Tuesday, March 2, 1954 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page t Pope Observes 78th Birthday Tuesday in Bed VATICAN CITY IJH Th vii. can's while and golden flags flew Tuesday in honor of the 78th birth flay and 15th anniversary of the puiiwicaie ot rope Pius XII, re ported maintaining his slow re covery from a long illness. Vatican sources said his slight daily improvement continued. Messages from all parts of the world poured into the Vatican, greeting the frail pontiff and ex pressing wishes for his full re covery from the abdominal ail ment that has confined him to his apartment for 36 days. In Rome's St. Mary Major Basil ica, tne worlds oldest shrine to the Virgin Mary and the place The mass was celebrated by the pope's vicar for Rome, Clemente Cardinal Micara, as one of the final services in three days of special prayer and other spiritual offerings in the city's 500 churches lor recovery of the pope, the oisnop of Rome. na is a native son. born in Rome as Eugcnio Pacelli March 2, 1876. The men of his family had served for generations in the civn service ot the papal states in the period when popes were temporal sovereigns of Central Italy. Ordained a priest in 1899, he be came the spiritual leader of the covory. In which the pope said his own wo s Roman Catholics 40 years first mass 54 years ago, thousands ! '?!cr' after tne dcatn of PoPe pius attended a high mass for his re- i ine weakening ailment which struck him Jan. 25 has been tenta tively diagnosed as gastritis. A more specific diagnosis will be made, dictors said, as soon as it is possible to take X-rays of the pope's stomach walls and adjoin ing organs. This has not yet been possible because the pope cannot retain the barium solution neces sary for X-rays. Demos Call for RWd Sunporfs WASHINGTON W - Sens. Rus sell (D-Ga) and Mansfield D Mont) challenged Tuesday Secre tary of Agriculture Benson's con tention that the slide in farm prices has been halted. Russell, an advocate of rigid price supports for major field crops, said in an interview Ben son's contention in his annual re port that 1953 was a year in which the long decline in agriculture prices had been halted is "news to the farmers." "The farmers are wondering what has happened to the 1 Vt bil lion dollars that didn't get into their pockets in 1953," Russell said. He added he was alluding to that size drop in income under the 1952 level. "I agree with the report of the Senate-House Economic Commit tee which said this is no time to be reducing supports on basic com' moditics," Russell continued. "However, I have no quarrel with Mr. Benson's action in cutting supports on dairy products from 90 per cent to 75 per cent be cause dairy production can be con trolled effectively. Family Brooks PTA Night Is Tuesday BROOKS Tuesday, March 2, Is slated for family night when the Brooks PTA will have their regular monthly meeting. Ladies of this community have a one-act comedy to present. The meeting will be held in the school's eighth grade room for this time and not in the gym. Refreshments will be served bv the men of the com munity, all parents art asked to bring cookies. Another community volley ball game is slated for this Friday eve ning at 7:30 in the school gym, a good turnout was had for the last game and parents areu rged to participate in these games. Week-tnd house guests of the I,eo Hawleys were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schulze and daughter Georgia, from Roseburg, Mrs. Schulze is the niece of Mr. Hawley. Silverton Firemen Control Two'Blazes SILVERTON Volunteer fire men have answered three calls Sunday and Monday, arriving in time to hinder complete home damages. Early Sunday forenoon, a fire of undetermined origin caught in a hallway burning several articles of baby clothing and damaging walls and a closet by soot and smoke, at the West Main street home of the Dr. G. B, Arringtons. To control a flue fire at the Chris Ncsheim residence in East Hill, 808 Kent street two calls were made at the noon hour, Monday, . . The extent of the damage has rot been estimated, but consider able loss to walls and roof was reported. Dr. Howard Speaker At Mr. Angel College MT. ANGEI Guest speaker t the bi-monthly meeting of the Future Teacher's of Africa chapter at Mount Angel Wom en's College, was Dr. C. A. How ard, president emeritus of Ore gon College of Education and past state superintendent of schools. .. . Iir. Howard's talk stressed professional relationships be tween teachers and administrate tnrs, and emphasized the import ance of the child with whom the teacher deals. At the close of the meeting, Anna Mac Loftis, FTA president, presented Dr. Howard with a copv of Rev. James Kel ler's book "You Can Change the World." Red Carpet for Queen Too Short MELBOURNE, Australia Wl -The ladies of suburban St. Kilda rolled out the red carpet Tuesday for Queen Elizabeth II and found it a few inches short. They made their shocking dis covery only a short time before the queen was to walk across the carpet in a hall leading to a luncheon 175 Victoria state worn-! en's organizations were giving for her. Somebody dug up six more inches of rug. Workmen rushed up with a box of nails. The nails just bent in the con crete floor. Somebody bored holes with an ice pick. Then the carpet wouldn't lie flat. And the ladies figured they had no time to warn the queen to watch her step. In the nick of time a young woman produced an adhesive solu tion and stuck the overlapping carpet ends together. As 650 women watched breath lessly, the queen tripped in to lunch and didn't trip. Labor, Management Conference Planned A Community Chest spon sored labor- management con ference will be held in Salem Tuesday, March 30, a committee representing both groups decid ed Monday. Principal speaker will be Rob ert Rosecrans, a specialist in this field representing the national Chest office in New York who will be on the west coast to at tend a conference in California later that week. Other program numbers will be filled in by the local committee. Committee members reported a tgooa cany response um management and labor groups contacted here, relative to at tendance. Arrangements are De- jng made for a joint Juncheon meeting ol tne coniorence ami the Salem Kiwanis club which will meet that day. W. E. Kimsev. state labor com missioner, presided. C. A. Kolls, secretary of the Community Chest, attended. KE1ZER SEWING CLUB KEIZER The Keizer Ladies Sewing club will meet Thursday, March 4, at tne nome oi me Misses Ethel and Alta Hall. 1965 North 24th St. The day will be; spent in quilting and a pot-luck lunch will be served at noon. j Far BtfUr Hulth CerrKt HEMORRHOIDS ipiiiii nd ethtr Racial, Stomach and Colon Dliordart Convenient Credit DR. R. REYNOLDS CLINIC PracMMlat - Naturopath 1144 Cantor St. Saltm, Ort. Phone 3-9460 RUPTURED? . FOR SECURITY AND COMFORT Wear a DOBBS TRUSS nt ii RiESS BELTLESS STRAPLESS Double 24.50 i y rfTTCD-H.NO OBLIGATION! , A DOBBS .TRUSS WIK""''" VcTrY tfcu k"lia - " ' i un U'mni'iL Childraa m..iPp -that tnia you now wnr. J on o ,Moo.f "o me V th. IXBBS TRUSS I BOLUS I W l:H . CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stale St. Corner of Liberty i We Give rern Sump n aWMBHBBBMkMj .yt...v...v.... .-.-..v.:-.:- aaHknMBH .v,,..)s . ., jvCai laVaVaMaMBaVM iMVMVMV.VAvA'.iv.'.'.O.utf oVaSHMBMBaMiVaM fcwi il iM IT r r tjv : r.t ift. pjajjaarjajaaraajBBj A I Mi WM mm Mf Mf IW i weanesaay a SCARFS, BELTS, DICKEYS . . . Values to $1.08! Odds of entire department Also velvet collars, etc. 2 FOR ...... 54" FINE DENIM CLOTH Regular $1.98 yard! Plain and plaid denim of finest quality. Limited yardage. Per Yard " WAMSUTTA CLOTH Regular $2.39 yard! Novel ty Wamsutta cottons in this very popular fabric for Spring. Per Yard 54" RAYON JERSEY Regular $1.00 .yard! .Es pecially fine for children's dresses,, lingerie etc. White, blue, pink. Now 2 YARDS FOR ...... SATIN LININGS One lot of satin linings, dress crepes and novelty fabrics. Now 2 YARDS FOR IMPORTED HANKIES Swiss hankies, white with colored embroidery. Main floor. CARRY - BAGS Special purchase! Several styles such as shoulder strap, lunch kit and regu lar purse bag styles. Plain and plaids plastic. Reg. $1.50. Notion Dept. EYELET EMBROIDERY Regular to 49c yd. Assor ter widths for finishing dresses, lingerie etc. Notion Dept. Now 10 YARDS FOR ...... Dollar Day . . . Is Big Bargain Day At Millers Salem's Leading Department Store FAMOUS NAME CAMDiFS Regular 75c! For Dollar Day we offer these famous brand chocolates and kit chen tailored candies in Bift boxes for 2 BOXES FOR MERCERIZED CROCHET COTTON Regular 29c! Ecru and ivory in sizes 40, 50, 60 and 80. In downstairs art necrtln department. 8 FOR '.. f i COOKIE JARS . Q Regular $1.98! Novelty cookie jars in this Dollar Day Sale. Downstairs. X DcCORATIVE CANDLES Regular 25c each.! Spiral twist candles in colors for decorative use. Down sta" Kitchcnwares. 6 FOR STAINLESS STEEL KITCHENWARE Ekco Brand! Kitchen tools for your every kitchen need. Stainless steel for extra wear, easy to clean. Downstairs Kitchcnwares. COOKIE SHEETS Regular $1:49! Aluminum cookie sheets for efficient cookie cookery. Down stairs. BREAD BOXES, WASTE BASKETS Regular to $2.79! Bread boxes, waste paper boxes and step-on cans for refuse in this Dollar Rav Sale. All are decorated with cherry design. Downstairs Kitchcnwares. PLASTIC TABLE MATS Regular 50c! UVixlVi inches. Cold, green, char treuse and red. Novelty patterns, borders etc. Downstairs linen dept. 4 FOR JL THANK YOU NOTES - Regular 39c! "Thank you" and regular French four fold notes with envelopes. Per 4 BOXES ............... SALAD SETS, ENSEMBLES Special .purchase! Super Ion salad knife, fork, pep per and salt shaker sets. Colorful, new! Gift shop, main floor. COASTER SETS ( Special purchase! Four J foamette, washable coast ers Goodyear quality. In plastic box. Assorted colors. Gift shop. SALT AND . PEPPER SETS 1 Special purchase! Salt and peppers in plastic. Assort ed colors. Two pair to set Gift shop, main floor STATIONERY WRITING PAPER Special purchase! 100 ' sheets writing paper, 50 envelopes white. Boxed. Good quality brand. Gift shop. TEENAGE BLOUSES . Regular $2.99! All wool teenage (32, 34, 86) blouses for school, office and outdoor wear; Blue, brown, gold, green. Downstairs. WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES Reg. $2.99! Close-outs!, Odds etc of women's cot ton house dresses in Si-lnts. Assorted styles, ownstairs. BOYS' PLAID SHIRTS Regular $1.93! Sizes to fit 6 months to 18 months. Children's department Downstairs. V x SOFA CUSHIONS Special purchase! Square style novelty button cen ter sofa cushions for prac tical as well as decora tive use. Satin and faille. Plump filling. Decor colors . Downstairs. , PILLOW CASES 1 Regular $1.38! Seconds ot Pequot! 144 thread count. :X Downstairs. Standard size. ' per pair .......... . BATH TOWELS Special purchase! Large size 22x44 inches. Excel lent weight. Novelty or decorative colors such as flamingo, gold, green and blue. .Downstairs. CHILD'S SLEEPERS Regular $1.95! Famous 3 brand child's sleepers in one piece style. Blue, can. ary and peach. Sizes 0 to 6 years. Downstairs. XT I V I Store Hours 9:50 to 5:30 - - J L .. igi x x ' t afe gL ' A Woen wo of fTfeA M 0 ,s . fn " SHOP MILLER'S DOLLAR DAY FOR BIG BARGAINS! WOMEN'S . . . Terry Cloth Slipper Scuffs Terry cloth scuff house or bathroom slip pers in excellent qualify washable mater ials. "Padarounds" are priced regularly at $1,981 Good wearing solet. Small, medium and large. 2nd floor. LINGERIE DEPT. WOMEN'S . . . Fine Nylon Pantie Briefs Fine denier nylon pantie briefs In this special purchase of women's nylon panties for Dollar Day Sale! White only. Elasticized waistband and leg band. Easy lo laundry' quick to dry. Med. sizes. LINGERIE DEPT. MEN'S . . . Broadcloth Shorts One odd lot of men's white and printed broadcloth cotton shorts In both boxer and snap style waistband. Save big moneyl Select your summer's supply now. Men's department. 2 For MAIN FLOOR MEN'S . UTILITY PLASTIC BAGS Going traveling? Vacationing? Then you'll need this handy plastic bag for your sundry or small articles such as shav. ing kit, tooth brush, medicine, etc. Zipper dosing. Tan and beige colors. Men's de partment, TJL MAIN FLOOR : ; r. L - Y"