(7- ; i f 1 . Page 2 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Monday, September 24, 1956 200 Jailed for Grilling About Somoza Attack Somoza Arrives in Panama for Operation N. lcaragua President just before midnight Friday at a reception in Leon, 45 miles from the capital. Luis Somoza and his younger brother Anastasio Jr., 32, were di recting the search for the assas- vice president designate, an ar rangement Cong, .;ss was expected to approve at a meeting tomor row. The younger Anastasio, West attemDt In assansinaLe President Point-educated .commander of: Anastasio Somoza. I Nicaragua's National Guard, kept About 200 persons, including two a firm nana in command of the newspaper editors and a former armed forces. Kach son has been Chief's Son Takes Grip On INation By RICHARD G. MASSOCK MANAGUA, Nicaragua Wholesale arrests of opponents of government have folowcd the president, were being questioned hi a police search for possible ac complices of the assassin. . The Nicaragua strongman's son Luis, 34, took a firm hold on the country while Somoza underwent I treatment at a U.S. hospital in the Panama Canal Zone for four gun shot wounds. Somoza was reported in satis factory condition after (our sep arate operations performed by a surgical team sent by President Eisenhower. A medical bulletin said It was uncertain whether the Central American President would regain use of his right leg, para lyzed by a bullet in his spinal col umn. The assassin, Rigobcrto Lopez Perez, 27, was slain by Somoza's guards Immediately after empty ing a revolver at tho 60-year-old acting chief of state during previ ous absences of their father from the country. There was no indication the Somoza dynasty had been shaken by the attempt to kill its founder. Managua was as quiet last night as any Central American capital, A state of siege imposed Satur day meant that people who ordi narily sit on their porches In the warm night air had to be indoors by 11:30 p.m. Luis Somoza told re porters that In effect Nicaragua was under martial law. Moj. Gen. Leonard Hcaton, chief of the U.S. Army's Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, headed a surgical task force that flew here at President Eisenhower's direc tion to treat Somoza. Hcaton per formed an abdominal operation on Kisenhower last June. MW frg - l. f ..'..X m,y,rS; 'i ' "r" 'I' ) 4 v . ' : I Mcaruxuun President Anax(nlo .Sumoa shown bt'lng removed from U.S. Air Force plnne in Balboa Canal Zone, where he wag brought for an operation -to remove bullet that almost coat him his ilfe in an assassination attempt last Saturday in Nicaragua. (AP Wlrepho(o) 'Write Me Letter Only Advice I Keef Recalls to Sarena Owners HELD OVER AGAIN! OPEN 6:45 1 3rcfs!nli Weekl Binq Grace Frank .ii.iheui-.iii.ii. M-G-M Presents A SOI C. S1EGEL Production m 'HIV " VlSTAVlSION Celeste HOLM John LUND IIIIIATnAIIrt nA U C )W nd LOOISfllTOIIlUllb BAND by UULL I UIIILII lyrics Battle of Gettysburg A Historical Masterpiece J 1 By TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS Sen. Estes Kefauvcr of Tennes see, the Democratic nominee for vice president, wound up his tour of Southwestern Washington Sun- Poll Indicates Ike's Weaker In Farm Belt NEW YORK ur The New York Times said Monday Presi dent 'Elsenhower seems to have lost strength In the farm belt. In a dispatch from Des Moines, Iowa, the newspaper said it took a random sampling poll among crowds gathered at the National Plowing Contest al Ne'"lon, Iowa, when Kisenhower spoke last Fri day and Adlai E. Stevenson the next day. The Times said the poll showed: 1. 10.6 per cent of those who said they voted for Kisenhower in 1952 now say they will shift to Stevenson, the Democratic presi dential nominee, next November. 2. That 13.4 per cent who said Ihey voted for Eisenhower four j years ago now say they are un decided. ' I A team of six Times eorres-1 pondents who took the poll found day and clarified what he said was h i s part 1 n Oregon'! Al Sarena issue. Kefauvcr said the only advice he recalls giving the owners of the mine in the Rogue River National forest of Southern Ore gon was "write me a letter." Charles McDonald, a member of the family which owns tho mine, said the senator had given no farmer whor said he was, for Stevenson four years ago and for Eisenhower this time. They found a "handful" of pro-Stevenson vot ers of four years ago who said they still were undecided. The Times said the main rea sons given for the loss of Eisen hower stccngth were lower farm prices and resentment against his retention of Ezra Taft Benson as secretary of agriculture. him valuable legal advice at a meeting in New Orleans, Dec. 31, 1931. In Its Sunday editions. The Oregonian carried a picture of a letter, signed' with Kcfauver's name, to McDonald, It said, in part, "I shall keep your records In my file for my use and will make every attempt to- secure action on your case." Kefauver said that his administrative assis tant had written the letter, which he described as routine, and had signed his name. The Al Sarena mine Jias become an issue in the campaign. Demo crats contend that the Interior Department, then headed by Doug McKay, granted the patents under improper and unusual circum stances, They contend that the McDonalds wanted the land for the valuable timber on It. GOT A dancing mm? Every adult who presents a "Lucky Dollar with a' 3"ancl an "0" in' the serial number will receive a Look at all your one dollar bills. Any of the serial numbers contain a "3" and an "0"? Then you've got a lucky "Dancing Dollar" and simply by handing it in t your near est Arthur Murray Dance Studio you win a $25.00 Dance Course. This wonderful offer ij Iwing made to show you the fun and good times that run be h.id at an Arthur Murray Studio. You see, learning to dance is so much fun because you go to party after party ...practice dancing with many different partners. So don't misj the chance to become more popular than you've ever been before. Check your wallet now for a "Lucky Dollar." Studios open daily 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. TUDIOS AIR CONDITIONID 0 A RULES 1. T win yoo mull itini In prien font on dollar bill wilh a ,l3 ' ond an "0 ' In tt ') numbor. Hand H In to your noartit Arthur Mufrajr Studio. 2. Only on "winning" bill ottopltd from oach Individual. 3. Mlnori art tllfiblt only whon srcemponltd br pafinf, 4. Arthur Murray irudtnh nol ollplbl. ARTHUR MURRAY 445 FERRY ST. PHONE 4-6891 GENERAL ELECTRIC Built-in Dishwasher BUY - NOW AT A VERY LOW PRICE - BUILDERS SEE US! ONLY G. E. HAS ALL THESE TRULY SATISFYING FEATURES: EXCLUSIVE POWER ME-MNS-ING-doti dwy wiik iptclal hand riming and prtpartt diih ti for detergvnt waihing. GIANT CAPACITY-hotdt family lervicc for tight. COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC load , turn k on, and relax. EASY TOP lOADINO-no awV ward bending, no racki to shift or move, ROOMY ADJUSTABLE It AC K plailnol coaling cuihioni your fmu china . . . rack adjuift to hold extra large plllel or extra tall ylimai, fUlL EXTENSION SLIDES-) etl tub glide all the way out for taiy loading. DOUBLE WASH DETERGENT CUP meaturet and releeiet proper mount of detergent. ROOMY SILVERWARE BASKET hotdi full day'i tervice with meity point down. IMPELLER GUAID-prevtnt i damage to Impeller or fallen ob ject. CAIROD HEATING U N I T -keep! water hot for wa thing . . . driei diihti, too. 01 M1X OI MATCH COLORS available In canary yellow, tur quoiie green, woodtone brown, petal pink and cadet blue, at well ai iti white. INTERNAL PLUMBING AND WIR ING -for fatter, eaiitr imialla tioni In new or e tilting home. WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS OPEN MONDAY ANp FRIDAY TIL 9 P. M. MISUSES Salem's Oldest largest Display of Franchiser! Dealer Appliances In Salem 365 N. Commercial German Ship Shelled By China Nationalists Freighter Hit as Shelter Sought From Storm HONG KONC- tfl Nationalist Chinese guns raked the German freighter Monika. seeking shelter from Typhoon Gilda off the China coast, although her flag was clear ly visible, the West German con sulate charged today. The Defense Ministry in Taipei acknowledged the Nationalists fired warning shots at an uniden tified ship west of Quemoy Sat urdaywhen the Monika was un der attack. But U asserted the shots fell well clear of the vessel. The Monlka'i first mate, Hans Mayer, declared earlier that Chi nese Communists had fired the shots which killed an officer and wounded two crewman. The ship's captain, Ewald Dilara, laid later it was the Nationalists, and the consulate confirmed his version. A consulate spokesman said the Monika en route from Hong Kong to Japan with nonstrategic cargo gave normal identification signals and hoisted hor flag when within Vi miles of Ta Tan, big gest of the Tan island group near Quemoy, and Amoy. Snips officers said the 1. 106-ton Monika ran into some 300 rounds of fire and took 10 direct hits as she headed for Amoy Harbor. Normally, the consulate said, ships seeking cover from storms are permitted by the Nationalists to enter Amoy Harbor. Mayer had said the shots came from artillery hidden in the hills of Communist-held Amoy. A con sulate spokesman said the confu sion arose because -the Monika's officers .were unfamiliar with the military situation In the area, The Tan Islands Jie only a few thousand yards from the main land. Their guns have virtually cut Amoy off from the outside world for several years. Thfl KaHnnnlkt Defense Minis try's statement said the Ta Tan garrison had trieci to contact the ship by "visual signaling as well as by voice through a beamed loud-speaker, in order to request it not to enter the danger lone". "The Chinese (Nationalist! For eign Ministry has repeatedly an nounced that ships proceeding to that area will have to do so at their own risk." 4 Cattlemen Vie for Honor ppiNRVII.t.R 11 The lineuo of district winners in the contest for the title of Oregon Cattleman of the year has been completed with aoWHnn nf Trvin Mann Sr.. of Adams. Others competing with him are Charlie Congleton of Paulina, T?rii.lr FUhpr of Oreffon Citv. and Thomas lElrov Jr., of Vale. The winner of the contest will 2 Czechs Flee To Germany in Stolen Plane PASSAU, Germany Wl Two Czechs have fled to West Germany in a stolen Communist plane in the fourth "freedom flight" from behind the Iron Curtain in a little over two months. Lt. Vladimir Vzral, 22-year-old pilot in Communist Czechoslovak la's air force, and Ludovic Sebcla, 24-year-old mechanic, landed their small,-slightly damaged trainer in a meadow near the Bavarian town of Vilshofen after a 120-mile night. They said they knocked out a Communist guard at the Czech military airport of Byskov, . near Budweis, in order to reach the plane yesterday and take off for West Germany. ' They told police they '"couldn t stand living conditions" In Czech oslovakia or the lack of freedom. Vzral said he had planned the es cape for a month and was joined at the last minute by Sebela, a boyhood friend, ''' U . be announced at the annual meet ing of the Oregon Cattlemen's Assn. here In December. Teaches Horse to Sit Down - But on Himself TULSA, Okla. (l Officers said a 41-year-old aircraft plant worker here tried to teach his horse how to sit down Sunday, and was too successful. . ' Arnold Hall was seriously in jured when the horse sat down on him. He was hospitalized with a broken pelvis. Improve Cemetery LYONS (Special) Mrs. Gladys Mason of Mill City and president of the Fox Valley cemetery asso ciation reports that the fall mowing of the cemetery will be done the first of October, to put Ihe ceme tery in shape for the winter. Mrs. Mason asks that all interested families clean off their graves re moving all jars and cans and other rubbish. , Woodbum Drive-In Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Open 8:45 Show "7:15 ' "DADDY LONG 1E0S" . Fred Astaire Plus "HOUSE OF BAMBOO" Hichard Ryan DALLAS MOTOR-VU Gates Open 6:45 Show at 7 The picture of the year!!! Ernest Borgnine Betsy Blair In "MARTY" . . . Second Feature . . . Robert Mitchum-Jan Sterling "MAN WITH A GUN" c NOW SHOWING: AT SALEM 'S ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS uwm cusstci Gregory PECK, Continuous from 1 P.M. r HORROR BEYOND BftffM Gates Open 6:45! JAMES STEWART DORIS DAY to IT. WIML. ff, tJlilW llllfig t IWI ' KHJr mm nm i"ar. - humadt . TDvnN . iwDKirr- II i!J2" Iff -ttw HAT "KING" COLE twiiwii'-tinMiiM."'! l!6li SNOWHEH ifM TtrcHNICOf ICHD 110 BASEHART OENN ALSO j "Amazon Trader"JE DON'T FORGET MONDAY NIGHT IS KOCO NIGHT! lukk CENTURY 6-Paitenger 2-Door Rlvtera i See rjhat a Great Deal you get Mow 1 tvcht now we're making 'it bonanza time for you. XV The popularity that's put Buick solidly up in America's top 3 sellers means we can give a better allow ance on your trade-jn. And Buick's success tells you our prices are right and redy for action. Btit this is more than a great deal on a doflars-and-cents basis it's a smart deal on how much more cot yon get in a '56 Buick. You'll be getting the greatest biiy in performance with Variable Pitch Dynaflow the only transmission that uses the switch-pitch orinciole of a modem airliner's propellers. You'll be getting the l! fJTitient brmdle of V8 power ever placed rmder a hood- And you 11 be getting a ride that's sheer luxury. So how. about hurrying in while your present car is at peak worth? You'll make a buy you can crow about for years. And we'll prove that today. ru- Adv-atu-cd VtiriabU Fitch Dynafiow it Ihe omif lajkc Bmict bmltls today, ft is standard on ffoadausttr. Super and Century optaonaf wtodmt axtra aw on ttta Special Bonanza ' Trade-in ABcmaoce tmMrrt ear-wtildi h ut ha pMti mi stfW Bonanza Boy TrxsBy'a twlck prieat ttort rrajht en Iwefc ! the inielUr eon - bvt mtml utt evnl rhe exrni blnoa vkk brlngt yo. Extra power omJ brtro tin, nam, knvry. htrmtmm rioe. Mere rnKturol WMottt and xlktrry. Nov -enwTow trrlina. if a rke tVeet loick Yett Bonanza Resale Yei m olwtrvt bank en lidi'i bat your '5 tuklt should get ye even mere when you trade if, thanki to today'i new Variable IHh Dyncrflew. It's the world's most advanced transmission only one that jives you the enmintj riwm and full-oower eccelenrtiaa e( the i Btosse't awirrii-eisdi prapeUeral ns 9 .fAd - wttw Mtraa autovomis ah tutu wick wiu 77T tfj HMD TVKM p. a. We herre some espeoatly flood buyt ngto now en the high-powered ClNTUlT ond the Mtra-poel Sunt. Berter ee em real eoonl coot mm tow met 4k ttsm. sMwaieHa. WH9sftAWrl eiirrTiini Utf J). Vn7SDsira . 388 N. Cemmarcial St. Solum, Ort.