Tuesday, March" 2, 1954 rrt t Cap MIqc Hnrfcnn ital Women Tells Dote Of Wedding Edit. r MARIAS LOWEY flSCHEK Miss Engelhart Tells of Betrothal to Mr. Weisser The engagement of Km Dor thy A Engelhart. daughter of Arwrog mid-March bride viE be Mis Ad E. Hudson, wno u announcing Friday. MarcE IB. a date rf ber marriage to Al bert J. Hearank, Jr., of Caldwell. V J Tk MuttkAfrr -Tl Va fiTTW Mi Engelhart was graduated mu,6 tl t fl evening Mr. and Mrs. DrviO E Engel- kart, Siiem. to John F. Weisser. Jr.. ton a! Mr. and Mrs. John F Weisser of Bend, announced Monday evening at the Chi C.LC till: vrriui J rampu. . i. "i.Wit-r Rsnrtid rhurpfe. the spring, having ma.Mired in pT- rp-jor. ' following tlu to tx cbGlogv. She now employed by ; t ejuE-eh-the state public w!iare commit-, Tm bnde-e)ert It the voung non ai l caseworker in Pott djiS,nl(T of Mr. and Mr, county. Lsler H- Hudson of SaJem. She Mr Weisser received hif it , .,. ibe University cf bachelor oi science degree us v'hiriftun. majoring in voice. Plans lor Cookie Sale Are Discussed ' Plans lor the G-i Scout cookie ; siie. wniri. begun on Mart 12, j m'ere discussed at I district meet ing far committee and neighbor hood chamx of the Sairm G:rl Scouti. The group met recently at the home of Mrs. Herbert Car ter. It was announced that cookies may be picked up by neighbor hood distributors on March 9 and IP from Mrs. . M. Huxtabie 340 East LcftUe su-eei. Present at trie committee meet ing were Mrs James Wane, Mrs. Fred Scheidegper. Mrs Ivan Curi. V.-S. . M. aunaait. Mrs. Giena Fiave!. Mrs. Har-y Lucas, Mrs. waller sonenoti. Mrs. Kar ven Ritchie, Mrs Samuai Booh, Mrs. Frank Mohtaan. Mrs. C. J. Kunowsiry. Mis Marjone John son and the hostess Mrs Herbert Carter. The new badge procedure was discussed. State President Due VOOTTXT. A reception for new members will feature the March meeting of the V oodhurr Wamar.'s eluh. wettrtcsdav after noon. March 3 at 2 f 'riock m the Uerebvrn library club rooms. Guest speaker will bt Mrs M T. WeaUirriord of Ar lington, president of the Oregon Feneration of W omen's duos Co chairman for the meeting will be Mrs. Amns Bonacker and Mrs T. K. Sanderson who will be assist- Coming Activities Listed by Bethel Several forthcoming events for bethel No. 35. Job's Daughters. were announced on Monday night at the group's meeting at the Scottish Rite temple. ' Fox- girls.. Miss Kennie Ru'-b Carlson. Miss Fame "a Moms.-, Miss Kamona Salminen and Miss Joanne Bourne, were appointed to make posters for the dinner which all the Masonir groups that meet at the tempie are g:vmg on Friday, March 38. It was voted to cive a skating ' parry on March 14 at the Old ed by Mrs. Paul M:lls. Mrs Lou ise PfsiXinger and Mrs, Floyd Mancle. M:I1 in RickreaU. During the earlv part of April, the joint talent show with Chemeketa chapter. Order of DeMolay for Bcvs. will be given. . The neit meeting wtfl be in spection and iniustion. Elwj-n Kill was a special guest Monday nigbL m iTDTrtV (rs. Robert Buchbeil was eomplinsented Sun i . r. . ... vnnT- than 20 tresis attended a " the home of Mrs. Orren Wasson. Assisting hostesses were Mr. Ham- Kuch and Mrs. Sumner Scham. The gilt table and room decorations were in pink asd blue arrangements. The Ro.-e.. Bui-hhest family is now ration ed at Fon Lewis, wan. e' Breakfast Set lor March 16 Twenty-nine members were present at the Tuesday morning E' of the Salem Credit Wo. Ss Breakfast club at NohU gren s. Mm. Loren Newkirk wa a guest. Mn. Lloyd Myers led the round table discussion on "Value of Good Consumer Relations The annual bosses breakfast 1 set for 7 o'clock at the Marion hotel on March 16. NEIGHBORS of Woodcraft JUG club will meet on rnday night for a a o'clock no-host din ner at the home of Dr. and Mrs. O. L. SCOtt, 130U B. W":"J- A kn hanrinr on the front business administration at Vn-! Vr ii(.kir.nk u the son of Mr ioar read: -March winds bring iersity of Oregon m 1K2. He is aTJ(j Albert J. Henrank of exciting news." A note tucked j a memlier of Phi Delta Tbeta cajwji, j. He also is a inside a bottuet of daffodils on Iratemity at Oregon. He now is : jmiar & t'niversity of T asb the dinner table revealed the ; in his junior year at Willamette majoring m ecginecing. couple's names. ! university law acbool. where be j " . " An early fail wedding a is memoer o! flu Wlta rm planned by the couple. J legal fraiemiry. I Praver Event For Club Chairmen Wtj 7 yM, Here on rnaay j World Dav ol rrayer oosen- I Mr. and Mrs. F. A Lucas, 542 j lnre nere will be tins coming Statesman street, today are ob-1 Friday. March 5. sponsored by Committee chairmen for the nlversjtn-. They make tneir borne i voroen. The program wiU be in Br-w year were named at tne i:1) , nicct Vrl Bemice L i the First Methodist church, start rneeting of Saiem duh. Daugb-: L.wll. : ing at 10 a m. ters of the Aile, Moncay as io , y,T anJ MrE Luca, werr milT. : Tbtmt Jor tht day is 'That J1,'t: : ried in Michigan but have lived ; Thev Mav Have Life " Dr. Cheer. Mrs. James . Tindall. ; of their married lile in Brooks Moore of lie Methodist Hospitality. Mrs. B. . Staeey. k (. Thm -m in f--pnn -l. . -;n i,i ih mnrninc Hworian. Mrs. Quisles Bn'-' from Michigan, living at Falls I worshiP. Mrs. Donald Rasmussen ju...., v. f""- , uty. jar. Lucas pioneering in nd. t the lumber business there. Later, Phuihropic, Mrs. 3. E. Loc-; -jy were in SunnjTale, Calif, bi5- ifor several years. Mr. .Lucas be- LuDcbeon. Mrs. Lioyd Daven- engaged in the manufacturing P" and building business there. Sev- Beahh, Mrs. Loral L. Spauld-; eral years ago they returned to th- I Oregon to live in Salem. Mr. Sewing. Mrs Anna Davis Telephone, Mrs. Kenneth L. . Lucas, 86 isuage. Lucas is SB years of age, Mrs. ; Boon of the First Presnynerian church will lead a dramatic interpreta tion of toe World Day of Prayer, assisted by members of the West minster guild. The period of prayer wifl be led bv Mrs. Van Slyke. Luncheon will be serveo at The aftcrnon session begins at Annual benefit card party of ' WHWai i 'JZFJZZ ff 1 'Zl'J? Jlpl Court Announced . ! Omar BaAh of the Calvary Bap- John M. Bamage is geoerai chair man lor the affair. Oa March SO the annua past presidents' dinner will be given. Jars. Junes K. Linton is chair- At Formal Dance list church is to be speaker, his topic lo be "Places that j-reacn. Mrs. John Cauble of St. Mark Lutheran church will lead the closing devotions. The conclud ing hymn will be sting ny a vesi- ed choir made up oi mem Den oi Salem church women. MT. ANGEL Miss Flora Fen nimore. qtven of the Mount Angel Vi omen s couece inter r or- man for the dinner, Mrs. Elmo nial" and her court, "Miss Sandra McMillan chairman for Amirt. ' Bounds of Ordinance. Miss Marl ing, Mn. LeRoy J. Stewart, chair-! 5JT Bistline of Portland, and Miss man for ororram. ! Carol Vachter, of ML Angel, .New meraaers welcomed Mon- announceo ana preseniea n. n f)tUn Dpi fa day were Mrs. William H. Baillie, I by Cailaghan, Port- Uelta UeilO UeilO Mrs. Harvey DeGroff and Mrs. ! lnd. student body president, dur- Alumnae Entertained Etx Adoiph i mg the annual Women s College , . ! formal dance Friday evening. Pictures of the California Gar- ) Theodore CsSaghan, Portland, j den show and of the Oregon Suror'lSe Shower brother of student body president j Garden show at the stale fair Jurprie Jiwer Cailaghan. officiated at toe j 'ere shown for the meeting of for Mrs. KienSChe crowning the queen. i Delta Delta Delta alumnae Mon- ROBERTS A trroun of friends ' "Gait Parisienne" was the day evening by Mrs. Philip -M .pS TpK'ita-S "to j the, of the annua! dance, and I Brandt, Jr a gtiest The meet Mrs. Paul Rienscbe, at the home ! guest coupies ing wm. , a the . borne of Mri of Mrs. Karl H?iden, Friday s o"" music of George ! Mark Astrup with Mrs. Oscar L. en7E? ' '"C,ri Trier's band of Portland, in the Paulson, Jr . Mrs. WUliam Gash There were several contests for , academy auditorium, where the land Mrs. Carlisle Roberts as entertainment- ! oecorauons irannormea me au- After opening the gifts, re- j ditoriura into a replica of Pans, freshmenui were served, invited complete with a lidewali cafe, were Mrs. Paul Rienscbe, boner General chairman of the dance guest, Mrs. Barry Eyerly, Mrs. was Miss Ruth Sebmerber of Gex Frank Needham, Mrs. Austin vais. Cater, Mrs. W. T. Mullican, Mrs. J. Hains, Mrs. Clara Blanken- ,. . abJp, Mrs. Earl Blankenship, Benefit 5lOW Mrs, W oodrow Haney, Mrs. Leon ard H. Zielke, Mrs. Elizabeth Bishop, Mrs. Frank Boebringer, Mrs. G. S. Higcins, Mrs. Glenn Bidgood, Mrs. Elmer Minch, Miu Edith Plank, Mrs. J. J. Johns, Mrs. Keith Austin. Mrs A. D. hnctj-fi&es. The alumnae attending in cluded Mrs. H. J. Anning, Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Miss Jose phine Baumgartner, Mrs. W. J. Braun. Mrs. Wilfred Cole. Mrs. J. B. Corlett, Mrs. Tom Hill, Jr, Mrs. George C. Huggins. Jr, Mrs. Richard B. Jenning, Mrs. J. M. ur.m Vn r R Nelson. Mrs. Invitations have been received RODert Nichols. Mrs Dewey here for the "Symphonic Fashion Festivsl" to be presented by the Fashion Group of Portland as a benefit for the Portland Symph ony orchestra. "Flights of Fancy Rand. Mra B. D. Rogers, Mrs. Harold 0. Schneider, Mrs. Rob ert Sprague and the four hostesses. u ' the theme for the festival, to f, L. L f"m' "'nrJ J?U"I- be given Thursday. March 25. at RebekOh NewS aid Mn Rirhirri R.nrw.lrt ', f m "' "re ' UI Muu ' "u" 1 eveal OltlCers Ol oairra ,a3-.rf R'fbard Ringwald. , . .udltor;um. !ukh lodce No. 1 attended meeting over the week end. 1 ne lodre met on Monday night Mrs. Ethel Davenport, Mrs. Hen ry Bruce. Mrs. M. W. Ward, Mrs, J. W. Martsfield, Mrs. E E. J ii: Irs. ""- -v...,s Mrs. Carl Dickson and Mrs Justina KUdee were pre"01 l Jones, Mrs. John OrsWn, Mrs. vry SchuebeU Mrs. L F. Zi. Ue.iroy guild of the First Methodist j T'F, ,or 'h' 6 '"" Mrs. E. N. Graves, Mrs. Ray H. I church attended the Wesleyan See-1 J"-"-" " Rogers. Mrs. Herbert Miller, ! vice Guild district conference in ; Jelfc-rson for a dedication. Mrs. Rchard Sneed, Mrs. Oliver I Conrallia. Sunday. The conierence - A rl oenran Mrs no) Holcomb. Mrs. Ida Herr. Mrs. ! opened with music by the torvaliii Hi". Mrs. Raymond Plmer, Ben Owens. Mrs. Pearl Thomp-ICme Music group and devot.onal ; Mrs. Bermce Hetcher. Mrs R t. won, Mrs. William Keener, Mrs. sen-ice by the Rev. Daniel D ! Comrtock were appointed on the John Painter. Mrs Jack Eyerlv, Walker A business meeting and committee fur March 8 Mn. Lee L'. Everlv. Mrs. John panel discussion were conducted LEA will meet on Thursday Hanna. Mr. George Orsborn and i by Mrs. Oscar Swanson. district night at the temple as will Beta Mrs. Hcyden. Return From Japan Iota. Tbeta Rho club. It was announced that all members are invited to attend church services on Sunday morn ing at the Evangelical I'nited Brethren church of Englewood. secretary, who was re-elected lo that office for the coming year Following the meting a no-host duwer was served Tne after-dav lmr snraher wi V--, Paul STiTt. SILVERTON Major and'njj e'erence aeCTetary. Mrs. Vk. Howard Chandler and i r.uiid trmv-,. their ion Michael, recently re-Is,! ere Mr, c E. Bten. i Rerit at Given turned to San Francisco from : m h k,v.-, u p,rhrt , " u Japan, were visiting friends and Burson. Mrs Joanna Hitkerson, I Miss Anne Kaufman. 13-year-relatives in Silverton over the 'Miss Maune Warner. Miss Marj- -c iaugriier o! Mr. and Mrs week-end. Young Mithael irndt Vn V alters Miu Va-r Neison 1 William F. Kaufman, was p-e- a rpccial call on his friend, Mrs j1M Grace White and Kiss Jean- aented in a piano recital by her Harry &ucn. etl Stbeiok-1. The guild is a ser- Major Chandler, who is in the Vk organnation lor empieved marines and hit lamily are at i women, the home of his parents, the Sara Chandlers, and will go to La I Grande. Ore- to be a few davs I A SON, Jeffrey Lewis Scott, at the borne of his brother. Don was bom on March l at balem PT Bach. Clementi. Choron. Jam Chandler, formerly of Silverton. i General hospital to Mr and Mrs 1 .an. f-rimi. Huerter. Durand, Lewis Scott. A brother. John i,..... v-r. ' -k'jM ..'.S. '!..'.1.W3 f-rrm.n i, rreetir.r the new a...... .t.. . w - .bh....i vti l-.'fc mat v , ritor.t. accorr.pa-T-rr-.a r,odnn , Mr. ana Mrs A. Freeman oersan 1 ous, Portland teacher. Nt's Richard Bell Tne event took place Sunday afternoon at the Stone Piano corrpary. Marr interested friends attended The program intluaed numbers UKMBS Vi Price f9k,w-S. Wm M aTTk V Dir II wa. wLa "7. m km hiw a - " .sb RECORDS iV2 Price If RiCRI 3Soff RECORD 10up taJr e. T wiiiiiiiiiiiiiififlilwalllllllggIIIIIIIB aggeakwJL RECORal Vt Price ulECORB - Va Price Trrlnv'e Mom I 'ITmL Grandparenu are Mr and Curtii Starr, bar I OUay S AAenU -Mrs. J. H Seott Neshk.fcne and rir6 bT y Lratea s-upper Adding butter while snap beim rV-, mikes them tar.r cut-of-thi nrW G'-lden Fish Fiilrtj Ma-hed Fotat'ies Quirk Buttee Snip Beam Carrot Siw Bread and Butter Fruit Brver i-e Quick Battered F-nsp Beans Ingredients: One lu-ouace package frenth-style L'"zen trees (snap) beans, 4 cup boil ing water, V to teaspoon rait, 2 tablespoons butter, pepper. Method: Put frozen snap t-tans in saucepan. Add bilirg water and salt; bring quickly to a boil separating beans with fork. Add butter and cover, keep bollmj jently. stirring a few times, tin til tender and there is no more liquid in pan about 10 min ute. Add more salt, if desired, and pepper to taste. Makes ) to 4 servtr.gi. Both attend W.Uamette unirer ! S'ty. KINGWOOD unit No 81. Atct- ! meet on Thursday right at the kin Legion auxiliary plins to - King nod American Leg.rm hill Phone 4-6227 Free Delivery JOHN GRAHAM'S PARK MEDICAL PHARMACY it? S. Winter 5u Next U Silem Memorial Hospital A DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION A doctor's prescription is your first (tap to better health. Tha rt it up te your pharmacist. Depend en vt for accurate dispensing. I 4 DAYS ONLY-MARCH 3-4-5-6 Open 9 A. M, to 9 P. M. During This Sale 30 Years in Salem 428 COURT ST. (COURT ST. STORE ONLY) Open 'lil 9 P.M. 0