Page 2 Section 1 THE CABrpH. .T-HRNAL Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, September 25, 1956 AF Transport Crash Kills 12 On Colo.Peak Rescue Team Must Climb Vertically To Wreckage BUENA VISTA, Colo.- Ifl All 12 persons aboard an Air Force Cn were killed yesterday when t le twin-engine craft plunged into the sheer northwest edge of 14,172 foot Mt. Yale. A Joint army-air force team equipped with mules started an ircent In the 11-500-foot level to return the bodies. . i Among the victims, who includ ed both civilians and military personnel, was a red-haired. Wo men's Army Corps enlisted wo man. The bodies were t o u n d strewn in and around the fire c.iarrcd wreckage by a seven- man team which rode and climbed for five hours to reach the scene. Names of the dead were with held by the Air Force pending notification of kin. The plane was attached lo the Continental Air Defense Com mand at Colorado Springs, Colo. A spokesman there said It left about 9:30 a.m. MST) Monday on a flight to Hamilton Air Force Base, near San Francisco. I ENDS TONIGHTI iifiir tit? ACT HE" HOLLOW MOUNTAIN" and "THE CREATURE WALKS AMONG US" STARTS WEDNESDAYI WlHi Hoi Jnp Hull Tim: Howard Jan Greer PLUS Wayne Morris In "THE DYNAMITERS" ENDS TONIOHTI "MOBY DICK" , ' and "AMAZON TRADER" STARTS WEDNESDAYI POWER L (flf Kim NOVAK Fyi i nnw LDUGHINi Y TKCMNICOLC ALSO I A Colorful Short Subject "MIRACLE OF THE CARIBBEAN" ENDS TONIGHTI "THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH" and "SCARLET HOUR" STARTS WEDNESDAYI ROBERT RYAN fjllf l VIRGINIA MAVO J tMJ JEFFREY I II II 'Tkm mmt LAFF KILLED CO-HIT Watches on the bodies of the victims had stopped at 10:10. Allen Fitzgerald, an employe of me Colorado Helormatory here flew over the crash scene at mid day, and latrr guided the first rescue team to the site. "It was the most gruesome spectacle I've ever seen," he said. "The Impact must have been so great that all their shoes were ripped off." So hazardous is the climb to the crash site Fitzgerald said his team climbed "almost ver tically" for two miles that six mules from Camp Hale, near Leadville, Colo., were brought here to help pack out the bodies. The scene is near the top of the Continental Divide, 12 miles west of Buena Vista. Two inmates of the Colorado Reformatory told authorities they saw the plane ' spin and crash. Smoke rose immediately. Fitzgerald said one of the vic tims apparently tried to para chute to safety. The tattered silk of the 'chute was found fluttering along a craggy slope. WASHINGTON m - The Air Force identified Tuesday three of its members who ere among 12 parsons killed in the crash of military transport plane in Colo rado Monday. The remaining nine dead were civilians or attached to other military services and their names will be made public later. The Air Force dead are: Col. Charles A. Miller, Kemp ner, Texas. WAF M. Sgt. Helen M. Schuy ler, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth B. Schylcr, East Brentwood, N.Y. Staff Sgt. William E. McKon- zle, Jr., Oakland, Calif, Where 12 Persons Died 3 Bandits Loot Vancouver, BC, Bank of $8,000 Suspects Arrested 3 Hours Later; Wife Of One Held VANCOUVER, B.C. Ml - Three bandits wearing black masks held 13 persons at bay while thev scooped up ID.000 cash from an fcast End bank here Monday afternoon. Less than three hours later, city police said, they captured three young Vancouver men and recov ered $8,000 In a rooming house a few blocks from the bank, a branch of the Royal Bank of Can ada. ' A woman, said to be the wife of one of the suspects, was ar rested subsequently. ihe holdup, fourth in 10 years at the bank, was carried out with precision In about one minute, witnesses said. The first of the four robberies, in February 1947, was followed by a running gun battle in which two city police constables and one bandit were killed. The trio, arrested about 5:30 p.m., will be charged wilh armed robbery, Del. Sgt. Laurie McCul loch said. They were captured without resistance. A fourth man, said to have driv en one of the getaway cars, was sought. The bandits' flight from the bank was punctuated by one warning pistol shot which splin tered n wooden bank counter and injured no one. iTd i 0 BUENA VISTA, Colo. Only flre-blackencd bits of wreckage remain in this aerial shot of a crashed Air Force C47 transport plane which shattered against 14, 172-foot Mt. Yale yesterday. A ground party, climbing nearly straight up, found a wing, the tall section and one engine were (he only large pieces of the ship left. The dead Included a red haired WAC. The plane, from the Continental Air Defense Command at Colorado Springs, was en route to Hamilton Air Force Base near San Francisco. AP Wlrepholo) Nixon Slowed Down By Flu, Laryngitis Speech Cancelled In Oklahoma City Cyprus Rebels Bomb British Army Vehicle NICOSIA, Cyprus W Rebels blew up a Brilish army vehicle currying a mobile patrol Tues day, killing one soldier and seri ously wounding three olhers. Three more members of Ihe patrol, operating on a desolate . highway in the mounlainous conn-1 try of western Cyprus, sustained minor injuries. The death was the third of a ! British serviceman in the past throe dnys and the 46th since KOKA, the Creek Cyprint under ground, launched in bomb-and-gun campaign in months ago. A military spokesman said the explosion was believed to be a bomb eli'clrically detonated by an operator some distance away, i Members uf EOKA, the (ireek Cypriot underground, have been using a new technique of setting off bombs by remote conlrol rath er than the use of time bombs or quick action bombs that are tossed. By- WILLIAM F. ARBOGAST SALT LAKE CITY Uft-A hoarse- voiced Richard M. Nixon carried his campaign to the Democratic Southwest Tuesday after a part ing blast at Adlai Stevenson. But influenza and laryngitis which slowed down the vice-pres ident here last night forced him lo cancel a scheduled speech set for Oklahoma City Tuesday after noon. Instead he will make only a brief appearance in Oklahoma Cily. However, he will deliver a scheduled speech in Houston Wed nesday night. He was slowed down by what his physician diagnosed as influ enza and laryngitis probubly due to fatigue from daily spoeches In 12 states in the past week, plus extreme changes in temperature and exposure from riding in open convertibles In motorcades. Dr. Malcolm C. Todd, Long Beach, Calif., physician assigned to Nixon's airborne campaign, said the vice president should be in bed. v The .doclor, at a news confer ence, said he advised Nixon not to speak in Salt Lake Cily last night, but Nixon insisted on going through with his commitment. "If he were a private patient, I would order him to bed for one or two days, but Mr. Nixon is in sistent on carrying out his job," Dr. Todd said. The Republican vice president hoped to woo some Democrats to the Eisenhower cause in speeches at noon in Oklnhoma City and in Houston, Tex., tonight, in line wilh his professed belief that the GOP needs the aid of independents and "switching" Democrats if it is to win in November. Because he will be operating In heavily Democratic areas, Nixon planned to conduct a "construc tive'' campaign in his initial visit to the Southwest. The "peace, prosperity and progress" he claims have marked the four years of Republican administra tion will be his theme. But he let fly at Stevenson, Democratic presidential nominee, in friendly Salt Lake City last night, where he spoke to a capa city indoor crowd. It has become apparent, he said, that all ftevenson has to "offer to the American people is a car bon copy of the same type of polit ical demagoguery which charact erized the Truman Fair Deal." He accused the Democratic standard-bearer of carrying on "what' now appears to be a cal culated campaign to divide Amer icans on a class basis and to set one group in "the population against another," The Eisenhower administration, he said, has applied only one yardstick to every problem: "What policy is in the best inter ests of a majority of the 167 mil lion people in the country?" ' Our deeds have matched our words," he added. Woodburn Drive-In Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Open 6:45 Show 7:15 "DADDY LONG IEGS" Fred Astaire Plus "HOUSE OF BAMBOO" Richard Ryan I IHHilH HELD OVER AGAIN! OPEN 6:45 3rd Smash Week! J. Bina Grace Front: CR OSBY KELLY -S IN ATR A M-G-M Presents A SOL C. SIEGEL Production Celeste HOLM John LUND , Louis ARMSTRONG ,nBiNT Si COLE PORTER (P&JsO Battle of Gettysburg Historical Masterpiece J DALLAS MOTOR-VU Gates Open 6:45, Show t 7:00 KNIIS TOMtillT "MARTY" "MAN-WITH A GUN" STARTS TOMORROW Jeff Chandler, Anne Kilter In "THE SPOILERS" Technicolor SECOND FFATUMt Richard F.gan, RIU Moreno In "JfYIH CITIES OF 60LD" Cinemascope Delayed GRAND OPENING FIRESIDE A & W DRIVE-IN 12th & Stat, i headquarter for treats snacks-picnics stressing fast SERVICE low PRICES and featuring FREE A & W ROOT BEER From 1 to 6 September 26th For a Special treat or a mid-day snack Judge Voids $12 Million Inheritance S ... ..ii.... i,,d bv Mrs. New-! to diversify investments ' of tru CHICAGO W-Mrs. Mollie Net-1 Netcher Chagnon, Mrs. Bragno s rher Rrapnn M-vear-nld heiress aunt and only survivor ol tour named sole beneficiary to her children of the Boston store found- grandmother's 12 million dollar department store fortune, is not entitled to the full inheritance, Superior Court judge ruled yester day. The estate of her grandmother Mrs. Mollie Netcher Newbury was ordered placed back into the es tate of Mrs. Newbury's first hus band Charles Netcher, founder of the defunct Boston store. Superior Judge George M. Fish er s ruling upheld a report by a master in chancery recommend ing a $16,728,742 judgment against Mrs, Bragno in a suit filed in 1950 ' by other relatives of Mrs. Newbury. In effect, the court ordered the assets of the Newbury estate to the principal trust set up under Netcher's will. Netcher died in 1905 and Mrs. Newbury died in 1954 at the age of 87, Mrs. Bragno, whose attorney said he will appeal Judge Fisher's decision, Is one of the beneficiar ies of the Netcher estate and thus will not lose all the inheritance. Mrs. Bragno, . who -was named executrix of Mrs. Newbury's es tate, is the wife of Edward Brag no, 45-year-old wine merchant. They have no children. The suit filed in 1950 was by two other -Netcher heirs, Mrs. Francice. Netcher Bushkin, Mrs. Bragno's sister, and Mrs. Ethel I Mrs. Bushkin and Mrs. Bragno are the only children of Charles Netcher Jr., who died in 1931. The suit charged that trusts es tablished in the Netcher will had Scorn Urged By Soapy for Poor Drivers DETROIT m Gov. G. Mennen Williams says "we've got to make the bad driver unfashionable and scorned by his friends." ' "He's a potential killer,'r Wil liams said, "and we've got to change him. More police enforce ment and even higher and higher numbers of license suspensions will never really win this battle for us. , "We've got to catch people in their minds and in their driving habits before they ever get to the point that the police have to flag them down." The Governor made his re marks at a convention of Michi gan wine, and beer wholesalers. been mismanaged by Mrs. New- burv, who was trustee oi w es tate" from the time of his death until 1923. Judge Fisher, in upholding the Master in chancery report, said Mrs. Newbury failed for 19 years to set up separate trusts for each of the four children of her hus band and deposit annually in each a prescribed portion of the earn ings of the principal trust as her husband's will irequire'd. Fisher also said Mrs. Newbury ignored or disobeyed instructions in her husband's will in connec tion with the sale or discontinu ance of the department store. He said Mrs. Nerbury should have sold the store in 1923,-when 19 million dollars could have been obtained for it. She sold it in 1946 for six million dollars. isher said Mrs. Newbury failed assets and encumbered assets of the principal trusts in 1923 to such an extent that no dividends or oarninpc pnnlrl rpnsnnahlv he px peeled to be paid to the separate trusts for many years. Walter H. Moses, attorney for Mrs. Bragno, told newsmen that the principal of the Netcher estate has remained intact and will not be divided until the death of Mrs, Chagnon, who is in her 50s and lives in Rome. Two sons of Charles Netcher Sr, died in recent years and their widows have an interest in the court proceedings. They are Ros zika Dolly Netcher, one of the and widow of Irving Netcherr who died in 1953, and Mrs. Harriet Netcher, widow of Townsend Netcher, who died in 1955. An African safari group of nine "tourist explorers" requires a staff of 25 experts to accom pany them. UHDIRNIW MANAGEMENT LOUIS FISH GROTTO SEA FOOD AS YOU LIKE IT fish you I of Here Today Slept Last Night in Tillamook Bay BREAKFAST IUNCH DINNER Open 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. 3715 S. Commercial Closed Mondays f 'mj tjr ii t y -M & Small i WI r Hold Any Article aa Untl1 Wan,ed- i m ; IS -"nit mech.' model $ AQQ . comes with working 'flJQ n-mvnm0 headlights. Grandest m - aiftofall. Cm Floots 15c t 25e Frosted shakes ),.. , 25c Hamburger 30c Burger basket 45c Hot dogs , 20e Other Drinks & Tasty Snacki STILL ONLY Sc Open 10 A.M.-12 P.M. Monday thru Sat, for 10 ox, mug Sundays 2 P.M. -10 P.M. Chili-Dog 25c Prawns & chips 50c Krinkle Kut fries 20c Fish & chips 40c Chili Beans 20c to 35c 12th It Stote LOOK FOR ORANGt BUILDING OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 I Steel Freight Train Sets 4-unit mech, model J headlights. Grandest gift of all. Like-Real Telephone Truck Give Him a Steam Shovel 1 2 Vi" long all metal (Agg Thii one is 21" . that can lake plenty M' of rough wheeling. Cm An ideal Xmas gift. it's made of heavy steel. Come select one for him today. f $098 Doll Bed A real baby's style. Pastel shades Rounded edges and corners, I00 Hobby Construction Kits Here's a good Idea f4kfc far a nift Ihnl it Ull' marvelous on rainy IIV days. Come see. VV Arcade Shooting Galleries At much fun oi be- $V 49 my I lym in un uiuuie- mtnt park. Has met- A al baie. it 18-inch Racker Dump Truck .It's all-steel. It work! ttf98 Come in select his .today. Excellent buy. !3' 98 Grade Crossing Signalmen Watchman with slop 1 tionnl nnt in A ni,l 'S gale lowers. Metal with plastic. Wirei. 3 Red and White Velocipedes Designed with b 10 inch wheel. Proper size for a tot who it just beginning. $C98 Cecil Welvtrten, Preti. Tots' Portable Phonographs Electric motor, uivuiit repro ducer. Leatherette covered wood case. V 11 98 Wep Tinkertor Sets 78 pieces. Offers $4 Bright red slicks, na tural wood lurnings, A MUST. 1 00 Action Hobby Horse Asst. Your choice of red or SsfJ AA blue. Always it a tot'i UU favor ile choote to- I day 32" long. B Electric Freight Trains 5-unit model con'S4QQ strutted of steel UvO comes wilh locomo live end cart. 17-inch Long Road Graders They're of tlurdy, J 1 lasnng sieei. tou can't go wrong, So choote his early. !298 Metal Table and Chair Set Attn .""""Jutra'HH HChritlmat. The set it extra sturdy. - I Handsome Doll Carriages Styled with sturdy t rubber cloth. 8x4 Vi 6 inches long. A really nice gift. 35-Pc. Aluminum Tea Sets 98 Gleaming and lovely v.nriiirna gin, an 11 play and enioy it for a long Mmt. t ts--weS,iry')8 Red & Black Electric Iron 40ft Any little girl is lure J wv 10 love one of thete lllf 1 just like mom's. WW Handy Andy Tool Sets Metal box contains t .L; j j. , vvvryrning aaa I loot kit has from hammer lo wrench. Any little girl is sure lo love one of thete jutt like mom's. U.L. approved. Plush 9" High Honey Bears The cuddly kind lot, ,4 A A win a child's love and 1UV be his tpecial to-bed I eamoanion. B I f . i f "Sun 33" Basketball Sets Botkelball and 18" $1 "The Big Four" Game Set Includes popular -ninese necxers, India ring toss and 7 Peg Games. 98' steel goal potl in set. Right for any boy's backyard. '3 98 Jack Dempsey Autographed cverlatt boxing ef(t glovet. Made of Ev- "lJo erniae piatnc. ooys m agit 10 to 14. mm J. J. NEWBERRY CO. 241 N, LIBERTY ST.