-! em fin we: wit hai I to syr r bio L S ;i riv Tu per shi sai K Page 6 Section 2 Teeners Fined For Disorders HERMISTON, Ore. W Four Richland, Wash., teen-agers were lined in municipal court here Mon day on charges that followed a near riot Friday night. A fifth was free on bond. The trouble started when a dance following the Richland Hermiston high school football game was halted by James B. Ellingson, high school principal. He said the dancing and smoking got out of hand. About then two boys were ar rested, one for driving recklessly, and one for possessing beer. A crowd of some hundred youngsters milled around the city jail and a state police car was damaged. The other arrests then were made. Monday in municipal court, Acting Judge Vera Thompson levied these fines: $25 against John Baxter, 15, and Bryan J. Dam 17, for disorderly conduct; $25 against Richard Michael Chandler, 25, for illegal possession of beer; and $50 against Paul J. Skalicky. 18, for reckless driving. The fifth youth, Charlie Milton Johnson, 18, pleaded innocent to a charge of disorderly conduct and was rc leased on $25 bail. Drivers' Tesls Set MOLALLA (Special) A dri vers' license examiner will be on duty in Molalla Wednesday, Sept 26, in Molalla city hall from 9 HENRY DONALD DUCK ACROSS J. Begin to grow I. Funnel shaped re ceiver it. Gratify 14. Bird 15. Filament 58. Negative 18. Cheerful 19. Close 20. Units of discourse 12. Greek letter 23. Concerning 24. Marks 26. Type meas ure 27. Anesthetic 29. Ahead JO. Sailors 12. Indefinite quantity IJ.Electrifled particle 14. Fleshy fruit 36. Artificial language 38. Thrashes 41. News organ ization: abbr. 42. Sewing implement 45. Navy officer; bbr. 46. Permit 48. Each 49. in place of 50. Open court 52. United 53. Languish 54. Heavy cloth 5G. Bestows 58. Property left at death 69. European evergreen oak DOWN 1. Globe 1 Heavenly body 1 ' i mi n Co' I FOR SALE! HENRViS ; rA ( ' 1 4 LUCKY BASE BALL, BAT H'l f T 1 1 1 m I cunt. r n eai I I -Dnti j roi UWCA DONALD.' V I KNQV..M S BUT 1 'oH,THATB OKA? 6EOKSE...') 1 SET YOUR DUPS ONjl OR IS THIS HAREyP X SISTER TTTrVgXh I WELL.ANyWAX TOAMS ,- ' II J I s STOPPING By AND...) " 1 C ff t i I is i v:ir t u 7i 7rrZ7T'n iTJ 73 s 7?" " 2o t 7T ST 7T 7T ' , tJ ta "" z T 35" j " Tt?" '.jhhtr jfr "n si ljy?:7t &i '73 tz iii " I 1 I 1 Wr I 1 I Lyons Schedules Pre-School Class LYONS (Special) Mrs. Dale Crandall was hostess for the meeting of the pre-school moth' ers at her home recently to or ganize the pre-school for j this year. School will begin on Tuesday, Oct. 2, and will be held for the time being at the Catholic Com' munity hall, until the new build ings are completed at the Man Linn school. The children may ride the school bus the same as last year and the parents are to come for them at 11:45 a.m. Registration is still open and anyone having children to reg ister may contact Mrs. Dale Crandall, Lyons. Classes will be held on each Tuesday and Thurs day from 9 to 11:45 a.m., with rMs. Alice Huber the instructor. Spanish Club Elects MOLALLA (Special) In the local high school, Spanish club members recently c 1 e c ted this year s officers with Dee Ann Shall er as president; Mildred Counts, vice-president; Jackie Coffman, secretary; Joan Babcock, treasur er. Harryette Swervcr was ap pointed chairman of a committee of five to draw up a constitution for the club. Spanish song leaders are Joan Babcock and Mary Lou Eyman, with Jerry Jell as pianist a.m. to 4 p.m., according to an announcement received from the department of motor vehicles of 1 Oregon. By Carl Anderson Walt Ditnf ,-mars...6K, i wont ) I TO THE OANCB TONIGHT.. IM BEAT Solution of Yotttrdiy's Puzzle 3. Designer of the American flag 4. Rowing implement 5. Ourselves 5. General drift 7. Tomboy 8. Word of choice .Hog 10. Staff 11. Snapping beetle . 12. Fortiflca tions 17. Constella tion 20. Cautious 21. Thorough fare: abbr. 24. Article of belief 25. Shop 28. Kind ot meat 31. Babylonian , god 33. Lazily 34. Regal residence 35. Music dramas 36. Marked with irregular furrows 37. Portent 39. Light com plexion 40. Emphuia 43. Pronoun 44. Separate into piecea 47. Portable lodge 49. Steady 51. Humming bird 53. Perfect golf 65. By iLYoasndl A W AflsL 2ME1 AlLlBlAl a I Rile a p silo r e s steJakBte rm i rtEl R2jy LIE D Q E oITmJa ba lCOto pBo y aD IS T ElElR BR E Q U I RE r 1 ' " Hezzj H A r ro o n B A TlO NlE A k 0 ET i c kWd y D n Ay ea c Hg d d kIeIelUlearUre1a Mrs. Pinchot Backs Morse WASHINGTON Vfi Tht widow of a former Republican governor of Pennsylvania urged re-election of Sen. Morse (D-Orc). Mrs. Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, whose husband, Gifford Pinchot, was a leading conservationist of the Theodore Roosevelt era, des cribed Morse as '100 per cent American . . . and the leader in the American fight for conserva tion..." Mrs. Pinchot said in a statement she was "certainly not arrogant enough to presume to tell Ore- gonians how to vote. She added "as an American It seems clear that the country needs morse." Mrs. Pinchot said that Douglas McKay, former Republican secre tary of the Interior who is oppos ing Morse's bid for re-election, "managed to antagonize practi cally every bonafide conservation organization in the country" while serving as secretary. She said she plans to vote this fall for President Eisenhower, Sen. Duff (R-Pa) and other Re publican candidates. Chv silnnm. Slinnprs and nlav- shoes easy crochet In two gay mWe VUanr thnm inrtnnrc. nut- rinnri all vear 'round 1 Ideal for trifl hnTflflrs. Pattern ran: uirecuons tor Small, Medium, Large Included. r.rnrhpt xlinners of rue cotton: use rags to crocnec soies. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add 5 cents for each pattern tor Ist-ciass mail ing. Send to Capital Journal, Household Arts Dept., P.O. Box 168. Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N. Y. Print thinly NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed i our ALICE BROOKS Needle- craft book stunning designs for vou. our readcrsl Dozens of other designs to order all easy, fascinating hand-work! hend 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right awayl ONE SUE MEDIUM 7001 Printed Pattern Printed Pattern. JIFFY-CUT Printed Pattern! Paper pattern is all one piece; just pin to fabric, cut complete apron at one time! It's sew-easy, thrifty one yard 35-inch fabric is all you need for each of these pretty little serving styles! Printed Pattern 931 Includes three styles: Misses' Medium size only. Each apron: 1 yard 35-inch. This easy-to-use pattern gives perfect (it. Complete, illustrated Wow Chart shows you every step. Send 35c In coin mo stamps please) for Pattern, with Name, Address, Stvle Number and Size. Address PATTERN BUREAU. Capital Journal. Box 42, Old Chel sea Station, New York 11. N Y. For first elast mail Include a extra I cents per patten. . j - I I K ! 0M A-STUPyiH'ANA- " V If -WrV SOT a"YVu."- 1 1 E" VMSkStt mwm eowWM sirrf p I TUpyiff- an; t eajeve ar com mr I tkm ccwiv cmu I kgw f HAW.'HAW) WELL?' WHO'S Ye6HT HEIZeTcOUT fZT Ku3HT THERE, BUT rrY W3ULPNY Y KNOW?... LEAVE IT tf I THIS 15 ONE WEEK HIBIN' j BaCS.'-EHir V'SEIF ABOUT POESNTOPEN UNTH, ) TD TH' 8EASS ANP THEEE LL PE I 9 THE NEWS SPfcEAPS' OLP MAN STKAAW'S ? .THIS ISNOTAN THAT,BUD.' AFTER WOEKINU A A CATCH IN IT SOMEWHEBES J l QtimV AMONO THg MAEKET DONT TAKE Vi fjl ANWUAL WAOE IwHEEE AT HOUKS! t g t. PAY IABOKEKS THAT V ALL OF MY PAY CHECK ! f f DEAL.' WE'RE ISTHEPOST I ... if S& g j( THE BIG THUNPER AIR V fUjUSTEXPANPINOEKCHANijET LL.Jpv) ''"S (HTv if? TTIJ I'VE GOTTA RULE 1 I -AFTER ALL.TH' RUMNER HAP NO WAY OF I S: Vv -V I f S2i? I IW THAT TH KUN KNOWING OZARK OlONl'T CATCH TH. BALL 111 - 7 it'B V! I KEX I AY COUNTS EVEN THOUGH ANY OTHER DECISION WOULD OMLY ALLOW I n V ! fBg$&W TH BALL WAS HANDLED I TH FIELDER, UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY I L J f SitS$ I KSV." JBVTVW DIFFERENT TO JUGSLE TH' BALL AS A Kn .w,thM J4 OggS? .. vsm. xat'ss.jysi jy"10 srr- w score vaa m-. i orgw Y- ; llWgal ViLJU32l 'Mill I 1 1 Hmim$& S I . 52? ijr... .. : x:. J lL. kiiiiiu i . -iyaV jm. . bco I ,.,, ,h, s i : 1 A Vf hi-VW k I I I "' V i ' -3X75 ' At BKgBafedfaiasl fay V rS58 Raatar--r1aa--ga fca FORGET V YEflM! MOW Wfc KNOW M t , i will wnvnn kTI akKGAY Kr.iiicniinrIvi cue rm S Eil m ncuiT- I EnD raiDB Turn- LloBBimflS H to HELP ME KEEP AFLOOt fll JMl liimv NEVERMAkE AND TALKED- fafilLETBGfrr n DEAD. WE GOT i He? I OtXSHTfl MAKE IT TO iTTli KGV ffl6H0REFROM1Hie WHO'O BEUEVE t ' M ASHORE- I IT MADE; COYS- Ji UNDER THAT PIER EflSY- JM" I W BlS-i. tap OUT- I HEB flNYWflY? HIV N- VII V VII I 1 1 KSLM r1" . , 1 I WHAT A BUILT.'.'- AH'LL SEND IN A I JfiS1.? ...-!.. j I "UT..,,... PITCHER O'MAH ANEMIC, PITIFUL ) JV Are iou uii-aown (a1 .t body, an' mebbe strongnose Ridicule Runt? r?- li:,1"" ' """ig J gkaX W MAN ol youl I (VzA ' N AV- ffiWV L- ' to build your- &M I '. WKiV I H I SAY YOU'RE JUST 0Jt3UATX'TAT':''' r SEETMAiT )iZMf SUL,1 PUV ) I iPrTfell 7Iga1 fc " "" "P o S Sk ''cu &HLL havent Yto see csr. 1 f I like th-st T inb " IJ I think oue "7 . KE'X. sVkV . v N TOtO AIE WHERE Y V MCKc-AN.' --BUT WHAT AANf-E.E 5 Rl&HTLOU . 1 KOCO J. Ae W UICT Y TKJTlL C v ACE C-ON, ICV.' J W .Ul'T AY 7 TO HAE THF I HAVEN'T FELT VEIL! 1 M1A W d snlKLerfl ls5srB F fFy THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, RADIO PROGRAMS R8LM 13M, KOCO KGAT 1430, KOIN KOW 129, KEX UH TUESDAY 00:00 00:15 "Bob & Ray (Bob & Hay News-Soorli Songs Sund'n Snider s Hits Spider's H.ts Ed r Murrow iNews-Wealher McAnul. Music INewi , , l Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn Sports-Weath'r Songs Sund'n, Spider's Hits ICnwlDr's Hits Snnrtl Lowell Thomas Elmer Peterson Bob Blackburn jBob Blackburn Treas. Agt. News-Sports Melody Chet Huntley Mel Allen ITreas. Agt. (Music .Rhyt'm St BluesRhythm-Blues' iMelodv IBine Crosby iMiicin lAdkins Show Show Tunes Campaign 'M Robt. Q. Lewis World News Ad kins Show Show Tunes Campaign '56 Robt. Q. Lewis 11 Man's Family (Adkins Show News Rhythm Blues Eric Sevarcid Fred Waring Adkins Show iRhythm Blues iireas. snow Fred Waring Adkins Show Fulton Lewis Rhythm Blues 5 Star Final Richfld News News Music Rhythm Blues Music Dance Timt Music Big City News-Sports News-Music Dance Timt Danceland Big City Silent Music Midnlt Dance Time Danceland WEDNESDAY 00:00 00:15 KSLM ValL Farmcast .Vail. Tarmcasi KGAY Farm News -Morn. Mag. hOIN World News IKOIN Klock KGW Farm Time World New KEX News-Ke'p Tm.lKeep Time KSLM Hemingway Brkfst. Gang KOCO Tunes Ac Timt (Tunes & Timt KGAY Morn. Mag. (Morn. Mag. KOIN KOIN Klock Headline News KGW Listen Listen KEX News tKeep nmt KSLM Cliff Engle Family Altar KOCO wanvs sports mews KGAY Herb's Show (Herb's Show aOIN Cnsumer News iVaile News KGW Listen (Listen KEX Keep Time (Keep Timt KSLM News (News KOCO News-Sporti ( 1490 Tune St Kfl AV Hpi-h'n Show Herb's Show KOIN Wendy Warren (Howard Miller KGW Listen Listen KEX Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club KSLM News (Tello Test Wings of Song IWings of Song KOCO News-Sport 1490 Tune St 1490 Tune St, 1490 Tune St. KGAY Herb's Show (Clary Dyer lHerb's Show KGAY News KOIN Happiness (Mrs. Burton (Strike It Rich Pat. Buttram KGW NBC BandstandNBC BandstandlNBC Bandstand) NBC Bandstand KEX Coffee Time (Bob Garred (My True Story (My True Story 1KSLM CCA Time (Queen a Day KOCO News-Sports 1490 Tune St KGAY Dinner Winner Dinner Winner KOIN Nora Drake (Aunt Jenny IDr. Malone (Aunt Mary KGW NBC Bandst'ndNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndNBC Bandstand KEX Girl Marries iWhispring Sts. Jack Paar Paul Harvey News World Newi KGAY News Noon News Bob Franklin Russ Conrad N. W. Newa Showtime (Danny's Datt Weather Cafe Lounge (Kuss Conrad Matinee News-Sports Danny's Date Godfrey Time Hilltop House Russ Conrad Matinee Ladies' Lane (Danny's Date lGodfrey Time (Pepper Young IRuss Conrad KSLM Matinee Matlnee (News Matinee KOCO News-Sports Clarine Calling! Clarine Calling! Clarint Calling KGAY Danny's Date (Danny's Date (Danny's Date IKGAY News KOIN Godfrey Time (Godfrey Time It WW iVICAn. MUSIC IMCAQ, IVlUSlCt KEX News-Conrad Russ Conrad Matinee Matinee Matinee (Tello Test News-Sports Clarine Calltngl Clarint Coiling I Clarine Calling Danny's Date Danny's Date Hactcstage wife uur uai s naayrraKe -rniriy McAnul. Music McAnul. Music McAnul. Music News-Conrad (Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Fulton Lewis News-Sports Danny's Date Art Klrkham McAn. Music Bob Blackb'rn Hemingway West Rhythm Danny s Date The Alexanders! McAn. Music Bob Blackb'rn Bob St Ray. . News-Sporta Spider's Hits Ed. R. Murrow McAn. Music Bob Blackb'rn Spider's Hits News-weatn. McAn. Music Bob Blackb'rn Gab. Heatter News-Sports Spider's Hits Summer Ser. Songs at Sund. (Spider's Hits bporu Elmer Peterson Fighta L.oweii i nomas (Music iFights True Detective News-Sports Melody News-Huntley Mel. Allen Fam. Theater Mews-Sports Robt. Q. Lewis World News Adkins Show News Mews-SportJ Eric Sevareld Fred Waring Adkins Show1 (Music Rhyth. Blues (Fred Waring lAdkins Show rireas. snow 1KSLM Fulton Lewis Music (News IMusic KOCO Vews-Sports Rythm. Bluet 1 1490 Tune St 140 Tune St KOIN 5 Star Final Mr. Jaycee IMr. Jaycee (Good Evening A KGW Richfield News Dance Time Dance Time (Dance Timt U KTX News Danceland Danceland (Danceland 1KSLM It's a Crime It's a Crime Music IMusic KOCO Jews-Sports Silent I KOIN News IMus. Tonlte Mui. Tonlte Mus. TonMt 1 KGW Dance Time (Dance Timt (Dance Timt IDance Timt I KEX Danceland Danceland Danceland 'Danceland THURSDAY A.M. " HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 VaL Farmcast Val Tartness Farm News World Newa Farm Timt Keep Time (Morn. Mag. iKUIN Kloclc (World Newa Keep Time Hemingway Break. Gang Break. Gant News Tunes & Timt ITunes St Time iTunes & Time (Tunes & Time Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. (KGAY News KOIN KIock Headlines Frank Goss Harry Babbitt Listen Listen Listen Fisher Report News Keep Time Keep Time Boo Hazen "Cliff Engle Family Altar Haven of Rest . Haven ot Rtit Wally's Spoita Tunes St Timt ITunes Se Time iTunes St Timt Herb's Show Herb's Show (Herb s Show KGAY News Consumer N'wsiDave ValUe Shelley Ser nd Shelley Sere. Listen Listen Listen Listen -Keep Timt Keep Time Keep Timt Keep Timt News News-Sports Herb's Show Wendy Warren Listen Brkfst Club News 1490 Tune St (Herb's Show Howard Miller Listen Brkfst. Club News Tello Test Wings of Song Wings of Song News-Sport 1490 Tunt St 1490 Tune St 1490 Tune St Herb's Show IClarcv Dyer (Herb's Show KGAY News Happiness (Mrs. Burton Strike It Rich (Pat Buttram " NBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndiNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'nd Coffee-K west Bob Garred My True Mor Mv True alury CCA Time 'Queen a Day IQueen or Day Queen for Day News-Sports i 9u I'une St 1490 Tune St 1490 Tunt St , Dinner inner (Dinner Winner (Luckv 7 ILuckv 7 Nora Drake (Aunt Jenny IDr Malone Aunt' Mary I NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'ndiNBC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'nd Girl Marnes Whisp'ring Sts.iJack Paar (Paul Harvey WISHING WELL RegLttred U. S. 8573 826 748 SSS YDYHOABOGUOOR "S 6 S 7 1 6 5 3 8 7 i 6 2 LI SURGLL.RWAH K 6 4 15 7 3 8 2 5 7 6 8 5 TNVAIIAARLNLP J. i 5 ! 5 7 2 8 3 N RDLDUEODDAA W 1 ' 8 5 7 2 6 3 & i 6 5 SAOBPGTTYEE T C 1 ,4, 2. I ,8 J 5 1 8 i s b JUTRLISOETOQA ,6 s ' i t i 5 2 1 8 6 5 U R I Q Y DROYDDKW HERE U a pltasant little jame that dav. It ix a nnm.rir.t mii. j-.: . v , T. , ' uv.igiicu o pii oui your lonunc. Count the letters In your first name. II the number ot letters U 6 or more, subtract 4. It the number is less than 6, add J. The result it your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner ot the rec tanjle and check every one of your key numbers, left to rif ht. Then read the messace the letter under the checked Afure lire you. wia. j. aw. twAw! September 25, 1956 P.M. 00:30 00:45 jBob & Ray Songs Sund'n sPider's Hits ITom Harmon rTom McCall Bob Blackburn (Bill Brund'ge (Songs Sund'n IKGAV News IFvank Goss IWeather-Spis. I Bob Blackburn Sam Hayes jSongi Sund'wn lAmos 'n' Andy lElec. Trends Bob Blackburn Songs Sund'n. Sign Off Amos 'n' Andy Music Bob Blackburn I Music Rhythm-Bluei IJohnny Dollar IMusic lAdkins Show IMt!lC (Adkins Show IWhlstlin' TuneslWhistlin" Tunes iRhyth.-BIues IRhyth -Blues Rock 'n,' Roll IRocK 'n Roll Dragnet Drafnet lAdkins Show lAdkins Show Sweet & SwingjSweet & Swing innyintn omca tniijiiiin oiues Campaign oo ;u.w. KeDort iDance Time Dance Tim Jimmy Fidier &qw. f. Morgan News Campus Chatt. Good Evening Dance Time Danceland Dance Party Campus ChatL Good Evening Danceland Dance Party Dance Party Music Mldnltt IMusic Midmta Dance Timt Dance Timt Danceland Danceland 00:30 "ORJ iValL rarmcait News Morn. Mag. KGAV News KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Listen (Listen Keep Timt Keep Timt Brekf. Gang News (Tunes St Timt ITunes & Timt (Morn. Mag. KGAY News IFrank Goss t Harry Babbitt (Listen t lFtsher Report iKeep lime 'mop nazen Bible Inst. Bible Inst. ITunes St Timt ITunes St Time lL. Ross Show KGAY News Shelley Srnada Shelley Sernadt Listen . Listen Keep Time Keep Time (Pastors Call Bargain Count'! (1490 Tune St, 1490 Tune St, IHerb's Show IKGAY News (Helen Trent Mid Morn Newt M.M Mac Bride Konnie Worth (Breakfast Club Breakfast Club JQueen a Day Queen a Day 14S0 Tune St - .1490 Tunt St Lucky 7 ' ILucky 7 Top Tradea Vail Farmcast IShowtlme -KGAY Newt IHouse Party (Woman in Hst. (Farm News snowume Town Crier IHouse Party Cafe Lounge Russ Conrad Matinee Matinee .Clarine Calling Clarine Calling (Danny's Date (KGAY News IGodfrey Time Godfrey Time (McAn. Music (McAn. Music Russ Conrad IRuss Conrad (Ruth Ashton News-Weather McAnul. IWUSIC ratrtllUI. muim Russ Conrad (Russ Conrad (Danny's Datt KGAY News Take Thirty McAnul. Music Russ conraa Here's Answer Sam Hayes West Rhythm West Rhythm Danny's Date IKGAY News newspaper newspaper McAn. Music I McAn Music Bob Blackb'rn (Bob Blackburn Bob Ac Ray (Bob St Ray (Bill Brundage Songs at Sund.iSongs at Sund.l Songs at Sund. Snider's Hits IKGAY News ITom Harmon IFrank Goss McAn. Music ITom Mccaii Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blackburn News Sam HayeF Songs at Sund.lSongs at Sund. Sign Off Amos 'n Anay Amos n Anay IMusic Elec. Trends iFighta fights True Detective tMusic IMusic Rhyth. St Blues! Rhyth. St BlueslRhylh. St Bluef pvitiody iBing Crosby IJohnny Dollar IMusic Music Music Ore. Argument Bob Adkins Dug-Out Dope (Fam. Theater Fam. Theater Fam. Theater Rhyth.-Blues Rhyth. -Blues Rhyth.-Blues IRobt. Q. Lewis IPick Winner (Pick Winner 1 Man's Family Groucho Marx Groucho Marx (Adkins Show Adkins Show lAdkins Show Press Conf. (Press Conf. iRmyth. Sc Blu'i (Washington toance Time Edw. P. Morgao iRhvth. Bluet wasningion Dance Time (Jimmy Fldler Val Farmcast News IKGAY Newa KOIN Klock IListen Keep Time (Morn. Mag. KOIN KlocK Listen Ki-trp Time IPastor's Call 11490 Tune St (Herb's Show Helen Trent iM.M.McBride Brkfst Cluo Bargain C'nt'r 1490 Tunt St KGAY News IMidmorn Newa I Konnie Worth Brkfst. Club P.lenl Office. will five you i message every i . i. .... . E I o