Cards Silverton And Salem Win Again GAMES TONIGHT 7:00 Sacred Heart w 8:0ftNorth Marlon w. Stay, ton. results Tuesday Salem 71, Stayton 59. ' Sllverton 39, Mt. Angel S7. By PAUL HARVEY, III Salem high and Silverton won jecond round games in the Dis trict. Eleven Tourney at Salem high last night as the Vikings downed a hard fighting Staytjon club 71-59 and Silverton edged Mt. Angel's- Preps 39-37. Tonight Sacred Heart meets Mt. Angel at 7 and North Marion plays Stayton at 8:45. Harold Hauck's Vikings built tip an early lead and then held off a Stayton rally in the final nan 10 down the Eagles. After the score had been tied at 2-2 in the opening moments of the game Gordy Domogalla't field goal put Salem ahead for good. They built up inis lead to 15-4 with three minutes left 43-27 at Haltime Salem held a commanding 21-12 first quarter lead, mainly because of seven points by Jim Knapp and five each by Bob Wulf and Tom Pickens. The Vikings continued to build up a lead in the second period as Larry Springer led the Viks to a 43-27 halftime lead. Springer had ten points as Salem scored 22. Midway in the third quarter Stayton narrowed the Salem lead to 45-35 and began to close in on Salem. After the score had been 47-37 Wayne Minton and Dave Neitling sank field goals and Stayton trailed by only six points, 47-41. Pickens, Knapp, and Wulf each scored two pointers Jn the next minute to take Salem into a 52- 41 lead with slightly more than one minute remaining in the third quarter. The Vikings held a 56- 43 lead at the eri 1 of three quar ters of play. , Stayton Closed Gap In the early minutes of the final quarter Stayton began to move close to the Vikings. Two free throws by Darrell Gohl and a field goal by Nietling narrowed Salem's lead to 60-53. Salem's Wayne Ericksen made it 61-53 but Wallen came back to make it 61 84. ' This was all the closer the Eagles could get and in the final minute the Viks controlled the ball, Tom-Pickens kept the Vi kings from possible defeat with 22 points on ten field goals and two free throws. Jim Knapp bad twelve and Wulf and Springer each had eleven. For the losing Eagles Minten was high with 16 points while Gohl had 14 and Neitling had eleven. Salem had 27 field goals to 16 for the Eagles but Stayton had the edge on free throws 27 17. The Vikings hit a .380 clip. In the night's final game the Silverton Foxes got a scare before downing the Mt Angel Preps 39 37. After Mt Angel had led until one minute remained in the. third quarter the Foxes jumped out into a 30-26 lead with three quar ters played. A field goal by Toby Frey and two two-pointers by Reuf gave the Angels a 32-30 lead with 1V4 min utes gone. Larry Copple sank a field goal to tie the score only to have Frey come back with a free throw to Rive the Mt Angel team a 33-32 lead. Tied at 36-36 Gabe Wolf tied the score for Silverton midway Ip tiie quarter with a free shot and Fred Kaser put the Foxes ahead 34-33. Gor man sank a field goal to give the Angels a 35-34 lead with 3:20 left in the game. Frey's free throw for the Preps and Roger Umben howers field goal for the Foxes tied the game at 36-36. The de ciding basket came with 1:20 left when Gabe Wolf sank a field goal Both clubs made free throws In the final minute. After Silver ton had held an early lead Mt Angel took the lead 4-2 with 1:45 played in the game. The score ex changed hands several times un til the Preps grabbed the lead mldav in the quarter and held the lead until late in the third quar ter. The initial quarter score was 12-9 and the Preps led 2213 at half-time. Jim Zauner had ten points for the Angels in the first half while Silverton was gcting but three field goals. A slow third quarter cost Mt. Angel the lead as they scored four points to 17 for the Foxes. Losers to Drop Out . Fred Kaser with 11 and woir with 10 paced the winning Silver ton sound, coached by Milt Baum. Ruofs 12 and ten by Zauner were high in the Mt. Angel attack. Al though they had three fewer field goals than the Preps. iS'lverton had the edge 17-9 on free throws m!lAe- . . .-;,.. wmes drop" the do will play each other rrma uncut. Also the Salem Silverton game will be played Friday night i" vm " .. -J... .ink SKGIRA LEADS IN CASH rnnPt'S fHRISTI. lex. (IT) Five-foot. six-men ranu most money is on me imc m-er today as the money-earning Md oTlh. Jack Kramer pro fessional tennis tour. TOPS, Hfc ; , V V: h A Mtn jf.r . i i f Aft tlm t. The Box Score ataytoa (39) (11) SUtra Ig it pi tp lg n pi tp Netlng,f 5 1 Oil neiisn,! Gohl.c Mlntn,i Walln.g Wldsn.f Key,g till 210 114 e 4 416 1 4 8 0 0 2 0 10 12 Pckns,i 10 WuU.e 3 Knapp.g 5 Dmgla.g 2 Erlksn,? 3 Spinsr.g 3 Trpltt.g 0 Total It 27 17 sa Total 27172071 Stayton Salem 12 13 16 . 21 22 13 16-99 IB 71 Trt throwi missed: Stayton 13, Salem . OMlcliU: Kolb and Vander vort Mt Anfel (37) it it pi tp Zaunr.f 3 4 $10 Frey,i 2 2 4 6 Pflelgr.c 0 0 10 Bchht.g 2 3 2 7 Ruef.g 6 0 212 Traegr,f 0 0 0 0 Hltz.f 0 0 0 0 Grmn.g 10 12 (IB) Sllverton ig it pf tp Copple.i 12 3 4 Woli.f 2 Ka6er,e 2 Ubhwr.g 2 Black.g 4 Hndrf.f 0 Bobns,f 0 6 1 10 7 211 ? 1 6 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 14 S1537 Total 11171139 Mt. Angel Sllverton - 12 8 1137 839 Tree throwi missed: Mt. Angel 10, Sllverton . Officials: Beard and Wil liams. Pioneers Swamp Portland State PORTLAND (UP) Lewis and Clark College did just about every thing you can do with a basketball last night except stuff it down Portland State players' throats as they rolled over the Staters, 109-87, Portland State was very active, too, but -lacked drive to score a majority of the 196 points tallied. Lewis and Clark shot an unusual 58.3 per cent and came within only one point of its an -time scoring high, 110 points against Reed Col lege in 1948. Ken Servas, playing his last col lege game at home, scored 30 points for Lewis and uarK. Don Porter was high for Portland State with 18. He scored 16 in the first half. Fights Lost Night By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CINCINNATI -Hein Ten Hoffl 218, Washington, stopped Ralph Schneider, 227, Miami, 5. SACRAMENTO, Calif. Ramon Fuentes, 147, Los Angeles, out pointed Art Soto, 147, Oakland, Calif., lz. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. Walter Cartier, 163. New York, outpointed Billy Kilgore. 1S3 V,, Miami, 10. LOS ANGELES Willie Bean, 210, Los Angeles, outpointed Frank ie Daniels, 176 Bakersfield, Calif., 10. LONDON Lew Lazar, 148, Great Britain, outpointed Jacques Prigent, 144 V4, France, 8. Final Figures Give Swede 3 North Division Titles CORVALLIS The regular sea son over, wane "sweae nai- brook today holds championships in three statistical departments of the Northern division; has a new division recoru in numoer of free throws attempted, is the highest scoring sophomore tn di vision history and has set a new, Oreuon State college mark for total points in one season 570. His teammate. Jay Dean, also sophomore in eligibility, led the Northern division in free throw percentage 44 of 53 lor .830. Halbrook led in total confer FINAL NOBTIirRN OIVIMON Plartr Wade Halbrook is Tain Vlaitellea 1 FOA Pet. l7 SI (7 100 u 91 Bl I IS .471 .370 Ttx Whtteman 16 Jar Dean la Ren Robins la Reiala Halllcan ... n John Jsrbos 14 Bill Toole I Ron Pundtngsland ..II Jerry Crlmlns 7 Ted Romanoff IS 14 , i. Indicatca New Northern Dlrlalon Recordl FINAL REGULAR SEASON purer J 10 PA Pet. FT A FT Pet. Reb. Ae. PP TP U'ade llelbrook 36 1 300 .410 306 170 541 330 13 3 II 570 Tonr Vlaitellea 34 347 U .344 61 31 .541 A4 3 5 16 303 Tex Whitemao 3 171 .317 67 47 .637 156 0 46 17 I r.on Robini 34 177 50 363 47 31 ,5M 33 1 1 47 I3 Bill Toule 3) HI 37 .314 M 47 .531 14 II 111 John 34 103 37 .351 73 37 .514 13 J ( m Jar Oen JO "3 31 .154 II 41 .717 133 6 1 J7 ln R.rale Hllllran 31 77 34 111 13 37 Mt 56 3 7 35 70 Tel. Knnunon 35 II 36 .331 31 14 .536 13 4 1 40 40 ' Ron Fundlni-Und ..II 71 13 .111 16 7 .111 30 I t 31 j I Jrrrr Crlmlni ....... It 17 7 351 16 1 .417 10 I t 7 3 , Larrr Paulm II 33 I .337 31 t .3l ' 33 l j 31 TOTALS lOSCl tJ 513 .3M 114 44 5M 1034 40 1 m I OPPONENTS 36 1411 466 .111 7M 105 .640 17 III l 1,37 Etiesvs I Missing Ball The question Salem-Stayton trict HA second round. Intent on getting it are Tom Pickens left), Salem, and Bo') Wulf (right), Salem. The Stayton players are unidentified. Salem won, 71-59. . Clatskanie Joins Teddies In State Prep Tourney By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS : Another berth in the state high school basketball tournament was filled Tuesday night when Clat skanie defeated Vernonia 74-54 to win the district 14 title. Roosevelt of Portland, the Port land League winner and No. 4 in the Associated Press prep poll, is the only other team which so far has qualified for the state cham pionships to be held March 16-20 at Eugene. Two leading contenders for the district 16 title which goes to the second place winner in the Port land League posted victories and will play off on the weekend. Cleveland defeated Franklin 75-61 and Benson beat Lincoln 57-54 leaving the two teams tied as the regular season closed. In district 13, Central Catholic of Portland, Estacada, and Gresh am No. 6 in the poll won second round victories in a double elim ination. Estacada downed Concor dia of Portland 52-47. Gresham beat Columbia Prep, also of Port land 63-44 and Portland's Central Catholic whipped Parkrose 68-38, Beaverton remained undefeated in the district 9 double elimination tournament, beating Forest Grove 50-42. Hillsboro put Tigard out of the running with a 58-50 victory. Hillsboro and Forest Grove will clash Friday night for the right to play Beaverton for the title. Neahkahme and Seaside posted third round victories in the district 10 race Neahkahnie overpowering Nestucca 52-41 and Seaside defeat ing Astoria 49-36. The tournament continues Wednesday night. Salem, ranked rinth in the state, stopped Stayton 71-59 and Silver ton edged Mt. Angel 39-37 to re main undefeated in district li s double elimination tournament. The winners remain idle Wednes day while North Marion faces Sac red Heart of Salem and Stayton meets Mt. Angel. Pendleton came from behind to edge The Dalles 68-66 as the three- game playoff between the two schools for the district 2 title got underway. The teams meet again Friday. Toledo cinched a berth in the playoff for the district 7 title with 52-30 win over Waldport ence points, 336; in field goal per centage, .471; and in rebounds captured, 188. His 336 ranks him the highest scoring soph in divi sion history, first among all-time OSC players and second highest in ND history. Tony Vlastelica held the form er sophomore ND record of 202. As a team, the Beavers scored an average of 58.5 to 51.8 for op ponents in division play, while for the whole season it was 62.6 to 55.3. In field goal accuracy, OSC hit .359 in 16 division games. The statistics: SCORING ! GAMES) FT A FT Pet. Reb. Ave. TP 336 116 7 Are. 31 0 51 5 til 1I3 5 .130 .595 .634 30 .635 .613 . .500 .431 .000 .500 .300 .574 165 11.7 45 3 0 37 33 90 43 S3 34 47 45 31 14 14 I 36 131 173 ill 30.1 35 3(5 310 (30 RCOR1NO f.t GAMES) Are. 31 1 ; ;i 4 8 I.I 3 6 tDl Is where Is the ball in this action last night in the Dis In class B action: Star of the Sea and Knappa won first round victories in district 1 Star of the Sea over Verboort, 35 23, and Knappa over Nehalem, 46-23. Harper opened the district 8 tourney with a 52-51 overtime win over Elgin. Marion Motors Near City Title C1TV LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Pet. L Pet Mar. Mot 12 433 St. Paul 1 6 .528 46 Nar Rei. 3 10 .331 Ml Sal. Sphl 1 10 .167 VMCA 11 Atnsvlle F 8 Woltmtts t .015 Mar Rea 0 13 .000 Marion Motors came within one game of cinching the City League basketball championship last night by defeating Wolga mott's Service, 64-41, at Leslie gym. The league leaders need to win from the seventh-place Salem Sophomores Thursday at 8:15 to pocket the title. The YMCA, in second spot, won irom Naval Reserve, 69-52, and must play tne last-place Marine .Reserve Thursday at 7 p.m. In the other game last night, at. jyaui upset third-place Aums ville Firemen, 58-54. Marlon Motora (64) (41) Woltamotu jnccaiuiier us) r (6) Harvey Patton (1) F m Hnrfort Miller (13) C (10) Hall Jaasrrunn (5) G (11) Nlmi Henslee (16) O (9) Norton Reserve! scoring: Marlon Motors Barckley 1. Chanda 12. Halftlmn score: Marlon Motora 17, Wolfamotta if. VMCA (69) (U Naval Reierve Heddlcord (13) ...F (13) Burk Zeuske (12) F.. (41 Wlnegar Butler (23) c (9) chamberlln Bales (16) G (6) Cross Wlnkleblack (7) G... (18) Lang Reserves scorlnf: Naval Reserve- Lyons (2). Halftime score: Naval Re serve 15. YMCA 24. Officials: Gibson and Scrlvens. Aumtvllle F. D. (54) (51) St, Paul Dalke, L (201 F (3) Spiedel Dalke. D. 14) F (2) Smith. Dave Blssell (16) C. (81 Kirk. R. Klllenger 13) . G (17) Smith, Dick Busby (S) G (27) Rlly Reserves scoring: Aumsville Kll linger. R. , Dal. Dalke 0. St. Paul Kirk. D. 1. Half Urn score: St. Paul 17, Aumsville 32. Officials: Bowers and Gibson. EOCE Vs. PU In NAIA Finals PORTLAND (UP)-Eastern Ore gon got set to meet Portland Uni versity tonight in the finals of the District 2 NAIA basketball turna ment, with a trip to the national tourney in Kansas City at stake. Eastern Oregon last night defeat ed Southern Oregon, 71 62, and Portland U came from behind to down Pacific University, 703, in the tourney's opening games. Ted Schadewitz scored 26 points for the La Grande team and sparked his mates throughout the fast-running game. Chicagoans Lead In Golden Gloves CHICAGO (UP) The Chicago Golden Gloves team, making its strongest showing in a number or years led the way into the quar ter final round of the 27th annual boxing meet today with six boxers still left in competition. The Chicago contingent was tied with Detroit and St. Louis in the race for the team trophy with 12 points apiece but only Detroit and Chicago had six boxers left in the running. KOIN-TV Bills Mims-Ward Bout DETROIT UH Quck-hitfing Holly Mims of Washington. D.C., idle for three months, returns to ring warfare Wednesday. night and is a 7 tn 5 favorite to beat De troitcr Moses Ward in a middle weight 10-roundcr in Olympia Stad ium. The bout will be telecast over KOIN-TV, Portland, at 7 p.m (PST). Stayti Me!; Tonight Son iisfrici' Basketball Scores HIGH SCHOOL (Dili. 11-A Tourney) Salem 71, Stayton 69 Silverton 39, Mt. Angel 91 . . (Portland League) Cleveland 74. Franklin 6,1 Benson S7, Lincoln 54 Roosevelt 56. Grant 45 Jefferson 61. Washington 52 ' (District S Tournament) Beaverton 50, Forest Grove 42 Hillsboro 58. Tigard 50 (District 13 Tournament) Estacada 52, Concordia (Portland) Gresham 63, Columbia Prep 44 Central Catholic 68, Park Rost 3t (District t Tournament) Pendleton 68, The Dalles 05 (District 14 Tournament) . Clatskanie 74. V,rnnnia Ri (District 10 Tournament) Neahkahnie 53. Nestucca 41 Seaside 49, Astoria 36 (District l.B Tournament) Star of the Sea (Astoria) 35, Ver boort 32 Knappa 47. Nehalem 23 District S-B Tournament) Harper 52, Elgin 51 Toledo 52, Waldport 30 Lewis & Clark 109, Portland State 87 Oklahoma A&M 77, Tulsa 46 Texas 68, Texas Christian 59 Texas Tech 84, West Texas 71 Arizona State Flagstaff) 86, East ern New Mexico 66 Arizona State (Tempe) &2, Texas Western 71 NAIA PLAYOFFS District 1 Whitworth- 69, Pacific Lutheran 50 (final) District 5 Montana State 81, Carroll (Mont) 71 (final) . . Ricks 75, College of Idaho 74 (con solation) District t Eastern Oregon 71," Southern Ore gon 62 (semi-final) Portland 70, Pacific 63 (semi final) ' . Indiana . ' Indiana State 83, Manchester 69 Anderson 99, Evansville 70 Arkansas Arkansas Tech 86, Arkansas State Tchrs 69 (final) District 16 Springfield (Mo) 93, Central (Mo) 78 (Springfield leads best-of-3 series, 1-0) Nebraska Neb. Wesleyan 74, Chadron 62 (fi nal) District 26 (First Round) East Carolina 80, Presbyterian 71 Erskine 80, Lenoir Rhyne 78 District 19 Miss. Southern 70, Troy -(Ala.) 61 (final) Miss. College 65. Delta (Miss.) 65 (consoliation tie, no overtime by mutual consent) District 29 North Carolina College 81, Texas aouinern so (semi-final) Tenn. State 91, Southern (La.) 84 isemi-iinai) West Virginia Morris Harvey 84, West Va. Tech 72 tseml-tinai) Alderson Broaddui 7t, Concord 71 (semi-final) . 1 District 36 Geneva 102, Gannon (Pa.) 73 r 1 Wild Borhida Is TOUCH . . . at tough as tha wild boar 'from which it carnal It's tears and blemishes era marks of distinction ... , Marks of battles fought ' and won, of ancounters with jagged rocks and thorny bushes . . a real part of tha leather, testifying to Its origin. You don't need to polish wild borhida ... It Is most attractive in it's toft, natural appearance. You can treat wild borhida at roughly at you lika. Clean it by just scrubbing well with a mild saddle toap, then wipe with a damp cloth. Y OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 tOCAl jf UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED MESS Kindred, Kameroff Win Disputed Tag Match Don Kindred pulled a sneaker on the opposition and the referee in a tag team match at the Salem Armory Tuesday night to win a decision disputed by everyone who was looking. . Seattle Bakers,, Everybody's Drug In Regional AAU By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It will be Buchan's Bakers of Seattle vs. Everybody's Drugs of Eugene in the Pacific Northwest Amateur Athletic Union basket ball semifinals at Seattle Thurs day.' " . .V -' The Bakers, a team of former Northern Division stars, drubbed Darigold Farms 82-47 in the Se attle district championship Tues day night to gain a semifinal berth. Everybody's Drugs, which finished fourth in the national AAU championship at Denver last year, took the Oregon title with a 76-48 win over Jewish Commu nity Center of Portland. Winner of the Seattle game Thursday will play the Inland Em pire champion for the right to enter the 1954 championships at Denver. The druggists had to come from behind to win the Oregon title at Hermiston. They trailed 39-34 at halftime but spurted to gain a 51 49 lead as the third period ended and stayed ahead the rest of the way. f Bob Hazel, former Salem Hieh School and Oregon Frosh star. was high scorer for Eugene with 23 points. Jack Scrivens of JCC registered 18. Doug Talbot, who sparked the third quarter Eugene surge, got 15. Hermiston defeated Condon 72-61 in a preliminary game for third place in the tournament . A tourney all-star team with the following players was named: . Hazel, Talbot and Brad Fullerton of Eugene; John Foster, Damien Rocha, Ed Hummell and Scrivens of Portland; Bob Bailey and Don Mayheld of Condon and Joe Burns of Hermiston. ARBUCKLE'S Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, March 3, The tag match was substituted for the second main event when Eric Pcderson, ill with the flu, could not show up to take on Luther Lindsey. So Matchmaker Elton Owen put (he other main event foes, Pepper Gomez and Ivan Kameroff, into the tag squab ble. Lindsey teamed with Gomez to place the cleanies against the meanies. After each team had' won a fall, Lindsey executed a Greco-Roman backdrop, dazing both contenders, who were out of action on their backs. While Referee Harry El liot was sending Gomez to a roosting place outside the ring. Kindred eased through the ropes and dragged Kameroff over on Lindsey in a sort of unconscious pinning to get Elliot's decision. Fans and Gomez raised quite a rumpus, as did Lindsey when he heard about it, so Owen indicat ed it will be up to the Salem Boxing and Wrestling commission who will get the purse and moral victory. Kameroff took the first fall with a bear hug on Gomez, and Gomez and Lindsey repeated toe holds on Kameroff for the second fall. Chester Wallick and Juan Her nandez scored a fall abiece in one prelim, and Jack Rush lost the opener to Bronco Lubich. Park Carpark's All-Day Downtown Parkers Monthly Rates High and Ferry Commercial and Ferry Phone 2-6026 r Phone 4-1451 WILD BORHIDE A REAL HE-MAN SHOE Made in tha rich briar tan borhida with full revarta leather tola rubber heal. $1995 NOW 481 STATE ST. NEWS AND FEATURES 1954 Page if South Atlantic Medalist Honor Goes to Gracie ORMOND BEACH. Fla.' Wl Mrs. Grace DeMoss Smith of Mi ami; the medalist, faced Maureen . Kllcy of McKeesport, Pa., in the first round Wednesday of the 25th . annual women's South Atlantic Amateur Golf Tournament. Mrs. Smith ' qualified with 72 Tuesday on the occanfront EUinor Village Country Club course where men's par is 71 and women's 77. Miss Riley had 81. Virginia Dennehy. Northwestern University sophomore from Lake . forest, 111., was runnerup for med al honors with 73. Pat Lesser of Seattle, and Jovce ' Sizke of Waterford, Wis., tied for third in the qualifying with 74 each. Barbara Romack of Sacra mento, Calif., the 1952 and 1953 winner of this tournament, made it in 76. Walton League To See Movie A motion picture' about Dino saur National Monument on the Colorado-Utah border will be shown at the Izaak Walton league chapter meeting tonight at 8 at the club house, SOI Sopth Cot tage. Paul Nicholson, secretary, said the movie will be part of a so cial meeting which will include an auxiliary session. with the t