
brated their 60th wedding anniver
sary in February.
season's biggest selection
preferred fabrics, colors
proved best sellers
24.98 '
Score a fashion triumph wearing these most-wanted coatsl
Here ore the coats that are making headlines, the coats
you've demanded. They've the important polished look that!
puts you in the height of fashion. Choose yours in top
favorite burton, clutch or cardigan styles; choose club or
wing collars. The colors are Fall-perfect too..s
gray, black, beige. Hurry in I Sizes 8-18.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, October 3, 1956
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Collins
are announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Norma Mae
Collins, Salem, to Harold F. Hoi
W .ir son of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Holley, Sr., of Pendleton.
No date is set lor tne weaaing.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
North Salem High school, and
Modern Beauty college. She is now
employed at Erich of New York.
Mr. Holley is a graduate of Pen
dleton Hieh school, and attended
Oregon State college.
Two Report on
Girls State Event
At the recent meeting of Salem
unit, No. 136, American Legion
auxiliary, Misses Jackie LaDue
and Geraldine Wellajid, Girls State
delegates, reported on Girls State
on the Willamette university cam
pus last June.
Mrs. E. J. Simkins reported on
the open house given recently at
the Legion hall.
Special guests attending tnc
meeting were Mrs. Clarence
Grund, department president; Mrs.
Anson Ingels, vice president: Mrs.
Nota Francis, secretary; Mrs. D.
C. Dunn, national child welfare
chairman; Mrs. Eda Zollezo, Port
land hospital representative; Mrs.
Simkins, department Americanism
chairman. Guests were Command-,
er Joe Marcroft, Jr., and L. Mel
roy. The next meeting of the sewing
group will be October 9, at the
home of Mrs. Carlton Roth. Those
attending are to bring a sack
The board will meet at the home
of Mrs. James Delaney, October
4, and the Charm school will start
October 9. Marion county council
will meet October 12, at Idanha.
Junior auxiliary will meet October
13, at the home of Mrs. Robert
' Commander Joe Marcroft pre
sented a check to the auxiliary for
help with the booth at the State
Hostesses were Mrs. Dow Lov
ell, Mrs. E. J. Simkins, Mrs. Dar
rel Woodward, Mrs. Len C. Davis
and Mrs. Reginald Reese, all mem
bers of the Girls State committee.
A GROUP of members of Salem
Army and Navy league were in
Portland, Monday for the annual
membership tea of the Portland
Mrs.' Wallace S. Wharlon, presi
dent of the Salem league, poured.
Others going from here were Mrs.
Willis E. Vincent, Mrs. Bruce Van
Wyngarden, Mrs. Chester Fritz,
Mrs. Ernest L. Freeman, Mrs.
Carl Cover.
Guild Conducting
Sale at Store
A big project for members of St.
Anne's guild of St. Paul's Episco
pal church is the sale being con
ducted by the group at the Better
Bedding store through the rest of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt, pro
prietors, who have been conduct
ing their going-out-of-business sale
for some time (after being in busi
ness here 23 years) donated a
large amount of merchandise left
at the store for the guild to sell.
The guild members started the
sale this morning and it will con
tinue through the week.
On the final two days, Friday
and Saturday, the guild will also
sell some rummage in one part of
the store.
Mrs. Paul A. Lardon and Mrs.
William H. Burghardt are in
charge of the sale.
. . .
Dallas Garden Club
Meets Past Week
DALLAS (Special) At the Sep
tember meeting of the Dallas Gar
den club, Mrs, R. R. Livesay spoke
on "Daily Living With Herbs." She
told of the various herbs and their
Mrs. R. G. LeFors, president,- '
was in charge of the business ses
sion, and Mrs. Cecil Meeker and
Mrs. Collas Marstcrs gave reports
on the club's booth at the Polk
county fair, which received second
prize. Mrs. Pearl Hughes and Mrs.
Bert Campbell told of their visits
to the Lebanon Garden club's herb
Appointed on a committee to de
corate rooms for a teacher's recep
tion at the high school, given by
members of the Dallas school
board, October 10, were Mrs. Le
Fors, Mrs. Meeker, Mrs. Marster,
Mrs. Leland Cook and Mrs. Live
say. ,
It was announced that a flower
container had been presented to the
board of the First Methodist
church in appreciation for the use
of the basement rooms for the
club's spring flower show.
Mrs. Homer Bevens gave a talk
on roadside materials to be collect
ed for winter bouquets. A short re
port was given on the history of the
aster, the flower of the month. Mrs.
Robert Hortoq and Miss E 1 v a
Boone were welcomed as new
members and Mrs. J. A. Hoover
was a guest of the afternoon.
The tea table was covered with a
cutwork cloth from Germany be
longing to Mrs. C. E. Jepsen and
was centered with an arrangement
of China asters and carnations in
shades of pink with pink tapers in
crystal candlesticks. Hostesses
were Mrs. Jepsen, Mrs. Claude
Lewis, and Mrs. H. J. Eastman.