Page 12 Section l TtfE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Tv'ecinesday, October 3, 1956 Austria Sets ; Up Hot Spot For Mikoyan -VIENNA WV- Austrian govern riicnt leaders are bracing for a visit this month from one of the Kremlin's shrewdest operators First Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan. - His prospective visit is the re sult of one of those casual invita tions extended in Moscow at ban quets or cocktail parties. An Austrian government delega tion was in Moscow 18 months ago to negotiate Soviet agreement to the long-delayed Austrian freedom treaty. They thanked the Russians for their hospitality and casually extended invitations right and left: "Come and visit us some time, too." Then th- Austrians, happily rid of occupation armies at last, for ' got about this. But not so the Rus sians. In September the Soviet ambassador in Vienna called at the chancellery and remarked that Mikoyan was ready to visit Vienna. Now they are trying to cook up s welcome that will put Mikoyan on the spot. Officials would like to tell Miko yan: Look, you Russian.) were the last to agree to giving us freedom. The Americans gave us millions of dollars worth of food and other aid and are still helping us. But to the Russians we had to pay a ransom to get our freedom and are still paying., How about cut ting the bill? .. To get their freedom, the Aus trians had to sign up to deliver (o the Russians 160 million dollars over six years. This was to be in exchange for the return of so ..nlloH "German assets" which the . Russians had seized here. In addi tion the Austrians agreed to de liver to Russia one million tons of oil each year for 10 years. Fair Weather In Northeast '. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' : Showers ended and skies '-cleared in most of the Northeast today and fairly pleasant autumn weather was indicated for the opening game. of the World Scries In Brooklyn. . Warm and clear weather also was the outlook for most of the southern part of the country. Showers were general; along the Gulf Coast and through the lower Mississippi Valley Into Tennessee vescrdav. Heaviest falls were un der ono inch at New Orleans and Jackson. Miss. . . Showers were reported during the night- from -i southern Utah southwestward into Southern Cali fornia. Rain was in prospect for the far Northwest as a new storm nearcd the coustllne. Temperatures wore 10 to 15 de grees higher than 24 hours earlier in most ot the northeast this morning, although there were come exceptions. Philadelphia's 62 was 12 degrees lower than yester day while Syracuse, N.Y., with 55, was 14 degrees above the reading 24 hours earlier. Haven School ; Parents Elect Mrs. John Ramage has been named president of the newly formed Parents club at Haven School for the Retarded. Other new officers include H. H. Nelson, vice-president, Mrs. Everett Acrce, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Kirt Dye, ways and means chairman; Mrs. Undficld Buran, hospitality chairman of Mrs. Ewin . H. Lindsey, publicity chairman. Meetings are to be held the fourth Thursday of each month. Russians Now Permitted to ; Change Jobs MOSCOW Ifl Workers in the Soviet union may now change men juus, or qim, on two weeks notice but this freedom of action aocs not extend to members of tnc Lommunlst party. Party Life, monthly theoretical organ of the parly's Central Com- mittce, spelled out the distinction in its "letters to the editor" de partment. The Soviet government earlier this year removed wartime lahor restrictions forbidding a worker to cnange jobs without express ap proval of his employer. Apparently there has been some question as to how this affects communist parly mcmhers. A Afonin, secretary ot the parly organization of the Losogorski machine tractor station in Lenin grad, asked Party Life if the Communist party has the author ity to force a parly member to stay on the job against his will. "A Communist ran move from one Job to another only with the consent of the party organization concerned," the editors replied. "Any violation of this regulation Is considered a rude violation of party discipline. Youth Bags Buck MOLALLA (Special) Sixteen- year-old Gary Wise was one of the first to bring In a buck. He ar rived back in Molalla at 9 a m Saturday with his four point buck that he had shot on the old East em It Western holdings. The buck weighed about 200 pounds and was taken to Molalla Lockers. Last year Gary's tagged buck was stol en in the same area, but this time Gary had better luck. He is the ion of Mr. and Mrs. George Wise !'T MIS mis ensationa SALE ' BUT1- a 1 w-".!! ' .w fit" svh ' 'f 1 ' V v1? r V. ' 5 ry, lyl WHY PAY MORE! WHY TAKE LESS! i The World's Largest, Most Complete Selection of Famous Harmony House Carpets and Linoleums Now on Sale ... Ml Vv-Vs W TO V2I Phone 3-9191 for professional home service absolutely freel YOU SAVE 3-WAYSAT SEARS! SAVE 50 on .Installation SAVE 30 on Cushion SAVE 28 on Carpet SAVE 162.67 on the avenge 12x1 6-ft. Living-Room and a 9xl2-ft. Dining Room completely Installed over Heavy Waffled Face Rug Cushion by expert craftsmen ,' 0 1 033 for only : 1- Complete PAY ONLY $22 DOWN BALANCE 4.00 WEEK ON SEARS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN mm ir YOU SAVE 3-WAYS AT SEARS! SAVE 50 on Installation SAVE 30 on Cushion SAVE 30 on Carpet SAVE 136.00 on the Average 12x1 6-ft. Living Room and a 9xl2-ft. Dining Room Wall-to-Wall completely installed by ex perts over Heavy Waffled-face . . AVAOO Cushioning for only Complete PAY ONLY $28 DOWN-BALANCE 4.50 WEEK ON SEARS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN 'T . YOU SAVE 3-WAYS AT SEARS! SAVE 50 on Installation SAVE 30 on Cushion SAVE 24 on Carpet SAVE 121.00 on the average 12-1 6-ft. Living Room and a 9xl2-ft. Dining Room completely Instilled over Heavy Waffled face Rug Cushion by rug experts HO 34 for only WIA Complete PAY ONLY S3 1 DOWN BALANCE 5.00 WEEK ON SEARS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN TUFTED CARPETS DEEP PLUSH PILE-TIGHTLY TWISTED LOOP Regularly Priced to 9.45 Installed Complete YOUR CHOICE ONE LOW PRICE! including installation and 40-oz. padding Brown ( Green Tweed Mint Green Pluih Charcoal I Aqua Tweed Spif Beige Pluth Charcoal I Gray Tweed . ,mh ,,, Pulh Beigo A Roio Tweed Dawn Gray Plua 9 or 1J Ft. Widlhl Square " Yard installed over 40-oz. pad wall to wall CHECK THESE ROOM SIZES FOR SAVINGS-MANY OTHER SIZES ALSO .17P REG. SALE YOU MONTHLY PRICE PRICE ,- SAVE PAYMENT ! , . . 9 x 12 FT. 103.50 75.54 27.96 7.00 9 x 15 FT. 128.10 93.15 , 34.95 9.00 12 x 15 FT. 170.40 123.80 46.60 10 00 12 x 16 FT. 11.35 131.52 49.83 li 12 x 18 FT. 203.20 147.28 55.92 n oo - LUXURIOUS NEEDLEPOINT WILTONS FRIEZES AND LOOPS Regularly Priced to 12.45 Installed Complete YOUR CHOICE ONE LOW PRICE! including installation and 40-oz. padding Choose from 9 to 12 ft. widths in beige, gray, green or nutria in Moreque yarns. mi Square Yard installed over 40-oz. pad wall to wall HERE'S WHAT YOU SAVE ON FACTORY FINISHED ROOM SIZES! MANY OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE WITH SAME SAVING! REG. SALE YOU MONTHLY SIZE PRICE . PRICE SAVE PAYMENT 9 x 15 FT. 17310 123.15 49.95 10 00 9 x 18 FT. 206.70 146.76 59.94 , 11.00 12x x!5 FT. 230.40 163.80 66.60 12.00 12 X 18 FT. 275.20 195.28 79.92 . 14 00 Fine' Quality 100 All Wool Deep Pile BR0ADL00M CARPETING Regularly Priced to 13.00 Installed Complete YOUR CHOICE ONE LOW PRICE! Including installation and 40-oz. padding 11 Pattern! 9x12 Ft. Widlhi Texturtl Tweedt Scrotli in Gray Beige Nutria or Green Over 54,000 lulu Sq Yd 0 37 Square Yard installed over 40-oz. pad wall to wall Check These Room Sizes for Savings-Many Other Sizes Also sue REG. SALE- ' YOU MONTHLY PRICE PRICE SAVE PAYMENT 9x13 FT. 157.85 ' 120.41 ' 37.44 10.00 9 x 15 FT. 181.35 138.15 43.20 11.00 12 x 16 FT. '257.07 195.63 61.44 14.00 12 x 18 FT. 288.40 219.28 69.12 15.00 &aafcy( 550 N.CAPITOL PHONE 3-9191 w.r J. I