Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, March 2, 1954 In JL Valley Kditfd by MIKE FOKBES Willamina WILLAMINA Mrs. Louis Burgess ol Berkeley, Calif., was; ner and Mickey Hanson of Mc Minnville. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Osboro of Grand Jlonde called later. The Theta Rho club met this Ballston BALLSTON Word has been received here of the death of J red E. Richards, who moved from Ballston to Silverton two years ago, following a residence here where his wife Mrs. Susie Richards was employed two years as principal of the Ball- (ion school. Mrs. Richards retired from teaching to give her time to her husband who had been an in valid the past several years. Mr. Richards death occurred at his home in Silverton Feb. 23. , Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sexton of Camas, , Wash., visited at the Ed Miller home Sunday. They are former Ballston residents. Mrs. John Hobson who has been a shut-in for the past two years was honored Feb. 16, with a birthday party. Her daughters, Mrs. Marvin Carkuff of Gopher Valley, and tained with a family dinner Sun day honoring the first birthday of their great grandson, Craig Harris. Present were Mr. and Mrs. James Harris and son, Craig, of Aloha, Airs. Lois Hart, Herb Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoeffcl, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Christensen. all of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Ashlon McGuirc of Forest Grove. Mrs. Florence Hamilton spent last week at the homes of her two sisters, Mrs. Newt !miin and Mrs. Lloyd Newbill of Wil lamina. Butteville BUTTEVILLE Mrs. Archie Mc Leod, the former Lois Weinert, was honored with a surprise cradle shower Saturday. Hostesses were Mrs. Chester Harper, Miss Bcrnardinl Harper, Miss Mary Lou Harper, Mrs. Earl Chinn and Mrt .inru Mpl.pori. Mrs. Joe Owens of Dayton and I Games were played, and many Mrs. Donna Hillcrna, were lovely gifts were received. Wixccpi Manv Butlcvil e and Donald resi Guests altcnding were Mrs. dents altended graveside services Howard Shafer, Airs. George for Mrs. Mae Brouhard, 82, at iielle lJassi cemetery in wood- Gardner. Mrs. Ed Alillcr, Mrs. Fred Edson and Miss Elsie Tavlnr. Mrs. Fred Oltinger of Mc- Minnvillc visited last week at fhe home of her parents, Air. and Mrs. Howard Shafcr. Airs. Harley Wilson of Sheri dan was a dinner guest recently at the home of her son, George Wilson. Airs. Ted Aaron was honored with a pink and blue shower at the Community hall Thursday evening, Feb. 26, with Mrs. El win Smail, Airs. Fred Edson and Mrs. Howard Kilmer as host esses. Games were played and re freshments served to Mrs. Mel vin Johnson, Airs. Frank An drews. Airs. Frank Bissel, Mrs. Paul Loda, Airs. John Whitlow, Airs. Chas. Kadell, Airs. Ezra Kilmer, Airs. Norman Tulford, Mrs. Donna Alilcrna, Aliss Elsie Taylor, Airs. Bob Brooks, Airs. Alien Smith, Airs. John Smith, Mrs. M. Van Groos, Airs. John Brown, Airs. Carl Brown, Airs. Ted Aaron, Airs. James Aaron, Mrs. Howard Shafcr, Airs. Fred Edson, Airs. Howard Kilmer, Airs. Elwin Smail, Airs. John Yeadon. Sending gifts were Airs. John Church, Airs. George Wilson, Mrs. Bob Gould. Fred Edson was host to an oyster supper at the IOOF hall Wednesday the occasion being his birthday. Following the 7 p.m. supper the evening was spent playing cards. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, Air. and Airs. John Focht, Air. and Airs. Aaron Ilinneman, Air. and Mr. Eugene ilinneman, Airs. Bob Brooks, Airs. Lulu Dingis, Airs. Edna Tufford, Airs. Lizzie Bissel, Alerton Bissel, Lylc Dingis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edson. . Air. and Airs. Douglas Sexlon and three children of Long Beach, Wash., and Mr. and Airs. Alclvin Bench ol Newberg, all former Ballston residenls visit ed Sunday at the Ed Miller home. Air. and Airs. Fred Vincent and inlnnt son of Sandy spent Alonday at the home of Airs. Vincent's parents, Air. and Airs. Chas. Kadell. Airs. Alary Bowman of Tort land spent the weekend visit ing Ballston relatives and friends. Alarilyn and Marvin Brooks of Tillamook are spending a week at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Alts. R. H. B rooks. Air. and Airs. Klwin Smail and son-in-law and daughter, Air. and Mrs. John Yeadon spent Sunday at the home of Airs. Smail's sis ter, Mrs. Robert Shires of Scapmise. Aaron Ilinneman. Eugene Ilin neman, Dee Millerna, John Focht, Allen Smith. Ed Aliller, Clyde Smith Bnd Morton llissel attrndrd IOOF lodge at McCoy Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hill enter- Passi Cemetery in burn, Saturday. Mrs. Brouhard passed away at the home of her son in Vancouver, Wash. She had previously lived in the Butteville and Donald areas for many years. Russell Gotchall, who is employ ed by Boeing Aircraft in Seattle spent the three-day holiday here with his family. Mrs. II. L. Ott, honored her daughter, Dianna Lynn on her first birthday with a family birthday party. Grandparents attending tne parly were her great-grandmother, Mrs Al. G. Smith of Can by and her grandmothers, Mrs. Solon Kinzer of Needy, and Mrs. W. 0. Lindquist of Butteville. Other guests included Airs. Calvin Olt and sons, Dennis and Mich ael, and Mrs. Ralph Hulbert and son Gregory of Canby. Mr. and Airs. Lester Aliller and children of Tacoma spent the week end in the Butteville area, visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lngleman, Air. and Airs. Glenn A. Yergen, and Mr. and Airs. Eddie Jones. Air. Aliller is a nephew of Mr. Engleman. Mrs. V. 0. Lindquist entertain ed Mrs. Virgil Alayhew, Airs. Ben Quinn, and Airs. D. E. Green at a card party last week. Mrs. May hew had high score. Reinhold and Dolores Hillner look care of the farm home of their parents, Air. and Mrs. Alois Hillner forthe past two weeks. The elder llillners look a vacation drive through southern Oregon, Calilornia and Nevada and also Mexico. They also visited Heno. Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Airs. J. D. AlcLeod honoring Pvt. Dan AlcLeod of Fort Lewis, and Airs. W. G. Giinun of Logan, West Virginia, were A1r. and Airs. C. A. Wcslcott and daughters, Eleanor, Katie and Judy; Air. and Airs. Jack AlcLeod ol Portland, Mr. and Airs. James AlcLeod of Oregon City, Air. and Mrs. Archie AlcLeod, Aliss LnDonnn bather of Aurora and Aliss Kathleen Devlin and Patrick Devlin. Air. and Airs. Glen Haines have as their guest for two weeks, her mother, Mrs. Henry Stcincr of llrightwood. Air. and Airs. Glen Haines have as their guest for two weeks, her mother, Mrs. Henry Stcincr of Briglitwood. A their regular lodge meeting last week, Butteville lodge No. 58 initiated four candidates. They were Karl Engleman, J. F. Feller, Bertram Solbcrg and Hartwcll While. Robert Alasscy, grand warden and E. Jones of Gervais lodge assisted with the initiation. Alter the regular meeting of St. Alexie Rebekah lodge last week, the group all went to the hoin ot Mrs. Robert Maitland, vice grand, for a chili supper, a guest of Mr. and Airs. Clarence Park this week, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Schmidt of Redficld, S. D., visited this week at tne fcimon Schuerch and Mcril Rabuck homes. Charles McBee and George Schoppert came home this week from theier work at Ketchikan. Alaska. McBee will return there to work but Schoppert will re main here. Air. and Mrs. George Bestman of San Diego, Calif, were guests at the Arvid Nylecn home this week. Airs. Lloyd Anderson and daughters returned this week from a trip to Wisconsin. Airs. Arlene Matthews enter tained the Bunco club members this week. Airs. Lorraine Crone won first, Mrs. Violet Kihlstadlus second and Airs. Arlcta Dclker consolation. Other guests were Mrs. Edna Graham, Mrs. Jessie Trotter and a guest, Mrs. Pat Ol son. , Willamina Garden club will meet Thursday afternoon, March 4, at the home of Mrs. Otis Barr. Seed planting and rose pruning will be the topics of the day. The Friendly Circle club met at the home of Airs. Paul Toliver 1 Thursday. Members present were Airs. Hilda Rabuck, Mrs. Alay Norn's, Airs. Augusta Hanson, Airs. Frances Vollman, Airs. Anna Gardner, Airs. Edna Graham, and guests, Mrs. Sam Benson and Airs. Rollin Rickcrt. Kenneth Buffington celebrated his birthday this week with a party at his home in the after noon. Those present at the party were Kay Barr, Richard Johnson, Pat Flatau, David Wright, Judy Cook, Larry Davie, Betty Fox, Frank Lord, June Hubbard, Dar- rel Hamilton, and Kenneth and Bonnie Buffington. The Grade school PTA will meet Afarch 2 at 6 p.m. Dr. Har ry Hutson, professor of political science at Linfield college will speak on the United Nations. Final report on the Alarch of Dimes drive according to chair man Elmo Black, showed $936.35 raised. Air. and Airs. 0. C. Yocom Jr. of AIcAlinnville are the parents of a daughter, born ret). 24 at a AIcMinnville hospital. Air. and Airs. 0. C. Yoccrm of Willamina are the paternal grandparents. Air. and Airs. Richard Cannon of Sweet Home are the parents of a son, Randall Dennis, born Feb. 16. Airs. Cannon is the former Jean Fouts of Willamina. Airs. H. A. Parrctt entertained the 500 club this week at lunch, followed by an afternoon of cards. Airs. Axel Wakkurc won high, Airs. Gust Dahl second and Mrs, Virgil Hcider consolation. Air. and Airs. Henry Alode of Independence have announced the engagement of their daugh ter, Norma Jean, to Don Lee Booth, son of Ernest Booth of Willamina. Mr. Booth is in the medical department at the Nav al Air Station at Alameda, Calif, j No date has been set for the wedding. John Gardner was honored by his wife with a dinner for mem bers ot their familv, on the oc casion of his birlhdav this week. Those present were Air. and Airs. Cluvton Gardner and family of Bend, Air. and Airs. Clifford Gardner and family of AIcAlinn ville, Air. and Airs. Ralph Card- week to plan a food sale for Feb, 6. Present at the regular meet ing were Carol Schukar, Ellen Ham, Connie Thomason, Joyce Lambert, Betty Wright, Sue Ham, Shirley Barber, Jeanctte John son, Yvonne Gift, Carolyn Barn ey, Pat Sevcrson, Jeanette Carl son, Donna and Luann Stoddard, Sonja Ryan. Air. and Airs. Gus Kihlstadius and sons of Minnesota were hon ored with a farewell party this week at the home of Mr. and Airs. Melvin Kihlstadius. The Kihlstadius family has been vis iting here this winter. Others at tending were Air. and Mrs. Axel Lundin, Mr. and Airs. Paul Ny lecn, Mr. and Airs. Harry Samuel son Sr., Rodney Nylcen, Mr. and Airs. Harry Samuelson Jr., Mr. and Airs. Ed Severson, Patty and Eloise, Airs. Pearl Lundecn, Air. and Mrs. Albin Lundin of Sheri dan and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nylecn and family of Salem. The Community Garden club and the Willamina Garden club members were guests at a meet ing of the Dallas Garden club, when speaker was George Kof lcr, assistant to Tommy Luke of Portland. He gave a demonstra tion of many arrangements. Other guests were Airs. Nor man Baker, state treasurer of the Oregon Federation of Garden clubs, and Mrs. Cora Burch of Albany, chairman of the Santiam district of the State Federation of Garden clubs. Attending from the Willamina clubs were Mrs. Rant Neely, Mrs. Axel Wakkure, Airs. George Crone, Mrs. Fred Nelson, Airs. Virgil Heider, Airs. George Ship ley, Airs. Guy Call, Airs. Earl Richardson, Airs. Dave Paine, Airs. Itay Mawhirter, Airs. Frank Smelscr, Airs. Sam Smith and Lester Robertson. The High School and Grade School jointly sponsored PTA Talent Show will be April 9 in Alarh Stevenson hall in the high school. A number of prizes will be awarded for performances of all types. Donald Presbyterian Meetings At Woodburn Continue WOODBURN Filch interest is being shown in the Spiritual Life Mission which opened Sunday at the Woodburn Presbyterian church and will continue each evening this week up to and in cluding Friday, Alarch 5, at 7:30 o'clock. Speaker is Rev. Joe Dixon, pas tor o' the Stanfield and Umatilla Presbyterian churches and is also moderator of the Presbytery of Eastern Oregon. A pot-luck fel lowship dinne: will be served Wednesday evening, Alarch 3 at 6 o'clock in the dining room, and the evening service will follow. The committee in charge of the dinner will be Airs. Alfred Moon, Airs. Clinton Pack and Airs. A. R. Kcarns. All members and friends are invited. Airs. Maitland was assisted by Mrs. Alac St. Helens. rtL llll'll UUMIirSS Mlt'l'llllK, I further plans and practice was i Airs. Alvin held for the official visitation of Brush Creek ihe stale president, Airs. Lola sons of Salem, Jack, Grant, liar usnnrne, .viarcn i. i ry and Verne. Silverton Patient In Salem Hospital SILVERTON Mrs. Effie Wi koff of the Silverton area, is a patient at Salem Alemorial Hos pital, under special treatment for a fractured leg. Airs. Wikolf was at the Brooks Rest Home when she fell sus taining the injury, Saturday. Mrs. Wikoff is the mollier of Krug, Silverton district, and four DONALD Mrs. Ed Alillcr suf fered a painful leg injury in con nection with the family car last week. No bones were broken. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hacncr and Aliss Alarie Persyn recently took an extended trip which cov ered 6000 miles. They visited two brothers in San Francisco, and they spent two days in Las Vegas, N.M. They traveled through Texas and Arizona, and went to Indianapolis, lnd.t where they vis ited Mrs. Haener's brother, Dr. Henry Persyn, who is the head of a chemical plant in Indianapolis. While they were gone, Airs. Gay Alenke, sister of Air. Haener, looked alter the Haener children. On arriving home, Airs. Haener did two weeks substitute teaching at bt. Luke s School in Woodburn. Air. and Airs. Dave Northup and five children have moved into one of the cabins on the Delbert ranch, and will assist him tiwh the hops. Airs. L. Peterson has just re turned from spending a week with her sister, Airs. Harry Spencer, of Prineville. Tuesday evening, Feb. 23, 49 voters came out to vote on Donald school budget for the year 1954-55. The estimated expenditures are $12,762.50 for the year and the esti mated receipts are $5,677.00. The votew as 37 for the budget and 12 Against it. Air. and Airs. Raymond Peterson and family spent Sundav with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hack cnberg of Sandy. Sunday dinner guests in the Thurston Yergen home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Myron French and M. D. French of Portland. After dinner callers in the Yergen home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coyne of Woodburn. Airs. L. Peterson of Donald is in receipt of a letter from her son, Dean, advising her that he was commissioned a second lieutenant on Feb. 9, and that he and his bride of a month had just arived in Montgomery, Ala., where he will attend administrative school. Dean, only son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Peterson, graduated as a phar macist from Oregon State College in 1951 in June. In July he enlist ed in the air force and received his basic training at Leland, Air Force Base in Texas. From there he was sent to Kellv Field where ne has worked in the dispensary until the present. On Jan. 8, he married Dorothy Sanchez of Borine, Texas. They have a small apartment in Mont gomery where he will be stationed for some time. After his time is up, Dean has decided to remain in the service for another year and a half. Sgt. Harry A. Bnir, son of Mr. and A1rs. Ralph Bair arrived in San Francisco, Feb. 15, aboard the transport General John Pope, from Korea. lie has now received his discharge from the service and is doing some sightseeing in Mexico before coming home. Air. and Mrs. LeRoy Cox of Woodburn. and small son have moved into the Larsen house in Donald, and Air. Cox is employed as nigni tireman at the Donald Brick and Tile factory. The Mother's Club of Donald is sponsoring a health film to be shown the evening of Alarch 2 at 8 o'clock at the Donald Grade school. The picture will be on Shyness and Dr. Joseph Preleven. consulting psychologist, will also speak. Airs. Raymond Peterson substi tuted in the Donald post office Saturday morning while .Mr. and Airs. Arnold Bob Iverson visited her mother, A1rs. Russell, and brother in Seattle. They left Fri day evening and came back Mon day night. Mrs. Raymond Peterson will be assisted by Mrs. Warren Feller in the Red Cross drive for Donld this year. One of these days, Lin Crom well is going to have a completely new garage. They have been working on it for sometime and are building the new structure over the old one. and as soon as the roof is on the new building, the old structure will be torn down. By building in this man ner, Mr. Cromwell was able to continue his garage work during the construction of the new build ing. Air. and Mrs. Norman Yergen and daughter Donna, and Mr. and A1rs. Barney Feller and family of Donald, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Airs. Pete Hing and family of Portland. Gary Hing, who is attending aero-engineering school in Seattle, was home for the week end. The Hings used to to be residents of this community I has been employed in Salem th. several years ago ' Past 25 cars- Mr. and Airs. Ralph Bair Satur-1 The Brooks Sewing Club will day attended the grand opening of mcet Thursday, .March 4th at tha the Canby Farm Slore owned and operated by John Todd. Air. Bair was lucky and recciv Blair immediately claimed it. Brooks home of Airs. A. P. Sidcbottom. Laplanders milk half-wild rein deer and keep the milk all winter in frozen chunks. BROOKS Airs. Ida Madsen af Salem visited Airs. John Dun lavy last week. Airs. Aladsen was a former resident of Brooks but ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL M(LN( WATCH IT, ISAAC! Your waist-line's beginning to show! Know what he did? Isaac Stern, I mean. He went down to the Oak Room for dinner when he was here for hiipnnpprt nnH hp nrrlprpH a Inn. 1 rlprlnin TTp avlrprt if hn pmtM an ! sec the cut made so the waitress took him out to Phil, our chief cook, and Phil showed him just : where his steak was coming from. I Stern he looks at the meat and his mouth waters a little and he i says, "Phil tell vou what. Cut me a DOUBLE one. That meat i looks pretty terrific from where : I stand." And then he ordered a big raw onion on the side. Wow could that man eat. But I'm missing my point. What I want to get across is that we would welcome you in the kitch en, too. Next time you're down, just say the word and Phil will give you the same treatment. It's kind of fun to watch your steak from start to finish! Remember in Salem - it's the HOTEL MARION Phone 3-4123 NOW PLAYING 'n. glenn Miller , '.t- story" FRANCES LANGFOHO LOUIS APMSTRONG i!Nf XBUPA Bill POLLACK - THE MODEAKAIRFS -Plus- Short Subject "THEY WERE CHAMPS" Plus News Cartoon Prices This Engagement Only Adults $1.00 mm i:NI)S TODAY! Open 6:45. Adults 50c Children 20c 2 Technicolor Hits "ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO" "KEDHKAIIS FROM SEATTLE" 3iT A ItTS TOMORROW 4vf i - 1 1 JANE RUSSBLI MARILYN film ami winn Gentlemen Frder Blondes, TECHNItOLUK., LAST TIME TODAY! POSITIVELY MUST LEAVE! Feoture: 1:254:157:059:35 'Wflllilll H lai"EFIBSMOiioN M1-CinemaScoPb I PNONI I-toSO PRICES THIS SHOW! Adults $1.25 Children 50c Wednesday Lunch At North's Virginia Baked Ham Dinner Sandwich In the Capitol Shopping Center Whipped Potatoes and .Cream Gravy AC Cranberry Sauce OjC Fast Service . . . Delirious Food - Try Salem's Best Place to Eat! STARTS TOMORROW! New Spinet Pianos Full Krvboard First Line $495.00 The Music Center In the Capitol .Shopping Center STARTS TOMORROW! Ends Tonight Robert Tavlor Deborah Krrr in "QUO VADIS" also Walt Disney's Prowlers of The Everglades ce-fi but it's Gronf SONGS... 1 1 I & IfMII DOMD JANKT Leigh Buddy Hacked 'AlKlNGi 1 My BMxi BACK ' Home', 2ND ItKilllT" JOAN FONTAINE - JACK PALANCE IV "FLIGHT TO TANGIER ) All the SPLENDOR and SPECTACLE If OF THF LCif Of fMVAIOVI F m& n iM3(j:ii'll YOU SEE IT WITHOUT SPECIAL GLASSES ROBERT TAYLOR AVA GARDNER MEL FERRER ANNE CRAWFORD S1ANLEV BIKER I'rirrs Thl Show: Adnlli S1.25 Children !0c "Merry Wives of Windsor" In Cinemascope and wnm.n nkws COLOR CARTOOS rw T ff m m Terms $290 Per Week 21-inch television New "MASTER 21" the television buy of the year! RCA Prices Start at $21995 with all channel tuning Outperformed 9 otherjeodinci makeil Ac:etd nj to ledeoendent pi'd r-noi'i. RCA Vcor II" lab'e ncxicl TV ro-.-d h - , bo'h d s ton:e end rnr-by recept on 1: c '. a'; c'-r- Tl" 'r- modeli lei'ed some cos-.rg ai p-to 0! $jq roje Now tn the new MASTER 21" erful p;c!uf performance-!). , p.'.Jj You get famout "Magic Monitor" Circuit Syiiem t You set "Golden Throat" Fidelity Sound. Salem's Oldest and Largest Radio and TV Dealer 428 Court St. 40 r You gel accural "Rolomatic Tunino." More la IM...I,,, lodo-loi d:olmg, lei, adjusting. 5" ,h n,w CA Victor "MASTER Jl"htrl JafUHf-l,,!,.!,. oil.chon,,! , .XIH - i-ri iv.r; ,tct,on n your o'a. UH' nM VHF ' ,1 ' " I ASK ABOUT THE IXCLUCIVI CA VICTO. FACTORY-SERVICE CONTRACT. IN SALEM FOR 30 YEARS 395 N. High For Better Service on Any Make Call 4-5752