THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OreR-on 1,' " v'-r1rfy if ' . ; 'l 7 ' ' : ' ! ".flit February Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Paul (Roberta Louise Patty), above, were married February 14. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patty of Amity and Mr. Paul is the son of Herbert Paul of Seattle and Mrs. Wesley Benjamin of Amity. (Barth photo, Dallas) Pythian Sisters Fete Visitors Honored guest at the dinner and meeting of the Pythian Sis- High School Group Sponsors Social MT. ANGEL High school sen iors arranged the social evening for the members of the Young Peo- Miss Motter Bride at Albany ALBANY - A bride of the late winter season was Miss Beverly June Motter, daughter of Mrs. Nellie Motter, Albany, who ex changed her nuptial vows Satur day at 8 o'clock in the evening with Vernon Lee Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of Brownsville. Tbe wedding was at the First Evangelical United Brethren church, with the Rev. J. Robert Wetzel officiating at the double ring service. Two large baskets filled with daffodils and white stock, and lighted candles in spiral candcl abrums, formed a background for the ceremony. Sprays of daffo dils marked the pews down the bridal aisle. Mrs. Elmer Club was organist and played the wedding marches and was accompanist for Sidney Burt, who sang. Lighting the candles were Miss Pat Dooley and Miss Barbara Howard dressed in cream and green choir robes. The bride was marriage by her fen Ay? " - Goldenweds Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alvin Smith, sister-in-law of the bridegroom, lerven xne -ding cake, Miss Louise Harrison assisting. Hostesses for the re ception were Mrs. Jesse Johnson, Brownsville, auni oi me uu and Mrs. Elva Burns of Albany. The couple left on a wedding trip by automobile for California to be gone a wee, r ui away costume the bride wore a dusty rose wool suit with rostj velvet trim, a rose and navy. 'blue straw hat, and navy acces- Thursday, March 4, 1954 sorics. Pinned 10 me snnumer oi her suit was the white orchid from her bridal bouquet. They will be at home In Albany af ter March 7. YOUR NORGE DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 339 CHEMEKETA ters of Centralia temple, Wad- pic's Sodality of St. Marv's church nesday night, at the Beaver hall after the March business meeting was Mrs. Carrie Broxson of Mil- ton-Frecwater, grand chief of Oregon. One hundred thirty members and visiting members were present. Other grand officers present at the meeting and dinner were Mrs. Jtuby Zachcr, grand senior of Redmond, Mrs. Ann Brown, grand manager, Dallas; Miss Bot cy Jean Bergner, grand guard, Salem; Mrs. Mabel Erickson, past grand chief, Prinevillc; Mrs. Ann Woods, district deputy, Albany; Mrs. Herbert Thompson, past grand chief, Oregon City; Mrs. Mamie Bennett, past grand chief, Albany, Mrs. Sadie Graham, past grand chic', Corvallis; Mrs. Earl Burk, past grand protector, Salem; and past grand chief, Mrs. Ethel Murphy. Knights of Tythlas grand of ficers present wcro Don R. Jud on, grand chancellor of Oregon. Past grand officers present were Herbert Thompson, Oregon City; 0. C. Harris, and Elmer Patrick, Corvallis. Visitors attended from Dallas, Albany, Eucne, Corvallis, Ore gon City, Miltnn-Frei water, Port land, Prinevillc, Yamhill, St. Hel ens, Redmond, Walla Walla and Vancouver, ashington. Four new members, Mrs. T.aura Schmidt, Mrs. Jean B. Walker, Salem; Mrs. Ora Coe, and Mrs Lavina Kurk, MiltonFreewater were initiated Into the order. Monday evening in the St. Mary's scnooi. (James and dancing was enjoyed in the auditorium, and re freshments were served. Special guests were the probation members who held their meeting in the mu sic room. The probation members will be received into the Sodality at the annual reception ceremonies of new members in May. Conducting the meeting were the officers, James Fcsslcr, Laura Schmitz, Marlcne Diehl and Ray mond Schmaltz. The Rev. Clement Frank, O.S.B., Sodality moderator, was guesi speaker. Committee chairmen giving re ports were Belli Rciter, dance com mittec; Ernest Kimlinger, euchar islic committee and Shirley Ehner, sick committee. Members of the Sodality will take j part in the opening ceremonies of the Forty Hours Devotions which will begin in St. Mary's church Fri day evening, March 5. at 7:30 o' clock. Members will meet at 7:15 p.m. at St. Mary's school. Drcced- ing the church services. During Marian Year, this the Sodality will' sponsor two pil grimages every month, on the sec ond and fourth Saturdays. The next scheduled pilgrimage will be March 15, and the group will meet at 7:15 o'clock at the City hall. j Instead of a social for the April meeting which will be during Lent I n film will be shown. Johnson. She wore a dress made with tight bodice of Chantilly lace, long pointed sleeves, high neckline with tulle yoke, and pcplum of the lace extending in a V down the back of the skirt. The skirt was of tulle over satin and terminated in a full train. The veil of tulle was fingertip length and was held in place with a halo trimmed with seed pearls. The bride carried a white Bible with a white orchid center and a cluster of frecsias tied with white satin ribbon streamers. Miss Lois Prohaska was the maid of honor and wore a dress of yellow with lace bodice, the skirt of tulle over taffeta. She carried a ring of yellow tulle with a cluster of daffodils and narcissuses with ribbon streams, ers. A bandeau of tulle with a clus tcr of narcissuses was wotn in her hair. Miss Sandra Motter, sister of the bride, and Miss Phyllis Hcd lund, of Portland, formerly of Brownsville, were bridesmaids. Miss Motter and Miss Hedlund wore dresses made identically to that of the maid of honor's but they were of nile green. Each also wore the same type head dress to match her dress and (carried flowers like those of the presented in i majd ( honor's. uncle, Jesse ijss jr., Kropp DO IT WITH LEWYT 455 Court Street K5 m 't : Ur. . 1. Lain NU Dr. O. Chan, NO DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 241 North Liberty Office open Saturday only, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 to 7 p.m. Consultation, blood pressure and urine teiti are frre of charge. PracUced since 1311. write for attractive iirt No -Miration. was the flower girl and wore a yellow taf feta dress and carried a basket of yellow narcissuses. Darle Cowdry of Brownsville was best man and ushers were Earl Liles of Albany and Jack Wyne of Brownsville. For her daughter's wedding . Charles A. Glazp. ahove. cele brated their golden wedding aniversary last Sunday and were honored at a reception given by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr- and Mrs. Willard Glaze. (A. A. Taylor picture) Mrs. Motter wore an aqua shaded dress with matching accessories and her corsage was of pink rosebuds. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue and white dress with her accessories also matching her costume. Her flowers were red rosebuds. Immediately following the ceremony the reception was in the church parlors. The room was decorated witb daffodils and stock. The bride's table was set With a tiered wedding cake, white candles and a green taffe ta tablecloth. Mrs. Arlow Dun ford, aunt of the bride, presided at the coffee urn and Miss Paula Engcl was at the punch bowl. llSf rp i I 383 Court St. olmClCl I CRsp'roya'srww WITH CONTRASTING VLVT RIBBON. ALL SPP.IHB COlOflS. 3 lJ GET YOUR FREE TICKETS FOR THE "BUYERS BONANZA" WIN A '1954 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN. DEMOMSTRATIOrJ Looks - Feels - Wears Like More Expensive Carpet! Harmony House frieze textured lulled broadloom carpeting SAVE 20oo Re9U,;i5rd- i $3.95 Daytona II uunmerelleS ALL COLORS Distinctly Casual Shoot Step oul In cool comlort . . , step out in smart slyle, In fashion-right Summeretles . . . foot pampering fabric casuals in a blaze of be witching color schemes. Hurry while stocks ore complelo. Open Mon. and Fri. Nights til 9 Free Parking DANA'S BOOTERY IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER potYMOw sum m iiims AosnriiTio rna(aTl or j) VALUES! Today -Friday - Saturday on a 12x15 room size v Enjoy the luxury of wall-to- wall carpeting at these low sale prices. Hard twisted cot ton yarns stay resilient, sprin gy and comfortable to walk on. Can be vacuumed, washed or professionally dry cleaned. Unusually bright colors seldom seen in other types of carpet. Choose Harmony House Spice Beige, Brown, Mint Green, Valley Rose or Dawn Gray. Sale ends soon! 6' Sq. 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