Thursday, March 4, 1 954 THE CAPITAL JOTTPVAL. Salem. Oregw. Page 17 ' Attempt to Bar Mum. Liberty Street-Court Street We Givt and Redeem Z?K Green Stamps OPEN FRIDAY NITES Til Testimony Fails tempt to block testimony hv Hni. 1 .1 61U ak lne neus miins, laiieo wednes' Houston' inn....... .. . V. -t-f Btivc was greet ed by Mrs. Evelyn Cooper, law yer for groups favoring construc tion of the proposed federal Hells ruan.y0M Ham' wllh the "atement w.v nat waste of time and an attempt to inject t t-uiiiuaiug waumony into the rec ord." Houston nffnroH avkiUIi. . ing the building of three dams in j mver Deiween Idaho and Oregon rather than the single federal sructure. The Idaho Pow er Co.. has applied for a permit iu luiiu me inree dams. William .1 fnctniu hon.i.. naming miner, rejected Mrs. Cooper's objection and ordered the exhibits Af mittAll la ...1.1 k. nuiuuicu 111 cviuence. Mrs. uoop er then waived cross-examination 01 nuusion. Water Committee Hears Problems ROSEBURG un - The Slate Water Resources Committee heard a different set of problems dis cussed here Wednesday as it con tinued its tour of Western Oregon, seeking data for a water develop ment program. The major problems here, speak ers told the committee, are flood ing and silt in streams. G. N. Riddle, former state rep resentative from Riddle and a member of the South Douglas Con servation Assn., said flooding could he reduced by planting cutover timber land with grass. The seed could" come from government stockpiles purchased under support programs, he said. G. Lloyd Hayes, director of the Siskiyou-Cascade research center of the U. S. Forest Service, said more reforestation and more con trol over the location of logging roads would solve both problems. The additional trees would re duce flooding and controlling the drainage from mountain logging roads would reduce the amount of silt in streams, he said. Speakers also recommended con struction of a multi-purpose dam on the South Umpqua River and creation of a permanent State Wa ter Resources Commission. : ROTC Commandant ; Leaves for Meeting ? Lt. Col. Norman W. Todd, com ; mandant of the Willamette uni ' versity air force ROTC detach : ment, left Thursday for Mont gomery, Ala., where he will at- tend a national conference for professors of air science and tactics, March 8-10. An airlift for commanding of- ficeri from AFROTC units in Oregon and Washington assem bled at McChord air force base, from i where they are flying to Montgomery via San Bernardino and San Antonio. They will re turn March 11 via Denver, Colo. Over 200 professors of air sci ence and tactics from colleges and universities throughout the country, Hawaii and Puerto Rico will participate in the annual ,. meeting. Pedee PEDEE Mr. and Mrs. Roland Trueaux were hosts Friday eve ning to the members of the EUB church choir. Howard Berry and daughter, Mrs. James Hoxit, spent the week-end at the home of his brother-in-law, Debncy Arnold, and afmily, near Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ronco of Newberg, Mrs. A. B. Lyday, Jr., Vickey and Jimmic, of Kings Val ley, Mrs. C. R. McCormack were Sunday visitors at the Paul Ronco home. The Roncos came to see their new granddaughter, Mar garet Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Cummins, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kcrber and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cates, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank at tended the 4-H club leaders din ner at Dallas Monday evening. Mrs. Cates, Mr. Kcrber and Mr. Cummins are leaders of local 4-H clubs. , Thirty members and guests ot the Pedee community church, at tended a fellowship dinner and program at Nohlgren's in Salem Friday evening: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Burbank, Lyle and Eldon, of Portland, spent from Friday until Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Over and family. On Sat urday Mrs. Burbank, Mrs. Dyer and Greta visited Mrs. J. W. Mc Cormack at Dallas. Mrs. Kenneth Storey and small son. Ken, of Battleground, Wash., spent several days the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick VanDenBnsch. On Thursday they visited Mrs. Thcra Womer, Mrs. William Condson and Mrs.C. L. Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guyer of Lebanon were week-end guests of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Condion and family, and helped Billy Ray Condion cele brate his third birthday. Mrs. S. P. Yates and Mi George McCormack of Salem were hostesses for the Woman club Wednesday. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Amos, ana vice president, Mrs. Ronco, Mrs. William Pease conducted the bus iness meeting. Mrs. Yates and Mrs. McCormack were appointed to obtain curtain material for new curtains for the hall. P??.10X!Jf JIRItCIIAXTS ASSOCIATION IMIESEXTS OTTO 1 s 1 -y ""'""'tk ' "..2 v M fraanu. iii v" Ny n, ' L SPECIAL TRADE-IN SALE LIMITED OFFER f g H 39' Popular 49c 7 FOR YOUR OLD WASHER REGARDLESS OF CONDITION TRADE-IN ON THIS FAMOUS Regular 129.95 Trade-in 30.00 Wringer Washer 99 95 You pay NO DOWN PAYMENT on our approved credit as little as $5 a month Roberts Appliances, Downstairs America's most popular General Electric wringer washer holds 8 fiounds of clothes, lets you se ect any washing time up to 15 minutes . . . has famoui "activa tor" three-zone washing action . . . one-control wringer with re silient balloon rolls; powerful Sump empties tub In less than minutes. Come In today! VALUES TO 5.951 CHILDREN'S SHOES Special Selection of oxfords and straps $ AA popular children's sizes. Special purchase! All leather. Mm WW Shoes Downstairs 99c REG. 1.99, CHILDREN'S FELT SLIPPERS Limited quantity, various colors with contrasting trim, zipper closure. Sizes 5 to 3. Shoes Downstairs REG. VALUES TO 7.95 -WOMEN'S SHOES A large selection of odds and ends; broken sizes; $Q QQ oxfords, strops, casuals; vorious colors; reduced for mi Fw quick sale. Shoes Downstairs SPECIAL PURCHASEI CHILDREN'S T-SHIRTS A special Assortment of T Shirts in Assorted Colors. iO Sizes 1 to 6. Regular $1 value if perfect. OC Children's Downstairs 26.45 FITTED ELECTRIC BLANKETS Single control; full bed size. Contour fit 1 ft ftft dot snop fasteners. Rose, blue, hunter green. I r ww Domestics Downstairs FLOUR SACK DISH TOWELS Reg. 39c eo. Heavy, absorbent, excellent for glasses dishes. 36x36" squares; A $1 hemmed; ready to use. "I for I Domestics Downstairs 1.69-2.95 DRAPERY FABRICS Printed foilles, solid homespuns, multi-cords an tique satin! 10 to 50-yd. lengths. 45", 48" wide. I yd. Draperies Third Floor SATIN LINED JEWEL CHEST Ivory, rose, blue! Lid is hond-tooled in gold; has special section for earrings. Accessories Main Floor NEWI 18" SILK SQUARES Worth 69c. Exquisite colors, lovely patterns! Pretty for suits, sweaters, blouses. " Accessories Main Floor SPECIAL! INFANTS CRIB BLANKETS Soft, worm cotton in oppeoling pastel shades. size regular 69c value. Limited quantity. ' Each . Infants Downstairs REDUCED! INFANTS CRIB SHEETS Fitted crib sheets assures perfect comfort; snowy white percale compare OO regular $1.69 quality! 77C Infants Downstairs REDUCED! FIELDCREST LAP ROBES Regular $10.95. Part wool, multicolor ploids satin bound all around. ' $yi ftft Large 76x90 size. ? TF W Domestics Downstairs ' SPECIAL SALE! MEN'S. SPORT SOX Perfect quality men's sox in a large color and pattern selection. o9c pr. value. Shop today! . ' Pair Men's Main Floor CLEARANCE! MEN'S SWEATSHIRTS Values to $1.95. Large, full cut, fleece lining, gray shades. Popular sizes limited quantity. Men's Main Floor , MEN'S SUMMER WEIGHT JACKETS Regular $12.95 values. Light shades for spring wear. Sizes 36 to 42. &. ftft Men's Main Floor . SPECIAL! BOYS' BROWN JEANS Those brand new, popular brown jeans for boys at a low price! Sizes 4 to 12. ' $ QQ Riveted at points of strain. I 0 ' Boys Main Floor REGULAR 19.95 ONEIDA SILVERWARE Famous Oneida, double overlay silverware . $ft QQ in a special pattern. 32-pc. set, service for 6. WWW Housewares Court Street SPECIAL PURCHASE! TOILET PAPER Compare regulor 8c per roll! Famous name brand you will recognize in a second. Housew. . -c Court Street REGULAR $4 SHOPPING CART A speciol new item! Metal frame, collops- $ QQ ible for easy storage. Rubber tire wheels. A7Q Housewares Court Street SPECIAL PURCHASE! BOYS SOX A selection of orqyle patterns and solid colors. Oft ' Complete size asst. Values to 69c pr. Pr. mf W C Boys Main Moor PART WOOL FIELDCREST BLANKET Would be 9.95 if perfect. Worm, heavy weight. Snow white, satin bound. J OO 72x90 size for full beds. Wi77 Domestics Main Floor 25c 99c Special purchase! 16 alls 79c VtjvV IT'S SEW AND SAVE, NEEDLE AND THREAD TIME AGAIN! 1 beautiful PACIFIC prints! SPp) USUALLY 59c IF NOT QUALITY STYLED PRINTS MkJPDlJW ELEGANT 80-SQ. PERCALE f &C$f) SPECIALLY PURCHASED , HOST OF DIVINE COLORS , Cfy'w V F1 You'll have to feel the quality , . . see the VlT'y iSi".'' nb" W4$&yx f fW O ' excilin8 P"nt to know what an excellent Owwgf- V-. iFv(?$vrV J J If " buy you're getting! Host of new colors on fa- i iCJL '!tvj- Ty, Jsii&'V W mous 8fsq, percale . . . all guaranteed fast jjm bJJ)r SifcL V Hi ll co'or n(' completely washable. Whip up cheer- tfY -iffifaffyl 'k j Jill new curt'ni bedspreads, pillow cases for aSwiJV B V$fo y 0Ur lomC ' ' ' a,rcs'c'' ,Pron "kirts, blous- vfl3'?T-''"IyS'o es, etc., for yourself. 36" wide. - .k.v.y"VV ; J 5 - f 1 , v I l V if ; F N In n 1 i - ' !? Special Purchase! $1.35, If Perfect Sheer, Sheer NYLON HOSE (6 pr. $3.50) Bought months ago for this great downtown sale! Sheer, sheer 60 gauge hose in 15 denier, and 51 gauge,' 30 denier gosamer wisps of sheerest beautyl Popular spring shades in complete size range! Buy for gifts, or self wear! All average lengths. HOSIERY - MAIN FLOOR CLEARANCE! LADIES COATS Ope Group, values to $35; odd lots; broken sizes. Asst. colors. Just a few so come early. y 1 , Fashions Second Floor REDUCED! LADIES SPORTSWEAR Skirts, blouses, weskits; broken sizes; values to 7.95; odd lots; discontinued numbers. . .-, Sportswear Second Floor . REDUCEDI LADIES FOUNDATIONS One selection of discontinued numbers of famous name garments; broken sizes; girdles, bras. Foundations Second Floor SPECIAL PURCHASEI LADIES PANTIES A special seldction of trimmed and tailored panties; new pastel shades; all sizes. Lingerie Main Floor VALUE TO 1.69 -SPRING PRINTS 100 denier prints in beautiful patterns. Perfect fabric for the new spring dresses.' Fabrics Mezzanine 1 79c VALUE -NEW SPRING TAFFETA A beoutiful selection of new spring colors; fine count fabrics at a new low price. anncs mezzanine 69c VALUE -EMBOSSED COTTONS Prints and solid colors; perfect washability; Fruit of the Loom fabrics. For dresses, housecoats. Fabrics Mezzanine SPRING SELECTION! CONE DENIM A large selection of all the new shades. Washable solid colors; for sport clothes, drapes. raorics jqezzamne SLUMBER QUEEN PERCALE SHEETS Large 81x108 double bed size. Type 180 percale in white. 72x1 08.... $2.29 yift ,...49e A.tT . Domestics Downstairs REG. 2.98 GARMENT BAGS Holds 16 garments. Quilted plastic front, $1 AQ full zipper, asst. colors. Speciol purchase. I f W Notions Memnlne $14.99 3.99 v. . m price 39c 88C yd. 59C yd. 49c 1 59C yd. Cases. REG. 149.95, 5-PC. DINING SET . . . CHOICE BLOND OR DARK MAHOGANY 9( mm Traditional Duncan Phyfe extension toble closed MS measures 26x40"j open is 54x40"; end with the extra ' leaves extends to a big 68x40". Four matching chairs are upholstered in attractive coverinqs. Beautiful ma hogany veneers are rubbed to a wondrous lustre. Furniture, Second Fleer )