Thursday, March 4, 3954 Pae i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oreeon j i f1 Ail 3f 13 4 IS !7 19 Jn The Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES BSBaSiHBCMIT.aaii i' lllahee Linda and Dirk. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Provost. Phyllis and Bill, the William Meisners, whose son 1LLAHEE The children of jMike is n Oregon Slate student, W. C. Morris gathered at the I an! Je Ife Also in the "line- Morris home Saturday evening i UP were me rranK Morayecs of to honor their father on his 72nd birthday. Present were W. C. Morris, the honor guest, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morris of Scio, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Morris, Dallas, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Morris, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Williams, Tur ' ner, and grandchildren Linda, Dave, Gary and Marie Morris, Dallas. Charlene, James and Lawrence Morris, Salem; Susan and Marlyn Williams, Turner. Mr. Morris received greetings from his eldest daughter, Mrs. Ernest Bryant of Billings, Mont Albert Feller has under con struction a building, which when Salem, formerly of Mill City and son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Mor avec. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones, who have lived here for several years with their family in the C.B.I, project, moved to Richland, Wash., while their daughter, Ar dith, is a Sophomore at the Uni versity of Oregon. Lyons LYONS Mrs. Clyde Bressler. Lyons chairman, reports $122.57 in contributions to (he March of Dimes fund. Mrs. Elda Mize from Bremer ton spent several days at the home of her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright of Crcs well and Mr. and Mrs. William Halbott of Grand Rounde spent Sunday at the Chamberlain home. Ed Bilyeu of Lebanon and Ed Cardwell of Sweet Home, were in Lyons Friday to see about getting the Red Cross drive start ed. Garnett Bassett, noble grand of Faith Rebekah lodge, was ap pointed to have charge of the drive, and will appoint her as sistants soon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crerner MUSIC WINNER Jefferson JEFFERSON Mrs. Eleanor completed, will be the new home j Broxson entertained a group of for Welcome Inn restaurant The building now occupied by Welcome Inn, will be demodcled into a grocery store. Mrs. Feller also owns lllahee Service sta tion. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence La- Forge have moved into their new home. Mrs. Phil Williams and Mrs. Ray Bell will entertain members of the lllahee friendly Neigh bors club March 11 at the home of Mrs. Williams. Mill City Mill City Mrs. W. W. Allen, local Cancer Society chairman, has announced that a public meeting will he held at the Fel lowship Hall at 8 o clock p.m., Tuesday evening, March 9, for education in the cancer pro gram, no money will be soliicited. Speakers for this meeting will he Mark Hatfield, Marion Coun ty crusade chairman; Mrs. Win nifred Pettyjohn, Marion Coun ty commander of the American Cancer Society: and Mrs. James H. Tiirnbull, who has appeared here before, Marion County edu- cation director. Two new moving-pictures, nev er shown here before, will be presented. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. D. B. Hill attended a meeting of the Dis trict Conference of the American Cancer Society in Corvallis Fri day, enjoying a noon luncheon in the Memorial Union building on the Oregon State College campus. On Friday, March 5, at 2 p.m., churches of Mill City will again join in celebrating the World Day of Prayer, the meeting to he held at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Robert Vogt of- Milwau kee will speak at the Presbyter ian Church on both Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. George Mlclke and family of Eugene spent Sat urday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill. The Miclkes formerly lived in this locality. Mrs. Mielke is a cousin of Mrs. Hill. Attending the championship Oregon State-University of Ore gon basketball game at Gill Coli seum In Corvallis Saturday niytit were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and son, Johnny, who met their daughter, Lela, a student at Ore gon Stale College. Miss Kelly's Biiesl for the week-end was Miss Dolores Poole of Oregon College 3l Education at Monmouth, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Poo e of Mill City. Others glimpsed tn line to buy tickets to the game were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dyhrman, friends honoring Mrs. Arthur Harris with a pink and blue shower. A centerpiece on the table was composed of pusy willuws, Japanese quince and daffodils, in a low bowl. Baby boottees were hanging from the branches on the cent or piece. Present were Mrs. Tom Harris, Mrs. Ernest Wagner, Mrs. Louise Jary of Salem, Mrs. Roy Hop per of Marion, Mrs. Belle Grice, Mrs. Lydia England, Mrs. Arthur Harris, Mrs. Lura Maulsby, Mrs. Ivan B. Sutton, Mrs. Eleanor Broxson, Mrs. Alice White, Mrs. Nettie Hawk, Mrs. Ruth Person, Mrs. Clara McCarey, Mrs. Helen Caywood, Mrs. Lavorne Cham bers. Mrs. Arnold Epps, Mrs. Le- Roy Beach, Mrs. Eileen Hamp ton, Mrs. Burnice Harnisch, Mrs. Gertrude Wickersham, Mrs. Ger aldlne Looncv, Mrs. Walton Looncy, Mrs .Harold Wynd, Mrs. Ruth Cobb and Miss Anna Kliimpe, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cobb and Glen motored to Yakima, Wash, and spent the week end there. Leonard Barnick of Clear i.bkc was the guest of Vass and .Nick ValJick Sunday, The churches in Jefferson will observe Worlds Day of Prayer rrinay morning at 10 o'clock In the city hall. The Methodist church will show pictures, and re freshments will be served by the ladies of the Evangelical United Brethren church. Mrs Wat-rv Maenn cnjnt th week-end in tourist quarters at children moved to Sublimi'y Oceanlake on the Oregon coast ! Sunday. The Cremers have lived Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith and children were Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Maxwell, rat ana juanita 01 ron land. Mrs. Robert Carleton, Larry and Carolyn from Bonneville came Friday to spend the week end in Lyons with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Orville Downing. They also visited at the home of his mother, Mr. and Mrs. John MeClurg. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead and sons Walter and Jimmie spent Sunday at the coast. They also visited with her mother, Mrs. Bon ford at Corvauis. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Goodell with their daughter and huszand Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook of Mehnma, visited relatives in Hal spy Sunday. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gansel, cousins of Mrs, Goodell and Mrs. Margaret Stabb, aunt of Mrs. Goodell ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and his sister, Mrs. Leota Worden and Marioric spent the day Sun day at the hoodoo Bowl above Detroit. Saturday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ice land Manning were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weldon of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and son, Cecil, spent Sunday at various points along the coast Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martcll have as their house guest her sister, Mrs. Sheldon Thayer, from Haggcrman, Idaho. Congratulations are going to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bcntley upon the birth of their first grand child, a son born to their daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibson of Grants Pass, the former Miss Betty Bentley. Week-end guests in Lyons with relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Georae Meilke and daughters, Carolyn and Patsy, of Eugene. Mrs. Meilke is a daughter ot tne R. P. Lyons. Mrs. George ClipfcIL returned home Monday from Baker, aft er spending some time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Don Shepperd. Mrs. Elaine Hadley and chil dren Allen and Myra have re turned to the home of her par ents, llr. and Mrs. George Clip fell. Mrs. Harlcy has just re turned from the new tribes mis sion at Fouls Springs, Calif., and expects to be placed as a mission ary. Marine Lt. Col. Carl W. Hoffman holds his composi tion, "Esprit de Corps March," winner of $1,000 in ASCAP'S armed forces competition. Amity Pancake Supper Pancake, Raoa, f.u teffee All ye-u tan flge 12 or under 4Vt Middle Grove School S.lOt 1 1. M. - fforch S AMITY The Baptist Woman's Mission circle met with Mrs. liar. Old (Tom) Pickett Friday after noon, rets. Z7, with Mrs. W. H. Loop presiding. The nominating committee for March will be Mrs. M. G. Leh man; Mrs.. A. W.. Newby, and Mrs. Kathryn Henderson. , Mrs. Pickett was lesson leader. Mrs. M. H. Preddy will be the March hostess. Mrs. Netle A. Tovey. Amltv. died at i McMinnville hospital Feb. 26. Funeral service was conducted at the First Methodist church of Amity Tuesday, at 1:30 p.m. Interment was in Amity cemetery. The 1934 Red Cross Drive got underway Monday, March 1, with Mrs. J. It. Panek, local chairman. Co workers are. Mesdames Harry Wilcox, luak Bantsari, Rupert Christcnsrn, 'Herman I'.rutke, Marvin DeKarvr, Marvel Smith, Ernest Ititacca, and Richard 41c Kee. Yamhill county is expect ed to raise $15,000 during March. Myrtle Circte No. W Neigh bors of Woodcraft, was host to a district if mwtiog recently. Filty-e:gbl members inm Port- bifid circle bartered a bus to fend the altair; VIA tititors and wn Un attrnded. Silverton Buena Vista Talbot SILVERTON J. Carey Moore will be toastmaster, and Quintin Estell, T.T., at the Thurs day, March 4, 7 o'clock break fast at Toncy's. Speakers and evaluators in clude Mill Baum, Harry Carson, A. L. V. Smith, William Iron and G. B. Arrington, Rholin Coolcy, R. A. Fish, Dick Hartley, G. E. Anderson; E. T. M., Han son; and T. K. Bloch. Marion AeJu AAt - VhM'f I ttmmm phefei Tertmitelor Mully Monroe, Jaot Buttell ( Future "Vlf.KI" Jeanne train, Jean Peters NOW PLAYING . -BACKflOME A ALSO k I I Joan Fontaine f j "Flight to Tangier" y MARION The Hume Exten sion unit met at the home of Mrs. Herman DeLangh for an all-day meeting. The subject was "Keeping up with Textiles." The riemonstrater was Pauline Schaplowskv. Mrs. M. II. Robbins, Mrs. Even nirer and Mrs. DeLangh reported on the landscaping meeting they attended. A no-host luncheon was served at nunn tn Mrs. Howard Clark, Mr. George MrCoy. Mrs. M. H. Rnbbins, Mrs. C. Vaughn, Mrs. I.rnler Cook, Mrs. D. McGill, Mrs. F. Pliler, Mrs. Warren Gray, , Mrs. ('. Evensiger, Nora Plckard, Mrs. Nevelt, Mrs. Glasgow Paul ine Srhaplowiky and Mrs. l.e I.nKh. Saturday night a card parly was held at the home of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Fred Schermacher. Winning ' high scores were Art Page and Mrs. Lre Smith, low went to Mrs. : Art Page and Lee Smith. ' Johnnie Wilson, son of Mr. i and Mrs. Gary Wilson, has re- ! turned home from the hospital. Johnnit swallowed about 15 as pirin tablets. Ladles of Farmers Union met at the hall recently and spent the day cleaning. Mr. and Mrs. F.mll Schermach er and granddaughter spent a Joseph French of Welch St. is a patient in a Portland hospital, having undergone emergency surgery. Mrs. French is in Port land during her husband's hos pitalization, as house guest at the home of their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James Botten and four sons, of Lebanon, were recent house guests for two .days at the Silverton home of Botten's parents, the John Bnttcns. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern arc beginning the construction of a new home on a large lot at the foot of East Hill in East Main and Third streets. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Older- burg of Salem were Monday vis itors at the Harvey Vance home. Guests Wednesday at the Rav Church home for dinner and a social hour were Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wilgus of Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hanson of Silverton have been assisting in inc care ot his mother, Mrs. E. E. Hanson, who is showing' im provement at her Salem home. A. R. Mann and son. Lee. re cently from Council Bluffs, now of Beaverton, recently visited lo cal relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Salher are announcing the birth of their first great-grandchild, a daugh ter, in Corvallis, to Mr. and Mrs. Duane Roison, Feb. 28. The Adolph Johansons have returned from a recent visit in Eugene with the famil of their soil, Clarence. Mervin Dullum, son of the Ray llullums of Silverton, is now chief engineer of the re cently merged Chicago and Southern Delta Air Lines, assum ing his new duties at Montego Buy. Jamaica, to where the fam ily has now moved. BUENA VISTA Mr. and Mrs. j Charles Wiley of Portland visited HI Hie IIMIIIt- VI .1. -. ni'uviawu and H. J. Steele Thursday. The children of Buena Vista are having a skating party in In dependence on March 10. Pink and blue showers were given for Mrs. Larry Garderner Saturday evening and one for Mrs. Jack McDaniel Friday eve ning. For the next two Sundays at the Methodist church, teams from Willamette university will con duct the services in the absence of the regular minister, Rev. Wire, who is on vacation. The election held Wednesday at the hall for joining with the Independence Cemetery associa tion was favored by 33 to 1. A new building of cement blocks is being constructed in Buena Vista for the rural fire truck, just east and south of the Methodist church. Mr. aid Mrs. W. W. Grieb and daughter, Candy, of White Sal mon, Wash., were week-end guests at the Elza Long home. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber attended the Grange supper in Monmouth Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cavilee are the parents of a son, Donald Ray, -born Feb. 22. The child weighed four pounds. Mrs. Cav ilee returned home Wednesday, but the baby will be at the hos pital for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bride drove to Lebanon Sunday to see i her sister, Mrs. P. J. Vandehey, wno is seriously ill. Later they called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mocrsh there. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Wells were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dctcring and Ar den. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withrotv spent Sunday at the Frank Morse home in Canby and in the eve ning at Albany they visited their daughter, Mrs. Bill Bacon, who has just returned home from the hospital. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hultman were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hukari and Mr. and Mrs. R. Norman Hukari of Hood River. They and Mr. and Mrs. Hultman attended the basketball game in Corvallis Saturday eve ning between Oregon State and University of Oregon.- i ' TALBOT Sidney-Talbot Farm ers Union meeting was held in the Talbot school house Friday night with Vice President Jake Gilmour presiding. Mary McNallie led the flag salute. Enos Nelson was song leader. Mrs. Hattie Gilmour, Ifrs. Nancy Davidson and Mrs. Paul ine furnidge were appointed on the flower committee. The national vice president, Herb Roth was introduced by Bill Jensen. At the March 12 meeting Ardis Okey of Corvallis will talk on her trip to Switzerland. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gilmour and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Loftus are on. the refreshment committee for the next meeting. Mrs. Jake Gilmour and Mrs. Ernest Freeman served lunch Friday night at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Jake Gilmour entertained with a Birthday party for her husband Thursday night at their home. Four tables of cards were in play during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stevens of Culver are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freeman. I Qua tot 4 CONttRI ARTISTS AT v 4 CONCERT ARAMS s mna m r mm Monday, March 15 Salern'High Auditorium, 8:15 p. m. Reserved Seats, 2.40 3.00 Unreserved Student, 1.80 Tickets at STEVENS & SON McCarthy calls hearing WASHINGTON' WV-Sen. McCar thy (R-Wisi called a public hear ing today in his search for evi dence ol Communist ping at the V. S. Telecommunications Labora tories at Nulley, N. J. few days in Washington visiting at the home of Mrs. Schermach er's sister, Clara Renfrew. Mr. and Mr. H. E. Walt and family of Oak Ridge were re cent guesls at the Herman De Langh home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barhef of Oak Ridge, Ore, were over night guesls at the home of Mr. and Mn. M. II. Robbins. f SALEM 20-30 CLUB SPONSORS C j ft?. fakrU j I MARCH 18, 8:00 P.M. I i Parrish Junior High School Auditorium I Professional New York Cast 1 1 . Direct From New York 1 I To Salem ... J f TICKETS ON SALE AT STEVENS & SON'S C B Reserved Adm. $1.75 - Gen. Adm. $1.25 K Friendly Farm "1 Now Serving Delicious ijl ji Fried Chicken Dinners $1.45 Also Try Our Delicious Dinners To Go. Spec. Box 9St Deluxe $1.35 17..: II.. I1,.-... Sundays I- I IPflfJI V M f 1 1 Iff. J2 Noon , Weekdays 5 P. M. to 9 P. M. Closed Mon. and Tue. 1 Miles N. of Salem en Hi-Way 99-E 7 P. M. Phone 2-9318 FlAMINt PASSIONS a VIOUNCI IN LUSTY, LAWLESS RORttl AH hell Hi malt hanartd picture el the yw...ntminlt lw Acadamy Awerdl MOM nil William theaaieeeri't JULIUS CAESAR atantitf MARLON BRANDO JAM 18 MASON JOHN OIELGUD LOUIS CALHERN EDMOND O'BRIEN GREER OARSON vi m :xrr no p,llli t GREEK OARSON 1 rjUP I DEBORAH KERR N M Sarah lIT .1 J STARTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 NOW 'LAYING p."-- tw GLENN Miller V I-... fiMRV flMCt! IMCTOIO lOlHi WMIHODC -I'lllv Short Stihjert 'TIIHV WF.RK MIAMI'S" Plus News Cartoon Prlrei This KnRagement Only Adults 11.00 NOW PLAYINGI Feature 1:45 - 4:30 7:0.1 9:4.1 Thrill to a New VeMM tn EntertaliMMMl CinemascofE Prlrra Thin Shim. Adult St.Ii , Children :0t Alt "Merry Wlvra nf H indor" And COLOR CARTOON SAVE SAFELY EARN MORE SAVINGS BUILDING Savings at First Federal Are: $AFE-Eich nven fundi ere Insured lo $10,000. AvAILABLE-No waiting years for ' full earnings. FlBST-U federally chartered end supervised. EARNINGS-Are 'i to 1 more. Current Rate On Savings Savings Rec'd by Feb. 10th Earn from Feb. 1st SAVE WHERE SAVING PAYS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION 129 No. Commercial Phone 2-4944 $aving Centers al the ioot of the Bridge West Salem Mile North of the Underpass Salem Open Every Day ... 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. PRICES GOOD FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY Red Snapper Lb. 29c SALMON SMELT OYSTERS Lb firyC Lb. 19c Pint Sirloin Steak Swiss Steak Boiling Beef Lb. Lb. 45c POKE SAUSAGE Limit NUCOA 2 lbs. Large Mb. package RITZ CRACKERS 29 Norton's Shaker SALT Pc Plain or Iodized mums 2lk No. 1 Fruit 50-lb. sack POTATOES 69c Deichutet No. 2 RADISHES & GR. ONIONS 3 bunches 10 11 TTUCE 3 Heads 25 L I