4 i V .13 1 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Thursday, March '4, 1954 DOWN UNDER CURTSIES I t - "' 0 ' ry' V A1 oih 1 ' f. i v i JTW It's a night to be remembered in far-off Tasmania as the touring Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh attend a civic bajl in their honor at the Hobart city hail. The ladies of the Australia island, dressed in their finest for the social event of a lifetime, curtsey to the smiling queen as she leaves the . affair with the Duke of Edinburgh behind her. (AP Wirephoto) Four Puerto R icons Indicted by Grand Jury WASHINGTON UV-Four Puerto Ricans accused of wounding five congressmen in a wild outburst of pistol fire in the House chamber were under indictments today that carry a possible total sentence of 75 years imprisonment. hep. Alvin M. Bentloy (R-Mich), the most gravely injured of the legislators, was still in serious con dition, but no longer on the criti cal list. The others were improv ing. Federal prosecutors and a grand Jury took little more than the min imum time yesterday to go over the evidence on Monday's shooting. U.S. Atty. Leo A. Rover used six witnesses, including one member of Congress, Hep. Paul W. Shafcr (R-Mich), to present the case in one hour and 45 minutes. Almost immediately afterward the grand jury voted indictments charging assault with intent to kill CLUTCHING TOP and assault with a dangerous weapon against Mrs. Lolita Lebron, 34; Irving Flores Rodriguez, 28: Andres F. Cordero, 29, and Ra fael C. Miranda, 25. All were held in $100,000 bail each. Police said al! but Rodrieuez naa conicssea. Koariguez was not seized at the Capitol, but later at a buj station. Rep. Shafer told newsmen, before he testified at the closed grand jury session, that ne coma identify Rodriguez as one of the quartet involved in the shooting. jjie snooting had repercussions last night in Havana and Chicago. In Havana, Cuban military in telligence officers arrested for questioning Juan Juarbes, foreign affairs secretary of the Puerto Rican Nationalist parly. They also seized another Nationalist, Carlos Padilla Perez. Chicago police picked up five Puerto Ricans in a roundup of local Nationalist leaders. Authori ties there declined to say what furiher action they plan to take. New Paris spring hat ts a flower pattern with beads and pearls and five tendril like grips over forehead. Handbag is of matching material Mayor hsk$hk Jo Seek Guidance Mayor Al Loucks in proclaim ing MarcH 5 as a day of prayer, urges "everyone to pause in their work for one minute, to ask that God give us that hope that is in Jesus Christ, .light to guide us, courage to support us, and love to unite us." The mayor points out that f'therc are conditions of tension and un certainty in the world today, and it is recognized that the many problems confronting us can be solved only with the help of Al mighty God." The human reaction which causes gooscflcsh is the same as that in animals when the hair stands up because of fear or anger. Oil Sought in Fraser Delia VANCOUVER. B.C. (fl - Ex plorati- drilling for oil in the Fras.- River delta of British Co lumbia is expected to start soon. it was announced here Wednesday. Frank Yeomans, a city real estate agent, said four exploratory wells are, planned in a $600,000 on-hunting project to be financed by two Vancouver businessmen and' Glasscock Drilling Co. of Corpus Christi, Texas. He added that no stock was being offered for sale. Final approval of permits to drill some 100,000 offshore acres around Roberts Bank, Boundary Bay and the banks of the Fraser is expected shortly, Yeomans said. Yeomans said the backers hope 10 discover on or natural gas at from 8,000 to 10,000 feet. Text of President's Statement on McCarthy WASHINGTON I - The text of President Eisenhower's statement Wednesday on the Stevens-McCarthy episode: I want first to make a few com ments about the Peress case. 1. The Department of the Army made serious errors in handling the Peress case and the secretary of the Army so stated publicly, al most a month ago. 2. The Army is correcting Its procedures to avoid such mistakes in the future. I am completely con fident that Secretary Stevens will be successful in this effort. -3. Neither in this case, nor in any other, has any person in the executive branch been authorized to suggest that any subordinate, for any reason whatsoever, violate his convictions or principles or submit to any kind of personal humiliation when testifying before congressional committees or else where. In a more general sense I have certain observations to make. They are: 1. We must be unceasingly vigi lant in every phase of govern mental activity to make certain that there is no subversive pene tration. I 2. In opposing communism, we are dclcaung ourselves u euncr by design or through carelessness, we use methods that do not con form to the American sense of justice and fair play. 3. The conscience of America will clearly discern when we are exercising proper vigilance with' out being unfair. That conscience reflected in the body of the United States Congress. We can be certain that its members will re spnnd to America's convictions and beliefs in this regard. Here I must repeat something that I have often stated before, The ultimate responsibility for he conduct of all parts of the execu- tive branch of the government rests with the President of the United States. That responsibility cannot be delegated to another branch of government. It is, of course, likewise the responsibility of the President and his associates account for their stewardship of public affairs. All of us recognize the public servants who are ap pearing before him. In the tradi tion of such mutual respect I grew up in the governmental service. It is that tradition that I intend that the executive branch will observe and apply as long as I hold my present office. I have only a few additional comments. They are made in the belief that they conform to the conscience of the American people and to our understanding of jus tice, right and governmental re sponsibility. . First, all of us know that our military services and their leaders Albany Motel Changes Hands ALBANY The Willamette Mo tel of six units with 'ivinz quar ters, situated on Highway 99 at the junction with the Albany air port road, has been sold through a local rer-1 estate agency, by Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Baxter, to Mr. and Mis. John Mazachek, of acio. 'ine motet property was valued at $47,900. Involved in the deal was the transfer of the Mazachek down town garage property, occupied by the Bob McCallum garage, a restaurant and apartments in the acio business district. The Mazacheks plan to devel op the motel property. the right of the people to know how we are meeting this responsi bility and the congressional right to inquire and . investigate into every phase of our public opera tions. Manifestly, in a government such as ours, successful service to 160 million people demands a true spirit of cooperation among the several branches of government, especially between the executive and the legislative branches. Real cooperation is possible only in an atmosphere of mutual respect. I spent many years in the Army, during the course of which I some times appeared before committees of the Congress. In all that time I never saw any individual of the Army fail to render due and com plete respect to every member of Congress with whom duty brought him in contact.- In all that time, I never saw any member of Con gress guilty of disrespect toward FREE Accordian furnished for 6 weeks while you learn The Music Center In the Capitol Shopping Center Aluminum Roofing Lasts i Lifetime Costs Much Less See Your Local Dealer. Willamette Aluminum Co. 3035 Portland M. Ph. 2 8058 WKTOW NLM MkllCAIIT AkxOCIATlVn lt(TI rat r.iillri I llll ; A.)JI1li frflr vav i vw'i' -a vv OF J VALUES! BABY BROWNIE CAMERAS Kodak's Famous Camera FOR KIDS Reg. $3.93 Spring Festival Special While They Last 3 Rolls of Film end Camera BOTH for ONLY $2.69 s4ncu Fosters da Your SifC Green Stamp Camera Store 174 hi. Commercial Open Fri. Til 9 nwTowN sal km Htm hat soriAiio. rmson F J V AMES! FREE DEMONSTRATION! W 7 J J 1 1 iL Now ... a New NECCHI for Only $9895 FREE! ROSE BUSH JUST FOR COMING! IN OUR STORE j Plus a useful tewing aid and Good j j Housekeeping idce-pecked Sewing Booklet j Get Your FREE Tickets For The Big Spring Festival Prizes at Our Store VACUUM CLEANER CLINIC AND 455 Court St. SEWING CENTER 500 Guests Flee From Hotel Fire BOSTON Wl Approximately 500 Euests fled from the Parker House, three of them down ladders, when fire swept the fifth floor of the 14-story hotel in the heart of down town Boston early today. Joseph C. Fitzeerald. 47. of Cor al Gables, Fla., was reported to be the only casualty. He was taken toCity Hospital suffering minor burns and smoke inhalation after firefighters assist ed him down a ladder from the fifth floor. His condition was re ported as "not serious." Bennett A. Hartley, 39. Balti more, Md., and Gordon Shllinglaw, 27, Yonkers, N. Y.. were also helped down ladders. Hartley, an engineering consult ant with Bethlehem Steel, said he climbed onto a ledge outside his window. Police In a passing cruiser, ap parently unaware there was a fire in the hotel, took him into tem porary custody after firefighters brought him down and questioned him in the mistaken belief he had been trying to commit suicide, he said. Deputy Fire Chief Edward Gaughan estimated damage at $4,500. He said the fire started among decorative jewelry stacked in boxes on the fifth floor corridor in preparation for asales show. The U. S. marriage rale in 1953 was about 9.7 per 1,000 of population compared with about 9.8 per 1,000 of population in 1952. i have always been completely loyal and dedicated public servants, singularly free of suspicion of dis loyalty. Their courage and their devotion have been proved in peace as well as on the battle fields of war. America is proud of them. I am certain that no one in any governmental position wants to have his own utterances inter preted as questioning the lasting debt that all of us as Americans owe to the officers and enlisted men and women of the armed services. In this tribute to the services, I mean to include Gen. Zwicker, who was decorated for gallantry in the field. ' Second, except where the inter ests of the nation demand other wise every governmental employee in the executive branch, whether civilian or in the armed forces, is expected to respond cheerfully and completely to the requests of the Congress and its several commit tees. In doing so it is, of course, assumed that they will be ac corded the same respect and cour tesy that I require that they show to the members of he legislative body. Officials in the executive branch of the government will have my unqualified suppor in in sisting that employees in the exec utive branch who appear before any type of- executive or congres sional investigative body be treat ed lairly. Third. Obviously, it Is the re sponsibility of the Congress to see to it mat its procedures are proper and fair. I, of course, expect the Republican membership of the Congress to assume the primary responsibility in this respect, since they are of the majority party, and, therefore, control the commit tees. I am glad to state that Sen. Knowland has reported to me that effective steps are being taken by the Republican leadership to set up codes of fair procedures. Fourth. There are problems fac ing this nation today of vital im portance. They are both foreign and domestic in character. Thev affect the individual and collective future of all of us. The views of myself and my associates on these matters have been outlined in the proposals on legislation we have submitted to the Congress. Thev deserve the undivided and inces sant attention of the Congress, of the executive branch, of the public information media of our nation. of our schools, and even of our churches. I regard it as unfortu nate when we arc diverted from these grave problems ot wnicn one is vigilance against any kind of internal subversion through disregard of the standards of fair play recognized by the American people. These incidents are all the more useless and unfortunate in view of the basic dedication of every loyal American to the pres.' ervation and advancement of America's safety, prosperity and well-being. ''- tCTTVVi i i a t i it . r b k si t T WSl 111 U1l VALl'ESJ It's Fun - It's Easy ; Learn to Play the Instrument of Your Choice JOIN SALEM MUSIC CO's. "Spring Festival Music Club" Full 10 Weeks Trial ) O Course. Private Lessons Once Each Week. Professional Teachers Inst nimintt Fur nished for Home and Studio Use. Band Experience (soon as eligible). Credit Allowance on completion of course. mm YOUR CHOICE: ACCORDION CLARINET SAXOPHONE 'PIANO CORNET FLUTE DRUMS , TRUMPET TROMBONE Extra charge for delivery of piano. REGISTER NOW AT Only per week k $10.00 Enrollment Fee I 1 o IALXM. MMOM 113 U. Ht& H Across From Elsinore Theatre 155 No. Liberty YS SS Phone 1-3191 Open Friday Till 9 p.m. v. ArI (j V- V ALU Bit (6L Hundreds erf yards cat-priced fox JiM Wards DraDerv Fabric Sal J&Wi j Shop At SALE 48-CTICH DRAPERY FABRICS IN FLORALS, SCENICS, PROVINCIALS. BARK AND PEBBLE COTTON? Values to 2.39 1.44 pw yon A Wg borgam-de mm lr-,Y, yow opporhJtv Krve on fine quality fabrics. But hurry fer a comply selection. Patterns are eyecatchina. ru..ii ... to pve your home on unKu . i. . . . .. . . , , ". smart ob--c, ponn, feo pot, hm .d.ds, perfect in Hadt)tonol Wardi Friday Night Till 9 P.M. ,v 0 - t. t: i