Wednesday, March 3, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 13 Vl'rieWttliai Tele-Views Dj Radio-Television a Wednesday o. kptv Swta mlS? "fl?1 sllT and clarabeU- sta" Bob Smith- of r,n. hi"' .S.',?r- eller.' :?-MiUer dramatizes the discovery Cok Tim. V ? cncmlsi mathematical error. Fisher6 eh 3?? Shore nd Eddie Cantor.guest, of Eddie a Lone Wav i j ." r"ner. " 'so sing "U s Girl ay rom Broaiway," and his latest recording, "A Girl, A femler"'riplJan,8The,big ,ami,y question. "Who dented the dMd ,Jl?tnme scIttlement- "hen Joan and Brad decide to big dent Car' a" Chea,S' bit 0n the bar8ain- Result' rchiw- 9-"Cucko Clock" tells wistfully of old German Sehnm J8 n f" Int0 a new wav of lifc- Cast includes Hans whiT hi, ? I Rogcrf story o his Ashler and her love Which her father could not accept. hJ!S -S Vour Life' lu Dramatization of the years that went before, in someone's life. Ralph Edwards, emcee. lalvacade of America, 10:30 "Absent Host." Seventh Hour Headlines, 11 Brief late news. i '' ":01-"Born to be Wild," starring Ralph Byrd, ward Bond and Dorris Weston. . WEDNESDAY ON KOIN-TV: 3:30 p.m., Armchair Theater "Orphans of the Street", starring June Storey and Ralph Morgan. 5:30 P.m., Kit Carson Kit Carson switches identification papers Tlu a. , d klller in ordcr 10 ferret out the gunman's associates in he Adventures of iKt Carson." Bill Williams is starred in the cjro ' and Don Diamontl Plays his side-kick, El Toro. 6:45 p.m., This Is Your Music Helen Parrish and Dick Stewart visit a lighthouse this week, and are greeted by Katie Lee, Bill Clauson and Rhye Williams. Katie and Bill sinr amusing sea chanties as well as ballads that tell of the lonely , ;e of a light house keeper. "Eddystone Light" and the story of the phantom ship Gundramar" are two of the fantaslies set to music. 7 p.m., Blue Ribbon Fight George Johnson, of Trenton, the New Jersey State middleweight champion, faces Moses Ward, of Detroit, at the Detroit Olympia. Both Johnson and Ward are free-swinging club-fighter types. Johnson who has scored 20 kayos in 29 starts, makes his first national television start 10 p.m., Wrestling from Hollywood In the Semi-Main Event of "Wrestling from Hollywood," Wild Red Berry grapples with Cleve land's own Billy Varga. Leo Garibaldi and that strong Nobleman Lord Carleton meet in the ring for the Main Event. Dick Lane will be mikeside to call the holds of this exciting event. 11 p.m., Showtime on Six "Charlie Chan at the Wax Museum", starring Marguerite Chapman and Marc Lawrence. THURSDAY OS KPTV: What's Cooking, 10:30 Barbara Angell Introduces the baked pork chops with mushroom sauce of Barbara Leonard, Vancouver, to her television audience. , Matinee Theater, 1 "Road to Happiness," stars John Boles, Mona Barrie. Welcome Travelers, 4 Tommy Bartlett Greets travelers, visiting the Windy City. Hunting and Fishing News, 6:30 Rudy Lachenmeier's guest is Ed Cameron, manager of Lee McCuddy's Marina, speaking on how to buy a boat. Newspaper of the Air, 6:55 Bill Clayton's competent summary of local daily news. Sports Thirty, 7 Tom Harmon. , Dinah Shore Show, 7:30 A wedge of music from Hollywood, by Dinah Shore. Camel News Caravan, 7:45 John Cameron Swayze, commentator. You Bet Your Life, 8 Groucho Marx asks 'em, and viewers hear his guests telling him, in a comedy quiz of brilliant ad libbing. Wate.-front, 8:30 Adventures of a tug boat captain and his family. Dragnet, 9 Jack Webb as Sergeant Friday, dramatizing police cases from Los Angeles. Ford Theater, 9:30 "Good of His Soul," starring Thomas Mitchell, John Beal, Rosemary De Camp, Tommy Rettig. Nile Owl Theater, 11:01 "Flesh and Blood," stars Richard Todd and Joan Greenwood. . THURSDAY ON KOIN-TV: 3:15 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Wolf Call", starring John Carroll and Movita. 8 p.m.. Meet Mr. McNutley The question of which came first, the parakeet or the egg, becomes far more than an academic con sideration for Ray Milland on "Meet Mr. McNutley." 8:30 p.m., Four Star Playhouse Dick Powell will star in Octavus Roy Cohen's "Detective's Holiday" on "Singer Four Star Play house." 9 p.m.. Video Theatre Paul Lucas is cast as a once-famed Vien nese throat specialist struggling to establish a practice in America after escaping from Hitler-dominated Europe, in "Miracle at the Waldorf." 9:30 p.m., Big Town Steve Wilson and Lorelei Kilbourne find themselves on an unexpected cruise to Bermuda, with a time bomb for company, on "Big Town." 10 p.m., Philip "Morris Playhouse A crafty scheme to beat I homicide charge through the law of double jeopardy backfires, in "The Murderer Who Wasn't," on "Philip Morris Playhouse." 10:30 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. North "The Ungrateful Killer," a dramatic story cf a gun-crazy killer who forces three inocent peo ple to aid him in his escape from the police, will be the presenta tion of Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning as Pam and Jerry North. 11 p.m., Showtime on Six "Mine Own Executioner," starring Burgess Meredith, Dulcie Gray and Kiernan Moore. Any time it time or Coca-Cot hnt TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Duty Till 9:30 p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE 1410 S. 12th Ph. 45512 It's . CokeTiirie STARRING Eddie Fisher and hi SPECIAL GUESTS 7:30p.m.KPTYCh.27 -Cokt" rtghrajead trode-MTl. The ADVENTURES OF KIT CARSON Tonight, 5:30 P. M. KOIN-TV Channel 6 Do TV Prices Have You Worried? Trader Louie win solve your problem with ease to that you can own a beau tiful new Raytheon Pr.ic'icaMy Anything Tleen in Trade TRADER LOUIE 1810 Una Av. Fhone 1 . Group Clears ' i 'Strike it Rich' ALBANY, N. Y. Wl - The state legislative committee probing charity rackets Wednesday hand ed a clean bill of health to the radio and television program "Strike It Rich." The chairman and vice chair man said a thorough check-up had shown that money donated by lis teners and viewers went to needy persons appearing on the show "at an administrative cost of less than two per cent." It is not within the province of the committee to pass on the good taste or bad taste of a radio or television program," Sen. Ber nard Tompkins and Assemblyman Samuel Rabin of the joint legis lative committee on charitable and philanthropic agencies said in a joint statement. Needy persons appear on the show to tell of their hardships and to answer quizzes for prizes. Over what the producers call the heart line," listeners and viewers often contribute cash or gifts. The committee investigated the show after New York City's wel fare commissioner had complained that some persons who went to the city in hope of appearing be came public welfare charges. - A WONDERFUL YEAR On Television KPTV (27) UHF KOIN-TV (6, VHF WEDNESDAY 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dim Dong School 10:30 a.m. KPTV Wnal'e Cooklnt? 10:1 J .m. KPTV Whin Cooklnir KOIN Brlshter Day 11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawkins ralla KOIN Koln Kltehrn 11:15 t.m. KPTV 3 step, to Hearts KOIN KOIN Kitchen 11:30 a.m. KPTV Friend or Family KOIN Sootllta Revue U:eS a.m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN Editor'! Desk 13:00 noon KPTV Bride and Oroom - KOIN Bia PajoH 13:11 P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Bla Payoff 13:30 P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Bob Croahr 1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Love of Llfa 1:11 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN search Tomorrow 1.30 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Ouldlnz LHht 1:S p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Valiant Ladr 3:00 p.m. KPTV Manure KOIN Double or Nothlna 3:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN-atrlka It Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kate BmJtti KOIN Garry Mooro 3.30 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelers KOIN Armchair Theater 4:30 p.m. KPTV The Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4:43 p.m. FPTV The Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Time 1:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN Saddle pale 1:30 p.m. KPTV Bar 31 Corral KOIN Kit Caraon 4:00 p.m. KPTV Namea the Bama KOIN Mr. Weatherman :1a p.m. KPTV Names the flama KOIN Photo Quia 30 p.m. KPTV Storyteller FOIN Doue Edwards I ii p.m. KPTV World on View KOIN Thla la Tour Muile T:00 p.m. KPTV Bishop Sheen KOIN Fllht T:30 p.m. KPTV Coke Tim KOIN Fllht T:4t p.m. KPTV News Caravan KOIN Star Time 1:00 p.m. KPTV I Married Joan KOIN Arthur Oodfrey 1:30 p.m. KPTV My Little Mania JTOIN Arthur oodlrey t:00 P.m. KPTV Kratt Theater KOIN Strike It Rich 1:30 p.m. KPTV Kraft Theater KOIN I've Oot a Secret 10:00 p.m. KPTV Thla Is Vour Lite KOIN Hollywood Wrrjtlinr 10:30 p.m. KPTV Cavalcade of Amer. KOIN Wrfatllna 11:13 p.m. KPTV Nile Owl Theater SHtCK-Oirtir TELEVISION Sales Service Installations MITCHELL RADIO & TV 1880 STATE ST. PH. 3-7577 waaawaw .li Willi. inn., wiiija iawqaawMawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaawawaaaaaaaa. y A sj, r THl'BSDAT 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dine Don Ben 10 30 a m. KPTV What's Cooklne 10:41 a.m. KPTV What'a Cooklnir KOIN Bflahter Day 11:00 a m. KPTV-Hawklns FalU KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:11 a.m. KPTV-l Btens to Heaves KOIN Koln Kitchen 11:30 a.m. KPTV-Frlend of Family KOIN Spotlltt Revue 11:41 a.m. KPTV Friend of Family KOIN Editor'a Desk 11:00 noon KPTV Bride and oroom F.OIN Elf Fayolf 13:30 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Bob Crosby 1:00 p.m. KPTV-Matlnee KOIN Love ot Lite 1:13 p m. KPTV-Matlnee KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Ouldlnc Lllht 1:43 p.m. KPTV-Matlnee KOIN Valiant Lady 3 00 p.m. KPTV-Matlnee KOIN Oarry Moore 3:11 p.m. KPTV- -Hollywood Reel KOIN Garry Moore 1:30 p.m. KPTV on Your Account KOTN Strike It Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Carry Moora 8:1 p.m. KPTV Kata Smith XOIN Armchair show 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Travelers FOIN Armchair Show 4:30 p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Mr. Moon 4:4s p.m. KPTV Toymaker KOIN Cartoon Time 1:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN Bdd PiU 30 p.m. KPTV Bar 31 Corral KOIN Space Ranter 00 p m. KPTV Capt. Video KOIN Mr Weatherman . 11 p.m. KPTV Talent Patrol KOIN Musical Momenta 10 p.m. KPTV Hun tiny, and Plthlnt KOIN Doui Edwards Maws (-n v i. ;s - v, f - I 1 Actress Rosalind Russel, star of the Broadway musical comedy hit "Wonderful Town," takes aim at a one-candle ice cream cake at a backstage party celebrating the show's first aniversary in New York. The cast joined in celebrating the event after the regular evening performance at .the Winter Garden theater. (AP Wirephoto) it at Albany Found ALBANY The sawed -off shotgun, mask and rubber gloves used in the Feb. I robbery of Fay-Less Dru;? store were dis covered by city police Wednes day and Thursday after Miss Eda Krueger reported theft of an overcoat from her garage at 731 Broadalbin St., Chief of Police Ray Maddy revealed Tuesday. Maddy said the articles and a number of stolen 'hecks were abandoned by the robber in and near a garage at the Krueger home. Miss Kr ieger, police said, was not at home the night of Feb. 22, giving the robber plenty of time to cache his gun and disguise. Chief Maddy indicated that he now believes the robber left Al bany soon after the robbery. Miss Krueger also notified police a pair of rubber gloves had been left In her garage. Officers making the investiga tion also discovered a four-foot long piece of blue dress material in the garage, Maddy said. Two holes had been eut in the center ol the material and were pre sumed to be the eye-holes of the robber's mask. The ragged article was identl fied by Pay-Less Pharmacist James Engle, who was held up in the robbery, as having been worn by the bandit. The escapade net ted the nervous robber $1113, some of it in checks. The gun, which had no stock, was identified by William Wash burn, Pay-Less clerk who found it in the store's basement three days before the hold-up. Wash burn told police he had assumed at the time that it belonged to an employe of the store. It was put to use by the robber after he hid in the sto es basement until closing time. Search of the Krueger garage revealed checks totaling $183.19 wadded up in the bottom of a barrel, according to Chief Maddy. Silverton Man For Assembly R. F. Cook, farmer and former school principal is the first out-of-Salem candidate to file for one of Marion county's four seats in the House of Representatives. The candidate operates a farm on Route 1, Silverton. He spent many years as an educator, being a former principal of schools at Silvercrest and Scotts Mills. Cook is a veteran of World War I and served in the Merchant Marine during World War II. Cook is married and has one son who is now in the army. He is a great-great-grandson of Captain James Cook who ex plored the Oregon coast in 1778. In filing for a seat in the Legis lature, Cook said that he felt Fight to Save Lebanon Mail LEBANON A representative of the Chamber of Commerce has talked with Paul Young, dis trict superintendent of mail transportation of the post office department, concerning curtail ment of Sunday mail service in Lebanon. Chamber secretary Charles De foe made the trip to determine means whereby an ordcr cancel ling Sunday service might be re scinded. The ordcr went into effect March 1. According to a report made this week, Young told DeFoe that the city must show specific examples of hardship if Sunday mail service is to be continued. The chamber manager dis covered that Lebanon is the larg est Oregon city affected by the order, and that Newport is the only other class A post office affected. Other towns in the state where Sunday service will be dropped Include Lakevicw, Hcppner, El- : T . L. T i ' T - I. Kin, iiuoupii, enterprise ana jonn Day. The chamber civic affairs com mittee is now preparing data to show postal authorities that Sun day service is necessary to the city's business life, DeFoe said. Alexander Graham Bell, in ventor of the telephone was pre sident of the National Geographic Society from 1898 through 1903. There were .bout 1,553,000 marriage, in the United States in 1953. one member of the Marion Coun ty delegation should be a farmer, living outside of Salem and rep resent the agriculture viewpoint in the Legislature. -. SAVE SAFELY SAVINGS BUILDING EARN MORE - Current VJq Rate On Savings Savings at First Federal Are: SaFE Each savers fundi are insured to $10,000. AvAJlABlE-No waiting years for , full earnings. FlRST-i federally chartered and supervised EarNINGS-Aw Vi to 1 more. Savings Rec'd by Feb. 10th Earn from Feb. 1st ' SAVE WHERE SAVING PAYS FIRST FEDERAL SAYINGS CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION 129 No. Commercial Phone 2-4944 PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE? The Manufacturer! Life representative in your community is trained to help you in planning complete financial protection for you and your family. For competent advice Consult our representative Earl A. Gooch Supervisor Salem District District Representatives: Wilson Beckford - Travel L. Massey SALEM MOVIE COUPLE WED LONDON H) British movie actress Dinah Sheridan, 33, and John Davis, 47, managing director of the J. Arthur Rank film organi zation, were married Wednesday at a registry office. MS p.rfl. KPTV World on View KOIN 8 porta Scholar 1:00 ).i. KPTV 8 porta Thlrtr KOIN Clsto Kid 1 10 p.m. KPTV Dinah Shore KOIN Place the Pact 1:U P.m. KFTV News, Sports KOIN Place the race :M p.m. KPTV Oroucho Marl KOIN Meet nr. McNultr 1:30 ie KPTV Watertront ' KOIN Pour atar Plarhoua :M p.m. KPTV Drat net KOIN VUlro PlaThouM 10 p.m. KPTV Pord Theater KOIN Bit Town 10:00 pa. KPTV Martin Kane KOIN The Playhouse 10:30 p m. KPTV Talent Patrol KOIN Mr. anil Mr.' North 11:00 p ro. KPTV Nf na. SporU KOIN Showtime nn lf 11:03 p m. KPTV Nlte Owl Theater If VOUR O I TELEVISION i JF Coll tfct m- bmt fcele for I prompt, economico! rvit1 I PHONI 19J- J Sear Roebuck & Co. NARR RADIO And TELEVISION J140 8. Commercial Open Evenings Til RCA Victor TELEVISION Sales Service Installation RJf-PH JOHNSON APFLIANCES Open Friday Night Til I 355 Center fh. 141)9 awe mm, en, I & 02 A M (3 H SAG CHIP IT i Yes, this is your chance to save on table model and console TV sets by leading makers. Included are 21 and 24 inch models. Stop in now and make your selection! You can practically make your own terms and deal. Why not see these floor model bargains deluxe today? 4 (SenteccaD EQecifric o Cleave-M co Dbeci o ru1iW0S EASY TERMS - GREEN STAMPS SERVICE STATIONS INC. 365 N. Commercial Ooen Fridavs Till 9 D.m.. Ph. 3-4163