Thursday, March 4. 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Paw T 155 North Liberty Phone 3-3191 VALUES! Our spring shipments have arrived. Shop all departments while se lections are complete. Many reduced prices during our big Spring Festival sale. Shpp and save. Get your tickets at Wards for the big weekly cash prizes. You may be the lucky one, So shop and save. , VALUESf Regular 3.98 Men's Slacks mmmwmm rym-ri :fif v. 'bnM i. s. m 'm am m 88 UM la If? '-$; , If -v-' nfv For work, sport, or' leisure California style slacks in washable rayori gabar dine. Vat-dyed solid col ors in handsome shades of tan, gray, brown, or blue. Zipper fly with front pleats. Tailored for comfort and neatness, Bar-tacked strain points for long wear. Woist sizes from 30 to 42. 88 Keg. 5.79 Men's Cords O Colon corn or gray. Broken sizes To 17.98 Men's Slacks 9s8 Choose from all wools in many colors .. Rn 0 Oft Tu,:!! U.L, D 444 Bark tan only, all sizes. Shirts to match ........ Reg. 4,49 Denim Slacks O66 Charcoal or foam green. Most sizes Reg. 98c Men's Caps fSW With nlsictin iv. 0M Were 1.98 Boys' Jeans 169 8-oz. fused knee jeans. Sizes 8 to 12. , Vol. to 5.98 Boys Sweaters J88 All wool coat style sweaters. Most colors , Reg. 1 39 Lumber Mitts AT All-leather mitt,. double stitched. . If -v &mM p?m Values to 1.29 Bath Towels 68c Reg. 49c Hand Towels . 38c Values to 33c Wash Cloths 17c ForHeavy Duty Work 68c Volues to 1.39. With leather palm. Flannel lined denim backs. A real bargain. ' Special Purchase ; NYLON DRESSES Sizes 9 to 44Vi 5.98 JrMiss, Women's New spring patterns, solids, prints and stripes. Reg. 8.98 value. To 7.98 Boys' Slack Sets A Wnchnhle nvlnn anrl rnvnn tfaharHintv SWa 4-flv. 88 Special Girls' Spring Dresses 398 Printed nylon, Chromespun taffetas, asst. pastels. Sizes 7-14. . Reg. 59c Women's Panties OT Ravon knit nvlon insets. Fieured. All sizes... mrm Rayon knit, nylon insets.. Figured. All sizes... To 7.98 Boys' Jackets Some ill wools, rayon gabardines. All sizes. 188 To 7.98 Boys' Jackets 488 Corduroy sizes 6-20. Green, wine rust. ........ Steering Wheel Cover 33c Mohair steering wheel cover fits oil models. Take chill off wheel adds to driving comfort. Economy price. 12 H.P. Outboard Motor 1 AO88 Reg. 321.00 Completely new in all features. Reg, 6.00 5-Gal. Gas Can 388 Rust-resistant steel red enameled ean. Reg. 9.95 Fishing Rod 500 Glass or bamboo. Fly or casting.. Rod SM" Reg. 49c Leaf Rake 9 Strong bamboo. Light weighty , Reg 62.95 Paint Sprayer 4988 horse motor. Complete outfit for. ... Reg. 2.29 Light Fixtures j88 15" square frosted glass shade. . Reg. 2.25 Aluminum Roofing " 8-ft. lengths. Rust proof. Buy and save WOMEN'S STYLE SHOES . .Reg. 6.98 2.97 Women's shoes, black suedes and browns. Medium and high heels. Assorted styles. To 39c Boys'-Girls' Anklets IT Combed cotton, white and colored " Reg. 6,98 Women's Wedgie 4" Green, brown and beige suede. Sizes 454 to 9. . . . " 88 Reg. 3.98 Tailored Slips O Nylon tricot knit. Run-proof. 32-40. . , Reg 3.98 Plisse Pajamas J44 Sizes 34-40. Blue, yellow and green. To 1 25 Nylon Hose QQ 15 denier, 60 gauge. Dark heel. All sizes 6.95 Red Plastic Hose 3.83 5-year guarantee. Vi weight of rubber hose, yet built for years of service. Full 916-ln. inside diam eter. 50 ft. Reg; 15.45 Auto. Toaster" II88 Silent operating, gleaming chrome plate , . Reg. 79c 10-Qr. Water Pail CO Reinforced rim with strong wire handle. sr sF Reg. 108.50 Rotary Mower pp88 18" Power Mower OT88 Reg. 106.50 for larger yards. Adjusts 1 to 3 in. Reg. 8 95 Garden Cart T88 All-purpose. Saves time. Easy to handle. Reg. 2.69 Spading Fork JM IOV4" tines. 30" handle. Dgrip... Hand Garden Tools 59 Reg. 25c. Hand-cultivation forks, trowels. for Regular 1.59 Set 3 Pans 99c Set Outstanding low price for durable 22-ga. aluminum ware. Rust-proof, mirror finished. Handy Vt, 1 and 2-qt. sizes. Seat Cover Clearance 14.88 Values to 29 95 inventory overstock must be sold. Choose from plastic or fiber bright plaids or stripes oil ore first quality seat covers that give yeorj of service. But hurry shop early they'll go fast. 77 Reg 219.00 Sofa, Chair 1AO 1 only sage green frieze Rea. 12.95 Table Lamas A 88 j r Only 3. Complete with plaid shade Limed Oak Tables Reg. 21.95. Choose either step tabic or coffee tabic Reg 39.95 Barrel Chairs OO Beautifully upholstered. 4 colors m 33 Mattress Set 4( 14" 188 4Q88 Reg 1.31 Print Linoleum ftft 12' green or gray. Floral only Run. ft. Reg. 64.85. 312-coil spring with posture balance unit. 3-PC. BATHROOM SET $100oo Less Fittings 1 eo. 5-foot ocid-resisting tub, 1 eo. close coupled closet outfit, 1 ea. 17x19 lovotory. Riverside Spark Plugs 2 77c Reg. 98c a pair. Com pare in quality to plugs in most new cars guaran teed to last as long. Com pare this price. 95 95 Completely Blond TV Set Reg. 349.95. All channel tuner. 21" screen 8.7 Refriaerator 01188 w Reg. 249.95. Full width freezer, other features. Was 219.95 Auto. Dryer 1QA Completely automatic. Save 25.00 UMW 329 214 Reg. 369.95 Freezer 13.6 freezer. Stores up to 47B lbs. food. 4 M Reg 86.95 Ironer 74" Easy to use. Dual control. Cabinet model. . Upright Freezer 329'5 Reg. 349.95. 12 cu. ft. Fits same space as 9 mm M your refrigerator. SEWING MACHINES REDUCED Save up ot $40.00 on Wards supreme head with beau tiful mahogony cabinet, complete with attachments. LONGWEAR MUSLINS l66ea- 8lx99-in. Wards good quality muslins. 132 threads per q. in. 72x99" LONGWEAR SHEETS sale-priced ot . , . . , 1 .59 81x108" LONGWEAR SHEETS, sale-priced at . . . K77 42x36 LONGWEAR CASES, sale-priced at " 33 To 2.39 Drapery Yardage 44 Bark and pebble cloth. Geometric, floral, provincial. Assorted Remnants Denims, corduroys, rayons, nylons, etc. Reg, 7.98 Bedspreads Twin size, chenille. Double wedding ring. . . , . mm Price 58 Reg. 7.98 Pepperell Blanket C88 25 wool. Wide assortment of colors. . ... f 688 Chenille Bedspreads neg .b &nap and sculptured chenille. Double size only. Burlington Men's Wear Reg. 1.59 45" wide. Tweeds, checks, plains and sharkskins. ... Plastic Shower Curtains Reg. 2.98. White, blue, green, aqua. 6x6. . . Matching Bathroom Curtains 199 Reg. 2.59. 99' 99 c I mi m if Regular 3.89 20-Gal. Can 2 Hot-dip galvanized Garb age can galvanized of fer forming seams, ore leakproof, rust-resistant finish lasts extra long. Deep cover fits snugly keeps out flies, vermin. Strong drop handles. Buy now. SUPER , House pain1 " I lllHiU "" ., Wards Super House Paint 4.44 per gal. Rich in finest quality ingredients for long life. Self-cleaning. In Titan ium White and colors. - r' ( I" -r--r: i 249.95 Automatic Washer 214" Check the low sole price for this fully automatic wash er. Washes 9 lbs. of dry clothes gently, thoroughly. Deep rinses, sproy rinses 3 times and shuts off outo motieolly. Ask for free home demonstration. SHOP AT WARDS FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 PJl.