Page 2 :fMlHIMIIWJlllJi;l In The Edited by Hopewell HOPEWELL A boys' quar tette, composed of Charles Keightley, Jr., Dean Brown, Mel vin Keifihtley and Dale Terrill, accompanied by Lois Terrill, sang at the morning service of the Hopewell E.U.B. Church. Ladies Aid will meet at the Hopewell E.U.B. Church on Wednesday, March 3. The prayer meeting of the Hopewell E.U.B. Church, will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wcstcrhouse on Wed nesday evening, March 3, with S. C. Waller teaching. the Hopewell E.U.B. Church will Will. s an Mr - Elvira Turner, join with the Amity Church of and Mrs. Elton Ingram Christ for the World Day of Mr and Mrs. Denul Wilson Praver service at 2:30 p.m. " f""'V w"e Wednesday eVe The Hopewell Home Extension ning dinner guests of . her par Unit met March 2 at the Hope- ents Mr. and Mrs. Kusli Setala, well E.U.B. Church Tuesday at on the occasion of Mrs. ilson a ln-M tn fnr rhpir March meet- int. Mrs. Arthur Warnoek and Mrs. J. S. Gilkev were the project leaders for "Casserole Dishes." Mrs. John Fuqua was in chnrgc of the business meeting, when program planning for the next year's work was discussed. Mrs. Kuqua attended the County Pro gram planning meeting at the AH Building in McMinnville Feb. fl. The Hopewell Community Club will meet Thursday evening, March 4, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Glen Harris will be in charge of the business meeting. Motion pic tures will be part of the program, followed by. a pie social, the pro ceeds of which will go into the motion nicture projector fund. The Hopewell Missionary So ciety will hold its March meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephens on March 9 at 8 p.m. Election of officers will be held. Mrs. Glen Harris, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. W. O. Moddcmeyer arc the nominat ing committee. Mrs. Howard Steohens is the lesson leader, and the co-hostesses are Mrs. Henry D-don and Mrs. Neil Currie. Graduation exercises were held for the Red Cross Home Nursing Class, whlc was held the first two weeks in January, at the Seventh Dry Advcntist Church on Saturday. Feb. 27 at 11 a.m. Mrs. E. J. Terrill and Mrs. Orick Busiek wcr the teachers of the Class. Mrs. Terrill had charge of the demonstration - in which the women showed some of their newly acquired skills. Elder Estol Richardson ad dressed the Class. Mrs. Orick Busick presented the Conference certificates as wclr li Red Cross Home Nursing certificates to Mrs. Martin Dense kamp, Mrs. Lowell Campbell, Mrs. Ruth Campbell, Mrs. Milt Carson, Miss Darlcnc Maker, Mrs. Waldo Maker, Mrs. Ed Nelson, Mrs. Paul Statcmever, Mrs. Clair Stephens, Mrs. Homer Syme, Mrs. Albert Terrill and Mrs. Carl Withers. Special musical numbers which were enjoyed hvall included a trumnet solo bv Eddie Svme, vocal sp?,)s by Mrs. Estol Rich ardson and Mrs. Carl Withers. Guests at this service were Mrs. Erscl Hallsted and family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Warnnck and family, of Salem; Mrs. Marvel Brown, Dean Brown, and Phoebe Schrammeck. Special music for Sabbath School was a boys' quartette by Dean Brown, Dale Terrill. Melvin apH Charles KcichOev. Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Clen Harris vis ited hi parents. Rev. anrt Mrs. Clair Harris in Portland Fridav evening, and Rev. Harris took part in an exhibition basketball game hetween the Alumni and Cascade College at the Benson Hinb Scbonl Auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens showed their (ravel pictures at Lincoln Community Club Vr'dny evening. Feb. 2fi. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Taskinen and Clayton Tatkinen and Mrs. Kenneth Schuhardt spent Sunday wllh Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ranierl and family in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stephens and Lester went to Mt. Hood Sunday. Miss Beverly Nicholas, a stu- 1 J Li iMIJll js hl.FNN CHMUS DMH GIOMf I08 NY MORGAN nuKQ UWtfvloHOIK IMBTIOK-JM . AISO Short Subject: "THEY WERE CHAMPS NEWS -COLOR CARTOON Prices This Engagement: Adults ... $1.00 -Valley MIKE FORBES f I dent at Oregon College o( Edu cation, visited her parents lor the weekend. A beach party wa enjoyed by Robert i'earse, Eldon Itcrsha, Dean Brown and Roland Irwin, in celebration of Robert'! thir teenth birthday at Occanlake, on Sunday afternoon, accompanied hv Mr. and Mm. N. 0. Pearse. The better dress workshop of the Hopewell Home Extension Unit will hold their meetins this week on Friday. March 5, at the home of Mn. Eltch Inaram. Mrs. Eugene Wilson is project leader and members are Mrs. John Fuoua, Mrs. J. S. Gilkey, Miss Virginia Magness, Mrs. Mildred birthday. j Mr. and Mrs. William Pearse and family of Salem, have moved into their new home on Wallace Road near Brush College, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Simmons of Keizer were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carpon and family of To ledo are housegucsts of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warnoek returned Wednesday from a week's visit with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Warnoek, in Walla Walla, Wash. Saturday guests at Ihe Warnoek home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth War noek and familv and Mrs. llrsel Hallstead and family, all of Sa lem. Ursd Hallsted left Thursday by train to visit his mother, Mrs. Gilbert Hallsted in Santa Cruz, Calif. Mrs. Hallsted is ill with a heart condition. Robert Janen spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Janzen. He is a student at Oregon State College. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Milne and sons of Gresham were Saturday guests at the same home. Ed Nelson, who has been in the McMinnville Hospital for two weeks, returned to his home on Sunday, but will be confined to bed for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Polvi of Corvallis were Saturday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George . Polvi. Mr. . and Mrs. George Polvi and Ronald visited Mr. and Mrs. Vcrner Setala and family In Newburg on Sunday. Dallas DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Tarbet have sold their 62 acrc farm south of Dallas to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Maldcr of Mon mouth, and moving to Seattle to be near their son, William Tar bet, Jr. Mr. Mulder is a pro fessor of speech at Oregon State college. They will move to their new home March 20; he will con tinue teaching at the college. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fully visited the beaches on Sunday. A -guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kracher is his sister, Mrs. John Drcher of Sher idan, Wyo., who has been visit ing relatives and friends in the northwest. She will be here for several more weeks hctore re turning to her home. Mrs. Mary Starr, who was ad mitted In the Dallas hospital l'fbrunry 17 for medical rare and mnjor surgery, is reported in good concilium. Mrs. Arthur Klmmel of Willa mina was treated February 20 for fractured ribs received in a fall at her home. Mrs. J. A. Hoover, who under went mnior surgery at the Port land sanitnrium in Portland last I week, is reported in good rondi , tion. New Spinet Pianos Full Keyboard First Line $495.00 The Music Center In the Capitol Shopping Center M0 A I m 111 THE STORY OF A LOVE THAT MADE WONDERFUL. MUSIC I JAMES STEWART IITMD AllVCmT MII1.FR STOPY UWfiliU rW-m WKiWUHJ Union Hill UNION HILL Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mulkey honored Mrs. Mulkcy's mother, Mrs. M. M. Gilmour, with a birthday party at their new home at Victor Point Saturday evening. After an evening of visiting and playing cards, refreshments i were served to the honored! guest Mrs. Gilmour, M, M. Gil mour, Mr. and Mrs. George Lov ett of Silvcrton, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Qualey and Robert, Mrs. Argus Pearson of Willamina, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Krenz, Rich ard Krenz, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones, Mr. a-id Mrs. Carl Jones and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. James Gilham, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ley Scott, Lynn and Joyce -Scott of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Verny bcolt, Donald and Alcn Mulkey and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Mul key. The Union Hill Woman's club will meet with Mrs. Ralph Mol let Thurusday afternoon. March 4, at 2 o'clock.. Mrs. Roy King. program chairman, will give a travelogue. Grand Island GRAND ISLAND Lt. Donald R. Wiley of Grand Island grad uated from Bryan air base, Texas, Thursday, Feb. 25. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley, attended the graduation class of 52 grad uates' who received pilot wings. He has gone to Del Rio, Texas, fnr advance training in gunnery in F-84 Thunder Jets. Mrs. Riley made the round trip on the train. Mr. Wiley went by air in his Cessna plane and he was accompanied by his neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Will and sons, Larry and. Ken neth, to Hollywood, Calif., where Mrs. Will and sons visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Buck, her one brother-in-law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor, and Mrs. W. E. Town- send. Mr. Townsend accompanied Worth Wiley and Cecil Will and attended the graduation. Mr, and Mrs. Raleigh Worth ington of Grand Island, accom panied by their daughter, Mrs. Howard Harris and two sons, Danny and Billy, of near Salem, have returned from a motor trip to visit relatives and friends at Yuma, Ariz., and various points In California. They brought back samples of citrus fruits. After returning home, Mrs. Worthington, while driving truck, dislocated her right thumb. Donald Tompkins has rented the Raleigh Worthington peach orchard. Miss i Marcena D. Fowler of OSC spent the week end at the home of her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finni cum had numerous afternoon and evening guests Sunday at their Grand Island home. j From Mt. Angel were Mr. and Mrs. Hex Ross, Mr. and Mrs. j Lester Colbrook, John Lavinc, John Cnplin; from McClay were 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn and j daughter Phyllis; from MrMinn- j villc were Mr. and Mrs. Delton Russell and son Dick. STARTS TODAY! NEVER SUCH SPECTACLE AND GRANDEUR! 'fjj J st Attest lln Gicnt Hr 55 A',,V,l,y, ROBERT AVA Ma ' TAYLOR GARDNER FERRER ANNE CRAWFORD STANLEY BAKER Prices This Show, Adults $1.24 Children 20c PLUS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Mr., and Mrs. Lester Scoggan of Grand Island und her mother, Mrs. A. W. Dokken of Salem, re turned home Sunday evening after a two weeks motor trip spent with relatives at Los An eeles. Calif. Lacomb LACOMB The school sponsor ed a skating party at Lebanon Thursday evening. With the addition of three new pupils, school enrollment now stands at 122. There will be no school held on March 18 and 18. r Teachers will attend the Teach ers State Convention in Portland on these dates. A 7 lb. baby boy was born at the Lebanon Community Hospi tal, Friday, Feb. 26, to Rev. and Mrs. Emery Nester. The baby has been- named Timothy. Mrs. E. Nester, Sr., of Portland, is staying with her son and daugh ter-in-law at the Baptist church parsonage. Mrs. W. Keebaugh has returned to the home of her raughter. Mrs. J. Bartruff, after spending some time at her own home in eBavcr ton. The First Baptist chu.-ch men's missionary group met Friday evening. The pastor from Scio Baptist church spoke on. "The work of a layman." A resolution was made to support the local pastor in a plan he has slated to visit each home in the com. munily within a radius of six miles. . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Cloud were visitors Sunday at the L. C. Hodges home in Al bany. Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Sledge of Scio. Spending the week-e d with Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Edwards were Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacDonald and daughter of Portland. The regular meeting of the Grange was held Friday and on Sunday a group from Lacomb at tended the Rosebud drill at Cal umet Grange. They were, Mr. Weeks, Helen Weeks, Sharon Douglas, Gcraldine Grcnshaw, Lorrctta Nakonsky and Mrs. Edna Oerier. Webfoot WEBFOOT Mrs. Rosco Roberts of Webfoot district was surprised on her birthday Friday afternoon at her home. Attending were Mrs. Ames Hoi drerige, 83, Mrs. Albert May, Mrs. A. M. Vernon, Mrs. Dell Morgar iedge and the honoree, Mrs. Rob erts. Pie, coffee and birthday cake, baked by Mrs. May, were served. Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Morgariedge and Mrs. May have more than two dozen tuberous begonias started in pots to set out later. Milk from mice, used in a New York scientific experiment is val ued at about $10,000 a quart. Pancake Supper Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs and Coffee All you can eat . . . 986 12 or under 49c Middle Grove School 5:30 to 8 P. M.-March 5 1 Merry Wive of Windsor and Color Cartoon Gates GATES Mcmberi of the local and Mrs. Gordon Bookman, of Boy Scouts, troop 45, Marion Dis-1 Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith trict. Cascade area, and a group; Kadine of Salem, of their parents met Wednesday Mrs. Donald Carey, son Jon, evening, Feb. 24, at the high 1 and new baby, Thomas Brian, school. i who had been at the home of The Board of Review was held ; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har prior to the Court of Honor and j old Wilson for a week, returned program. ' ' I to her home in Stayton Friday. Presentation of Ten d e r t o o t awards was made by E. A. Chance, committee chairman, to the following scouts; Wayne De vine, Ronnie Evans, Allen Hay wood, Ross Klutke, Kenney Mar tig, Kirk Nygaard, David - Rid dle, Rodney Schaer, Roger Schacr and Jerold Tucker. Presentation of second class awards was made to Douglas Hirte, Kenny Johnson, David Moore, and David Vail. Darrell Crossler is Scoutmaster. Commit tee members are E. A. Chance, Elmer Klutke, Floyd Volkel, W. R. Hutcheson and Don W. Mi Icy. Mrs. Don Miley and Mrs. Wil liam Pendicle were substitute teachers for several days the past week at the local schools, Mrs. Miley taking the place of Darrell Crossler of the high school, who was 111, and Mrs. Pcnnick sub stituting Friday for Mrs. Richard Parker, also ilL Mrs. Parker was struck by a ball while no the playgrounds Thursday afternoon and suffered a slight concussion. Sunday guests at the home of Air. and Mrs. Edward Tietze were Mrs. Lualle Sigmond and chil dren from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Tietze spent Wednesday in Eu gene on business. Among those listed, as recom mended by President Eisenhow er to the Senate for the position of postmaster was the name of Floyd Volkel of Gales. If ap pointed to the office as postmas ter at Gates, Mr. Volkel will take the place of Jesse Haywood, act ing postmaster at present The Gates Parent-Teacher As sociation will meet Thursday eve ning, March 4, at the high school. Judge Joseph B. Felton of Salem will be guest speaker, his subject "Juvenile Delinquency." A bene fit dance sponsored Ly the PTA will be held in the school gym nasium triclay evening. Alareh 5. with Stubby Mills and his or chestra. Mrs. W. F. Struckmkeier-re- turned this week from Portland where she has been for two weeks. Airs. Struckmeier has been ill since her return and con fined to her home. Mayor and Mrs. W. R. Hutch eson, accompanied by Mr. and Airs. Richard Parker, drove to Portland Sunday to attend the In ternational Homes and Furnish ings show. Weekend guests from Erie, Pa., Features you expecf to find the finest quality dinettes! Colon 11 J sjtts; I II if W Red Grey Green Yellow Chartreuse at a Dried pay for a Open 9:00 to 9:00 Every Night Except Saturday e.&i it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Kadine were Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson and Miss Doris Eliason. Other guests were Mr. Jefferson JEFFERSON A group of friends enjoyed an afternoon of cards last week at the home of Mrs. Harold Knight on south Main Street. Mrs. Joe McKee winning high score and Mrs. Earl Lynes low score In pinochle. Others present were Mrs. Guy Rowland, Mrs. Earl Phipps, Mrs. Claud Overholser, Mrs. J. J. Den son, Mrs. Paul McKee, Mrs, Joe McKee, Mrs. Earl Lynes and Mrs. William Walls and Mrs. Roland Walls of Albany. At the Three Links Club meet ing Wednesday afternoon in the IOOF hall committees were named for the year and plans made to sponsor a card party March 27. They plan to buy a first aid kit for use in the haiL Chris Farman, residing north of Jefferson went to Portland where he will undergo a serious throat operation, in the Veterans hospital. Mrs. Calvin Hughes returned home Tuesday from an Albany hospital where she has been a patient for the past two weeks. She is improving but will be bedfast for two weeks. She for merly operated a beauty parlor in Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wills motored to Portland Alonday night where they attended a 1943 class reunion at Washington high school of which Mrs. Wills was a member. Governor Paul Patterson was the guest speaker. Members of the Jefferson chapter of Future Farmers of America observed National FFA week Feb. 22 to 26, with special events. The main event was the parent and son banquet held Thursday night. The program was well attended. Honorary chapter - farmer degrees were presented to Hal Wynd, high school teacher; Pete Gilder- sleeve, manager of the Marion Linn Co-op, and Clayton Wills, agriculture teacher and FFA leader. These degrees were awarded to persons who have aided the chapter by helping to promote the work of the Jeffer son chapter of Future Farmers 'of America. J f i ; I V unii wnulrl nrrli small set Roger Fendal, state president of the FFA. was guest speaker. An interesting program was the explanation of the four degrees of FFA membership. Taking part were Claude Meyers, Green Hand; Ennis Hawkins, Chapter Farmer; and Wayne Johnson, American Farmer. As a feature at the monthly meetlnc of the Jefferson Wom an's club, Larry Wells, member of the FFA chapter, spoke on the history,' program and pur poses of the FFA. Points brought out during the talk was the work state association and some of the of the Jefferson chapter, the points most interesting he ob served while attending the Na tional FFA convention at Kan sas City last November. The Jefferson FFA chapter well at the Capitol FFA district shop skills contest held Satur day at Cascade Union high school. Boys taking part in the contest were Bill Cotman, Fran cis Alarlatt, Billy Case, Larry Wells, Claude Meyers, Jerry Marcum, Dale and Gary Peter son, Perry Davis, Lyle Adams, Don Dotter and Bob Harris. Placing in various contests were Soldering first, Don Doner; second, Lyle Adams; rope work, j first, Claude Meyers; second : Francis Alarlatt; acetylene cut ting, first, Bill Cotman. Arc : welding, third, Gary Pedcrson. Word has been received of the j death of Henry B. Will, son of I Mr. and Airs. Otto Will, Sunday, j Feb. 14. Burial was at the Moun tain View Cemetery at Oregon City. The Wills family were iP Starts Today Open 6:45 Adults .50 Children .20 4.1 Arte ...... "Vi? Russell mariuw MONROE mm hawks' (Jentleme WM Blondes M DINETTE only Wednesday, March 3, 1954 residents of the Greens Bridge community and was well known in and around Jefferson. Fruitland FRUITLAND Salem Civic Players will present "Here Comes Charlie," a benefit performance on Alarch 5 at 8 p.m. at Fruit land school. This is sponsored by the Fruitland Mothers club. The proceeds to go to the school Mrs. Arthur Shulz, Mrs. Ken neth Runner, Mrs. Emma Standi fer and Airs. Emma Runner were hosts to the Fruitland Women's club Thursday, for the February meeting at the church annex. The new president, Mrs. Larrey Wagonor, was in charge of the business meeting. Rev. and Mrs. Delmcr Ransdell and children moved into the new parsonage by the church Fri day. Indians in what is nowColombia were waterproofing their clothing by daubing them with juice of wilk rubber trees long before Colum bus discovered America. STARTS TODAY! BACK HOME O'CONNOR $t LEIGH AISO Joan Fontaine Jack Palanc in "Flight to Tangier" WE GIVE W GREEN STAMPS ' GEE But It's Great! JjftVJ i. m I W IrfcA IT .. i J L i