Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 13, 1956, Page 16, Image 16

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9 st e
aamnaii;, Q
Youth Return
Tires; Thefts
Oearct! Here
Tvo reports of tliefls of spare
whcrls and tires were cleared
;,,j r,:,,, ;
J UJ r . "t, -a
nore were reported, they said.
Tires stolen from the car of
Htven H. Bolme:er. 295 Canda
aria drive, and
ird, 249 South
were returned
tcr two youth
re.-jardine, the thefts and released.
Da cr'ntion. L'ivcn bv witnesses
.. i;i n. i-.,..ij
' .', 1 '.I,. .(,. ., ',, r
Znir.V L 2 " although
,," : j i:..
' The B"lr e cr thft and one at
the M.-rii Joies residence, 1910
jjnrtit Fifth street, ' ere reported
tarly S"tur: . L'ter, In t were
reported by .conard; Kenneth,
H. James, 0 mpia. Wash., who is (
visitin? friends at 1725 South ,
Church street : Alfred . Chivers,
2180 North Front street, and Fred
Fischer. 1?21 ..orth Capitn!
street. The theft' were all made
frnm the trunks of crs and all
occurred during the past week,
police said.
SILVKRTON Polio money
rai.-rd in this area totals S1242.03,
F. M. Powell and Lenard Kephart
report. This included money from
three school departments.
IHiri Wilhimctlc
R. 15. Havlnirsl
MOI.AI.l.A - Mrs. Cl.irabcll
nubbins of Molalla received word;
nf Ihr death of her brother. R.
B. Hayhursl of Grants Pass. He
. w'-e" queluo'ned Bethell'and Mrs. William Craw 1 the present time, license sales at fob! Portland. A " large, 44-47i: Sfc'!2on''- Ji'hSSS"
hod been ill with pneumonia inlseryman. His datiahlcr, Miss
Grants Pass. Services and crema
tion will be held there the first of
the week. Survivors also include
a son, Vernon Hayhurst of Haines,
Ore.; and a daughter. Dorothy
Palmer of Baker. Ore. For numer
ous years in his youth, he had
lived in Oregon City.
Bal.y J;i
SILVERTON Graveside serv
ices were held at the Ml. Hope
cemetery near Silverton 8:inday
fnr the day-old baby boy. Wendel
AHen Jasmer, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wendel A. Jasmer of Sweet I
Born Friday, February II). the
child died al a Lebanon hospital
Saturday, February 11.
The likmnn Funeral Home of
Silverton was in charge. The Rev.
I. M. Nelson of Ihe local First
Christian church, officiated.
Callicrino Williams
erine Stewart Williams, 71. died
Salurday at , Ihe home of her
daughter, Mrs. Harold Johnson on
roulc 1, Independence, afler a
lone; illness. .
Funeral services were held Mon
day, February 13, from Smith
Krueger Mortuary in Independ
ence. Burial was In Oak Lawn
cemetery, Corvallis.
Mrs. Williams had been a res
ident of Independence for Ihe Inst
two years coming here from Port
land. She was born July 16. 1884 in
Scotland. Survivors besides her
daughter. Mrs. Johnson, were two
sons, Frank Williams, Giants
Pass: Vatthcw, Dallas: Iwo sis
ters, Mrs. Margaret Clark. Holly
Hill, Fla.; and Miss Nancy Turn
bull. Annap'lalc. Wesl Va., four
brothers, Thomas Ttirnhull, San
Bernardino, Calif : John Turnhull
Nc v Orleans
Cenree Turnhull .
M...., . M,.i.... f ' '
bull. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ralph K. Marvh
l-Ie i tsitlent of 1V20 Cloverleaf
l.anr. on Kib 11. at Ins re.-. id. Mice.
Survived hy wile. Kalhleen M. M.irs'i.
Snlrm: duiRhtir. M-s! Heltv Marsh;
sisters. Mi!.. Sonhl.i St-heelili-r Pas.
dena. cii( , Mi .Reuben Moure, i.a-
(rand. Ore. Mi NelltP Hnnim. I.ns
Anceles, Calif . Mr
ft-a lit - ,
vaoa. Iowa: brother, Harry Marsh,
Aberdeen. S Dikota: nrnhew. Ted
Moore Salem Services will br hold
Tuesday. Feb. 11, at run p m ,
Clough-n.inii'k chappl. with (lev,
Wayne Greene off .elating. Interment,
Beit-rest Menioilal Park.
William it Phillip
Relitvrd (alhri of William R Phil
lips Jr . Salem. Sri vice, Tue-iiav
Feb. 14. a! 2 p.m. nt lludsnn-nis.-n
runrrai uninc, NfwDrrE. I
Friends Cemetery. New berg
runerai iimnr, Newberg. Runai m 1
John Hohtiis
At a local mirsms linn y
hv daughter. Ms v l-oi 1 am it,.i).
ins. salcm; son, John Rubin.- Al-
ii. at me
Will be Titer (iy 1 IP :iil
etl-KtlnanS rhaprl bi
crest 1'mk.
S!ory ollu-ialing.
v. ti.
Albert Ii Petlvtobn
At .i lt,.-..ital
U at
i'ie act- oi ..' f.n Niiiurii i wife
Mrs Mary lY!t Jol-n, liul.-i'i-nlriiri''
Or.'gon; hiot'u-r Hetl.- i t I'ein h'hn, (ire, Snurcv ill bt- heM
in thr Houflt-Fdwaitis Ctat'el T-u--..
d . Frbruat v It at 1 ;it t. m u,-v
MiTvin Mt-r.ill will oilui.ite f,m
cliKtlnu sriMcCR will be lultl m Co
Cetietr .
KUkf-y llrlhrll
At a loci! hospital. Sattird
fcMrtent of Houte .V Salmi
bv pa.cut. Mr and Mi- t. A Het't
ell. S.lrm. three Mvters. Helh
ell. Fl Ord. Calif. Wrna Rct'iell and
Mrs William Crawfoid. both of
Richmond, lalif; gi.indp.irmt. Mr.
and Mis A J Bethell. Hill City.
quet. Oakland, Obf. Rec it. it mn of
the Rosaiv will be h Id Tuesday.
February 14 at R pm in the Virgil
T Golden Chapel Shipment u ill
be made (or interment to Otikland.
.fliri Pntr4
Late" resident of Rnsrburg t r
local 'hospital Frt-Mtsi y 12 at the
ic of 70 vijars Shipment h lireti
11. ad to, R.neburg Ore . for serv
ices ar,d interment b Hon ell -Ed-ftHids
FuneMl Chape!.'
. . .. c
ttttttP lloon Willard
At StevrnsvUle Mont , Fehuiarv
11 Survived bv suits. Ntrs. Hirdie
Gilkrv Stockton. Calii . Mis 1'cnl
L Wane of Chinook. Mont; Vk.
Vri'w Lmdsey o( Hillmi:s. Mont,;
Mrs. Vein Humph rcun of Stevens
ill. Mont Services wi'.i be l-.rltl
I'.i the Vugil'T. Golden Chinel Wed.
nrfday. (Kebniaiv 15 l to to a m,
Rev. ' Lemuel Ot'utmnn iVflirin'ini.
R'Uiallstic services h S-iletn lodse
No a F A AM tntennent.Bfl-
1 est!l,.'lll g
o oo
0G 0 0
Long Illness
P Tkes Life of
Rickey fiethell
Rickey Bethoil, 8-yoar-olcP son
f Mr. and Mrs. Lindscy A. Both
ell, Maclcay road, died Sunday
in a local hospital after several
months of illn -
The youngster had. moved-to
Salem with his par.nts IV, years
ago from Oral 's Pass. lit was
born Aug. 24, 194,7, ,V Oakl d,
I . -J
ami granupanms. .nr. ana .trs.
. .. ....... .
A. J. iieineil. Jilll LllV. JVPn . anu
Mr. and Mrs. Aupust M.-quct,
OrM,nd. C.-lif.
Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m.
""sd.-y In Virgil r. Cioldcn
eh-pcl. Funeral services will be
Friday in Oakland
liai3ll iTicH Sll
ij Rites Tuesday
I Funeral services for Rilnh V.
M?r i?9o clovriot ,ne., who
. died Saturday at the age of 60,
w'li tie pi i:an p.m Tuesday in
Ciiou-'h-Barrick Chanel with
Rev. Wayne Greene nfficiatin?,
Burial will be in Belcrcst Jle-
mnnal Park.
Mnrsh had been ill with a
hcTt condition for almost a
vear. He was a Salem residenl
for about 17 years and in recent
yenrs has been employed by the
Snlein Park Department. He 1
was emnlnved most nf his lime ;
here at H. L. Pearey Nursery t:o.
He was a member of the Eagles
lo(!e in Salem.
Corn Anril 28, lftfto, at Charles
city, Iowa. J.lRrsh moved to Sa I
II I Hill M'S
: lom fmm Salmnn Malm whAfa
J n .. . : .i .: u i un .March 1. lDb. doe nconsos !einnlnc ik. r iu Domaealla, .J42.37: Leo Guesnel,
Walter W. Leon- .L 'r" ''.'"v ' "I ,3 mlKi h. h ihe , .h ,.t ! ff'-;: ",tsu" Frank. T, Stone. uio.7i; How
fnttie street ! Inrc ,!1r'' -1"55 r-VB i"en, - - - . . " , I I aru . wood, zbj.42: Henry juijb-
lUl' a111--1,'!., nj ri;f MI,B Unpn, CrS Will be SUb'eCt tO a Dena tV. At FnTn uhnlncalnrcr4or,rllarl ; Wlrth 2a2.11: J. L .SieBmuncf 249. 4B:
iora. ooin 01 11 enmonu. ua i.. .ukij viur.s unt on.- m.i i rt iiil-uiuiii. iiij'i v sman. j4-;c.ji: uavia lerDei 2-jh.oz tiarvcy
he had been employed San:; "S
Betty Marsh, is secretary to the
Salem city recorder.
Survivor? in addition to his
daughter are his widow, Mrs.
Kathleen Marsh, Salem; four sis
ters, Mrs. Sophia Schlechter,
Pasadena, Calif.: Mrs. Reuben
Moore, LaGrande; Mrs. Nellie
H?rnm, Los Angeles, Calif.; and
Mrs. Frank West, Nevada. Iowa;
brother, Harry Marsh, Aberdeen,
S.D.: and nephew, Ted Moore,
John Robins
Rites Tuesday
' Funeral services for John Rob
ins, 1)2, who died Saturday at a
Salem nursing home, will be
Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. in Howell
Edwards chanel. Burial will be
in Bolcrest Memorial Park.
Mr. Robins had been a Salem
resident since lfllB and had liv
ed in Oregon since a ynuns man.
He made his home at 2095 Maple
Born May 31, 1H63 on Guern
sey island in the English Chan
nel, he moved to Canada and
later to Michigan with his par-
enls. He was married to Lena
Prescott in Astoria about 1R98
and later he farmed for many
years near Canby. His wife died
in Salem in 1948.
Survivors include a daughter,
Miss E. Lorraine Robins, Salem;
son John Rohins, Albany, Calif.,
and two grandsons.
MoriiingsHlc PTA
To liaise Pnmls
MORN'INGSIDE Second of a
series ot fund raising projects hv I ho MrtiniirU Pnr.
ent-Teachers Association is sched-! Top on average to high prime j Salary paid Marion county Em
uled for Friday at the school steers was $24.50. Most choice and RloT 1 H H.P0TAnLe' 4 tn
fealunnt: the tech.mcolor film Red prime steers went at $17.50 to ,302.71: Howard J. Wood. 267.42; Hen
Stallion of the Rockies". $23.50 and good to low choice at i rv Jungwirih. 282. ti; J. l. Sipjmund.
Snot-ones and popcorn will be $15.50 to $17.00. Buyers paid $15.50 iuS'K & 'riKsS;
sold at the 7:30 p.m. showing, fol- to $19.00 for the bulk of good lo'267:ii: David Terhcii. 248.62: Harfey
lowed bv the sale of sandwiches, choice heifers I Frankum. 247.31: Ida Bailey. 230 52;
hot .loss and coffee. Profits will Lambs sold steady to 50 cents lliHnDaXol'S;
contribute to the cost of an inter-
communications system for the
t.,.l.,,t ,
". "VI.
Chicago (Jrnin
nilfAdO i.n A mildly reac
tionary trend persisted in grains
on the Board of Trade Monday,
Healings were relatively slow.
A feeling or uncertainty regard
ing the outcome of new farm leg-
islauoii made potential buyers shy
;nway from the market. It was felt
a presidential vein might await
any hill restoring ;ni per cent of
,P',,'"V pnee supports,
! Wheat closed unchanged tn
,mu'1' ' l higher. March 1.30
V oats as-7H lower. March b:.;
rye unchanged lo hiyhor. March
1 2: Miyheans higher. March
2 4Hl4-2.49 and lard 2 to 7 cents a
hundred pounds lusher, March
1 1 t;,i.
1 orlhmil Grain
I'OHTLANH ,.t- - Coarse trains.
,..-u.,. Mil , mi ni. OUIK. COaSl
delivery i
!,,. v.... ., ii.
:w lb white
Harley. No 2. 4,'. lb l! V 47 '0 48 00
t orn. No. 2. l"-V shipment
Wheat and . to arrive market,
oasis No. I bulk, delivered coast:
v;n(j White
2 18
, S"f ' NMllte 'exoluduiR Bex ... 2.18
JWUlle Club 2 18
,,h,1t.-v ,, ,
' AA, tar receipts: Wheat
; barley fUmf 13; COfh 13;
I null feed 2t.
lloaday, February 13
urttillled .Marine
rorp Ke-
ei vc unit at .:iy;ii anil (,M.trinf
t'orps Reserve trai'iins center.
Company oB, KWnd int.niiy
regiment. Oregon National lltitrd,
at Salem armorv, 0
Oregon ,MobiTi?ation l)i4!i;n,i.
lion detachiifcnteMu? at US.VhV)
0 o o J
11 Days Away
, p
il,- ;i-t - 11. . Q.
- ",2V..:;
j . v"v t-uiumi
1 9,ic.or ?'Tvjn Ward Poin,ed '
.Imi-iklo knkin-J -,J
-;""'. " ."'u
:j a i . l :
aiu. n lUM iiiiulu' lusn IS u-
pected for licenses but time is
.already snort. Due to holidays, the
couilhoule is open only four days
this week and lour next week with
three days remaining after that!
Deiore tne oeaanne.
Another door-to-door drive to
check on unlicensed dogs is j 46-51.
planned again this year, he stat-1 Live poultry No. 1 quality,
ed. Last year in Marion county i o i- Portland-Fryers, 2'i-4 1 b s,
about 700 persons paid penalties'24: at farm, 23; roasters, 24, f.o.b.
for keeping unlicensed dogs. Portland; light hens, 17; heavy
After March 1. all dogs must hens-, V- old roos's. 11-14.
wear the new aluminum license
I nh'e, h cinari tva sr. i fnr
1 males' and treated females and $2
; (or other females. After March
a penalty fee of $2 is added to the
Unlicensed dogs found running
loose whose owners cannot be lo
cated will be disposed of, Ward
Portland Livestock
tui Ann. i.i.i iaa, i..
.!.. 'j i..:.-
stronc-50 hieher with heifers
Sw-i"mt advance cowfun-
i. "1
. , .. .
S", Z, me, iT'TJ,' 1
18.00; commercial grades 15.60- ,b "r. r-7''":- . .
ir. nn iii,t in t Woo Nominal, clean basis, 'i
16.00 light utility steers down to!.. , n. . M ... . t ui i tnnn
1100. lnH ami nrf lonrl hr.i 0l0d. "! -'00d. 1.00-02
fed heifers 17.00; few loads mostly !? blood 1.12-15; fine 1.18-23
choice 16.50 with good grades at Coutilry-dressed Meats, f.o.b.
15.00- 16.00; commercial heifers , ' ..... ..
13.50-14.50; light utility heifers Beef-Cows, utility 20-22 lb;
down to 10.00; canner and cutter ca"ne!'s Tand cutt,e,s' 1,6-1,8; . . .
cows mostly 7.50-9.00, few to 9.50; alTl u,ual!ty' ''twe,ghl'
utility cows 10.00-12.00; commer- 35,3,6: rol'S 'I?3""; 2?-30' '
cial grades mostly 12.50-13.00; , Hogs-Best light blockers, 20-22;
utility-commercial bulls 14.00-50; loan lfhl ow' 1G-1.7-light
cutters down to 11.00; few 'ambs-d sP"nScrs. 3i M-good-choice
feeder steers 16.00- -yearlings, fl"2; . . , ,
17.50: medium-good 13.00-15.50. Mutton-Lightweight ewes and
Calves salable 100; market about
steady; choice vcalers mostly
yt nn-)7 no cnuilo tn ''itno.n- ,,,l I
grades 21.00-24.00; utility-commer
cial 'unevenly' 12.50-20.00; culls
down t 08.00
Hogs salable 1,500; market un
even; No. 1-2 butchers active,
fully steady; No. 3 grades slow
with weak undertone; sorted lots
U.S. No. 1-2 butchers 180-2.15 lbs
15.00-50; no sales No. ,3 grades at
mid-session and demand limited;
sows 300-500 lbs steady at 9.50-
12,50; 500-585 lb weights down to
Sheep salable 1.200; market only
moderately active, 25-50 lower,
instances 1.00 lower; buyer interest
not following; 228-head van choice
with some prime wooled fed lambs
averaging about 105 lbs 19.00:
olher good-choice wooled slaughter
lambs 17.00-18.00; feeders scarce;
good choice feeders last week
15.00-16.00; few cull-low utility
ewes Monday 2.00-3.50.
r,liic?o Livestock
CHICAGO UP Hogs sold steady
lo 25 cents lower Monday.
Most 180 to 240 pound butchers
...,l i tin -n t ,-ioo . 'll.-iy t un ic employes n-euremeni
sold at $I2..iO to $13.00 with scv- Bard, So(.. Sc(.., so: Public Ent
eral lots at S13.25 and $13.50, thoiploves Retirement Roard. do. 2.670.6R:
top. Butchers scaling 250 to 280 j rJ.b'Jl:'..':,.!.Dl y etiI?mfnL!:-"!fm;
pounds were taken at $12.00 In :
$12.50 and 290 to 360 pounds at I
fill to lo til on
lower at $19.00 to $21.00 for cond !
to nrime wnnlrri tvn-nt
Salahle receipts were 13.000 hogs !
''2 000 cattle .100 ralvo-t nnH ttuvx
-T'Wni CnilIC' JW CaiCS ana J.WO .
Chicago Onions
By I'niled Press
Supplies moderate, demand
slow, market dull.
Track sales: None.
Street sales: f 50 lbs U. S. 1 un-
stated Idaho and Oregon j
. . . , , "
Spanish 3-mch and larger 2.50-
2.ia: Colorado Spanish 3-inch and
larger 2.60: Utah Spanish 3-inch -T: "STn.
and larger 2.50; Midwest ellowjDorts DeVall. 228 15: Tina Thom.ii,
U Ohes medium li- 3., irret-u nr '
Size 1,001.10.
Wall Slrect
N'KW YOItK tfi Prices tilted
slightly lo Ihe downside in slow
Iradini; late Monday in the stock
. Most ol the plus signs in leading i
issues were erased as losses ran :
Iron, fractions to around a point. ;
.. .. . .. . :..,.. H-nH.r.nn 100 fiS
ommt lor tne nay was esli-
mated at about 1.700 000 .hnres
compared with 1.770.000 on Friday
wl,en trading was the Ugliest since
last NOV. 2.
Salem Markets
Compiled from .report! of Salem
( dealer tor lh fuitfnce of Capital
JouriTal Rvaden. (Rtvtsed dally )
Retail Fed Prlrei
Rbblt PeileU - 13 25-3 45 (80-llt
biti U 10-4 80 tlOO-lb nag).
r.ff Mih 44 45-4 95
Dairy he4 $3 ft. 3 48 (8u-lb.
$3 30-4 20 ilOO-Tb bat I
Pollltrm Rtirlnr Prlroa f-nlnri-cl I
livers. 24c; old roosters. 14; Colored
iow i .'.k-; legnorn fowl, iSt.-; coiorea ,
roas-prs, 24c. o f, 0
HiOlnr Prlef-FiTtfi lariff? A A. 38c. .
Haige A. ' "!t-t2c: mrlum AA. Wc: j
iMi .Muitt .- ...i-j;tv; sman n. .
Kugs. wbnlrV'tt price generally 5-7 ;
Ms higlier thun prtVs ahove: Uree
grade A iretieral.v quoted at Joe med-
ui'rt at jjt-. o
IMI-ierral Rulnt price,: Pjemlum
MIc B pripls 81c Rrftail- Al(rade.
lie: cation. Sc: A pVlnU. 4c: car
ton, 80c: No 1 53c W
Biitter(S).Vhelea!e AA frade print.
l(9-g8)0A iiida, 10c; B ftada, lie.
PORTLAND m ButtcrfatQ
Temative, subject to Qmmediate
change Premium quality;1, deliv-
Portland 5$u lb: first
oimlttl. Sft- ennnnd ..nialit, GJi.SI
nHrWhnl..l f.k h,,ll
. "iwibooh;, -"-- "um-
" " J
i" r ? '"i.500'
, ciaut, ,yu score, aova; t-Q graae, as
score, 53,
L.L-e.ic iw wnoiL'saiers uresun
, rn-.i
i m ... . .
I r.KK5 10 retailers UraOC AA
1 large, 49-51; A large. 46-49: AA
medium 4347; A medium, 43-45;
A small, 36-41. Cartons. 2-3 cents
Eggs To consoners AA large,
ioo-oi; a tare, ai-oa: aa meaium
! 51-56; A medium, 50-55; A small,
. "aoo ts-Average to growers-
! Live white, 3-4-4'i lbs, 23-26, 5 6
's. 18-21; old does, 10-14, few
higher. Fresh killed fryers to
retailers 58-61; cut up, 62-65.
Wholesale Dressed Meats
Beef carcasses steers, choice
500-700 lbs, 30.00-34.00; good, 27.50
32.00; commercial, 26.00-29.p0; util
canners and cutters 19.00-22.00.
Beef cuts f choice steers) Hind
quarters. 38.00-41.00: rounds," 37.00
40.00; full loins, trimmed, 55.00-
I"" ,;T. , '
Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-1 lb,
36 :,0"4!-00; shouldcrs- 16 lb dowil
1 24 0-27 00; Prerib5 35.00-39.03;
hams, 10-14 lb. 43.00-47.00.
Veal and calves Good-Choice, all
weights . 32.O0-48.0O; commercial
Lambs Choice, 40-50 lb, 37.00-
-- -
Fresh Produce
Onions I d a h o Yellows, med,
i 2.25-50; lge, 2.75-3.00; whites, 4.25-
M: re- Sherwood Dnnvcrs, No. 1
2.00-25; Wash. Yellows, lge, 1.85
2.00. Potatoes Ore Central Russets,
No. 1-A, 100 lb, best, 4.25-75; Klam
ath Russets, No. 1, 6 oz, 4.00-50;
Idaho bales Russets, 5-10 lb 2.60
75. Hay New crop. No. 2 green
alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. truck, Port
land and Seattle, 41.00-42.50 ton.
AURORA Special services for
the Lenten season will begin at
Aurora's Christ Lutheran church
on Ash Wednesday, reb. 15, at
7:30 p.m., with the World Day of
Prayer service.
Tne following is the official publi
cation of the record of claims before
Ihe Marion County Commissioners
Court tor the December Term for
19.15. with the amout allowed, bills
continued, etc., according to the rec
ords in the office of the County
I..idd A- Bush Branch u. s. Nat l
B"1 Portland, withholding. S7
Accident Comm". ind. Ace 787.57:
United Fund. u. r M; state in-
dustrlal Accident comm., ino. Mc,
R. h. Hughes. 34541
i). ij. rcvion,
240.10: Stella
10H.65: Dim Polir.g,' 104 01: A.
A. Richards." 340 31; L. M. Johnston,
207.69; Wallace S Wharton, ..39.48:
Dorothv H French. 2:54.25; A. M.
Roethlin. 307 37; M. Reznicsek, 200.00;
O. Hughes. 231.45; H. P. Baker. 231.59;
G. rtarrv. 188.18; F. Taves, 238. 33; B.
Olson, 94.00: H. Kleihege. 220.71; D.
M. Chance, 230.78: H. Mulkey. 224.14;
F Cuinmlngs. 214.01: W. Glfford.
220,17: Lcston W. Howell, 4.80; M.
Reznicsek. 60.00: Jov R Le Compte.
S22 86; T O. Rickman. 370.76; Ed
Booth. 199.89; R. L. Bair. 206.10: Fd.
Kortzeborn. 224.20; D. .1. Jacobs.
234.75; A. Scott. 209 35: rt. Hooper,
204 na: Jack Goldade. 20935: c. E.
w.itman 104 AA- Ilnvd Bavs 0110"
Xy"""' nHutch: I
hm ifif..n.v m. Sebern. ten 94: M. H,
177 .35: Joepb V Meier, w w:
Re;:l. 204 81; D. Gutned 199.45; N.
Heeklev, 217-15: B- Anderson. ZKX 90;
Earl Adams, 270 75: John t.icey.
V-'T'cn 302 "c"i." f.
-W21IV W ' C. : llrlli- 297 M- Itcr.llce
Vearv. ilies: "(tii coii- 2S0.4V Vio-
la Fi-enbneb. 280 43: hdith Haulman.
771 wi: Marv Testenvan. 208. '.t; Ruth
Ingrain. 257 88; Evelyn Krueger.
nMJS rV: HeSnffi
i34 Erna Birstecher. 217 55: Vera
-: Ethel t.-rmon. . ,y
,,. ... sl,,.i.v Mlu.r. ,,..,
tn.,nn stunfel. 144 jit: Blanche Sto.--
-,v . i
2.t8 6-:- ti-roid Fox. Thom.n'
,W Brown. M1H: Leslie R Ch.fn.1-
KM : Winlf-ed rotlan. 193.49:
M.vbelle B. McDonald. 200.15: Jo
Ann Br.idle.v 102 17: Robert c.ld-
well. 277 IS: Ellen Good. 1.10 02; Mm-
th T Hutching JSM-. Cn T Ann
-,."r.- . . .
L Jin W Unrt.e C-,mten4n
ip. vi- retl T ' o-rii-ii 58 o- James
H, Ashauth. ST"; Kirk 'Mulder
266 88: r W Kehrli. 254.61; Delores
Mvera 236 94: :rir Dudlev. 273 98:
John Tulfimdee 874 09; Twila W.
Conover .9 02; Virginia Stone, 232 59:
Irene Jnhnon 22 4 28: Irmi Mtton.
2P9 35: Phvllu Zeti 187 Mr Doris Oile-
'its. 182 21" (-ludvs White.
ineVtv J. Parrett. ?M 54: Glen Rob-
rriJr,n 310 171 Gtt- V. Wald-'ooo
j'-c;. Christine V Morlev 1 l:
j--in.f.o ly.-t.-.r. mi in- k M .Mil.
trom, "VHP'-: Amov O ' Shaw. 32,P5;
h h Smltn, IM. 11 : Hie "Hirtl HO-nr-
nefr jt; $ y J. Roust. 28 4 John
'7 - ihinsVvt J" M; Hernvrt 'ADinrv?
548 40: Rov lirith. J73.41: Cecil .Ink--
.on. I4V,-.i-. J l!?rp Out, lr.
t-ecil C Cross :13 5, : M.irv E. S:rav-
er. 193. James I). Painr. 276 .8:
H. T E-an. SOJACOLeonarrl ComlM)
171.78; Ravmonrl klren S-OrS: Vio-
lew- West, -rt:!."., Marlin 314".; rati-ir lav an. ik.v tit-
O o
'' (CllMIiO.R8 cOlrto
The following u the official publi
cation of t.fc) locord of claims before
the Marion County Coinftissloiierii'
Court lor tlaa. ,ovemuer Term for
105., wltn tne amount .-allowed, blllsQTeau 234.6:
coniinuta. etc.. according lo the rec-
r ln Ont- cilice ol the County
A. (3 Gragg. Pn.tmaster. Postare,
'. HI- Hallu x Wn.. ... a
E.. l.'.'m Lndd & u'tun-Saleiu tira'nch.
o. Aat.onai tail ol Portland,
Withhojdio,-. f; I.egi,
counsel comnmii't, O. E.. 350.00;
Sop. Spc KnriaisS Inriiniv UovnkHnJ
: rundP uaS Public" ipis. Re-
; tmiBient system, oiterement, 3.;i-!5. 73;
State Industrial Accir.vnt, Commls-
3ianon .uiy tmpioyces: n. r.
Frankum 236 98: Ida Baillie 179.23;
Ananei .-noon 21B yz: uixie Meyer
119.62: Barbara Snvder 221 86: H. B.
! 34-4'i .? W1" ?, !;
I l.Sn&
- ! 341.21. L. M. Johnston 207.69: wal-
lace S. Wharton 357.40; Dorothy H,
French 2.14.25; A. M. Roethlin 307.37;
M. neznicsck 200.00; OJa Hughes
231.45; H. P. Baker 231,59. G. Barry
1B8.18: E Taves 2C3.33; B. Olson 91.00;
H. Kleihege 220.71; D. M. Chance
231.12; H. Mulkey 224.14; F. Cum
min gs 214.01; W. Giford 220.17; M.
Reznicsek 60.00; Joy B. Le Ccmpte
222.86; T. O. Rickman 368.63; Ed.
Booth 190.89; R. L. Bair 206.10; Ed.
Kortzeborn 224,20: D. J. Jocobe
234.75; A. Scott 209.35; R. Hooper
204.88: J. Goldade 203.35; C. E. Walt
man 194,68; Lloyde Bays 113.88; M. J.
Morrison 179 81: Ruth Hutchins
1BG.35; M. Sebern 1B0.94; M. H. Lacher
166,82; George N. Gross 70.00; Richard
H. Allen 138.50: Thomas W. Hansen
I. .8.30: Doris Dcvall 228 15: Tina
Thomas 177.55; Joseph P. Meier 48.50;
L. Bea! 204 81: D. Guined 194.45: N.
Berkley 217.35: B. Anderson 203 90;
Earl Adams 270.75: John Laccy 210.11;
Barbara Smith 197.90; W. J. Stone
6fi5.04- W, P, Green 321.93; F. R.
Coleman 302.46; 1. G. Lerrnon 301.24;
W. G. Hellie 297.34; BcrnU-c Yeary
328.73; Effie Cole 200.43; Viola Eteon
bnch. 2110,43; Edith Haulm. 206.63;
Mnrv Toftorman 158. Bl; Ruth Ingram
l.ri8.8r F.velvn KrurRer 120,97; H.
Maria Fissel 141.96: Muriel Swerinsen
236.5!). Helen Poufade 132.19; Erna
Beisteelipr 247.S5: Vera Wood 2.19.17;
Ethel Lermon 176.48: Agnes Hender
son 160,65; Lylnh Pcavy 174.4!); Shir
lev Mucken 150.66; Joanne Stunfel
144.30; Blanche Storer 296.92: Nora
Wood 24.73; Howard W. Barlow
V. Brown 235.60: Leslie R. Chandler
XJ,'!S!LS2,.2!l .lS,- i'.?'-
belle B. McDonald 200.85; Jo Allen
Bradley 210 85- Robert Caldwell
277.16: Martha T. Hutchlngs 39.50;
Geo. F. Armstrong 33.95; Joseph L.
Faulhaber 19 40: Blanche Christensen
48 50: Cecil I. Omans 58 20; James H.
Ashbaupn 339.82: Kirk Mulder 266.88;
F. W. Kehrli 254.61: Delores Myers
236.84; Jack D. Ballah 49.42; Craig
Dudley 275 29; Twila W. Conover
209.02; W. J. Kvarsten 125 64; Virginia
Stone 232.59; Irene Johnson 224.28;
Irma Moon 209.35; Phyllis Zeh 187.55;
Dons Odgers 182.22: Gladys White
245.46; Agnes C. Booth 338 74: Betty
J Parrett 288.14: Glen Robertson
309.17; Christine V. Morley 201.16;
Gloria Jackson 184.30; A. I. Malstrom
291.06; Amos Shaw 321.95; B. R. Smith
263 41; Richard Boehringer 257.88; E.
J Boust 283.41: John Zabinski 267.88;
Herman Doney 248.49; Roy Lamb
273.41: Cecil Johnson 246.66; Jess W.
Gut7ler 20fi.!-5: Cecil C. Cross 251.91;
Mnrv E. Siraycr 193.49: -Janic D.
Painter, 276.20: H. T. Evans 313.38:
Leonard Combs 271.78; Raymond
Klcen 227.77; Violettc West 242 94;
Marian Maas 214.2.:: Patricia Savage
184 40; Dolores GcorRe 218.06; Bern ice
Harlan 213.66- Sidney Nelson 214.28;
A. D. Graham 376.05; Betty Morrow
220 05; Audrev H. Ewing 221.60; Char
lotte Walker 208.47; Rid-tley C, Miller
319.82; Charlene L. Foust 190.89; J. K.
Neuleldt 263.41: John A. Anderson
199.68; Theo. Kucnzt 368.62; A. M.
Piesnall 241.41; George N. Gross
207.00; E. A Ward 204.15; B. Olson
129.50; H. W. Barlow 8.30; Gloria
Jackson 48.96; Christine V. Morley
54.21; C. A. Lewis 73.47; Harley R.
DePeel 96.58; Argie L. Jones 58,20;
Dorothy M. Pearson 165.90; A. A.
Gecr 62,08- Patricia Toler 64.02; Elea
nor L. Fisher 24.25; 1, H. Johnson
378.45; Hobt. Harl 329.08; Dcibert J.
Bair 273.46; Elmer T, Ideen 211.45;
Harold L, Martin 260.18: Harry Nie
man 256.92: Robt. V. Stoops 230.83:
Robt. O. Bye 313 08: Jos. A. Robl
307.75; Jesse R. Carter 234.90; Menno
Dalke 221.85: Lloyd J.irman 231.95;
Arnold L. Kirk 231,11; Leo McCnllis
ter 206.72; Henry Rasnutssen 235.62:
Tom Ritchey 216.35; Earl E. Shade
261 03; Erwin Viergutz 2l6.fa9; Win,
Naftcer 305.87; Leo A. Andreas
lores George, 218.06; Bernice Harlan.
213.66; Sidney Nelson. 214.28: A. D.
Graham, 377.05; Betty Morrow.
220.05; Maxine Dorman, 24.25; Audrey
H. Ewines. Ml.Wl unarjoue naincr,
208.47: Ridgley C. Miller. 357.02; Char-
inn,. T.. Fnnst. 190 89: J. K. Neufeldt,
123 01; Kav Chambers, 56.88: Edith
Taves. 72.58; Katherine M. Jcldirks,
84.15: George N. Gross, 207.00; Naoma
Rehfuss. 43.05: John A. Anderson.
499.68; Theo. Kuenzi, 36B.62; A. M.
Presnall. 241.41: E. A. Ward. 264.15;
B. Olson, 129.50: Melvin K. Wilcox,
29.10: H. W. Barlow. 8.30; Dorothy
M. Pearson. 155.03; Father Ward,
45 20: Irving H. Johnson, 383.59; Robt.
Hari. 329.08; Delbert J. Bair. 306.09;
Elmer T. Ideen. 220.13: Harold L.
Martin. 270 81; Harry Nieman. 295.80;
Robt. V. Stoops. 251.67: Robt. O. Rye.
318.:-8: Jos. A. Robl. 313.05: Jesse R.
Carter, 267 .0B: Menno Dalke. 232.8:.;
Llovd Jarman. 242.97; Arnold L.
Kirk. 242.12: Leo McCallister. 279.42;
Henrv Rasmusien. 246.82; Tom Rttch
ev. 237.36; E.irl E. Shade. 266 21: Er
win Viergutz. 227.68; C. G. Ross,
295.87; John Anderson Jr.. 271.10; Al
bert L. Canoy. 253.61: Chas. P. Canoy,
1 209.87; L. R. Cooper. 245.53; E. J.
! Coover. 19... 47; Wilmcr Dahlberg,
36.34: Rom. Martin. Z4.u: n. j.
Peterson. 284 93: A. B. Rostad. 229.28;
E. C. Svron. 194. 87: W. J. Starzl,
263.84: Ralph Wickham. 220.35; Wm.
Naflzger. 3'5 87; Leo A, Andreas,
264.22; Lawrence Fancy, 256.19;' Vir
gil R. Fahev, 223 88; P. C. Hunt,
248.77: Melvtn Monnier. 225 42: Albert
K. WeiiRcnroth. 261.13: S. K. Ely,
306.59; Flovd Blackburn. 245.37: Wm.
M. Duchateau. 240.00; Arthur Thay
er. S'58.82; Kenneth Watts. 260.00:
Frank Woelke, 337,20; D. P. Scharf.
313.05; O. D. Binegar, 271.31; J. T.
Debacon. 282.57: Willmar Fossholm,
253.02: Harvcv M. Girod. 231.47; Clair
Harvey. 263 28 Roy Hatfield, 233.88.:
Dick Hoover. 236 52; R. G. Kcmmler.
240.94; Laurel Lamb. 255,74: Virgil
240.94; Laurel Lamb. 2f."i,74: Virgil
Long. 239. W: Arthur B Mack, 141.54:
.Martin. 211.04: W. IV Massev
270.64; John McAllister. 274.13: Ralph
McAllister. 2628'.; Raw McCallister,
2;:8.2a; Ernest B. Page, 235.36; Jas.
Riggi. 263.28: Glenn Robertson. 272.51;
W. Shelley. 212.35; Delbert C, Shell
ito. '232,73: Kenneth Slvtcr. 240.80:
Robert Smith. 270 B3: Earl D, Staiid-
ley. 209.02; Ted H. Stolle. 284.49; Lloyd
I Hugh ! Wrbt,: 2S6J:- Sam " Wee
-: E. Willis 220 W; l.ile L.
I Wilt. 264.00: Tony Woelke :M 1.44:
Tom Bo-.vden, 31fi ifl; Frank L. Hcr
sha, 318 51; Paul R Taves. 221.20;
Gerald R Kubm. 216 73; Nancy E.
Wilson. 159.97; Deloris Nickerson.
151.50: Nevelie I. Tanner. "4 03: Ana
bel Moon. 143 95: iVoIet West. 137.05;
j "S:
Kerr. 47 40: DeNae Renter,
'. I'-
Ru.h Wood. 18 11: Florence
fi to- Nora'Jonrs. ,w; .-woreen nelson, lift Ho:
Caroline Smith
109 81: J-MCDhlne
i fl'-P"'". M.SS:
C''" 'J.?'" n 5f '
Elsie Simila. 73 S6:
Barh.ira Victor.
I S.1" "" .'iriie tv.
"J" :
: J T. r90 IS: ketth Au,ttn .
' M: Uoyd iii,,n,s. J9J 09: DorwT.d ,
?B"Vvr.1.'h1- 11 64: C-.A '" 69 st- I
.11 je
! MHcell.neo,r Cecil cCrow. Re-
1 tirementt .66. American Institute r
! Rffal Estate Apnrr, OE. 7 (Vi; H
i E. Erankum. TE. 24 22: Gerald B
.-n-uum it, djo; ua.i.-n j, jeo-
ser. ao. 13 vs: nenrv ..unswirtn ao,
,I4 64; R;chard S Nurfiolson. do. 24 29:
i 'Pn s SvPr. do. 15 si: Paul H.
I Taves. .-do, 12.30. Davfd TerbeU. do,
7 1 01 --. t-i-. i.ais -. nrtini.i
I Aud't, 2W0; ,J A Keilv. Rriva!,
-l.'-oo: Merchant Ca'euKitor? inc. do,
1 45 Oregon St.ite Pfth-fe. F.n-.
i 250 00: Tr?nstrl' Cleannt. Eo .
j 3 ?i: The Go'den "Meals.
, ,'. i s- iy.-. t t7v.rr..'-t(i, i--
L" f! Ort: m D. N'tll--. Fee. ?0 Oil;
w Pickel'o do, 45 0"; D-!e Pire
do. 1 5 Muton C-iSiy Sur-
.i-or f 17 .V: ill',-- S Wia---
ton. T-.V '-' 10 -;o? Rex H.n't-
'lev. 7f ''.;: Rov J. Rlervdo, IB90:
E L Rel do. JO: t.estM w
, H i-ll. do. 14 t.esit v Howetl.
ry rti in: nr iv-ni am A l.tno,
, K g; dtfeddlt funeral JJproe,
w o
243 tawWnc. Fay (J "
Fahey 220 P W HOnt xa .1.:
Melvin Mgnn'f J,.1-"Jt ofl, 306 5:
tt-iu 234.62." -Ar'iiur Thayer 24.t.39;
. '
... anv "Ata 07- r r. Kim I
5 87; John Anderson Jr. 8.77;OA
bert L. Canoy 242.53: Chas. P. C.moy,
fcoover 206.46: Wilder lihlberg
"29 15; Robt. Mai-t.n aJHQM; V B.
Rostad 218.5; W. J. Starzl 209.49;
E G Svron 72.03; RJph Wickham
211.4.5; Frank Woelke "332.Uf D. P.
Siharf 307.75: O. D. Binegar -'5.30;
Odie Connelly lJti.UJ: J T. Debacon
254 33: Willmar Sossholm 241.97;
Harvey M.'Girod 243.84; Clair Harvey
252 92; Roy Hatfield 225.20; Dick
Hoover 225.73; R. G. Kalnmler 229.28;
Laurel Lamb 242.92; Virgil Long
2..9.04- H. A. Martin 236.26: W. R.
Masey 270.64: Johjt McAllister 261.29:
Ralph McAllister 236.15: Ray McAllis
ter 228.35; Ernest B. Page 211.58: H.
J. Peterson 289.03; Jas. Riggi 252.92;
Glenn Robertson 249.07; W. Shelley
231.15; Dcibert C. Siiellito SW.B3;
Kenneth Slyter 204.05; Robt. Smith
244.89; Earl D. Standley 218.17; Ted
Stolle 271.28- Lloyd E. Taylor 273.61;
A. - M. Theis 239 65; Hugh Webb
244.28; Sam Weese 214.60: Geo, E.
Willis 2C9.16; Lite L. Wilt 253 Gl;
Tonv Woelke 259 46: Tom Bowden
316.19: Frank L. Hcrsha 340.41; Paul
R. Taves 250.50; Nancy E. Wilson
186.63; Deloris Nickeraon 42.28; Ne
velle I. Tanner 160.05; Anabel Moon
152.51; Catherine E. Redden 89.81;
Helen M. Canskev 142.20; Harvey E.
Frankum 21.78; Dalbert J. Jepsen
10.14; J. L, Siegmund 9.70; Henry
Jungwirth 10 84; David Terbell 4.01;
Gale Christensen 19.40; A. F. Among
29.10; Naoma Rehfuss 7.27; Mary
Ellen -Good 46.46; Lorraine Kerr
124.42; DeNae Renter 133.13; Ruth
Wood 138.70; Florence Jones 144.37;
Noreen Nelson 126,56; Delores Nick
erson 97.38; Joreen McDonald 53.57;
Caroline Smith 115.80: Norma Peter
son 6,'i.23; Patricia Hug 78.08; Jnsqph
ine Fitzpatrick 12.74: Elsie Simila
15.52; Cleo Walker 8.48; Mvrtle Evans
155.36; Leonard Combs 67.24; H. T.
Evans 154.93; Lloyd Williams 2R6.62;
Keith -Austin 240.53; Kay Chambers
56.88: Esther Ward 26.24. Miscel
01.43: L,o 11. iu-it-i .ia.nj. c-
laneous: H F. Domagolla. T. E..
,.4.4i; ttarvey K, frannum, 1. c,
20.51; Dalbert Jepsen. T, E., 10.85;
Hcnrv Jungwirth. T. E. , 32.70; Rich
ard Nicholson, T. E-. 19.04; Leo L.
Qnesnel. T E., 4.55; Ralph S. Sucor,
T. E 18.90; J. L. Siegmund, T. B
23 59; Paul R. Taves, T. F,., 10.33;
David Terbet. T. E., 22.12; J. E.
Brown Printing Co., Sups., 40.54;
Cook Stationery Co., Sups., 17.18;
International Business Macli. Corp.,
Rental, 173 54- J. A. Kelly, Do, 135.00;
Machine Accounting Service, Exp,,
110.00, M.irion County Surveyor,
Sups., 16.20; Senator Hotel, Jury
Meals. 34.50. J. Win. Stortz, Foes.
15.00; Walace S. Wharton. T. E. &
Petty Cash. 20,30: Hayden's Capital
Citv Binderv, Sups, 46.40; H. C.
Mattson. T. E., 12.55; Moor Business
Forms, Inc. Sups., 16.14; M. Reznic
sek, T. E.. 4.45: Oregon State Col
lege, County Agent, 20.3f0.00; Roy
J. Rice, T. E.. 263.30; Dr. William L.
Lidbeck, Autopsy. 50.00; Allied Sup
ply Co..Sups., 82,36: Clyde's Lock
smith & Safe Service, Exp. 1.50;
Easterday Supply Co., Sups.. 13.25;
Marion County Extension Office,
Exp., 15.00; Oregon Builders Hard
ware. Do. 25 44: Edward Peter. Do.
2.00; Portland Gas & Coke Co., Fuel,
22.24; Refrigerating & Power Spe
cialities. Exp.. 15.06- Vacuum Cleaner
Clinic. DO, 11.25; Westinghouse Elec
tric corp., un, iza.uu; Kenneiii c..
Brown. T. E.. 2.10: A. C. Graes. Post
age. 9.00; Geo. N. Gross, T. E.. 2.52;
International Business Machine Corp .
Equip.. 400.00; The McBee Co.. Sups.,
7.52: Earl Adams, T. E.. 240.54; Dr.
Siieo. R. Deems, Exam.. 7.50; Dr.
Itcid R. Kimball, Do, 7.50; Robert
Brownell. Reward. 25.00; S. K. Elv,
Do. 23 00. John Srlimid. Do. 100.00:
Silverton Sanitary Service. Do, 50.00;
Andy's Auto Wrcojters, Trans., 7.50;
ur. w. u. iiurrows, fsv. scrv,,
125.00; F. R. Colemtn. Trans., 1.50;
Dr. Margaret Dowell, Mccl. Scrv,,
15.00; Duplication Products, O.S.. 5.33;
Dr. Lucille Fortner, Med. Scrv.,
45.00; A. C. Gragg. Postmaster, Post
age, 267.22; L. E. Hammer. Trans,.
73.66; H. & H. Garage, Do, 7.50;
Hendrie Medical Lab., Lab.. 216.75;
Johnson & Siewart, Exp., 133,75; I.
G. Lerman, Trans., 18.20; Pitman
Moore Co., Sups,, 96.00; Salem
Masonic Temple Assn., Rent, 285.00;
School Dist. No. 4, O.S.. 1.15; W. J.
Stone. Petty Cash, 6:15; Dr. J. H.
Treleavcn, Psy. Serv., 100,00; Wyn-koop-Blair
Printing Serv., Exp., 16.00;
N. Boe, Herd Insp.. 185.00; Austin W.
Eivers, Do, 217.75; John Hanrahan,
Do, 192.50; E. L. Henkel, Do, 454.25;
F. G. Rankin, Do. 167.75; Glen E.
Schwenke, Do, 402.25; Dr. Wm.
Crothers, Exam. 7.50; Dr. D. E.
Dilaconi, Do, 37.50; Dr. Hugh Dowd,
Do, 7.50; Dr. E. .H. Downs, Do. 7.50;
Dr. Arthur Fisher. Do, 15.00; Dr.
Kenneth Powers, Do, 7.50; Dr. Ralph
Purvine, Do. 22.50; Dr. Chas. E.
Weebcr, Do. 57.50; Dr. Paul Wolfe,
Exp.. 98.00; Advance Supply Co.,
Sups., 21.65: Allied Supply Co., do.
234.71: Electric Corp., Exp.. 72.24; In
dustrial Electronics, do, 43,22; D. G.
Kincslev. do. 176.40: Larmer Trans-
fer. Fuel. 1.046.73; Plastic Sign Co.,
Sups., 3 60: Portland Gas St Coke Co.,
Fuel, 24.69; Dariel Rickman. Exo.,
4.00: State Bureau of Labor, do. 6. 00;
State of Oregon, do. 15.00; Vanco, do,
32.25: Westinghouse Electric Co., do,
125.00; Si Cohn. County Clerk. In
vest.. 2.90; William C. Crothers, M. D..
do, 10.00; Hamman Stage Lines, do,
2000: Oregon iDstrict Attv. Asso.,
OE. 10.00: Earl Adams. Constable, do,
17.00: Earl Adams. Mileage. 236 82;
Dr. Geo. Mursell, Exam. 7,50; Para
mount Pest Control. Garb. Disp..
25.00; John Schmidt, do. 100.00: Stl-
erton Sanitary Service, do, 30. 00;
Dr. Austin W. Eivers. Fees, 172.00;
John M. Hanrahan, do. 193.25: Dr. E
L. Henkel. do. 584.25; F. G. Rankin,
do, 49.00: Dr. Glen E. Schwenke, do,
332.25; American Medical Assn.,
Sups., 15.00; Dr. W. G. Burrows. Psy.
Serv., 113.34: F. R. Coleman. Trans.,
9.50: Dr. Margaret Dowell. Med.
Serv,, 15,00: Dr. Lucille Fortner. do.
60.00; A. C. Graeg, Postmaster, Post
age.; Hendrie Medical Lab
Lab.. 216.75: Henrv's Phntn Shnn
Sups., 1.85: H, A- H. Garage. Trnns.,
7,00: Oregon State Board of Health.
Lab.. 2.50: Parke Davis Co.. Med
Sups.. 1.13.32: Physicians A- Hospital
Supply Co.. do. 28. 4R; Pitm-in-Moore
Co., do. 94 08; Quisenberrv Pharmaoy.
do. 10.36; Salem Clinic, do. 41.66; Sa
lem Masonic Temple Assn.. Rent
285.00: Salem Memorial Hospital. X
Ray. 258,50; School Dist No. 4. Sups
1.15: Sharp Sc Dohme. do. 16 00: W
J. Stone, do. 6.45; Ttndnlt's Pharma
cies, do. 40.20; Dr. J. H, Treleavcn,
Psy. Serv.. 12001; Dr. Wm. C. Croth
ers, Exam.. 22,50; Dr. C. A. Downs,
do. 7.50; Dr. E. H .Downs, do, 7.50;
Dr. Stuart M. Laneefield. do. 7. 5H;
Dr. Ch;s E. Weeber. do. 22 50: Dr.
Paul Wolfe, do. 7.50: Brcssie Appli
ance Service Co. Sups,, 28 50; Dr
lan D, MacDonald. Med.. 12.50; San
itary Service Co. Inc.. Exo , 7 oo
Denver Young. Sheriff. Meals. i -088.37:
Geo. F. Armstrong. TE, 32
Marvin A. Hutching. Rent & OE
34.40: Donald M. Orange. Rent. 25 DO'
iuintln B. Estell. do. 43.72; Harlev
1 r-- 6 Rent.
H..U.F. .imiii neciser. ao. ,ts 110; H.
Eichsteadt. OE. ?.3S: Cecil I. Omans.
TE. 1.32. Dr. J.-mes H Ashbaush.
Trans.. 6 2.i; California Trst Bureau,
Sups . 5192: Dr. Richard B. Embick
uetennon. lfiixi; w. T. Grant Co.. do.
L. G. Mavberry. Detention. 81.00;
Mrs. Deloris Mvers. Tran .. 3 25- J
J. Newberrv Co.. Detention. 3 99
John J. O'Donnell 6 20 00- J C
Penney Co. do. 17 75; The Shoe Pox'
dn. 2 88: The Oreconian. Advt .
w estern City. do. 19.50: Cathnlie
Service. Court Comm.. lO.OO: Chris-
!i nooi. do, 10 00: Our Ladv ot
trovic!rnte. do. 10 no: St Miry't
"UII,.V. novs. ao. 20 00: SUte Pub.
M-HiVS mm-.,Car"- " Poor.
E.-P 3 13: Herman Win. Lanke. Te!
w,.,.. ouirouK.-i- tiecirie to.
. . n(nr. i. ttooT-i no is R.t
I , v r-arreu. no 8i: Ulen W
ertson. rln -.1479- V t ra..., -
! ' CecU Fames Co.. ' Sup, . 11 la!
McKinney Lincoln Mcreurv Inc.
! Jr.n. 13 if. The PT.cfic Tel. -.- Tele.
, Co. R fldl0.- " '5: Secre tary ..f. State.
' i." : ";"ur" inaena
ent. Sups.. 2 50.-. The CommreiaI
Bank of Ealem. do. 8 56; The Nation
al Cash Register. Mach Mamt.. IN, 40:.
1 r-uney-tiowes inc
185; Denver
1 ounc Tost
Pos4,.. ! POO.OO: A. D. Ora- CO- -o .25; Salem Title Co do
' '30 V Franit Ostlin. Din-t- iif,,:S, em wldmg SuppK"' So
W: R-deler C. M:l!er. TE. WUH- H- Schultabber. Diesel" 71
rt C Gragg P!.Vr, She!? OH Co., Misc.. 87.13' ' Snap-nri
ham. TP.
r. OK.
;35 2R: A-ert C Gragg Pott
! i-ostage. 50.C I j. K, Neufc'dt
87 15; Silvet'on . aWJ . Trif-unf.
Advt . rt7f.- ArfniDon't sV.nfc. ?-n:
A,-tdr.ocr.--ohr'Viiltigrhh Corn. . - .,
t'iH!- Carter, f oe Co of ret. !
! do, 2147: The "i'.lo."! CT . -.')
it , eo, T'rcl Pros Fws 103 (V- Mr.
! 5r),r1 Etret. do 30,tati Caih Pros .
Ino. 4.10O; Gall, Bros. Ttw iW:
n- Hans Hatedorn r ; Ron
;'rt HiM-saWot. 5, aofsi: B'.ir Mam.
:-t HmsaV,. -I. : .ir. - Main.
j ro Dt-nt I OVoore Rulne
Irormt, Sups., M3; -aniportCafn:
kMiregon, MondgycjFuary 13, 19.
a w
-t n. PalmOllve CO.,
r,',,Q,n Hotel SuoolV
jy,- ' - r, . i I a licit kMi.
fXauO- Ur. Richard P. uJmbicX.
Sup., aam Vnnn.
inc.. r-xp., i.w, -.-o. --a
.157.79: Marvin A. Hutc 11
Kv: Oa l.M Ugnald M.
Estell, (ent
"-" ,, ij
" m i w h tjen. in: l.
30,00;' Gale" M. Chtfs&nscn. V. E.,
V; Jonn Bcekea uU 35.00; Har
old A. Eichs?rdt, O. E.vo33.67; Wood
burn InUeendet, t)o. 3ia; Cecil 1.
Otnana, T. 1.76; James H. Ash
bauh, Dentcrttion. 13.0ftfc Mrs. Elea,
nor Beal, Do 8.00; Cherry City Model
Aircraft, Do.a 2.58; the Childrens
Clitiic. Do. 9.00: Mrs. James Ferris,
Do. 50 0; Don E. Foster. D.M.D., Do,
7 00; Dr. Garnjobst. Do, 12.50; Kay
Typewriter Co.. 'Sups.. 7.20; J. B.
Lippincolt, Co.. Do, If SO: .Mrs. Lloyd
Mavberry Dentention. 6.00; J. J.
Nt vr berry Co,, Da. 2.98: Mrs. Maiy
Nys. Do. 28.00; Oregon Journal. O.E..
5 40; The Oregonian. Do. 4.32: Pen
ney's, Detention, 8.9o; Mrs. Arthur
Roberg. Do. 30.00; Mis. George W.
Roberts, Do, 50 00; Salem Memorial
Hospital, Do, 15,00; Mrs. James
Thomas, Do 34.00; Toy & Hobby
Shop. Do. 1.50; City of Salem. Odd
Fellows Cemetery. 497.48; Alberlina
Kerr Nursery. Court Committed,
5,00; Catholic Services for Children,
Do, 10.00; Children's Farm Home,
Do. 50.00; Christie School. Do. 10,00;
Louise Home. Do, 4.19; Our Lady of
Providence Nursery, Do, 5.00: St.
Mary's Home for Boys, Do, 21.67;
American Assoc. of School Adminis
trators, Inservice. 10.00; Agnes C.
Booth, Inservice & T. E.. 108.34;
Betty J. Parrett, Do. 1 13.07; Rex
Putnam, O. E.. 2.00; Glen W. Robert
son, Iniervice & T. E., 41.61; W. L.
Anderson Inc., Trans., 11.55; George
G. Cake Co., Sups., 32.12; McEwan
Photo Shop. Do, 42.79; The Pacific
Tel. & Tel. Co.. Radio. 13.75; The
Salem Record Shop, Sups., 4,92; Amos
O. Shaw, Trans., 1.10; Unruh-Knapp
Printing Co , Sups., 67.33: John Za
binski. Trans.. 23.13; Friden Calcula
tion Machine Co.. Mach. Maint,,
84,00; .Pitnev Bowes Inc. Do, 159,00;
Keith' Brown Lumber Yard, Sups.,
.40; Ladd & Bush, Salem Branch
U. S. National Bank. O. E.. 14.00;
Ridglev C. Miller. T. E.. 19.04; J. K.
Ncufeldt, Do 119.00; Blake. Moffitt te
Towne, Sups., 74.77; Lithe Engraving
A: Research t Do. 17.84; Edward L.
Roda. Tax Refund. 13.53; Mis. Frank
Brownell. Ews. 15.00; Joe T. Edison,
Do, 15.00: Robert Himsakcr, Do,
290.00; Delmer Lambrecht, Do, 15.00;
Paul A. Thomas, Do. 30.00; Joe
Schmllx, Do, 45.00; Eavin A. Ward,
T. E., 113.05; Esther Ward, Per Diem,
2.00; Frank Weddle, Lam.. 10.00;
Condit Studio, P. I., 8.93; Petes Spe
cialty Machine Shop, State Fair,
16.00; A. A. Geer, P. I., 50.40; Patricia
Toler. Do, 34.35, Gladys Wheelei,
State Fair & P I., 1.099.71; Bancroft
Whitnev Co.. Law Books, 12.50; Den
nis & Co., Inc., Do 15,00; The Law
yers Co-operative Pub. Co., Do,
68.50; Legislative Counsel Committee,
Do. 150.00: Secretary of State. Do,
22.50; R. Wavne Stevens Law Books,
Do, 5.00: Adolphson's. Misc., 89.00;
Advances Supply Co.. Do, 45.40; Geo.
E. Allen Hardware, Do, 7.85; Ameri
can Asphalt Paving Co.. Asphalt.
22.06; Leo A. Andreas. Trans., 10.00;
Ballou & Wright. Misc., 61.59: Beall
Pipe ic Tank Corp.. Do. 1,392.48;
Broadway Tire Service, Tires, 15.20;
E. H. Burrell. Misc.; Commercial
Book Store. Do. 884.19: Albert L.
Canoy, Trans., 20.00: Capital Auto
Parts. Misc.; Capital Drug Store,
Do. 136.73: Capitol Lumber Co.. Do.
3,667.42; Capitol Office Equip. Co.,
ljo, jy ai; cap no i iracior & luquip.
Co., Do, 48.37; Chas. E. Clarkson,
Do. 137.84; Citv Water Dept., Water,
(.8.08; Colyear Motor Sales Co., Misc.,
511.77; J. W. Copeland Yards, Do,
22.70; Columbia Equipment Co.,
Equip., 620.60: Cutler Mfg. Co.. Misc.,
2.40; G. A. Downs Glass Shop. Do,
107.84; Feiring General Tire Service.
Tires, 661.15; The Foursquare Church,
Tax Refund, 12 02; Gas Heat of Sa
lem, Gas. ' 38.00: A. C. Haag Co..
Misc.. 28.87: Hank's Parking Lot.
Parking. 129.90: J. E. Haseltine St
Co.. Misc., 105.91; Howard-Cooper
Corp., Reps.. 2.96: M. F. Hoyser,
O M, 11.44; Interstate Tractor St
Equip. Co.,- Misc., 101.83; Ira Jorgen
sen Co.. Do, 57.23; Jack Kinney, 2
Bobcats. 5.00: H. C. Mattson, Petty
Cash. 9.11; Mill Supply Corp., Misc.,
271.66; Z. L. Murphy. Do, 15.24;
Needham's, Do, 68,85: Oregon Elec
tric Railway, Oil. Oil Cost 92.41;
Oregon Gravel Co., Gravel, 889.21;
Oregon Physicians Service. O, P. S,,
930.07; Wm. Krebs. Gravel. 163.03;
T. L. Kuhns Co.. Misc., 35. 6S: Log
gers & Contractors Mach. Co.. Do,
16.51; Virgii .Long, Trans., 20-00;
Ma reliant Calculators, Int., O. E ,
75.00; Douglas-McKay Chevrolet Co.,
Misc., 55.29; Dick Meyer Lumber Co.,
Do, 11,60; Montgomery Ward, Do,
526; Norrts-Walker Paint Mfg. Co..
Do, 242.94; Pacific Power & Light
Co.. L & P. 3.40; Pacific Power &
Light Co.. Do. 2.50: Pacific Tele. &
Tele. Co., Tele., 1.093.80; Peck Bros.,
ings, lie, 3.20; Ervin A. Ward, TE,
lu.ib; uregon siaie t-oara oi for
estry. Fire Patrol, 2.095.15; Mavflow
er Milk Products, PI. 7.38: Pacific
Fruit ft Produce Co.. Co. Fair. 5.1.70:
Charles Wakefield, PI, B.50; Amer
ican Law Book Co.. Law Books,
12.50; Bancroft Whitney Co.. do.
10.50; Oregon Law Review, do. 4.00;
Shepards Citations, do. 156.00; D. G.
Alkire. Misc., 10.00: Geo. E. Allen
Hardware, do, 7.10; American As
phalt Paving Co, Asphalt, 674.99;
John A. Anderson. TE. 39.55; Leo A.
Andreas. Trans.. 19.00; Arinco Drain
age & Metal Products, Mire. 3.560.90;
Ballou & Wright, do. 87.96; Bearing
Specialty Co., Reps.. 4.90: Blake. Mof
fitt A- Towne. Sups.. 476.93; E. H.
Burrell. Misc.. 132.35: Albert L. Can-
oy. Trans.. 17.00; Consolidated Heavy
Hauling Service. Const.. 818.22: Cap
ital Auto Parts. Misc.. 108.47: Capital
Drug Store. Med. Sups.. 11.40; Cap
itol Chevrolet Cadillac. Inc., Misc..
1.588.24: Capital Lumber Co.. do, 2
035.80: Capitol Office Equipment Co..
do. 165.00; Capitol Tractor St Equip
ment Co., Reps.. 21.48: City of De
troit. Gravel. 267.50; City of Salem.
Radio A: L St P. 191.83: City Water
Dept.. Water, 62.65: Chas. E. Clark
son. Misc., 148 21; Columbia Equip,
ment Co.. Equip.. 474.31: The Com
mercial Book Store, Misc. 364.15;
Commercial Sand Ar Gravel. Gravel,
181.30; Colyear Motor Sales Co ,
Misc., 94.55; Cook Stationery Co
Sups., 3.60; Howard Cooper. Reps ,
57.35; C. H. Coyle. Rent. 30.00; Crofts
nian Press. Sups., 828 15; G. A. Downs
Glass Shop, Reps.. 59,67; C. A. Eld
rldge. Med.. 7.00: Electric Corp ,
Sups., 12.38: Eoff Electric Co., Misc
79.15; Fcenaughty Machinery Co
Rep.. 148.80; Fciring General Tire
Service, Tires, 274.23; General Pe
troleum Corp.. Grease. A2.47; A. C.
Gragg. Postmaster. Postage 9 99
Hank's Parking Lot, Park.. 134.00: J
E. Taseltine A- Co., Misc.. 22 78; In
terstate Tractor A- Equip. Co., do
101.71; International Business Ma
chine Co, do. 514.79: Industrial Sup
ply Co. of Salem, do. 3 60: Independ
ent Marine Propeller Shop, do
143.00; Johnson A Siewert. Printers'
Sups.. 368.70; Ira Jorgeiuen Co.
M'sc 288.25: Kay Typewriter Co .
o.. .-hp: iveizer s.ina & Gravel Co
Klamath County Road
; "fi.. limisi.. nn; t l Kuhns
'Co. Misc.. 24.70; Less Batterv Shop
do- 4 ?0; Virgil Long. Trans" 19.00-'
j Master Service Station. Trans 5b 05
H. C. Mattson. Pettv Cash. 12 Vel
t-wan Photo Shop. Sups., 15.97;
MfVtT LHr I rt Tit. II (n, it.
Supoly Corp . do. 248.6(1: Minnesota
Mining A- Mfg. Co.. Signs, 270 Wl
Montgomery Ward. Mic 36 45 do. 216 80: Norris-Walkl
er Paint Mfg. Co.. do. 20.03: Oregon
" L-Bh't Co..' C Ic P. S.,5- Pacn
-'( -'""J ; pacific Pow
wer Jr Lltht Co . do. .165: Piu.,,,:
l Tele. Co . Tele.. 1.0M -so
' pc Bros . tires. 72 96: Phillnni M.
'm ; Co. Reps 131K: Portland Gen-
; neurement
Rrl C
?tn' v-!: "er2in8lon Rand Inc..
Exp . 3, 2J: M - Reznicsek, do 25 OO;
J. H. Rigdon. CM. 238 00; Robertson
S)er- 79 Erro1 W RsE
iDesel. 63...; Sslem Auto Parts To
Misc..-0.80: Salem Boat Hous. &
4 00; Salem Concrete Pipe A- Pron
do 4'. L?T5; Siff"n Supply Co.
do. 854: Sslem Tnsurance Aaents
ftai.8!4?1 SaJrm y Co. K
20 42: Salem Sand A- Gnvel Cn ri
3.T00: Salem st i V V.iJl?;: C'M-
Misc. 34.TM: Salem Tent. A- Awn
Square lLumber Yard'
:S--n. 216.10: Standard nn f
- Calif Misc.. 36 10, Statesman Jour-
')1 Ne spacers. Ad'-I' . 218 73- States. Mt.vsoaners An a no..
S'vtnn Auto Suppiv yt.D, m'S
! S-itller -ytipnly Co. do ?4'00- T. Vi'
, S . ron, rat. IP.OCo Llovd E Tav-
lero.--y Tide .Water Assoe, ,:,d
1 Oil Cui. Misc.. I.VMl: Transport
1 Ctl C. ih. TrS.DO
.!. do )M iruck Sales A-
iKict. do. 7g Union Ol J. asip)thUcndaK)
S "
Tires, 1361.86; Phiilppi Motor Co
Misc.. Polk County, B. V. Ferry
1,726.76; roresi rugn, ooDcat, 255:
Quisenberry PharrrM.". Sups., Q7,:
Remingt' Rand. Inc.. O. C., 4U9 m:
J. 11. Higdon, CraW, 83.12: Jirrol w'
Ross Oil Co., Diesel, 82.01; Saffron
Supply Co., Misc., 2.47; Salem Auto
Pal4 Co., Do, 23.72; Salcg. Clinic
Med. Serv., 46.66; Salem Poneret
Pipe St Products, Culv., 76.89; Salem
Hariiwnre Co., Mis.. 2.78; Salem
Laumny St Cleaners, no, 10.68- Sa
l0j,i tcel St SuppR' Co., Do, 256 52
Salem Welding Supply, Do, li'ia
Schetky iMluipincnt Co., Do. 11 15;
Shell Oil Co Qs. 57.10; Silver Wheel
Motor Fitught. Misc.. 2.00; Fred w
S-ith Lumber Yar. Do,, u 2
Square Dcl Lumber Yard, Jo, 19753
Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Do. 93 30-Statesman-Journal
Newspapers, Advt!
47.63; E. G. Syron. Trans., 5.00; Llovd
E. Taylor. Do, f6.00: Tide Water
Associated Oil Co.', Misc., 1,615 03
Union Oil Co. of Calif., Do. 289 61 :
Valley Concrete Co., Ore. Elect. Rn'
418.20; Valley Motor Co., Misc., 270 B2;
Vallcv Sand & Gravel Co.. Gravel'
1.210.50; Valley Welding Supply Co '
Misc.. 13.85- Viesko Sand & Gravel
Co.. Gravel. 863.50; Walling Sand i
Gravel Co., Do. 873 00; Warren No-in-west,
Inc.. C. Mix, 474,50; Weed
Control Service Inc., Misc., 475 go
Willamette Valley Transfer Co n0'
2.00; Lile Wilt, Trans.. 11.00; Wood
bury Co.. Misc., 77.15; Denver Young
Sups. & Postage.. 36.26; Zellcrbach
Paper Co., Sups.. 63.56: Walter H
Zosel Co.. Trans.. 489.19: Portland
General Electric Co., L & P, 777 51
Statesman Publishing Co., Suns'
14.20 . HS''
Nov. 1. 1!55 -Q C. Deed to Donald
Lec Hopkins; Aff. of Pub. of hearing
set regarding change of road name
to Woodslde Drive; Aff. of pub of
Notice of Sale of Tax foreclosed
lands. Nov. 2, Permit to Pacijic
Tele. St Tele. Co. for Buried conduit
and cable; Beer license. Dean B Mc
Farland: Order to execute Bargain
and Sale deed to State of Oreeon
Order for refund ol taxes to The
Foursquare Church; Licensed as
Junk and 2nd hand dealer, Frankie
McGowan. Nov. 3, License to oper
ate pool tables. Urshel W.' Hadley
Nov. 4. Regulations 7 and 25 bv Ore-
Kuii i-aquur oniroi commission:
Beer license Jay W. and Emma J
Craig: Permission to leave building
partially in Street, Urshel W aud
Mare E. Hadley; Permission to leaJe
building partially in public road. v
Guy and Ina L. Shipp; Order annex
ing tenitory to Libeity-Salem
Heights Rural Flic District; Order
for survey to establish a certain
Section coiner in 10-7-E. Nov 7
Minutes of Board of Equalization
meeting; Permit to haul logs. Bender
Logging Co.. John Zcllncr, Ernest
Douglas; Aff. of Publication of Call
for bids for new car for Marion
County Health Dept.: Beer license
Wm. and The) ma Helton. Nov b'
Permit to move building Rainbow
Const. Co.: Beer license. Louis F
Faist: Order to cancel charges for
testing cows belonging to V. E Bur
son and E. Snitker. Nov. 9. Plat of
Terrance Subdiv. Nov. 10. Pole line
permit, Portland Gen. Elec. Co
Agreement with Bureau of Land
Management regarding Tansy rag
wort Control Program: Q. c. Deed
from Thomas B. Gabriel et ux to
Marion County. Nov. 14. Class "A" '
Restaurant License, Louis Weiss
Permit to move building. Bales and
Brady; Beer License, Glenn St Stella
Jones, Staffie and John Masser;
Class "B" Dispensers license. Clvde
Cook and James Savov: Temporary
Dance Hall License. 20-30 Club. Nov
21, Permit to haul logs, Henry Querv.
Shilling Bros.: Beer license, Law
rence O. Hassing, Samuel E. Orcutt
Ac James A. Nunn, Maurice D. Ebner,
Robert C. Engle. Loren E. Reitier
Erickson State St. Super Market Inc,
Eva I. Sidebottom, Tonv Koch and
Rose Hunt; Copy of Administrative
Order No. 514 by Dept. of Agricul
ture. Nov. 22, Beer license, Clarence
O. Jones, A. J. & Lillian Feskens,
Robert and Calvin Christensen, F. G.
Hubert. Otto St Mildred Klcen;' Class
"A" Dispensers license, Urshel W.
Hadley; Minutes of Board of Equali
zation meeting. Nov. 23, Beer license,
Walter Kauth and Leo Welte. W. F.
Cole: Permit to haul logs. Rav S.
Kauffman. Nov. 25. Permit to haul
logs, Wm. Leitch; Maintenance bond
on Blegler Lane. Nov. 28. Beer li
cense. A. A. Kruegcr ct al, Mildred
F. Lawshe el al, David Behm ct al;
Transfer Order; Hearing set on pro
posed Vacation of Skvcliff Drive and
Indiana Avenue; Order in Re: an
nexation to Salem Heights Water
District. Nov. 2il. Permit to haul
logs, C. A. Schuster. R. -R. Smith;
Beer license Richard Kiefer. Franit
and Ellen Pfaff; Class "A"-Dispensm
license, Oliver M. Willis;- Class "B"
Dispensers license. Frank B. Nicholls,
Nov. 30. beer license, Caroline Miller
and Ruth Hodges: Q. C. Deed to
A. A. and Mary Larsen; Certificates
of Insurnnce covering House moving.
Bales and Brady; Order for transfer
from Emergency Approp. to Approp.
Calif., do, 364.85: University of Ore
gon Med. School. OE. 7.14: Unrub
Knapp Printing Co.. Sups.. 53.55: Val
ley Concrete Co.. GM. 121.60: Vallev
Motor Co., Misc., 121.58: Vallev Sand
& Gravel Co.. GM. 678.75: Vallev
Welding Supply Co , Misc.. 59.W;
Viesko Sano & Grave, GM. 73387:
Walling Sand St Gravel. GM. 1.317.60;
Warren Northwest, Inc., Cold Mix,
35.75; Western Union, Tele.. 2005;
Llle L. Wilt, Trans.. 1S.00; Denver
Young. Exp.. 44.7V: Zellerbach Paaer
Co.. Sups.. 88.61: Walter H. Zosel Co..
Misc.. 761.81.
2. 1955 Affidavit of
Publication of Tax foreclosure list:
Beer license. Alvin A. Price: License
Jo buy St sell Junk. Kenneth E. Al
len; Copy of Reso.. by Citv of Salem
regarding Bldg. for Health Dept.
Dec. 5. Beer license. Joseph St Elea
nor Hopfer. Dec. 6. Call for Bids for
Base H-ock Materials and Petroleum
Products; Beer license. Gene A.- Grace
Dagenhardt. Flovd & Beth Mulkey;
Dispenser's license, Hazel K. Mar
shall; Indemnity claim. Edward A.
Drager. final hearing 12-30-55: Per
mit to haul logs. Orville Tolland and
David Wright. R. R. Smith. Dec. 7,
Permit to haul logs. Haves Sc Kuper.
Jos. Schmirieall. Owner and Lessor
and John Schurter, Lessee: Beer li
cense, Alphonse St Gladvs Schuet7.
Anna C. Rombach. Elmo W. and
Elaine Frey: Pole line permit. Port
land Gen, Elec. Co. Dec. 8. Beer li
cense. Charles C. Nielsen, Alexander
Cora Steinke; Restaurant license,
Louis Weiss; Indemnity claim of Law
rence S. Vandecoevering. final hear
ng 12-30 55; Petition of Rudv St Lil
lian Calnha to annex area to Vista
Heights Water District; Order annex
ing area to Vista Heights Water Dis
met. Dec. f). Beer license, Jacob and
John Kaufman. Thomas J. Settle
mier. James M. St Alice Tavlor,
Neale & Mary Chanev; Pole line per
mit, Portland Gen. Elec. Co. Dec. 13.
Beer license, Walter and Ann Pike.
Alfred Phelps and Fred Odgers. John
D Nilson: Dispenser's license. Jos.
and Julia Randall. Dec. 13. Beer Ji
cense. Ernest and Marion Fernau.
Henry and Carlotta Luchl. Roy and
MiMte Smith; ePrmit tn haul loss.
Hodeker and Duggan. Dee. 14. Beet
license. Perrv and Dora Bartlemay
John -V Bess Zurawski, Gilbert tt
Maxine Roles- Permit to haul .nes.
n A. Nickol; Minutes of Board oi
Equalization meeting. Dec 15. Junlt
Dealers license. E C. Garrison: Bee:
license. Dorothv M. Leach; Dispen
f license. Don and Lorraine Mar
o a!LPcc- lfi- Br license. Samue!
B. White: Permit to haul logs. Franit
L. Crowther. Dec. 19. Gale Christen
sen re-appointed as Constable ol
Stayton District; Warren Grav re-ap-potnted
on Marion Countv Fan
Board; Wm. Merriott and Fred
Schwah re-appointed on Plann:ni
and Zoninu Commission: Dance Hal
license. Elbert E. Dickson. Dec. Z0
Permit to haul Iocs. Vernon F. Rock;
Reer license. E. W. Kav and John B
Varley; ePrmit to move" Bldg . Art-V-U
Berg, Dec. 21. Petition for Improve
ment of portion of Shlrfv Lane: Pot
line permit. Portland Gen. Elec. Co
Dec. 73. Dance Hall license. Lawrenri
A. and Rose Hendricks. Dec. 23. Per
mit to haul logs. G, C. Whitnev. Wm
Leitch Jr. Keith Miller. Ronald H
syron. Dec. 29. Permit to rr.a
house. Bales and Bradv; 2 Indemnity
claims for John R. Hlnderliter. fin
hearing i-fl-56. Dec. 30. Final hear
In Indemnity claims of Ed w Are
A. Draeer. Lawrence S. Vandecoav
ering: C lerk's,. Annilal Rsport: Ordel
jnprovMg petition for formation o!
Fairway p-ark Sanitarv District: Per
mit to haul logs. C. T. Forrette. Per-
'r. co.. j, H Bielenbeff. Hen-
Qtry' I"nk Civwther, Bwrklan
i LbrQCo-: Transfer Order.
MONTROSE. Pa. UP - A0pane;;
of erimina))coi.-t' jurt was read;
: for dutv But thov u-ero told no
I , .J" J - ti 5 1,
i, ney Were tOlO n
report JM-rC wer HO CafM
O o
0 0