Monday, July 12, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon p : Pase 10 SECTION H , if 5 Tenderfoot Early Writer About Willamette Vail ey By BEN MAXWELL Scmctim during 10S1 a ten-; money, r.d aerioot trom ine east, reportin; his observations lor Harper's . New Monthly Magazine for May, . 1882, visited this region and sub mitted a contribution "In The Wahlamet Volley of Oregon." Seventy years ago railroad companies and other interests were actively engaged in promot ing advantages of the West, par ticularly the Willamette valley of Oregon, among a potential immigration on the East coast and in Europe. The anonymous . contribution in Harpers was pre pared for intellectual readers who had also developed a curi osity about the region. Oregon & California railroad . then reached 'only to Roscburg but the contributor urged all vis- ftnra nnt In mid ihta tr(n "fnt ' few regions are fairer, and the oomosuc scenes that intermingle with nature's unchanged grand eur are doubly interesting to eyes weary with the utter wilderness encountered in coming from the East" 1 Over 20 miles of travel south ward from Pnrflnnri hA nMi.t mat easily accessible forests had already been despoiled of all likely trees and only one saw. mill was to be seen along the railway. .. Donation land claim act of 1850, Harper's correspondent be lieved, operated for both good ana evil. The good, he thought, jay in me impetus it gave to im migration; the evil in the fact mat where choice land lav in small areas it placed too much in single hands. Aggravating this situation was the nature and cnaracler of the early immieranfs settling upon these desirable lands. "The people who came, took up . jana, ana settled, were, as a rule, an extremely poor class of vaga bond farmers from the border orates, tne rtke County region of jnmguun ana me lowlands of the unio river and Arkansas furnish ing the majority. They were poor " 'a me sense or. Having little last Salem Has Many Visitors EAST KAT.F.M Ponta!.. TV,- aid M. Townsend nf X7K ihr Ave. in the air force reserve, has reponea at unanati Air Base near RBntOul. III. fnr twn urnalre eMitta duty. His family accompanied him east and will visit with her mo ther and other members of the family at Newman, HI. Returning, they will visit Yel lowstone Park, Grand Coulee dam and other points. Weekend guests at the George Maske home on Monroe ave. were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rahtr of Eddyville; with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schmidt and children Larry and Shirley. Guests at the .Henry Hanson' home were Mr. and Mrs. Art Tjon ana Mrs. tjryee f ry with Mrs. Twilla Blessing of Twin Falls, Idnho. Mrs. Stuart Johns entertained Wednesday for two new neighbors on Monroe ave. Mrs. George Mros kack and Mrs. Robert Everest, who have bought the Glenn Moody homes. Other guests were Mrs. Ray Fisher, Mrs. Paul Gilmer, Mrs. Loran Richey, Mrs. Henry Han eon, Mrs. George Maske, Mrs Donald Townsend and Mrs. Bryce Fry of Twin Falls. Other weekend guests in the home were Mr. and Mrs, Julius Hockhold of Eugene. Guests in the Johns home for a family dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Al Boaroman, George, Mark and Mary Ann from San Mateo. Calif, were Mr. and Mrs. George French: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gold. ade, Mrs. Wilfred Wilier, Fred, Dorotny ana reiui. South Salem Junior Riders Hold Meeting SOUTH SALEM Richard Mc- Killop and Micheal McKillcp were nosi to tne south Salem Junior Saddle Cluh Saturday at weir jwoeny Jtoan nomc. Mitchell Murdoek rnmlndnd business meeting following the group's drill in their field on W. Browning Ave. The club .accepted an Invita tion to ride in the parade at the Koizor Carnival days scheduled for Saturday, July 31. Plans were made for the group horse show, date tentatively set late August. Elected on events committee were Bonnie Jean Kurth, Clay ton Stcinke, Karla Anderson and Gerald Kurth. Grounds commit tee, Micheal McKillop, Mitchell Murdock, Clark Jackson, and Lynne Hammcrstnd. Junior Saddle Club were awarded trophy and blue ribbon Monday at St. Paul Rodeo for participation in the parade and grand entry. Guests were Mrs. Holly jncit. son and Ralph, Mrs. Clavton Stelnkc, and Mrs. Louis Kurth. fill finlnlpctrwpc added to their thriftless habits, mode their possession of the best land in valleys a misfortune to the state." But Harper's writer goes on to say that this enterprising class of farmers, locally spoken of as "the old Oregonians" had de clined in influence and then was represented by the loungers in the community. Even their chil dren had lost their drawl of speech and action. Of Jill rrrr.-lT trrnum In fhrt TVil. lamctte valley 70 odd years ago the reporter saw little but wheat This, he learned, was first sown on French Prairie in Marion Countv in 1R31 and (hp nmo field, in 1879, produced 35 bush-' els to the acre. Vallev wheat ho learned produces a plump, full berry" from which flour of un common whiteness was made. In the English market it mmnftnrl. ed a premium of from 3 to 5 cents over the best produced in California. ManV Varlffff tf Uhanf urns in cultivation, the old white win ter Wheat, nrluinallv inti-nfnAarl bv the HtirlRnn Rnv Mmninii Via ins tAuciiffii in quality and re taining its hold on popular favor. Other vayieties included white velvet. Chili riuh rink and Australian. Owinir a nm summers in this locality export ed wneat was nnt nffwtnrt h the long sea Vovaee to Great UN tain or tha rimiM nuccqon ujrougn me tropics, . Finally fhf -r-c,,l,, the tate UnlVflrfflfv hntiearl m . $50,000 huildlnP"fnr - ,., ful, I hope, than It is attractive to wie eye. luuiiu. was linn- muitm h cat TO J JJS in tfifl -fnffl hnlno ho-a He reffiWfpl iw .....J ,.,uv ib iiinu . wub not nampri rhamoi-a - w..b..ti.nbba oiiu llicif tlOnS that Qalom nJ T T J nave aoout as much character in respect to nnmta a thntmu u.. , . - . " UICY . -v kwvu -n. aim a. - Hamer's hontan unlfAn . . ..- - -' ".i.e. fl'KlCL ted that old nefiiorc ..j ,... . - - Him lllvil suns wprff intnini--,. t i ,l. - ....wuqui iuwdm me inuian ana never spoke of the aoongine except as a "damned Injun and never KnnM ..-. to be "good" until dead. ine man who asserts th mans humanity and immortal worth in the eyes of his and our Creator goes flatly against the uiumy ana practice of this class, and must expect the same treat ment as martyrs to other unpal atable truths have received " "I ' ' ' r ie 7?,y!t-V - JULY MON. 12 TO SUN. 18 If tA Before You Hano Another Wash a - A I ?v ' , n v I mi 1 -w CTmM J K zln'i ' FOLDING UMBRELLA ' ,B S L eii FT- lnX 7fe$atn W i'MI-& I 100 pages of inform- I " V' ; t 'H rl i".7.,"Sr Holds Three Tubs h SKlt f instruction, on S . k ; liVliJ- , M l of Laundry or f' J ' the care and feeding -S . r 11 f.A hmU ulti ," 2 r- f-kZ I of your baby. Jb I'lrr I S-7llinil One Tim. , 3 b vV ' V - Or TT7 ' f "!"" . ; ltH HOME FIX-IT wiNDUP - II I'ti 3 JS?SUii pfl aHU onnv II " II h . v - ;r!eV7 VM I " VW"H TRAINS ,!. jfX 'f mum 19 9S i lf -I " 250 Pages of How 1 I Cwti ,,, i S! .j, V X , to Do or Fix It 1 m. v I yl -fbHN..wii K ;L If Yourself- 1 C7T T ,jW';- , , tJi. I mi. YOU SAVE OVER $10.00 K J Carpentry, Painting Paper 3 jf I ' ' " m - I Hanging, Plumbing, L-3 1 ii5 Electricai Repair, etc. - - . uu 1 . . aHM J-" -I - " -J I i1 ff . - R jCTliM ; 07800. . REG. 1-19 JgffiMhtiMtfoty 832 pages of tested, tasty I i FEMININE I. rl MM Your Cfi'Z 0Q, SYRINGE U wir?TrroMLr i ILV 7 J A PLEASANT ANTISEPTIC -JWi KEG. 25c - RB9 NYLON ' DEODORANT wfWi taatu ddiicu ll . 'i for Bafh Room mm n, KlF&l I TOOTH BRUSH 1 I .! AndSlckRoen. gjZfl L JZM SBsl I pa, . .; I , scented! , , iah , . NjljM V: : Q I '(no heavy ' : " ! ' 4 'locqwer ne' ,. yJN SHULTON'S - - J ij 01D SPICE STICK v ' 5 fMr-cSiST U PALMOLIVEX -x JVVf PURSE SIZE STICK SOAP I ' " Yl0t i ly- v GOLD REGISTER f LA . , V f ffr; I N RECEIPTS . If " .w' I V ' J FAM0US MAKE ' J X REG. 25c J glo-coat I 15.00 lf.,U I BQ J 9 51 Gauge GOLD REGISTER TAPES 1 15Jenier . Eiplre, July 30th M ii I i rnmn Mirr i f i ii i i i m w . -i i -- ii a wjl jl - - at I 19 ll I 11 i I ...make, you look CJ I lovelier thn you have fflr' 1 1 J ..... IL.J before I ff.Vl! f I I II 11 in VTtmm Ju" ,he ki" of puflr ,n(, fv K I MlUifi Jjllf K 1 1 SraiTS,,,S M"" Factor's magicsl blend of . fEn I ttfjjjH TmTmf!) V'iP'IWSjn eresmy make-up be and , J, .fZJ f Qrff S poK, smoother. MP I Sjg;t lovelier look to your skin. I I Ajrf JWf 'k I I J f Blended with lanolin, y y' m y . I II I. Creme Puff cannot dry your VUU (1, II .kin. You'll find Creme Puff V F' 1 ' 1 II loveliness truly la,ts! 1 1 1 In seven comDlcxion-truc sharlet . ."".. -X I I s STOCK I io- I. El l) Carton . y f Reg. 24.95 Camfield Automatic PERCOLATOR , 6 Cup hSS. FOUR POUND V5( WOOL , SLEEPING BAGS $2388 2 for $24.99 At fast! A non-stiffening leaves hair soft, silken, lustrous, than hew LIQUID LANOLIN 12.95 Keizer FISHING BOOTS Inside Leg Harness 5)77 o KEIZER Mr Vir;i p n.n. tyne is now home and is able to have visitirs. He resides at 4910 il0, let Road- and was taken to the Salem Memnrinl iv.m;i May 30 after heart attack. He was released from the hospital Wed nesday. Mrs Knm . T u1 daughter of the Ballantynes, flew hnra ftv.m TJUll-Jii: -.-.w .win i iiiuuicipnia, renn., on " pena uio summer end be near her fatlicr. Accompany ing her was her daughter, Cathy. mi. iiuiiimn pians to loin her later. Leo Deutseh Barber Shop, and his family are leaving for a vacation and camp ing trip which will be spent in the state park recently opened near iiiiaiiiuoK. MrS. Lfilirnl T.TITnh nf ftiilnnlro Was called in Mr Tl,,,-,( niglit by Oie serious illness of her iiuuier, mrs. uora Mohring. Vacation Bible School will he held at the Keizer Community Church from July 19 through July 29. Classes Will hesin At rtinn oVlnolr In ifoa twiminif n. mlss at 11:30. Assisting Mrs. Ro- oeri uoonz, director of the school. wm oe zo women ol the church, and several teenagers. surprise guests at the P. O. i-aytons, 689 Cnurchdale last Thursday nnd FrIH.-iv wr nr. ana Mrs. Ezra Berg, of San Dingo. im oicmcns. or field Iowa, has been visiting nt "to nomo oi nor suiier, Mrs. Fred H. Rcinwald. 890 riymoulh Drive for 1 1 fow days. Mrs. Rcinwald and Mrs. Siemens went to Fort land to visit their brother, Lsslio McCarty. Mrs. Siemens return- m w wwu vy u am. A slumber party was held at the home of Linda Lafky, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Ijfky 1045 Maine Avenue, on WedncJuUiv evening. The partj ; waa giveri Limlas cousin. Chervl ai. of Olymnla, Wash. The girls were guests fi' dinner Wednesday even- intr jinrl hrv.qkfnct Thuraln,, ... . m Miurn ing at the Lafky home. A special meeting oi in Lion's Auxiliary will be held nt the home of Mrs. Fred H. Rcinwald, &jo Plymouth Drive, on Tuesday even ing, July 13 at o'clock. This mjwilinrr ta in rlicfnue nlanc tn Kcizcr Day and all Cub and Scout Momcrs are aiso urgeo to oe pre sent. 3 To fr Your Cooe-firrfi Dog pr Coti from a. BODY LICE-FLEAS - Jorlnkl millAClt U.hily throimh rroin roil ort. I KiBUHACH DO YOU KNOW? Goodwill Industries Is i sheltered workshop for handicapped people . . . . Your discarded clothing anil household Items will keep them indrprndrnt. 1'hone 4-22411 'nr Tuesday pickups In West Salem and South o( tenter St., Fridays North i Center St. Sit.. 2.95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS u mairspmy v. r ii . ViVWl fo qmazing i y - .r J f 'noheovy ' " J ! M 'locqwer smeirj , 1 K,. 3Ui-irL . ls. v-.-. -lmwwtriiaiw,,,w tfc. y JfJf D HUE' fM with NEW VER'DRY controlled spray-paa deodorant Just squeeze Ever-Dry plastic bottle to moisten special Orion pad... then apply. Gives all-day protection, ..where you want tt... quickly and without waste. BI Count J H KM B !W KING SIZE CHESTERFIELD CIGARETTES I73 1 AT . PAY LESS 6Silken-nef Perma-Sofr Liquid Hair Spray 'Sefs' a new hair style In utf mlnulesl Now you can give yourself a wonderful new hairdo - in almost no tima at all! Put up your pincurls, then spray with Revlon's new Silken-net', let dry lor a few minutes-and combl Curls are spring-y and lasting as can be and just gleaming with soft nadrral lustre! Keeps hair naturally In place for hours! Spray 'Silken-net' on your hair after it's combed ... it'll stay perfectly groomed all day, all evening. Your hair staya soft, natural and neat even on dampish days! And mmmm, what a delightful scent! 'Silken-net' has no heavy odor, no 'lacquer smeir just a faint, delicious fragrance! And with this fabulous new liquid lanolin hair spray your hair never feeh tticky or stiff. Comb it - iproy il - forget it! 1.35 plus tax. ,.,011 - Jr. iUkeri-net' ii is completely different from anything you've used I Don't wait another day to try itl ISPBfl VAPORIZER f Kids Tour 1 I "wc or Office U r iies. f Other heU PI tT, Odorles, 1 1 ptaf the mit in 1 1 jv Lui.i i . a nun. - "nin sreonds this mlrscle disroverr tarl In l. ' liint rrysta'llljed --.iiri railed Mor nJ'oe that Is four ""ore powerfal n DDT... At m . Le c n on n PL. 4 mm $9 YEARS ft SMs 5s lis CLEAR BLUE AMMrrea AU POPUIAR sires. UNCONDITIONALLY CUAIANTEED. , 'DtalasiK Md tor Sl wlA Intleer rotor al LOOK AT THESE PRICES