Thursday, March" 4, I95f it i THE CAPITAL JOURNAE, Salem, Orejron Pas; If ..;aii."a.T.. Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lenhardt (Jean Ann Manning) were married Febru ary 20 in the rectory of the Sacred Heart Catholic church at Gervais. They will make their home at Amity. HISTORY TOLD Y-Teen Notes By ANNU HELTZEL Tri-Y Member "Will the meeting please come to order?" So goes the summons on the club days of the various Y-Tcens, the junior high group. Y-Teen. is the national term for both the junjer high and high school clubs, tut in Salem only the junior hig, girls aretcallcd Y-Tecns. There are 12 organiza tions in our tfiree junior high schools. A girl joins by signing up at the first of the school year at her school or by coming to meet ings. Dues from the members and various fines for violations go to the club.' treasuries. Club meeting time is occu pied with speakers and movies on subjects dear to a junior high girl's heart. Mr.ny of the service projects are worked on at meet ings. Plans for forthcoming so cial events arc also formulated. Mixed dances, ski trips, go-to-church Sundays, tours of local industries and slumber parties are a few of Y-Teens' social activi ties. A favorite yearly project is making holiday tra favors for the patients of Salem's hospitals. The proceeds from the sales of hot cross buns each Easter sea son go toward camp at Silver Creek. Tiling the gym floor of the new YWCA is a Tri-Y and Y-Teens project, and doughnuts and candy have been sold for this cause. The meeting Is closed with a prayer, and each girl has had an other chance to try "To find and give the best." Last of Benefit Series on Tuesday MT. ANGEL The last social be fore the Lenten season was the benefit card party given by the Catholic Order of Men and Women foresters, Tuesday evening in the auditorium of St. Mary's school. Proceeds of the social will be given to the Bnnedic.'ne Sisters. Thirty-one tables of cards were in play during the evening. High score honors were awarded to Wil liam Meissner for canasta; M. A. Beyer and Mrs. J. J. Penner for bridge; Jos. Russ and Jacob Berch told for 500; and Joseph Faulhaber and Mrs. Richard Foltz for pin ochle. Paul Wachter received the spe cial prize which was donated by Francis Schmidt and A. A. Ebner. Other awards were presented to Mrs. Joseph Sprauer, Miss Eliza beth Beyer, Mrs. R. 0. Appleby, William Annen, Joseph Otter, Rob ert Simeral, W. H. Brandt, Miss Elizabeth Keber, C. J. Berning, George Volz, Mrs. J. Sprauer, Ja cob Berchtold, Rose Volker, Lor aine Kraemer and Mrs. William Meissner. Mrs. Joseph Wavra and Mrs. Steam Plants Must Be Linked With Hydro Plants WASHINGTON in An .n-l. neer said Thursday many power transmission lines will have to be junked by 1980 unless steam plants are coordinated with the hydro electric system in the Pacific Northwest. Holland Houston, power advisor to the Washington State governor, said this at a Power Commission hearing on Idaho Power Co. ap plications to build three dams in the Hells Canyon of the Snake River, where a federal dam has been proposed. If the all-hydro system is con tinued in the Pacific Northwest. Houston testified, markets east nf the Cascade Mountains will ab sorb the water power and thse in the west will turn to steam with the result that transmission lines over the mountains will be abandoned. R. P. Parry, Idaho Power Co. attorney, cross-examined Houston on operation details of the com bined hydro-steam system which he says should replace cyclical (hard-to-fill) reservoirs like the proposed federal Hells Canyon res ervoir. Parry asked Houston to com ment on an Army engineering re port on proposed dams in the Clearwater and Middle Snake Riv ers, including Bruce's Eddy, Pen ny Cliffs and Nez Perce. John C. Mason, Power Com mission lawyer, objected on grounds the Army has not made the report an official document. Houston said an Army engineer told him contents of the report could be revealed at the Hells Canyon hearings. Mrs. Evelyn Cooper, attorney for groups favoring the federal Hells Canyon proposal, declared Hous ton's conversation with the Army engineer was "sheer and worth less hearsay." Hearing Examiner William J. Costello ruled out testimony about the report. Adm. Goodwin to Go To Philippines WASHINGTON UH - The Navy said Thursday that Rear Adm. Hugh H. Goodwin, presently com mander of Carrier Division 2 in the Atlantic, has been assigned as commander of navl forces in the Philippine Islands. He will succeed Rear Adm. Ri chard H. Cruzen, whose new as signment has not been announced. 3 Recruiters Talk At Cascade High Three Salem recruiters for the Armed Forces were at the Cas cade Union high school, near Turner Thursday for "Career Day" there for the students. The Salem "recruiters were Chief T. E. Peterson, U. S. Navy; SMC John R. Gilley, Army and Air Force; and Staff Sgt. Rob ert D. Wilson, Marine Carps. Coming from Portland to talk to the girls were representatives of the women's branches of the Armed Forces. They were Sgt. Melba Magnuson of the WAC; A 2-c Ira Hutcheson of the WAF; Elizabeth A. Stephenson, H"t 1, Wave, and Tech. Sgt Vera Le Valley, '.'arine Corps. Fred Glover of the Cleveland Barons holds the American Hock ey League record of goals scored in consecutive games. In 1950-91, Glover scored in 11 games in a row. John Kloft co-chairmen in charge were assisted with a hostess com mittee, Mrs. Alfred Huber, Mrs. John Schmitz, Mrs. Clarence Eb ner, Mrs.' Carl Feseler, Mrs. Paul Wachter, Mrs. E. A. Hammer, Mrs. Al Bcntz, Mrs. Patrick Ebner, Mrs. Leonard Fisher and Mrs. William Beyer. A late supper was served in the school dining hall. DOWXTOWX I.EM M t II H A N T S AUTOMATION mittMl OF V Ml II V A h v r. S ! Out-Dated Film Henry's All Popular Sizes Some Color Film See our large variety of close-out Items far below original cost Things Photographic 469 State St. Open This Friday 'Til 9 155 NO. LIBERTY tWMIin t SALEM .MKHIHANTS ASSOCIATION ritKIKTt PHONE 3 3191 Sale Savings on Many M-W Appliances 249.95 REFRIGERATOR 214.88 Sale-priced for savings. 8-7 cu. ft. Re frigerator with full width freezer and froster tray. 3 hondy door shelves keep small items in easy reach. Full width food freshener holds 22 qts. Ask about Wards Terms. 369.95 FREEZER-13.6 CU. FT. Stores 476 lbs. 299.88 Ask about Terms Now sale-priced for savings. Big 13.6 cu. ft. Home Freezer stores 476 lbs. 2 wire baskets and - dividers provide storage flexibility. Counter-balonced lid auto matic interior light. Locking handle. 244.95 ELECTRIC RANGE 219.88 36 in. wide Range. Electric clock con trols oven, deep-well and appliance out let. 3 Chromalox top units plus deep well have 7 heat speeds. Features include minute timer, oven light, 3 storage drawers. Ask about Terms. ''-v': U ' '- - -J lm .mitt. ..ilfam. .' I IB REG. 279.95 21-1N. TV 219.88 Now, save $30. Big 21-in. TV in a hand some mahogany finished cabinet. Enjoy our UHF and all VHF channels. Cnsp pictures and full fidelity sound ore yours. Simple controls. With year warranty. Fed tax included. TV TABLE 12.95 COMBINATION OFFER 114.95 Portable Sewing Machine with a hondy buttonhole attachment. But t o n h o I e regularly sells for 9.95. During this sale get both for the price of the mochine alone. Reversible Rotary Machine has hondy open arm for darning. 146.50 SUPREME WASHER 129.88 Many deluxe features. Washes 9 lbs. of clothes with gentle 6-vane Swirlator ac tion. Wring-A-Matic stops with a slight pull on clothes. Automatic shut-off timer 1-15 minutes. Droin pump. Ask obout Terms. SEE WARDS COMPLETE LINE OF 1954 HOME APPLIANCES TODAY COME IN AND SHOP AT WARDS FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. PRICES GOOD THRU SAT. Now the Kiddies Can Relax When fhey watch their faveritt TV programs Beautifully Designed Duran Covered Kiddies' TV Hassock Regular $3.95 Has tough, rugged covering &m -I I..LU J..II. I-., v . Is. decorator colors, imprinted I MM with popular nursery rhymes I I or Western scenes. JJj ' Prices Good While Quantities Last ' SJ i 10-Qt. Galvanized Household Pail Hot-dipped galvanized ' 40tj pail. Can be ued for HU-y' many houiekold duties "wT A Variety . $1.00 Duparc Fancy Gift Soap Box of Six 'Bfll' Bars i55J Hard milled soap in Apple Blossom, Pine, Lilac, or Carnation Franfrances. Toiletry. for 59 Lvd Bubble Bath 3 98' Palmolive Shampoo 4f 10' Ball Point Pen 7' 3'5 & toffee Maker vlclSe 5' Black Shoe Laces i"; 6 p,. ST 25' Rose Hair Oil 13 57' Prell Shampoo 2,n7S' T Chamois Skin vff T T Garlic & Vegetable Press US)' $1.09 Certified Vitamin C 69' Toiletry 98c Certified Vitamin A & D Hi-Pofency IOO'i 59' Toiletry I $5.95Cerfied B 12 Complex Bofffe 5J69 100 i For Tired People Toiletry 3" cd- JR. VITAMINS lWB 39c RED MOUTH WASH 49c A.P.C. COLD TABLETS I69 cd MULTI VITAMINS 59c MINERAL OIL Certified 795 VIMINOL rt. IOO'i 27 Vitamins and Minerals In One Capsule $2.99 23c 39c $1.19 rt. 39c $3.97 $3.59 Certified Vitamin 'A' $198 50,000 Units 100 Capsule! Essential for Clear, Healthy Skin Toiletry 43c Certified Antiseptic Full Pint 2e Toiletry Keep Teeth Gleaming White ur. Lyon 5 Plain or Ammoniated Dri.yons Tooth Powder Dr. Lyon'f mokes tptih sparkle with a XiP radionl new briohlncst . . . cleom between teeth to cheek bod breoth end tooth decoy! Testes flood, tool Keep fresh all day with 5-Day Deodorant Pads $1 nn 35 s59' 75s I. UU I5s29 Use 0 pod a doy ond throw owoy. Colored Cubes 25c Top Spread MARGARINE 119 ib. Toiletry 3 f 55c Limit 3 Fred Meyer Drugs 148 NORTH LIBERTY We Kese rve the Rlht to Mmlt Quanllllrs