JTiursday,. March 4. 1934 Local Paragraph, who 'w! ""'f-Jason Lee. Way' sM .Ji'r"11' Ch.ang Mtings of be mh s,lrv,ce board N- m mL2 Ule- 5600,1(1 and 'ourth Monday evenings in the future in" Mead of 0 Wednesday afternooS. ine first meeting date will he Meeting Cancelled The re Rular Monday luncheon of tta y h' of,Commce will not be held next week due to the M l f?nYnlion- However, on March 15 the meeting wi be peil.a',th.e ""ore Busies uiiua plant. Building Permit, Ray Tomp. kins to erect a one story dwelling J.-!?8!??' 930 McG''christ street, J80M; Madson Wrecking company c 8 ,wo story dwelling, 2505 South Commercial street, $50. Salem High Choir In Concerl The Salem high school choir un der the direction of Howard Mi1iIe11,SangJat Parrish junior iiigh Wednesday morning. Sever al other numbers were also in cluded in the hour assembly be fore the entire student body. Candidate Fillings Two per sons have filed as candidates for precinct committeemen with the county clerk. They are Alvirt E. Hartley of star route, Silverton and Marlene C. Elgin, 1475 North Liberty street, Salem. Both are Republicans. Boy Arrested city police Wednesday picked up a 13-ycar-old escapee of Fairview home after he was spotted shoplifting in a downtown drug store. He had taken a cigarette lighter which he was going to sell to get money to go to a movie, he told police. He also had in his pos session a .22 caliber pistol taken from a Salem home. He was re turned to Fairview home. Treasurer's Report As of Feb ruary 28. Marion county had total assets of $5,939,601.90, according to the monthly report of S. J. Butler, county treasurer. The assets in cluded $1,701,806.31 trust funds due to cities, schools and other politi cal sub-divisions; $399,939.70, ear marked for court house construc tion and $52,969.62 general assist ance. Gun Works Orville Baughn, 4408 Garden road, Wednesday was trying out a gun given him as a gift to see how it worked. The .32 caliber pistol jammed shortly after he loaded it and while he was attempting to fix it, it discharged 'wounding him slightly in a finger of the right hand. First aidmen treated the wound and advised him to see a doctor. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thursday, March 4 Organized Naval Reserve sur face division at Naval and Ma rine Corps League training cen ter. Company D, 162nd infantry regiment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. Battery D, 722nd AAA, AW battalion, Oregon National Guard at quonsct huts on Lee street Friday, March 5 Scabcc reserves at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Saturday and Sunday, March 6 and 7. Organized Naval Air Reserve squadron AAU 893, at Naval Air Facility. . Return to Maxwell AFB i . Col. Robert W. Griffin has re turned to Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, after spending a week visiting at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Green, 5170 Homer Road. Rath Honor Man Furstcnfeldbruck, Germany Staff Sgt. Robert J. Rath, lormcr Salem, Oregon, resident and a 1949 graduate of the Salem high school was one of the five honor graduates of the class graduated February 19 from the Seventh Army Non-Commissioned Offi cers' Academy at Munich, Ger many. As one of the honor stu dents he was commended by Maj. Gtn. Richard C. Partridpe. com manding general of the 43rd In fantry division. Ralh is on duty here, assisncd to the Second Weather Wing which i the parent organization of all Air Weather Service units in Europe. England Africa and the Near East. He is chief clrrk in the directorate of operations of the Weather Wins. The sergeant, who atlrnded the fnivrrsitv of Oklahoma for clcrk tvpist training, entered the scrv ire in January, 1951. and joined the wine in Germany in August, 1951. Prior to entering the Air Force Rath was a student at San ta Rosa Junior College. He re ceived letters in basketball and wTcstling, both in high school and rnllcge. Births Ml I'M MIMORIAt IIOSHTM. "an-SY-To Mr. .na Mr.. Hubrrl J. ,,; :fl,rndrnce. bor. M.rrh J. "V To Mr ind MM Rowrt : :v a ' Students Initiated Delta Theta ri, national legal fraternty. initi ated 14 WiUamette university law students during a ceremonial held uw niarion county court house. The group included Ronald Hoxie, James Ellis, Luther Jansen, Elton Lafke and Waltpr sim.rfar.hor ,n ol Salem; William Whitney and mm money 01 roruana; Bernard acunan, ounington, vt.: Warren Colver. Anrhnraop Alnclrq. AUn Hallowell, Vancouver, Wash!; Har- urn ionce, paramount, Calif.; Rob ert McCrea, Weiser, Idaho; Mau rice Orona. Rpnri nnH William Sunstrom, San Carlos, Calif. Conscience Wins A brass planter and a silver shaker taken from the porch of her home last week were return ed this week hv the thief nnrt placed back in their original positions, mrs. j. u. Carpenter, 355 South 14th street, reported to city police. Incorporation Papers Filed Ar ticles of incorporation for the "Shur-Way Co." were filed Thurs day with the Marion county clerk by Virginia Walpcr, Steve Ander son and Irene Roemhildt. The cor poration will have authority to is sue $20,000 in common and $30,000 in preferred stock, each share hav ing a par value of $100. Purpose of the corporation is "to engage in a general retail and wholesale, hardware, irrigation equipment, snnrtinir onnHe nnH cnnrlrv mer chandise business." Principal place ot Dusiness is 541 uourt street, or the office of Anderson. Felton III Circuit Judge Joseph B. Felton. strirkpn with an ailment which was originally diagnosed as rheumatism is confined to his hed and is not expected to return to tne oencn Detorc next week. Dur ing his absence from the court of Hnmpstie relatione rirenir .Tnrlcrpc George R. Duncan and Rex Kim mAn nM cnitnnv hum rue uiviuiiig i ciiuu a JUUI11CU responsibilities. Home Damaged A vacant house at 2335 Mason street, has been damaged by vandals who hrokp nut several winrlnure rnrp off screens, scattered cigarette butts on the floor and in the kitchen sink and did other minor d.imnpp. pitv nnliee rennrterl Thursday. The bouse is owned by a Mrs. Ralston, police said. They hplipvp neifhhnrhnnrl philHrpn are responsible for the damage. Drunk Flags Down Cop's Car-Gets Ride A drunk who flagged down a city patrolman for a ride early Thursday morning got a ride all right straight to the city jail drunk tank. The officer reported he was driving on patrol when th man ran out at him, waving his arms for him to stop. When he stopped the drunk opened the door, got in and told the officer he want ed to go to the telegraph office. He was routed by way of the city, jail. Leisure-time Dollars quickly yours for taking a part-time job! To place a Work Wanted ad, dial 2-2441. Accordion lessons. Instru ment rented while you learn. Wiltsey Music House. 1860 State. Ph: 3-7186. Salem Heights Mother's Club Annual chicken dinner Mar. 5th beginning 5:30 p.m. at the school. Adults $1, children 50c. From the best known manufac turers: Modern, Traditional, Func tional Dinnerwaro in Fine China, Earthenware, Ovenproof Stone ware, dozens of patterns for imme diate take home. You sec these dinnerwares in your favorite maga zines, you get them at The Better Bedding Store, 512 State SL American Legion Auxiliary No. 136 Card Party, Friday. March 5, ( p.m. Woman's Club House. Pub lic invited. Bring your own cards. Learn knitting. 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. 341 State St. Phone 3-5654. Castle Permanent Wavers, 305 Livesley Bldg. Ph. 3-3663. Perma nents $5, up. Ruth Ford, Manager. Problem hair? We specialize in all types of hair care at school prices. Modern Beauty College, 476 X. Church. Phone 3-8141. Marshalls Open for lunch daily 11:30 a.m. Special Sunday din ners. Ed Schroder announces his af- i filiation with the State Finance Co., Realtors. Located at 1H7 S. High St. in the capacity of Real F.statc Associate broker. Ph. 3-4121. Eve. 3-7825. Kimmacc Sale. By BETA THE TA FM Mothers Club. Over Green baum's. Friday March 3th. Antiques I in to 25' discount lay away ' plan. Let a native weaver who i knows and understands Oriental rugs help you in your problems of re-wrivtng and cleaning. We also ; service domestic rugs. John Kor j enian importer. 1057 S. Commcr cial. 2-794f Card of Thanks Our heartfelt thanks for the m; nv acts of kindness and tokens ol sympathy during the illness and dcaih of our beloved husband and , brother. ; Mrs. Lloyd T. Ricdon I .Mrs. Hyron . nennm i .Miss Lfli'la E. liicdon j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Mercer Bonnie's Case Up Tuesday The State Supreme Court next Tuesday is scheduled to hear a petition for a rehearing of the case of Bonnie Lee Kuhnhausen whose second-degree murJer con viction was reversed by the high court on grounds the woman was not given a speedy trial. , The petition was filed by Wins ton Bradshaw, Clackamas county district attorney, who claims the trial was not delayed an unrea-. sonable time. The woman was convicted in the 1950 slaying of Jalmer Tarkia along with Elmer Dorsey Williams who is serving a life sentence. Rail Crossing (Continued from Pane 11 part, he added, but did not feel it fair to be called upon to bear the entire cost. Prior to the close of the case the morning session was taken up by cross-examination of C. E. Jaqua, public utility grade crossing engineer, who conduct ed an independent investigation on assignment by Commissioner flcltzel. Jaqua outlined his rec ommendations Wednesday and enlarged upon them at the ses sion Thursday. Earlier Wednesday Val John son, state highway department engineer, as a witness for the city, also made recommendations for grade crossings, many of which wc.e similar to those fa vored by Jaqua Mayor Al Loucks, also a wit ness' for the city, told the com mission that 1-c did not pose as a grade crossing expert and for that reason he did not wish to make an-' specific recommenda tions. But h did testify that he thought many of the grade crossings were not adequately protected. The mayor said that on a re cent trip to New Orleans he ob served 'hundreds' of drop gates at railroads crossings, testimony evidently introduced to contra dict previous testimony by a wit ness for the 'Silroad to the ef fect that the drop gates were not being used generally. Jaqua s ' recommendations for additional protection at the vari ous Salem grade crossings were: - Silverton road, drop arms; Woodrow, no change; Tile road, cither closed entirely or flashing lights; Madison, no change; Mar ket, flashing lights; Nebraska, closed or drop arms; Marion, Center, Chemeketa, flashing lights; Court, flash:ng lights; State street, tie in with traffic signals with flashing lights; Fer ry, Mill, Mission ' nd Hines, flashing lights. Johnson of the highway de partment recommended. Silverton road, flashing lights; Woodrow and Tile, no change; Madison, no change; Market, drop arms; Nebraska no recom mendation; D street, no change or drop arms; Marion, drop arms; Center and Chemeketa, drop arms; Court, flashing lights; State striiel. drop arms; Ferry street, no change and no recom mendation on Mill, Mission at.'' H:ncs streets. Mayor Loud told the commis sion 'hat the city still was con sidering insulating the tracks be tween Marion and State streets b widening the street and build ing a curb on the west side of the railro. d tracks. This propos al was once made in a measure to the peop'.e but voted down. Commissioner Hcltzel said that the commission could not base any of its findings on any pos sible action in the future but only upon fac'- as they now ex is, and presetted in this hear ing. Salem Woman Wins $150 in Contest Mrs. Effic Mae Blower. 1610 N. 17th St., received a check for $150 at Bergs Capitol Shopping Center store this morning for the winning entry in the Mystery Treasure Chest contest on KSLM. Elmer O. Berg, owner and mana ger of the store, received a check for $25 because Mrs. Blower pur chased White Satin sugar for her ; COURTS Circuit Court Mfile Cronan Mix Hhuilfrowiti: Drfendanl't demurrer to compltlnt for Uck of sufficient fcti. Fred T. Barker ti Pioneer Trust Co. executor of Florence Barker estate, et al: Complaint Keek In f to lain possession of an undivided one-half Interest In rov ernment hond to the total of about llo. 000 and In certain other personal prop erly. Probate Court Frwrt Rnfrrt Rnfrpv 1 rpr..i.d al Kllt ll. eMsic F'Uie ! Mlntm B ruhwond ,U(: April I tixed it time for hr.irlni (mil iccount. I I Smiih fitlif: Order itnhoruint tile ot penoml prepertr. District Court Rlchird O. Venemin. lismlt ind bit lerj. itntenc.d to 3d din in nil. tenre .utpended and pliee4 ea reir'1-4 probation. Al Ped. Bilem. thiried with filltire to lioel onion, offered lor ihlpment, poll ed ISM biU. ' I Oirlon H. Bruebeker, non-iupport, ; trinted Indefinite continuance of ar riltnmenl, relei.ed on own reroinl- tame Marriage Liceniet Fr.nre. N. Jonei. 31, V B. lie fO're, . 2I Patter.on Are ind Both Birheller, 17. Hunrnl. Kit Rlter Bend roid. ' lem. Roe !. VmHom. M. V trmf. C n T'.n.llle, Ore. and Barbara Ie Beeber, , It. t.eit. 1311 Koivir Ik, (alem. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Red Cells (Continued from Put II- "I don't think much of the possi bility of being court martialled be cause I didn't do anything to vio late the constitution particularly the free speech clause. I didn't hurt any of my fellow prisoners and I didn't give them (the Com munists) any information." - Batchelor said he was ashamed of what he did and said he would fight communism "in the most ef fective way I can find even to fighting on the front lines in the event of war." '. ' "I have a personal score to set tle," he said. "It's not an easy thing to wake up and find you've been made a sucker of for three years. Y Rangers to isit Camp The YMCA Rangers, composed of nine and ten year olds, will leave Friday at 5:30 a.m. on a trip to Camp Crestwood, eight miles south of Salem. They will re turn Saturday noon. It is expected that between 20 and 25 boys will make the trip. Games and boys activities will be on the program at the camp. Ten Gra-Y Boys clubs will par ticipate in a basketball jamboree Saturday night on the YMCA gym nasium floor. Each club will play two games with the team racking up the most points winning tbe jamboree. Following the games the boys and their dads will have a party and the club with the high est percentage of Dads present will receive a prize. Rebuke Seen to (Continued from Page 1) Sen. Dirksen CR-lll) was invited in for breakfast with Eisenhower and Sen. Mundt (R-SD) was a call er later in the day. . 2. In a New York speech. Re publican National Chairman Leon ard W. Hall deprecated talk of a breach in the GOP. He said it was "nonsense" to assert that person ality ciasnes nave the Republicans "split irrevocably" an idea he said the Democrats seek to foster. Sen. Dirksen snent nvpr an hnnr Wltn r-.tsennnwer in n leicitrelv hrealtfast tahle pnnvapcatinn hut wouia not tell reporters anything about their talk extent thnt a aozen or more matters were discussed. entry at his store. Harry Moss, Oregon talcs man ager for White Satin sugar who ed the checks. Mrs. Blower is the ' second Salem woman to win a I prize in the contest. Mrs. Ward I Rueck won $100 on February 19. j JAYSONS a a a Are Proud to Present FOR THE FIRST TIME AT BUDGET-WISE PRICES! Dacron in SUITS W Smart new Spring suits, single breasted with patch pockets a luxurious flannel with a "Cashmere hand" but most important, COMPLETELY WRINKLE RESISTANT. Dacron in SI a cM 5" Dacron gabardine and flannels in a terrific selection of shades slacks that will HOLD THEIR SHAPE and PRESS SPOT-RESISTANT, too! Dacron in TIES T Beautiful patterns that will defy spots and wrinkles completely WASHABLE and NO PRESSING. COME IN AND SEE THIS MIRACLE FABRIC TODAY I OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 4 Cars Damaged In Accidents Three accidents were investigat ed by city police at Salem intersec tions Wednesday. Four cars suffer ed considerable damage but no one was injured, police said. All the accidents occurred during morning hours. Cars driven by Coy D. Whitlock, 3380 Crawford street and Frank L. Faught, Aberdeen, Wash., collided at the intersection of North Liberty and Marion streets with both cars being badly damaged. A collision at North Church and Center streets caused considerable damage to cars driven by David E. Hill, 1425 Saginaw street, and Leo nard J.. Ahsenmacher, 2350 South 12th street. . Minor damage was done to cars driven by Lois Maxine Braesch, 5120 Robindale drive and George Bingham Causey, 2 417 Center street, when they collided at the intersection of Center and 17th streets. ' Belsky Denies (Continued from Pan 1) ' had stated that all Army and gov ernment witnesses should "willing ly and cheerfully give testimony" so lone as it did not endanger se curity. Belsky is assigned to the Army's Murphy General Hospital at Walt ham, Mass. McCarthy said he thought Bel sky should be cited for contempt of Congress after the 25-year-old doctor declined to say whether he honestly believed it might have tended to incriminate him to an swer all the questions he had re fused to answer. He had pleaded the right against self-incrimina tion. Sen. McClcllan (D-Ark) Dut the broad question to Belskv. saving he did not think witnesses should be allowed to invoke their consti tutional protection under the fifth amendment merely to keep infor mation from congressional investi gators. McCarthy said that since Belsky had refused to answer this ques tion, he had wrongfully invoked his constitutional protection on all the previous questions. While McCarthy promptly rec ommended contempt action, the subcommittee deferred a decision until later. The hearing was recessed until Friday morning without calling any other witnesses. McCarthy said six other witnesses had been summoned in connection with "al New Spinet Pianos Full Keyboard First Line $495.00 The Music Center In the Capitol Shopping Center V A L i: E S J Smart Clothes lor Smart Men Ike or Dulles (Continued from Ptte It ' That fanatic fusillade in the House of representatives touched off a chain reaction that still reverberated through the capi tal. The latest developments: 1. It was learned from authorita tive sources that the FBI repeat edly has warned the Justice De partment that Nationalists were conspiring to assassinate U.S. leaders. Seek More Evidence 2. The Justice Department put It up to the FBI to produce enough evidence to smash tho Nationalist Party by prosecuting its leaders under the Smith Act that makes it a crime to advocate the overthrow of the government. 3. A fast moving federal Grand Jury returned an indictment yes terday afternoon against the four Nationalist assassins who carried out Monday's attack. They were charged with assault with intent to kill and assault with a rf,n. mis weapon and officials planned vu yiKai jor an eany trial. Few npnnlft renlimrl it ,u. Secret Service has been particu- leged Pilmmnnl.1 lr:ii ... taKf ,federa,1 , telecommunications ' uuey, in. J. . DOWKTOWn XALERI ArI OF A V VALUES! , GLYCERINE SUPPOSITORIES .,: , ,19c VITAMIN "A" STJ:.-...... s4.98 BORIC ACID XL .............. ....:.. I;.;....-9c HINKLE PILLS V .! 29c ASPIRINS" .:....:5c: DQANS PUIS ... t 59c L00Z REDUCING AID w. 1.98 DuBarry Hand and Body Lotion m-- s1.00 TOSSY CREAM SHAMPOO ..00 HOME PERMANENT REFILL KIT 69c GLADIOLUS BULBS 25 98c ELECTRIC HEAT PAD arsf: $2.77 22-INCH PLAY BALL 'ZZX?. 99c '1.19 CANASTA DECK ar.. 88c GARBAGE CANS $2.99 BAMBOO RAKES 33c Vilut 19c FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS $1.69 WALL TONE ENAMEL Choice of Colors Easy to Apply No Odor Dries (fulrkly HiKh Covering $3.95 Volue $ 279 Gil. HIGH BRIGHT SODA GLASSES 3 lot 25 15c Volue 10-Ounee larly careful on recent presiden tial trips in doing advance . plan ning and screening persons who attempt to gain access to the im mediate vicinity of the chief Ex. ecutive. One reason two drunk Indians were picked up so rapidly recent ly at Palm Springs, Calif., outside the President's vacation ranch, was their close physical resemblance to Puerto Ricans. Card of Thanks Our heart-felt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow. For the beautiful service, floral offerings, and other kindnesses, we are very grateful. Mr. Harold Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Ken Taylor Mrs. Emma' Brown Mrs. Ellen Reynolds Mrs. Ida Williams Mrs. Norris Frank Card of Thanks Our heartfelt thanks to all uhn extended comforting sympathy and neip in our recent sorrow. To the Fraternal Order of Eagles and Auxiliary. For the beautiful serv ice, floral offerings, and- other kindnesses, we are very grateful, Mrs. Lillian Gregson Mr. and Mrs. Vince M. Genna Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Gregson JEGKtll AATS ASSOCIATION PltESKIVTS RUN DOWN... Don't give U day I MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If ye doa't fl MHcoobly btHtf vfirktbo- 1 ivT vVvi twlMtlkM 111 CI 1 Page 3 For Your Parlies! Candles of all descriptions and sizes in a beautiful color selection.. ASK FOR YOUR SPRING FESTIVAL TICKETS Edward William The Home of Hallmark Cards 330 Court Street ; DOG TIRED? vp. Special Formula Spring supplies iron yon may need for rich red Mood mm ram fed M mom a. mm ro or W mrmmM T UtmX roar HPtlU oowtiptUetl -bother) my dirwtrv vtwtt? Jam Mr to MTffcrioff from tnand-vtUmia tar. vmttnn ovr ft prokmrvd period. BKXKL Umt Speeiml hifk-metmnrw YormmU nppUea Mppkmaferr quantiti o iron tot rick, Td bkmd and aw vtulliinff mrn. Kmrh BKXRIj epato five vo i Umm fee daily minimum mralrvmenta of blood boiMiflff troll : met than the Uity ai tai nt am oc tn ewmiftl B-viUmine ) pbss jp f TtUmin Btf and trace min Z mk Oet mnflerfnl new aen aajd energy vfth BKXX-dov vaAiMe HIGH POTENCY IBL1XI3L SMCIAl POBMULA CAPIULI! MAM AND 04MIANTIIO IT MdLf SSON It IGttlttt. If lOOt for, Cam,