800 Real Estate oerriea, partly aowed. trm 7.?,.': S rm- "! home. 'Barn. Down Mnlt0r- Wtf!otS Down. aWifft i" Cult- Cen" '0i"- 1, ?Joot, barn- Double gal ' V&JSW. W5U- Ka!t ' Monitor. Pavement, Good so 1. farm and o. eatlon. ,14,500 d n.na ,10' Also larger and smaller farm and ttjt WAUTH REAL ESTATE Worth Main St. Phone Green 44 . Mt, Angel : BE READY (Home and 3(4 Acrea) JS iK P'oti with thla Bice Cape Cod" home ' are aU Plowed and ready for planting , a'.i Acres of rich soil with food well. 18 assorted fruit and nut treea, shrubs and flowers surrounding the home. Lovely lawn, large fir ES' ,duble arage. chicken h.0.uJe,fnmJroon- Your 'or only 88550. Low down payment and $60 P'r month. Eve. phonea 2-3828, J-62M or 3-9858. PHONE 4-3394, 1980 Falrrrnunrii tnH HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT IS IT. KHAPF trailer home. Good aa new. Will inm i-t- Pickup. Alio new modern two S rairoom nomes. i aoubie bath. All on 1 floor. Utility plumbed for too It auto, washer, wired for SJv ,ii '2U Lansing Ave. 806 Houses For Sole WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 25 YEAR FFtwrHAT. r.l mic WITH 8 DOWN AVAILABLE NOW AUSU IUA 20 YEAR MTGS. $3750. FULL PRICE Very livable house. Not quite finished out u you are m xixer-upper, let v show you this one. 2 Blks to school 4 Blks to bus. 2 Extra lots avail able for only $500. more. Call for Alri. LKA1VTOI1U, eve. ph. 4-3020 Sim.) FOR EXCHANGE The owner of this property will ac cept a smaller home in exchange. It's older type but roomy. 70 by 125 Corner lot This location Is growing in value daily. 3 Bedrooms. Furnace. Garage. Bus by door. The full price is only $7500. Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve ph. 4-5020 Sim.) BUILT FOR COMFORT In the way of an arrangement. 3 Bedrooms on one floor. 1450 sq. ft. floor apace. Fireplace. Spacious living room. Forced air oil furnace. Insulated. Weather-stripped. 2 Car, att garage. 75 by 198 lot. Keizer Dist Full price $14,000 (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve Ph. 4-3020 Elm.) Worth Every Penny , t Yr. old home. Adjoining Manbrin Gardens. Oil heat Insulated. Att. garage. Private well. 65 by 125 ft lot Lawn and shrubs. 3 Blks. to school. Owner leaving city. Full price only $7850. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sun.) , 3 Bedrooms $8500. Is all the owner Is asking for this home. All rooms on one iioor. torn pletely remodeled. 2 car garage. 144 by 125 lot. Best of sou. uwn Khriihi. tnmiiAted. Pvd. St. We con sider this a very good buy. Terms arranged, ti.au tor mm. umw METT. eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) MOST UNUSUAL letting. Nice fir grove. One of the very few in the area. Full dry basement. Highway frontase. 2 car att garage. z wens, siuioniai": sprinkle system. Lovely yard and shrubs. Extra large fireplace. If you like aeclusion and room this is It. I'i Acre lot. Full price $15,900. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7079 Sim.) BUSINESS BLDG... Plus a lsrge extra lot. Suitable for most any kind of business. We con sider it an excellent location for aervice station. Existing bldg. Is almost new. With one of the most beautiful living quarters att. you have ever seen. This Is. an out standing property with many po tentials. Full price $38,000. (Call for N. O. "DAN" ISAAK. eve ph. 4-3533 Sim.) LIVE IN ONE Rent the other.A very desirable dup lex Well located for school, bus and stores. Psrtlally furnished. Tenants pay own utilities. Taxes only $124. per yr. Income $B5. per mo. Full price only $8750. (Call for N. G. "DAN" ISAAK, . eve. ph. 4-3533 Sim.) . Chemawa Road Special 1 Ares. Finest Will, silt on pavement. New 2 bedroom house. H. Wood floors. Automatic oil heat. Nice bath. Inside utility. Lg. garage and Hi workshop. Excellent arnica wen. Price has Just been reduced to $8595. It's an excellent value. Good terms to an Oregon Vet. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-5020 Sim.) 10 ACRES Only S miles from down town Salem. All under cultivation. Good modern 4 bedroom house. 40 by SO barn. Garage. Chicken house. Paved m. An Ideal place to raise a family. Lots of flowers and shrubs. Full Erlce $11,600. Terms. (Call for MR. EAVENS. eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) 70 ACRES For onlv $5250. No there Is no catch. This would make a good sheep or stock farm. 2 Springs. Well. Small but livable house. Only miles from good town. School bus. Hrally worth the money. (Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4735 Sim.) BEST OF SOIL On this 124 acre part Chehalla and Will silt. Irrigation equipment. Our modern 4 bedroom house. One 2 bedroom house. Both have garages Nice lawn and shrubs. 40 b 00 barn. Machine shed. 18 by 50 hog house. 2 bunk houses. Corn crlh Chicken house. Long list of farm machinery. This Is a drj 1 for $!.40O. (Call for MR. LEAVENS. APN63CONwiWoNAt MTC8. FEDERAL r.l MTGS.. 25 YRS. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH, and IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Office Phones 4-3311 or 3-7820 3(135 Portland Road 3.4735, 4.3433. -v,"6"y; II No Answer, Call 4-2248 LARGE MODERN 3 bdrm.. attached garage, shaked. plastered Insulat Id, oak floors. Venetian b! Inds. ci cu atlng fireplace, well. Near rl.w ff"jYjus. S8.5QO. Ph. 4-419.. ATTRACTIVE I bedroom home in E Englewood with Ife. unfinished at tic suitable for 2 more bdrms. Liv. room with fireplace, dining roym. kHchen with breakfast bath lh ".' , ""fL T,. floors. Auto, oil F- A '"" : tached garace Small dour, fo ment. Terms at 4,iV.-J(" . RV OWNER 2 bedroom home In Wal nut Park District, full b.srmrnt with Photographic ".'?;". Ssndberg furnace: wall to ' V.rpetmg. nice inwn sink and dishwasher. $I2.00. Call )!!. 800 Real Estate LARGE HOME-LOSE IN Full basement. 1 bedroom down. up, 1 fortabl older condition, close ings .Creek lot i ..?i SJ300 oown. total price, 410,800. i v r.TiJ Lorem. LEE OHMART 2 BUILDING LOTS S1200 NeMcKlnley School. Just out of city, paved street. Vista Height INCOME DUPLEX ceVta Norm s.E "l olh"-..These " 1-bedroom homes lo- Mckinley district colonial om'aY'wIth ,.005J?JDlf t0,n., A beautiful 4-bedroom col- a block? ?rS, vi'im,?lt,."", " of Plumbing, located 1 JUST RIGHT FOR TWO OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Eve. Salesmen: Louis Loreni 35590 Ted Morrison 25048 Henry 7 wi (An agency devoted to home-selling exclusively) HOME AND BUSINESS 4 bdrms. on 2nd fir. Stairway from hail laree T n nn lri scrcened-in back porch. Large front rch & ga?ageLo"a"ed i business lone on So. Coml. near new shopping center 81 ft front, age. Price $12,250. Percy Gorton, Sim. 4-444l7res 2-4092 . TRADE CITY FOR ACREAGE ,:m 1, h'' f.pJaceW .lBe' .LR DR- oil fir. furn. plastered, well located, north. Price $7775. (Equity approx $1575). Owner Sniw""?44, Re?.6038Uh """" Wh3t ClfiS. NEAR SCHOOL & BUS . nni5'i.1.,LdbiS- .ltcn' alc bdrms., fplace.. well planned. 4-4441? Res'. 2-5959 7 ' ' 7m'- Brk", Slm MAHOG. CABINETS TILE DRAINBOARDS Attractively finished with cedar-Uned closets, paneled fplace. wall. 2 nice bdrms. Fed. air heat. Lge. picture windows, good 25959n "'' Near school. Roy Barker, Sim., 4-4441. Rec. 4 BDRMS. $1500 DOWN Very attr. clean home w-w carpet L & D rms., compact Mt., bath with shower Nicely finished, cone, foundation. Good neighbors, a blks. to 4 Comer school, !i blk. to bus. Affords lots of living for 5 rytnS family at a very asonable price $7950. Grace Tom lln, Sim. 4-4441, Res. 4-2436 YOUR SALESMAN Five HOMESELLER salesmen with special real estate appraisal training are keeping constant check on about 100 homes each for sale in their respective nclghborhooda and consolidating their in formation at HOMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to-the-minute In formation about home sales in your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLER salesman or sales woman for your neighborhood. THE HOMESELLERS THEO G. NELSON, MGR. IN THE HUB Or SALEM EASY PARKING 702 N. HIGH, SALEM PH. 4-4441 Salesmen Barker, Res. Ph. J-5959; Gorton, Res. Ph 2-4092; Morgan, Res. Ph. 4-6038, Rogers, Be-' Ph. 2-5550: Tomlln, Res. Ph. 4-2430 ACRES Only $1350 with down payment of $350. Good building site. Ideal apot for chicken rancn. adoui a io mm nute drive to downtown. ST. VINCENT 2-Bedroom home only $6500 with large kitchen, separate dining room, plastered home on paved street. Would make an excellent piece of income property. Owner would consiaer a iraae iur ib home. KEIZER SUBURBAN Almost 2 acres of excellent soil with a beautiful home. 2 large bedrooms with great big closets. Huge living room with double pic ture windows and fireplace. Extra large utility with !i bath. About $1000 worth of good shrubs. Paved atreet. $12,750 and worth It 201 South High Phone 3-9303 Phone Evenings A- Sundays 4-1671 3-3858. 4-5319. 3-3264. 3-4876 There's A Tavern In the town and there you can set yourself up In a going business. This Is a paying proposition, well located, low rent, goed lease. Own er will trade for house or income property. 4 Acres Newer 2-bedroom home with oil heat and fireplace. Located north on paved street, close to school and slorcs. Reduced to $12,500. Irrigating well. $200 Down S-bedroom home located north of cltv just off 69E All on one floor, wired, plumbed and has bullt-lns in the kitchen. The interior needs work but Is livable. S350 Down 2-bedroom house In city limits on pavement: garage. Full price $4950. REALTOR PHONE 4 4454 1955 f aitgiounds Rd. "GOOD AREA! Never type 2-bcdroom home. Fire place Inside utility. Forcea air oil heat Attached garage. Very nice lot. $11,900. 3 Bedrooms Living room and dining room com bined Fireplace. Wall to wall car pet Close to bus and school. Home J yesrs old. $11,600. Lots and Lots 8xl20 soulh. $875. 70x120. northeast, $1 000. 1.15x75. West Salem. 11.000. 41,100-fnrr soulh. $2,000. 97x203, VifW S.1 000 RAM SKY. REALTOR 2.i4 North Commercial Office 4-jal I Fve. J-"MS or 3-7072 or 4-l"IW ToPlaceAd Call2-2441 ICSIiOT L 800 Real Estate baths, very com. home In good to state build. II A real buy v.Aru .hiiuii JTltfUUjr UTCO TRUE COLONIAL' ' ' This beautiful home is truly one of auirm B zuiest. xarge carpeted liv ing rm. t dining rm.. 3 large bdrms. & one in basement. Also, party wi:,, auiuway. iripie piumolng, Hdw. floors, oil heat. (SOUTH), J. L. Himmel, Realtor $63 N. Capitol St. 2-697 "List with us we'll sell it" 40 AC. NEAR SHERWOOD 2 bedrm. modern home, barn, 2 chic ken houses, garage, trees. Trade for house in Salem. $8,500. 10 AC. WITH GOOD HOME Close in $8,500. Trade for older house in Salem. 2 BEDRM. HM. $4,975 $500 DM, NICE CLEAN 1 BEDRM . nr.N with fireplace only $7,450. Will eon aider trade for trailer house. BEAUTY SALON. CLOSE IM CALL OSCAR SEDERSTROM, SLM. John J. Dann, Realtor 415 N. High. Ph. 4-3482: Eve. 2-5219 REDUCED $2,000 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Bergs Rho Gardens, consists of small house, lot 78x100 and consid erable atock of shrubs. Ideal for rcilrca couple. Asking price $4500. FURNISHED HOME isnn irinis 4 yra old, plastered, h.w. firs, oil f f . storage space in attic. Only $7500. 4 HOUSES 116 500 FOU AM. Furniture included. Located nn ex cel, nusiness lot, 50x390' Rm for further development. Income $165 mo. Onlv $2500 dn. ENGLEWOOD DIST. Drive by 2275 Englewood Ave. Call ror appi. to see. $11,500 for this 2 br home with dr, 4 yrs old. F.A. furnace and fireplace. NEIGHBORHOOD ennrrav Lacatcd close In. Onlv $480 plus Inv. iase on nmg. t 2 nr. Jlv. quar ters. For annt. call Geo. Patrnv. WANTED: LARGER HOME WITH ACREAGE Will trade very nice 2 hr plastered nome. n vr Ola nun. N.K. ono so ft. Price $8750. Equitv $2550. What have you? Ask for Geo. Patrny. ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR 231 N. High. 3-5838. eve. 4-1689, S-9848 Buslnrss Directory CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno vators. New mattresses. 3-4069. ncLi.noL.'ti Bulldozing. clearinc roads. Dondi D-4. D-6. carryall V. liuskey. Ph 2-3146 HOU8KIIOLD PRODUCTS FOR prompt, free delivery of WAT KtNS products, please call dlstrlh. utor, 1135 So. Commercial St., Sa lem. Ph. 1-5395. Dealer applications Invited. Stanley Home Product". Let Mlndt. 1680 Madison Ph. 3-4058. Lawnmnwcr ghapenlng Repair. HAND mowers. $2. Frte pick-up & delivery. Ph. 2-4616. IBlh & D. 24-HR. PUMP service on all makes water systems. Brownie Valdez. 2-37M REFRIGERATOR SERVICE All makes and models. Al Laut Re frigeration. Ph. 3-5443. SKPTIC TANKS MIKE S Eeptle Service. Tanka clean ed D rooter cleans sewers, drains Phone 3-9449. Sewer septic tanks, drains clean ed. Roto-Rooter Swer Service Phone 1-5327. Hamels septic tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone l-7t04. 2--0774. TREE WORK PRU.VING e spraying. Insured op. erator. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 4-1481. " if fal I BUDV CALABA 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale a BR. House with $800 equity for $600. or trade for 2 br. in Keizer a ist. can 2-1174. -o daily. 7 UNIT APARTMENT All furnished, clou to Caoitol Bide. furniih.nsK and building in excel lent condition, income About f-ow. annually Very low overhead. (SOW. will handle or owner wilt take well located 2 bedroom home to S9000. Kuil price only 121. wo. NEAR ST. VINCENT'S 3 Bedroom home with dining room, fireplace, full baaement. auto, oil heat, lovely fenced lot, $11,500. 175 ACRE FARM Only 5 ml. S. E. of city with Vi M. frontage on Ill-Way. 60 A. fescue, 50 A. perma grass, 35 A. grain. 25 A. pasture, 5 A. orchard and building site. Grade A dairy barn, modern 4 bedr. house with base ment furnace and fireplace. Owner will consider smaller farm In part trade, vicinity of Silverton. This Is a paying farm at only 9275 per acre. Making it a real good farm buy, better see it today! Call Dick Severin Madsen Realty Co. 1329 State St Ph. 3-5580 Eve. 4-2R33 BY OWNER, Suburban 3 bdrnuu liv. rm., fireplace, din. rm.. kit. with breakfast bar, spacious bullt-lns & closets, uniin. attic, garage. Lge. lot, many young trees, near school, church, shop, center, Sc bus. $8,950. . 365 N. Elma Ave., Ph. J-2056. FORCED SALE PRICE REDUCED $2600 This 4-bedroom htfme la located In one of Salem's finest neighbor hoods Basement party room, liv ing & dining room finished In ma hogany. 2-car garage. Englewood school district. Offered today for $14,800. Eve. phones 3-9956, 2-8288 or 2-3826. PHONE 4.8394. 1980 Fairgrounds Road HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 3 BEDROOM Older type house located close In on North 20th Street Spick and span Inside and out. Large living , room, dining room, kitchen, bath and utility downstairs and 3 bed roma up. Large lot (60'xl50). Walk ing distance from State Office buildings. Excellent bus aervice. See this ffr only $6,000.00. Ranch Type 3 bedrooms, all on one floor, large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with large nook, bath, central hallway, oversize ca rage with overhead storage. Forced air oil furnace, lawn, shrubs, lots of back yard privacy. Priced at $14,800.00 with $3,000.00 down, bal ance on FKA terms, Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING Real Estate Insurance Mortg. Loans Office: 3-9217 Eves: 3-4709 or 3-7386 610 Faring, Acreage For Safo "A Golden Egg" ts what you will find if you look Into this farm with 120 acres with .IO acres cleared. A good sawmill all ready to so with about 400.000 ft of timber. A four-bedroom house and 4-car garage with other buildings. Lots of water. Close to a town, Price $19,000. Terms. Shown by appt. only, "77 Acres" : of beaverdam and Willamette soil with hlffhwav frontage with far, pumphouse & hogshed. Buy on contract Price $23,000. Terms. "Central Howell" 33 acres with a new 3-bedroom house. Very good soil Good well. A lovely setting, rnce iie.ww. "187 Acres" No buildings, but a wonderful Elace for cattle or sheep ranch, ota of water. 110 acres under cul tivation. Close to Salem. Price 124,000. (W dn. WE NEED LISTINGS L. E. KLUMPP, RFALTOK J055 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-7B42 Eve. Richard Klumpp, 3-3884 NEAR PRATUM 132 A. about 100 A in culti vation, good spring and well, large barn, good 5-rm. mod. house, some grass in, on paved road. Price $23,000. MISSION BOTTOM 32 A. of Chehalts noil with beau tiful rnnch type home, 3 new chicken houses 20x50, new mach. shed 20x60 .good irrl. well, on paved rd. north. Price $28,500. BURT PICHA REALTOR 379 N. Hifth St. Eves.: 4-3152 Off.: 1-4047 ACREAGE Very nicely located close in on Fisher Road. 3-Br. house with un finished upstairs, fireplace, forced air furnace. Outbuildings consist of a barn, chicken house, tool house. Lovely grove of oak trees, creek In the rear. Would make a wonderful chicken or berry farm. 3's acres in all. Terms. ICE CREAM STORE An extralrdinary opportunity for an amhltlous couple to take over this going business. A chance to work for yourself. This can be built up into a real money maker located in the growing Keizer dis trict. Let's talk it over. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC ItUILDDtNO Real Eslntc Insurance Mnrlgage Iyans Office: 3-11217 Eves: J-470B or 3-7.1B8 ToOKINf-. FOR ACREAGES?" WK'VE GOT 'EM 10 ACRES Jus at the edje of town. 5'i A. cult,, bal. good pas ture. 3-HR home only 10 yrs. old. Dbl. far. 3 chick hres. Good barn. Wonderful berry soil. May consider trailer hsc. In trade. Price, 114.500 Terms. 7li ACRES 5 A. under cull. 5 rm. house, some work to finish re decorating. 300 yards from 9'E. This Is worth the money. Price 18,000. 9 ACRES All cult , I - yr. - old 5-rm. hse. Good well and nicely kept. A good acreage 19.000. STEAL THIS 90 ACRES IS cult Approx. 30 A. more could be cleared and cult. 7-rm. hie.. Ui stanchion barn. Hog hie., mtchine ahed. Haa all routes. Price $9,000 cash. Call for Rov Bennon, farm sales man. Eve. ph. 4-1419 J. E. LcCLERC REALTOR 19 N .Capitol St. Ph. i 1-32M 800 Real Estate DE LUXE, FAIRMOUNT HILL Finest Salem listing. I bdrms. plus one on lower level. Sunken Uv rm.. hemlock paneled liv. rm. and hallways, wall-to-wall carpeting IhruouL 3 bathrooms, splen did party room, myrtlewood burl paneled liv, rm.. de lux kitchen, auto, oil heat, dble. garage, trees, splendid view of state capital and city. For further details CALL GRABENHORST BROS. ONE OF SALEM'S BEST BUYS New) Excellent construction and floor plan. 3 bdrms. with walk-in closets, liv. rm. with ma hogany fireplace and bookcase, din. rm., birch kitchen, Hi baths, lge utility wired for washer and dryer, extra lge. dbla. garage. Oil forced air furnace. A quality horn with good view pi mountains and vaUey, CALL J. E. LAW . MUCH MORE FOR THE MONEY Nearing completion, time to look and select colors. 3 bdrms., i full bathrooms .double garage, utility area. Paved atreet, bus close, some view, oak trees. Two ol the four new homes on this street sold. 114,900. CALL ROY S. FERRIS KEIZER DISTRICT A fina family horn on large 79 x 120. ft. lot. Just five blocks from school. 3 bdrms., den. workshop, patio and lots of storage space. Price ll,9O0. CALL H. X. LAYMON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St., Ph. 2-2471 J. E. Law 3-S1I3 PERSONALITY PLUS! This gracious, personality plus decorated older home, with new modern kitchen, dble. plumb.. D. room, 3 bdrms , dry basement. Prominent street, tall trees, creek, landscaped. Beautiful Ic spot- BUILDING? ' . Candalarla view acre. One block from Commercial. Sit ft. of paved frontage. Large walnut trees, pears, apples .cherries, plus 3-bdrm older well-kept bungalow with basement & sawdust furn. Beautiful build, lot. Price $15,000. , M.IHXi Niet acre tract with cherry trees. Garden space. Nearly new 2-Br. home. Fireplace. Hdwd. firs. Lota of water for Irrigation. Good terms. $8.750 Home In the country. Lovely lawn ic shrubs. Truit Sr nut trees. On pavement 1-Br. home. Room for 2 br. up. Fireplace. Good furnace. 2-car garage .A lovely place to live. Terms. $10,0008 A. horse ranch. Good barn. Poultry house. AU fenced. Modern older 2-Br. home, $2500 will handle. $17,000 Near new high school and Leslie. Lovely 1-Br home. 'Xtra Br. in basement X fireplaces. Party room. Spick and span , thruout. Good terms. , A. A. Larsen, Realtor 191 S. HIGH Eves. Ph. - 24591 tl ACRES. IRRIGATED FROM RIVER 28 head registered cat tle. 1 silos, 2 loafing sheds, 1 large barn with loft, new milk hous. with all the latest equipment, nice 4-bedroom home, all necessary farm machlner ygoes. Grade "A" license. 119.000 down $39,000 full price. For appointment, call Chet Rawlins, Sim. APARTMENT HOUSE, CLOSE IN Located 850 Water Street. Has . great possibilities In lot alone. Price only $8,000 cash. Call Chet Rawlins, Sim. 12-UN1T MOTEli-One of Salem's best, located north S9E, TV In rooms, 3 units air-conditioned, electric and gas heat, 2-bdrm. living quarters with large living room, fireplace, dining room, large kitchen, lot 80 x 200 .paved, good financing. For appointment to see, call Dale Rayburn, Sim. COFFEE SHOP LOCATED ON ME NORTH. SALEM Showing gross income of $50,000 year for last S years, all fixtures and equip ment go in sale, low rent, all this for $7,900. Owner will take car in trade. To see, call Dale Rayburn, Sim. 3-BDRM., 4 YRS OLD, FORCED AIR HEAT, $9.950 Very neat Shrubs and flowers, large lot, attached garage, hardwood floors, J learning kitchen with lots of bullt-lns, nice dining room, large Ivlng ronm, only $500 down if you ara a veteran. Call Jim Rawlins. Sim. 7'4 ACRES, 3 HOMES. CLOSE IN, $15,5001 3-bdrm. home, 1 3 bdrm. home and 1 1-bdrm. home, barns, outbuildings, 3 smaller homes rented for 370 month. Good subdivision spot. Owner anxious to sell. Call Jim Rawlins .Sim. 20 ACRES OF THE BEST BERRY LAND Well drained .with creek on back of land, large 4-bdrm., living room, dining room, kitchen equipped with electric range, large barn good for stock or chickens. A real buy for $7,000. Call Howard Olsen, Sim. 40 ACRES. CLOSE IN For that dairy or stock ranch you "have alwaya wanted, all tillable land sowed to permanent paatur. .well fenced and ready to go with plenty of fine outbuildings. All equip ment Including a '49 Ferguson tractor and equipment, irrigation pTpe and heads, 10-horse 3-phase pump. A good buy at $30,000. $10,000 cash, or will take 3-bdrm. home In trade. Call Howard Olsen, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 30B0 N. Capitol Street Office phones: 3-4614 or 4-1761 Evenlngst Chet Rawlins. 3-623 Jim Rawlins. 1-H573 Dale Rayburn. 2-2045 Howard Olsen. 2-7655 NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) WEDNESDAY IS TRADE DAY AT NELSON'S TRADE WE HAVE A VERY NICE $7960 HOME in Washington School Dist. which can be traded for 1 to 3 acres with three-bdrm. home around $10,000. Acreage must be esst. Our listing has 2 nice bdrms. and unfinished upstairs, nice living rm., dining rm. and kitchen. Attached gar. $7950. Call Mrs. Wootten. TRADE MY CLIENTS WANT A 2-bdrm. home either In Highland Srhool Dist. or West Salem around $8500. Their S-bdrm. horn, with basement is priced at $11,000 and haa an 18 x 13 6 living rm. with attractive firepl. Call Al Watts. TRADE WE WANT A 3-BDRM. HOME AROUND $19,000 In the Morn Inpslde Srhool Dist to trade with a 1-acre & home close-in south wctl of Salem. Our client has a nice 3-bdrm. suburban, hardwood floora .nice living rm. and dining rm, large kitchen. Double a r..cc Good chicken hse., fruit and gsrden area. $13,500. Call Ed Lucas. TRADE INCOME PROPERTY. ZONE C2. This good property is In high class business rone. Wonderful location close to state office bldgs. Always rented. $25,000. Owners will trade for a nice 3-bdrm. home In good district. Call Dick Schmidt for full details. NELSON AND Chet I. Nelson 1590 S. Commercial Evenings: Chet Nelson, 2-1350: Al 3.B0MI: Dick Schmidt, 2 - 808 Houses For Sal 1750 DOWN Nc.it and clcin 2 br nearly new. Hwd. ilrs. tlirougnoui. wsromne clrpls. plenty ol storage spare. lo catcd Inside clly. S.E. Only 87,350. ACRE Large 2 br. remodeled home. Close tn bus and school. Close in, South. I5O0 down. 81.350. 1 SUMMERS REALTOR 17US Slate St. Phone 2-4002 33 Acres Verv nice late built home, barn and mach. shed. IB acres of producing cherry, pear and nut trees Equip ment can be bought reasonably, Priced rlcht at 114.900. New Duplex Side by side, garages. Close tn bus. Sell for lrss than actual cost at 112,800. Trade for Farm Good paying business and bldg. Ideal for man and wife. Easy to operate. Price IM.MIO. NEW HOME AND GREENHOUSE I bdrm. home. 2 large view lots. Priced at only 88000 Call Bon Cleary. V. Musjrrave, Realtors 1211 Edgewater S-8109; tvet S-9M9 I; ltAUt!ri 800 Real Estate &o Evenings fc Sundays call Salesmen Roy S. Ferris 3-SO10 H. K. Lsymon 1-S193 PH. 28629 37163 NELSON, REALTORS St. Doralhy 8. Nelson Ph. 3-3669 Walts. 3-7265: I.ydla F. Wootten, 7.V.7: F.dLuras, 3-MS8 806 Houses For Sale tlY OWNER. New J-hdrm. home on 720 Thompson.2-55Hfl for Infor. 8150 DOWN. 2 bedroom, modern house. Ph. 4-2473. G. I. SPECIAL $10,500 4 bdrm 2 bath, kept In perfect re pair. Near Raker and new Hl School. 1994 Fir. 2-8A27. 808 Lois For Sale HURRYI HURRYII Several good city lots leftl Caah or terms. By owner. 4-4326. LOTS, WITH no restrictions, $10 dn. $10 a month. Owner 2-8011, Eve. 3-GM2. SUBURBAN LOTS Two lots 77x171 each. Cloe-ln East. Both lor $700. NORTHEAST Paved street. 70x120 and 77x120. Shade trees. Both for 82200. CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center Phone 4-8031 Eve. Phones 2-7812. 3-5IW2 CHOICE building lot. Klngwoodbr, West Salem. Ph. 3-9023. LOTS. Near New High School. 3-8470, BY OWNER. Choice lot on oak St. between Liberty and High. Phone 1-3931 or 1-8851, 800 Real Estate 810 Faring, Acroggo For Sal ! ACRE. Rich nil. One block from bus. 2 bedroom livable house. Oil circulator, electric water heater stays, run price only 3J50. Phone j-sujj. g. j. awasenka. Realtor. NICE FARM on Skyline Road, I bed. room home. Phone 2-8268. SUBURBAN FARM with Irrigation rights. Beautiful view sites with subdivision possibilities. $179 an acre. Box 263 Statesman-Journal. APPROX. 30 A. S.E. of Salem. 15 mm. drive. Good Insulated 4 bdrm. house, furnace, lis bath, barn, tractor, equipment, fine location and view $13,500. Rt. 1 Box 288 Aumsvtlle. Phone 85F4 Salem. Is ml. S.W. Store at Shaw. Close -In Northeast 1U ACRE -Four room, two bed-room nouae. oirawperries raspoerries 100 foot well for Irrigation. Price only $3550. FRITITf.AVTl ONE ACRE Six room, three bedroom nome. jumict neat. Bam, poultry house, garage. Good Willamette oil. Only 3 blocks to school. Price $8950. Center Street Realty 1748 Onti fit Phnna Eve. Ph. Gels 3-7811, Bright 3-5863 il2 Exchange! Ral Esttrto 236 ACRE FARM 43 Acres river bottom lend, can be irrigated, so A. cleared, some smeu timber, located near Toledo. Own er would consider home or small apt 111 health reason for selllnf and owner wants to retire. Price $2S,000. Includes some stock and all equipment. J. E. LeCLERC REALTOR 1898 N. Capitol. Phone 3 -32 59 BEDRM. home, Keizer Dist. or trade for acreage. 4-5550. Sell FAIRMONT Dist, 3 br. hm. tt den for country home. 4-5145. Trade 3 bdr rm. home near Engle wood sch. for farm to $11,500. S bd. rm. home near Englewood ach. as part payment on 3 bd. rm. to $12,000 ' I bd. rm home N. Bui., fireplace, Extra take trailer home In trade. JOE NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE 1593 N. Cottage Ph. 4-3681 day-eve. 818 Wanted. Real Estate) LOT suitable for 3-bedroom home. uity utilities available. Ph, I-7B38. 8-10 am. 850 Automotive 852 XJgd Cart For Sal CORRECTION THE FOLLOWING CAR WAS ERRONEOUSLY CARRIED AT $1698 YESTERDAY CONVERTIBLE 1951 FORD V-8 CUSTOM Spring is just around the corner: Jet ready to enjoy It with this rather-finished beauty with ra dio, heater, overdrive Excellent white rubber and only S139S CHARLES MUSSER' Ph. 4-4902 High tt Marlon '41 FORD Pickup, good condlUon. 8350. Phone 2-9450. . 1051 PONTIAC 4-dr. deluxe eaulp.. top condition. Sacrifice 81095. west Mcciicnrlst. 2-4829. 1951 FORD custom club coupe, radio, heater, overdrive. Good condition. pn. 4-0484. 1931 MODEL A Ford pickup. 835. 2870 i-iauae si. rn. Z-BU42. 1948 PONTIAC Sedanette. Radio, heater, top condition. Days 2-8082; eve. 3-1313. WILL NOT be under sold. Real buy aau. lim aiarnie &tu. a-yosa. FOR SALE; '47 Dodge 4-door, foreat green, excellent condition, pnone a-SM2, goo west center, Silverton, Oregon. 48 ENGLISH Ford. 2-dr. 18.000 miles, 8250. 1074 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-.1f21. 1950 CUSTOM DeSoto Sdn. By own er. R&H, clean. 535 Waldo, 3-5398. 1053 CHEV. aedan. Ph 4-5560. Well equipped. 19.10 CHEV. 4-DOOR aedan. Will trade for older model car. 1355 D St. after 6 p.m. 1949 KAISER 4-DR. deluxe, excellent cond. Would consider trsde in on older model pickup. Call 2-7123. '50 OLDS "88" 4DR. Clean. All ex tras. Excellent condlUon. 11150. Ph. 3.4928. 1941 CHEV. COUPE. Good motor and tires. 880. Phone 2-7802. 854 Trucks, Trailers For Sale 129 50 buys A-l 2-wheel trailer. Glen Woodry, 1505 N. Summer NEW GMC 2'i-ton B-yard dump truck. 12-ply tires. Also 19S0 Chev. 8-yard dump truck. New tires and motor. Take car In trade. 2915 Silverton Rd., Salem. 862 Houss Trailers 16-FT. house trailer (locally con atructedl. Very convenient, lota of bullt-lns. J. H. Schoentclder. Rt. 1, Box 24-A. Silverton IN. addition). 49 - 30-ft .2-bdrm. model home. Very clean. As part payment on 3-bdrm home. JOE NOONCHESTER. Real Estate 1595 N. Collage 4-3001 dey or eve. WELL Insulstrd, clean 27-ft. house- trailer. 42 Zlmmer. Cheap. 780 F St., Independence. EASTERN-huIlt ROLLOHOME 27' to 45 . See before you buy. Lana Lane Trailer Plara, 1940 Lana Ave. For the best tn Trailer homes, new or ttxert With terms available See JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2040 Portland Road Statesman-Journal Newspapers 280 NORTH CHURCH STREET STATESMAN 2-2441 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IMIn 2 lineal 'Weekdays "Sundays oer line. 1 time -35 3S oer line. 3 timca . 90 80 ler line 8 times . $130 $1.20 oer line. 1 month . $5 00 One). Sun. I Classified ads will be run In both papers to give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 35,000 combined circula tions. When an ad Is ordered three or tlx limes and a Sundav Issue Is In luded (for example: Friday. Satur day. Sunday) the lower Sunday ratea apply because only the Statesman leublishes Sundays Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesmsn, conclude In the evening Cspital Journal. But ada will be accepted for Sunday Statesman only The deadline for rlasdfied ada Is 1:00 pm. the dsy before publica tion F.mergeney ads and small line ads received after 1:00 p.m. may 850 Automotive 852 Usod Car For Sal LODER'S SPECIAL FOR TODAY . 1950 Ford V-8 Convert. Coupe, RAH, O.D. Al If ; '50 olds u88 ,...nm e-aoor seaan . "50 Pontiac .......$1145 ;. con vera oie coupe '50 DeSoto Cstm. .$1095 e-aoor ocean '49 Olds "98' $1095 -uwr Beau t . '49 Pontiac ........ $995 Chib Sedan '48 Buick . . . .$695 Special Sedanet '47 Buick .........$595 ' Xoadmaster Sedanet LODER BROS. CO. 0LDSM0BILE 465 CENTEE PHONES 2-7073, 4-2261 POST vm ONUS IMSfcBaV. $495 I 48 Chevrolet club coupe 4 aero sed an; radio and heater in each. '48 Dodge 4-door, radio, heater, whit . ' sidewall tires, Jet black finish. '48 DeSoto 4-door sedan, radio heater, fluid drive. '47 Mercury club coupe, rebuilt mo tor, radio, heater, new, seat cov ers, new paint. '47 Chevrolet convertible, new top, radio, heater; runs like new. '47 Pontlao 4-door aedan, one owner, radio, heater, low mileage, Streamliner "8". '48 Pontiac Torpedo "8". sparkling jet black tudor with white sidewall tires. $425 290 '47 Ford V-8, completely overhauled . motor. It'e a-beautiful 4-door sed an. '47 Chevrolet Aeroe. Original black finish. Two sharp ones to pick from. $395 '48 Ford Fordor 6-cyllnder sedan, ex ceptionally nice, original Black finish with white aid. wall tire. $195 '42 V-8 club cnnne. Hot Rod. R H. '41 V-8 convertible, new top. '41 Mercury aedan, R.H., nice. '41 CHEVROLET 2-DR., R4.H, original paint, good tires. '49 Indian Arrow motorcycle Open Eves 'Til 8 POST AUTO SALES TODAY'S SPECIAL! BE SURE TO SEE THESEI 1948 PACKARD STANDARD 4-DOOR SEDAN 1948 PACKARD DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN BOTH HAVE RADIO, HEATER, OVERDRIVE. WE WILL IN CLUDE I year'a Insurance FOR ONLY $625 STATE MOTOR, INC. 878 S. 12th St. Phone S-4547 19J3 MERCURY 4-door, R&H, excel lent condition, 82,143. cau baiem 2-5030. CHEAP Equity In 1951 Nash Ramb ler convertioie. new top .motor completely overhauled. Ph. 4-5818. FOR SALE or trade for older car. 53 Willys, 4-door sedan. Fully equipped. 4,800 actual miles Phona 3-5.127. 1167 Ruge. JOURNAL 1-2408 be placed In the "Too Lata To Ciaesify" column for the following morning. Ada for Monday papers must be In by 8 P. M. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserves the tight to reject ques tionable advertising. It further re serves the right to place all adver tising under tha proper classifica tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspaper! assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may appear In ad vertisements published in Its columns and in cases where this pspar ts at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which tha typo graphical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad eontatnlnf Statesmsn-Journsl Newspapers box numoer for an address Is for tha protection nf the advertisers and must therefore ba answered by let ter. The 8tatesman-Journal News papers ara not at liberty to divulge Information as to tha Identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind" ad.