Wednesday, March S, 1954 - inti nu juuhaau suiem, ureson Page 7 ; : nr If Some 'Notations 1 Wedding at btm.l.f. oravron on - A colorful affair . Tuesday wai the luncheon and style show spon sored by Salem Women's Army and Navy league in the Gold room at the Marion hotel, more than 200 attending ... it was the first of a scries of spring fashion shows. Johnson's store presenting the styles for this one ... It was nicely handlcd-bows to Mrs. William C. Dyer. Jr. and Mrs. Max Denton, co-chairmen Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett did a nifty Job as commentator ... In addi tion to the confer platform, there was another at one sid nr ti. room, thus enabling those in the ether sections to see the styles U..UCI spwugnis ... And the models took a longer route through the crowd than usual, giving all a chance for a close-up ... me inuueis were Mrs. C. A. Schaefer, Mrs. Donald Fish er. Mrs. Joseph Svejkosky, Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Mrs. Phil nrownen, Mrs. Robert M. Brown ell, Mrs. II. C. Saalfcld. Mr. Claybourne ' Dyer, Mrs. Maurice 11. .lanron, Mrs. Burl Cos, Mrs, Willis Ross, Mrs. Thomas Rob ens, Mrs. Richard Chambers, mrs. narry S. Dornian. Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs. William II. Hammond, Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unan- atr. There were swim suits, golf outfits, play clothes and patio at tire shown, all kinds of informal and more dressy afternoon frocks, smart suits and coats, and glam orous summer formals and cock tail dresses . . . All the hats shown were made especially to go with the costumes worn, and the shoes, too, were carefully selected to go with each outfit ... It was an Interesting display of beautiful cotlon materials and fabrics, as well as paper silks, tic silks, prints, sheers, etc; and the new nylon coats . . . Many of me tun SKirtea dresses wei'e shown with their matching petti coats ... Among those spotted at our end of the room, Mrs. Raymond Bu sick, Mrs. Wallace Hug, Mrs. Carl Steelhammer, Mrs Paul Kliever, Mrs. George Bagnall, Mrs. WU. Ham J. Braun. Mrs. L. 0. Arens, Mr.. E. A. Linden, Mrs. Charles "agner, Mrs. Ward R. Davis, Mrs. Edward Hnlh m r Vandeneynde, Miss Esther Fuen- mrs. Mark Hillary, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr.. Mrs. William C. Perry, Mrs. David II. Cameron, ...... uuugian nay. airs, td Lew is, Mrs. Kenneth Potts. Mrs, ""w Aiienoy, Mrs. V. ft. Mc Mullen, Mrs. Hunt Clark, Mrs. Seth P. Amith, Mrs. Albert v. uraijj, mrs. James G, Watts, Mrs. Irvln B. Hll, Mrs. Chester Loe, Mrs. Arthur A. Atherlon; Mrs. Harvey Lalhan and her muuiiT-in-iaw, Mrs. L. C. Lathan of Portland; also from Portland, Mrs. Ira D. Miller, president of ins roruam women's Army and Navy league ... At the Tuesday meeting of Sa lem General Hospital auxiliary, it was reported a sum of $704 was cleared on the group's re cent rummage sale, the most suc cessful sale t 'ven by the auxiliary . . . Mrs. Floyd Utter and Mrs. John R. Wood were co-chairmen for the event . , . The auxiliary project this year, as for las' year, is renovation of the kitchen in the old hospital building . . . Miss Lillian Mc Donald, superintendent of the hospital, reported the kitchen project will go ahead as soon as the fund is completed . . . The big act'vitv of the serine for the group is the annual mem bership drive, Mrs. Fank ,11. Spears and Mrs. Clarence Byrd co-cnairmen ... The annual lily saie sponsored by Salem City Panhellenic will be March 26 and 2V . . . The pro ceeds go to the Oregon Society fo- Crippled Children and Adults . . . Panhellenic has carried on the sale since first organized here . . . Mrs. Marens Maltby, Panhellenic president soon will announce plans for the sale . . . Miss Modderman Tells Engagement LEBANON Mr. and Mrs. Hel nier Modderman entertained rela tives and friends recently at their country home to announce the en gagement of their daughter. Miss Grace Modderman to Ted Peo ples, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Peo ples of Longview, Wash. Miss Modderman is now in nurse's training in Kmanuel hos pital, Portland, and her fiance is serving in the air force in Kan sas City, Mo. He is currently on furlough. Mrs. Peoples joined her son and Miss Modderman in Portland, and the trio drove to Lebanon to at tend the announcement party. RAPHATERIANS club is meet ing Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Hewitt, 630 North Commercial. f Plan Style Show SILVERTON The regular business meeting of the Junior V'oman's club was Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Boss Avery. On Wcdncsoay evening of' the coming week, modeling and dress rehearsal for the annual style show, will be directed by Mrs. Jim Ekman anr Mrs. Larry Crcn nel, a the Talacc theater. Mrs. Nick Wiess is general chairman o' the style show, the definite dnto of which will be announced later. For furthcrincoplans for the show, a V'cdn.- ;dny evening mect Inc will he at the home of the James Ekmans. Modeling for the show wi'l be eight junior high girls, six in high school, three adult women, six children and two men. Rainbows Meet SILVERTON Miss Nancy Ben son, worthy adviser of Ramona assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, directed Monday evening's meeting at Masonic temple. The members voted to have their rummage sale only one day, which will be Saturday of this week, instead of former arrange ments for a two-day sale. Seven petitioners were on a successful ballot for membership. The initiatory ceremonials will be observed at the regualr Mon day, March 15, meeting. An initiatory class training will be featured on Monday after school, March 8, at the hall. To be. in itiated are Misses Karen Brown, Donna DeGuire, Anita Miller, Carol Jacobson, Roberta Rciiing, LaVonne Felster and Christine Kyte. Farewell Given HOPEWELL About 50 relatives and friends attended the farewell party and shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Polvi, Jr., at the Hopewell Evangelical United Brethren church last week. Group singing led by Miss June Ann Janzen and accompanied by Mrs. Toivo Bantsari opened the program. Mrs. Ross Rogers pre sented the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Polvi, Jr., and son, Mark, left Sunday for Dallas, Feb. 19 A bride of Friday, February 19, was Miss Delores Ivene Os trem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. oeorge H. Walsh of Aumsville. She was married at an 8 o'cvlock ceremony at the Stayton Baptist cnurcn to Lee rioyd Metcalfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fines Metcalfe of Turner. me nev. nick Neuield per formed the ceremony. Miss Lau- na Seines and Miss Betty Jo Met calfe in lavender taffeta frocks were the candlelightcrs. Mrs. Helen Sawyer sang several num bers accompanied by Mrs. P. B. Collins. The bride, eiven in marriaire by her father, wore a white satin brocade wedding dress. The veil was of nylon net and held in place by a Juliet cap of white satin brocade. The bride carried yellow roses and white bouvardii for a wedding bouquet. Miss Betty Walsh, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and she wore a yellow net and taf feta frock. She carried a nose gay of vanda orchids and white carnations. Mrs. Hex Ostrem, sister-in-law of the briijp, was the bridesmaid and her dress was styled like that of the maid of honor's. Joe Metcalfe was best man for her brother. Tom Metcalfe and Jack Metcalfe, brothers of the bridegroom, as well as Don Gul branson and Ron Walsh ushered. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Walsh wore a violet nylon lace dress with pink accessories and a corsage of pink rbsebuds. Mrs. Metcalfe wore a navy blue crepe frock with blue accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. A reception followed at the church with Mrs. Fred Prentice, an aunt of the bride, cutting the cake. Mrs. Jack Metcalfe poured the punch and Mrs. Fred Klein handled the coffee. Miss Lillian Bales, Miss Mary Jo Lacey and Miss Mary Ellen wnitman as sisted. Miss Austrid Severin was in charge of the guest book and Mrs. Arnold Seines took care 01 the gift room. Vnr a short trip to the coast the bride wore a blue and yellow checked suit with red accessories. She wore a yellow rosebud cor sage. The couple are now ai home at 1224 N. 16th street, Salem. Texas. Mrs. Polvi was formerly Margaret Janzen. The committee for the farewell were Mrs. iiimer roivi, mrs. George Kangas. Mrs. Kusti Sctala and Mrs. David Olke. Among the guests from out of the community were Mrs. Robert Polvi of Cor- vallis. Mr. and Mrs. Eino betaia and family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKinney and family of Mc Minnville and Mrs. Carl Loop and family of Amity. SALEM HEALTH FOOD STORE 475 Center St. Now Under New Management ThnwUy. Mar. 4 we will live MIsy Jan Stinnrttr, Rf prrflpntatlve 01 thf Battle rrrtk Ulnnlc Co., lo brlp you with your problem!. Brlns thin rnupon any time and receive 12.00 HK1.VKX lor only 9Sc Try our Salem Baked Whole Wheat Bread, Vt lb. 25- foWp,sofl,epeeorpl your neort it set on yf ROYAl CHEST ij tr;--r ''--mm ! E.T.kl i r I fc? LaW arwiclc tarpels Here it In! Tlie J rep, lcPr Ittitirimtg rtit pile rflrpct fonrt alwaTi wanted! And it'l In tn and it rind neanty ot cotton-it tetart and .nJ lxti ',tm Ammml with jtift a whink of in am poo clot It (it'l pre (rim nit!) Vacnnmi easily. Choota your from 20 orjeoaa garden color. linjj neanty Just Say "Charge It" Convenient Terms 7.95 Per Sq. Yd. St. Paul Knights Delay Meeting , ST. PAUL The regular March meeting of the St. Paul Knights of Columbus which was set for Wednesday, March 3, in the City hall has been postponed one week until Wednesday, March 10. This change in the night for the regular meeting was made neces sary by conflicting events. Grand K-ight H. W. Bowers has announced that the meeting will start immediately following evening tnten evotions at the church oil Wednesday, March 10. 'It will be the first meeting for six new Knights, Jerry Con nor, Leslie Weatherlll, Willi! Fcnton, Bernard McNamee, Carl Van Dyke and Joseph Pohlschnei der who were initiated into the Council at ceremony held in Stayton last Sunday. New regulations will be dis cussed that will affect the coun cil. Also, - council proceedings will be explained to the new members. , Chairman of the refreshment committee for the meeting is William "rith with Pat McCar thy, Ted VanDyke and Ray Cooke assisting. The good of the order for the evening will be conducted by Ross Coleman and S. J. Smith. The : Archbishop Blanchette Council 2221 of the St. Paul Knights f Co'umbus now num bers 118 members. ' The Ladies' Nights was spon sored by the K.C.s on Sunday night. Following the stage show, the members and thcii guests played cards with the following winning prizes'. Contract bridge men first, James Smith, and women first, iJernice Kirk; auction bridge women first, Louise Manegre, and men first, Ray Smith; pinochle ladies first, Mrs. Ted VanDyke, and men first, Jack Mullen; live hundred men first, Frank Vachter, and ladies first, Mrs. James . Davidson. General chairman of the party u' r.m.s Yirlr. Olhrt nil ihm committee were': Lawrence Ber- Eugene Girl Wins Albany Speech Meet ALBANY Betty Herman of Eugene Mo. dav wor th rflttrli No. 3 American Leeion omtnrl. cal contest, conducted in the city hall. Miss Herrman, a senior in Eugene High school, was one of three contestants, presenting the oration "The Light of Freedom," pertaining to the United States constitution. Competing alio were William nards. Hub Drescher, Ben Mitch ell; Bill Frith, Ross Coleman, Ray Smith, Pill Bowers, Leo FerschwelUer and Ray Manegre. Barrett of Albany and Joline Beeman of Florence. Miss Herrmtn will next com pete in an area contest, vying with speakers from ill over west em Oregon south of Portland, at Villard hall on th University of Oregon campus Friday.' Judges of the districtt contest were Leslie A. White, Dr. Lyle Bain, Hollls Hull, ill ot Albany, and William Thomas, Lebanon. - -ovely . , . LADY ALICE DRESSES it the LITTLE FRENCH SHOP 115 North High I THE CATCH OF THE SEASON! FUN TOGS IN ORIGINAL SAILCLOTH If you're ftshin' for the tmarUsi casual clothes for your summer day, then While Stag ORIGINAL SAILCL0T3 fashion art for you.! Styled for fun and play, they adieool comfort to your better appearance Tri-eolored fish prin tdyed to match futiv$ solid eoJor, SUsvltss Top, to vettr (nor out. 10 to to. i.9Ss 5i'W Skirt, wide sweep skirt with side pockets. to to to. m. ToggU Jack with vood-nnd-ropt closings. XS-S-M-L. 9.9S. Clamdiggers, shin-ltngth irou to roll up or down. $ to to. k-SS. Fu Print Colors; ChartonlTatife PinkWhitt, Tar BlarkGrtm Bamboo Whits, Stal Broun H tnvtnly Bhu Whitt, Summer avy 5ai7 Rrthitt...ioliJ talor iniltlolh to mntth in mm Jutivt color. - i.i inn . ii iii i ij. i my j;"111 f A V M y Sta Bra with detachable straps, boned. 10 to tO. t.9S. Littlt Boy Shorts, slim and cuffed. StotO.tJS. "Minnows," short-shorts with bvtton tob closing, ttoit. i.SO. "Mermaid" bonrd bra vith detachable strops. 10 to to. 1.95. MISS LOIS GAUAGER Fashion coordinator of 'WHITE STAG, WILL BK AT MILLER'S all day Thursday In the sportswear department to consult with women and girls of this vicinty on the problems of coordinated sportswear for this season. Fashion modeling on the floor will be an added . .leaurc oi inc snuwinx. iuu are invucu iu niicnu , land to talk to Miss Gallagcr on the newest "out ' "Idoor look". fif THIRD FLOOR it.