600 Employment 611 Work Wanted. Female EXPERIENCED younf woman wants Eart Umi work in typing, short and, or as receptionist, Hal type writer at home. Own car. Good IviuiIIRM, VDI 419114, 1 JK.AIiT.J.0 lron 10 yut hom- --xp. XXP. cook fc bartender will do i lief work Call 4-S3B2. WASHING and Ironing don In my Via mat Oh l-'inns ' illMEOGRAPHING. .typing, reason able. Mra. Poe. 663 N. 16th. 3-3643. Housework or cooking company meal. Phone J-S860. fel5 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED practical num. Lo. cai rcicrence. r-n. CARPENTER & repair work. Drv rot houses our specialty. Ph. 3-1439 or 2-1842. BUILDING your own houae? Build er with all neceaaary power toola help you at 1.25 an hour. No pay until houae completed. State houae alze & location. Journal-States-rnan. Box 264. VERY talented University atudenta need part time Jobs. Phone 3-9266 Ext. 7 daya. . CHILD care, my home, anytime. Phone 3-8332. PAINTING inside or out 2! years "p. m oaiciii. i-n. -100-. HAVE YOUB painting done early. Satisfaction assured, ph. 4-24.91 eve HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes light housa work baby sitting, 4-8018. PAINTING with pride In workman ship. Martin Wolfcr. Ph. 4-2879. TREES SPRAYED Pruned and ahaped. Also topping, trimming, and removing. Free esti ' mates. 2-7484, 4-3897. CARPENTER -WORK. New or re modeling. Foundation to root. Ph. 4--3Z1 CUSTOM tractor work, plowing discing, garden work. 3-9863. -HONING Mo an hour. Bring nang- cta. ju., -na si. west aaiem, PAINTING, PAPKR HANGING. Con tract, small Jobs welcome. Phone 2-7692. TREE work. Topping, trimming, re moving, insurcq. jonn raync. a-0383 HOUSE plana drawn. Customised ana accurate worK. fn. 2-HCJ4Z. PAINTING, Paperhanglng. Free a tlmates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-5522. GENERAL cleaning by the hour. Ph. 2-8259. Tax Preparation hv former Internal Revenue agent. 2-8812 vuoiura plowing ana aiscing. Fer guson tractor, 1 bottom plow. Ph. 2-6120 or 2-4785. WIEMAL'S Day Nursery, licensed and state Inspected. 2-50H.. CEMENT work, all kinds. Feldschau & Son. 2-8628, 4-5329 alt. 6 p.m. TAX RETURNS prepared. Ph. 4-6228. Call day or eve. CARPENTER New. remodel or re pair, time or contract Ph. 2-5025. MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph. A-ttKm. PAINTING. Will sladly estimate any size Job. Ph. 2-4307, 3-8243. LANSCAPING. com. lawn, garden service. Service Center. 4-3573. PAPER HANGING & Painting. Jerry Johnson. Phone 2-0794. RELIABLE baby sitter. Will go days or nights. Phone 2-9964. LIGHT crawler dozer, dirt leveling, grading. Phone 3-7042. 618 Education IF OVER 18 finish GRADE or HIGH SCHOOL at home. DIPLOMA AWARDED. Ask for free Catalogue. COLUMBIA SCHOOL, Box 4500, Portland 2, Oregon. 620 Day and Contract Land Clearing 15 yrs. Exp. Call for estimate on hour work or by contract for the com plete Job. L. C. Mitchell. Phone 3-5337. 700 Rentals STORE or office space, new bldg., 142 S. 13th. Ph. 3-5222. 702 Sleeping Rooms, Board l OR 2 SLEEPING rooms. 790 N. Church. Phone 2-4335. COMFORTABLE room. Downtown. Hotplate 472 i,iperty. j-wub. CLEAN sleeping rooms. Auto, heat Hot Sc cold water. 461 N. Hish, 1 ROOM kitchenette. Clean, warm, close-in. Utilities furn. Ladles. Ph. 2-7469. WARM, light, housekeeping room. SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen facilities. t or I or a. )M jerry ai. LARGE beautiful furn. rm. Also bachelor apt. 539 N. Winter. 70S Apartments For Rent FURNISHED apartments. 833 Ferry Street. 3-ROOM furnished apt. 699 N. Front. NEW COURT apt. for rent. 1748 Cen ter, rn. .woo- or -o.n. CLEAN FURN. APT. Utilities psld. Garage. $35. Ph. 2-9084. 2261 Hazel Ave Trm! FURN.. steam heat, bath, re frig., laundry. 555 N. Liberty. 3-4815 NICELY furnished apartment. Pri vate balh. utilities, furnished, washing facilities. J5. Close to C.ipitol buiinines. VERY NICE 3 rm. duplex furn. apt, I lolly wooddl.it. Phj3803. FURNISHED apartment, close In Pvt. shower. Phone 2-7 143. NICELY furn. apt. 1710 N. Capitol. Business Directory RFnni.vri CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno mattresses, 3-4069. nnXtioziwi .. Bulldozing." clearing rJ?5?ic ej?0"- II-', U'V, wirsKHii.n rBom tTH FoiTjirolSpl. free'dcllvery ol WAT KINS products, pie ulor. ll-ia si, iimmi. -lcm. Ph. 3-53M. Dealer applications Inv.i(rl "sianlev Home Product". Lee Mlndt. 1680ajhnl-1jL InmorShaprnlnR'n HAND mowei"$2 Fr Pick-up . delivery, i " n, ,iiiivn 24. HR PUMP service n,,ll,m"k" water systems Brownie Valdes 2-3786 strFRIGFRATOR SERVlrE AlTmakeT nlfljjAI Uu Re" frirHinPh. 3-5443. sf.ptic MTKE S Septic Service. Tanks clean . j , .i . un. drains ea. LiaV'Oier v,- Phone 3-9468 Sewer, septic ians. ",","'s -Vv c, eil Roto-Rooter Jwer enir Phone 3-532'- t. 3-7404. 700 Rentals 705 Apartments for Rent THELEEAPTS. SI'mlf Mo,t r1,tl'ulheJ Address ........... c miren isi j-Dearoom unit, $81.00; another 1-bedroom unit, 184.00. Batchelor unit avail able now at $59.00. Inspection In vited. 885 No. Winter St. 1 HOUSE, 348 Wyatt Court One 3 rm. stairs apt. for 1 or 1 woman, $28. One trailer house, $15. All utilities paid. 1 garage, 12.50. 1980 Center. NICELY furn. 3-rm. apt. Private udui. ciose in. rn. a-69S5. NICELY furn. bedrm. & kitchenette. auo reirig. km N. cotuge. APTS., utilities furnished. Close In. w a. nign. vn. -L90B3, CLEAN, quiet, small apt, close In. wujr preicrreq. vto ferry. NICE 3-rm. furn. apt. Close In. Pri vate bath. Reasonable. JOE NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE jug? collage. ,-joiu pay or eve. ATTRACTIVE, close in, clean, furn. pi. rvi. entrance, elect stove, re frig., hot water and wash facilities furn. 245 Union. 4-1488. RM. furn, adults, near State Hos pital, garage, rn. 3-8041. ROOM furn. apt. All utilttiea paid. wii -.iccv panting. AOUlta. fu. .-awe. i54 w. capltol. CAPITOL PLAZA 1-bdrm., furn., unlurn. 1181 Che meketa. 3-8830. LGE. WELL furnished i room apt. 2nd floor. $30. Adults, no seta. 2164 Maple Ave. Ph. 3-7117. FOR RENT, one bedrom furn. du- piex. ago, rn, 4-1761. Agent. NICE 3-ROOM furn. apt. Private Path. 888 N. Church 2-4746. NICE, CLEAN, 1-rm. furnished, housekeeping. In front. 887 N, Lib erty. Ambassador Furnished apis. 650 N. Summer 1 RM. furnished basement apt. 50. inquire at jia neuevue. PENT HOUSE. 3 rms., furn, newly decorated, close to school, bus & business dist, garage available. 1055 Edgewater, West Salem. i BEDRM. apt, close in, priv. utility oc oatn, uniurmsnea. very reason ableto right party. 855 N. Church. 2-ROOM furn.. heated apt. For lady. tu w. cottage. UNFURN. duplex. Fireplace, stove and refrig. call 3-7059 eve. Sat, Sun. FURNISHED 3 rooms. $30. Private Dam. iwo norm com l. PRIVATE 3 room court apts. Clean. zurn, aqa. acuus. 3560 Portland Rd. FURNISHED apartments. Closa-ln. Ph. 2-8740. 325 S. Winter. FURNISHED modern 2 room apt. Within B blocks of down town. $65 per month. Ph. 2-1867. 444 N. Cot tage 3-ROOM furn. apt. utilities paid. Rea sonable, m. 4-6551. VERY NICE l-bdrm furn. and un- furn. Inquire 1656 S. 13th St. 3-ROOM furnished apt, full bath, neat ana water xurn, rnone 2-8568. FURN. apts. North Salem Motel, 2673 roruana Kd. Fn. 2-6688. 3-ROOM Furnished Court Apt with gsrage, $55. Close In on No. Com'l. Ph. 2-8648 or 3-6644. BDRM. apt Completely furn, close in. 444 N. uouage. 4 ROOM furnished duplex. Adults prererrea. ynone 4-3363. MODERN nicely furn. 2 bedrm. apt In Turner, vn. 4-3491. 3 CLEAN furn. rms, priv. bath at entrance. Laundry. 492 s. Hign. 3-ROOM furn. apt. Newly decorated. 1 bik. to bus line, $33. wu n. imn. 2-1070. ROOMS, nicely turn. Electric heat 1140 N. 3tn. m. Z-4HIO. 2-BDRM. unfurn. Available Mar. 8th. $30. 991 Mill St. 1411 STATE. Furnished semi-apart ment Private bath, hotplate, util ities. FURN. APTS, one 2 rm, one 3 rm. Pvt. entrance & bath, clean, close in. 1145 Bcllevue. 2 ROOM FURN. Nice, clean, warm. Woman preferred. $35. 841 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-5446 or 3-3000. CENTRALLY located, 1 br. apts, range, refrig, laundry facilities furn. Rent $50. mo. Al Isaack Co, Realtors. Ph. 4-3311. CLEAN 2-RM. furn. basement apt. Priv. bath, utilities furn. $39. 1119 N. 19th. Ph. 3-7641 707 Houses For Rent S RM. unfurn. duplex, close In. Call 4-13U7. 1 BEDRM. furn. house for rent. Talr- montpist. Ph. s-sioiora-ejoa NEW 2 BEDROOM house, basement, pipe furnace. Four Corners. SiO un furnished. 3-7UU3 aays. a-Bi4 eve. CLEAN SMALL house, for couple ,I,K mall liahu nr ln0l wrtnn. All furnished for $30 mo. Also h trailer space, $10 mo. No drunks or pels. m. a-oooj FOR RENT 1 bdrm. modern unfurn. . .. .1 ,. i K1 nk. CXri'Jb 1IISC Bllu ictt'e, ?.n. 4-1761. NEW UNFURN. 1 bdrm. duplex, South, electric heat, attached ga race. J0. Ph. 2-5509 or 2-8479. 2 BEDROOM, modern house. South Salem, rnone ljiis. caii wiwn 7 p.m FURN. $45. extra nice for working louole. loads tmllt-lns. 3-50H5. 2-ROOM furnished cuage house. Wa ter lurnisneo. muimi. niuiw 2-553S 1 BEDROOM furn. cottage. Clean, reasonable. Garace. 3845 Portland Road. 1 BEDROOM furnlshedl atllc room, garage, garden. $50. Near Swegle School. rt. i-i.niti. DUPLF-X. 2 bdrm, close downtown. Also Falrmounl Hill 3 bdrm. home. adults, reference. Ph. 3-4697 or 3-j.vn. TrL FURN. flat. AdulU. Rrlerence. Ph. .1-7541 till I2a m, alter 6 p.m: 2- nODHM." house 720 S. 18th. $4.1. Ovvnerplione4-274: TrDRM parllv furn. house. Close lo school S;!l04.r iNKEIER. nice clean ant., garage and yarrPh. 4-3W5or2-1252. i-PFDRM. modern house Leslie Dlst. Adults only. Ph. 2-5784 3- RM hse , ham. ehirken house, un furn $35. Skyline Rd , Rl. 4. Box 7.15. FOR REST, l-hrdroom house, fur- nisned. f.. rn. -ii. 4 ROOMS, bath, utility, elec. wtr. heater, on cir, "" Karaite, parden spce. $37.50 per mo. !170 Kapphan Ave PARTLY" furnished 5 room house. Ff frig . electric stove At garage. 45 2-l!4. PrOOMS, bath, ulllltv. elec. wtr. heater, oil cir, wired for range, garage, garden space. $3i.90 per mo l970KpphanAye. firvi I BR "iurn house. Garage, adults, no pets. Wish permanent renters, i n. -s-., w. 3-RSI VNFl'RN. except gas kitchen ranee water heater, fir. furnace. At r;y , n CMirrh canJ-o; rXTR. ni7e htrnTiupl. Hure lv. -reek, close In. nr porl. $.5. 510 S. Wnt-MJ'.Vi rvrt'RN . ground1 floor, duplex. Ga. . Vage. 83$ rTJ. Tit 3-3437. 800 Real Estate 3-BEDROOM, I ACRES, NEAR KEIZER With older barn, deep well, will irrigate all of the acreage. Exceptionally fine terms. Tor appointment to see, caU Chet Rawlins, Sim, GRADE "A" DAIRY .With 61 acres all Irrigated. Thlf dairy Is fully equipped, 26 head of registered cattle, irrigation pipe and Jump and all necessary machinery, 4-bedroom home. 2 silos, large loafing sheds, new milk house. large barn with loft. Dont miss this opportunity It you want a going dslry, $19,000 will -handle. CaU Chet Rawlins, Sim. LARGE i-BDRDM, 8!4 YEARS OLD Very nice lot with neat shrubs, lawn, flowers, etc. Quality kitchen with eating space, $12,700.00. If you are a veteran, only $633.00 down. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. 3'i ACRES. 4-BDRM. HOME, TRADE FOR 1-BDDRM. Excel lent soil, family fruit trees, large garage, workshop, machin shed, concrete well and fruit house, large living room with flre place, automatic oil heat 1 baths, $12,700.00. Call Jim Rawlins, Sim. TRADED YOUR 3-BDRM. HOME IN SALEM FOR THIS ACRE FARM With 3-bdrm. home, new milk house, 13-stanchlon barn .loafing ahed, machine shed, chicken house .frult trees, all Irrigated, irrigation equipment, year 'round creek. For appoint ment to see, call Dale Rayburn. Sim. S ACRES CLOSE IN WITH 2-BDRM. HOME 4 yrs. old, garage with work shop, chicken house, good well, all nicely drained. This Is a good buy for $9,000.00. For appolntmen to aee, call Dale Rayburn, Sim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 1060 N. Capitol Street Office Phones: 1-4664 or 4-1761 Evenings: Chet Rawlins 3-6236, Jim Rawlins 2-8578, Dale Rayburn 2-2045 ' PERSONALITY & CHARM 3 bdrms, entrance hall. Ilv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm, birch kitchen, party room with fire place in basmt, single garage, insulated and weatherstrlpped. tiled bath, oil forced air furnace. CALL J. E. LAW SPLENDID ENGLEWOOD LOCATION Good English style home, partial brick front, 3 nice bdrms, 2 down and 1 up, llv. rm, din. rm, fireplace, hdwd. firs, full basmt. auto, oil heat fenced yard. Excellent condition. CALL ROY S. FERRIS WALNUT PARK ''DISTRICT Thla attractive 2-bdrm. home Is five years old Ha a lge. llv. and din. rm. with wall-to-wall carpeting. Inside utility rm. and many other nice features. Lo cated on a corner lot in a friendly neighborhood. The price Is Just $8430 with terms. CALL H K. LAYMON LOTS - ANY DIRECTION Klngwood. Falrmount Hill, Candal arla, Kelier, East Suburban $500 to $3000. Good Tcrma available. CALL GRABENHORST BROS. DUPLEX Located on South 12th Street In No. 3 Business Zone. Corner lot. Bringing $60 per mo. plus owner's quarters. Nice condition thruout. Basement, auto, oil furnace. Price $9500. CALL G. H GRABENHORST, JR. i GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St., Ph. 2-2471 3. E. Law 3-5113 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent t RM. UNFURN. cottage. Elec. heat elec. range. 744 N. CapltoL 2-8683. 1 BEDRM. duplex with store room. No children. North Slat $48 per month. Ph. 4-1761. NEW 1-bdrm. house, unfuxn, except refrig. As stove, ml aaarxei. rn. 2-1958. OFFICES, living quarters, two fam ily homes, very close-in. 3-4359 eve, FURN. OR unfurn, reasonable to right party. Ph. 4-3ut)i eve, 1 ROOM furnished cabin. Gentle man. Phone 3-7018. ALMOST new 2-bedrm. house, elec. range, auto, heat, hardwood floors, lniuiatea. nzea iviapie ave. 3 RM. UNFURN. house except for gas range and water heater. Baby accepted, no pets. $35 mo. 453 S. 18th. ', ACRE 2 bedrms, south. Bus service. $50. Ph. 2-2548. UNFURN. 8 ROOM duplex. (2 bed rms). Half block to Capitol Shop ping Center. Ph. 4-3405 or 4-1863. FURN, SMALL, modern, clean, coiy, court, adults. $33. 818 N. Com'l. IMMEDIATE possession, 4 rm. cot tage. Near bus, stores, neat $40. 4-58B5. 1 ROOM cabin furn. $22.50 mo. All utilities paid. Near bus and store. Ph. 4-4883. . CABIN, 3-room, partly $25 month. Ph. 2-1248. 709 Wanted to Rent DOWNTOWN office by Realtor. Write Box 255, Statesman-Journal. 710 Wanted lo Rent, Houses HOUSE, prefer Liberty Road, South of Rosedalc. Ph. 2-5971 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house wanted. Re sponsible tenants, Pli. 3-7210. ENGINEER and family needs 2 or 3 bedroom, clean, modern house. Phone 2-8851. BUSINESSMAN with family needs furnished house or apartment. Pre fer S. Salem or close In. Ph. 2-5353. WANTED TO RENT by March 15th, unfurnished home. 3 bedrooms or larger. Prefer Richmond School dist. but not necessary. Can fur nish references. Ph. 2-7526. FAMILY of 6 want 2 or 3 bedrm house. Bush school. Bush School. About 850rnonth. Ph. 2-7026. RADIO man and family desire clean 2 or 3 bedrm. home. Up to $85. Ph. 4-31S9. WANTED TO lease or lease with op tion to buy. strictly modern 3 BR home by responsible adults. Ph. 2-2560. WANTED 2 bedroom house. Unfurn. Bv responsible couple. Permanent. Ph. 3-3421. 714 Business Rentals LARGE warehouse space tor rent or lease Cement Moors, brick build ing Down town. Inquire H. L Stiff Furniture Co Phone 3-9183 iUH) Real Estate 801 Business Opportunities MEAT CURING plant. Wholesale locker and retail meat sale. Lard rendering. 3-7003 days. 2.8744 eve. MAJOR OIL Company has station for lease. Salem. Main arterial. S&H Green Stamp franchise. Write Box 265, Statesman-Journal. SUB-LEASE nice, modern restau rant with 21 stools At 4 tables, in small prosperous community. No competition. Ideal for couple to manage. Rent runs on percentage basis. See at Sublimity, Oregon. RESTAURANT. 5 cabins. B-room house, gas pump. V. B. VaUick, Jefferson. TAVERN and lunch. 2-hedroom. liv ing quarters attached. Hlway 99, 4 miles South of Sslem. Ph. 2-2122. 802 Business Property Business Building I apts on 2nd floor, 3 huines on main floor. Showing good Income, close In lo State buildtnes Accept small larm or home In trade Re.t of terms on balance. Price $28,500. Call J. Carpenter. Salnman ART MADSEN, REALTY 1928 flat. Ph. 1-9980, J.uij 800 Real Estate Evenings it Sundays call Salesmen Roy 8. Terris H-8010 H. K. Laymon 3-8193 $1000 DOWN And no loan costs will buy this lnvelv 9-bedroom onlv 2 years old. Lane living room and a great big kitchen and nook. Lota of storage apace. Attached garage. Beautiful lawn. Really a buy at $8950 with easy monthly payments. ENGLEWOOD BEAUTY Without a doubt one of the nicest homes in the Engiewooo district 3-lovely bedrooms. Wonderful fire place in large living room with expensive carpeting. Full base ment with party room plus a hob by room. Beautiful yard with cov ered patio .and fireplace. F.H.A, commitment for $13,500. $55 PER MONTH Buys your new 3 -bed room house ana pays taxes ana insurance, uniy $775 will make down payment and Kay the costs. Beautiful ranch type ome on large lot. We have sev eral locations to choose from lor these G.I. terms. 201 South High Phont 3-M03 Phone Evenings St Sunday 4-1671, 3-3858, 4-5319, 3-3264, 3-4878 804 Suburban BY OWNER 2 bedroom, Insulated home, 1 acre, double garage, barn. Frultland Dlst Ph. 3-1333. 806 Houses For Sale 3 BR. House with $800. equity or siioo. or trade lor z Dr.'' in hcizcr dist. Call 2-1174. 9-6 dally. GOOD 4-BEDROOM HOME Only $3000. f."00 down. $50 mo. CLEAN 3-HKUHOOM HOME Niie corner lot. Only $M50. JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 415 N. High - Ph. 4-3482. Eve. 2-8476 $200 DOWN Plus $150 for taxes and iniuronce on this 2-bcdroom home with un finished upstairs. Only 6 years old. In citv. close to bus and schools. Price B,400. I.. E. KI.UMPP 1 3055 Port In nil Rd. Til. 2-7642 - Kve. 2-.-WB4 2 BDRM. home, pfnsterrd & Insu lated, some furniture. M.300. Terms, 17.10 S. Capitol. Inquire 3.5171. PRICED FOR quick Bale. Furn. sum mer home on Silelr River, 4'? mi. from Kerville. All elect., 2 bdrm., finished in pine. Plenty river fron tage. Own pvt. dock. Ph. Detroit, Ore. aw EAST One of the best 2 bedroom homes for the mnm-y Nire laise rorner lot. close to school. Garnee. Small down payment. Vacant. Price $fl!i50. Fairmount District 21tl East Superior, Attractive well built homo. 2 hrtlrooms. LR with fireplace. Nice dining room. Larce kitchrn. Breakfast nook. Cement baj-ement wMh extra flniheci rnom. oil furnace. Corner lot. Tree. Ojwn Sunday DENTON & DENTON REALTOR 344 State St. Ph. 2-3CC3 Eve, call 2-4007 or 3-8715 3-BEDROOM home 411.000. Near St. 11 ..LlL. r.rT..' Dlumblnf. Garace sawdust heat. 2 fish ponds, may take 2-bcdroom home as part pay ment up to SWiO. Write Box 252 -r Statesman-Journal. BV OWNER 3 blocks to St. Vincent Church. 1 bedroom home. Living room, larpe kitrhen with nook, ln'irie utitllv, attached garaee. nn large lot. MuM he an to appreci ate. 2?1S Harel St. Monr.RN 4.hfirm. house. Leslie Dili. rh. 4-8132. NOTICE! The Business Department of the STATESMAN . JOURNAL NEWS PAPERS WILL be closed Sundays. Clafflfled Ads for Monday papers must be In by P, M. Saturday. 800 Real Estate 806 House For Sale WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES M YEAR FEDERAL GI LOANS WITH 5 DOWN AVAILABLE NOW ALSO TUA 'ii iAK M JAa. $3750. FULL PRICE Very livable house. Not quite finished but u you are a xixer-upper, ict ua show you this one. 2 Blks to school. 4 Blks to bus. 2 Extra lota avail able for only $300. more. Call for MR. CRAWFOKD, eve. ph. 4-9020 81 FOR EXCHANGE The owner of this property will ac cept a smaller nome in exenange. ire older type but roomy. 70 by 12$ Corner lot This location la growing in value dally. S Bedrooms. Furnace. Garage. Bua by door. The full price is only $7600. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve ph. 4-5020 Sim.) BUILT FOR COMFORT In the way of an arrangement. S Bedrooms on one iioor. aiou aq, xi. floor space. Fireplace. Spacious living room. Forced air oil furnace. Insulated. Weather-stripped. 2 Car att. garage. 7S by 198 lot. Kelier Dlst. Full price $14,000 (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, ava ph. 4-8020 Sim.) Worth Everv Penny 1 Yr. old home. Adjoining Manbrln Gardens, uu neat, insuiateu. garage. Private well. 65 by 115 ft. lot. Lawn and ahrubs. 2 Blks. to school. Owner leaving city. Full price only $7650. (CaU for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) 3 Bedrooms $8500. Is all the owner is asking for this home. All rooms on one xioor. com pletely remodeled. 2 car garage. 144 by 125 lot. Best of soli. Lawn. Shrubs. Insulated. Pvd. st. We con sider this a very good buy. Terms arranged, tuau lor mn. urnm METT, eve. ph. 2-7679 Sim.) MOST UNUSUAL Setting. Nice fir grove. One of the very few in the area. Full dry basement. Highway frontage. 2 car att. garage. 2 Wells. Automatic -ntntriA ivd.m T.nvflv vard and ahrubs. Extra large fireplace. If you like seclusion and room thla is It. Hi Acre lot. Full price $15,900. (Call for MR. GRIMMETT, eve. pn. -ioiw uii; BUSINESS BLDG., Plus a large extra lot. Suitable for most any kind of business. We con sider it an excellent location for ..nip. station. Existing bldg. Is almost new. With one of the most beautiful living quarters att. you have ever seen. This is an out-.-r4fn0 nrnnertv with many po tentials, mil pricu oo,uw. for N, G. DAN ISAJUt, eve pn, 4-3533 Sim.) LIVE IN ONE nnt h nther.A very desirable duP' lex Well located lor acnooi, du and atores. Partially furnished. Tenants pay own utilities. Taxes moyFuU4irt onriy1$8C7ao.e (Call for N G ' DAN" 1SAAK, ave. pn. 4-3933 Blm. , , Chemawa Road Special . a vtna.t will, silt on navement. New a bedroom house. H. Wood floors. Automatic oil heat Nice bath. Inside utility. Lg. gsraga and workanop. jcxceueni arnica wen. Price has Just been reduced to $8999. It's an excellent value. Good terms to an Oregon Vet. (Call for MR. CRAWrORD, ave. pn. 4-otnv Sim.) . 10 ACRES ftntv 8 mtlea from down town Salem, All under cultivation. Good modern 4 bedroom nouse. ny i oarn, GaraRe. Chicken house. Paved rd an 1H-.1 nlc tn raise a famllV. Lots of flowers and shrubs. Full price $11,800. Terms, (uaii ror nin. LEAVENS, eve. ph. 3-4739 Sim.) 70 ACRES r.p nnlv ift25o. No there Is no oatch. This would mane a gooa sneep or stocK farm. 3 sprtnga. wen. small but livable house. Only 9 miles from good town. School bus. Really worth the money. (Call for MB. LEAVENS, eve. pn. 3-sim aim.j BEST OF SOIL On this 124 acre part Chehalls and Will silt, irrigation equipment, uur modern 4 bedroom house. One 2 bedroom house. Both have garages. Nice lawn and shrubs. 40 by 80 barn. Machine shed. 18 by SO hog house. 2 bunk houses. Corn crib. Chicken house. Long list of farm machinery. This Is a deal tor $26,400. (Call for MR. LEAVENS. .... nh ft..?!! Rim t r-HA AND CONVENTIONAL MTGS. FEUr.KAL Ol Mll.n.. u mo. LICENSED ALSO IN WASH, and IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO. REALTOR Office Phonea 4-3311 or 3-7820 3ICI5 Portland Road 3-4735, 4-353.1, 4-5020, 2-7679. 3-5452 If No Anawer, Call 4-22411 WEST SALEM 3-bcdroom house, at tached garage, lenced oacK yarn, garden space. Will take car on equity. $150. Phone 4-3210. BY OWNER. New .1-bdrm. house on 720 Thompson. Z-ODBO lorjinur. ViO DOWN. 2 - bedroom, moacrn nouse. rn. wi.;. V1IL TRADE my 12,000 equity In $8,000, 2-bdrm. home lor Kooa nouse trailer or umall house. I'h. morn- jngs 4-M7H. LOOK At thin Teal 3 bedroom home on oversized lot. ixorin. uwner rfo.iw. $Rft0 DN. to ripht patty on 3 bdrm. home IV. , urepiare, srp. uuiihk mi., nice lot. bnl. monthly. JOE NOONCHESTER Real E;ttp 1MS N. COttace ll26flI rtay r P 2 BDRM. CITY Nlre 2-bdrm. home. H. W floors. fenred In nark yard, lots nr anrun. hery. exrell. rond. throughout. Prl $7,no Will ctl on terms. Call J. Carpenter. Kalerman. ART MADSKN, liKALTY 1S28 State Ph 3-5SW. 2-8812 CLOSE IN. S room home. Mafcernent. furnare Ar fireplace. Wlreri for electric range. Located at MS Hood St. Possession al onre. Price re duced from $10.000 110 to $fl.5Minn Open and can be .en al any time. W. G. KRUFCKR 147 N. Coro'l. Phor 3-4728 or 2-8.W.1 S350 Down And 43 per mo. biivn thin 2 Vr. houne. faraire, located 720 S. IBth. Owner 4-2714 G. I. SPECIAL $10,500 4 2 hlthi k,p, ,n perrt . palr N(.r B,Ker nd new HI- school. 16S4 Fir. 2-mi FOR SALE. $7,000 or house for rent. $50 a month. Lot Its 4-6132. on0 t r. eTiT 8UB Lots tor bale CHOICE building lot Klngwood Dr. West Sslem. I'h. 3-IM2.1. LOTS Near New High School. Call .1-8170 BY OWNKP, Choir jot on oak Sf hetu-een Liberty and High. Thone -J9.il or a-aau. 800 Real Estate NELSON & NELSON (ORIGINAL FIRM IN A NEW LOCATION) JUST LISTED $5500. 4 BDRM. HOME This four-bdrm. home In the Richmond school district has just been newly decorated and has hardwod firs, down, 12x18 dining room, plastered. Good school location, 1 blk to bus. $9900. Call Ed. Lucas. . $7600 $750 DOWN, 2 BDRMS. N.E. A eonvenletly-arranfed t-yr.-old home with i bdrms. Well In sulated and food plastered interior, deep lot, 83 x 130. Nice llfht living rm. 13 x 14. Bus m blk. Can be handled on a O.I. loan. Price $7900. WIU take $790 down. CaU Mrs. Wootten SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER o plant your feet here on this 94 x 145-11. lot, raise a farden, fill the chicken house with fryers and start to live in thla neat, Sictureaque small home. Perfect for a couple. $9000. Only $800 own. CaU for Al Watts. 4tt ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE WITH INCOME . This fine 3-bdrm. home has two separate rentals on 4b acres of food, usable land close to school, city limits, south. Beautifully landscaped frounds, large outdoor fireplace .frapa arbor, shade trees, farden, pasture. Home has a fuU basmt., new oil furn. Good , family home because of Its size and nice rooms. Rental units ara , 1st class, food income First time on the market. $18,000. CaU Chet Nelson ONE OF TILLAMOOK'S FINEST APARTMENT HOUSES Owners will trade for Salem Income property or home. This 6 unit, all nicely furnished property, has hot water ht., laundry facilities, garages. Apts. newly painted inside and out. WIU seu for $42,900, half down, exceptionally food property. CaU Dick Schmidt. NELSON AND ' Chet I. Nelson k'.auueaiU 1990 8. Commercial &sf Svenlnfs: Al Watts Ed. Lucas 3-9311$, Dick ALL YOU NEED!! Two nice bedrooms with liv ing room and dining room, base ment with economical sawdust heat, fireplace, dose in, nice set ting, owner will consider terms. CaU Ralph Maddy. LEE OHMART 2 BEDROOMS NORTH 23RD This little home Is neat, clean &t attractive, has 12 x 30 LR with fireplace, 8x9 dining room, good lot and forced air oil furnace, only 3 yrs. old This home la good value at $10,B90. Aak for Ted Morrison. SUBURBAN NORTH 6 ACRES Loam aoil. S A. seeded to chewing fescue, nearly new 3-bed-. room home, large living room, handy Kitchen with eating apace, oil furnace, garage with extra storage space, small chicken housa & barn. See Henry Torvend. BIG HOME SECLUDED LOCATION Everything's BIG. This colonial house with its tiled roof, the S bedrooms, the fireplace, the living room and dining room, the trees .the double garage, the patio and the baaement. Ask for Ted Morrison to show you this lovely home. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS . 477 Court St. Phones 24118 2411$ Eve. Salesmen: Ralph Maddy 23488, Louis Lorena 39890, Ted Morrison 25046, Henry Torvend 33632 ' (An agency devoted entirely to homa I neaitor-Apprai.er ona aim 1 w tiDnwip ST Invest now. Thla nronertv being ' bdrm. plus nursery, inside utility, garage with room above, on rear of lot oo X 139. uniy seiDv; saw Morgan, alw, 4-4441, Res. 4-8038. TRADE Suburban south. S bdrm. home. llv. rm., dinette, kit., bath, small work shop. Cloae to school & bus. Oarden space Consider trading part erjultv tor car or trailer. Price $8,400. Grace Tomlln, alw., 4-4441; Res. TRADE FOR CITY HOME 7-yr.-old, 8 bdrm. home In Salem xmisning loucnea to maxe it an excellent nome. mii. ruvm. x 160. Nice fruit trees. Low taxea. Price $9,000 Terms or trade tor smaller city property. Grace Tomlln, siw., 4-4441; nes. -auo. NICE 3 BDRM. $9,400 If x 31 Uvlnf rm., tiled bath, comb. Svd. at , city sewer & water, city dus, i dixs. to acnooi. corner .u. mall dn. payment. Roy Barker, aim., 4-4441, Res. 1-8B3B. WANT BASEMENT OR UPSTAIRS Owner of nice 4-year-old 1-floor home near Wash, school wants to trade for nome wnn Dasemt. or upstaira. nome naa very imcuvo iohwu yard with outdoor fplace. fruit trees, dble. att. farare, extra food well, on paved road, $10,SOO. Barker, sun., 4-4441, Res. 2-9090 vntm NEIOHRORHOOD SALESMAN rive HOMESELLER salesmen are homea each for sale In their respective netunoornooas ana consoiiaai Inf their Information at HOMESELLERS headquarters. Up-to-the-minute Information about home aalea In your neighborhood will help you whether you want to buy a home or sell one. Call 4-4441 for the name and phone number of the HOMESELLER salesman or aaleawoman for your neighborhood. THE HOMESELLERS THEO G. NELSON, MGR. IN THE HUB OP SALEM EASY PARKING 703 N. HIGH, SALEM PH. 4-4441 Salesmen-Berker. Res. Ph. J-58S9. Ph. 4-oma. noicp. ". " 28 FT. KRAPr trailer nome. u. as new. will accept n; i pickup. Also new modern Im 3 bedroom homes. 1 double bath. All on 1 floor. Utility plumbed for tub a auto, washer, wired for dryer. 1's A. 2720 Lanainf Ave. Ph. 2-0107. 810 rormti. Acr4aq For Sal LOOKING FOR ACREAGES? WE'VE GOT 'EM 10 ACRES-Jusl al the dge of town. 5'4 A. cull., bal. food pas ture 3-BR home only 10 yrs. old. Dbl. gar. 3 chick hses. Good barn. Wonderful berry soil. May consider trailer hse. In trade. Price, $14,500 Terms. 7','s ACRES-5 A. under cult. 5 rm. house, some work lo finish re decorating yarns inim This Is worth the money. Price $8,000. 5 ACRES All cult. 8 - yr. old 5-rm. hse. Good well and nicely kept. A good acreage $U.(K)0. STEAL THIS DO ACRES-IS cu't Anprnx. 30 A. more could be rleared and cull 7-rm. hse. I stanchlon barn. Hog hse , machine shed. Has all routes. Price $9,000 cash. Call for Roy Benson, farm sales man. Eve. ph. 4-1419 J. E. LeCLERC REALTOR WA N .Capitol St. Ph : 3-32.H '1 ACRE. Rich soil. One block liom bus. 2 bedroom livable houre. Oil circulator, electric water heater stays. Full price only $3,250. Phone 3-4035. E. J. ftwsschka. Realtor. NICEFARM onlikvllne" Road. 1 bed room home. Phone 2-82f,8. SALE OR trade 10 acres. 3 hdrm. mod. house on Skvllne Rd. 7 need larger house or land to build on. A. W. Campbell. Rt, 4. Box 708. SUBURBAN FARM with Irrigation rights. Beautiful view sites with subdivision possibilities. $175 an acre. Box 2C3 Statesman-Journal. To Place Ad Call 2-2441 800 Real Estate NELSON, REALTORS Borathy S. Nelson ft. Ph, 1-3889 J-7269, Lydia T. Wootten 3-B088, Schmidt 3-7987, Chet Nelson 3-1390 RUDY CALABA - seUlnf operated by Theo. O. Nelson, uv. uviauwuuivu hiwwu,i ITjnlTKTBT AT. 71NTf. in Zona Ml has future DosatblUttes 1 an. wiu jianoie. Dee wua loaayi aans - . FOR LARGER suburbs, south. Needs paint and some DR. tc kit., hdw. firs, firs., lawn, trees, keeping constant check on about 100 Gorton. Rat. Phs 1-4JM. Morgan. H.s .... .-.w CALL NOW! fin 2-bcdroom horn. Ntc liv ing room. Fireplace. Cheerful kitchen Attached garage. 3 yean old. En fie wood area. $9,BM. Country Estate Meautlful fl-bedroom home on acre. 2 fireplace. Dining room. Part basement. 4 -car garage. $50,000. Terms. Money Making Cafe Well patronized by truck driv ers. Owner reports net over $VX) a month. All equipment fuel lor only i-I.OOO. RAMSEY, REALTOR 2084 North Commercial Off 4-8211 Eve. 3-7072 or 2-7B4S or 4-18IM Statesman-Journal Newspapers 280 NORTH CHURCH STREET STATESMAN 3-2441 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IMIn 1 lineal -Weekdays "Sundays oer line. I time .35 .25 ir line. 3 times .00 to nr line 6 times $1 30 $1.20 oer line. 1 month ..$3 00 find. Sun.) ' Classified ads will he run In both papers lo give advertisers the ad vantages of the tremendous pulling power of 35.600 combined circula tions. " When an ad Is ordered three or tlx times and a Sunday Issue Is In cluded ifor example: rrtday. Satur day, 8undayi the lower Sunday rates apply because only the Statesman oubiishes Sundays Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, conclude in the evening Capital Journal. But ids will be accepted for Sunday Statesman onlv The deadline for classified ads Is 1.00 nm the day before publlca Hon Emergency ads and amall line ads received after 1:00 p.m. may 850 Automotive 852 Uixl Can For Sal SPECIAL FOR TODAY 1950 Ford V-8 Convert. Coupe, RAH, CD. As la $899 '50 Olds "88" . . . . $1395 4-door Sedan '50 Pontiac ' $1146 o convertible coupe '50 DeSoto Cstm. .$1095 4-aoor sedan . '49 01d3 "98' ....'..$1095 4-aoor aeaan 49 Pontiac .......$995 Club Sedan '48 Buick ...'......$695 Special Sedanet '47 Buick ....$595 Hoaomutar seaanet LODER BROS. CO. 0LDSM0BILE 465 CENTER PHONES 2-7973, 4-2261 1853 CHEV. sedan, WeU equipped. rn e-saou. 1950 CHEV. 4-DOOR sedan. Will trade for older model car. 1333 D St. alter 9 p.m. 1949 KAISER 4-DR. deluxe, exceUent cpnd. Would consider trade in on older model pickup. Call 2-7123. '90 OLDS "88" 4-DR. Clean. All ex tras. Excellent condition. $1190. Ph. 3.4026. 1941 CHEV. COUPE. Good motor and tires. $80. Phone 2-7802. 1993 MERCURY 4-door, R&H. excel lent condition, $2,149. CaU Salem 2-9030. 1949 CHEV. StvleUne deluxe 4-dr. se dan. New tires, heater. Excellent mechanical condition. CaU 2-4686. CHEAP Equity in 1991 Nash Ramb ler convertible. New top .motor completely overhauled. Ph. 4-5618. 1990 CUSTOM DeSoto Sdn. By own er. RSclI, clean. 935 Waldo. 3-5398. FOR SALE or trade for older car. '03 wiuys, 4-aoor seaan. imiy equipped. 4,600 actual. mUea. Phone 3-8327. 1167 Ruge. LODER'S CONVERTIBLE 1951 FORD V-8 CUSTOM Sprinf la just around the comer; I let ready to enjoy It with thie eather-finlahed beauty with ra dio, heater, overdrive Excellent white rubber and only $1595 CHARLES MUSSER Ph. 4-4902 Hlfh & Marion BS4 Trucks, TraUera For Sed" NEW CMC lli-ton f-yard dump truck. 12-ply tires. Also 1990 Chev. 5-yard dump truck. New Urea and motor. Take car In trad. 3815 SUverton Rd., Salem. 194$ DODGE. lk ton van. Exohanfe motor. $609. Also 140 Chevrolet. 2 ton van. Good motor. $365. Both can be converted to flat bed. Phone 2-0807 or 4-4345. 1030 CHEV. truck. . ton. Phone Monmouth 58fl. S62 House) Trallen 49 30-ft J. bdrm. model home. Very clean. Aa part payment on 3-bdrm. home. JOE NOONCHESTER, Real Estate . 7S05 N. Collate 4-3661 day or eve. WELL Insulated, clean 27-fl. house- trailer. 42 ztmmer. Cheap. 780 F St.. Independence. 35 FT. housetraller 1049. Metal ex terior. 1080 Shady Lane. EASTERN-bullt ROLLOHOME 17' to 43'. See before you buy. Lena Lane Trailer Plaza, 1S40 Lena Ave. ror the best In Trailer homes, new or used. With terms available. Sea JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES 2840 Portland Road 800 Real Estate 812 Exchanqas Hal Eitcrl 1 BEDRM. home, Kelter Dlst Bell or trade for acreage. 4-so.to. FAIRMONT Dlst., i'br. hm. it den for country home. 4-8143. Trade 3 bdr rm. home nea Engle wood sch. for farm to $11,500. I bd. rm. home near Englewood ach. as part payment on 3 bd. rm. to $12,000 1 bd. rm home N. Bus., fireplace, Extra take trailer home In trade. JOE NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE ' 1893 N. Cottage Ph. 4-3661 day-eve. OCEAN LAKE near Dorchester Hse., home, ax. lota, shop, barn. 4-6587. 818 Wanlod, Real Estate LOT suitable for 3-bedroom home. City ulllmes available. Ph. 2-7838. 8-10 a.m. JOURNAL 1-2408 be placed In the "Too Lata To Classify" column lor the following mornlnf. Ada for Mondsy paperi must be In by 5 P. M. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers reserves the right to relect ques tionable advertising, tt further re serves the right to place all adver tising under the proper classifica tion. The Statesman-Journal Newspapers assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may appear In ad vertisements published In Its columna and In cases where thla paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which Lis typo graphical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman-Journal Newspapers box number for an address is for the protection of the advertlsera and mux! therefore be answered by let ter The Statesman-Journal News oaners are not at lihartv to miwiiIm information as to the Identity of an I advertiser using a "Blind" ad. erator. U W. Caudlt. Th. -