Saturday, March 13, 1934 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Part IS Tele - Radio-Television VICE PRESIDENT NIXON: Vice President Niton on KOIN radio Saturday night 7 30 to 8. . SATURDAY ON KOIN TV: 2:30 p.m., Armchair Theater "Bush Pilot," starring Jack LaRue and Rochelle Hudson; also, "Burma Victor)'," slflry ol General Slillwell, Lord Mounbatten, Merrill's Marauders and the Burma Campaign. 6:04 p.m.. This Is Show Business Dagmar will join panelists George S. Kaufman and San- Levcnson. Clifton Fadima.i is host and emcee. Guest artists will be night club comedienne Mary McCarty, lineer Mel Torme and ballerina Gloria Gilbert. 10:30 p.m., TV Theater "Washington Rendezvous," dramatic 11:00 p.m., Showtime a Six ' Aiatka," starring Dean JStr, Kent Taylcr, John Carradine, and Margaret Lindsay. SUNDAY ON KOIN TV: 2:00 p.m., Omnibus With Alistair Cooke as master of ceremonies. Features "The Gambler, The Nun, and The Radio," story by Ernest Hemingway. Also, Hermione Gingold, Comedienne for "Almanac." 3:30 p.m.. See It Now Edward R. Murrow will take television viewers behind the scenes of the New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra in Carnegie Hall when "See It Now" presents "The Anatomy of a Symphony Orchestra." 4:00 p.m., Sunbeam Theater Gloria Swanson, hostess, presents Portrait of a Lady." 4:30 p.m., Annie Oakley "Annie's Desert Adventure," western atory of a former convict implicated in the robbery of a gold ore Ihipmcnt. 5:00 p.rru. Gene Autry Show "Double Barreled Vengeance." 5:30 p.m.. You Asked for It Thrilling stunt show with Art Baker as host. A modern Hercules proves his claim to the title of "the hudman elevator." Rusty, a fox, who was roaming the wilds of Alaska just eight months ago, demonstrates the truth of the descrip tion "smart as a fox." Also included on show are a daredevil driver with X-ray eyes and a water-ballet star. 6:00 p.m.. You Are There Walter Cronkite and the "You Are There" cameras return to Sept. 9, 1936, to report "The Rise of Adolf Hitler." Interviewed are German citizens at Zellclin Field, Adolf Hitler Platz, Congress Hall, and the streets of Nurcmburg. During the program, Cronkite will interview Major George Fielding Eliot, well known military analyst 6:30 p.m., Pride of the Family Plagued by a family who think of him as a bottomless barrel of money, Albie Morrison tries some clever psychology to promote thrift among Catherine and the kids in "Albie's Economy Wave." 7:00 p.m.. Private Secretary Susie MacNamara turns sleuth in order to clear a little pal. Tommy, accused of stealing pickles at the store where he works as messenger, on "Private Secretary," (tarring Ann Sothern. 8:00 p.m., Toast of the Town Stage and screen star Janet Blair, popular vocalist Nat "King" Cole, comedian Frank Fontaine and Hurd Hatfield with the cast of the recent New York play "Bull fight," are among the headline guests. The Novellos, a novelty act; magician Channing Pollock and the Laine Brothers, comic acrobats will be featured performers on the program. 9:00 p.m., Fred Waring Show "Songs of Spring" and "Erin Go Bl9:30 p.m., Man Behind the Badge Ned Dearborn, President of the National Safety Council, makes a guest appearance to discuss highwav traffic casualties. His talk will highlight a dramatization of the work of motor vehicle inspectors "The Massachusetts Story," in which a hit-and-run driver in a fatal accident is iracxea oown through a torn-off door handle. 10:00 p.m., The Web An unexpected visitor to the hotel suite of a rich recluse unmasks the perpetrator of a near-perfect double crime, in "The Circle Closes." 11:00 p.m.. Comedy Theater "Pardon My Stripes" starring Bill Henry and Sheila Ryan. SUNDAY ON KPTV: . , , Thia la the Life, 10:30 Blustering Cousin Stanley builds up a Boxer dog-broken fence altercation into court action, in aeries of humorous situations. . ... Portland Speaks, 11:00 Bill Swing emcees live interview on topic of interest to Oregonians. Facta Forum, 11:30 Senator Robert S. Kerr, Okla.. democrat, and Senator Barry M. Goldwattr, Ariz., republican, differ on topic, "Farm Price Supports." Food for Thought, 1:00 "Meat Grading" is topic of Portland originating live show. .... . i How Dora Your Garde Grow, l:30-lnsects and their control, ' Industry on Parade, 2:00-Fireproofing fabrics; visit to lock man ufacturer; inspection of navy's sea-going washing machines; view of new toy, "Bongo Board." for muscle coordination. Life Begins at 80, 3:00-Juanita Hall, the "Bloody Mary" of "South Pacific," and a 101-year-old man, Peter Cameron, Michi gan, to be guests. Miss Hall will sing "Bali H'ai" and Deed I Do " from "South Pacific." Cameron will tell of his hunting prowess. Zoo Parade, 4:30 "Animals' Homes," discussed by Marlin Pcr- V,Hall of Fame. 5:00-"Road to Tara," dramatizing St. Patricks conversion of Ireland to Christianity in the fifth century, after his escape from slavery under a Druid-worshipping lord. Victory at Sea, 6:00-(Part 24.) "Road to Mandalay," telling rise and fall of Jap empire in Chin, and Southeast Asia; cutting of Burma road and taking of 300,000 square miles of China by Japs. British and Royal Indian navy film. Paul Winchell Show, 7:00-Paul takes up painting, to please cul- ,UM?. Peepers, 7:30-Peepers' Aunt Lil. in 1928 Reo. aids Mrs. Gurncy in her efforts to learn to drive. . . Comedv Hour. 8:00-Jimmy Durante', guests are Eddie Cantor. Robert Montgomery, Patrice Munsel, Jules Buffano. TV Playhouse, 9:00-Phyllis Kirk as blind girl in 'Inward Horl wi telling story of girl's and dog's training to live and work as ' iZitaVolTsS.w".yio:00-"Count of Ten," tell, of young wife's J, of wiV tS live while hospitalized. Her bills necessitate her prizefighter husband's breaking of his promise. Twenty Questions. ll:30-Frank Coniff, New York Jo"'-"'; can feature writer, will play . the newsuiz game What, the Story?" with regular panelists, including Dick Harrison, 14. M??Armhere"Heart of Virginia," .tar-ing Janet Martin and Robert Lowery. ,;... she Ue Ethel Merus moth.r A c r,C " Bi' -mG0 sesteeTrHour-Gertrude Berg, beloved character ac 10 p.m., V. S. steei nour warm-hearted comedy of new tress w,ll star in ""asTside. In addition to the American, living on New York . lower r.a President will of "he key 'fund appeal, o, the National Red C n'p.mrshownim. on Six-"Convic. at Urge." . " DonKh"V:i0-Dr. France. Horwich .how. new type, of TWSSrSSVSA Parson, feature. CBeride and Grt'ntl2-Couplc, from all over America marry; John Family. 12:S0-M,k. Davenport discusses contempo TB iZW&&&& Peter Cook ".KqrStanley Earl. CI of fT ' omctimcs has wonderful reunion, for th em. . .rtrocrVhiMr. program. wh Fred Gier mann as the toymaker. Views I Bar 27 Corral, 5:45 Foreman Heck Harper linga and playa songs of the Old West. Mill. End, 6:30 Widely-read Dick Fagan Interview. Ronnie Severt ; .on, Portland safe opener with strange talent of mimicry. World in View, 6:54 Big Gene Brendler bring, big new. stories, : in capsule form. Badge 714 Sgts. Friday and Jacobs investigate murder of sec retary, found dead in downtown office. New. Caravan, 7:45 John Cameron Swayze commenting on world happenings. OIC Of Kimtan R-9fll'itfiAne fnnW Vj.trnnnli.nn fenne sine. ing Irish ballads; also, "The Song Is You," the Berceuse from "Joce lyn," "Neapolitan Love Song" from "Princess Pat." Dennis Day, 9 Dennis' grandfather and a leprechaun bring havoc on magic wish that the whole world should become able to sing like Dennis. Pandemonium follow.. Robert Montgomery, 9:30 "Paradise Cafe" brings atory of honkey tonk pianist, and bistroful sf unique characters. Douglas Fairbanks, 10:30 ''Silent Snow." . Nile Owl Theater, 11:01 "Stunt Pilot," starring John Trent, Mar jorie Reynolds. On Television KPTV (27) - KOIN-TV (6) VJttf - - -VsiF- MTl KfJAl 10:30 a m. KPTV Maic Circus 10 41 am KPTV Blenfci 11:00 s.m. KPTV Ed MrCooDill 11:34 am KPTV Tor maker 11:45 a.m. KPTV Toytnaker KOIN-KId Critics 12:00 noon KPTV Silurdav Mat! net KOIN Twe Ouo PlarhouM 12:30 p.m. KPTV Saturday Matinee KOIN It I'D 1:00 p.m. KPTV-Katurdnr Matinee KOIN Dig Piciurt 1:30 p.m KPTV Saturday Matinee KOIN space Patrol 2:00 p.m. KPTV SporU Clinic KOIN Live and Uira 311 p.m. KPTV Teias Rssilln- KOIN Live and Learn 3.1ft pm. KPTV fit rani r Than PlcUOB KOIN Armchair BMW 1:30 p.m. KPTV Lont funser KOIN Armchair Show 4:00 p.m. KPTV Johnny Jupiler KOIN Armchair Theater 4 10 p.m. KPTV Captain MiOnunt KOIN Laurel and Hardy 100 p.m. KPTV Abbott and Coitelle KOIN Laurel and Hardy 1.30 p.m. KPTV Superman KOIN Daredevil! 1:00 p.m. KPTV Colonel flack KOIN Tlitu la Show Builneii f 30 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Be it tni Clock l:4 p.m. KPTV New KOIN Beat Clock. 7:00 p.m. KPTV Lift of Riley KOIN Medallion Theater 1:30 i n. KPTV Ethel and Albert KOIN Life with Father 1:00 p m. KPTV I Led J Lives KOIN Jackie Oleuoa p.m. KPTV Amateur Hour KOIN Jackie Oleaion 9:00 p m. KPTV Show of Shout FOIN Two tor the Money 9:30 p.m. KPTV-Show of Shows KOIN My FatoriLe Hu.oand 10:00 p.m. KPT Show of Shows KOIN Pepsi Cola Show 10:30 p.m. KPTV Hit Parade KOIN TV Theater 11:00 p.m. KPTV Greatest FlthU KOIN TV Theater 11:1a p.m. KPTV Prelmer Theater SUNDAY 0:00 am. KPTV The Pastor B IS a m. KPTV Readlnf the Punnlet B JO a.m. KPTV What a Your Trouble? tS a.m. KPTV Chrlitophen 10 00 a m. KPTV Relktloui 1 11m 10:30 a.m. KPTVTMi la the Life 11:00 a m. KPTV Portland Speaks 11:30 a.m. KPTV Facta Forum KOIN Lamp Unto My Feet 13:00 noon KPi v Sunday Matinee KOIN Youth Takes Stand 11.30 p.m. KPTV Sunday Matinee KOIN Contest Carnival 1:00 p.m. KPTV Pood for Thou lb t KOIN Juvenile Jury 1:30 p.m. KPTV Oarden Grow KOIN Musical Momenta l:4t p m. KPTV Oarden Grow KOIN We Believe 1:00 p.m. KPTV Industry Paradt KOIN Omnibus 2: p.m. KPTV Art Llnkletttr KOIN Omnibus 3:30 p.m. KPTV Weddlni Bella KOIN Omnibus J. 00 p m. KPTV Life Beams at M KOIN Omnibus 130 p.m. KPTV Kukla, rran, OHIO KOIN Bee It Now 4 00 p m. KPTV Roy Roters KOIN Sunbeam Theater 4 30 p m. KPTV Zoo Parade KOIN Annie Oakley 1. 00 p m KPTV Hall of rama KOIN Oene Autrey I 30 p.m. KPTV Hall of Fa ma KOIN You Asked for It 0 00 p.m. KPTV Victory at Sea rOIN You Are There 0:30 p.m. KPTV Life With Elizabeth KOIN Pride of Family 7:00 p.m. KPTV Winchell Mihontr KOIN Private Secretary 7 30 p.m. KPTV Mr. Peepers KOIN What's My Line 1 00 p.m. KPTV Comedy Hour KOIN Toast of Toao 1:00 P.m. KPTV TV Playhouse KOIN Fred Warini t JO p.m. KPTV TV Playhouse KOIN Men Behind Rarfft 10 00 p m. KPTV Loretta Young Show KOIN The Web 10 30 p.m. KPTV Man v. Crime KOIN Dr. I. Q 11:00 a m. KPTV Meet ihe Press KOIN-Comedy Theater 11:30 p.m. KPTV Twenty Q stions MONDAT 10 m a.m. KPTV Dina Don School 10 30 a m. KPTV One Man'a Family KOIN TBA 10 45 a m. KPTV 3 Steps to Heave KOIN Brlshter Day 11.00 am. KPTV Home KOIN Koin Kitchen 11 30 a m, KPTV Home KOIN SpotlJte Rtvu 11:43 a.m. KPTV-Hfime KOIN Editor'! Desk 13 00 noon KPTV Bride and Oroom KOIN Bit Payolf 13.13 pm. KPTV-Hawklns Palla t KOIN BH Payoff 13 30 p m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN Bob Crosby 1 00 pa, KPTV Matinee Trieste? KOIN Lota of Life 1 11 pm. fHTV Maunte KOIN search Tomorrow 1 30 B. KPTV Ms tinea KOIN OJidini UiM 1:49 pm. KPTV Matinee KOIN Vslisnt Lady 2 00 PBL KPTV Matinee KOIN DnuD.a or No'hlnf 2 30 P m. KPTV What a Cooklni KOIN Strike It Rich 3 00 p m. KPTV Kate Smltn kotn Oarry Moors Sho . 30 p.m. KPTV Kate e.::. KOIN Arm Chair Theater 4 00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveiera KOIN Arm Chair Theater 4 30 p m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN Mr. Moon 4 t pm KPTV On Your Artount KOIN Cartoon Tlma I N pm. KPTV-Howdj Doody fOIN Hsddie Pals a in y n KPTV Tovmaker ki;:j-:..:.. a;-; I!-r Bar 71 Corral La -j re! At Hardy 0 pm. KPTV-W:ld Bill Hlrkek KOIN Mister Weatherman A BRIGHT LINE When your television screen shows a bright horizontal line, turn vour set off immediately! If left on for a period of time it could burn a line In the pic ture tube screen necessitating replacement of the picture tube. Our experienced Televi sion Technicians can restore your set to normal operating condition. Just phone. 4-5512 TELEVISION SERVICE CO. 1410 South 13th Street :1ft p.m. KPTV-Wild BIQ Hlckok KOIN PhotOQUla 4 14 P K. KPTV Mill Ends KOIN Dona Edward I 43 p.m. KPTV World on View T.ia pm. KilV AiUsjt ij;va KOIN :udiJ Oct T:4ft P A. KPTV News Caravan KOIN Studio One t:M p.m. KPTV Kama That Tuna KOIN Burn and Allen 30 p.m. KPTV Voles of Firestone KOIN Adolph MenJou 1:00 p.m. KPTV Dennis Day KOIN 1 Love Lucy 1:30 p.m. KPTV Robert M on isomer? KOIN Red Buttons 10:00 p.m. KPTV Robert Montfomtr? KOIN U.S. Steel Hour 11:00 p.m. KPTV Nlte Owl KOIN Show Tlma an SU North Marion Labor Office Opens Mon. WOODBURN The temporary farm labor office for the North Marion county area will open Monday, March 15, at the Wood burn American Legion building on the Pacilic highway. Larry Austin of Woodburn will again be in charge, starting his fifth consecutive year. The office will be open Mon-. days through Fridays from 8 a.m. until noon and from 1 to S p.m. Austin requests that farmers of the area register their probable labor requirements for the season as soon as possible. The telephone number for the office will be as signed soon. LEGALS NOTICE OF EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Civil Service Examinations for POLICEMEN'S ENTRANCE, and for FIREMEN'S PROMOTIONAL - FIRE MARSHAL, subject to the rules reg ulations and provisos of the Civil Service Commission of Salem. Ore gon (as amended) will be held at the city nail, aaicm, uregon, as follows: KIKE DEPARTMENT PROMO TIONAL FIRE MARSHAL, Monday, Marrh 29. lUM. B:DO a.m. GENERAL SCOPE OF EXAM1N. ATION: Thorough knowledge of the fire department and it functions oasea on r ire service experience, Fire prevention and Inspection, t PAY: 1427.50 ter month. DUTIES: Supervision of the Fir Department under direction of the Chief of the Fir Department. EXPERIENCE: Not less than ont war continuous service under Der- manent appointment In the classi fication immediately below tha po sition examination u peine neia zor. POLICEMEN'S ENTRANCE. Tues day. March 30, 1954, 9:00 a.m. GENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINA TION: In addition to physical exam ination cy The city pnysician; neen ness of observation, reading compre hension, ability to follow directions, relations with others, aptitude for police work, simple problems arithmetic, geography of the city. state laws and city ordinance . PAY: 9306.02 a month for oeftn- nen. REQUIREMENTS r Applicants must have been bona fide residents of Sa lem. Oregon, for at least one year immediatelv Drior to the date of Ihe examination and must be registered voters. AGE LIMITS: 21 to 3S years (with MILITARY SERVICE CONCES- SIONS). APPLICANTS will be reoulred to take a physical examinrttnn from the city physician. Each applicant shall cause to be filed with the Secretary of the Commission a statement from the citv Dhvslclan certifying that the applicant Is mentally and phys ically fit for the position he seeks. In the absence of auch a certificate tn applicant wlU not be permitted to take the examination. APPLICATION BLANKS may o obtained at ihe office of the City Recorder. Second floor. City Hall, must be filed in person and will not be accepted for filing after the fol. lowing date: WEDNESDAY. MARCH 24, 19M. 5:00 P. M. DATED at Salem. Orefon. Marcn 3, 1954 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Alfred Mundt. Secretary and Ch ief T. xamlner. M8.9.10.U. 1 J .15 In accordance with Section 43-30S of the Oregon Trademark Laws, the Rea Lemon -Purit An Co., located at 1200 West 37th Street, Chicago 9. Il linois, hat registered with the Sec retary of Slate its trademark con sisting f the word REALRIG which in applied to foods and non-alcoholic beverages, paiticulaily fig; tuire How Christian Science Heals "Cod's Law Overcomes Lack" KSLM (1390 lie.) Sun., Mar. 14 5:30 p.m. MARR RADIO And TELEVISION 2140 S. Commercial Opto Fvrningt Til t RCA Victor TELEVISION Sales Service Installation RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES Open Friday Night Til t J55 OntrT Ph. 3-3139 IEGALS EXECLTRIX' FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CLAIRE O. HAMILTON a execu trix of tho eiuto of RALPH 8 HAMILTON. deceased, has filed her final account aa auch. and by order of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon fur the County of JtUrlon the 25th day of March. 1034. at tf : IS o'clock in the forenoon of Mid day h, rwn fWrd the tf e and the courtroom of aald court has been fixed aa the. place for the hearing of objections to aaid final account and the settlement of aaid estate. Dated and firat published: Feb. 13. 1934. CLAIRE D. HAMILTON. Executrix of the Estate of Ralph S. Hamilton. Deceased. R HOT EN. RHOTEN & SPF.ERSTRA M0 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon Attorneys or Executrix. F 13.20.::. M 6.13 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too late To Classify. 13-FOOT boa; and trailer. See at 1745 Grant S Phone Z-iuSi. On Sunriav only. LOST: 1 -MM Rewre movie cam era on Wallace Koao Thursday af ternoon. He ward. Phone2-tJ7S2. SALE or rent one 5-bcdroom house. One 3-hedroom and one 2-room house. Tor tale or trade, my equity In small acreage and nearly new buildings. For ale my equity of $S00 in 1150 Pontiac 2-door. Phone 41F22 Salem. ' ENGLEWOOD district, corner $2,000.00. 1260 North 17th. lot. STEVENS 12 cause auto. H & R .22 target pistol, oil heater, Xwn mower. 2 doom, table and chairs, toaster, hot plate. 11B5 Tile Hd. FO RESALE: Roto-Hoe tiller, lined about 3 mo. Ph. 45103, 125 S. 2Srd. Salem.jOrcgon. 3ROOM furn. duplex., adults. 1920 Chemeketa. i ii ACRE. 1-bdrm house, all electric, lurnisnea. .ta. i mue cam m owe gle achool. Inquire 1555 Hoffman Rd. A-l BUSINESS location with Income. trailer par ana 3 apis, on norm 99. Priced right. Phone 2-8213. 2-BEDROOM home. Cement founda tion, .uoi ouxiju . iou a. iancasicr Dr. PANSY & primrose plants. Reasona ble. cabDAgc plants, aoz. MiKe s Greenhouse. Rt. fl. Box 80fi. Salem. NEWLY decorated 2-bdrm house. suburban Inquire 4990 Lancaster. Ph. 4-1247, FOR SALE: Whiteface cow with heif er cair. s. . "Myers, hi. 2, uox 4B2, Salem. rOR SALE: 3 Guernsey belters. WlU freshen mis montn. Leanora imc DouKal. 1225 Blrehwood Dr. a nitle South SweRle School. SADDLE horses. Shetland ponies and saddles. 4512 Liberty Hd. 4-z4bx 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Black Labrador retriever. male. Has color, no lags. Answers lo "Mac." Vicinity Hollywood dust. Reward. Ph. 4-4W. 316 Personal INTERNATIONAL detective service Ph. 3-3273. Reasonable. Palmistry Reading Adv. re an love. marriaBe. business, This ad and 1 for f5 reading. Next to North Salem unve-in. AIOHOLICSTAnonymous group Nof 1. 20Sfl N. Com'l. 3-4537. 4-3544. SAFE, permanent removal of un- surniry taciai nairs. rricn or w.. 400 Agriculture 402 Llveitock For Sale YOUR BEST BUYS Bargain in Purebred Hereford CAL-ORE HERFORD SALE 40 Bulls 20 Cows and Heifers March 18, 1954 Fairgrounds - Medford Show 9: A M. Sale 1:00 P.M. Top blood lines from outstanding fie r as in souuwrn un-gun m -thorn California. CAL-ORE has established a tradition of selling lop quality came i un galn prices get your share ot the bargains. 4-H FREE FFA CAL-ORE will award a Registered Hereford Junior tinier can vo lurky 4-H Club or FFA member Nothing to buy Just register with your parent or guardian previous to sale time. For sale catalog write CAL-OKE. Box 1W8. Med ford, Oregon. n-g YR. fresh Jer.-duer. heifer. Cen He. leads, slakes, $163. 1M5 Birch wood iOr. LOCKKR BKEK U S. Choice, 41c. flood. 3"c-4or; comm., 3 sc. r"orK. 45c. Salem Cuntom Curing. 3-7005. LOCKER fl ELF Eastern Oregon, '.i or wngir, .j""i - Trailer loa ned f r re . Salem Meat Co., 1325 S. 25th. Fh. 3-4B: 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buver. I buy cattle. horses, hogs, sneep. goai. ooars, veal. Emery Alderman. Phon 2- 7Bfi9 Of 2-0068. CATTLE BUYERS. E I. and H. Sne- the n, 4297 state. or a-jno. CATTLE, horses, at your fann. E. C. McCanaimn. iu( 3. aom. t-n. LIVESTOCK buyer, A. F. Rommer, 1265 Harmony ur. rn. 4-zou. 404 Poultry ond Rabbita FOR SALE !.Jre New Zealand Whit Doe and Buck. Phone Eve nings 2-l-t-1 TV '-'TrT? rese 4-4V) hiocvj.iOr TURKEY fryers. 4- lb. Call after I 2-211 FRESH FROZES fryers. 5c a pfund Phone 4.4117. 100 Agriculture 100 Agrimlltirp 425 Auction Sale 425 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE SUNDAY. MARCH 14. 1 00 P. M. Former assets nf Seilem Seed tk Implement Co. Complete diftponal of equipment Office furniture and n.arhinery 19 NEW "GARDEN AID" TRACTORS With hp. Brie. SiraMon Motor with tan mower, plow. dlr harrow and cultivator a'tarhrn-nt. t'.h:nan gi enrine. ultimutor ga enrine. 4 elettnc motors, 3 phaf-3 hp. .ir con.prenr.ori. 2 clover cleaning mf hires, roller mill llurr (.finder, hand serd and grain cleaning phnr, g'ain elevators, scalff. 4 dr -le. safe, adding marhine, canh register and other oltire equipfiien' T-Me. ctiunlcis, part bin. shrlv Inf fire extin'jiher, anuanumn. new fpare parts for all kinds of farm rrriine'v h"g feed, oil b .rrrl, rarh;,r rani. nt hor post, tool", rtvet nut, holt. p'lUevK. hearmf, 1'jrr.her and hundreds of other ims tro numerous to lit. AUCTIONEER ft fl g'at St. 104 Poultry end Rabbit CHICKS DAY OLD ind narlrd Nw hire Whit. Hucki and Goldrn Broad .vrry Tu.-rUv jind Friday. KOXS HATCHEHY MM SUI SI Ph. 3-4MS CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Auitra or Kt Fauuik Kl 1. Broolu. Ph. 2-6341 BAHY CHICKS Order now for choir of breed!. NH pullets ISc. par rod rooiter. Sc. Valley yarm Store. WING needs rabbit. SMS- State. 4-3S1I. 408 Pels PARAKEETS Continuous new Hatches. All col ors. Banded, full l'ANTEFD J f KKIiSt SU'l'LlKS WHOI.FSA1.E & RETAIL. SALE, puppies, toy terrier-chihuahua. OmsT Straiul. new Salcm-Sil veiton road. Near Brush Creek School. FOX Terrier puppii-s. Ainerty, black and white. Phone 21248. Glovers Siamese Our Customer have become our t friends. 2 popular stud vat to suit your taste & your pocket book. Vowlong II a1w- for salei; & Typey Young Knight's Squire bringing top English bloodline, to Improve domestic strains. Kitten from Squire V Tiyna miy be reserved for Mav delivery. It pays to breed to the best. Ph. 2-0tB. FOR SALE. Beagle. $13. 1 yr. spnvtd female 2-672II. 4254 Hager St. Moore's aquarium. Fish. Parakeets, pelf. Maclcay Ka. 4-4773. Closed Wed. ptv MAH1DAL m PHUM" Chocolate Point SIAMESE Stud Service Will Call for and Deliver For Appointment Call 2-2390 PARAKEETS." Cam, supplies. Bird Paradise. 3180 Liylntfslon 2-1M2. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 199a Mc Coy. 1 block east ol N Capitol. 1M blocks north of M.itisnn Ph -6H9l COCKER. Golden red. A. K. C. stud. Phone 2-1248. PARAKEETS Babies raised In oul home, $7.30, all colors. Mrs. Pow er, 733 Bellevue. Ph. 4-1597. CANARIES, choice orange and apri cot strain. 3-4383. 1340 Chemekvia. 409 Seafoods GET fat oysters for cannlnr nd freezin. 4 mi. up bay of Newport. II. SO bu., cleaned B-iu pinis. 410 Seeds and Plants Nicfe prices to nice people. Budded Mollis ana evergreen Azaieas iw, 35c and 50c. Hedge materials as Box. Ellwood. Aruorvttaes. Laut els. Creeping Jumpers 5c. 15c. 30c. Camellias 25c. Orchid Rhodys 25c. Basest Fabia 2. Scenic drive, six miles south on 22 from Perm Four Corners and mile to left on gravel, Hustons Nursery, Rt. 8, Box 89. Salem, Phone 3-1412. P. S. peren nials. Improved blue tree and dwarf pine 25c. PICK your growing plants from the nursery. Ail Kinas or evergreen v flowering shrubs; 75 cents and up. Prime roses in full bloom; 15 cents eih. S.ihli Nursery. Rt. 5. Box 457, Mac- Lea Phone 4-1245. CAMKIXIAS In Bloom, 92 and Up. Heavily budded AZALEAS, AOc and up. ( (.'hoove Azaleas from samples in bloom in grrt-nhousei. Warmai N'tirscrv, 1025 Oakhill Ave. (South Villane.I,h.3-443(I.Open Sun. TlfB F.ROUS brgonia bulbs, 12.50 dot. At up. Gloxinia bulbs. 35c each. Buy direct from grower. We were 1st prl7e winners at 1B53 Slate Fair. ClagEetfs greenhouses, 4'f ml. N. of Salem on Wallare Rd. fSalem- Davton Hy.), Rt. 1, Box 403. Ph. 2-3502. 412 Fruit and Farm Produc 3O0.000 NORTHWEST berry plants $8 a thounand in new. inone iay St. Paul. A. M. McKay. Rt. 1, Box .W7, Woodburn. Oregon. FERTILIZER Rotted manure, week free. 2-0774 414 Farm Equipment WANTED, spreader. 3-1363. 12 or Good 10 ft Eee-Flnw condition. Phone ISO Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools FLOOR model drill press, car radio. H P. ler. motor, wrm duve rear ertl and motor lo build trac tor. Pn. 2-imi. GOOO lawn mower. Call 3-4857. 1951 INTERNATIONAL W4 tractor. Very good conditmn. Oscar Satein. Ph. Silverton 3-6K). 455 Hsehold Good For SaTT TWIN size Jennr T-Ind bed, springs and mattress. 74S N. 15th. 6 CU. FT. refrigerator.J'hont 2-7477. BLUE" DAVENPORT, LIKE NEW. r X 12 AMERICAN ORIENTAL UVd WITH PAUS,3711PORTLANO HD. GE electric range, deep well, good condition. $45. Phon 4-5251. 12x12 ALEXANDER' Smith rug. Re frig. Card table, 7-wy fir. lamp. Kn--hftle denk. Dining set. 2-RK3fl. SACRIFICE. alrnot mw Easy Spln drv Washer. Excellent con $HV StiouM t seen lo t appreciated Pn. J.2722 20-VT. Nmi Klec. roanter and rah ii.'e. F l'v -.- i'T nlv 2 rt.o. IUiJ.;nar,lr. 3-77. DAVENPORT? 2 chair. tM 1 round k table. 111. Bed. drewer. sprlnji, nllrwi, oil stove, mood stove. i'M N. Winter. LAKE Fl.'DTELL Salem, Oregon i I vaitiv 4SO Merchandise 455 Haehold Geotk For Sal WESTINGHOUSE Ubls top electric stove. Ph. 4-1673. GOOD radio, phonoeraph console. Kxcellent tone. Period style niaf. See at 129 S. Liberty. y,i. 458 Wanted. Hsehold Good : sap rrrijg: Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 CASH ruUAY Good used furniture or will ecu on consignment Ph 3-609S Sudtella AucUoo, jSJBadlq Ond TV l c.e, tsbje r-ooe!. Her,. arf. Spri ts. WILLS MUSIC STORE 43J State SI. Pll. 3-49M ONLY 1 new rstlntfhouse portable raaios. complete with naileries. He. S.'9.93. This sale 139 95. WILLS MUSIC STOKE 431 State St ph. 3-1859 USED TABLE model radio. 110. and up. (iood condition, wills Music Store. Pllll. CO DELUX portable complete ultlt batteries. Rtf. (93.93. Special 7393. WILLS MUSIC STORE 4.U State St. Ph. 3-4939 ADMIRAL CONSOLE Complete Willi ail. tun S3 WILLS MUSIC STORE 433 State St. PH. 3-4939 Pacific Mercury 31" Consoles, series. Brand new sets. Mil Ebony i i i Blond Mahogany S & H Green Stamps COOKS REPAIR 3423 Dallas Rd. Ph. .199 93 229.93 149.93 J-37( i TUBE table radio Motorola. Ref. 126.93. This sale (20.93 WILLS MUSIC STORE 431 State St. Ph. 3-4959 458 Building Materiali ANNOUNCING Salem Art tile UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP POWELL BROS QUALITY SERVICl ESTIMATES GLADLY PLUMBING Shower CabtneU t;t1.0 Wash Basins . 15 00 4-In. cast Iron soil pipe, per ft. 69c Water heaters, bath tuns, fittings colorrd mMi at tieint-ndous tinvings. CAPITAL BAHGAIN HOUSE 1 4 3C E NTE R S ALEM Better Than Ever! Low cost plywood panels fur walls. '4 4x8 Hustic kcqwuoo v paneiea 25c ft., until sold. Seaswlrl. Weld- wood. Birch. Pine. Sen In stock. Ribbon Mahoc. 4x8. 22c ft. Lotsa Pine, fine far shelving & paneling (sea It). 4x8 Hardboard 1.75 sheet. Sdg. 859.50 up. Birch & Mahog. doors good stock (good price 1) Plywood Uha panel with L000 uses), we have it, ext. or Int., 4x8. Need small sue? We'll cut itt Wrought iron legs $4.r set or . roimng doors (save that ipace). wall board $1.44 sheet. What you need Is here omewnere l Come on. visit we'll enjoy having you. rooming down 33 mot. to pay) upen au any sai. Portland Road Lumber Yard 3545 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-44.13 ALL NEW lun.ber. ship Jap, SW OO per m ana up. zxi ana larger za uo per M and up. Some lumber 215.00 per m aeiiverea. prion e 2-zo3. REMODELING OR BUILDING? See novel light color Oregon Alder Sawn especially for Panel Boards. Samples In beautiful new finish. Attractive for walls, ceiling, cahl nets. Dealer A Contractor dis count. Coat Range Timber Prod- v'U Co., 665 Basnett, West Salem. KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Casings, Base and Mnnlding..: HEU. AUC Shorts , Pric. 3" Casing, 3 lo a- $ 07 9 4,( llase. 3' to 6' M 1" Quarter Kd. 3' to 7" .OS 0.1's .04', .01', 1"," Bfd 3 to7- " Ba 3' to 7' JV BN Stop 3' to 7' Cuvt 3' to 7 .OS .1) .0.17S .023 .07 .am Sldlna 1S(M)' 1 X 0 No. a C om V-Jolnt Kl) 75 00 M Ollinc 3000' '. X "K" S. V. . 35 00 M Kshi' , x 6 "E" No. KN3 SidinK 40 00 M 2ISIO' C-B-10-12' No. 3 Cum Knotty I'm. fjnrlln, . . 100 00 M MW I x 13 Knotty I'm S.S 75 00 M 4 X S 8' and 10' ftgh. Car Stakes .50 Ka. FlHt Wall Paint White - . la) Cat. One-Coat Enamel White . -. . 4 OS Fnamel Undercoat 3 41 Gal. Hunffalow Outside White Cl- Doora Mahosany: i-lt and 2- x x l, flush SolS 4 75 Ka. S-4 to S-SxA-Rxl's Flush Seconds 5 75 Fa. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. PHONrT 3-9111 Front Jv Court Street "WE C.IVE SAH GREEN STAMI'R" Nr-tf f:r c--r 3n;ts .. i Oak flooring low price New bath tubs complete ., 859.50 Ued ba'h tubs complete , 825 00 Uwd caat waihbaMns . 17.50 Fiberglan roll blanket InsuL ..Cheap 14-2 eler. wiring 12-1 elec. wiring -.5c Nail 88 75 it 88 M keg Abcitos Oding per sq. $9- p.nntrd shaken wiih under f 10 50 New doom, all nzes .. J (Ned window 36'" x 43 U lf)0 uied doors with frames New toilet with seats . . W4 S0 Ioubla kitchen sinks, romplete 141 50 42 gal. elec. water heaters 947.50 500 gt.1. steel septic tanks 159 00 4" cast iron soil pip - (kniiH nratneehtire DIDe ,. n- . 38C Roll root me. large supply 3 tan comp rooting Cedar shinrlM. 4 rrMlri Plywood, new carload - New weather stripped windows 114 7" New plater board 4x8 31 Waterproof w .ill board 4B ...... It j Steei gatage doors complete 84 on Over-head earsse hardware 113 M gaw. Cedar fence pot - Chep . G. LONG & SONS . 4.M)il I ml. W. ol Keiitr 450 Merchandise 451 Bufldincj MaHdnU SPECIAL Sx4 itudi No. 8 W. per earrler load ol approx. 4oo n. urauana Lbt. Ca Turner 1129. 460 Musical Instruments SPINET pianna 2 only manuiacuir rs' close out moved from storage) to Glenn Woodry's furniture shop, 1605 N. Summer St. Sacnflc for cash. Save over $200. 462 Sports Equipment 7'i HP. Mercury outboard motors a-i.iu. 10 HP. JOHNSON ' new. S24D. motor. Nearly 23 H. P. used t.v-nrude late lower unit, 2 props. Excellent cond. 114. 12 FT. used boat, fisherman'! model IIM. SMALL speed boat Bejfiilsr i-if, ii Y." 1 ' KOR USED BOATS AND MOTORS SEE GIL WARD 430 Center Street & II. P. Sea King outboard motor. 3 years old. A-l cond. 3-8907. HAVE YOU 11 outboard motor serv iced now. You will save money now. and cuss words later on. Win ter rate till Ad. II 1st. JOHNSON Ol'TBOARL) SALES AND SERV ICE. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chrtnekcta - Ph. 3-9303 W 3 horse Johnson motor. Used nee. IH5. 3050 Maple Ave. CASH paid for used auns. modern and antique, cascade Merc, ism Broadway. 464 Bicyclei 2" WORLD Schwlnn bor"a bicycle. . Like new. I25. pn.2-e7a. ENGLISH RACING hike. 741 N. 15th. Street. 468 For Rant, MiacUanou U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phone 4-&261. 2(W5 N, Com'l. Mcculloch chain saws and pott hole augers by day. Town Equip ment Co. Ph. 4-1541. tOR RfeeKT or lease, lg. warenous spae cement floors, brick bid, down towa Inqutr B. L. Stilt Fun. i-riy 470 For Sale, MiecellcmeauB SUPREME PORTABLE sewing mach. Complete with att, Reg. 888.85, now oS.05. WILLS MUSIC STORE 432 State Ph. 3-4959 OLDKR type Hot point electric range. Serviceable condition. . Also girl's Elgin bicycle. 820. See at 7W N. 20th, or phone 3-49.16. Garage doors to tit V x ',V opening, with hinges. 82.00. 1952 FriKldaire apt. size. 8119.50. Elect, range, 15. ft pc, bdrm set, OU 50. 32 bass Hohncr accordion, 274 50. Chest of drawers. 812.50. 41" round oak coffee Uble, 834.80. Daveno chair, 820. Kitchen tables choice. 83. Cream separator, 825. Steel yard swing set, 816.50, Sidewalk bike, $14.50. New Roto hoe garden tiller, 8134 rotary mower attachment 834.50. For lur- ntture, appliances tool! tool renUl It Is SNOOKS BARGAIN CENTER 2565 State St. ' MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 135 N. Liberty ph. 3-3191 ROOFING AND SIDING INSTALL ED. CAM- US NUW FVtt xuun FRKF. ESTIMATE. TWO 760-15 new tires for sale. Call 2-.183K. FOR SALE Misc. Hospital Insurance. No agejimit. pn. s-ibis. CANCER & accidental death insur ance. No age limit, rn. a-ibis. PFAFF elec. sewing machine. Brand new. HraiionaDH. iKQ - wyen o- WALK-IN freezing unit. Cold-air 12'xtS' cooler. New cond. complete. iiaat'n. a-aia. EI .EC. OVEN, portable mangle, ce ment mixer witn motor, caomei radio, roffee table, set of dishes, paint, ropper boiler, grease gun, sewer cleaner. 3-7005. eve. 2-87U. NEW 4-drawer chest, mahoganr f walnut finish. tiogg airoa. Used Store. 137 S. Com'l. MIRACLE MAID parts it service. 4-5251. EXCELLENT BARN vard fertilizer. Phone 4-39Q7 or 4-n.o. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3-81J7 ADDING machines, cash registers. 825 & up. Clary Multiplier corp. ivj Fairgrounds Rd.Ph. 1-5375. TrSEU FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. ComX CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 35818 or Mary o' HOSPITAL BED for salt or rent U. L smr rum. iq.ti a-atioj. 1LU)W arm daveno bed. 82 50. Hogg Bios. Ued Store. 137 S. Conil. , Top Soil River tilt, fill dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 2-1741). USED Refrigerators, 818 95. 93AM and up. Al Laue. 23.W State. Ph. 3-5443. BOLLINGER'S New Grade "A" Material 14-2 Loomex Elec. wire 3c ft. 15-2 Lt-iamex Elec. wire . 9C J. Wall boxes with clamp , 8 ' Ceiling hln fan 2! -8180I 14c ft. 87.50 81.00 Galv. nutter "iv 10 vr. 4J g;il. Wtr. Htr. 10 yr. 52 sal Wtr. Htr. -ton r.a 54" Senile tank .85DOO a illinium OKW Paint tl 5 ft. Strplartder tM.jf Dbl Sink, spray, frame romp. 843.98 10O0 itrm at real low price T.f.n r,M a rrrr SUPPLY 343 K. Com'l. St. Ph.-MM JIFFY canvas top for Chev, or CMC, 89" plckup oea. a -Q3 1. COPPF.R "sprinkling systems, vou install Save monev. Ph. 3-9W8. "NOW AVAILABLE Topsoil River Silt KINKST IN VALLEY PHONE 3-9283 niVKR BEND SAND It GRAVEL CO. USED Sewing Machine CLEARANCE USF.D treadles . f- nd up Late model round bobbin portables ... 815 93 nd up I,nte model round bobbin console - M S nrl tip $5 down, 85 a month. Liberal trade in allowance. Sear Roebuck It Co , 850 N. Capitol Phone 1-91 91