r.i 'ir ii .J ; Page 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, March 2, 1954 PACKING RED CROSS KITS i MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS . JLL. CO CD WEATHER BRINGS COMPENSATION NORWICH, Conn. (P) An Ice cream parlor gave customers free coffee during a snowstorm. Explained the management: "Anvnnft who primps nnr nn snr-h Hail rfnenrva ciiftt rAnnnnih'nn " 1 This group of Camp Fire Girls is assisting the Red Cross IUnd camnaipn hv nnplrlna hilt nr. tha ... i mi- i- is being done ai chapter Headquarters and helping also are a group of foreign-born war brides. The names of the girls in the picture are listed in the accompanying story. Foreign-Born Brides and Camp Fire Girls Assist i What this spread dop for a Handwicli in really anmething! For creamy Lunch Box has the added jood flavor of chopped pickles and iwect red peppers. Quick, easy-so inch for the money! i?3 fa v-v AT SAFEWAY Pflpki'nt? nf kits frit PpH una campaign worriers nas been CnmnletfVI Af lha r-r.ar.tor. nfrinaff bv a' CrOUD of fnnrin.hnrn uoi Dnaes ana tamp fire Uirls groups. ManV foreign COIintrv nnlinnnle were represented in the "Accent Club" members who worked two and IhrpA nt0hfa n umatr fan last monin preparing lor the fund cainDaien. mosa wnn wnridri in. eluded Mri. Ranil Hiirhino M James Brown. Mr J T. Williorr,.' Ms. Georee Donohoe. Mri nnn' Johnson. Mrs. Manford Anson. I Mrs. Gordon Donlev. Mrs. Ivan I Bowers, Mrs. Francis Davis. Mrs I .Tamps f?ntn Mrs Jama flnin Mrs. Kita Hopkins, Mrs. V. F. Si monton. Camp Fire Girls who worked on Thursday. March 4 Organized Naval Rasprv tur. lace division at Naval and Ma rine corps League training cen ter. Company D,' 162nd infantry reeiment. ureenn Natinnai Guard, at Salem armnrv Batterv D. 722nd AAA AW battalion, Oregon National Guard at auonset hnl nn T op street. Friday, March S Seahee rnzprvpa at rJavnl anA Marine Corns Reserve traininu center. In Korea 24TH DIVISION .Korea Pfr. EOb KaDlan. Whose wife malrac her home in Salem, Oregon, at i aD west iiurai avenue, is serv- I iriS here With this HiuiEi.n Van. ian wa sgraauated from willam- eue university in 1852. Sergeant Major SANTA ANA. Calif. Master Sgt. Donald H. Burt, son of Mr. ana Mrs. M. u. Burt of 635 North High street, Salem, Oregon, has Deen assicnen tna mines nf sop. fiean maior nf the Marina Air. craft group 25 at the El Toro marine uorps Air station Here. Burt, who last vpar was cfa fioncd at Kanenhn Rnv Ua as sereeant mamr nf Marino ttj. icoDter Transnnrtafinh finnari U361, is a veteran of World war u ana prior to the Korean cuniiici ann rnp ra I in artiva dutv of the Marina Reserve unit at Salem, Oregon, was on the in spector-instructor stall tor that unit Sweet Home Man Held for Burglary AT.RANV ttntiArr Tl Tnn.. charged with burglary not in a uwcuing ana oDiaining money under false pretensen, has been given until Wednesday at 1:30 a.m.. to nr.lnilre eniins1 In hie appearance in district court. Jones' bond was set nr mnn on each charge, or $3000 in all, for lack of bond he is in the Linn county jail. Jones is areiised nf hmin broken into the VFW club at sweet Home, Jan. 8, and with having cashed a $5 cheek drawn on the First National bank of Lebanon and cashed by E. H. urcner at foster, Nov. 21, 1953. Lebanon Man Hurt In Farm Accident LEBANON mil nn,ion owner of the Lebanon garbage ""i"'' service, was nospitalizcd Sunday with a broken leg fol lowing an accident on the Berlin farm of his brother. The victim was holding the tongue of a three-bottom plow rcstine nn a hin.i,u .:. brother was attempting to back irucn unacrncath it. Clrncden planned to slep out of the way when the truck had hacked up to him. but instead fell and was struck by the ve- iiieir. He was brought to the com munity hospital by ambulance. Grenz to Oppose Downing for Post ALBANY First contest for county office nomination to arise in the Republican primary election of May 21 look form Monday with filing bv William f. Crent, Albany RKD 2. for county commissioner. Grcm lives in the Scravelhill commu nity. I GrrilZ. Who is farmer u.ill oppose Wayne Downing, l.acomh, i incumbent rnnimissinnrr u-in hao; previously filed. Virginia and Orcenn have en sales or cigarette taxes. See Lanolin Plus Liquid Do Wonders For Your Skin Overnight! "IIP' im'w- 1 Si L, SECRETS OF SEX ATTRACTION Which fcliirr of a wonun moft uir a man? Vht role do touch nd ti(ht or njr of tha fivt cotri plir in a mmin'i mi ppralf Witch Coronet reveals (bit it U a woman's tecondtrf tex chu rtrriitici Yihlch fmphiiiie hr phriicil allure. Without I htm, no woman can utiifr her mate no matter how cooperative she may he. Kirrr woman who itriircs the mot from love anil every man h ilrmanilti it will want to trail 'ITS SKCRKTS OK SKX Al'I'EAL in March Coronet now on silt lanolin Tina Limtid it the natenten form of concentrated lanolin that nert erralei your akin. Uaeil aa i cleanser before retiring then few more dropa qmrl.lv maaaaftrd in, and you II awaken nrit mornina to discover that a verv definite miracle has happened. No feel ins of akin dryness at all and an evinj softness and extra smoolhnesa that ia new. But more! Aa your slin becomes softer and ofler and smoother and smoother, those, disturbing, premature, dry-slin crow's-feet and wrinkles really fade. Cel your boltle of Lanolin Plus Liquid today. I'll it tonight. You'll lie a hap. pier woman tomorrow mntning. All this for but a dollar, plus tax, at any pood slore. iji If you iiicnt fl,0OO, s,.u nW, not fift morr lirnuly hrlp than you grt from a SI (nui tax) botllr oj Lanolin Phil Liquid. Liiiiid lanolin Pt,n li,ul, M.Vr.t p tl ! tn'in I'his Miamtoo fl tKI tsnoltn t'los Il4itl I oiion II.ISI lanolin IMin t iijunl t.lrjin.er $1 lanolin I'liM I lrsnini ( ream fl He lanolin Plus Kr I he Hair flm)' Unolio rim Ro.lv I onoo I.S0 On LST PAR PAST Tarri Tl Ins. tis, seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Justis of 830 North 20th street, Salem, Oregon, is serving here on the USS LST 1077. He entered the Navq in November, 1953. Salem Men Visit PACIFIC FLEET Six men from Salem, Oregon, were among those visiting the San Francisco Bay area in late February when 43 ships of Task Force 12 were in the Bay Area for a three-day stay. The men are: Lester L. Jacoher, seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacober of 1118 Sixth street, aboard the minesweeper USS rtarmngon. IfAith Olonlt chin sariid, man third class, USN, son of Mr .and Mrs. D. G. Wolcott, 205 Kapphoda road, on the light cruiser USS Manchester. O.i.nn A rSimminc Cnamnn USN, 2027 Coralava, on the light cruiser, uss Aiancnester. Merle T. Powers, fireman, USN, on of Mr. and Mrs. G. E Powers nf 1555 Pearl. Salem aboard the light cruiser, USS Manchester. Powers' wife resides in Lon Beach, Calif. Jack E. Cooper, machinist's Grocers who know quality always take home Bumble Bee try a can of delicious Bumble Bet Salmon, toe mate third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Cooper, 910 Churchdale avenue, aboard the destroyer USS John W. Thoma-son.- , . , Ronald M. Carrick, ship's ser viceman seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Carrick, of 2935 North Front street, aboard the destroyer tender, USS Dixie. FREE Accordian furnished for 6 weeks while you learn The Music Center In the Capitol Shopping Center f telephone SEATTLE for only kits and delivered posters to store wiuuuws were ueorgia Brown, Su san Guthie, Jane Cate, Janet John son, Malce Seburn, Anne Stevens, Marlys Hann, Jacquelyn Graber, - - a. uuuui, UXIOtUU Kinton, Clara Patton, Janene Wil- Bun. rat ammondle, Judy Drager, mum fii'iiiif irpr a ntel u n n j a nni..- iVT ' (-uen, "Y1" meager, Jimmie Kay Minty, Margaret Gentekow, Judy ivavciiiiiirL. .in nor mnea t i i d :;tj; zrvr jiuu ciiuiua, r&uy Ann Juran, Janet Franklin, Terry Lou Mc Glinn, Janet Griffin, Twyla Arch er, .oan rrau, iuelinda Keeling, Maudie Smith, Lynn Brenaman, Bobbee Ostcrberg, Linda Ireland, Virginia urcer, Terry Smith. Con. me ititcnie. Knrhnra Wolt-.H Carol Blankevoort, Nancy Miller,' Liiiiua vvngnt, June Higgins, Carolyn Johnson, Norma Lee Swigart, Patty Peterson, Janice Barr, Carolyn, Johnson, Maudie omun, rerry i,ee Smith. Cohrsibio River facUrs Alan., Aatorfa, OrtftM other rates from Salem New York City $2.50 plus tax i Cleveland ........ 2.35 plus tax Denver 1-70 plus tax Los Angeles 1-60 plus tax Pi'rs .1 minutes dav "station" call. Night and Sunday rates are even lower. Pneifip Tfilenhone works to make your telephone a Digger vaiue every uny Readier VBigest Rep M with Miracle Anti-Enzyme Ingredient GARDOL Tin (ill ( Proof that Brings Hew Hope to Millions for LIFETIME PROTECTION AGAINST TOOTH DECAY ) r: nillPir FftP.TS FROM ?..r nr.nCDC nifiEST ARTICLE r mc ntHwus- : m .Who About Anti-Enzyme Tod 1. .thpastes?" December, lhorolofi. r N-touroyl 2. 4. i- ,u. Calaat ,p.om. . ' j. .. ..div only for minutes, I this protection wont rinse on i hour offer brushing, continues lo guard against v I decoy-causing eniymes every Vi Reader Digest ifH using New Colgate s, " u" B ...j at.:, .vldence ond J distinguished dentist, exo-r, . a '..rT',; decoy ever offered by any y 4 A rcX Ontol Creom ( a?. dln o'goins. tooth decoy 5, toornpa"" , NOW! NEW COLGATE DENTAL CREAM CONTAINS r.flDnni ('SODIUM N-LAUROYL TJ I SARCOSINATE) Jwittm PROTECTION AGAINST T00TH-DECAYENZYMK I