3 cl pi w b Pf i T it t c . 6 ' . S ' e''. 7 ; ' e ' ii th f m W 0, W( ' 4 g 19. ft: 19.. II.' b 13.; I Co THE CAPITAL JOtKN'AL, Salem, Oreiroii Wednesday, March 3, 1931 Cap ital Women Edited bj MARIAN LOWRT FISCUEB ft Engagement Told Over Week-end Announcement was made over the 'week-end of the engagement of Miss Dwyn Anne Herberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Herberger of Salem, to Joseph J. Adams, Portland, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wade Adams of Spokane, Wash. A June wedding is planned by the group.. Miss Herberger is a graduate of Sacred Heart academy in Salem. Mr. Adams is a graduate of Gonzaga university and served as a naval aviator in World War II. He is director of public af fairs at University of Oregon Meaicai scnool in Portland. HOME from five weeks in southern California are Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Charlton. At Pacoma they welcomed a grandson, Ste ven Carl, born February 21. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charlton and a brother of Jenni fer Lea Charlton. The Charltons also visited at Reno and Palm Springs before coming home. Today's Menu Secretaries Meet A luncheon and tour of the new YWCA building were planned at the Tuesday night meeting . of Cascade chapter, National Secre taries association. The group met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Dar ling. The luncheon was planned for the latter part of the month. During the business session, the revised chapter by-laws were approved. GOOD LUNCH These cheese biscuits have fine flavor. Cold Roast Cooked vegetable Beef ' Salad Cheese Biscuits Pineapple Beverage CHEESE BISCUITS Ingredients: 2 cups sifted flour, i teaspoons baking powder, 1 tea spoon salt; 6 tablespoons butter or margarine, 1 cup grated Amer ican cneese, z3 cup milk. Method: Mix and sift flour, bak ing powder, salt. Cut in butter un til it is in tiny particles. Stir in cheese. Add milk all at once. Mix quickly until ingredients are just moistened. Knead a few seconds on lightly floured board. Roll or pat -inch thick. Cut with flour ed biscuit cutter; place on cookie sheet. Brush with milk. Bake in very hot (450F) oven 12 to 15 min utes or until grolden brown. Makes 20 small biscuits: Legion Auxiliary Reports Activities Initiation of nine new members was the business of Capital unit oi tne American Legion auxiliary at the Monday evening meeting at tne balem Woman s club house. Initiated by a special team from the past presidents were Mrs. Clifford Ferguson, Mrs. Joseph Drew, Mrs. Roy Todd, Mrs. Koy Hill. Mrs. F. J. Brad shaw. Mrs. Elmer Dorr. Mrs. Mal colm Page, Mrs. Don Dill and Mrs. James Shelton. Mrs. Leon Brown was the initiating officer and later presented honor guard pins to other members for their long years oi continuous memDer- ship. Mrs. L. C, Elfson received her 20-year pin, Mrs. Elda Mao Davis, 15-year pin. Mrs. Arthur Jonnson, 20 years. Other mem bers to whom pins were awarded but who could not be present were Mrs. W. H. Lorenz, 15 years, Mrs. Louise Austin and Mrs. Karl Stelwer, each of whom have been members for 30 years. During the short business ses sion, the unit voted to donate $50 toward a vocational rehabilitation scholarship to be given to a hos pitalized veteran. A sum of $10 was donated each to the heart fund and the cancer fund. Res- istration fees for the four girls who will be sponsored by the unit at Girls State this summer were paid. . Sewing committee will make a quilt for a destitute family when it meets at the home of Mrs. Howard Pickett, 845 Marion street, on Thursday, March 14. On March 8, Saturday, in the winding next to Fitts market on North Commercial street, the unit will conduct a rummage sale. Next meeting of the unit. In stead of the regular meeting at the Woman's club house, will be the annual Legion birthday party at the Legion club on South Com mercial. Cake will be furnished by the unit and the hot and cold dishes will be furnished by mem- 1 II P Jl) ' W "ii,. -v A Ji fori o-" i 4 vr CjS x I 'a " , f , T ' r " J Greta Jane Brown Observes Birthday Greta Jane Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Brown; celebrated her second birthday anniversary, Tuesday, and was feted at a party for a group of her little friends and their mothers in the afternoon. In the group were Mrs. George C. Alexander and son, bhep; Mrs. C. M. Wimberly and Brian; Mrs. D. J. Jepsen and Carl; Mrs. R. H. Walkup and Lane and Lee; Mrs. W. C. Koch and Dolores; Mrs. Floyd Colburn and Jimmie; Mrs. . E. Beckman and Bobbie; Mrs. W. C. Drakely and Linda; Mrs, F. M. North and Linda; Mrs. Brown and Greta Jane. Wed at Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carl Erwert (Alice Sthamann), above, were married February 20 at Silverton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sthamann of Silverton and Mr. Erwert the son of Mrs. John Erwert of Mt. Angel. (McEwan studio picture) Benefit Dinner Friday Evening SALEM HEIGHTS Th Salem Heights Mothers club is sponsor ing its annual chicken dinner on Friday. March 5. at 5:30 p.m. In me scnool cafeteria. Mrs. John M. Ramage is the general chairman of the dinner and Mrs. L. A. Clinker, co-chairman. Hostesses will be Mrs. E. W. Rec tor and Mrs. Harmon Harvey. ncKet committee includes Mrs. Ron Miller, Mrs. Chester Varnes and Mrs. Dorothy Jenson; publi city and posters. Mrs. Dorothy Jenson and Mrs. Louis Kurth; de corating committee. Mrs. Marion Miller, Mrs. J. Felker and Mrs. Del Ramsdell; committee chair men, Mrs. L. A. Clinker, Mrs. Or- ville Ravmond. Mrs. Irvin We- del, Mrs. Lyle Bayne and Mrs. Walter Noland. Assisting the com mittees will be Mrs. Richard Tun- per, Mrs. Louis Kurth, Mrs. Rich ard Denton and Mrs. Bernard Knox. Serving as waitresses' will be Mrs. Thomas LaDuke, Mrs. James bers for the no-host dinner. The executive board will meet Tuesday evening, March 0, at the Home of Mrs. Neil Witting, 2340 High street Welch, Mrs. Jack Troxell, Mrs. Archie McKillop, Mrs. Richard Craw, Mrs. Ralph Stangeby, Mrs. Nels Johnson and Mrs. Richard Chambers. Kitchen committee Includes Mrs. John Dreissler, Mrs. W. T. Moores, Mrs. Norval Curzen, Mrs. L. R. Caswell, Mrs. Hale Mickey and Mrs. Carl Anderson; dish com mittee, Mrs. Lloyd Evans. Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Robert Combs, and Mrs. Russell Kanz; clean-up 'committee, Mrs. Jim Lewis, Mrs. Herbert Moling, Mrs. James Butte, Mrs. Frank Hobbs, Mrs. Charles Knytych, Mrs. Raymond Houser and Mrs. Frank Meyer. Proceeds from the dinner will be used for school equipment mm A NEW alumna in the city, Mrs. Dwight Lear, was welcomed at the meeting of Phi Mu alum nae Monday evening, when the group observed the 102nd anni versary of founding of the sor ority. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Elmer o. Berg, Mrs. Lear, Mrs. Bud Lorence, Mrs. Wilmer H. Page, Mrs. Chris Wheeler, Mrs. B. F. Williams, Mrs. Alfred G. Larson, Mrs. George A Brown and the host ess, Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr. Mrs. Wheeler is to entertain for the group in May. THE NANCY GORMSEN Hori zon club is meeting Thursday evening at the home of Miss Julie Astrup. Special Speaker will be Miss Marie DcHarpport, Villamette university student, who will discuss college life for the teen-agers. MRS. PAUL GILMER was elected conductress of Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Ama ranth, on Monday night. Instal lation of officers is set for April 5 at 7 o'clock. SALEM BEGONIA society is meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. at the YMCA. Mrs. Lois Walker of Corvallis is to talk to the group on fuchsias. All interested are invited to the meeting. ANNO NCEMENT regarding the Youth Legislature, to be here May 8 and 9, was made at the meeting of the Hi-Y Mothers club, Tuesday noon. Dr. Brooks Moore of the First Methodist church gave a talk to the moth ers on "The Nation's Stronhold." From South Dakota SILVERTON Guests during the week-end at the L. P. Oehler rural home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dieter of Aberdeen, S. Dak. The two families were former neighbors in the midwest and had not seen each other for more than 16 years. For the day, Sunday, at the Oehler home were members of their fammily, utr. and Mrs. Don Mayer (Donna Oehler) and daughter Dcbora, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oehler and Leslie and Linda of Dallas. . ' Mothers Meet MT. ANGEL The Mount An gel Seminary Mothers club of the Mount Angel-Silverton-Woodburn area met at the home of Mrs. Clarence Schindler, Gervais, Mon day evening. The women spent the evening sewing on a quilt, after which refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Emil Zack will be hostess to the group for the next meet ing scheduled Wednesday eve ning, April 7. The groups plans a no-host supper, after which they will go to the Seminary where Elmer Esch will show col ored slides taken of interesting places he visited in Korea and Japan, -.v, vA' - v. Go fvenf Thursday WOODBURN Members of the women's division of the Wood burn Golf club will meet Thurs day, March 4, at 12:30 p.m. at the country home of Mrs. Ivan DeArmond on the Boone s Fer ry road. Hostesses for the no host luncheon will be Mrs. Tom DeArmond and Mrs. Ivan DeAr mond. This is he regular month ly meeting of the group which meets every month during the winter season. Engagement Told Mrs. Anna Wallace of Gresham is announcing the engagement of her granddaughter. Miss Shirley Dencer, to Elbert Driver of Hub bard. A September wedding is planned. Miss Dencer was graduated from North Marion union high school last year and is now em ployed in Gresham. Mr. Driver is now working in Portland. He served three years in the army and attended Sheridan high school. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Driver of Hubbard. BEING welcomed home after five months in Aberdeen, Mary land, are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mosher and children, Nora and Niki. Mr. Mosher completed the associate officers course for na tional guard officers at Aberdeen proving grounds. He is a first lieutenant. Visitors Attend Chadwick Meeting Representatives from Evergreen charter Woodbura: Gervais ha ler! Gervais; Venus chapter Donald and Ramona chapter Su verton were present on Tuesaay n?ght at the meeting of Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star. Escorted and honored weft Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. Mark Thompson, worthy matron, Ever, green chapter and Mrs. Elmer McClaughry, worthy matron, Ger- vais chapter. ,.!. After the meeting, refreshment! were served by Mrs. Alfred Vo gel Mrs. Fred Barnick, Mrs. Al Bycrs Mrs. William Damcry, Mrs. Vincent Neal, Dr. and Mrs. Elmer K. Dorr, Mr. and Mrs. O. P Briegs and Mrs. George lin kers. Spring flowers and dec--ations were used. i For entertainment, Mrs. Cun'is A Hale accompanied Paul Bram ble, Gordon Barker, Verdi Walser and Phil Michaels who stfng. THREE informative talks were given at the meeting of Salem Garden club, Monday afternoon. John Davis of Oregon State col lege faculty discussed insects and Mrs. C. S. McCollam talked on African violets. Miss Edith Schry ver reported on the local garden club council. Mrs. Ben Maxwell arranged the March birthday table and Mrs. Jack Henningsen and Mrs. Ray Grettie set up the surprise table. Mrs. George Beane arranged the tea table. Pouring were Mrs. Clif ford Taylor and Mrs. Walter E. Martin. This Fashions are making a study of you! gv (by design-not chance) New Art Form: WW I, ..... .,,. liVlj-jr f A . I WA the ul- Year Beguilingly Styled By: Paul Sachs Originals: $24,85 -29. SI5. 131.95-1.95 Ellen Kay Original- 122.1)5 . 114 5 129.95 . 131. 95 . $30.95 Gay Gibson Oriiilnnln' $!Z.5 1 95 . $22.95 . $21.95. Murray Schneider Originals: $24.95 .$29.95. $34.95 Paul Martin Classic: V4 sizes $19.95 $22.95 $29.95 Barbo Petites- $22.95. 124.95 . $29.95 and many, many others $17.95 $29.95 Interprets the suit-dress in silk ilnen shantung . . . tlrnate in simplicity. Adds ele gance of tucked arrowheads tip ped with rhincstoncs. In colors-for-Sprlng: navy, Dior bin, and honey. Style shown $49.95 18 other styles for you to aelect from in Herbert Levy, 12H thru 22 H. .$29.95 thru $49.95 the dress with o beautiful body built in Never, to our knowledge, have dresses had the wonderful grace of this season. Perfectly interpreted In acera crepe, silk surah, Imported silk shantung, Cot-o-lin, rayon silk, rayon faille. The new entry: Print everywhere bold and terrific in hand-washable fabrics. Lost but not least: Satin cotton, combed cotton, sculptured cotton, flock cotton, broadcloth, Thomos cotton and onyx denim USE OUR CONVENIENT CHARGE AND BUDGET HE OGUE OF 5ALEM 445437 STATE APPAREL OF DISTINCTION FOR SMART WOMEN mm r ft" SHOP AT; SEARS AND SAVE I iliAM,!Mi;li,ilil,' 1 EASTER LAY-AWAY SALE 1.00 holds your selection until Easter TWO-TONE LEISURE SUITS Regular 6.98 .91 Boyville Jr. 50 wool, 50 rayon suits. Rayon & Gabardine pants. Crease resistant. Tan & Brown, 3-8. . tOttUCH AND CO. BOYVILLE JR. LEISURE SUITS WITH 2 PR. PANTS (o)88 Regular 10.95 une pair of loniries match the gabardine portion In the packet while the other matches the fancy patterned front, Longies have pleated front, zip- $1.00 HOLDS YOUR SELECTION JUNIOR MISSES COATS QUALITY FABRICS, RICHLY LINED 10" ,0 18" Sizes 7-16 1.00 holds your'sclcction un til Eoster. See our tremendous ossortment of fleece, gabar dines and wool checks. Fashionable Honeysuckle Spring Coats for a Bright Easter 5" 1495 Sizes 6 mo. to tx Cookie crowd clossics for Eoster and long after in hand some fabrics. Come in early while selections are complete. 4? i sify . . FRFF PARK ctadf ......... SaStfpiaunjmtiJaet' 550 . tapilol," '"pU-9151 ;- a