Thursday, March 4, 1954 'Mobile Coif' Latest in National Hair-do Week THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregron Pae IS WASHINGTON (UP)-There are . 82 weeks in the year and on the ..Department of Commerce calen dar, every one is special. Somehow, I passed over one of "51? ?Vlteuw,ee! which is "'led ''National Hair-do Week." At my ape, my top-knot will notstnnS too much doing so I plumb over fly UARMAN W. NICHOLS say, is the "mobile (nif ' I move around a lot and I looked up mobile" in my Webster and says right there that the word means "something that occasions movement, or action." I had a talk with Philip Parker of Gary, Ind.. who was chairman loo rnucn aoing so I plumb over- , ,u wn was chairman .looKed the special significance of ?! f national hair-do seven-days, last week. f" described a mobile coif as "a .last week. ( , oui me laoies like the idea, and .so here is the latest for the gals laccording to the 27,000 beauty ex. perls in the counry. The "big news,!' so the curlers Var Veteran Leaps to Death LOS ANGELES 11 A man who plunged to his death Wednesday from a Good Samaritan Hospital balcony was Identified by police as Ashley J. Kelley, 28, discharged from the Army, last year as a second lieutenant. i Officers said names, and addres ses found on his person were R W Kelley, 2311 W. Broad St., Spo i kane, Wash., and Mrs. Katherine Kelley, 705 S. Fourth St., Hamil ton, Mont. . Kelley was not a patient and was not seen entering the hospital. Of ficers said cigarette stubs were found on both, the sixth and ninth floor balconies, indicating he had stood hesitantly for a time on both floors. , Eight cents in change, several pawn tickets, employment ad clip pings and a bus ticket stub indi cating he had left Spokane Feb. 19 were found in Kelley's pocket. Officers said a note in his pocket read: "The reason? War, crime, ex convict. Father's suicide. Mother's grief. Wife's desertion. Child's death. Alcoholism. Insanity. For all things you reach the end, and who will care? Courage and cow ardice Neither! It's just a fateful act." PRISON . OAKLAND, Calif, tfl Super ior Judge Donald K. Quayle, yes terday sentenced Richard Bojo, 30, to 1 to 10 years in San Quen tln prison for picking flowers $2,400 worth of azaleas and rho dodendrons from a greenhouse. nair style that is interpreted for each woman's face and personal- . There may be a high bun effect, shell-like scrools or curls, or wisps of half curls tumbling svmmetri cally around the face. The deep flowing side waves may be back swept or forward to flatter the profile and shape of the face. The back may have i U-shaped sweep of gentle curls." That, and a lot of other words, means nothing to a "man who doesn't wear a kink on his noggin. But what is more important than a new hair-fix is the fact that the beautv nnpratnrs oQuA mnra than 215,000 fixes to the unfortu nates confined to hospitals, old folks homes, and asylums during their week. That must have hy poed a lot of egos and spruced up a lot of tried tempers. Hop Market Holds Quiet The market for hops remained seasonally quiet during February, despite a small flurry of trading in 1953 crop seedless hops, re ports the Market News Service of the U. S. department of com merce. Shipper- entered the mar ket during the latter half of the period for spot hops to fill export orders, otherwise the market maintained an inactive tone. Stocks of spot hops from the 1953 Pacific coast crop are now reduced to less than 5,000 bales, according to trade sources. Re maining supplies were in fairly firm bands. , At the first of March, the mar ket for spot hops from the 1933 crop was largely nominal, except for the seedless variety- which sold in a range of 35-40 cents per pound flat. Only limited trading continued in 1954 crop futures with a small volume of seedless clusters sold at 33 cents and seed less at 38 cents, basis 6 per cent leaf and stem content Weather conditions remained mild in the Pacific northwest and hnn nlnnts nnnnrfantlv unntareri well. There has been little or no yard worK done to date out growers were getting machinery in wood working order and mak ing preparation to begin yard activity very soon. Chinchillas for breeding In the United States were first shipped from South America in 1923 and most were used to increase the number of animals, with pelts for furs still relatively scarce. Use Increases of Fluoridated Wafer PORTLAND (UP)-Dr. Lon W. Morrey, editor of the Journal of American Dental Association, yes terday told the annual meeting of the Oregon State Dental Associa tion that fluorldaed water now reaches one out of every five per sons in communities with public Water supplies. .''"' Morrey reported that fluorida tion programs now serve more than 20 million persons. Controlled fluoridation programs are in opera tion in 930 cities and towns, he said. He said he was pleased to note that eight . Oregon communities have started fluoridation programs and eight others have approved the procedure. Coffee was Imported into Colo nial America at least as early as 1670. DONATE BLOOD ., CHICAGO Un Thirty-il Puer to Rlcans last night donated blood to the Hines Veterans "Ad ministration hospital "to. (how the people of Chicago that we, too, were horrified" by Monday's House of Representatives shoot-, ing in Washington. I U. S. fur farms produced aboMt 2's million mink skins in 1953. - M r ivfi , mj i ii m j CHANGING PARTNERS SECRET LOVE ir OH MY PAPA STRANGER IN PARADISE .THAT'S AMORE Ik VALVES! HEART OF MY HEART J GET SO LONELY ; MAKE LOVE TO ME ir WOMAN RAGS TO RICHES Downstairs Oregon Bldg. 1S5 No. liberty . Phont i-3191 , .. him .axis. jSl OF J , VALUES! BUY NOW ON LAY-AWAY '1 Holds Your Suit Until April 8 39.95 42.95 Choote from Wards new oMOrtment of fine oil-wool fobrie-long-wearing wor steds, smooth flonnels, rugged tweeds, handwme gobordines-in the newel shade! ond pottemi. All expertly tai lored. Come in now for complete selection. Favorites with younger men Hollywood style Suits of rich' looking, color-flecked wool-and-nylon flonnel. In smart tapered one- and two-button models, with high rite pleated pants, long weoring, wrin kle resitting. See these fine Suits now. Shop At Wards Friday Night Till 9 p.m. IIIMVMOIW SALEM MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION PRESENTS kL&ftjXB-'-ifl 7 VALUES! Brown's 21 st Anniversary Open Friday Nights 'Til 9! These Specials Effective For A Limited Time Only During this Anniversary Sale, Brown's Jewelers offer to bring the people of Salem and the Willamette Valley many money sav ing values in Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Appliances, Jew-' elry and other gift items. Free Spring Festival Tickets At Browns Pay Nothing , Down One ..... Year to Pay On Our Approved Credit Plan ENGAGEMENT RING 150 50.00 Wedding Band FREE! Save On Diamonds FREE! Matching Wedding Band With Any Diamond Sold During Our Anniversary Salel DIAMOND SPECIALS REDUCED Vi Men's 1.89 Carat "" S? $74900 Men's Carat Snly$299 Reg. $200.00 ENGAGEMENT RING 100 25.00 Wedding Band FREE! 3 Piece DIAMOND WEDDING SET A 125.00 Value Sale Price 5000 Z 00 Men's Va Carat 9950 Ladies 1 Carat HHS $39900 Ladies Carat $60 Smy 29900 Ladies Yi Carat b!St $19900 Ladies Carat ..nly $9900 All Plus Tax MANY OTHER DIAMOND VAtUES AT BROWN'S ENGAGEMENT OCAOO RING . 33 75.00 Wedding Band Free English BONE CHINA Cups & Saucers Values 1 QQ to 3.50 I OO Other Bone China Cups & Saucers Value to t)l 0 10.00 aIO OFF Men's Gold Rings Great OZ Variety X I O off EMBLEM RINGS INCLUDED 1 Ladies Gold RINGS Hundreds to Choose From 21 O off Wtdding Bands 12-K Gold 15 Both . For ENGAGEMENT RING ' 17500 75.00 Vleiding Band Free i Free Festival Tickets at Brown's Men's and ladle Agate Rings Sterling Mountings 388 Reg. 9.00 BIRTHST0NE RINGS 14 K Gold Mountings 488 Save On Silverware r decorated , Flu Tax REAL VALUES Only Only, 53-Pc. . With Meat Platter and W Silver iCl ChesU Reg. 69.50 On Only, 52-Pc. Community Mi-lady Set 66-Pc. 1881 Rogers Set Reg. mo 52-Pc. Set With Chest Om'eda Community Rogers 4-Pc. Tett Set Reg. 19.50 Silver Plated 12-Inch Bread ImttSft Set of 4 Community Coffee Spoons Reg. Silver Plated Salt and Pepper Shakers Plus Tax English Imported Butter DisliT.uh.,C,,'5Mv8,ue Silver Pleted Creamer & Sugar 7.50. Plus Tax Sterling Candle Holders ,&.' Sterling Compote Plus Tax Sterling Salt and Pepper Shakers Reg. 10.00 Sterling Tea p-u With Tray. 0y Reg. 5.9$ 50 4250 7250 3950 1888 188 I4' l79 488 288 688 588 388 rTrTHSTONE lflYawaYFor DlrvlliJlUriC , Griduiflon . wedding RINGS Mother's Day Reg. to 12.50 Father's Day CARS Birthday and ?5BB e Anniversary Gifts Ladies Watches PSET 17 Jewels Ruff & Tuff Values to 71 .50 39 50 Whil. Th.y Lest AS0 $1 88 SALE X.H Ladies 14-K Gold -sss- LONGINE tbMFWN WRIST WATCH B HlLr ImMl Re' 121 90 JjltM Men's 14-K Gold -Cs Diamond Dial 21 Men's Watches WST watch 17 Jewels 36200 Ul rrVhVv'i.?, Mn',o-onwd,D,2?,bro, While They last WR1ST WAJCH $7T88 Reg. OQ88 I 100.00 7 JEWELRY SPECIALS REAL VALUES Values to 3.50 fkflp Costume Jewelry Plus Tax Chokers Earrings Bracelets Broaches . Specials - Values to 4.50 21 Costume Jewelry 1-2-3 Strand PearlS Values to J.50 98c RHINESTONE NECKLACES 6.50 088 4.50 Values O Values Gold Filled Crosses Reg. 4.50 Gold Filled Lockets Values to 10.95 JEWEL BOXES Reg. 3.5021 Reg. 4.50 2 495 Now Now 21 MUSICAL, LARGE SIZE. REG. 8.95, 5.93 AND MANY OTHER Al 0 XI O JEWELRY ITEMS O OFF WATCH BANDS Ladies and Mens Gold Filled Expansion Type And Others limited Quantity Reg. 7.50 FREE Spring Festival Tickets At BROWN'S BROWN'S JEWELRY - SALEM'S LEADING CREDIT JEWELERS & OPTICIANS -LIBERTY end COURT STREETS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P. M.