Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1954, Page 20, Image 20

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    Page 20
Wednesday, March 3, 1954
Salem Heights
Scouts Camp
troop 18 of Salem Heights (pent
Saturday night at Joryville park
camping out
The group left the community
hall early Saturday morning (or
tne park where they spent the
day working. Work was done on
point system, for credits for
the patrols. Each patrol was as
signed certain duties. Committee
men accompanied the boys and
were in charge of the projects.
Charles Rybloom and his crew
were in charge of clearing brush
and lavatory sites; Bruce Cran
dall and his crew cleared the
brush at the camp site and 0. K.
Neilson and his crew built the
steps up to the camp site for
carrying water and camping sup
plies into camp.
Sunday morning they held
church services at a chapel area
that had been cleared and the
cross set up. 0. K. Neilson was
in charge of the services.
Some of the fathers came out to
the camp-out over the week-end
and assisted the boys and ate
some of their meals in camp,
Those attending were Marion Mil'
ler, Ercel Meyer, 0. G. Gorton
and Stanley Teston.
Boys camping out were: Buck
patrol, Bill Crandall; Jay patrol,
Darroll Rybloom, William Rec
tor, Emmett Meyer, Dale Gorton,
Rodney Raymond, Jerry Burger
and Olin Teston; Fine Squirrel
patrol, Don Miller, Don Norns,
Jerry Reiwald, Kenny Miller and
Bobby Miller; Owl patrol, Dennis
Neilson and Russell Bartlett. John
Kinney, scoutmaster, also camp
ed with the boys over the week
WOODBURN The Woodburn Carriers basketball team closed
its season Monday night in a game played against the Church
of God team, losing by 46 to 63. The team wound up in the
cellar winning but one of eight games. "We'll get a new coach '
next year," says Bill Ticknor, captain. (They had no coach
this year). In photo from left they are Ted Coman, sub
stitute; Duane Fulps, forward; Clarke Pickering, center; Cliff
Powers, guard; Jimmy Black, guard; Bill Ticknor, forward and
captain. . ..
Officer Mulkey
Files Libel Suit
NEWPORT, Ore. (H A second
libel suit stemming from a dispute
over whether vice was properly
prosecuted in LincMn County was
filed in Circuit Court here Tues
W. J. Mulkey. a Newport patrol
man, is asking (100.000 contending
that eight persons puDiisnea UDei
ous and false Information concern
ing his activities as a police of
The eight were listed in the suit
as: Lester Fultz. Taft; Fred Bax
ter, Nelscott; William linger, New
port; R. C. Blackler, Delake;
Marie Kauffman, Wecoma Beach;
H. C. Buckingham, NWPORT: Otto
W. CohiIl,.Nelscott; ana ueorge
Utley, Newport.
Silverton Council Orders
Park Kitchen Construction
East Salem
EAST SALEM The annual
benefit dinner sponsored by
members of the Auburn Parents
club is scheduled for Thursday,
March 4, at tnc schoolhouse. It
will be a spaghetti dinner and
the public is invited. It will be
served from 6:30 to 8 p.m. There
will be special prizes. Mrs. E. G.
Schacher is genoral chairman.
Tho March meeting of Hoover
Parent-Teachers association was
held at the school Monday night.
For tho program hour, guest.
speakers were Judge Rex Hartley
of Marion county court who
made, a preliminary statement of
the work of the county court
and presented the commissioners,
Roy Rice and Ed. Rogers. The
audience was then divided into
three parts, each group holding
discussion of county problems
under the leadership of a court
member. The entire group then
assembled for concluding re
marks before adjourning for a
social hour.
Dr. Robert Anderson, presi
dent, conducted a business meet
ing. He named for his nominat
ing committee for next year's
officers, Don Sebum as chair
man, W. H. Mills, Mrs. P. H.
Brydon, Miss Mclva FrcliRh and
Mrs. Bernard Sokalou, Named as
representatives to the state l'TA
mectinc to be held in Salem,
Mrs. Peter Mr-Caffery, Mrs. Wal
lace Tower, Mrs. Robert Stein-
frock, Kenneth and Bernard
Sokalou. Dr. Maynard Shiftier
spoke on the heart fund cam
paign. The principal, Mrs. Mable
Sumptrr, announced spring open
house fur the night of March It
from 7 to (t p.m. Spring vacation
la March 1R and 19.
For the music hour, the Hoov
er school orchestra of advanced
instrumental students nlaved
several selections under the di
rection of Roy Shclton. Miss
Rosalie Bassctt of Mill City
piaycn a clarinet solo.
Room mothers of Miss Frc-
llRh's third grade; Mrs. Peter
McCaffery and Mrs. Robert Bur-
dcttc, served refreshments.
A benefit supper is on sched
ule nt an East Salem school this
week. Friday nleht the men of
Middle (irovo Community club
are serving a pancake supper
from 8:30 to B o'clork at the
school. The public Is Invited.
KE!ZER-"l!cre Comes Char
ley," a three act play, will be
given at the Grance hall on
Thursday evening Mar. 4 at
p.m. The Salem Civic players
nave preparca tne piav. Accor
dion, piano and vocal numbers
will be given between Hie. arts,
A standard meter and kilogram
kept in Washington, I). C, are
so precise In their accuracy thai
the men who work with them do
their work 10) feet away to avoid
affecting results by body heat.
CJ. Dctii, tl D,
Utir FDtltVH
1111 IPil
and Nitf rectal 4 1 lot dun,
- writ t tn
OKU 10 until 5 Mrtr IkKvfh tiUn.
Until a.n. M,ndr, W4ii4r a.4 Prldr.
Cairaaraolc t hyild.M I. Mr 4)r4 rv
fal.phwM lH If II Prtlfirf 13, Or.
SILVERTON-In line of regular
city council business Monday eve
ning at the city hall, with Carl
Hande, Jr., as substitute mayor
in the absence of Harry Carson,
several items of importance were
The report of the recently
elected police judge. Attornev
yuintin listen, a gain to the city
of $317.50 for the past month was
gleaned from 17 court cases.
The contract for the building of
the municipal park kitchen was
awarded to the lowest bidder, John
Pfeifer of silverton, the consider
ation, J1.169. Four contractors
submitted bids. Plans in detail
of building were discussed by the
Ordinance No. 417, was passed
on first reading. This specified
terms and revenues on the accep
tance of the 20-year gas franchise
with three officials from the
Portland Gas & Coke company
present, as parties to the agree
ment for the granting of the franchise.
The city agreed to continue as
of last year with a donation of
?2B5 as the town's share of the
Civil Defense Marion county dis
aster emergency fund covering
needs from destruction from fires.
flood or war.
In a letter from the PGE com
pany, figures of gross Income
from Silverton area in 1953, and
a statement of tho 3 per cent that
is to be paid the city, was read.
encouragement was sensed for
Choir and Orchestra
Offer 'The Red Mill'
The Salem Hloh school and
choir and orchestra are prepar
ing for the musical production
The Red Mill" hv Victor Her.
bert which will he given to the
public May 11 and 12. Tryouts
are now being held for tho roles.
I he Red Mill" was written
in 100B and was presented that
year in New York. Among the
sonns in tnc production are
"Moonbeams," "Every Pay Is
Ladies' Day," "In Old New
York," and "The Isle of Our
the city's help for the James Ave.
street improvement in a paving
project, with the city of Silverton
asked to make application again,
the aid to come from a portion of
the annual $250,000 tax fund allo
cated for benefit of smaller ci
ties. A 34-foot width street up to
the James Ave. bridge was sug
gested by the authorities. The of
ficial suggestions will be complied
with immediately.
The councilmen favoreTJ the re
quest for better lighting for the
Barger and Johnson street area,
where larger lights and more
extended arm light supports will
be installed. This was the only
extra iignt request before the
council at this meeting.
J no city manager. Robert Bnr.
land, was authorized by the alder
men to proceed with certain pipe
line adjustments for the city wa
ter system and for the installa
tion of certain pumping equipment
to assure sufficient water for the
West Hill tank during the dry
The request of Immanuel Luth-
eran officials to remove a small
portion of curbing near the cen
ter of the drive-out lane on Oak
street, that circles the church
from the parking space, making a
41 foot space in a termed, "com
mercial driveway," was approved
oy uie council.
Police Chief R. R. Main will
be re-imbursed for necessary cost
of trips to Salem In line of his
duties when he must use his own
Zemo Grcot For
Itchy Skin Rash
Zemo, a doctor's formula, promptly
relieves itching of surface skin rashes,
eczema, prickly heat, athlete's foot,
Zemo stops scratching and to aids
faster healing and clearing. Bay Extra
Strength Zemo for stubborn cases.
Relief You Need
'"Child's Cough
For cooehj and acute bronchitis due to
colds you can now set Crconralsion
specially prepared for Children in anew
pink and bine package and be sure:
(1) Your coiid will like It.
(2) It contains only safe, proven
(3) It contains no narcotics to dis
turb nature's processes.
(4) It will aid nature to soothe anil
heat raw, tender, inflamed throat and
bronchial membranes, thus relieving
the cough and promoting rest and
sleep. Ask for Creooiulsioo for Chil
dren m the pink and blue package.
No Traffic Dead Here
LEBANON City records re
veal that Lebanon has had no
deaths and only two injured in
auto accidents in 1953. No in
juries in both 1952 and 1951
makes three consecutive years
without a traffic fatality in the
city, according to Mayor Elmer
Fitzgerald and Ruby B. Moore,
municipal judge.
MOSCOW OH - John B. C. Wat
kins, 51, Canadian career diplo
mat, arrived in Moscow Wednes
day as Canada's first ambassador
to the Soviet Union since 1946.
Yes. a newTtoiA. "Itam&ieL Family Sedan!
It's true! Now you can buy a Rambler Club Sedan that's priced lower than any other
6-cylinder family sedan in America today! It's first in economy. , .first in smartness!
Now see all other '54 Nash Airflytes at new low prices ... the only cars with the
safety and "double lifetime" of Airflyte Construction , , . only cars to offer such
features as reclining seats and twin beds. See them loday!
Fielory Delivered Pries st Kenoshl, Wiscon
sin. Slits and local Hies, II any, and trans
Deflation sxtrs.
Marion Motors - 333 Center Street, Salem, Ph. 3-9286
Albany Building in
January Slumps
ALBANY February brought
somewnat ot a building slump in
Aiuany, nut tne sie.soo in con
struction values represented bv
February building permits Is still
somewhat above the $14,050 Jan
uary, 1953, figure which launched
Albany's biggest construction
year in history.
February of a year ago wit
nessed Issuance of permits for
$30,400 in construction.
WK,T St. Joseph
casta, cant cat, feat IraacWIa
I-v W lr! anrl Annlianracl I
1 Tmm II uim Mppiiuiitwi I
m r i v. Xv&tTf MM Keswt s
mmmimmm & & springs I
1 1 WOODRY'S THRIFTY USEDIr MSM V . 1 k used mattresses, y. ,395 1 1
I $ lifwCV dye4 h Pet Odl , rm. Via You Haul Um afc I
I 1 1 Conveniently Located I V$$tcov ft, Peo - . cfc'-0W USED SERTA 5A B0X SPR,NG ANdII
i IVClnandtt0, oA rrstafQ5Ki MATTRESS, rose damask, $109Sli
I Across From Our Modn Store fV WHl A davP nWW'0' W fuU lle set 1 if HI
f l Tofr-' CP COIL SPRING 495 If
Hi APPLIANCES . mPkc 19 PI ff.!!?.:2,Bl
fcri X!i TJ? S-AW a " M9.uv - nod - u SPUING MATTRESS, Used 2 m onlh. B I
RT 4....4 voJ 1 ..WT set Hi
1 tunTZsH J-sssvv-fc-i-' ;v-'-- n
i 4iJ" ,rash burncr' h" rnmfi $27.95 V S o0d w09 ood c0'w " wM."
I kNlscd bookraw fk rnmhlnatlnn U; iA-cU 0i -t.V tb-" HM
1 1 - i . . . wiv mrmaj yK,rs,'- i
J 1952 Westinghouse Deluxe rtnge with clock
land timer. Color-glance $9CQ50
I control, Z-Icvel cooker
t Used apt. size range.
good condition $59.95
0 used INorge range, full size with
warming oven 89.95
gi'JU westtnghouse range.
m uoor sample 189.95
3 1 nbr HIUbnATOHS
cu. it. voiaspot remgera- flQ50
tor, good condition ... iU
11 cu. ft. DeeDfreeze Dolnvn
refrigerator, full width freezer My'
usea oniy a montns $239.00
'i i 1 Heart rtrt 1.
'i Itlrii nnw OA ff
IThor Automagic, spin dries, StCO50
condition WS
I'sed trash burner, while enamel 9T ae L
Itsed medicine chest with mirror Aa :
fM'sen wood rlrrnlalnr a oe At nt)v' . - ntl " . and
lv uuiiKrase oesK comDinanon, lvde" vli j
Recent tests i.idlcate that chil
dren with imparcd hearing arc
more apt to become Juvenile de
linquents than normal children.
Fly United to
94 hrs.
13s 4 hrs.
"All the East"
nihg. finish . to ot
Treadle sewinr niarhin fWw llnm.v
.... ,
lf i good condltlnn .. . ... 14.95
viisen electric iron, soocl condiilnn
I'sed Taylor Tot
I'sed 4-shelf bookcase, maple finish
tiood used oil circulators from .. .
I'sed nihg. telephone gossip bench
I'sed walnut end table ..
I'sed dinner plates ea,
I'sed twin sire roll-awav bed.
JQ with mattress
i Bedroom Furniture
L 4-drawer Junior chest (New). f
-neg. 5Z4.35 . J L Price
Used full size Cpbiqe
kj-i w- .
i$i i Large mahogany dresser with 30x42"
mirror. Uust proof panels, $0095
t jand full size bed . .. sftsa J . .. i
- uuuum arosssr suiie, oieacnea
walnut, includes double dresser with
mirror, bookcase bed with foot. 2 nite
standi, C Atfen
Like new .
Bunk bed set, complete with springs
and mattresses $CQ95
u ones. It,
K ,1-1.
lL"s A:
'la"1 HS
- ata .jr. t .rn w ..ttS.
9,95 ' ".,.. Vict
. io n "
v otW6, w
tsed limed oak dining set. Extra large tx
tension table with 4 leave., i rh,ir. u..JZ
excellent ' """
condition -Iiy"
V , i walnut dining set, 8 leu
- hUffn l. ""'L-JL sLa'
Mmiv . Us, - fM I sssn t
eo rove'
" jlsed 5-piece drop leaf dinette Vet $1495
,? I'frt round oak table & 4 chairs S17t:n
4 I , , , 8ura ran and
f iuuuer, neg. 34.85 .Now
urop leat dinette table
O 4-drawer chest, all sanded.
JV.CVy.v2 "Ody to finish
bit sbollfi Tnrrnla i j ,
n." s
Highest Cash Prices for
Used Furniture and Appliances
4 -drawers
Solid maple 8-drawer, Mr. and
Mrs. Chest, 42" wide
17.95 fi'.
m (CI -S-sS'IiL J- cm 1
i it iiHji'i,.iii nil r tin
J UiliiMUi-VssW'ii ask l U U W UU I U p
Baby Scale
used Baby Basinetl.
with Pad
Used Babv P.m),im"!' i. .IT"
with tr .t. ' " --""um name,
" """ anaenment
Plastic foldina
Training Seat
Deluxe folding
Baby Carriage
515 So. Commercial GET FREE Downtown Merchants
Across From Main Store