Rubbing g) THERMOMETER DYANSHINE "Sf" 25c Value SALTED v,niracV Certifed Oro. or PEANUTS FRESH TOASTED , AND MIGHTY TASTY SALE ENDS SUNDAY; MARCH 7th MM . Rectal TvP Fui. ' 29c Value 1.25 Vo BATHROOM W8I51EV5 5UPERBE SOAP III i ' mconui V L- mmm mam ma " WeigV- $7.65 Value Guaranteed Toilet or Bath Size $1.25 Value . u.raver jeiuxe ". . .. JJQJ VV A I tK "TRIM" NAIL CLIPPERS Reg. 25 e js! B0TTlE l rif L V 1 Complete With ISTTSryWUlBrLi iTEERING MMl WriCCL I AEPS Vinyle Plostic Covered . XZ&plM0i On- ARIA R&l N. I U BCii "v B Ru I rt I ruDnMETA.IL.PIPE f J I.. Reg. flAA 'Nearly , IMAGINE JUST THIAMINE 'B' 50 JIG. 100 Caps $2.13 11 VITAMIN "A" CAPS 50!"198 REG. $7.49 Therapeutic Formula 100 Caps. $3.24 s?fi4 DICALCIUM PHOS CAPS. 62c 75c l "B" COMPLEX 100 Caps. YOUR DOLLARS WILL DO DOUBLE DUTY THIS WEEK ON THIS LIST OF GREAT VALUES. ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE OF SERVING YOURSELF AND YOU DO PAY LESS!! LINEN WRITING TABLET - WHITE ENVELOPES Plain or Ruled Regular letter Slie ni A VIMS f n o a a a 1 KLEENEX TISSUES JEW COLGATE DENTAL CREAM HAS THE CLINICAL PROOF fhot brings now hope to millions fory BOYS "T" SHIRTS 1 1 vfitiagmms&wm Fine Combed Cotton in Popular New Stripes and Prints. Favorite Color Selections. Reg. $1.00 Value kC Sizes ItolO J.L. Approved IRON CORD With Switch $ 1.25 Value S5 65c Ull ... ... 300 COUNT ' C tlimit Two) CLOTHES olding 1 Constructed U 2.98 Value! E3 iral Lni IbnJ IF SAUCE PAN -.5 iQuort) 69c . Reo. f. -V Value BlacK -ni -White Inside Bright Colored Covers Elf k tin V . ,:j GUARANTEED TO: fnrf Cry far ivomcs forever! CVe Venr natura Color-Brightness! ' Brj ai itfery Ven Manageability! TROUSER CREASER Four Bar Metal Clip eg-69c Metal BLOUSE TREES (Five Arm) j sbb k rriT'Tm sni -w .r j-.i.' h r dult Size 1 . ' pmnu V.I ' i 34' 1 sfc j 11 r(r COtOATI DCNTAl CREAM S."- IT A t1vlV,i 5c BK I t 6ARDorVcia! js UMfTTrrZH OENTAL PLATE fl f TCH ,.OJM:. ALARMU 5149 I WW. L?,J5 Guaranteed J SKIRT RACKS Metal Clip teg. 98 c Value TROUBLE LIGHT p 2S Foot Extension Cord J See the giant display at Pay Less, Salem's largest selection of oeoumui aons-waiKing dolls-all vinyl dolls - big dolls, little dolls - with beautiful clothes-All the dolls that "little girls dream of" at prices YOU NEVER DREAMED could happen. IMPERIAL DOLLS 3.98 WALKING DOLLS Now Hall Price 28 INCH SONNY BOY DOLL REG. 14. HORSMAN "MIRACLE" DOLL 7.48 o O ITA 30 INCH BRIDE DOLL U A rv' BUY NOW FOR ALL GIFT OCCASIONS AND SAVE HALF -fA&s?S 98 e II II fTYnTiiAi Awlf $123 w dish y&$ g& TOWELS l 1 III t T TtiW C... At.Kka VI I 6.48 Ulm-x " I j 6.98 HaHOv- 15