Page 4 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, September 25, 1956 3 Pills a Day Break 23 Out : Of 25 of Smoking in Week By DELOS SMITH United Press Science Editor NEW YORK (UP) - Cigaret smokers may not believe this on first sight 23 out ot 25 addicts Were eased entirely off the habit within seven days, and with hardly a sign of the well-known (to cigaret addicts) "withdrawal symptoms." " Dr. G.W. Rapp. professor of biochemistry and physiology, Loy ola University. Chicago, eased them off with three pills a day- pills made of the chemical, lohe line sulfate and certain anti-acids to make lobeline acceptable to and retainable in the stomach. In three years, Rapp has now experiments with 490 cigaret ad dicts, including two and three pack a day smokers. Of that number, 3M gave up smoking en tirely without undue effort after Liberace Arrives in London on Special Train; Crowd Screams By EDDY GILMORE ' LONDON UPl Liberace ar rived in London on a special train Tuesday and got a shrill welcome. "I understand that you've had a rather unpleasant summer perhaps we will bring a little sun shine to England," the pianist said. "Wheeecee " screamed crowd at Waterloo Station. 'He's North Santiam Route Listed OnNewMap Efforts of the Salem Chamber of Commerce were realized when word was received that the North Santiam highway will appear on one ot the nation's major tourist maps. The announcement made by the Oregon State Motor association, stated that Oregon Highway 22 from Salem past Detroit dam to the Santiam junction with U. S. Highway 20, will be added to this year's printing to the American Automobile association's national tourist map. Another new route to appear on the map will be State Highway 78 from Burns to the junction of U, S. Highway 95, south of Rome In eastern Oregon. Absence of the North Santiam route on AAA maps was cited by the Salem Chamber of Commerce earlier this year in its recommen dations that highway improvements be expedited so that this and the Coast highway from Salem could be included in tourist maps printed in various parts of the country. lovely," screeched one young girl brandishing a bouquet ot artin cial roses. "You are wonderful" Liberace began. He was interrupted by boos from a group of men carry ing a sign that read: "We hate Liberace Charlie Kunz forever." Charlie Kunz is an ovcr-50 Brit ish pianist whose jazz has been admired by two or three genera tions of English debutantes. Station Foreman Frank Fowncs said the welcome was on a scale which the British give to royalty. "There's a subtle difference, though," he explained. "Liberacc's got no red carpet furnished by liritish Railways, and there's no polled palms cither," Nearly 50 policemen struggled to keep the crowd behind barriers. Liberace has been a great tele vision favorite here on film. He begins a concert tour next week. Sec. Wilson Satisfactory WASHINGTON UV-Socrclary of Defense Wilson was described as being in satisfactory condition at Walter Reed Army Hospital today after undergoing surgery, Wilson, 66, was operated on yes terday to correct what the Penta gon called a "benign prostatic condition" it said was discovered during a routine physical exam ination last week. Wilson is expected to be away from his office about 20 days. The king cobra is one of the deadliest of snakes. Its bite can bo fatal in a few hours. taking the pills for from seven days to a lew weens. Absorbed In Blood Naturally, medical men have been interested in the experi ments, since they find it ex tremely difficult if not impossible !o persuade patients to give up smoking. So Rapp's new report was published in the American Journal of Medical Sciences. He reported a new blood test which demonstrated that lobeline when combined with antiacids is taken up into the blood stream from the gastrointestinal tract in amounts. This would explain lobeline's ability to eliminate the intense craving for tobacco which comes over a habituated user when he stops using it. Lobeline is derived from a plant similar to the to bacco plant. It is an alkaloid re lated to the nicotine alkaloid. Rapp's work suggested the lobe line alkaloid replaces the nicotine alkaloid in the body s working chemistry. As more and more ac cumulates, it diminishes and finally eliminates the craving for to bacco without creating a craving of its own. Lobeline is by no means a new chemical. In fairly large doses, It is dangerous because of its strong stimulating effect on the respiratory system. If use in amounts hot lurge enough to be dangerous but large enough to evoke its anti-lobacco craving was severely limited by the ordinary stomach s revulsion to it. Compound On Sale Rapp and his associates re duced the dose to a mere two milligrams, combined with fast acting and slow-acting antiacids. This made it both tolerable and safe so safe that the compound is sold without prescription under the trade name, "Bantron." His experiments since have been directed at showing that these liny amounts of lobeline sulfate are enough to eliminate craving when based in antiacids. His newest test involved -25 cig aret addicts who were given the pills three times a day for seven days. His scientific "controls" in volved 50 other addicts who took identical pills made of inert starches and lobeline sulfate in inert starches. The smoking habit of the "con trols" were unchanged. But at the end of seven days, 23 of the 25 in qthe pr 1 m a r y group no longer smoked. Newly-Formed Group Favors Referendum Opposition to the proposed con stitutional amendment which would allow tax measures to be come immediately effective after passage will be undertaken by a group formed Monday night. Emil Schermacher, president of Marion County Farmers Union, and Herbert E. Barker, executive secretary of the Salem Labor Council, were named co-chairmen of the organization to be known as a Committee to Save the Tax Referendum. Guy Jonas. Salem Insurance man, and Democratic nominee for state representative, was elected executive secretary and with Milo Holt, will serve as co-chairman of a speakers' committee. A sponsoring committee, which is expected to be enlarged later, includes George Tate, Sublimity; John Moore, North Salem; Har ley Libby, Jefferson; W. J. En tress, South Salem; Frank Boeh ringer, Roberts; Nestor Van Han del, Stayton; Emmet Rogers, Polk county; John bilernagle. Linn county; and Cecil Farncs and Frank Chamberlain, Salem. The next meeting of the com mittee, to which the public is invited, will be held in the Labor Temple October 3. How to Invite Attractive Teacher to Meet Her Son? By DOROTHY DIX, DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I may be a malchmaker-but Is that bad? There's an attractive schoolteacher in town we're anxious for our son to meet. She lives with another girl, a secretary. My son. ai inn- 23, is interested in the teacher, but is shy. Could I, :?-a$L. - we invite both girls to dinner? They are out-of- Y seV. 1 towners, but belong to our church. Mrs. R. E. If &T? I DEAR MRS. R. E.: You can hardly invite two total strangers to your home without some excuse. But why not get an introduction to them through church? I'm sure they'd like a home-cooked meal it you don t make it too obvious that the food is really bait. Dallas Forms McKay Group DALLAS (Special) Appointed chairman for Polk county, McKay for Senator committee, is Clinton Ruitcr of Dallas. Ruiter will direct the committee in two main steps toward the election of the Repub lican senatorial candidate. The first step is to help in the Republican campaign to register voters by the Oct. 6 deadline. Second goal will be organizing the McKay volunteers, which will be the backbone of a personalized, block by block campaign to win the election. Committee members are Dallas, George DcGraff, chairman; Elmo Bennett, Mrs. Frceda Peterson, Walter W. Foster, Stan Malo, Mrs. Edith Bossatti, Mrs. Thomas Newton: Independence. Ray Dune kel, chairman; C. Parker G i e s, John Pfaff; Monmouth, Clare Powell, chairman; H. W. Hag-meicr. Make First National your first T0P J on payday! Get the habit of using your nearby First National Branch as jour financial headquarters . . . especially on payday. As many thousands of Oregon people know, there's no substitute for a First National Bank savings account. Some are saving foromcthing special, some for that secure feeling but they all know that payday savings build their accounts fast when they're made regularly at First National Bank FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND SAIEM BRANCH 'HIS BUI1D 0GON IOG(THf HmHI IIMUt tirotil iNlvtAMCI CWOUOM A DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm confined to a tubercular InsUtution and will be here for some time how long, I don't know. My two sons py a previous marriage are being cared for by their stepfather. The 12-ycar-old boy is very unhappy. He doesn't like school, wants to leave home, and says he'd rather be inyan orphanage than remain jii me iiuubc. 4iv uiui-i uuv la uduuv wuii ins bicuiuuier who. i Know. is very good to them. 1 am very worried. Annette. DEAR ANNETTE: Additional worry is the last thine anvone should cause you. If your son visits you, try to make him see that his actions are adding to your illness. If this would be too much of an emouonal strain on you, ask a social worker attached to the hos pital to talk to the boy. He is undoubtedly disturbed because you are nor at nome, ana oecause nis worn at school isn t sausfactory. When he realizes how seriously his attitude is affecting you, I'm sure his behavoir will Improve. t Write Dorothy DIx for free leaflet D-30, "Making Conversation." Be sure to enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope and send request to her, care 01 this newspaper. Dorothy Dix Is a Trademark registered In the U.S. Patent Office by The Bell Syndicate, Inc. TO NATIONALIZE RAILROAD, JAKARTA, Indonesia Wl In donesia announced Tuesday it will nationalize its only remain- DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Two years ago I mar ried a divorcee with five children. It was her third marriage. We parted after four months, and at her request, I got a divorce. Recently 6he has been calling and writing sskin? mi ta spe her. I don't want to. The marriage was a mistake and I want to forget it. i line me mas nut sne wouldn t let me have a thing to say about them, and believe me, they could stand some training. Oscar. DEAR OSCAR: You slid out of that mistake easily; would that all our errors could be so casually dismissed. At any rate, she has no claim on you. Make it very definite that you won't accept calls or letters irom ner, or sne might wangle you Into a situation again. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I have become friendly with a married man in my office. He's been showing me a great deal of attention, nut at the same time seems satisfied with his unhaDDV marriaze. Shall I threaten to quit, to force his hand? Confused. DEAR CONFUSED: Don't quit unless you have another eood jod iinea up. tven in tnese lusn times, a good job is worth more than a married man who is quite content at home regardless of wnat ne lens you. ing foreign-owned railway. It Is the Dutch-owned B. F. M. line which has about S75 miles of line in East Sumatra. MissGillesto Attend School Meets in East Mathilda Gilles, principal of Richmond school, will leave Salem Thursday by plane for a series of official engagements connected with her work as president of the National Elementary Principals' association. Miss Gilles will appear before the Oklahoma City Elementary Principals' association on Friday night and on the following day will speak before the Oklahoma State Teachers association. She will then travel to Wash ington, D.C., to attend sessions of the executive board of the De partment of Principals from Oc tober 1 to 5. On October 7 Miss Gilles will visit with a group of colored ele mentary principals at Richmond, Va and also will visit schools in that city. On October 10, Miss Gilles will return to the nation's capitol to meet with two national committees on education. During her absence, the duties of Miss Gilles will be handled by Arthur Myers, assistant superin tendent of schools in Salem. Notes on the News "Should I wear an Ike or an Adlai pin around here?" STING CURBS GOVERNOR PROVIDENCE, B.I. f Gov. Dennis J. Roberts (D) lost the use of a big political asset his "hand shaking" hand. He was stung by a bee on the palm of his right hand yesterday while shaking hands with well wishers at a West Warwick clambake. POPE RECEIVES CURTICES CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (fl Harlow Curtice, president of General Motors, and his wife were received in private audience by Pope Pius XII at his summer place here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtice are la Italy on a holiday visit. see the magazine of a thousand new ideas . . ele-Sii.home Whether yom are batting, bartofl remodelling or just took ing . . . t sure and sec this home of tomorrow. H't exciting design anticipates your 1740 square feel of tiring space All-electric kitchen Delightful family room Year 'round sun room Air-to-air reverse cycle heat pump i cry need .iHwwCefHwr wlflciaV. cal . , . and it's built especially for Oregon ftving. Drive oat this week ' sure and inspect this family dream home come true. Anew inner car gives yon a NEW KIND of FORD for 1957! c, On Wednesday, October 3rd, Ford Dealers throughout the United States will unveil a new kind of automobile! Cars are involved in every American's life. News of a new kind of car is the biggest kind of news to millions of Americans. The Big New Kind of Ford is that bind of news . : : a ecu- totally nea in design from crest to trunk lock. This completely new automotive package will sell at the traditionally low Ford prices. This makes possible a new high standard of such honest-tr goodness value that it actually increases the purchasing power of your automobile dollar. When you see it, other cars will look out of date, because : 1 1 This is Where Tomorrow Starts . . . with a Big New Kind of Fordl The New Kind ot Ford is the fullest, most eloquent expression of Ford's spe cial personality-the youthful grace, the whiplash action, the reputation for dur ability known wherever there's a road. lb all this we have added true cle-gante-a kind of elegance never before seen in the low-price field. Elegance is more than skin-deep. Modern design goes far deeper than chrome trim. lb make a ear truly elegant, you have to start deep-down inside. The Nrw Inner Ford The Inner Ford - the car you cannot see-is a very remarkable structure. Its frame is actually a cradle. Side members extend almost the full body width. The driveshafl has been lowered to connect with the differential, virtually at its lowest point. This is one ol several factors that makes practical the lower ing ot over-all height by as mnch at 4 inches. The side raits, extended almost fpll body width, serve not oohr as support ing members but as concealed tide bumpers of imiBensc strength. The New Ford Body The new Ford body is a triumph of engineering in steel-steel cushioned fcc luxury, steel insulated against sound, steel joined to steel for tremendons strength, steel designed to give yon greater safety. The doors close with the solid finality ot a bank vault. Even the door-lock, button has been moved up front easier for you to reach, but out of the chil dren's reach. The new body is mounted on twenty five-rubber mounts to keep your ride silent, solid and secure. AM these features were engineered to give you a solid new kind of comfort. The New Ford Rid The waya car rides is more than the way it moves it starts with the way it tits. The New Kind ol Ford sits six people as no other low-priced car has ever sat them six elbows wide in each seat, with deep space around each one of six knees. And above all that space, there's bat room to spare for all six passengers. With that sitting basis, the engineers ben designed the new rock-aobd velvet, road ride. The 1 957 Ford rides low, solid, with a firm, deep road-holding feci. Yet it's a light-hearted, flight-hearted ride this car is responsive, nimble, agile, with a proud easy movement through traffic and away to the head of the turnpike. . The New Ford Choice Ford offers not only one, but two sizes of cart . . . each on its own extended wheelbase . . - each wkh its own body shell . . . each with hi own styling. First, the two Fairlane Series on a 118-inch wheelbase. The Fairlane 500't come in 5 body types, a four-door sedan, a two-door sedan, a two- and four-door Victoria with no center pillars, and a convertible coupe. The same body types (except for the convertible) are avail able in the Fairlane Series. Both Fairlane Series introduce an in novation through the use of special window ornamentation and narrow center pillars. Both the four-door and the twodoor sedans hare true hardtop styling. Second, two Custom Scries mounted on the 116-inch wheelbase chassis. In the Custom 300 Series, a four -door and a two-door sedan are distinguished from the Custom models by more luxurious interiors and elaborate trim. The Cus tom Scries includes a Business Sedan. The Custom 300 and Custom models are lower, heavier, and livelier than any cart telling in Ford's price range today. Beyond all these, you also have your choice of five Station Wagons the famous glamour crimen that are the champions m this fieldl The New Ford look That low, low cradle-span frame means a low, low car. The Fairlane 500 is only four feet eight inches from road to roof! The Custom is jutt over four feet ninel ' The New Ford it not only low-but Wig. Ford gives you more than 17 feet of ekgatK lengta in the Fairlane Scries, a shade less in the Custom And all that length and lowness is shaped in a design that is wonderfully, radically new in American automobiles! Its personality is glittering, sophisti cated. It's a nice kind of fun just to look at it. It't high-priced in every way except price. ( The New Ford Performance If you're a bug on horsepower, and like it big, the new Silver Anniversary V-8's are for you. You can have up o 245 wonderful Thunderbird horsepower is. any Ford model. There's a moderate and really moderate extra charge for this engine of S12 cubic inches with its 4-barrel carburetor. It's the honey of them all. For "Six" lovers, we've got a beauty, too the 144-hp Mileage Maker Six. Whether you choose Six or , (fat going is greatl Here it where your own tomcmow starts It Harts mt the nearest Ford Dealer showroom! The cars will be there on Wednesdays October 3. They will be standing still on the floor but tbey will seem to be moving, for they have a oukksilver kind of beauty that just doesn't stand still. Every lhae has a "machined tight ness" to k, the sharp dear-cut ttanrp f beauty wrapped around power.', These are the best Fords of our Bret. They are the first symbols out ol Detroit of the new automotive age that is beginning for you. 1957 came early this year. This it irJiere tomorrow starts at your Ford Dealer's. . This is when four October 3rd. Cotae ia and see as (or the Kg New KM at tmU THE NEW VALLEY MOTOR 0. Center at Liberty Salem, Oregon