k$3 I 13 Page 18 LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVEN that tha undersigned have been appointed by the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon lor the County o( Marlon, aitting In probate, as laecutrix and Kxecutor, respecUvely, of the Last Will and Testament and ESTATE of Asa I. Eoff, deceased, in cause Num ber 15,788, and have duly qualified. All persons having claims against aid estate are hereby notified to present the same to us, duly vert lied as required by law, at 205 Ore ion Building, Salem, Oregon, within tlx months of the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published at Salem, Oregon, this 24th day of February, 1B54, BERTHA F.OFF, Executrix, ASF.L C. EOFF, Executor, Ronald G. Glover, Attorney for Executrix and Executor, 105 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon. T. 24, M. 3. 10, 17, 24 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. BEST OFFER. '31 Spartan. 33'. Sleeps 4, birch interior. Consider trade on 3-bdrm home. 377 Lancaster. '48 2-DR. CHEV. Radio and heater. N Ice and clean. $600 Ph. 4-2343. TRADE FOB HOME BV OWNER Business and apt. bldg. 2 businesses rented on long lease. 3 apta. Income 12,400.00 yearly, plus 6 rooms for owner. Full basement 25 X 65. Ph. 2-0363 after fl p.m. BV OWNEH Like new 2-br. home on 80 x 120 ft. lot, N E. Near grade school. In good dist. Insulated plastered, hw. firs., venitlan blinds. Will go G.I. we have cut the price to the bone. Ph. 2-0004. 2-BR. HOME. 1730 S. Capitol. Some furniture Call at 1088 S. Liberty. FURN. family size apt. Close to shopping center, State office bldgs,, University. All utilities furn. 1'h 2-9308 . 590 N. Summer. LAWNS: Prepared and seeded, also rotary - hoeing. Duane Wolcott, 2-8127. ANTED: Party to work needle point, box 271 Statesman-Journal BABY SITTER wanted. My home. S day week. $3 a day. 1640 S. Liberty &i. pn. a-uuwi after . KITCHEN help. Apply in person North's restaurant. Shopping Cen ter. COPPER sprinkling systems, you Install Save money. Ph. 3-906B. OLDER type mangle for sale. A-I condition. $20. Call after 3:30 p.m. Phone 4-3225. OATS and vetch hav 70c Bale fesque straw 35c. Ph. 4-2667. ORANGES rloz. for Si. SI. 9ft half case. Onions 90 in. nag. 73c snuds inn lb., $1.50. Al Ped. 5230 Portland Rd. 850 AutomniivA 858 Motorcycles GAS 7c GALLON That's what lt'a like when you ride a new or used Motorcycle or scooter from SHROCK'S MOTORCYCLE SALES Just North of tha Undernasa. No down payment on approved credit 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Wed. Mar. 3. Stated Communication, 7:30 P.M. 312 Lost and Found LOST Brown Cocker. Answers to name of Jimmy. Child's pet. Phone 3-.11M7. 335 Fawk Ave. after 5 p.m. 314 Transportation" DRIVING to Los Angeles Leaving Monday. Room for 3 riders. Share expense. Reference exchanged. Ph. evenings 2-0704. Mcsslck. 316 Personal NOT RESPONSim E (or any bills except contracted by myself. C. C. Franklin. Palmistry Readings' Advice on love, marriage, business. This ad and $1 tor $5 rending. Next to North Salem Orlve-ln. Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co . 2-11708. m or Sarchet's in Alli.ny. 352- ALCOMOl.ICS Anonytn'nis group No. i lowiw. torn i a-..vw. SAFE, permanent removal of irhtly laclal hairs Erich of N Y. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale NICE Guernsey-Jersey milk cow. 5 yers old. Just Iresh 4 g.Tr cow. IRIS Wallace Road. Ph.2-22i:i Jloi.STKINi'ow. large. 4-wrf. fresh In few days, heavy producer. Ph. 2-SMM. NICE Cuerney-Jrrcy milk cow. 9 years old. Just fresh. 4 gal. cow, 1815 Wallace Rd. Ph. J-2213. GI'F.HNSF.y'hEIFF.R frrnh one week" $110. Werner pigs. Call alter 4.10 Flnvd Vaughn. Ht I, Pox 2.14 Aumsvllle. l'. ml. U.K. of Aumi vllle. i sVniNGER heifers due thlTwrek? 1 Milking Shorthorn and 1 Jersey. Coin's Farm. 3 miles N. of Jrffrr- son, old highway. Ph. 450 Jefferson. LOCKER HF.KF-rj.lcrn "Oregon. 't or whole. 25c. Iront quarter 20c. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co. 1323 S. 35th. Phone 3-4858. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. I bur cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, gosts. boars, veal Emery Alderman. Phone 1- 7869 or 2-0068. CATTLE BUYERS. E I and II. Sne then. 4297 State 2-1345 or 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm, f (5! McCandlnh 1127 S 23lh Ph. 3-8117 LIVESTOCK buver. A F Smnmer I2CS Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-21.17 404 Poultry and Rabbits 14 N. H. PULLETS, 10 mo., $2.00 es 5050 State, Ph. 3-5837. CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Austra White or New Hampshire. Palmer's Ht. 1. HrooKS. Ph. 3-6343. SABY CHICKS. Order now for choice of breeds. NH pullets 19c, par red roosters, sc. vauey farm atore. 408 Pets PARAKEETS Cages, supplies Bird Paradme. 3180 Livingston j-1842 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. IMf'tlc Coy i Mock east of N Capitol. It, hlorks north of Mt1on Ph -897 ToPlaceAdCall2-2441 400 Agriculture 408 Pels SMALL PET monkey for sale or trade. Exceptionally tame, call al tcr 4 p.m. 4-301B. FOR SALE Ex-seeing eye dog. Re). gium police, l's yrs. old. Children pet ana gooa watcn dog. iw r. si. l n a e pen oence . SIAMESE kittens for sale. Reason able. Phone 2-8488. COCKER. Golden red, A. stud. Phone 2-1248. PARAKEETS Babies raised In out home, $7.30. all colors. Mrs. Pow er, 733 wencvue. i'n. e-isu. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment. rarakeeu, pets. Mac- leay Rd. 4-3773. Closed wed. CANARIES, choice oranse and aDrl cot strain. 3-4385, 1340 Chemeketa. 410 Seeds and Plants 5-YR -OLD blue berry plants. 380 w. Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-3072. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce" ORANGES, SWEET NAVEL 11 lb. bag 89c. Green Apple Mkt, 5003 Portland Rd. FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed free. 2-0774 425 Auction Sales Livestock Auction THURS., MARCH 4TH 10 a.m. Misc. furniture produce 12:30 - Shrubs & fruit trees 1 p.m. Livestock Chickens Sc rabbits, baby chlx, calves & veal, weaner & feeder pigs. Milk 6c beet cows, heifers, bulls & steers. Livestock Bold by the head or weight. Many good Duyers. come to ouy or sen. Lane SudtelPs Auction Sales Yd. 3013 Silvcrton Rd Ph. 3-6088 FURNITURE AUCTION tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 miles east of Salem on Silver ton road. Ph. 3-6098. 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools COMPLETE GARAGE equipment. jjiacK fie uccKcr vaive reiacer ana seat grinder, pin hone, Sioux bench grinder. John Bean wheel balan. cer. Electro tune-up equipment. Bender front end tools, A.C. plug cleaner, noor jack, tru-cut arma ture tester, Drake bleeder, air com' pressor, victor adding machine. Will sell my stock of parts at 60 off. H. W. Resler. Ht. 3, Box 320 Dallas, Ore. Ph. 2883. CUSHMAN B-H.P. riding tractor 265. un rubber. ttox'2!JB, statesman Journal. 452 Wanted, Machinery, Tools WANTED. 10 or 22 Caterpillar trac tor. Call 2-2870 after 7 p.m. 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale OLD picture frames. G. Woodry. TEA cart, $9.50 G. Woodry. SWING mocker Sale. G. Woodry. SECTIONAL bookciic. $35. Woodry. COMPLETE let of Stalnlf Steel Cook Ware. Used 6 month!. Keal bargain. Phone 4-2705. SEATS 18 people. Drop leaf exten sion dlnlnir set, coit new $279.60. A whale of a buy for U at only $99.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Sum mer. LAMP sale. Glen Woodry. USED Montgomery Ward refrig.. In gooa cona. -n. mi9, WESTINGHOUSE refrig., Estate range, fully atttom., bed, chest, night stand 4020 Relman Rd. 3-7347. FINE appliance buy. Wcsttnghouse re trig ec Jioipnint deluxe range. Very nice. Both for only $191). so, worth much more. EZ terms. Glen Woodry. 1R09 N. Summer. LIKE new deluxe box spring ife mauress set. ' price ai sju.bs. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer 3-PC. bedroom set, $.19 50, Glen Wodory. 1605 N. Summer. SUITCASES, cheap. Glen Woodry's. BEAUTIFUL new furniture Lowest prices. T.-7, terms. Glen Woodry. IfiOJ N. Summer. USED beds, r.lrn Wooilry's. OFFICE dphk. fine condition Urge spc W3. Girn Woodry, lsiu N. Summer. Terms. RKFIIir.ERATr.il meal c;ise Out right sacrlllce at $75 Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer.WllI trade. KinnY "cleaner. G. Woodry's. 50 llEFUKiKItAToitS and ranges Glen Woodry's .Lower Prices. EZ ANTIQiir.i-lncks.p. Woodry. $50 DOWN buys 5 rooms furniture at Glen Wondiy's, ltiUS N. hummer llrsl tluys. ANTIQUE dishes, t'.len Woodry's. I.AD1KSM! If you've tlwavs wanted a Necchl Sewing Mi-rhtne. here's your chHnce very nice, 001 table new. was nearly $.IC0IM1. My Intnl Srice Is 'W 50, term, cash or trade Tany older Trrnrtles 410 to 120 Miop l.lrn Woodry s, 1603 N, Sum mrr. NEW daveno sets. $119 95 Glen Woodiys, lf.05 N. Sunmer. CIIHOME dinettes." G? Woodry's SANFOltlJ. 9x12 Axmlnster rug .ile $7r.. t! save $30. t'.len Woodry's, inns N.Siimmer. Cllll.n'S wardrobe. $19 5o7 Wiwidiy. 1605 N. Summer USFI) ct;et drawers. $4 50? Glen Woodry. Ih05 N. Summer BAliY crlbr(;lriirWoilr.vr EI.F.CTIlic range' Frltidalre relng" wanhing machine, bos sprines Jti frit mattress. Set of rnmpton's F.n- cyciopeata. call Z-44PO. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods t'jicd Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 E PA top cash priee for uKd used furniture, apnliaruTs, etc. Im mediate srrvtre. t'sfd Merrhnndis M.irt 2,0 S l,llert.v. I'h. 4-6.171. CA-H IUUAV (iood used furnitur or wltl sill dn coniKr.mnl Fh SudteUi Auction. 457 Radio and TV TABLE MODft. Admiral S upeed radio-phono. Like new fV5. Willi MuMc SUtre. FINE Port.iblr P A. ayitem, inc. 2 upeakers, mike, record laver, .New waa IM. Sarrlflee. 173. Glen Woodry.JfiflS N Summer. RAHIPOS. Cheap. Clen Woodry. 458 Building Malo rials ALL NKW lumber, nhip lap. $:wioo per M and up. 2v4 and Urner I'.'SOO prr M and up. Some lumber $15 00 pet M delivered. Phone 2-2042. 450 Merchandise 455 Hsehold Good For Sola FREEZERS 131 C1J. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZZER. REG, $!S 85, ONLY 1775 00 120 CU. FT. CHEST FREEZER. REG. 1650 00. ONLY S.4U500 118 CU. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZER, REG 1650.00 ONLY H15 00 TOO NUMEROUS TO ITEMIZE RANGES HOTPOINT, G. ., WESTINGHOUSE, MONARCH 125.00 TO 1129 50 REFRIGERATORS HOTPOINT, KELVINATOR, COLDSPOT I2S 50 TO tt 50 WRINGER WASHERS 129 50 AND UP AUTOMATIC WASHERS GUARANTEED BENDIX AUTOMATIC G. E. AUTOMATIC - HOTPOINT. LIKE NEW, REG. EASY SPINNER, REG. 220S.50 USED SEWING MACHINES ALL TYPES, FROM $29.50 TO $139.50 RALPH JOHNSON, Appliances 355 CENTER ST. 458 Building Materials ODD LOTS, 39 assorted Voungstown steel counter lops, marine jinoieum covered, chrome trim and back li plash. 12.00 and up. Ideal for work top, bar counter, shelf. Jud son's, 279 N. Commercial. BUILDING? New fir door iambs , ..$2.50 Oak flooring .. New bain iuds complete Used bath tubs complete. used cast washbasins Udwd. plywd., ideal for Danelini? or cabinets Loose Insulation Der ban Fiberglass roll blanket instil. Cheap 14-2 elec. wiring . .ac 12-2 elec wirirnr 5c Nails $8.75 & $8.95 keg Asbestos siding per sq. ...MWW..$9.00 Minted shakes with unders t 10.50 New doors, all sizes ,$5.50 Used windows 36" x 43" $2.50 100 used doors with frames New toilets with scats . -824.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete 841.50 42 gal. elec. water heaters 867.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins Bargaln 500 Kal. steel septic tanks 862.50 cast iron soil pipe solid orangeburg pipe ..38c Roll roofing, largo supply . ..$2.45 tao coinp. rooting .87.55 Cedar shingles, 4 grades Cheap new uaiv. iron vn i-nnap Plywood, new carload ..Bargains New picture windows 88.00 New weather stripped windows 814.20 New plaster 'board 4x8 $1,40 Steel garage doors, complete$44.00 Over-head garage hardware.813.95 rutcnen, Dam mi. enameled checked wall cover 10c sq. ft. C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N. of KHzer Pine, Pine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT'OUU EARS!) New Load 1x12 shelving, variety of paneling, same low price. Knotty Pine plywood (that's right I), have some In stock. Sdjjs 59.50. KD roof sheathing or boxing f)9.50. Lotsa doors, rfgs., paints, wall boards, and clg. tiles. 4x8 hardboard 1.75 sheet. Some odd sizes In plywood need an offer I Ext or Int. 4x8 or cut. Free cutting saves you money! Easy Bild Patterns from large fur niture to baby's toys. You'll be pleased ,at ease, doing It "your self." Your remodelimr nroblemi. our pleasure I Nothing down. 36 mos. in pay. OPEN ALL DAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD . . 3Si$ Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433 METAL FENCES Permanent. No upkeep. Free esti mates. 38 mos. to pay. Borkman Lbr Sc Hdwr. Phone 3-3701. 3480 Slate St. SPECIAL 2x4 studs No. A $8. per carrier load of approx. 1400 It. Burkland Lbr. Co. Turner 1125. 460 Musical Instruments Learn Piano ADULTS-CHILDREN 8Weeks$10 Limited enrollment. Beginners Only AGES ADL't.TS-18 TO 118 CHILDREN B TO 18 I children's clats and 1 adult class starting soon. I.imllrd to 8 students REGISTER NOW We wtll furnish a piano for your home prartire for a very normal rrntal fee which may be applied To purchase. Salem. Music Company 111 S Mich St. t) -al: I-A70S AcroM from F.lstnore Theatre I'lANOS. under whor.tlr, .i.V $75. fiy i.ienn woUiy, loa N. I Summrr. ItAillTONKSjJaisTTliuVVch'e or extra iod very eheap. Ulen Woodry, lf.05 N. Summer ' SPINET PIANO" for "unpaid I Vaianee!" AimoM new. irrum or rash Write IVO. Hox 403. Salem. iV.Urr PIANO Hamilton upright. 'efm ished and t-ornpletrlv Euarntred A no. onlv $22S. tallman Puno Stou-f. S. 12th. 462 Sports Equipment CASH paid for used un. modern and antique. Cascade Merc. 130 Broadway. ALL NF.W Johnson models available now WE AUK MADLY IN N K.K.I) or rsED outhoahos a boats. Trade m In now. Our nnW uned motor 10 II P. Johnon. $n SO Sa lem Boat House, 100 Chemeketa, Ph.3!.'tVj. ONE .4-KT. glaM boat lVvPimniiT. new. regular Sale W9. One 5'ih.p ChrivCraft motor, like new. guaranteed. $UP One 12-It. ued rtat. givod con.iition. $139. Gil Ward, 450 Ccnter PIAWOtSli" BOAT, nlane" 'with ',. b p. motor 0. 3W W. Chemawa Kd. Tit. 4-W71 -low price $59.50 $25.00 $7.50 rtrvip $1.00 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 450 Merchandise 455 Hsehold Goodi For Sale 1300 00, L -148.50 TO 1149.50 $135.50 ONLY 1189 50 .ONLY $124.50 PH. 3-3139 462 Sports Equipment Hospitalized Forced to Sell 14 ft. Birchcraft boat, with wind shield, seats, anchor, etc. and trail er. older model In good condition. nil tt-oim. CUSTOM 300 Savage with 2.5 scope 1953 10 HORSE power Johnston out- ooara motor, used 0 times. f.245, SALE or trade, new 12' glass covered ooai. i'n. j-uym. PLYWOOD boats. Plain wood. 4!j HP iituiur, .wv w, memawa tto. i'n. 464 Bicycles BOY'S 28" DAYTON bike, also girl's 9n" Un..,...-.. ...I.. t Lyman Cain. P.O. Box 157, Turner! 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous RENT A good used refrigerator, as low as 9.uv per mo. MASTER SERVICE STATIONS, INC. 865 N. COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM, OREGON U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phone 4-5361. 4133 It. LOU J, McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by day. Towns Eaulo- 'OH RKNT or lease, Ige. warehouse apace, cement floors, Drlclc bldg. down town. Inquire H, L. still rac.x. 3-9181 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous PC. BDRM. Set $69.50. Gossip bench $14.50. Apt. size elect, range $34.50. Norge 6 ft. refrig. $65. Trlr. hse. daveno $24.50. Table saw and motor $25. Baby crib $7.50. Console radlo-phono. $69.50. Platform rock er $9.75. Tickets $2. Lawn mower $4.50. Garden tractor, plow, disc St cult used very little $175. New Roto-hoc garden tiller $134, low cost attachments available. Some used pipe & fittings cheap. For furniture, appliances, tools, misc. & tool rental it's Snook's Bargain Center. 2505 State St. $39.75 BULOVA wrist watch. Slightly onuiJwuiii. i.iuseuui price aiu.os, Hartman Bros., 399 State. BOLLINGER'S New Grade "A" MAtoH.l 14-J Loomex Elec. wire 3c ft. 12-2 Loomex Elec, wire . 5c ft. Wall boxes with clamp 26c 8" Ceiling' bio fan ciqqs 4" Galv. Gutter "K" to ft 10 yr. 42 gal. Wtr. Iltr. $67.50 10 yr. &2 cal. Wtr. Htr. hi no 500 Gal. 54" Seotlc tank $59!oO 5.95 Titanium OSW Paint f t ? 5 ft. Steniadder Dbl. Sink, spray, frame comp. $4393 iuw items at real jow prices BOLLINGER'S FARM & CITY SUPPLY 343 N. Com'l. St. Ph. 2-8058 ELEC. FOOD mixer. Gold Band chi na, antiques, linens, lamps,, rugs. 1240 Columbia St. Thursday Mar. 4 from 1 to 6. PAINT, $2.29 gal. G. Woodry. M.M. movie camera. $9.50 Glen Woodry,l605 N. Summer. QUALITY Band saw and turning lathe with extra cliticks. Ph. .1.4248. AUDITORIUM sire sound projector with larRe screen. Ph. .1-4218. WALNUT kneehole dsk1 19.mT llotK tiros. Used Slore, 137 S Commercial. IIOOVKR vacuum cleaner, $28.75. Hoer Bros. Used Slore, 137 S Commercial. ZKNITII " table' model rrfdl'n.phnn Rraph comhlnallon. 3-speed. $.19 00. HokK Bros. Used Store, 137 S Commercial. TABLE model radio. $11 0.V Hiii Bros.Vscd Store. 137 S. Com I. PAINT, it S'J U.Tl. GVoodry ilSF.D B AMY'S .lay pen and pad. Like new. $18. Ph. 2-2H79 alter 5 .00. SlDKAItM water healer. SO jaL lnnk" fitting., safety valve. $1.', Want Merryliller or Mustane cultivator. Ph. 2-37ot alter 5:30 p m. fl-FT. ALUMINUM" Ik.iI. "reasonable! Call alter 5 30 p m. 2-jl37. STHONO BUILT 2-whrel trallcrTlL C. Neuman, 730 Fairview Ave. Ph. 2-3520 SMALL 4-58.13. greenhouse, $4j. Phone MONTGOMERY WARD Supreme washing machine. Excellent condi tion. 3 yrs. old. 175. I'h. 4-2827. ALMOST NEW Roval port ihle tvpe writer $'i.V Call 2.07PS aller 5 p.m. WOTTA n.irg.unl So." Mill riertrnhix A all ill . A-I, I't iH bum It. (;!rnW,M.(lry,lfin5 N. Summer. LOOK. I .ulirs'l Plate mlrrnrs.tl .33. Cil.m Woodrv, lr.C5 N. Summer. WANTFn-Stuflcd mvL R F. Lock hart. 3ISJ Silvcrton Road. t'SK.D FURNITURE "fOr'TfsS VallcyKurn. Co, 219 N. Com'l. I'AI N T.$2:9 "galTc- l7lPWood7y PAINT. - gal. (lien Woodry. BATTERIES itt oj" group 2-mo. guarantee. Lytle's Tire. 2.105 N. Cnnri. PAINT. S2 Itlji.il. ('.lcnNVoi!iy. F.Xi F.l.I.FNT ItAHN vard Irrtilirer Phone4-.1907 or 4-2(70. API1ING m.irl'lncs. c.ish rerlsiers, s.n5 St up. Clary Multiplier Corp, 1979 rairgrouno.1 HQ. rn. Z-M7.V CHAR1S to'jnd.itlongtrdlesrbra Ph 3-.VllorS.J072 Mary E Bales PAINT. fli gal C. Woodry. HOSPITAL BED f.ir .ile or rent. 11 1. Stiff Furn. Co Ph 3-9165 Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orrlrrs delivered IVlone 3 8127 PA I N T KSSTO aCG lrnWoodr y" Recaps 600-16, $(.93. Lvtle'a Tire. 3.TH5 N Com'l. FERTII.I".KR-mtted row manure, compost, rolled mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. Bv sack or cu jr. Phillips Bros. Rl. 5. Box 49.1 4-3081, 3 ml. E. 4-Corners. on Slate. PAINT. $2 29 gal G Wrtodry. "Top Soil" River silt, till dirt, prompt delivery. t'tiollC 2-1,411 C'SKU Itcrnscr.ihurS19 93'.'9 9.t7no nr Al l.aue. 23 to Sl.ile. Ph. 3-5443. Stvxia. RECAP or-Grp 1 hsttevT! S9 e nuiTjJean s. tlci8S12th 7-FT rrilsr jvt. 25 cent each, you haul 35 cents ,.v:i delivered. In quire 3-4UU Silvcrton. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, MlsceUaneoui COW FERTILIZER, $9 a load, $5 per ya. i'n. 3-4,021. WANTED, used (Merry Tiller) gar den tractor, 2449 Market Ph. 1-1958 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous WE PAY cash for furniture, tools it misc. ln. a-5ti5B. STUD LOGS Wanted I' Stud Loss or Multiples af I', Plus Trim. Dla. 6" to 16". BURKLANO LUMBER CO. Ph. Turner 1129 Eves. 1503 Turner or 2-7B2 Salem 474 Miscellaneous WOOL RUGS Braided and laced. . Skillfully tailored to fit your color scheme and room size. Call Mon mouth, 2259. Mary Overholser, 846 n. jvionmomn Ave., Monmouth. SALE or trade elec. portable sew ing macnine lor xarm tools stock. 4-2579. SALE or trade, quilt pieces (Ray col- mr egKs. cmcKen3, or wnai nave you. 4-2579. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR !-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER; DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State & Com'l. SU. DALiAI PH. 3-33H 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S ireen slab. S ed. fit. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253 or S-4574. CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-logs SAWDUST for Mt;i.r-HTNrs Briquets and wood at ma S. ComT at mono a-72t. Hiffhway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood, ifreen' or dry. .Tiuvc-uicfrcj a- rn. j-dv4. OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak S&H GREEN STAMPS Ph. 3-5533 3087 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or Push Out Sawdust Ash, Maple and Oak Wood Green, drv slab. Planer End 1525 Edgewater Phone 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan SHOPPING FOR A LOAN? Pe rsonal Persona 1 Offers These Benefits: "Yes" promptly to employed peo ple married, sin del Nationwide credit. Single visit loan phone first. aciect nest payment dale! LOANS UP TO $1,500 On Auto, Furniture or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2-24H4 105 S. High St., Salem State License S-122, M-1R5 Loans over $300 made by Personal Finance Co. of Marion County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. PHIVATE money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. ROBERT W.CORMSEN. Put! 687 Court c 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parking a-Plcnty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-50, S-154 515 Investments ALL-IN-ONE LOAN UP TO $2000 OR MORE ONE LOAN MAY DO ALL 4 1. GROUP INSTALLMENT PAY MENTS 2. rl'T PHF.SKNT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 3. CLEAN UP CURRENT BILLS. 4. PltOVlDK F.XT11A CASH. JUST ONE MONTHLY TAYMENT PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. LIBERTY I'H. 4-2203 ((() Employment 602 Help Wanted WANTED Young m.-in. aft 1B-28. for train ltiK in Dept. More Manasfmrnt. Mmt tic hiKh school graduate. Write for m.poitninent. Riving age nnd lainUy retponsibility. Box 2tt), SlAte3man-J0urn.1l. C04 Holp Wanted. Malo EXPERIENCED truck driver, llc.ivy hulling, i'h. Amity 220. Rl. 1, Box 2W' WOOD CUTTER with equipment to cut firewood. 10 Acres old cherry trees. Sunnvsiile district on share b.islj. Ph. 4-21140. WANTED Sincle man to work on poultry farm. Room, hoard, and waccs. A. 11. Brrger, Wilsonville, Oregon. KITCHEN-HELP" VoodruffsSan Shop, 34110 Portland Rd. 606 Help Wanted, Female LADIES CAN your family use extra income' Profitable part or full tin-e work. Not hou.e to house srlhnc. Car cscntial. Interviews Fnds. 10 to 3.30. 583 N. Summer. Apt. 204. MARK1KD WOMEN Could ou spend three hours eith er in the davtlme or evening to earn $15 I'd a dav? clean, pleasant work Car helpful Can be per manent. Contact Mrs. Herrell. Mar lon Hotel. 9.10 AM. to 4.00 P.M., Thur,!ay March 4th only. BABY SITTER" Hl-girl lt from 3 p m. with 7 r. girl. 491 N. Winter. Apt. No. .1. WOMAN TO'gTademrpack" straw berry plant. 2 00 per thousand. Must be experienced and must have own car. Apnly Oregon Stale Employment Service. 710 Ferry St. Salem. 610 Sales Persons Wanted MAN WANTED. Aff 25 to 40 for Alrs nnd service Permanent posi tion with opportunity for advance ment. Salarv ami car furntjhed. plus eoninuftMons. vacation with pav and retirement plan. Apply A t tmlv Singer Sewing Center. 130 X, Com'l. HFAI. rsTATF. salesman needed. All t pes of property to sell. Have n'.ort prospects than can han dle C.ill for Interview. Retmann T1r.it F.tAte A Insurance, 301 So. 600 Employment 610 Sales Persons Wanted GOOD PAY Leading National Corporation has opening in Customer Service Dept. tor College trained man 21-35 yrs, Car necessary. Rapid advancement. Cash Bonus. Tor Interview be at Marlon Hotel Wed. i p.m. sharp. .Ask for Mr. O'Brien. 612 Work Wanted. Mai. 18-YEAR-OLD boy wants part or full time Job. 3355 Garden Road. CARDEN work, plowing, discing. Ph. 4-4683. PROFESSIONAL upholstering done in my home. Reasonable. Pick up Sc delivery free. Call 2-4290 INCOME tax service. Phone 3-8057, an Mill St. PLOW, DISK, level, roto-hoe. Serv ice Center Ph. 4-3573. INCOME Tax blanks prepared rea sonably. Ph. 3-6841. ROAD GRADING L. W. Hancock. Eves. Ph. 3-0010. FEDERAL Sc State tax returns pre pared. Pick-up service. Reasonable. Ph. 4.5O08 after t pjn. v TAX RETURNS prepared in your home at reasonable rates. Phone 4-2033. HEDGES and shrubs trimmed, yard cleaned up and trash hauled. 2-7454. CEMENT work, all kinds. Ernest Drake. Phone 4-5129. 1165 S. 14th. WANTED Bulldozing, land clearing, etc. R. V. Stoops. Ph. 2-3326. BU Work Wanted, Femal. HOUSEWORK by day. Experienced. i-none Aintiy uwj. EXPERIENCED young woman wanta Sart ume worK in typing, snort and, or as receptionist. Hal type writer at home. Own car. Good references. Call 2-1582. WANT to iron in your home. Exp. Ph. 2-1070. EXP. cook & bartender will do re- ner work call 4-5382. WASHING and ironing done in my MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, reason- aoie. iwrs. 1-oc, 000 IM. 16U1. 3-3643. HOUSEWORK or cooking company jucaia. raons j-oodu. 615 Situations Wanted CARPENTER Sc rtpalr work. Dry rot nouses our specialty, fn. 2-1458 or 2-1842. BUILDING your own house? Build er wiui an necessary power tools help you at J.25 an hour. No pay until house completed. State house size St location. Journal-Statesman, Box 264. VERY talented University students ueea pari lime JODS. ITtOne 3-9266 Ext. 7 days. PAINTING Inside or out 25 years "v. in oaiem. i-n. a-iaaz. HAVE YOUR painting done early. jdusiacuon assurea. r'n. 4-2492 eve TDP17C CDDlvrn Pruned and shaped. Also topping iiimminK, ana removing. Free esti mates. 2-7464, 4-3B97. CARPENTER WORK. New or re modeling. Foundation to roof. Ph. 4-2521. CUSTOM tractor work, plowing discing, garden work. 3-0663. IRONING 50c an hour. Bring hang. ers. 1011 2nd St. West Salem. PAINTING, PAPERHANG1NG. Con- iracr, small jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. TREE work. Topping, trimming, re- "wvmw. iimureq. jonn r'ayne. Z-03B5 HOUSJ plans drawn. Customized ann accurate work. Ph. 3-8642. PAINTING. Paperhanglng. Tree el tlmates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. 2-8259. CIRLwanta to do baby sitting, days. PHOTOGRAPHS COLORED Portraits Sc scenery. Reasonable prices. 1230 Market St. 3-8821. EXCELLENT care for your child. lino snipping. Ph. 3-9924. Tax Prenaratinn bv former Internal Revenue agent. 2-86IJ CUSTOM plowing and discing. Fer- KuM.ii iracior. a ooiiom plow. pn. 2-6120 or 2-4785. WIEMAL'S Day Nurserv. licensed and state Inspected. 2-5015. CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau St Son. 2-8li2B. 4-5329 att. 5 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. Call day or eve. CARPENTER New, remodel or re nalr. lime or contract. Ph. 2-5025. MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY Stile licensed and Inspected. Ph. 2-789(1. PAINTING Will cladly estimate any site job Ph. 2-4307, 3-8213 LANSCAPING. com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573 PAPER HANGING S. Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0794 R F.l.IAm.E baby sitter. W1U go davs or nights. Phone 2-99R4. LI'lHT crawler dorer. dirt leveling grading. Phone 3-7042. 616 Employment Agencies GOOD JOBS See us for quality Jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our experience in the comniunltv. Register today. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOCY. 49) Slate lOre. Bldg.) Ph. 4-3351 618 Education IF OVER II finish GRADE or HICiH SCHOOI. at home DIPLOMA AWARPFD. Ak for free Catalocue. COLUMBIA SCHOOL, Box 4500. Portland 2. Oregon 620 Day and ContracT Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C. Mitchell Phone 3-3.137. 700 Krnt.il STORE or office snare, new bldg., 142 S. 1.1th. Ph. 3-5222. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board" PI.FASANT room. 1 bloc from Post Office. 6M1 Ferry St. REASONABLE, clean, attrac. warm rms. Close )n. Priv. ent. Ph. S-7W1. DOWNTOWN,-iitflr ."cleanTwarm rotim. Rath adjoinin. P3a Center. lOR 2 SI.KF.I'INO" roomsT' TW N. Church. Phonr3-4M3. CtFAN sleeping rooms. Auto. heat. Hot iV cold water. 4M N. Jlfh 1 ROOM kitchenette. Clean, warm, close-in. Utilities furn. Ldles. Ph. 2-749. WARM, light, housekeeping room. I .ad y . Ufa X. Church . SLEEPING ROOM. I lichen facllltl-a. For 1 or 2 754 Feirv St LARGE beautiful furn rm. Also bachelor apt. 539 N. Winter. 70S Apartment For Rent CI.F.AN Fl'RN. APT Vtlhtles paid Carafe. (05. Th. 2-!C4. 2261 Haiel Ave. 3 RM. Fl'RN . steam he.it. bath, re trig . laundry. 555 N. Liberty. 1-4M5. 700 Rentals 705 Apartmenti for Rent DOWNTOWN FURN. APTS. ' 30 AND $40 MO, One Studio Apt. One 1-bedroom duplex. 640 N. ComX ATTRACTIVE clean, small apt. nice ly furn. Pri. bath and entrance. Garage. Close in on bus line, 35 Ph. 2-7830. TWO 4-room apts. One furn. Near high achool. Very reasonable. Adults. Call 3-6250. 1 ROOM lurn. apt. Douglas Apt. 355 S. 14th. Ph. 3-6648. 2-4 ROOM apt. unfurn. Near high school. Very reasonable. Adults. Call 3-6250. REMODELED furn. 2 rm. Si I Reasonable. 330 s. 14th. .ajs. VERY nice 2-bedrm. apt. Furn. or unfurn. Stove, water, lights in cluded. 820 N. 14th. FURNISHED apartments. 633 Ferry Street. NICELY furnished apartment. Pri vate bath, utilities, furnished, washing facilities. (45. Close to Capitol buildings. 4-3463 VERY NICE 3 rm. duplex lutn. apt. Hollywood dist. Ph. 3-8036. FURNISHED apartment, close Pvt. shower. Phone 2-7148. NICELY furn. apt. 1710 N. Capitol. 1 HOUSE. 345 Wyatt Court. One 3 rm. basem't. apt.. 128. One 2 rm. up- . stairs apt. for 1 or 2 women, $28. One trailer house, $15. All utilities paid. 1 garage, $2.50. 1580 Center. NICELY furn. 3-rm. apt bath, close in. Ph. 3-6985. Private NICELY furn. bedrm. & kitchenette, also refrig. 686 N. Cottage. APTS., utilities furnished. Close in. 444 S. High. Ph. 2J083. CLEAN, ajuiet, small apt., close in. L,aay preierred. 645 rerry, NICE 3 rm. furn. apt. Close In. Pri vate bath. Reasonable. JOE NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE 1535 N. Cottage. 4-3061 day or eve. 3-ROOM furnished apt, 663 N. Front. ATTRACTIVE, close In, clean, furn. apt. Pvt. entrance, elect, stove, re frig., hot water and wash facilities furn. 245 Union. 4-1468. 3 RM. furn, adults, near State Hos pltal, garage. Ph. 2-8041. 3 ROOM furn. apt. All utilities paid. Off street parking. Adults. Ph. 2-0000. 1545 N. Capitol. CAPITOL PLAZA 1-bdrm., furn., unfurn. 1165 Che- LGE. WELL furnished 2 room apt. 2nd floor. $30. Adults, no pets. 2164 Maple Ave.. Ph. 3-7117. FOR RENT, one'bedrom furn. du plex. HO. Ph. 4-1761. Agent. NICE 3-ROOM furn. apt. Private bath. 588 N. Church 2-4745. Ambassador Furnished apts. 550 N. Summer 2-ROOM furn., heated apt. For lady. 704 N. Cottage. UNFURN. duplex. Fireplace, stove and refrig. Call 3-7059 eve., Sat., Sun. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private bath 1968 North Com'l. PRIVATE 3 room court apts. Clean, furn., $45. Adults. 3560 Portland Rd. FURNISHED apartments. Close-In. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within 5 blocks of down town. $65 per month. Ph. 2-1887. 444 N. Cot tage. 3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable. Ph. 4-6551. VERY NICE 1-bdrm.. furn. and un furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St. 3-ROOM furnished apt., full bath, heat and water lorn. $35. Phone 2-8568. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2673 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-6688. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with garage. $55. Close In on No. Com'l Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. BDRM. apt. Completely furn, close In. 444 N. Cottage. MODERN nicely furn. 2 bedrm. apt In Turner. Ph. 4-3497. 3 CLEAN turn. rms.. priv. bath Sc entrance. Laundry. 492 S. Hig h . 3-ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated. 1 blk. to bus line, $35. 960 N. 19th. 2-1070. 3 ROOMS, nicclv furn. Electric heat 1140 N. 5th. Ph. 2-4816. FURN. APTS , one 2 rm., one 3 rm. Pvt. entrance At bath, clean, cloie In. 1145 Bellevue. 2 ROOM FURN. Nice, clean, warm. Woman preferred. $35. 841 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-5446 or 3-3000. CENTRALLY located. 1 br.pt7; range, relrig., laundry facilities furn. Rent $50. mo. Al Isaack Co., Realtors. Ph. 4-3311. CLEAN 2-RM. turn, basement apt Priv. nalh. utilities furn. $35. 1115 N. 19th. Ph. 3-7641 707 Houses For Rent 3 RM. unfurn. duplex, close In. Call 4-1307. . I BEDRM. furn. houe for rent Fair- mont J)ist. Ph. 3-3101 or 2-fi"M. NEW 2 BEDROOM house." basement" pipe furnace. Four Corner. $70 un furnished. 3-7005 days. 2-8714 eve. CLEAN SMALL house, for couple with small haby or Finslc person. All furnished for $:io mo. Also trailer space. 110 mo. No drunks or pets. Ph 2-tWp;,. 1740 Oxford. FOR RENT 1 bdrm. modern unfurn except range and refrig., $5o. ph. N 1 . W UN F U R N barni7dupiex; S uitii. electric heat, a.t.irhrrj ea- rKjr'0Pn. 2-mO!) or 2-8'. 9. FURN. S43, extra nice for working couple, loads bult-ins. 3-5085. 2-ROOM furnished caraKe housea" ter furnished. month. Phone 2-55;tfl. 1 RFDKOOM furn. cottage. Clean rr.isnnahle. Cara;e. 3845 Portland R.irngc. garden. SoO. Near Swegle i-n. s-s.hhi. DUPLEX. 2 bdrm.. close downtown" Also Falrmount Hill 3 bdrm. home' adults, reierence. Ph. 3-4R97 or 3-i:.0!i. 4 RM. FfRN. flat. Adults. Reierence" I Pn. 3-7541 till 12 a.m.. alter 6 o m' l.nnnilU K. -a c " . .- pnone s-iiis. 2-P.DRM partly fu7n. house, to school. 3-5tM3. Close i IN KEIZER. nice clean apt . garage and yard. Ph. 4-.W5 or 2-1252. CLEAN 1 BR. furn. house. Garage adults, no pets Wish permanent tenters. Ph. 4-5155 EXTRA nice furn. duplex7iruge liv rm. Creek, close in. car pou S7". 510 S Wmter. Ph. J-S22 eve. " VNFl'RN. ground floor. d7iolexGa" rage. 656 Ferrv. Ph. a.3437 SlS"AN"rfPhc.n7 CLEAN 1 bdrm. unfurn. house Thl furnace. North. Pn. J-ww' after 1 BDRM. Jn court, stove. Tttr'iTTirn ' riquirerornerJe ai,i M,55:in; " t'NFl'RN. 3 room house. Co.Vk stn"T ..... ...u mm lrVgiter U:it! tarhflff. 1U4 y Ccttare. and Ph J-m"00' 'U'n- 4 RM. t'NFl'RN. cottage Elech7T elec.r.nge744N JmtoL 293 '' Fl'RN. OR unfurn . reasonable"to right rarty. Th. -3P6i ,ve. ' " Wednesday, March 8, . 1954 1 700 Rentals 707 Houses for Re" NICE LOCATION, clean, copl. funv. br hm. Basem't, "e:,"den ...n.5j:enter. Ph. 3-3289J JBDRM. HOME $60. 2 BDRM. FLAT $. 1 BDRM. duplex for a couple ring. See JOE L. BOURNE, RLTR Ph. 38218 1140 N. capnoi BEDROOM h"'pH 3 5238 t"JJ1"" Gardner Rd 3-5238. jTBEDROOM home, 0' wlUH !" Easy terms Contact Mr. Henry. 22W Hazel Ave. Apt. .nH 7 nm.. not week-nds. FflEDRM. duplex with i store room. No children. North Dist. $45 per month. Ph. 4-uoi. NEW' l-bdrm. house, unfurn., except relrig. St stove. 2445 M.fket. Ph. 2-11)53. OFFICES, living quarteii. wo 'am lly very close-in. 3-4359 eve. I ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle- ma n . rnoncj. ALMOST new 2-bedrm. hu'5' range auto. heat, hardwood floors, nihiled2232 Maple Ave. r"RM. UNFURN. house """"-'hi gas range and water heater. Baby accepted, no pets. $35 mo. 453 b. istjv. 1 ti ACRE 2 bedrms., south. Bus sereJM.JPhJ225: UNFURN. 5 ROOM duplex. (2 bed rms " Half block to Capitol Shop- pinerenter. Ph. 4-3405 or 4-1863. FURN , SMALL, modern, clean, cozy, court, adults. $35. 818 N. Com 1. IMMEDIATE possession, 4 rm. cot tage. Near bus, stores, neat. $40. 4-5885. 1 ROOM cabin furn. $22.50 mo. All utilities paid. Near bus and store. Ph. 4-4B83. CABIN, 3-room, partly furnished. $25 month. Ph. 2-1248. 709 Wanted lo Rent BY EXECUTIVE. 2 or 3 bedroom house. Adults. References. Write Box 267 Statesman-Journal. 710 Wanted to Bent, Houses FAMILY OF 3 wishes 2 bedroom furn. house or duplex. Close In preferred. Ph. 2-8254. WANTED. 3-bedroom modern home in vicinity Stale St.. 4-Cornets by April 1st. Limit $85 mo Percy UU man. Ph. 3-8902. HOUSE, prefer Liberty Road, South of Roscdale. Ph. 2-5971 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house wanted. Re sponsible tenants. Ph. 3-7210. ENGINEER and family needs 2 or 3 bedroom, clean, modern house. Phone 2-8851. BUSINESSMAN with family needs furnished house or apartment. Pre fer S. Salem or close in. Ph. 2-5355. WANTED TO RENT by March 15th. unfurnished home. 3 bedrooms or larger. Prefer Richmond School dist. but not necessary. Can fur nish references. Ph. 2-7526. WANTED TO lease or lease with op tion to buy. strictly modern 3 BR home by responsible adults. Ph. 2-2560. 714 Business Rentals LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick build ing. Down town. Inquire H. L, Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportunities STORE, FIXTURES, living quarter, 3 lots, 2 rentals, bus license avail able, $10,000. r Box 268 Journal Statesman. MEAT CURING plant. Wholesale locker and retail meat sale. Lard rendering. 3-7005 days. 2.8744 eve. MAJOR OIL Company has station for lease. Salem. Main arterial. S&H Green Stamp franchise. Write Box 265. Statesman-Journal. RESTAURANT. 5 cabins! 8-room house, gas pump. V. B. Valllck, Jetlcrson. TAVERN and lunch, 2-bedroom. liv ing quarters attached. Hiway 99, 4 miles South of S.ilem. Ph. 2-2122. 802 Business Properly Business Building 2 apts on 2nd floor. 3 business on main floor. Showing good Income, close In lo State buildings. Accept small tarm or home In trade. Best of terms on balance. Price $21,500. Call J. Cnrpenirr. SalcMn.-in ART MADSEX, REALTY 1526 Stale. Ph. 3-5580. 2-MI2 804 Suburban ACRE IIIDE-A-WAY-12 ml. from Salem, with an all year creek and spring, oak. (ir A- madrona trees some brush, unfinished house, has 2 bedrooms, brno living rm. 17x30 with view window, kitchen, bath At dayhgnt basement. Most ot mater ial to finish. Price $3500.00. $500.00 down, balance S.W.OO per mo GEO A. WALTERS. REALTOR Ph. 21,71, 9W S. Com'l. Eve. 26714 805 Houses For Sale COOD 4-BEDROOM HOME Only $;,ooo. s.wo awn yM CLEAN 3-BEDROOM HOME ,'.r' corn" lot. Onlv f il.so ..- iP J' DANN. REALTOR 415 N. High - Ph. 4-34R2. Eve. 2-J474 ?L'00 DOWN on1'i',f'inK'" nd '"'""nee on ii, 2-hcdroom .omt Wlt, rnisred upstairs. Only 6 vesrs old. v.sse ,o bu- " I- E KI.l'MPp 2"ji Portland Rd 2-7SI2.Eve. 2-3SHI F o? l!ie'r ,'r"d"' '"'""ilerho nr ir t-? i "I 2"r"'1room house, 1 5-ttl C"y bu"' Pn" , S500 DOWN 2c,dSc.F,,'l':''h..t.ach. neat. 5S150. tun vJr' L . H,""lc. Relt. -1apitol ph j. I-B2H $."00 nnicv Kri TJJ A ST"'10" " this 50 t,Z n ' 4 J"'1" house, barn. crop n.'.w in. Pnre SIO.V'O ' I . . o 'mmm. i'-'id lrrn- v.. ..' bo.-,t this ,,t can 1 CiKO acreage. Ph lulg hou,e on BY OWNF.Ro.nVk"-., S.,wd.';.V'-e1';,Jn W V-"--ct. Full ui P. -SIJ2. No Sat cT "as"n,hle , v... - . i V'"L".lea.e "" UARDF.NS. lovel- 2 Kri. r-on-. ri...... 1 "inv roo:-i fenced Lad, t-o--. and .1,,":': m- v ..a . ' Karate. loors Sin MYi ' 'r.'v..f " h "woond Phnne 2fit,2!l. room Jlr-e CaTl t'T" " o. bu. at 17.750. i Mais'ii