Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1956, Page 14, Image 14

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spage 6 Section 2
Too Late to Classify
O280 N. Cburcta SI.
8 PHONE 4-6811
(Mln. 2 Unci) 'Weekday! Sun.
per line 1 time. .35 .25
per line 3 times, (to .80
per line 6 times. 11.30 11.20
per line 1 mo. .. $3.00 Unci. Sun. 1
Classified aaa will be run in
noth papers to give advertisers
I WANTKO 25-35 acres offjtrodu!
lng filberts. Ph. 4-1042.
WILL trade 19.000 eoulty In in
come properly for 2 .or 3 bJrm,
older house. Ph.3-37M.
2 HOMES, live In one, other
!Q rented. All for $10,500. L. .
jviumpp, n. t-ttitt.
BY owner South. 4 yr. old2
hdrm. Oak firs., plastered.
Carport, washer & dryer. Lot
55'xl50'. S7.000. 3775 Bartlett
400 Agriculture
402 Livestock for Sole
VERY nice 2 bdrm. home. large
lot on creek, fireplace, dry
full basement. 1!3 blocks to
shopping center. T. A. oil heat.
Ph. 3-8367 after 2 p.m.
MOTHER A 2'i yr. old daughter
want first floor apt. Ph. eve
nings 2-0042.
RETIRED Christian couple
wisncs 10 rent or J norm.
the, advantages of the tremen- . home. Not over $55. Ph. 2-060(1.
Pvt. John D. Fcikc, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Fcike
of 2655 South High street, Salem,
who is now in Germany with the
42nd Armored Infantry battalion
of the Second Armored division.
A 1951 graduate of Salem High
school and a 1955 gradut ' ! of
Oregon State College, Fcike en
tered the Army in September,
1955. (U. S. Army Photo)
Bessie Franson
Dies at Lafayclle
LAFAYETTE Death came
Tuesday to Mrs. Bessie May Fran-
son, Lataycttc. Mrs. franson nau
been a resident of Lafayette for
several years, after spending the
earlier part ot ncr me in Kansas.
At the time of her death, she was
82 years of age, and a member o!
tne l'oling memorial I'.vangencai
United Brethren church at Lafay
ette, having been active in the
Ladies Aid society of the church
lor a number of years.
Mrs. Franson was born in
Washington county, Kansas on
April 27, 1873, to Francis and
Frederick Mathews. She wed
James W. Tester-man Oct. 4, 1892,
and following his death, was unit
ed in marriage to Frank Franson
Sept. 29, 1009. He preceded her
in fleam in uao.
Surviving arc two sons, George
Franson of Seattle, Wash., and
Klmer Tcstcrman of Clay Center,
Kan.; two sisters, Mrs. F.ffic Hills,
of Lafayette, and Mrs. Mabel Hox
ton of Ft. Collins, Colo.; four
nieces, six nephews, and two
Memorial services were held
Thursdav. March 8. irom the cha
pel of Mncy and Son in McMinn-
VIllC, Willi iniurillL-IIL 111 r.vvi-
grecn cemetery in that city, ltev.
George Hayes officiating.
Final Riles for
Annie Billinglon
LAFAYETTE Final servievs
lor Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Hilhnu
ton were held Friday, March 9,
at. thn Polini! Memorial Evangeli
cal United Brethren church at
Liifavctte. Rev. Chester Gates of
ficiating. Mrs. Billinjiton had been
a resident of Lafayette for 61
years, excepting the last two,
which were spent in a rest home
in Portland, where death came
to her Tuesday, March 6.
Mrs. Billinglon was born at
Bcunc, Iowa, on July 17, 186(i,
and moved to Lafayette from
Silverton after coming west from
Iowa. She was united in marriage
in 18U7 in Goldendale, Wash., to
Albert Thomas Billington, and
one son survives this union, Frank
J. Billington, of Portland. Other
survives include two grandsons
and five great-grandchildren. i
Interment was in Evergreen
Memorial Bark, McMinnville, with
Macy & Son in charge of arrangements.
dous pulling power of 35,600
com 01 netl circulation!.
When an ad is ordered three
or six times and a Sunday issue
is included I or example Friday,
Saturday, Sunday) the lower
bunday rates apply because only
i ne statesman Duoiisnes bun
Classified ads wilt start In the
morning Oregon Statesman, con
clude in tne evening uapii.ii
Journal but nds will be ac
cepted for Sunday Satcsman
The deadline for classified ads
Is 1 :00 p.m. the day before pub
lication. Emergency ads and
small line ads received after
1:00 p.m. may be placed In the
"Too Late to Classify" column
for the following morning.
Ads for Monday oaners must
De in by 5 p.m. Saturday.
The Statesman-Journal News
papers reserve the right to re
ject questionable advertising; tt
further reserves the right to
Dlaci! all advertising under the
oropcr eiassiiicnuon,
The Statesman-Journal News
papers assume no financial re
sponsibility for errors which
may appear in advertise men is
published in Its columns and in
cases wncre in is paper is at
fault will reprint that part of
an advertisement In which the mistake occurs.
A "Blind" Ad nn ad contain
ing a Statesman-Journal News
papers box number for an ad
dress Is for the protection ol
the advertisers' mid must there
fore be answered by letter. The
Statesman - Journal Newspapers
are not at liberty to divulge in
formation ns to the Identity nt
an advertiser using a "Blind"
lo protect lit readers against
fraud deception, or Injuries.
Headers are cautioned to make
NO PAYMENTS to get a po
sition advertised in the help
wanted columns. All help
wanted ans mum1 srcuip y
WOKK, Sales help wanted ads
must ntfile If the pay Is In the
form of salary, commissions,
guarantee, or inciuue linn
name. Bona fide offers of em
ployment with pay belong to
ine ncip wanted columns.
cn in other columns which re
quire Investment tn stocks.
sain tiles, equipment or cash
nono snnuKi ne morounniy in-
veu'.igaed before paying out
any money Advertisers
quiring a cash investment for
'imnplt's or merchandise. salcH
aids, elr , must so specify in
uieir aus
Kindly report any exception to
this rule to the classified ad
vertising manager.
WANTED to Rent: 3 bd or more
on one floor m quiet district.
By business executive with top
rel. can 4-1414.
AVAILABLE April 1st. New 2
bdrm. duplex. Adults only. ifou.
248 Evelyn St. (4 Corners
1 RED COW & 1 Jersey. Take
choice, must keep one. Both
will freshen thfa month. Route
2. Box 4C5. Phone j-li9fiL
H6KSES& saddYcsrboughf. sold,
exchanged. New :i0,06 rifle. 3
boxes of shells, $li)0, 2 heifers
$100. Ph. 4-9U63. 3376 Silverton
30 rfCE big thrifty Berkshire
leeucr .v weaner pigs. i' mi.
E. of Totem Pole. mi. S.
Box 23. Ph. 4-2313.
Ph 4-1063 or W ood bu rn2-4338.
VEX SHIVLEY. Ph. 2-G835.
WANT GOOD 2-wheel pont cart
& harness. 5345 Center 4-1004.
COW 3 yr. old ','a Jersey 7
Guernsey fresh in few days.
4-0056, ,
400 Agriculture 450 Merchandise
414 Farm Equipment Q455 House Goods for Sale
PHONE 2-0209
1 BDRM. house, partly turn
wgarage. Ideal for couple. Ph,
CLEAN modern 3 rm. house for
rent. 1435 Harmony Dr.
ATTRACTIVE, heat, priv. cnt.
2, 3 or 4 rms. 1411 Court.
CARPENTER: Repair or remod
eling, ivew or old. neasonaoie
wage. Good work. Phone 3-0457
YOUNG girl will baby sit, week
cnas, eve. in. 4-u.iai.
NEED loving care for 2'i yr.
old child. ox U74 a talesman-Journal.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted.
The Spa, 3!i2 State St.
WANT to buy: round oak table.
Ph. 3-8306 after 5:00.
NEARLY new brown tweed sofa.
Ph. 2-6651.
WANTED cabinet npprox. 36"
N Eh. Ph. Aumsville 2-342.
14 EASTER cards for $1. Ph.
4-R31S. Mrs. Harold Stcclcy,
Ht. 2, Box351J. Salem.
FOR SALE: complete 1048 set of
Encyclopedia Britannica. See
j ci rv Arnold, unxier huh,
Willamette University. Please
call 4-4'l!il to arrange time.
UPRIGHT Remington piano for
sale, good cond. Reasonable
price. Ph. 3-3330.
LOCKER BEEF. Eastern Oregon.
or wnoie 'ic lo. LocKer porn
21c lb. Custom killing Trailer
loaned free. Salem Meat Co.
For horses. We train horses &
riders At have, horses available
for pleasure riding. 2 PALA-
For Sale1 Hand made trail ride
saddle. Ton cond. & black
Shetland. Ph. 4-1077 mornings
ocioru iv.
MADE-to-order metal feeders,
t roughs Jud son's, 270 Chemek,
FOR SALE '47 'A" John Deere
tractor, ironi loader. Ph.
3-0W8 W.Allen.JJ31 7th.
COMMUTE M-M 6!). fnThnVi
trailer or $450. P.O. Box 164,
USED welder for sale. Inquire
COS Illinois eves.
COMPLETE irrigation outfit hke
new. 7i H.P.. Elec. 3 phase
motor & pump. 1390 ft. pipe.
Halves. (18; sprinklers, switch
panel, all guaranteed A-l. J.
W. Wood. Ph. Scio 22F7 after
6 p.m.
4S5 Auction Sales
450 Merchandise
403 Livestock Wonted
CATTLE, norse. at vour farm.
E. C. McC.mdllsh. nt 2. 3-C18J.
JATTLE buyer. A. F Somme:,
1-C0 Ilnrmuny Dr. Ph. 4-POflV.
Snclhrn. 4287 Stale. 2-1346.
LIVESTOCK . buyer. Cla ide Ed-
warus ill. J, uox OWL 4-1113.
404 Poultry and Robbiti
3f)fl5 State Ph. 4-3918
WHITE Rock capons. 35c lb., 3
lO O 11)3. I'll. J-UIj(jJ.
BED. Kprlnes, matt.. rirep:.lng tn.
hie & bench, all $15. I'll
Classified Index
"For Vour Convenience"
'huhukams mkkt
TUHN1CH lilcnl Kfhckah loilc
met Wednesday evening. Mrs.
lleverlv Ilrunch was inslalled as
Coiului'lor. The Indue is having
new hy-laws printed and Mrs. Hob
erl Mitchell, Mrs. Nora llohertson,
Mrs. Itoy llalticld and Mrs. Carl
Craves were appointed on this
VN10NVA1.K Mr. and Mrs.
Italpli Church ot Seattle, Wash.,
were weekend guests ol his moth
er, Mrs. J. C. Church, Mr. and
Mrs. Merle Church and family.
No. i:ui
IN TIIK rllU'lllT inl'KT OK T1IK
I'Ol'NTV OK MAHION Kelatlons l.)ci.u tinent
KVA SIlll'l.EV. 1
1'l.llnlllf, I
Di' I
TO: EARL O. SIIH'LEV. Hie ilelcnd
nnl nliitvc-nniiicil.
OK OltKtiON. you rc hcii'hv rf
qulrrd to appear nnd answvt the
rnmplalnl filrd aaint ymi tn the
aoove-cnlillcd Court and r.nic
wllhin four (41 weeks from the date
of the fir!t publlfatiim ot this Stun
mi.n hriim the time pre
M-rilird by the Court in Its onler lor
M-rvicc "f this Sunmunis upon vmi
hv mtblH'iittttn therottf. (r fnur Hi
wri'lts s'.uvfsslvrlv fru.n tte dale it
tin- first puhllrnttim: and If you
Mwill fnil tn so nppcar nd answer
for Willi t Ihcrtot. the pl.iinttlt will
Like a den-re nRiinst you, ilissolv
ln( Uir rimrrtKt contract helween
nther and further relief as pt ayeel TOl'Nl) : Small blaek A- tat
fur In her complaint on file herein, i wire-h.iired terrier in 4Cor
.Service ot mis .-wmnums 11 m.iui
pursuant to an (ftdor tf the Hon
orable Joseph B. Felton, Ciicmt
J ti iff of Salem, Orrjton. dated tl r
Iflth dav of Smmary. l!5fi. and the
date of ' the first puhfiration of thu
Summons it the 18th day of Kcbiu--ary.
AMornev for PlutnUff, o
2 1 XI Cray IlulldinK,
Date of Ku.t Publication, March 3. SKI. 1. or trade equity
jtjUg l iiuii'H luimasv,
tVit cf Last Puhlication. March t. f r hest ear offer.
O M. .1.10,17.24
310 Meeting Notices
312 Lost and Found
314 Trimbportation
.iMi I'crsonal
318 Stamps and Coins
4110 AtlltlCULTUKP,
102 Livestock for Sale
403 Livestock Wanted
IU4 Poultry nnd Habhltn
Ilt7 Fur Dealing Animals
Hill Vets
11)11 Sen Foods
411) Seeds and Plnnls
412 Fruit nnd Farm Produce
1 1.1 Fertilizer
414 Farm K(trtpmcnt
i-o auciiou snies
451 Maclilncry and Tools
452 Wanted Mai hinery, Tools
454 Sewing Machines
4.15 House Goods (or Snle
4.1(1 Wanted Hoime r:nti
457 Hiidlo and Television
45fl Bui Id Inj? Matcrlnls
!i uo it vmim-ll
lliO Musical lnstrnnients
4(i2 Sporti Kiuipinenl
4i4 Hlcvclcs
lli(i Trade MiscellanroiiR
4;R For Kent. Ml!ieell.ineniii
470 For Snle, Miscellaneous
472 Wanted, Miscellaneous
474 Miscellaneous
476 rue
aiu Aiouey to i,onn
512 Loans Wauled
515 Investments
(!02 Heln Wanteo
1104 Help Wanted. Man
I'liii lieip wanted, l.ndy
IW8 Pickers Wanted
010 Sales Help
ti!2 Work Wanted. Man
(114 Work W.inted. Lady
til 5 Situations Wauled
lllH Kiuploytiirnl Agencies
(117 .loh Information
(ilA Kducation
fii:o Dav or Contract
702 Sleeping Hooms. Roarfl
703 Wanted Hooms, Hoard
705 Apartments for Kent
7oiI Duplexes
707 House for Rent
707 -A Furnished
708 Karn.s fur Itent
7011 Wauled to ltent
710 Wanted In Itent Houses
712 Wanted lo Itent Apts.
714 llusines Itentals
7 Hi Hesort Rentals
7IH Convalescent Homes
m Hovint! andStoraRe
lio 1 ntislne-s (ippoitunttlc!
IlllJ Hiisiness Piopeily
Una Suburban
Br. Houses for Snle
H07 Apis Courts for Sale
11011 Lots or Sale
flUI Farms for Sale
1112 Kehanne Heal Ktate
H!f Hrsorl Propeitv
81i! Wanted Real Ktate
Bl'S Insurance
8.'il New Cats
H.-.2 Vn Car for Sale
853 Auto l'.uts and Krp.itr
H.rtl Tnnks. Tr.iiieri (or Sale
IWtil Wanted Cats. Ttufks
8,r.1 Motoicvcle
lli:0 Auto Miscellaneous
Hill! House Ttaileis
8(U Heavy Kquipment
fll'O All t iaft
LIKE new Deluxe writiRer type
wasner wpump, i'ti.
CHIHUAHUA regTYtud service,
also puppies rcg. or untvg. Ph.
FOR SALF. 2 cows Just fresh,
wcalf. 3370 Hoberts Ave.
FOlfsALE: ("black "TnareTrRie
or drive. j saddle bred. t
standard bred. Reas. 1 bay
mare trained for enuitation A
3 Raited classes. Reg. saddle
bred, Hoth ridden & shown by
12 yr. old fiirl.
300 Personal
312 Lost and Found
LOST Brown Icnlhcr billfold,
papers & cards of Richard K.
Spencer. Reward. Ph. 2-7077,
PERSON who took ladies grey
mat, similar to hers, Saturday
China City. Call 2-B572:
FOUND Brown spotted Pointer
dog. Vicinity Liberty Rd. Ph.
LOST LarRc black Cocker
Spaniel strayed from 2flfiO
Brooks Ayc. Reward. 3-7043.
LOST Black R: white long hair
ed cat. In vicinity of Union A
Liberty. Childs pet. Reward.
Call2-fi447 eves.
LOST Fawn Boxer, male. 6 mo.
old. Children's pet. Ph. 3-4008.
LOST Belgian Skipperkee pup.
Black, no tail. Vicinity Brown
ing Ave. Thursday. Please re
turn. Children's pet. Reward.
Phone 4-0727.
LOST: Green speckled parakeet.
Highland & Laurel Ave. 2-5U02.
BABY CHICKS. 16c straight run.
choice of Parmentcrs. New
Hamps., White Rocks and Leg
horns. Special New Hamp. and
While Rock pullets, 10c. Par
mcnler red rooster, fie.
p,14-'li:i,1 5aJcm
FOR SALE, laying hens, hens
dressed, also roosters. Call
4-G03!). 1050 Boone Rd.
MALLARD Drake A: Hen. 1 yr.
tame, $0. 4 Buff Bantys, laying
i n. ureen i ah. Angei.
EXTRA LARGE White Leghorns,
I'armenter Kens cornish X
White Rocks. Hatches every
Tuesday. Send for free folder.
Leghorn cockerels S3 ncr 100.
Pannentcr Rod cockerels 18
UL 9-2533. ,
HAHHlf" FRYERS. 50c lb. Pll.
451 Machinery & Tools
13.2 HORSE Windolph cat w
blade, 30-in. tiller, good cond.
wall attachments. Ph. 4-8279.
ONE 5 H.P. DeVjTvlssa7icorn
pressor. Never used. Phone 4
63Z3. 695 N. High.
ARIENS tiller. S H.P.. excellent
condition. Used only on small
mbc, tins Avenue.
10" SWING saw, 5IMcrnaVlonai
disk. Farmall cub plow, Ph.
Dishwasher, disposal. A: cab.
fju-lnp faucet Nearly new
Sells new for $330,50. Yours
Glen Woodrys. 1605 NSummer
PORTABLE bar $15.00. Ross ce
dar chest f 29.50. Laundry tubs
w&stand $10.00. Good steamer
trunk $10.00, Small roll top
desk S25.CO. Antique bed $10.00.
Bargains by the thousands.
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer
NEW 9 x 12 leaf pattern rugs.
Folks, thev're nice, durable Sc
only $28.88 on Glen Woodry's
Challenge Sale!
Ki05 N. Summer
USED rollaway bed with matrcss
Hogg Bros. 248 State St.
30 ON. WILL BUY 5 rooms of
furniture complete with appli
ances. Opcrj noon till 8 Mon
dav and Friday.
Woodry's Thrifty Used Furn.
515 So. Com'l. St. Ph, 4-3319
Q 1
45$) Merchandise
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March 10,
45alouse Goods for Sale
urA:HFRWrineer tvne. excel
cond,. $35. Desk Sc leather
swivel chair, cost $250. sell
$145. Mahog din. rm. set, like
new, iau. wimi
APT. size gas range, $25. Good
Simmons dox spring u man.,
$40. 1306 N. arhurch,
UsYD5-pc. chrome set. $39.50.
Used Mdse. Mart. S. Liber
tv, 4-631. E-Z terms, fri.
til 9.
ANTIQUE furniture, ironstone
pitcher, Kusseil wrigni uimi
es. Must sell. Make offer.
OAKLAND wood heater, nearly
ne wF h . 4-Z4DB.
NEEDY family may assume
Email balance on elec. range.
Only $17.88. Batdorfs Fire
stone. 1420 State St. Ph. 3-9532.
COMPLETE household furnish
ings inc. blonde spinet piano,
dbl. brass bed. dishes & linens,
etc. Ph. 4-2387, 1775 S. Liberty.
ELEC. range, excel, cond., $60.
evening, s-vjm.
FfiB SALE Coleman oil burner,
50,000 B.T.U.. $20; Kenmore
wringer washer with timer,
$G0: hi-chair & car crib. Ph.
MAHOGANY corner table, nic-
nnc shelves with drawers,
dolls, wardrobe. 2 dc. section
al, small studio type couch.
Antique frame snaoow oo.
chairs. springs, mattresses,
cheap. 3-5024.
AR JOHN Deere tractor, $450.
10 dble. disk. Johnj Deere grain
drill, 6" John Deere disk. 2-16
Oliver plow on rubber, $125.
3 section M&M folding type
harrow. $75. Ph. Forrest Grove
4015. lit. 4, Box 150 Hillsboro,
FOB SALE Portable welder,
mounted on 1944 Intl. 4x4
truck. 200 amp. Lincoln weld
er complete with cuiting
equipment. 400 lbs. welding
rod. Front end winch with A
framc. Also small double drum
loader, some main line and
haulbnek. Chev. powerplant
and 4-speed trans. New 28'
sled. Becker Bros. Equip Co.,
Mill City. Oregon. Phone 1652.
HAVE several used welderc AC
& DC. Call 4-7544.
408 Pets
FOR SALE Collie pups. 9 wks.
old. Ph. 2-5935.
FOR SALE or make offer. Young
parrot, nice cage, starting to
talk, $75. I'll. 4-41011.
WILL give fl mo. female Cocker
to good home, n. 2-B7;)f.
SIAMESE stud service. Seal
point, good show stock. Ph,
FOR SALE 2 yr. old. A.K.C.
reg. ucrmin Shepherd, male.
3-8202 after 5:30.
PUPPIES for sale $1 each.
Cuiiunings Lane.
314 Transportation
BUSINESS mnn wishes daily
ride to Cnrvallls. Ph. 4-7250.
COMMUTING to Portland daily.
Like to share expenses or al
ternate cars. Ph. 4-7(ifi2.
316 Personal
I WILL NOT be responsible for
any uettts other than my own.
Levi A. Sleighter.
CHESTER hlr cushion shoes for
tender feet. Bowling shirts,
jackets, work uniforms. 4-5273.
ARE you ellgibk'7 Wc are on Ihe
March. This is your oppor
tunity to help your buddies
and youn-elf by joining the
Veteran, of Foreign Wars. For
a small Investment we guaran
tee '.ielp & comradeship. I'll.
2-!Ki01, ,
NCOMK. TAXKS1 Arc you over
paying yours? Ph. 2-674
S ConmierclnL2-2108 or4-78(i7,
A LCHOLICS A nonvmous group
No. 1. 20R8 N. Com'l 3-4337.
100 Agriculture
402 Livestock for Sale
1 JERSEY cow to freshen soon.
Two joung heifers. Ph. 2-1573
GOOD Jersey milk cow" $'.'0. Ht.
I, J of ferhon. Calvin Howe.
FOR SALE or trade. 9 foot year
old refi i cera lor for cow or Write hox 27R, lit, 2.
Woodburit. P h o n e. Monitor
SOW and 7 pigs, furrowed Dec.
2nd 1 or all. Ph. 4-24S0.
1 fUYK.-ULt) sorrel about lifi
b.uuit. formerly ridden in
Rose hurt! Po-se will i-ell or
trade lor smaller horne for
small gul I'll. 4-90I13 or 3316
Silverton Rd.
TOY cockers, toy Manchester
22 lbs. Springer Spaniel. Ph.
3 yr. old male Collie $10 to good
home. Small black male dog
52. ijn. 4-1UUB.
BF.AGLE year old rcg. female
lop blood strain from Eastern
U. S. field champ. Suitable
for pet or breeding. Bargain
nl $C0. 2-7002.
CHIHUAHUA matron & 2 pups,
peahens, guineas, peacock
feathers. 2-0171.
MOORE Pels. Toy pups, hen
canaries, fish. Small animals.
41105 State St.
CHOICE of Apricot Canaries
ready for nesting. Ph. 3-43115.
YOUNG parakeets, cages, feeds,
Mickey's. 31125 S. Com. 2-2755.
tMIUKEF-TS. Cages t Supplies.
B St M Aviary, 33G5 May wood.
Ph. 4-5425
BIRD Paradise for birds, cages
supplies 3180 Livingston 2-1842.
245 W. Browning. Ph. 2-2097.
410 Seeds and Plants
LARGE blueberry plants.
412 Fruit & Farm Produce
FOR SALE: 24 white rock pul
lets, fi mo. Ph. 2-73B4.
WANTED 1 or 2 ton of cow hay.
Ph. 4-ltll.
PASTEURIZED whole milk, 75c
gal ',j gal. 40c. delivered.
Clcary Dairy. 2-3035.
413 Fertilizer
ROTTED lawn A; garden frrttl
ber. sack o: yard. Ph. 2-2329.
MANURE; aged rich humus. No
weeds. Heal soil builder for
lawns, gardens Ph 2-0331.
PHONE 3-3155
ROTT E D MANURE . R tc hf i ne
manure by sack or yard De
livered or al farm Phillip's
Bros Ht. 5 Box 493 Ph. 4-3081.
PKAT MOSS with poultr"drop
pings only 75c per sack.
414 Farm Equipment
uioO -N fi!It 's.iiospnf saJUd 13
-.0 if bduind lent, ss;4'lia:4il
10K-r, ouoim tupJrS SGUV'.W d H rZ
Too Late to Classify
ners vicinity. Ph 3-;.H;i3.
'5 FORD Kairhme. 4 dr.. fullv
rqnipped iiu'luflnig Koril-a'-matic.
.Bank terms. Ph. 4-5282.
BIMCK coupe, dandv condition.
$150 or best offer Ph. 4-9H33.
BY original owner: 1951 Kurd
V-8. 2 ilr. Fediv. R H. A
fn.e car. prUed right. Ph.
.SSR!) aflrr 3 n.i. o
li '51
rv.iiTilnnlloii lor CcrlHlnlo P&c
Aci'iiunts nl on-iliin Willi he lirlil in
PorllunO, 1:30 p.m. WrdncMlny.
Mnv 0 tTujUllh Frldav, May II. 19M.
ApilllrlllliiRs (jyuist bf filed ;lh Ihe
Ferretiiry A'n or befo(f ;m(
OKecretnrv. OrrKtm SHlf lliilvd
t)of A-Siliilnnf'. 6.'U AnieWiSn
Mink Uiilldtng, I' i
l!M(t CllRVSLKH Good
1195. Phone 2-&ta n
"aij M f r ',hn" Ki'bhcr Tile Wall I
iA n dhXl1 ".""" .
o (ft
Business Directory
Kor Hie bol proicssional services, coll one o( these popular
sports. ,
Woi'drv Kurn i lure Co
AA So Com ! Ph 4-2111
tinuuN(; "
CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re
novators. New mattresses 3-406)
in l;
nulldorlng, clearing roads,
o ponds D-4, D-6 carryall V
Huskey o Ph 2-3146
25-ton I orain nioto crane Sa
lem Sand A Crave! Co 2-24H1
tt.MR rOVKlti.NCS
. Floor -f verm g. Dim
(hv tiikailatlons I. to
Phalt AT Rubher Tllr Wall tile
Exp paper-hanging St painting
ffi rry JoI-mi, Ph -8M4
Painting and paper-harRtr,
Fice rsthnats Ph 3-95lKi
Ready mix concrete, crushed
& round gravel, sand i: top
soil 1405 N Front St 2-2461
1625 McC.ilchristo o
Crushed quarry varkfi 9c gravel
All sires for roirt, drivewayi
A: parking lots.
MERRY tiller, good cond. with
rot. mower, transport wheels.
uuer spines, soa cutnng aticn.,
$150; rebuilt mag. for 10-"0 Mc
Cormlck tractor, $15. 2-7112.
6-in. BELT snndcri 1 bench
grinder with or without motor,
j small wood lathe & tools.
Ph. 2-8720 after 6 p.m.
OTTAWA tractor drag saw. Ph.
2-1 188 or write Paul Taylor,
Rt. 4. Box 504, Salem.
454 Sewirg Machines
Large selection of Adlermatics
at wholesale prices. Easy terms
A- libera: trade-ins. Salem
Morse Sewing Center. 2007
Fairgrounds Hd. Hollywood
Dist. Ph. 4-7102.
USED automatic water heaters.
sawdust burners, oil Burners,
furnaces, bathtubs, sinks S5.00;
hasins $6.50. Judson's, 279 N,
USED 5 pe. wood dinette $19.50.
1 1 obB ros. 21 BSla t e St
GOOD sturdy chest of drawers,
occasional chair, pair what not
shelves sewing cahinei, childs
table with drawer. Ph. 3-5778
after 4 p.m.
CLOSEOUT nil playgyms. $13.50
Glen Woodry. 1G05 N. Summer.
S-PIECE Walnut "twiiP bed set,
good cond. $G9. Ph. 4-1613.
1 NEW 27 gal. garbage can oven
ctte broiler pan. Ph. 3-5778
after 4 p.m.
Frigidaire refrigerator, like new,
$125. Ph. 2-0.r)l)8.
HOLLYWOOD bed comp. w
matching hox springs & inner
spring matt. Headboard w
steel frame on casters, $35. Ph.
APEX automatic washer, $69.95;
A-l, vou'll like it.
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer
USED3lc7bcdroom suite $3f).50
Hogg Bros. 248 State St.
SOLID maple bdrm. set. 2 chests
& mirrors, $75. Ph. 4-6959.
USED Buffet ,
Hogg Bros,
, . only $22,
248 State St.
ANTIQUE chairs. Needlepoint
rocker, marble top commode,
antique organ, dishwarc. misc.
antique dishes. See between
9:30 a.m. 'til 2 p.m. at 2820
S. 12th.
455 House Goods for Sate
MUST sell washer, dining set.
dinette set. refrig. & rug. 1344
Center. Ph. 4-1962.
Whirlpool Dryer late model
Westlnghouse Refrlg erator,
very clean. $79.
Norge Automatic washer,
very clean, $9!).
Mavtag sauare tub $39.95.
Hotpoint range very clean,
late model. SR9.95.
Easy Spinner washer like new
' $H!t.f)5.
Rebuilt Elcctrolux Model 30
$49.9ri (1 yr. guarantee).
Cherry City Electric
2040 N. Canltol
Across from Hollywood Theatre
SAVE on used appliances . . . .
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer
NEW Simmons rollaway beds,
GeriWoodry. 1605 N. Summer
USED dresser with mirror $11.50
nogg oros. 21 H state St.
BLUE 0x9 rug, A matching throw
rugs. Good cond. Ph. 2-5253.
6-YEAR-OLD child's bed. new
condition, new mattress, $0.
5345 Center. 4-1994.
HOLLYWOOD Broiler, used once.
Sell '2 price, $20. 3-5987.
7-PC. Biltwell daveno group
new modern. $159.50 for all
Glen Woodry's Challenge Sale
Save $50 Terms
1605 N. Summer
Home showing of the new Air
way San itior. No obligation.
Office: 325 E. Bush
PH. 2-4701
SOLID maple bunk bed sets Inc.
springs, $.H.3u, uicn wooary,
1605 N. Summer.
CHROME Dinette snle. 5 beauti
ful pieces.
Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer
"We Trade nnd Givn Terms"
MO N TAG " E vciv- Fl o" oi I'Mur-
nace. suitable for Ig. home- or
business. Very reus. Ph. Eb
jii;i'SPark N'Market. 2-6351.
AUTO, washer & dryer. A-l
condition. 5250. Ph. 4-5428.
FOR SALE Baby bathinelte.
like new. also white all metal
cabinet. Ph. 4-5620.
FOR SALE Beautiful antique 3
piece walnut oca room sei.
Small oil circulator. Ph. 2-6833.
9 x 12 Lino Rugs $4 95 R L
Elfstrom Co. atiQ s Lthorty.
DAVENO A: chair. 9x12' rug.
General Elec. wringer type
washer, like new, elec. range.
1190 Oak.
9 x 12 Lino Rugs $4 95 R L.
Elfstrom Co. 260 S Liberty
USED Montgomery-Ward refng.
$33. Good cond. Fh. 4-778K
X 12 Lino Hugs" $4 95 R U
Elfstrom Co 260 S Lihcrty
FAMOUS Easy Spin Dry wash
er, sita.uu. i onus, 1 raoes.
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer
20 GAL. gas water heater, never
nceii vised. su. 4-;hh.
ANTIQUE furniture, dishes.
frames & lamps, uis ri . 16th.
Ph. 2-8862.
USED 5 pc. chrome dinette $29.
Hogg Hros. 248 State SI.
LOVELY 21" Motorola TV con
sole, closed door Mahoganv.
New was $479 50. Now SI 79. 50.
"It's Perfect." Glen Woodry.
1605 N. Summer.
LARGE Mexican basket with lid.
a few pieces Swedish hardang
er misc. bedding and rugs.
Plvwood panels ll"xl0' Phone
3-5778 after 4 .p.m.
EASY Spin Drver washer, dble.
tubs A- stand. 5G0. Ph.3-48.17.
USED daveno bed tood condi
tion. $4!.
Hogg Bros. 248 State St.
HEAVY aluminum cooking ware
set. Ph. t-E778. "
Garden sand. hull-clozln,. shov-
el A- dragglngv-k 11461
QCtslifd A- round gravel Sand
A.- con mix 2-4002
TIC skhviO:
NEW glass floor china cupboards
spc $23.95. Glen Woodry 1605
N. Summer.
CLOSEOUT armless dayeno
$1800 c:
Glen WoodryM605 N. Summer
LARGE 4-pc. modern bedroom
set. neeiis refinishing. 1st $.i5.i
(Worth ,
Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer
.1 SEP KMierspring mattress turn
MIKF S Septic service Tnks , .; n' ,A fat. ot
cleaned D rooter feni irwen "rw" Statc St"
drains Pt-gne 3-&li RCONU!TtONFD anj) cuarnn-
liamer "septic" .tanks cleaned. I 0tri JSfi'djl'L rttfJlOMto"
USED coil bed springs $4.95.
Hogg Bros. 248 State St.
I l"xl2' Loop Pile rug. Blcge,
with pad, $69.50.
Woodry's Thrifty Used Furn.
515 So. Com'. St. Ph. 4-3319
14' cooterator, chest type freezer.
Ph. 2-4840 a f te r 6p.m .
14 CU. FT. Coldspot chest type
deep freeze. Excellent cond.,
4 yr. old. 2-8584 after 6 p.m.
DELUXE elec. range with warm
ing ovcn.Ph.2-7732.
WE HAVE a good stock of the
nicest used furniture in Salem.
Terms. Woodry's Thrifty Used
5 1 " Com' 'lS ; P b .4 - 3 3 1 9
USED Cavcno A: chair frieze
uph. $79.
Hogg Bros. 248 State St.
NEW hi-chairs. $fi 95; deluxe
hardwood play pens. $14.88;
plastic baby mattresses. $10.88;
also cribs strollers.
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer
CHEST-o-drawers. Buy on chaN
lenge prices.
Glen Woodry. 1C05 N. Summer
D A VENOArrha if" sei7 " pc7di
nette set, 21" TV. deluxe
model A: antenna 5410 Auburn
Rd. after 5 p.m.
nil attachments, plus polisher.
Call 2-4930.
$30 DOWN delivers complete
housefull new or usrd furni
ture A- appliances. Shop Glen
Woodry's $30,000 challenge sale
1605 N. Summer St.
FOR SALE, Solid Mahogany
chair with rollers A: reclining
back. Reasonable, Ph. 4-4346.
USED stoves A- stove parts. 1073
7th. West Salem. Ph. 3-4450.
New A: used furniture.
No - one - competes!!
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer
OpenFrl. til p.m.
KENMORE nuto. washer, suds
saver. '55 model, barely used,
$185. Terms avail. Ph. 2-8880
after 6 p.m.
NESCO elec. roaster A.- metal
table. St 6. 50 complete. Ph.
NEW bird cage A- stand, rcg.
$22.50. special $12.95. Used
Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty,
4-6371. E-Z terms. Frl. Mil 9.
6 yr. crib A- matt., like new. $25.
Ph. 4-4560.
line service Gtom rant red work.
Phu; 3-7404 or 2-'fl'i4
HOWTiD'S Roto-hoot erf sewers.
septic tanks eleain'tf) 3.5327 o (-.It. AN TIC !n:05re
Woodrv's Thrifty Used Kurn.
513 SoVX-'onVl. St. ph. 4-3.119
sale. No
USED Sparks oil heater $49.
Hogg Hros. 248 State St.
house 30" range, used a very
short time Originally com
$259 95 Now only $179. Terms.
Woodry's Thrift v Used Kurn.
515 So. Com'l. St. Ph. 4-3119
FOR SALE second hand" Fairbanks-Morse
washing machine.
Ph. 3-4726. .
Used 2 months ... 4 pc. mod
ern sectional now $150 00.'
$2)5.0O bedroom suite. $159.
box A- matt.. $35. modern
end tables step-end. only $8 00
each much more, nearly
new . . . Buy now!!
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer
NEW daveno Ar chair set. rcg.
price $189.95. special $99.95,
Ved Mdsr Mart. 270 S. Liberty
4-6371. F-Z terms. Fri. 'til 9.
O'FINISHEU chests, low. low
fir ice.
Hock jBros. 248 Stat St.
i" t' FRIGHT honr frrerrrriike
new. $280 cash, or take over
payments. 2825 Evergreen At.
G E. Range. 7 speeds, good rond
Oil circulator with fan. Littrt
trailer. 1643 A St. Ph.4-T8S4.
BUNK bed. ladde: c guard rail.
all for $29.95. Used Mdse. Mart.
270 S. Liberty. 4-6371. E-Z
terms. Fri. 'til 9.
2 MATCHING reversible rugs,
about 9x15 & 9x10. Excellent
condition, $75. 395 Richmond
Ave. Ph. 2-84D0.
KENMORE washing machine.
good working condition. $20.
3-3948 evenings and Sunday.
FRIGIDATr E refrig.. c h i na c ab"-
JneLJablc & chairs. 2-2339.
DAVENPORT, good condition.
1740 Ferry. Ph. 3-8189. No
Sunday calls, please.
NEW box spring A: mattress,
regular $79.90. both for only
$49,95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270
S. Liberty. 4-6371. E-Z terms.
Fri. 'til 9.
1 PAIR new custom made drap
eries, lined, will fit window
90" wide. 34" deep. White
background with brown, tur
quoise A: pink. 825 Dearborn
Ave. Ph. 2-1461.
456 Wanted House Goods
WANTED, blonde dining set.
good cond. Ph. 4-1111.
270 S. LIBERTY PH. 4-6371
For Furniture, Appliances, Ktc.
Ph. 3-3110. 1605 N. Summer
Valley Furn. Co,, 2-7472
457 Radio and TV
21 -IN. console TV cabinet,
slightly damaged. Batdorfs
Firestone. Ph. 3-9582. 1420
State St.
NEW 21" 1956 Capehart TV all
channel. $369.95. NOW $279.95.
Trades accepted. LIPMANS,
4-4481, cxt. 75.
DUE to illness customer re
turns 17-in table model TV.
Assume balance, $10 dn. New
guarantee. Batdorfs Firestone,
1420 State St. Fh. 3-9582.
WILL sell reas.. 17' tabel model
Motorola, top shape. 2251
PHILCO radio & phono console,
excellent condition. $30. Phone
458 Building Materials
NEW 2" plastic pipe, 200' rolls,
110 lbs. test, for wells or irri
gation. Light & easy to handle.
30c per ft. About ',i price.
ELEC. wall Heaters. 25' off.
21" x 32" sink con.p $43.95.
Garbage Disposal, 5C5. Fibre
pipe. 30c & 34c ft. 14-2 Loom
ex. 4c ft. Door chimes, 20To
heater. $65 Door chimes, 20T
off. 12-2 Loomex. 4V2 ft. Light
fixtures, 25 off. Outlet boxes.
25c. 3 pc. bath set. $135. 52
gal. elec. water heater, $65. We
thread pipe A: rent Gclger
Counters. Apex Electric At
Plumbing. 1410 Broadway. Ph.
NATN'L auto. elec. water heater
$73. Judson's. 279 N. Com'l.
Keith Brown Specials
Received NEW shipment of
2-0 A: 2-4x6-8.13a Mahog.
2nds 4.00 ea.
2- 6 A: 2-8x6-8xt?i Mahog.
2nds 4.50 ea.
3- 0-8x1 Mahog.
2nds 5.00 to 8.00 ea.
1x6 At Ix8-RL 3 Com.
A- Btr. Knotty Cedar
Panel Rgh. 1 side V
joinl 99.00M
4xflxi Standard Board . 2.00 pc.
4x8x'4 Standard Board.. 2.25 pc.
O.S. White Paint 2.50 gal.
8d A: 16d Box Nails 9.25 keg
235 North Front St. Ph. 3-9111
"We Give S & H Green Stamps"
Roof Sale
Good Cedar
shingles $ 6.25 sq.
First grade 215" compo
roofing delivered Cheap
Garage door
hardware $13 50 ca.
"A" grade Birch
doors $ 7.70 ea.
"A" grade Beech
tloors $ 6.95 ca.
"A" grade Mahog.
doors . .. . $ 4.53 en.
Barbed wire. 80 rod $ G.10 ca.
4x8 plasterboard S 1.40 en.
.8 ;,n-in. ply. shtg. S 2.33 ea.
ix8 'j-in. plv. shtg. S 3.00 ea.
4x8 -Vln. ply. shtg. $ 3.43 ea.
Good 8 foot studs .. $ .14 ea.
Passage sets $ 1 25 ea.
Key-in-knob sets S 3 25 ea.
Odd sire plywood cut to vour
o:der no extra charge.
C & K Lumber Yard
Lancaster A- Center
' grade A Birch p!vw. 44c
Nails per keg $8 95
4" cast soil pipe 75c ft.
' gal. pipe 12c. V 16c
lV-29e. l'i" "c
52 gal water heaters ?65.
500 gal. steel sep. tank $51 50.
UK) gal. stel sep. tank $39.50.
4" black sewer pipe 30c. 34c.
Door lambs, tood ones, $2.75.
Bldg. paper 500 sq. ft. S2.25.
45O0Mcrchanlise J 450 Merchandise
458 Building Morerjqls
While They Last
3 Tab Comp. 210 No. 1
$6.50 Delivered
PH. 2-7550
(Complete wframes & hdwr.)
Used plywood . Cc ft.
Used Ui" plasterboard 3c sq. ft.
Reject hardboard, 50x100" sht.
1 only, 16x7 ft. over head ga
rage door comp. wall
hdwr $62.50
Used wash basins, comp. $0.50
Used toilets ?15
Short 1x12 shelving 5c ft.
used casinc & naseDnarcis Jc it.
184x72 'V plate $10
272x66 i" Plate ..$35
2!l6x36 4" plate $1!5
177x48 i" plate $25
E. S. R1TTER & CO.
Rt. 2. Box 3G7 Ph. 4-8311
4 mi. No. of Salem, i mi. No.
of Totem Pole on 9!)E
Open all day Saturday.
500,000 FEET
New, fresh-milled old Ac second
growth lumber. 2x4 to 2x12 in
8 to 24-foot lengths. Delivered
prices Salem, $30 per thou,
minimum. Ted Muller S-119.
459 Do It Yourself
Repair your own car. Phone
i-otii. zmo n. com i.
460 Musical Instruments
SPINET piano, excel, cond..
$375. Pb4-614a.
GRAND piano reas. Ph. 3-4257.
VV U R LI TZER pi ana P hT4 -4733
nticr a:.(U p.m.
NEW Janssen piano with or
without Slovox attch. Terms.
Ph. 2-4167 or after 5 o'clock.
COMPLETE 1056 Fender douhle
neck Hawaiian guitar outfit,
or my equity and take over
contract. Call 2-0233 or can be
seen at 448 Belmont St.
1-YEAR-OLD Gibson profession
al Mnwanan guitar, case Ac
stand included, excellent buy,
A-l cond. Call 4-7567.
SELL or trade upright piano.
Mane oner. t.w s. lath.
PRACTICALLY new Lester Bet-
sy Ross Spinct S475. Ph 4-2iifl5.
jts. oia. -yo. in. j-i4.
PLAYER piano. A-l condition.
with rolls fit hench. $J.i0.
George Brasmer, Idanha. Ore.
462 Sports Equipment
1954 CIIRIS-Craft lfl ft. Express
cruiser, 25 if. IJ. Johnson mo
tor, dble. bunk, cabinets, sink,
head, trailer, $500 dn. Ph.
light plant and alum, boat
with top brackets, 5 h.p. Evin
rude motor, like new. See
790 Stewart St., or Ph. 4-7544.
!' BOAT, trailer controls,
$100. Phone 4-8934. 735 .Madrono.
470 For Sole, Misc.
FOR SALE: Banjo with
Ph. 3-5017 befo re 7 p.m .
MISC. girl's clothes, reasonable.
Size 6-8. Ph. 2-7447, f)
irs BOWS with arrows. 33 lb.
pressure. Ph, 3-5017 before 7
LARGE Lionel train layout for
$75. Orig. cost $225. 2 engines,
165 ft. of track, 17 cars and ac
cessories. Ph. 3-5017 before, 7
2 SlTS skis with poles, gloves,
boots. p;iO!s, etc. Ph. 3-5017
before 7 p.m. ,
FOR SALE: bov's bikes Ar 2
whcel trailer. Ph. 2-05D8. 960
N. 15th.
AMANA freezer, excellent con
dition. 2&u. ft. upright, $395.
Ph. 3-5017 before ? p.m.
FOR SALE: Freezeis, refrigerat
ors, stoves, wasners, i.v. s. ra
dios & etc. New & used, 12 to
30 mo. to pay. Ph. 4-7737.
300 CLASSICAL records, 60c
each. 12"
Shop Glen Woodry, 1605 N.
MEN or boy's detachable shoe
SKaies. iioer wfteels. 1790 N,
24th, 3-7066.
NIAGARA vibrating chair.
Cheap. Ph. 3-5141, Silverton.
GOOD paint, 5 gals.. $11.00
Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer
SPARK oil stove. 130 gal. tank.
iall. 1U Ding, $Bo. lh. 3-6262.
TYPEWRITERS adding ma-
cmnes, casn registers, dupli
cators, desks, chairs, tiles, sup
plies. Hoen's, 456 Court. 3-5773.
17 in. & 21 in. TV sets, $35 and
up. Washing machine $10, take
your choice. Refrigerators
$12.50 & up. Lee's Electric,
3380 N. Lancaster.
ALL WOOL dusty rose tailored
sun, size 12, worn 3 times; also
navy blue taffeta dress, like
new. Size 12. Phone 4-54G3
after 6 o'clock.
Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer
PIT run gravel and top soil.
I ELECTRIC bakery oven, rea-
oiiauie, goou con. .i-oa-lo.
RABBIT hutches, double and
single, All wire or wood and
wire. 965 Garnet St.
YOUTH chair: Jenny Lind beds;
uieiai oca. in. 3-bza5.
ANIMAL cage wire sides and
iop. rcmovaoie metal floor,
easy to clean. Ph. 3-6255.
DINING room table. 2842 South
CHICAGO shoe skates & cases,
mans, size a; Lady s. size 5l,i
(detachable). Ph. 3-6255.
REBUILT hydraulic jacks. Fully
guaranteed, .i&o Ton uprights.
Hi ton floor jack. Phone
4-6523. 695 N. High.
BASSINET & bathinelte.
jump swing, Whitney baby
buggy, alt excellent cond. Ph.
PHONE table and chair combi
nation, good condition. Buffet
mirror, about 5 or 6 ft. long.
Also, a dial telephone which
could be used on a "Country
Line" (farmer line) call 2-2189
after 5 p.m.
120 Electric h eater. Phoile 3-i!460l
2 NEW 750x20 truck tires. U.S.
ttoyats, sit-o apiece or $!)5 for
both. 4-2414.
FOR SALE Ladies roller shoe
SKaies, size to, like new. Ph.
Pit Run Gravel
PHONE 2-4310
ADDING machines, cash regis.
nary, imp f airgrounds. 2-5375.
CEDAR posts, poles. Ph. 4-3081.
NEW electric floor waxcr, scrub
der & polisher combination,
also can he used as a sandcr.
Phone 3-5778 after 4:00.
GOOD used hearing aid. Com
plete. au. in, jr-4491.
CHINESE heavily carved rose-
uooq rurnnure. 1340 Fark Ave.
LIONEL Trains & accessories.
All types of new accessories
and used engines A tenders.
Priced below wholesale. Make
an offer on one or alt. Ph.
3-9754 eves, or weekends:
PLAY PEN; stroller, other baby
i-iimjj. Dupy ciotnes. age u-z.
Elgin 6 h p. outboard. 2 600x
16 new tires. Ice skates, size
8. Kayak boat. 20X spotting
scope. 6x15 binoculars &
Luger pistol. Ph. 2-0320.
USED refrigerators. $19,25 & up.
-, "lJ'- :-11u ataie ni.
MAN'S blue wool suit size 36.
lute new $10. Ph. 2-5248.
WANT S. 3. rifle action. Also
good percussion. Have 218 Bee
S. S. O. .V V. 12, Steamer
trunk. rifle man. blender
leather toois and vending ma
chines, cheap. Ph. 4-3930.
5'.i H.P. Sea King motor, good
conn. I'll. z-i-HH eves.
30-30 SAVAGE clip. M. 340 $40.
;(- o ivrag. sung. 543. l' sav
age Auto., Model 6 A, $25.
Remington 22 bolt. M. 514.
$13.50. 12 gauge single shot,
$14. Ph. 6766 Woodburn.
MERCURY Mark 7. motor. Nev
er been useu. cost $234.50. Will
sell for $105. Ph. 3-7236.
NEW 11 ft. V bottom sport boat,
$150. Fairfax 72548. Bob Bick
ard Jefferson Oregon.
12-GAUGE Browning auto., like
new. Cost new $l.ii. save
$37 at only $100. Ph. 2-2746
or see at 855 W. Madrona.
Folding Boat Tops & Covers
29N. LIBfcrtTY PH 3-4788
CASH Daid for used guns, mod
ern ana antique, cascade
Merc. 1230 Broadway.
464 Bicycles
SCHWINN English bike. S35,
Glen woodry, 160a is. bummer
468 For Rent, Misc.
FOR RENT or lease. Ise. ware
house space, cement floor,
brick bldg.. downtown. In
quire H. L. Stiff Furn.. 3-9185.
470 For Solo, Misc.
DRAPES lined, patterned, dark
green nat-Kgrouno. i pairs,
width 72" per pair. 88" long
with traverse rod. $50. 2-9975.
SUN lamp, good cond. 1 Infra
red lamp. 1 roll -away bed &
matt. Cdll 3-3064.
ELEC. motors. 1-1 H.P. 2 phase
Century 110-220. H.P.
2 pnase Century. 1-G.E. '-
H P. 1-Goulds double piston
pump 2 in. displacement. 1
Oberdorfer j in. disnl. Cen
tury. I used bath set. 1 old
elec. range. Ph. 3-7238 after
5:30. o
Prospecting Sunnlies
Gciger & Scintillator counters,
mincralights Mercury de
tectors, free Information.
890 Lancaster Dr
CARRIER freezer. 3 vrs. old
S250. Also boat & 4 H.P. John
son Mtr. wall accessories $60,
2 wheel trailer $15. Dining rm.
table. 4 chairs $10. Ph. 4-5910
jcr 6P.nii087 Glcnwood Dr.
ELECTRIC new Roter7"THP.
18 in.. 100 ft. cord. $55. Lawn
mower. 18 in. reel. 4 cvclc
Bnggs Stratton. 3 section roll
er hand control, like new, $55.
Ph. 6766. Woodburn.
SALE-trade. cnmptrailer, steel
bed trailer, 5-deck chick bat
tery. Wanted: Roto-tlller or a
ro,aiy niowcr. 2173 N. Front.
2 4-Ft. Fluorescent iight'fi'xtures!
ere$65, now $10 ea. 3-6098.
BABY jump swing&st7oilcT,
$2.50. Children's clothes 6
mos. to 3 yrs.5c to $1. 4-4357.
BOY'S new bike, 24' '""witfTtrai Tv
er wheel. Also 6" jointer with
horse motor. Good shape.
Trash burner, ncarlv new. Ph.
4-6090.or see at 1405 Hickory.
4 NEW Fostoria goble"tsHoTly
pattern. Ph. 3-427.
NEW air drier, no more sweaty
windows. $80. Reo power mow
er. S70. Norge auto. elec. range.
$100. Full .size mattress. $25.
Oak dining table. 4 chairs, $30.
Inquire cabin No. 4, South Sa
lem Motel.
ZENITH full size range A- waN
nut desk, breakfast tank- .He
chairs. othcrjnisc'l. Ph. 4-4707.
SELL: Ladies Golf-s7t7Tsuggs
woods. 5 k 7 Bab- irons,
Tommy Armour putter, bag
3 66GlKif baS EXCl' COnd- Ph
Fibre glass blanket, limit. ) VON Schradcr Electric uphoH
Galvanised gutter 13c ft.
4x8 plaster board $1.40. $1 60.
$1 85.
S'i3ke mo d long icri111- lOv.
Garage doors, all H7e r'-eap.
stery deterger. Like new. $275.
FOP. SALF Amn Combination
Waffle Iron A- Grill, like new.
$15. Call 2-6275 alter 5 o'clock
Farb wire PQ rd. tf.i5 57 45. j NEW home sewing machine'
S30 $
aft as
UfJSti'' n z ,Q Clrn Wcwlryr.05 N. Summer
I1!KK SRRVICR 4Siv,m,nfe .. a..:
'.r" ,"A,NTr', "i' i rrrtt. Shrubs. Ilrdft,. , Insurrd ,IIJ: Sraly maltrrvili Nix brown, turnuoise .V rmk. 8i5
NKW 5-pc. fhromr sell
Mir-. Mart. :
PA1U nrw custom irrjdf drap
cnr... linrd. will fit new type
bdrm. wpuftow. PO" wide. .H"
deep. Whfc bavkcrfund with
O Hside white paint cal. !0.
Oak R J'-nsth rMc-p.
Nt w w indow Thi' $2 00.
W jtnp crystal wirdm?
2133 kitchen sink, cheap.
Shower cabiners S.n.sO.
$.19 15. I'sed Toilets Wsc.its J:"8 S?
l.lborty, im 3 tab 21 11 roof bottom pr.
Strictly Cash. U-Haul.
O 6
rn. IsQe new.
i price. lJ)earliorn Aye. Th. J-1461.
Closed Sundays i Mondays
C. G. LOVG & S0,S
l Ml. N. Kelrer Ph. 4-5051
4 r!'
rc.attres". Walnut table.
640 Cbcmi'keta.
TWO Bmm. movie c.imeras. 8mm
projector. Bush I'rcssman
acc.. Ikoflta "A." 2 flash guns.
-b,ln"clr. cast bronze
t-ad fins, rcfriserntor. ranee
ensasenu-nt ring. 10 HP Mer
cury outboard. 8 at 10 foot
boats portable radios, table
-i oJ,.Pd",,t rccord fnmEer
8 RPM. gur.s: two 30 06 . 20
Ph82-iw V'1' 1985 Farlt Avt-
SEAL skin fur coat. 31 length.
WPMAN"S sen', coat. 32" length
0 I Ml " 20 " 6 f " a C 6 '5 BTU. $25.
AUTOMATIC Krcski oil fur
nace & burner, therir.ostat
limit switch 160 gallon oil
tank with valve filter .V tub
ing. Some smoke pipe, heat
472 Wonted, Misc.
jTBus riders headed
East. ,jlso charter bus service.
Ir.qHamman Stage Lines,
WANTED FirefichtiSg" outfit to
pass state Timber Law G
engine prcsure,,oump A le
0 :pe fittings go with fur i LOGS li'AVTrn
- . io 6-in. Io 50-in diametpr
NE Dinette set. 1 Fan- Spin g ) multiples IT l"?
drycr war-hing mach. Ph t-itt
GOOD used 6 volt Bu"ickbattfv'
$15; 1A Norge oil circul.ilr!
$25. Tn-7112.
We also buy sturanm Vlw.
rT)-c'Sz, ,rn- turner
iJm 2.7H7H w
er 2502 pr
"at 8 o
' a