Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 12, 1956, Page 26, Image 26

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D O O.-i! A
tQld Pro' Sal Maglie Lifts Brooklyn into Tie for NL Lead
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, September 12, 1956
I Margin
Yanks Win Again;
'- Seven Games
From Title
The Assoclntod Press
Sal Maglie, the old man with
Hie beard who used to give Hrook-
lyn Ilia, turns out to be tho guy
who pitched the Dodgers into a tie
for tho National League lead.
They called him "Tho Barber"
around the league when Maglie
wnrken for the New York Ginnts.
partly because of the trade-mark
stuobic on his lace and parity De
cease his pitches close-shaved the
In Brooklyn they called him
something else. The 30-year-old
righthander held a 23-lt lifetime
'The Pennant May Depend on This One, Neivk!'
W L Pet. W L Pet.
N fork 89 ) .845 Detroit 70 7 .911
ClftVInd 77 59 .5GB Raltlmr 59 7fl .4.11
Chtl-ago 76 60 ..159 Washtn 57 60 .416
Boston 76 61 .555 K. Clly 43 93 .316
, Tuftday's results: II Chk-ssjn 3, Ros-
lon o; al Kansas city , nrw rorK
9: it Drtrolt 12. WnshlnHton 2; al
Cleveland 3, fialtlmora 1.
W L Pet. W I, IPc-t.
Mlrtvak S3 55 .691 Phlladl 63 73 .463
Rroillyn S3 55 .601 Pltahlth 61 76 .439
Cllirinn 61 57 .567 N.York M 91 .409
Sl-.Lou 69 68 .504 Chlraen 54 63 .394
Tuesday's results: at Brooklyn 4,
Milwaukee 2; at New York 5, Cin
cinnati II: at Philadelphia 3. St.
Lotjla 6; at Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 3.
Suds Drop Beavers
Into Fourth Place
hex on the Brooks and about the
closest you can get In print to
whit the Dodgers called Sal is
that nasty old so-and-so."
i Pro Among Proi
Bit last night, Maglie was THE
old; pro among Brooklyn's old
prog, striking out six, walking
none with what he thought was a
"second,-rate curve" and driving
in (wo runs while beating Milwau
kee 4-2. It was Sal's 10th victory
since being picked up from Cleve
land in May and it lifted the world
champs into a shnre of first place
nr-the first time since April 28.
Brooklyn and Milwaukee have
eaoh won S3 and Inst 57.
Third-place Cincinnati with
Frmk Itoblnson tying the major
league rookie record for home
runs whipped the Giants 11-5
and moved to within two gomes
of the Braves.
St. Louis defeated Philadelphia
5-3 and Pittsburgh beat Chicago
4-3 in tne other Nlj games.
Hakhs Tina Duanil
American, Yogi Berra hit
his .2.16th career home run, ,tyins
a major league record lor catch
ers; as New York's pennant-bound
Yankees -defeated Kansas City
g.v Cleveland, Willi Bob Lemon
uiitning his 200th in the majors,
trimmed Baltimore 3-1, Boston
d 'opped Chicago out of a sicond
plate tie with the Indians, beating
tin. While Sox S-.3. Detroit mimIciI
Washington 12-0 behind Frank
Lory's two-hitter.
'Che Braves, who had the lend
ll;to themselves since July 13,
refuse to admit they're troubled
bvthe pennant pressure.. But it
mtp looks that way. While Brooklyn-has
won four of its last five,
Iha Braves have won only two of
fiv-and Bob Buhl, who hod beal
enlhe Dodgers seven times wilh
ouMcfcal, blew up to walk seven
in his 3 2-3 innings Inst night,
Walks Fill Bases
Buhl led in Iho fourth when he
twice walked Ihe bases full and
gay up Maglle's two-run single. 1
The' Brooks, with Just five hits all
night, got the clinching pair in the!
eighth olf Ernie Johnson, fourth:
Milwaukee pitcher. j
Jackie Robinson, another of Ihe
old, pros, gnlloprd home from !
seond on Johnson's wild pU-koff
peg; and Gil Hodges then slammed
hiy27lh home run.
Jlilwatikop's runs rame on Ktl
Adcoeks 36th his I2lh olf Brook
lyn and one shy ol Ihe NL record
against one club.
Four Hurlers Battered
Cincinnati haltered four (iianl
pitchers for 14 hits including a
grand-slam homer by Kd Bailey:
ann tea imusicwski s anin home
run. Robinson's shot was his 36th
matching the record set by
YYally Berger as a Boston Braves
rookie in 19.10 and lying Brooklyn's
Duke Snider for tho Nl, lend.
Art Fowler won his llth in re
lief of l.nrry Jansen, who made
his first appearance against his
old mates.
Bobby Del Greco anil Ken Buyer
homered for the Cords, who now
have won five In a row. Ilerm
Wehmeier won it with relief.
Back-to-back homers by Dale
I.nng and Frank Thomas gave
Pittsburgh a 3-.1 tie In the eighth.
Then Roberto Clemenle singled to
drive in the run Ihol beat Ihe Cubs
in Ihe ninth.
Seven Games from Flag
Berra. needing one more lo
break Gabby llartneti's home run
record, smacked his 2Alh and
Hank Bauer hit his 24th and 251 h
for the Yanks, who now need any
combination of victories and
Clrvoland defeats totaling seven
In, clinch the flag Hec l,oez,
Harry Simpson and loser Art Dit
mar homered for the A's.
Union, a 38-year-old right-hander
who turned pitcher in TJ46 alter
an inficldcr-outlicldcr start, gave
six hits and hit a Iwo-run homer
in becoming the 36lh pitcher lo
win 200 since 1900. It was his 19th
victory of the season and put
him with teammates Bobby Feller
and Early Wynn as the only 200
game winners now active.
Ted Williams hil his 20ih home
run among II Boston hits as the
Red Sox drew within a half game
of the third-place Chicogos. Wil
lard Nixon and reliefer Ike De
lock checked the Chisox on five
Lory, winning his 17th in a bid
to become Detroit's first 20-gamc
winner since Har Ncwhouscr In,
1948, retired the- last 15 men he
faced. The Tigers scored nino runs
on eight hits to nail it in the
American League
Baltimore . . ooi) 010 000-1 t 2
Cleveland 120 090 OOX 3 7 0
Monre and Trlandoi; Lemon and
ahaft-nn, Hesan .161.
Washington ... 009 900 090 0 2 3
Detroit Oil 991 OOX 12 14 0
Slnne. Chakalea 14). Grlcas (5).
Wlenler (81 and Berberet; lary and
Wilson. L Stone.
Boston 020 110 100-5 11 0
Chicago 102 000 0093 5 0
Nixon, Delock (71 and Daley; Kee-
gan, LaPalme 17), Kinder 171, How-
n anu j-oiiar. w puxon. i
New York 100 210 041-8 I I
Kansas City 000 013 2005 7 1
Kurks. Morffan (71 Byrnes and
Berra: Dltmar, Crlmlan 16) and
National League
Cincinnati . 204 201 003 II 14 1
New York . . 300 002 090 3 10 0
Jansen, Fowler 12), Preemnn 171
and nalley; Margnnerl. Llltledeld 13),
nidrlk 16), Wlllielm 16) and Sarnl.
W Fowler. L Margnnerl,
Malwallkee 010 000 0011 1
Brooklyn 000 200 02x 4 9 0
Buhl, Trowbridge (4), Crone IS),
Johnson 17) and lllce. Crandall (5);
Maglla and Camoanella. L Buhl.
Chicago 001 002 000 .1 6 0
PllUllllrgll .. . 010 000 0214 10 1
Rush, f.nwn (SI and Landrllh; Hat I.
Waters Ifli, Narnnjn 16), Faro (8)
and Fnllca. W Face. L Lown.
St. I-ouls .... 013 000 019 5 12 2
Philadelphia 090 902 1003 6
Wehmeier. Jackson (71 and Katl
Simmons. R. Miller (61. Haridlv (8
and Lnpata. L Simmons. W Weh
meier. f
Brooklyn Dodger manager Walt Alston, right, gives a pep talk
to his starting pitcher, Don Newcombe, before the start of the
Dodger-Milwaukee Braves game at Ebbets Field here today.
Willi Ihe two teams lied for the league lead after , last night's
Dodger win over Ihe Braves, Nrwcombe Is facing Lew Riinlette
of the Braves In Ihe battle for the league's ,top spot, (Al' Wire
Harvie Ward Might Become
First to Take Two Straight
Ward opines that If he can xlny
around for a couple more rounds
in the Notional Amateur Golf
Championship he'll be tough to
That is the understatement of
the week from the defending
champion, who is playing so well
over the lengthy par-71 Knollwood
course that a lot of people think
he'll be the first golfer in 21 years
to win the title twice in succession.
The good-looking, blue-eyed San
Former Lloyd's
Pro Wins Tillc
who used lo ho pro at Ihe now
closed Lloyd's golf course here,
shot a 75-74149 to win Ihe Nnrlh
west regional senior PGA tourna
ment here Tuesday.
It gives him $100 and an expense-paid
trip lo the national
senior pro golf tournament at
Duncdin, FJn., Jan. 27-29. .
Second by two strokes wns Neil
Christian of Spokane.
Carter Loses
To Boardman
BOSTON W Confident Larry
Boardman who gained national
acclaim as a stand-in looked
forward Wednesday to a light
weight title match alter adding
Jimmy Carter to his list of vic
The right hand was every
thing," the 20-year old Marl
borough. Conn., youth said Tues
day nicht in the dressing room
afler flooring the embattled 32-year-old
Carter three times in the
eighth round for a technical
knockout at 1:35.
Boardman weighed 137, Carter
Boardman, rated the No. 1 con
tender for Joe Brown's light
weight crown by Ihe National Box
ing Assn., had hurt Carter with
his short, overpowering right in
the second round. Jimmy never
quite got over it.
Each time afler going down un
der rights in the eighth, Carter
got up at three but referee Jimmy
McCnrron stepped In shortly after,
tho third one. Carter had been
knocked down only twice before
in 104 fights.
Francisco automobile salesman
tempered his mildly optimistic
statement after handing Art Hplf
of La Grange, ill., a rather brutal
5 and 4 licking yesterday in his
opening match.
These other players still figure
to be around for the double-knockout
round tomorrow: 4
Ex-Champs In Ac-lion
Ex-champions Charlie Coe and
Willie Turnesa, Canadian ' Open
champion Doug Sanders and prob
ably little Joe Campbell in one
half of the draw; Ken Venturi, an
other San Francisco , automobile
man; Walker Cuppers' Don Cher
ry, Billy Joe Patton and Dale
Morey.or ex-champion Dick Chap
man and former junior champion
Rex Baxter in the other.
Ward's score wasn't the best of
the second round, Baxter, the
young Texan who won the USGA
junior title in 1953, shot Knoll
wood's front nine in31 and stayed
4 under par to the finish of a 7 and
6 victory over Harvey Woodward
of St. Clair Shores,. Mich.
Some of the favorites, notably
Cherry and Tilrnesa, had narrow
escapes but only a couple joined
first-round loser Joe Conrad on the
upset mourner's bench. Walker
Cupper Dick Yosl of Portland.
Ore., lost b.jn hole lo 30-year-old
Pete Dye of Indianapolis and Ger
ry Magec, runner-up for the Can
adian amateur title this year,
knocked out well-liked Hillman
Robbins of Memphis.
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The price is just
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Line Scores
San Diego 100 002 0104 10 1
Sacramento 020 101 llx 9
Mesa, Hosklns (81 and Astroth;
Elliott, Candlnl (81 and Mc .. amara.
Hollywood 100 203 000 11 S
Los Anseles 100 000 0102 8 1
Arroyo and Hall; Thorpe, Anderson
(81 and Tappe.
Twin Losses to
Seattle Send
Seattle, comine back after i
costlv slump, dropped Portland
into fourth place in the Pacific
Coast League Tuesday night by
winning a marathon douDlenead-pr
The Rainiers won the 11-inning
ODener 5-4 and the finale, halted
at six innings by the, loop's 12:50
a.m. curfew. 2-0.
In other games, Hollywood, its
hex still working against Los An
geles, defeated the PCL champs
6-2. Sacramento beat San Diego
6-4. And for the second straight
night, rain cancelled San Fran
cisco at Vancouver.' Doublohead
ers are scheduled Wednesd-
night at both Vancouver and Port
Seattle won the opener ;fter
Joe Taylor tied the score 4-4 with
a three-run homer in the eighth.
Reliefer Bill Kennedy drove in
the winning run with an 11th
inning double.
Valdes Loses llth
Art Schallock surrendered eight
hits but went the distance in
pitching the second Rainier vic
tory. Rene Valdes, seeking his
22nd winv suffered his llth loss.
The evening's play got under
WLPct. WLPct.
L. Anf 102 80 .630 Sacram K 82 .500
Seattle 88 73 M'l S.Fran 72 86.458
"nrtlanH Kt 7" JW S. Dfeao 71 91 .4.18
Hollywd S3 79 .512 Vancvr 65 94 .409
Tiipsriav's results: at Portland 4-0,
Seattle 5-2, 11 lnnines and six inning
games: at Us Angeles 2. Holly
wood 6: at Sacramento fi, San Diego
4; at Vancouver-San Francisco, rain.
way a half hour late following the
Beaver Dugout varieties wnicn
featured such things as violin
playing by Eddie Basinski, once
a member of the Buffalo Symph
ony Orchestra; vocal numbers by
Ray Shore, Dick Fiedler and
Frank Carswell, footraces and
throwing contests. A crowd of 10,
167 turned out.
Another ' Doubleheader was
scheduled for Wednesday night.
Hollywood, chalking up its fifth
straight win over Los Angeles in
t:- Angel ballpark, wrapped the
game up ip the sixth with a three
run rally featured by Paul Pet-
tits homer with Ramon Mejias
Angel reliever Bob Anderson
established a new PCL pitcher's
record by appearing in his 70th
Sacramento, which winds up its
home season Wednesday night
against San Diego, took a ) ser
ies lead over the Padres in a
loosely-played game saved by Joe
Koppe. He smashed his fourth and
fifth homers of the season to drive
in four runs.
Tacoma Team
Advances Into
Meet Finale
Portland, Fresno to
Play for Other
Stanley Shoemen of Tacoma
smashed Sumn , Iowa, 8-3 Jues
da night to keep their recorJ vn
sullied iri the Northwest playoffs
of the American Baseball i
The Shoemen had brushed Fres
no, Calif., aside earlier in the day,
10-2. Fresno and Portland, Ore.,
a 6-4 winner over Huron, S. D.,
square off Wednesday for the right
to meet Tacoma for the title.
Monte Geiger, the Tacoma ace.
hurled six innings of scoreless
bal' in the night game after tak
ing over m relief of . .nkey Mitch
ell in the third, when Sumner
broke loose for three runs.
The Shoemen salted the game
away in the top of the eighth with
three runs, including two on Jack
Johnson's home run.
In the afternoon game, the
pitchers for 14 hits, including
homers by Dick Schlosstein
George Grant, Johnson and Bob
Portland's Jerry Ross slammed
out a two run homer in the fifth
inning to give the Pacific North
west squad a 4-4 tie and the Port
landers went on to win it with
Braves Rename
Honey for 1957
waukee Braves have rehired Man
ager Fred Hanoy for the 1957 sea
son. Haney who took over the
Braves on June 16 when Charley
Grimm was fired, conferred here
Tuesday with General Manager
John Quinn before the club an
nounced that the 58-year old pilot
had been offered a new contract.
Quinn said the new contract was
"an expression of appreciation for
the wonderful job he ( Haney i has
done." The meeting took place
shortly before the start of yester
day's game.
SF Places End Harry
Babcock on Waivers
MORAGA, Calif., (UPI -Conch
Frankie Albert trimmed his aan
Francisco Forty Niner squad to
40 men Tuesday by placing Harry
Babcock on waivers.
The lanky end, bonus draft
choice in 1953, played his college
football at the University of Geor
gia before joining the National
Football League club.
the seventh and
The shorlscores:
Huron 300 100 000 1 4 2
Portland 010 030 llx 13 1
Dcneke. Brown 7 and Allen; Hend
erson aid McAllen. .
Tacoma 010 422 110 14 1
Fresno 200 000 0 2 3 0
Dlllion and Johnson; Bryant, Trox
el 4 and Fox.
Tacoma Oil 111 00.T 8 16 1
Sumner 003 000 0003 S i
Mitchell. Celger 3 and Johnson;
Anderson. Winters 8 and Philips.
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