Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 03, 1954, Page 17, Image 17

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    Wednesday. March 3, 1954
Page 17
nep Liiuord Davis lnr n
sen (R , la.), rest in Bethesda Naval Hospital, near Washing
ton, after being treated for bullet wounds suffered on the
floor of the House when a band of Puerto Kican extremists
ured at the legislators, wounding five. Davis was shot in leg;
Jensen through shoulder. (AP Wirephoto)
f 1
i 1-
3 ' F
Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (It., Mich.) who was seriously wound
ed when Puerto Ricans opened fire from the gallery on House
members, is shown testifying earlier in the day before the
House Post Office and Civil Service Committee on a bill which
would raise mail carrier salaries. Bentley, one of five con
gressman hit by the pistol volleys, was taken to Casualty
Hospital, Washington, after being hit in the upper right chest
by a bullet which traveled through the lung, diaphragm, liver
and stomach and came out his left side. (AP Wirephoto)
ft m h
With extended hand, Rafael Concel Miranda, lett, answers a
question at Washington police headquarters just prior to being
held in $100,000 bond along with Mrs. Lolita Lcbron, right.
Mrs. Lebron, a New York sewing machine operator, told news
men that the shooting in the House of Representatives was "my
idea." Miranda said he fired several shots, "all the quantity
we don't have." (AP Wirephoto)
Shooting Up of House
Held Part of Red Plot
(CoDirlitit 154
NEW YORK, UP The shoot
ing of five congressmen in Wash
ington on Monday was part of a
plot to overthrow the United
States government by the assas
sination of its leaders.
Private advises to the united
Press from San Juan, Puerto
Rico, said today that among those
marked for death in the plot were
President Eisenhower, Secretary
of State John Foster Dulcs and
FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover.
The advices from Puerto Rico
said the Federal Bureau of In
vestigation has alerted its apents
to the possibility of further mil
breaks of violence by fanatic
Puerto Rican Nationalists.
Martin Also Target
In addition to Mr. Eisenhower.
Pules and Hoover, there is said
to be a plot to kill Gov. Munoz
Marin of Puerto Rico, who now is
In the United Slates, and Antonio
Fcrnos-Isem, Puerto Rican com
missioner to the United States.
Dulles now is in Caracas, Vene
zuela, as head of the American
delegation to the Inter-American
Conference. Unusual precautions
hsve been taken to assure his
That Loosen
Need Not Embarrass wmrirt of rulw unh
i(t?nd rl embarr..v.mfnt bru
;,r MMtM. Oft FASTXSTH at any
drug mintcr.
Tann u c i
Br United Prfil)
I safety, including a bullet proof
I automobile lor nis transportation.
Eisenhower Guarded
The persons charged with the
protection of Mr. Eisenhower took
i additional precaution shortly afler
the shooting in Congress earlier
this cek.
I There was no indication that
' the projected assassination of Mr.
! Eisenhower, Dulles, Hoover and
the Puerto Rican leaders was
i scheduled to have taken place
! simultaneously with the shooting
jin the House of Representatives.
Thus the peril, according 10 u.r.
advices, still remains and the pos
sibility of further attempts at
assassination is the reason for the
FBI alert.
Another Battery
lo Defend Europe
is wheeling another battery ot six
atomic cannon into position along
the lice world's defense line in
A third battalion of atomic can
non, the Army announced Monday,
will leave within the next few
months to reinforce two others al
ready there.
Ilthlng and Burning tt
Simple PILES
RMinnl Omlment ' ' lawkre arts
fut tt nil end moth tmf" pttu as in
mjrjti'"i rflievM ilfhv irriiaimn. F
gtl ctoniing rntlft Hpinl fcwp.
Red Tracts in
Miranda Home
NEW YORK W - Communist
literature was found in the Brook
lyn apartment of one of the Puerto
Ricans who sprayed Congress with
gunfire, police reported Tuesday.
They said a search of the home
of Rafael Miranda, 25, disclosed
"quantities" of both Red and Puer
to Rico Nationalist Party litera
ture. Also found was a Puerto Rican
flag and printed threats against
Henry Cabot Lodge, IT. S. ambas
sador to the United Nations.
Officials made the discovery
while probing the apartment for a
possible arsenal No weapons were
As evidence that they believed
the Washington outburst might be
only one phase ot a plot, the police
threw an unexpected guard around
Mayor Robert F. Wagner and sent
heavy detective reinforcement into
the Puerto Rican section of Har
lem. Bids Out for
Bids for airplanes, DDT In
secticide, transportation and
storage facilities were put out
Wednesday by the state board of
forestry as Oregon prepared to
enter the sixth year of aerial
spraying against the spruce bud
worm. Nearly 65,000 acres of infested
timberlands 15 miles southwest
of the city of LaGrande will be
the target area for the state for
estry departments according to
Wendel Ewing, purchasing agent
Ewing said that quotation re
quests for the aircraft call for
Stearman type planes for spray
ing the DDT on the forest pests.
Quotations for transportation
and storage of 20,500 gallons of
DDT insecticide have also been
asked through the state depart
ment of finance and administra
tion. The US Forest Service will
furnish the remainder of the in
secticide, Ewing estimated that
past costs for the entire spraying
job have averaged about $1 to
51.06 per acre.
The spruce budworm epidem
is, which has been fought since
194!), has been eliminated in j
western Oregon, but small in
fected areas still remain in the
Blue Mountain district near
La Grande.
As in previous years, officials
have recommended the govern
ment pay for federal lands plus
25 per cent of the spraying costs
on private timberlands. The
state forestry department will
for its lands plus 37'A per
cent of the private costs, with
private landowners paying the
remaining 3714 per cent.
During the past five years, the
spraying projects have resulted
in an average kill of 98 to 99
per cent of the tree killing bud
worms. Chicago Livestock
CHICAGO (fl A two way mar
ket developed in hogs Wednesday,
heavier weights selling steady to
strong while kinds scaling less
than 240 pounds were weak to
mostly 25 cents lower.
Most choice 180 to 2.W pound
butchers brought $25.65 to $26.00.
In an active trade slaughter
steers and heifers sold 25 to 50
cents higher.
A modest' supply of 1,100 to 1,400
pound steers sold at $27.50 to
yi .00, the top. The bulk of choice
slccrs were wanted at $23.00 to
Slaughter lambs jumped 25 lo 50
cents with good to choice wooled
offerings bringing $22.00 to $2.1.50
and choice to prime $23.75 to $24.-
Salable receipts were estimated
at 7.500 hogs, 9,500 cattle, 400
calves and 3.000 sheep.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND - No transac
tions. Wednesday's car receipts: wheat
9 barley 1; flour 3; corn 4; mill
feed 9.
"Acid indigestion so bad,
A44 Hit. M. M., H. J.
"iVi n. mfpaln, lAan. I ranWrnf
Kow It. -nr.dlfAi to tftr .irn!n, p.ln.
of .I4 Indirntion. hMrlburn-tVi.Bk.
in "rTrrlptloiMTp" fnnn-il. ft P. H.
PfnnitM, Ph n, Mi!nnr.pri.d Pfnnilrr'.
T.M.I. xrnlk. wt p.ln f.itl Eat nnl
nrttil", r"-l 'k--ltbnut far of dutraat,
Am.F.Tif rlitf ,.r.-itMf nr mrnT t
6tl rinncl.r . T.bltU. 100,000,U nit.
Salem Orators
Star at Linfield
McMINNVlLLE Students from
Salem high school were among
winners in the 22nd annual schol
astic forsenic tournament at Lin
field College, McMinville, re
cently Approximately 500 students
from more than 40 Oregon high
schools' participated. The tour
ney was under the direction of
Professor R. D. Mahaffey, head
of the Linfield speech depart
Competition in the three-day
event included debate, after din
ner, ' extemporaneous, oratory,
acting, student congress, discus
sion, impromptu, and both humor
ous and serious declamation.
Winners from Salem were:
Extern Donneoui (Junior vomeni!
Kathleen Deener, tint place.
Extemporaneous (senior men): Luc lan
Baker, second place.
Extemporaneous denior women): Ka
ren Johnson, first place.
Impromptu (women); Kstherins Ro
bert;, second place.
impromptu (senior men): William
Cook, second place (tie),
After dinner iptakinc (senior men),
Roger ttoorhead, second place.
Serious declamation (senior men),
Luclan Baker, Itrst place; Ronald An
derson, second place.
Senior women'i debate: Karen John
sou and Katberln Ruber, first place;
Shirley Blush and Corols Warren, sec
ond placo (tie).
salesmanship (men)i Julian Thurs
ton, second place.
Salesmanship (women! : Kathleen
Deener, first place; Kattherlna Rubers',
third place.
Acting (men); Rex Peterson, steond
Oratory (junior women): Sandra
Schorl, first place.
Oratory (senior men): William Cook,
third place.
oratory (senior women): Sua Syrlni,
third plart (tie).
Humorous declamation (senior Oienjt
Roxer Moorhead, third place, t
Portland Livestock
salable 300; market active, steady
strong; truck lots choice 1,101 lb
fed steers 23.25; few lots mixed
good-choice steers 22.00-50; good
grades mostly 20.00-21.50; commer
cial 17.50-19.00; utility steers 13.50
16.50; utility-commercial heifers
12.00-18.00; canner cutter cows
mostly 9.50-11.50; shells downward
to 7.50; utility-commercial cows
12.50 - 16.00; utility commercial
bulls 14.50-16.00; heavy weights to
Calves salable 50; market active,
steady; good-choice vealers 22.00
28.00; few good-choice 340-500 lb
calves 19.00-23.00; utility-commercial
calves 12.00-18.00; few good
choice 320-500 lb stock calves 18.00
20.00. Hogs salable 100; market active.
tuny steady; choice 1 and 2 butch
ers 180-235 lbs 29.00-50; choice 3
lots down to 28.75; few choice 250-
290 lbs 27.00-28.00; choice 160-170
lbs 27.00-50; choice 380-540 lb sows
23.00-25.00; one choice 390.1b stag
19.00. - , .;
Sheep salable 150; scattered
sales about steady; choice-prime
fed wooled lambs scarce, quotable
20.50-21.00 or above; few good
choice 80-103 lb lambs 19.00-50: one
lot 122 lbs 18.00; few 70 lb utility
16.00-50; good-choice feeders sal
able 16.00 - 17.00; good - choice
slauhtcr ewes salable around
Chicago Grain
CHICAGO (fl Soybeans set a
new high since 1948 in active deal
ings on the board of trade Wednes
day but were not able to hold all
their gains through to the close.
Wheat spurted early, largely on
buying credited to mills, but could
not maintain its gain. AH wheat
deliveries fell back below the pre
vious finish.
Wheat closed lower to H high
er, March 2.22, corn to 1 cent
higher, March 1.53V4, oats Vn lower
to higher, March 77?n, rye un
changed to i lower, March 1.22-i,
soybeans 1'4-8'ii higher, March
3.5I-3.51V4, and lard 5 cents lower
to 20 cents a hundred pounds high
er, March 17.45.
Wall Street
NEW YORK W-The slock mar
ket advanced in a moderate man
ner Wednesday with a few unusu
ally strong stocks well out in fronl
The market started higher and
extended its gain into the after
noon wih some advances reach
ing around 5 points at times. The
bulk of the list traded from around
a point lower to between 1 and 3
points higher at the outside.
Volume wast he heaviest of the
year at an estimated 2.300.000
shares, built up with the help of
laige Uocks. Tuesday's total was
1.980.000 shares with the market
h cos after cos7 Pom tfoppedf
DOCTORS' TESTSIIncuvefirrcaofMniple
pile. W(dinf IottwI. iwrrHint rHiK:,
craflving hralrd. pilw hrunk WITHOUT
M'RdhRY, Ihnnta, to amatintj Pam Oint
ment! In 9 rif wit of 10, ptin w t(tfW
or imlenstly redunvl irla to lulrjit,
itivw Itrhinsj fiMftMlVy. llwuirwW o( rtne
tnr prrvrnhP it' In tnhM. lo mrwWn Sip
poMtnrte. Get VkttA, get onrierlisl reinf!
made me scream
at my husband"
If you are suffering from the irri
table feellncs and hot flashes of
change of life listen! In doctors'
tMts, Lydla Plnkham's gave com-
Flcte or striking rrllrf of surb
iinctlonally-cauvd distress In 63
80' of the cases!
t.-frtia PinkhAnv, CnmtwintJ or T.h
l.u itr. flnrlpm r-llif Imm jiimp?
njo!-ru" f..llnir du. w
M nr.. Wonderful, too. lor monUiiy
twlna. Oct a bottl, tod. 7,
r r
Thursday, March 4
Organized Naval Reserve sur
face division at Naval and Ma
rine Corps League training cen
ter. Company D, 162nd Infantry
regiment, Oregon National
Guard, at Salem armory.
Battery D, 722nd AAA. AW
battalion, Oregon National
Guard at quonset huts on Lee
Friday, March 5
Scabce reserves at Naval and
Marine Corps Reserve training
Admiral Corporation 21 Yt
Allied Chemical 77
AUis Chalmers 51 H
American Airlines UVx
American Tel. & Tel. 163 ft
American Tobacco 61
Anaconda Copper 31 H
Atchison Railroad 100
Bethlehem Steel 54
Boeing Airplane Company 60 V,
Borg Warner 76 M
Burroughs Adding Machine 17
California Packing 25
Canadian racific 23 VI
Caterpillar Tractor 48 H
Lelanese Corporation 20
Chrysler Corporation 60
oiues Service . 87 Vi
Consolidated Edison 42
Consolidated Vultea 22 H
Crown Zellerbach 4A Vt
Curtiss Wright 9
Douglas Aircraft . 102 Vi
du Pont de Nemours 109
Kastman Kodak 51
Emerson Radio , 10 t
General Electric 102 tt
General Foods 59 Vi
General Motors 63 S
Georgia Pacific Plywood ' 44
Goodyear Tire ji V4
Homestake Mining Company 36 V
international Harvester
International Paper
Johns Manville
Kaiser Aluminum
Kennecott Copper
Libby, McNeill
Lockheed Aircraft
Loew's Incorporated
Long Bell A
Montgomery Ward
Nash Kelvinator
New York Central
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Fish
Pacific Gas & Electric
Pacific Tel. & Tel.
Packard Motor Car
Penney (J. C.) Co.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Peisp Cola Co.
Philco Radio
Radio Corporation
60 ft I
29 H
68 y
31 .
14 H
40 M.
3 ft
27 Mi
Rayonier Incorp..
Rayonier Incorp. Pfd.
Republic Steel
Reynolds Metals
Richfield Oil..
Safeway Stores lie.
Scott Paper Company
Sears Roebuck & Co.
Socony-Vacuum Oil
Southern Pacific
Standard Oil California
Standard Oil N. J.
. 42
60 14
26 Vt
Studebaker Corporation
Sunshine Mining
Swift & Company
Transamerica Corporation
Twentieth Century Fox
Union Oil Company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Aircraft
21 H
40 "i
24 Va
United Corporation
United Stales Plywood
United States Steel
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel.
Wcstinghouse Air Brake
Weslinghouse Electric
Woolworlh Company
TORREON, Mex. Wl Reports
reaching here Monday night said
a passenger train from Ciudad
Juarez overturned near Ycrmo,
Durango State, Monday and at
least 70 persons, were injured, 10
Heart and circulation ailments
cause about half the deaths in
the United States.
f 5 iV(
:j W If-" ' " Jr
t l Centrally located In downtown Salem, lha W. T. RIGDON CO. MORTUARY offers
I and convaniant acctsi to Salem's cemeteries. Throughout the years, every effort is
- modern ... to hotter serve Salem. PHONE 3-3173.
Soar Question
On Agenda
PARIS Ml French Foreign
Minister ueorges maautt wui con
fer here next Tuesday with West
German Chancellor Konrad Ade
nauer on the Saar question, it was
announced Wednesday.
Adenauer proposed the meeting
in an effort to settle the French
German quarrel over the border
territory, one of the obstacles to
French approval of the rearming
of West Germany within the pro
posed European army,
Adenauer's visit here will be a
brief stop over en route to Greece
and Turkey for official visits.
French newspapers said the
chancellor and Bidault would ex
amine the Saar problem on the
basis of "Europeanization" rec
ommendations drafted by Marinus
Van Der Goes Van Naters of Hol
land. M A R K E T
PORTLAND Mt Butterfat
Tentative, subject to change
Premium quality, maximum to
.35 to one per cent acidity.
delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb;
first quality, 66-69; second quality,
64-67. Valley routes and country
poinis i cents less.
Butter-WhoIesaie, f. o.b. bulk
cubes to wholesalers Grade AA.
93 score, 66 lb; 92 score, 65 ;
90 score, 64 ; 89 score, 62.
Eggs To wholesalers Candled
eggs containing no loss, cases in
cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grade,
large, 49 -5l ; A nedium, 48 -49
;. A grade, small, 43 Vi-44 Vi.
Eggs-To retailers-Grade AA,
large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; AA
medium, 52-54; A medium, 51-53;
A small, 47-48. Cartons 3 cents
Live thickens No. 1 aualltv.
f.o.b. plants Fryers and roasters.
23-24; heavy hens, 23-24; light
hens, 19; old roosters, 14-15.
Turkey s To nroducera for
breeder types, f.o.b. farm. New
York dressed, heavy hens 31; toms
28; Beltsvilte hens S3, toms. 28.
Eviscerated frozen, to retailers,
hens 57. toms. 51-54.
Rabbits Average to growers
Live white, 3 -5 lbs, 19-23, 5-6 lbs,
20-22; old does, 10-12, few higher,
Fresh dressed ifryers to retailers,
57-60; cut up, 63-66.
Wholesale dressed meats:
Beef, steers, choice, 500-700 lbs
3ts.uv-39.ou; good, 35.00-38.00; com-
mercial, 31.00-35.00; utility, 27.00
zz.oo; commercial cows 26.00-30.00
utility, 25.0-29.00; canners-cutters
Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind
quarters, 43.00-47.00; rounds. 42.00
45.00; full loins, trimmed, 62.00-
69.00; triangles, 30.00-34.00; for
quarters, 33.50-35.00; chucks, 37.00-
40.00; ribs, 50.00-55.0.
Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lbs
57.0-64.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 42.00-
45.00; sparerlbs, 53.00-56.00; fresh
flams, 10-14 ibs, 60.00-66.00.
Veal and calves Good-choice, all
weights, 38.00-48.00; commercial,
Lambs Choice-prime 41.00-44.00:
good, 38.00-42.00.
Wool Grease basis, Willamette
Valley medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern
Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62.
Country-dressed , .meats, .f.o.b.
Beef Cows, utility, 24-28 lb;
canners-cutters, 21.22.
Veal Top quality, lightweight,
35-36; rough heavies, 26-28.
Hogs Lean blockers, 39-40; sows,
light, 33-35.
Lambs Best, 35-38.
Mutton Best, 14-16; cull-utility,
Fresh Produce:
Onions 50 lb sacks. Wash, yel
lows, med. 1.40-60; Idaho yellows,
med, 1.00-50; Calif, whites, 2.25-50.
Potatoes Ore. local Long Whites,
2.00-25; Deschutes Russets. No. 1,
2.15-25: sine A. 2.40-75; 25 lb sk,
70-85; 10 lb mesh, 40-45; paper, 26
30; windows, 30-35; No. 2, 50 Ibs,
80-90; Wash. Russets, No. 1-A, 2.25
50: Idahos, 3.15-25.
Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa,
mostly 28.00-30.00, delivered car
and truck lots, f.o.b. Portland and
Mid Willamette Obituaries
Donald Kennedy
ALBANY Donald D. Kennedv.
55, Crabtree, died of a heart ail
ment at a local hospital Monday
and will be buried in Willamette
Memorial park Friday, following
services to be held at the Fisher
Funeral home at 2 p.m. .Friday.
Mr. Kennedy was born at Des
Moines, la., and had lived in
North and South Dakota and
Montana before coming to the
Crabtree community In 1937. He
served with the U.S. army in
World War I. He married Eliza
beth Gavre at Lead, S.D., on June
28, lsis. She survives as does a
daughter, Mrs. Stacy Cleveland
Portland; two brothers and three
sisters. A son. Max, was killed
during World War II while
serving with the U.S. army in
Helen S. Myers
BALLSTON Helen Scchrist
Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
J. J. Sechrist of Ballston, was
born in Ballston, July 3, 1920,
and died in San Francisco Feb.
Campllel from reverie mt Salem dealers
Car tha aafdaaaet ( Cavltal Journal
reader. (KatlaeA tell?.)
Befall Vaed ITietit
Rabbit relleta $3.41 (10-lb. bat)
14 25-14 UOO-lb. bat.)
Kit Mmh 14.15-15.20.
- Jairr Fea 93.U-3.6).
raallrr Burin FMeee Colored fryers
ucf oia rooster, isci colored iowl, 23c;
lethora fowl. He; colored roaster. t3e.
UMrfflf Price Zeis. A A. 42c: larce A.
40 -4 Be; medium AA. 40c; medium A,
3l-43e; fmaU A, Stcf Xttu, vholeiaja pri-
aborei larta trade A generally emoted
Wei mediums at tOc.
Ba tterf at Burin t price t Premium. To
7i ceo hi no. i f7-e cents; no. a, tec
Portland Easfside
PORTLAND (UP)-Most whole
sale quotations held unchanged
today; large size dry onions sold
at 1.50-2 a 50-16. sack: bunehed
onions also in short supply with
priecs advancing to 70 cents a
dozen or above for fresh arrivals.
Chicago Onions
(Br nulled Fr.MI
Supplies liberal, demand slow,
market very dull.
Traek sales 30 lb: U.S. 1 unless
stated: Idaho Spanish 3-inch and
larger 1.15.
Street sales SO lb: Idaho and
Oregon Spanish 3-inch and larger
25-1.40; Midwest Yellow Globes
medium .40-.75, 3-inch and larger
10, cartons twelve 3-pound
Cellosl.00-1.10; Red Globes med
ium 1.00; new stock: Texas
Granex medium 1.75: Mexico Cry
stal Wax 3-inch and larger 3.25.
By Ketcham
27, following an illness of sev- "
eral months.
She was a graduate of the
Ballston grade school, Sheridan
high school and the University
of California. ,
She was nwrled to Robert
Myers of Oakland, Calif., In 1947
and resided there since her mar-.
Memorial services were held
at the new Christian church at
El Cerrito March 2.
Besides her husband and par
ents she leaves two sisters, Mrs.
Robert Dawes and Mrs. John
Feike, residing in California, and
an aunt, Mrs. Howard Shafer of
Charles A. Fruna
At the residence. 1133 Mill St.,
March 1, at the age of 74 years. Sur
vived by wife, Mrs. Minnie Frame;
daughter, Mrs. Marie Utterback; son,
Cecil R, Frame, all of Salem; sister,
Mrs, Zada Nelson. Salem: brother,
Clarence Frame, Butte, Mont. Also
survived by S grandchildren and 2
great-grandchildren. He was a mem
ber of the First Christian church
Services will b held In the Howell
Edwards chapel Thursday, March 4.
at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Donald Payne
will officiate. Concluding services
n City View cemetery.
Reuben Lewis
Late resident el 650 Locust St., In
this citv March 1 at the age of
years old. Services will be held in
the chapel of the W T. Rlgdon Co.
Thursday, March 4 at 1:30 p.m. In
terment at Lee Mission cemetery.
at f
Vi. 1. 1 Urn nu hi II tnan. nu
Upstairs, 241 North Liberty
offlet open Saturday only, II t.m.
to 1 p.m.. S to 1 p.m. ConaultaUon,
blood prtiaart and nrlno teits an
fr. of cb.rc.. Practiced elnet
IS17. Writ, tor attracUro flft No
ample parking spact
made to keep facilities
It zv I
I Your Day, J
f Mar. 5 I
I- ir '