Psge 18 Births SALEM MEMORIAL HOKNTAL SCHAFFERS To Mr. and Mn. Jo wph J. Schsfters, 1313 M. Church St., boy. Much 1. MILLT.R To Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Miller. 40 stark at., Woodburn, a bor, Mir. 1. SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL SCOTT To Mr. nd Mr.. Lewis K. 'Broil, 18 Child, Ave.. boy, Mar. I. JAMES To Mr. and Mn. Dewey James. Box 11, Indcpcndcnct, a boy, Mar. 1. RUSSEI.L To Mr. and Mn. Mancll Suiull. HI. 1, Boa 113. Rlckriall. a boy. Mar. 1. BKUT-ER To Mr. and Mn. Robert Bruller. Rt. . Box 111, a llrl, Mar. 1. DALLAS HOSPITAL WHITNEY To Mr. and Mn. Olen Whitney, a tlrl. Feb. 31. PETERS To Mr. and Mn. David Pe ten. twin ilrli. Prh. 31. ALTHAUS To Mr. and Mrt. Onslow Althtm, a llrl, Feb. 17. CHURCHILL To Mr. and Mn. Corse Churchill, a llrl. Frb. 17. POTTER To Mr. and Mn. Roland Potter, a boy. Feb. I. McBEE To Mr. and Mn. Herbert McBee, Rt. 3, Dallaa, twin slrla, Frb. II. FARRENS oT Mr. and Mn. Kenneth FarrenH Klrkreall, a llrl, Feb. 20. BARTtL HOSPITAL Wlsa To Mr. and Mn. William Wlht. Sheridan, a boy, Peb. 31. THOMAS To Mr. and Mn. William Thomar. Valtets, a boy. Feb. 33. GABLE To Mr. and Mn. Roy Oable, Sorltnfleld, a llrl, Feb. 34, SILVKItTON HOSPITAL HATTEBERO To Mr. and Mn. Don ald Hatteberi, a llrl, Feb. 31. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND Of) - Butterfat -Tentative, subject to change Premium quality, maximum to ,33 to one per cent acidity, delivered in Portland, 68-71 lb; first quality, 66-69; second quality, 64-67. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale, f. o. b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 66 Vt Jb; 92 score, 65 Vt; 90 score, 64 U: 89 score, 62. Eggs To wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases in cluded, f.o.b. Portland A grade, large, 49 tt-51 Vi; A ncdium, 48 V4 49 H; A grade, small, 43 tt-44 '4. Eggs To retailers Grade AA large, 54-56; A large, 53-55; AA medium, 52-54; A medium, 51-53; A small, 47-48, Cartons 3 cents additional. Live thickens No. 1 quality, f.o.b. plants Fryers and roasters, 23-24; heavy hens, 23-24; light hens, 18; old roosters, 14-15. Turkey s To producers lor Breeder types, f.o.b. farm, New York dressed, heavy hens 31 ; toms 28; Beltsville hens 33, toms, 28. Eviscerated frozen, to retailers, hens 57, toms, 51-54. Rabbits Average to growers- Live white, 3 tt-5 lbs, 19-23, 5-6 lbs, 20-22; old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 57-60; cut up, 63-66. Wholesale dressed meals: Beef, steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 36.00-39.00; good, 35.00-38.00; com mercial, 31.00-35.00; utility, 27.00 33.00; commercial cows 26.00-30.00; 23.00-26.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 43.00-47.00; rounds, 42.00 45.00; full loins, trimmed, 62.00- 69.00; triangles. 30.00-34.00; fore quarters, 33.50-35.00; chucks, 37.00 40.00; ribs, 50.00-55.0. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lbs, 57.0-64.00; shoulders, 16 lbs, 42.00 45.00; sparcribs, 53.00-56.00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 60.00-66.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 38.00-48.00; commercial, 36.00-44.00. Lambs Choice-prime 41.00-43.00; good, 37.00-41.00. Wool Grease basis, Willamette Valley medium, 51-53 lb; Eastern Oregon fine and half blood, 55-62. Country-dressed .meats, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Cows, utility, 24-26 lb; canncrs-cutters, 21-22. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 34-36; rough heavies, 26-28. Hors Lean blockers, 39-40; sows, light, 33-35. - Lambs Best. 35-38. Mutton Best, 15-17; cull-utility, HI. Freah Produce: Onions 50 lb sacks, Wash, yel lows, mcd. 1.40-60: Idaho yellows. mod. 1 00-50; Calif, whites, 2.25-50. Potatoes Ore. local Long Whites, 3 00-25; Deschutes Mussels, No. 1, 2 15-25: size A, 2.40-75; 25 lb sk, 70-85: 10 lb mesh, 40-45; paper, 26 30; windows, 30-35: No. 2. 50 lbs. 80-90: Wash. Russets, No. 1A, 2 25- 50: Idahns. 3.15-25. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa mostly zboo-30 00, delivered car and truck lots, f o b. Portland and Seattle SALEM MARKETS CewsJIra f ram rtMrf. f R.l.a Lr lae !.. lt.l Jeeraal HU.U.4 aallr.) t.l.n Inl Jl'Ml,r!!Zu,.!, M.k M M-ts 2t Ixlrr rt. 1 -J O. r.sllrr nrlnc tH.fa Color.,, tfe; old roosters, lfc-: colored fnwl, sic; I'Shora fowl, Iftc; olrtd rotmra. IJc. n.Hns rn.n tin, a A. 4e: lit., a.; medium AA. 40ei medium A M-t3ti until A. (. r.ii. bt. eei itn.r.Ur i-t cent hl.hrr thin prlrr. ftlHivt: l.rit irtrl. A irDtrillr duotcd at jr; mrnium, ti hc. Il.rf.t Burins prlr.: Premium. 70. tl cnu: . i, ai., c.nui ho. j. tic. Portland Eastside PORTLAND (UPl-Offerings at the Easlside Farmers' market were limited to a few lots of ap ples, dry onions, potatoes, cabbage and turnips today. Wail Street NEW YORK W-The stock mar ket ran into irregular price trends Tuesday with trading emphasis on few individual issues distorting the broad picture. Gains ran to around 2 points in some areas while losses extended down to about a point. uunng . periods when values Were dpnrpftsnrt. IrnHinff .will nir. tailed, but there was a pickup ! when prices improved. The total j business for Ihc day came to an estimated 1,800.000 shares as com- pared with 2,040,000 shares traded Monday. N.Y. STOCK QUOTATIONS By THE ASSOCIATED P.RESS Admiral Corporation 21 Vi Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. 76 'A SI 12 Vi 164 61 31 4 100 Vk 54 i AO Borg Warner 77 Vt Burroughs Adding Machine 17 California Packing 25 Canadian Pacific Caterpiller Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Vultce Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods 23 Vt 49 20 Vt 61 85 Vt 23 40 V, 8 V, 102 Vt 110 52 V II 102 59 64 12 58 36 29 60 Vt 70 ti 29 Vi 69 Vi 9 'A 31 14 Vi 25 Vi : I General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Momestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward 60 Vi Nash Kclvinator 14 24 Vt 61 ?t 8 40 119 3 Vi 79 17 Vi 15 Vi 30 Vi New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incrop Rayonier lncorp Pfd Republic Steel 27 29 H 49 59 Vi Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Facific 54 42 61 39 Vi 39 Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J. 57 79 Vt Studebaker Corp. 18 8 42 Vt 26 Vi 22 ' . 43 i 117 Vt 23 Vt 53 Vi 5 ' 28 41 14 42 24 Vt 60 Vt 44 Vi Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner' Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westingliouse Electric Woolworth Company Ash Wednesday Opens Lenfen Season Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, will be marked in Sa lem's two Catholic parishes by the blessing and distribution of the ashes. The ashes are from palms left over from last Palm Sunday which are burned before Ash Wednesday. Ashes will be blessed and dis tributed at '8:15 a.m. at St. Vin cent dePaul parish, before the 6:30 mass and after the 8:15 mass and the 7:45 p.m. service Wednesday evening. Mossing of the asheS will be at 8 o'clock at St. Joseph's par ish and distribution will follow that mass and again at 2:30 Wed nesday afternoon and after the 7:30 p.m. devotions Wednesday evening. Masses during Lent at St. Jo seph's will be at 6:30, 7:20 and 8 o'clock every week day morn ing and at St. Vincent dcl'aul at 6.30 and 8:15 each morning. f.vcning devotions will he held Fridays and Wednesdays in both parishes during the six weeks .if Lent. Stations of the cross will he the Friday service l each church. Wednesday nights spe cial devotions at St. Vincent dc l'aul will include talks by one oi me franciscan fathers. KKD-l.K.n III KS TOLD TO SI KKKNDF.R MANILA OJ'H'rcsidcnt Ramon Magsaysay Tuesday ruled o u t further negotiations with the Com munisl Ird lluk rebels other lhan surrender on Ihc government's terms. There will be no cease- lire and no negotiations," the pres ident declared. Chicago Grain CIIICAdO (fi drains went through a session of quick price changes on the board of trade Tuesday, altcrnalingly being strong and weak. During the session May soy beans sold up to 3.l7'.i, highest price for any soybean future sines 1MB. and all soybean contracts scored new seasonal highs. But heavy selling developed in new crop beans al one time, knocking prices under Monday's close. i All wheat except March madcl new seasonal lops. Here too, the advance could not be held. AH fit. lures dropped below Monday's finish. Wheat closed unchanged to Vi lower, March 2 23'i-H, corn 'i-1 higher, March 1 52', oats v low er to , higher, March 77i-H, rye 1 to I't lusher. March 1.22. so'v. beans Is. lower to 2 cents higher. march, and lard 20 to 40 cents a hundred pounds higher, March 17 25. Portland Grain rul ,,ul,u wrnln PORTLAND in No Iransac- lions. Tuesday's car receipts: wheat 11; flour (; corn 1. Portland Livestock PORTLAND (AV-(USDA)-Cattle salable 250; market active, steady strong with canner-cutter cows strong to 50 higher lor two days; short load high commercial with some good 915 lb steers 19.50, in dividual good steers up to 22.00, few utility grades 13.50-16.50; util ity heifers 12.00-15.00; canner-cutter cows mostly 9.50-11.00, part load 11.50, utility cows 12.00-14.50 including heavy Holsteins to 14.00, few commercial cows 15.00-16.00; bulls scarce. Calves salable 50; market active, steady; good-choice vealcrs 22.00- 28.00, utility commercial grades 14.00-21.00, culls down to lq.uo. Hogs salable 400; market active, fully steady: choice No. 1-2 butch' crs 180-235 lb 29.00-29.50, small lots 29.65; choice 250-290 lb 27.00-27.50, choice 325-550 lb sows salable 23.50 25.50. Sheep salable 150: scattered sales steady; sizeable lots choice prime 99 lb shorn lambs 20.75, few good-choice lambs 19.00, choice feeders 17.00; good-choice slaugh ter ewes salable 6.50-8.00. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Wl Hogs mostly sold steady to strong Tuesday although there were some types which brought 25 cents higher prices. Most 180 to 240 pound weights brought J25.75 to $26.25. Butchers weighing 250 to 280 pounds sold at $25.00 to $25.75. Steers and heifers sold steady to 50 cents higher. Good and ckoice steers and yearlings sold at $19.50 to $24.00. Cows sold steady to 25 cents higher. Sheep prices held steady to 25 cents higher. Good and choice wooled lambs sold at $21.50 to $22.50. Salable receipts were estimated at 6,500 hogs, 5,000 cattle, 500 calves and 1,500 sheep. Mid Willamette Obituaries Walter F. Geren SILVERTO Funeral serv ices for Walter F. Ceren will be held in Memorial Chapel, Ekman Funeral Home, at 2 p.m. Wednes day, March 3, with the Rev. Jo seph Luthro officiating. Inter ment will be Li Silverton ceme tery. Mrs. Mary Zumsteg MT. ANGEI, Mrsh. Mary Zum steg, believed to have been 101 years old, died early Monday at St. Bernard's Nursing home in Sa lem. She had been a resident of Mount Angel and funeral arrange ments are in charge of Ungcr's funeral home. Mrs. Mary McDon ald ot St. Paul is a daughter. Charles Holway WOODBURN-Charles Holway. about 76, of Woodburn, whose home was at 354 Stark street, died Sunday, Feb. 28, at a Salem hospital. He was born in Iowa and came to Donald, Oregon in I'JZi and to woodburn in 1939 where he has since resided. His only surviving relative is a sister, Mrs. Anna M. Atchcly of Chevy Chase, Maryland. runcral services will be Wed nesday at 11 a. m. with interment in Belle Passi cemetery beside his wife, Alma Holway who died in 1939. Hingo-Cornwc 1 Mortuary in charge. Marhilde Kjar ALBANY M athilde Mario Pi. dersen Kjar. 61, resident of Al bany for the past 18 years, died at her home, 1325 S. Main street, early Sunday. The funeral will be held at the Fortmiller-Fredcr-lckscn chapel Wednesday at 2 p.m. with burial in the Riverside ccmc- icry. Mrs. hjar was born at Brondcrslev, Denmark, coming to the United Slates in 1921. She was mnrricd to Pcder Chistinn Kjar it Wessington Springs, S. Dak.. July 5, 1924, and they lived there until coming to Albanv in 1936. Surviving beside her hus band is one daughter, Mrs. l'ohcbo McClain, and a granddaughter. Albany, a sister, Mrs. Caroline Jeppesen, Chicago, 111., and a brother. Adolph C. Pcderscn, Let- vncr, b. unK. Roscoe D. Lecdy ALBANY Roscoe Daniel Lcedy. 68, 1540 S. Marion St., died at a local hospital Saturday following an attack of heart dis ease suffered Friday. Services were held Tuesday at 10 a m. t the Fisher Funeral home with the body sent to Pendleton for bnViaL Mr. Lecdy was a native 01 i.inn county, having been born near Albany. He moved to Pen- aicion nt the age of IS returning to Albany in 1931 where he had uncc lived. He married Annetta May Donaldson, October 3, 1917, at Pendleton. The widow sur vives as dors a sister, Mrs. ueorge jtansirr, Slanticld, Ore. Harry R. Denton ALBANY Services for Harry Ransom Denton, 81, 106 S. Geary St., who died at his home Sat urday, will he held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at I he Fisher Funeral home. Burial will be in Spear fish, S. Dak. Mr. Denton was a native of Nebraska, coming to Albany six years ago from South Dakota. He married Mary L. Huncker at Oxford, Neb., June 16, 1897, who died in 1934. Ed win Denton, Albany, is a son and he is also survived bv a brother, Clarence E. Denton.'Ox ford. Neb, Hellna Zumsteg MT. ANGEL Mrs. Hellna .umsieg, y-t, died Monday In a Salem nursing home. Her hus band, Frank, died in 1923. Surviving are a son, Bernard Bunnemeyer, Portland: two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Cosk. and Mrs. Mary J. McDonald, both of SU rul; 13 grandchildren and THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 17 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at St. Paul at a date to be an nounced later by the Ungcr Fu neral Home of Ml. AngcL Oliver Hecker MT. ANGEL Fur.ersl services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednes day in St. Mary's Catholic church for Oliver Hcckcr, who was killed in an automobile accident over the week-end. The rosary will be recited aot 8 p.m. Tuesday, at St. Mary's church and again at 8:30 p.m. at the Unger Funeral Chapel for the Knights of Columbus of Woodburn and Mt. Angel. Burial will be in Calvary ceme tery. Walter V. Nelson LEBANON Walter Vern Nel son, 73, of 165 Hobbs street, died Saturday at the community hospi tal. He was a retired carpenter who' had lived here for 32 months. Mr. Nelson was born Sept. 29, 1880 at LaC'rosse, Wis., and was the husband of the late Mattic Nelson. Survivors include a brother and a sister, both living in Texas. Funeral services were held Monday from the Jost chapel Clara B. Danielson WOODBURN Clara Belle Danielson, 87, died in Silverton hospital Sunday, Feb. 28. Mrs. Danielson was born at New Ulm, Minn., Jan. 14, 1867, and came to the Monitor district many years ago. She was a member of the Seventh Day Advcntist. church at Monitor. Surviving are a sister, Lydia ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late To Classify. FOR SALE or trade for trailer house or late model car 2-bedroom house, nenr school! and city bus. Phone 3-378.1. GARDEN work. Ph. 4-48fl:i. plowing, discing. 3-BRM. modern h ne near Hop- mere, 'a A., pavement, insulated, water, heater, oil heat, stove, lock ers, school bus, garden. $a,Ru0. with 27, pasture, barn; chicken house, $4,fl0. Terms half down. Ph. 4-2702. 3-BEDROOM home, or will sell. Easy terms Contact Mr. Henry, 22)0 Hazel Ave. Apt. No. 5. be tween 6 and 7 p.m., not weekends. VERY nice 2-bedrm. apt. Furn. or unfurn. Move, water, lignu in cluded. B20 N. 14th. WANTED. 3-bedroom modern home In vicinity Slate St., 4-Corners by April 1st. Limit $H5 mo Percy UU man. Ph. 3-11 'JO U. 16-FT. house trailer (lot-ally con structed). Very convenient, lots of built-ins. J. H. Sehocnfelder. Ht. 1, Box 24-A, Silverton (N. addition). 3-BEDROOM house. $(S. Electric heat. 41 HO Gardner Rd 3-52aB, MOVINGI '54. 21" Philco TV, full golf set, radio-phono (terms), rea sonable. 1815 N. 5lh. EXCELLENT care for your 1 1 80 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. 18-YEAR-OLD boy wants part full tune job. 3355 Garden Road. 1948 PONTIAC. Excell. cond. Must sell. Make offer. Ph. 4-3680 48 ENGLISH Ford. 2-dr. 19.000 miles, 250. 1074 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-:u;2i. SWING Rocker Sale. G. Woodry. SECTIONAL bookcase. $35. G. Woodry. TEA cart. $!) .50 G. Woodry. 8 MM. movie camera, $!t.50 Glen Woodry , 1B05 NSummer. PAINT, $2.29 RaLC -JWooOty. PIANOS, under wholesale, 15, $75, $H5, $!)5. Glenn Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. FLOOR lamps. $1.95. G. Woodry. FINE appliance buy. Wcstinghome retrig & unipouu aeiuxo range. Very nice. Both for only $19950. worth much more. E7. terms. Glen yi ond r y ,1 B05 N; Summer. AINT $2 29 gal. G. Woodry. SEATS 18 people. Drop leaf exten sion aimng net. cosi new z:mi. A whale of a buv for U nt only $9 50. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Sum mer. IAMP tale. Glen Woodry. REFRIGERATED meatc;,se. 6iu riRht sacrifice at $75 Glen Woodry, 10S N. Summer. Win trade. KIJinY cleaner. G. Woodry'. 50 REFRIGERATORS and ranfen. Glen Woodry ' Lower Prices. E-Z terms. ANTIQUEj-locks. G. Woodry. $50 DOWN tmvR 5 rooms furniture at Glen Womlry's, 1603 N. Summer Best Buys NEW davrno sets. $119 05, Glen Wjwdry's. 1605 N. Summer. CHROM Edi ne t ImTcTw cod ry7 SANFORD, 9x12 AxminOer rug sale, $?fl Bfl. II save $30. Glen. Woodry s, 1605 N. Summer. RAD1DOS. Cheap. Glen Woodry. CHILD'S wardrobe. $19"m. Glen Woodry. 1603 N Summer USED chest drawerVT$4 50. Glen Woodry. J605 N.Summer. BA BY cribs. Glen Woodrys. BARITONE S.ix-aW IhicscheFTerH or extra good very chrap. Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer A NT I Q I 'E ji t sh'esTGlen" Woodry's. FINE Portable P A. system, inc. 2 speakers, mike, lecord plaver. New $IH5 Sacrifice, $73, Clen Woodrv, 1605 N. Summer. OLD picture frames. G. Woodry. $29 SO huvs AO 2-wbeel trailer! Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. rAINTT$2 2ff" j.C.rc.7 Voodry. OFFICE desk, fine condition Tarse spc 63. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. Terms. LADIES!'! If you've ahvavs wanted a Neccht Sewing Machine, here's your chance very nice, portable, new. was nearly $300 00. My total Rnce Is t9 50, terms, cash or trade tanv older Treadles $10 to $X Shop Glen Woodry s, 1603 N. Sum mer. PAINT. t2 n g.l. G. Woodry. LIKE new deluxe box sprlnrs .V mattress set. price at .'9 9S. Glen Woodrv. 1605 N. Summer 3-Pf bedroom set. . 50. . Glen Wodorv. IfOS N. Summrr St'lTCASES. cheap Glen Woodry s. ItEAt'TIEl'l. new furniture. Lowest prior. E-7. terms. Glen Woodry IH05 N. Summer. t'SEO beds, Glen Woodiy i. WOTT A Il.irtaln! So. Mdl Eleelroiiix A all all . A-t, 1st .!5 Oil buv il Glen Wnodiv. IS05 N. Summer. LOOK. t-(diriltPlate mlrrorsTl 9" Glen Woodry, isol K. Summtr, Worthington, MLeod, Minn., and several nieces and nephews living in the Monitor district. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m., Wednesday, March 3, at the Ringo Cornwcll Funeral Home, with burial to follow in Belle Passi cemetery besitle her husband, Chris, who died in 1948. DEATHS ChirlM A. Frame At the residence. 1135 Mill St., March 1, at the age of 74 years. Sur vived by wife. Mrs. Minnie Frame; daughter, Mrs. Marie UUeTback; son, Cecil R. Frame, all of Salem; sister, Mrs. Zatla Nelson. Salem: brother, Clarence Frame, Butte, Mont. Also survived by 5 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was a mem- bar oi me j-irsi ennsuan cnurcn Services will be held in the Howell Edwards chapel Thursday, March 4, at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Donald Payne will officiate. Concluding services in City view cemetery. Keubcn Lewis Late resident of 650 Locust St., In this city March 1 at the age of 63 years old. Announcement of serv ices will be made later by the W. T. Higdon Co. 300 Personal NOTICE! The Business Department of the STATESMAN - JOURNAL NEWS PAPERS WILL be closed Sundays. Classified Ads for Monday papers must be in by a p. M. baluraay. 310 Meeting Notice SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M. Wed. Mar. 3, Stated Communication, 7:30 P.M. 312 Lost and Found LOST Brown Cocker. Answers to name of Jimmy. Child's pet. Phone a-aabf. rawKAve. ai t enp.m, LOST: Llffht blue parakeets in vicin ity ot 777 N, Cottage Finder call 2-5476. 316 Personal Palmistry Readings Advice on love, marriage, business. This ad and $1 for S3 reading. Next to North Salem Drive-In. I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills other than my own. Ben Gipson, Jr. Play Popular Piano Call Salem Music Co., 2-8708, or Sarchet's in Albany, 352. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2088 N. Com'l. 3-4537. 4-3544. SAFE, permanent removal of un lllhtly facial hairs. Erich of N.Y. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale 2 SPRINGER heifers due this week. 1 Milking Shorthorn and 1 Jersey. Coin's Farm, 3 miles N. of Jeffer son, old highway. Ph. 450 Jefferson. 2 GOOD dairy cows. One Holsteln, Just fresh. Phone 4-2ln! FOR SALE: Nice large milking 2 year old heifer. Phone 4-2450. GUERNSEY shorthorn cow. large, five-year-old. fresh in few days, heavy producer. Ph. 2-6396. LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon. or whole, 25c. front quartpr 20c. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co.. 1325 S. 25th. Phone 3-4858. 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. I buy cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, goats, boars, veal. Emery Alderman. Phone 2- 78(i9 or 2-0066. CATTLE BUYERS. F. I. and H. Sne- then. 4297 Slate. 2-1345 or 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. Mcc.indlisn. 1127 m. 25in. rn. j-bh. LIVESTOCK buyer, A. F. Sommer, 1265 Harmony Dr. rn. 4-aw. 404 Poultry and Rabbits 14 N. II. PULLETS. 10 mo.. 2 fJ0 . 5050 State. Ph. 3-5837. CHICKS for layers. Leghorn Austra While or New Hampshire, palmer's lit. 1. Brooks. Ph. 2-6343. BABY CHICKS. Order now for choice of breeds. Nil pullets inc. par rea roosters. Sc. Valley Farm Store. 408 Pels DALMATIAN male, 0 mo., rhampion stred, excellent conformation and markings. Ph.3-6(i:i8. SIAMESE kittens for sale. Reason able. Phone 2-84HS. COCKER. Golden red. A. stud. I'hone 2-1248. K. C. at PAFIAKKETS, Cages, supplies. Bird Paradise, 31B0 Livingston 2-IM2. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM. 195 Mc Coy, 1 block east of N. Capitol. It;, Mocks north of MarlKon, Ph 2-f97 PARAKEETS Fiables raised In oui home. $7.50. all colors. Mrs. Pow er. 735 Bellevue. Ph. 4-1597. BOXER female. Moore's tropical fish equipment, i'.ir.ikeels. pels. Mac leav Rd. 4-3773 closed Wca CANARIES, choice orange and apri cot strain. 3-4385. 1340 Chcmekela. 410 Seeds and Plants EVERGREENS. TREES, roses. We de sign and plant at no extra cost. Middle lrove Nursery, two silver ton Rd. Ph. 4-40.32. S-YR.-Ol.D blue berry plants. 390 W. Chemawa K1. Ph. 4-30.2. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce FRESH EGGS 3420 Garden Rd Th. 3-.TOW FERTILIZER Rolled manure, weed free. 1-0774 425 Auction Sales Furniture Auction Vm. MARCH 3RD. AT 7 P M. 3 blond brd room sets. I.. It HI. elc. range date model. Wal. post er bed. Maple Jenny Liitd bed. 2 maple chest-o-drawern, wal. dres per. 4 t n.T hop any matching lamp tables. Coltlspot refrigerator. 3 lp light pianos. Set steel bunk beds. Complete 2 cabinet radios. M. W. washer. Kasy washer. Davrnport & cUvenos. Ore. chairs A rockers. Coil springs A mattress. Copper cotfre maker. Mise antique dishes. 5 pe. dinette set. Many other arttrlrs of furniture by Mile dale. Come to buy or sell. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. Ph 3-80l an J Silverton Rd. AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TO.S'ITE. 44 CENTER 8 SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools CUSIIMAN 8-H.P. riding tractor S265. On rubber. Box 298, Statesman Journal. SHOPSMITH -ln-l Power tooL Floor model demonstrator Good buy See It. MONTGOMERY WARD Si CO.. 155 No. Liberty. Salem, Ore. DAVID BRADLEY garden tractor with seeder attch. Ph. 4-2573. In quire at 3335 Harold Ave. Salem. 452 Wanted, Machinery, Tools WANTED, 10 or 22 Caterpillar trac , tor. Call 2-2870 after 7 p.m. 455 Hsehold Goods For Sale USED Montgomery Ward refrlg., good cond. Ph. 4-4195. In WESTINGHOUSE refrig.. Estate range, fully autom., bed, chest, night stand 4920 Heiman Rd. 3-7347. ELECTRIC range. Frigldaire refrig., washing machine, box springs St felt mattress. Set of Compton's En cyclopedia. Call 2-4400. 456 Wanted, Hsehold Goods Used Furniture Valley Furniture Co. 2-7472 WE PAY top cash price for good used furniture, appliances, etc. Im mediate service. Used Merchandise Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. CASH TODAY Good used furniture or will sell on consignment Ph. 3-6098 SudteU's Auction. 458 Building Materials ODD LOTS. 39 assorted Youngstown steel counter tops, marine linoleum covered, chrome trim and back splash. $2.00 and up. Ideal for work top, bar counter, shelf. Jud son's, 279 N. Commercial. Garage On your lot to your specifications. 36 mo. to pay. Free estimates. Bork man Lbr. and Hdw. Co. Ph. 3-3701. 2460 State. New fir door Jambs .$2.50 Oak flooring low priee New bath tubs complete " n Used bath tubs complete -.$5.00 Used cast washbasins ,, .i..,,..,, t7 AO Hdwd. plywd., ideal for baneline or cabinets -Cheao Loose insulation per bag V w Fiberglass roll blanket tnsuL ..Cheap elec. wirinu . ...x 12-2 elec. wiring ..5c Naib $8.75 & $8.95 keg Asbestos siding per sq. ..$9.00 Painted shakes with unders . New doors, all sizes ...... Used windows 36" x 43" , 100 used doors with frames -$10.50 .$5.50 $2.50 New toilets with seats .,$24.50 Double kitchen sinks, complete $41.50 42 gal. elec. water heaters $67.50 Laundry trays, pipe, basins Bareain 500 gal steel septic tanks 4ti2.50 4 cast iron soil pipe no lid oraneeo'ire d ne w Roll roofing, large supply V 3 tab comp, roofing Cedar shingles, 4 grades .Cheap New uaiv. iron rooi. .-.uneap Plywood, new carload Bargains New picture, windows $8.00 New weather stripped windows $14.20 New plaster board 4x8 .. .SMO Steel garage doors. completeM.$44.00 Over-head garage hard ware.$l 3.95 Kitchen, batn rm. enameled checked wall cover 10c sq. ft. C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5051 1 ml. N of Kelrer Pine, Pine, Pine! (RUNNING OUT OUR EARS!) New Load 1x12 shelving, variety of paneling, same low price. Knotty Pine plywood (.that's right!), have some In stock. Sdgs 59 50. KD roof sheathing or boxing 69.50. Lotsa doors, rfgs., paints, tailboards, and ctg. tiles. 4x8 hardboard 1.75 sheet. Some odd sires in plywood need an offer! Ext. or Int. 4x8 or cut. Free cutting saves you moneyl Easy Bild Patterns from large fur niture to baby's toys. You'll he pleacd ,at ease, doing it "your self." Your remodeling problems, our pleasure! Nothing down, 36 mos. to nay. OPEtf ALL DAY SAT. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD SSlSJPortlanrlRd; Ph.4-1433 ALL NEW lumber, ship lap. :io on per M and up. 2x4 and larger $?5 00 per M and up. Some lumber $15.00 per M delivered. Thone 2-2MZ. KEITH BROWN Close-Outs & Specials PRICED TO SELL . . . ngSa Doors Doors Doors!!! Re. Sal i DOORS 2-.x.l", 3 panel $ 4.75 19 DOORS 2-4x6-8xl, 2 panel , 4 75 20 DOORS 2-0x6-8x1 . 2 panel , 4 75 1 DOOR 2-(lx6-BxiJ, 9 lile sash I3i io noons 2-nx-xi. 9 Me s.uh 8 51 i DOORS 3-Ox6-xIi 9 lile sash . - Id IS 10 DOORS .l-OxS-Sxl1. S panel Colonial IP 42 S-(l lo 2-8x6-8x1', 10 lile French . 9.75 S DOORS 2-6xS-8xl. 15 lile French 9 IX) 1 LOT 2-4 to 3-0x-8 Re ject, Ftu.h fir door 5 00 HARDWARE HANDLE SETS SUM 10 W ea. KF.V KNOB LOCK 6 9 4S0ea. LATCH SF.T . low an 1 48 e. RI'TTS-3'," and i" .50 pr. Some sire, double hunt window, on hand ready to fo Priced rtRM. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phone 3-9111 Front Court Sis. We Give SH Green Stamp." BUILDING All new Grade "A" Best Quality 4" Cast Soil Pine. USA .75 ft. 14-2 Loomex Wire Full roll .03 ft. 1J-2 Loomex Wire Full roll .05 ft. Wall Bxs wclamp -2fi Switch or Outlet Ivory .30 Ceillnn F.xaust Fan S" 19 95 2 Comp. Sink comp w Tin 43 95 Steel Bath Tub comp. 61 95 10 vr. 42 gal wtr heater 67 50 Rev Trap Toilet "A" 29 95 V Galv Pipe -12 ft K Galv Cutter 14 ft. BOLLINGER'S. 343 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-895H 460 Musical Instruments SPINFT HANO for unpaid balance. Almost new. Terms or eah W rite P O. Pox 403. Salem. Dealer. riANO Hamilton upright, refin Ished and eorrpletelv guaranteed. A snap. Cmlv ;;jv Tallman Piano Stores, 3?5 S. 17th. 450 Merchandise 462 Sports Equipment ONE I4-FT. glass boat 1953 model, new. regular I59. Sale S3f. One S"2-h.p. Chris-Craft motor, like new, guaranteed. 149. One 12-It. used boat, good condition. 138. Uil Ward, 45U center PLYWOOD BOAT, plane with 4'a h.p. motor. J40. 390 W, Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-3072. 1953 10 HORSE power Johnston out board motor. Used 6 times. S245. Phone 2-0405. SALE or trade, new 12' glass covered boat. Ph. 3-8904. CASH paid for used guns, modern and antique. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. PLYWOOD boats. Plain wood, 4!i HP motor. 390 W. Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-3072. 464 Bicycles BOY'S 26" DAYTON bike, also girl's Hawthorne bike. Reasonable. Ly man Cain. P. O. Box 157, Turner. 466 Trade, Miscellaneous TRADE 120 bass accordion for pi ano (prefer player), 4-4952. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous U-FIX-IT-GARAGE Repair you own car. Phone 4-5261. 2095 N. Com'l. McCULLOCH chain saws and post hole augers by day. Towne Equip ment, co. rn. 4-1541. FOR RLNT or lease, Ige. warenouse space cement floors, brick bldg. down town. Inqulr H, L. Stiff Fun. 3-3 ;E5. 470 For Sale, Miscellaneous TWO glass fly rods: 2 casting rods USED BABY'S play pen and pad. Like new. 516. Ph. 2-2679 after 5:00. SIDEARM water heater, 30 gaL tank, fittings, safety valve. J15. Want Merryiiner or Mustang cultivator, Ph. 2-3704 after 5:30 p.m. 14-FT. ALUMINUM boat, reasonable. Call after 5:30 p.m. 2-3937. ROTTED cow fertilizer, 52 yd. 3060 uniting Ave. STRONG BUILT 2-wheel trailer. H, C. Neuman, 730 Fairview Ave. Ph. SMALL greenhouse, S45. Phone MONTGOMERY WARD Supreme wasmng inacnine. excellent condl. tlon. 3 yrs. old. . $75. Ph. 4-2827. ALMOST NEW Royal portable type writer. $65. Call 2-0786 after 5 p.m. WANTED Stuffed owl. B. F. Lock- iiart. 3165 Silverton Road. CEMETERY markers from J33.50 ud. Lettered and set complete at the grave. L. L. Jones a.- son, 7330 S.W. Macadam Ave.. Portland 1, Oregon. AGATE cutting Vrcco 12" saw, $50. Polisher. $15 Ph. 4-2997. $700 LADIES' fur coat, worn once. Traded in on late model car. Buv now for $250. Ph. 2-1527 days or z-uaa aunuay. USED FURNITURE FOR LESS Valley Furn. Co., 219 N. Com'l. PAINT. $2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. ANTIQUE love seat. Completely re- nnisnea .upnoistered in velvet. 455 University. Used Lightweight Electric portable sewing machine. Sews forward and reverse. Has sel of attachments plus button holer. Only $49.50. Singer Sewing Center ELEC. RANGE, apt. size. Good con dition, h'n. 2-B71I. 400 5. 20th COMPLETE set of Stainless Steel Cook Ware. Used 6 months. Real bargain. Phone 4-2705. FILL DIRT WALLING SAND lc GRAVEL CO. Phone 3-9249 PAINT, $2.29 gal. Glen Woodry. BATTERIES $6.95. Ex. group 1 12-mo. guarantee. i.yne s lire, 2305 1. Com'l. PAINT. $2 29 gal. Glen Woodry. EXCELLENT BARN yard fertilizer. Phone 4-3907 or 4-2470. ADDING machines, cash registers. $25 Ac up. Clary Multiplier Corp, 1979 fairgrounds Hd. Ph. 2-5.175. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. Ph. 3-5918 or 3-5072 Mary E. Bales. HOSPITAL BED for sal. or renL H. L. Stiff Furu. Co. Ph. 3-9185. Organic Fertilizer Sack or bulk Odorless Orders delivered Phone 3 8127 PAINT $2 29 GAL.. Glen Woodry. Recaps 600-16, $1.95. Lytle's Tire, 2305 N. Com ). FERTII.I7.ER rotted cow manure, compost, rotted mulch, chicken manure for lawn dressing. By sack or cu. yr. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 5 Box 48.1. 4-3081, 2 ml. E. 4-Corners, on State. Top River silt, fill dirt, Phone 2-1749. Soil prompt delivery. USED Refrigerators, $19.95, $29.95 and up. Al Laue, 2330 State. Ph. 3-5443. 600x16 RECAP or Grp. 1 battery $6 95 ex. Dlrzy Dean's. 1898 s. 12th.' SPECIAL SALE Closing out stock on ornamental stones, including lava & flagstone. Rustic cedar fencing, cedar posts poles. Supply limited. Phillips Bros Rt. 5, Box 493. 4-3081. 2 ml. E 4-Cor-ners on State St. TURKEY AND CHICKEN GRIT NOW AVAILABLE River Dend Sand & Gravel. LATK. model Console 21" TV set. $:no ,r.iiic lor car 01 equal value. Ph 2-5756. WANTED, used IMerrv Tiller! car.' lien tractor. 2415 Market. Ph. COW FERTILISER, $9 load. $5per" j ,1. 1 11. .i-pM 1. 7-FT. redar post. 25 cents each, vou nam 3.1 rents each delivered In quire 3-410.1 Silverton. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneouii WF, PAY cash for furniture, tools A misr. Ph. 3-Mi.v;, " WANT good offire desk, reasonable". STUD LOGS Wanted BVRKLANO LUMBER co' Ph. Turner l;:5 2503 Turner or 2.;j;j Sjtm 474 Miscellaneous SAI.K or trade elec. port,!.;, .. SALE or trade. q.n;if !rre. orsi, for rlif emiken. hive ymj. 4-.'.'7!V w "-.a: DENTAL PLA i"E RepiTri S-ttR SERVICE I N V o S r r crc DR HARRY SEMI.ER nr,-.S Adolrh HMt. Slate V tiV ' Tuesday, March 2, 1934 NOTICE! ".!.''??., PRSSsAs. news'- ,W VrPdy. To PlaceAdCall2-2441 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel CAPITAL FUEL Pickup Your Presto-logs SAWDUST FOR WU.If,H'N?()ml Briquets and wood at 1 Com I St Phone 3-7721. Highway Fuel Oo. OREGON FUEL CO. Slab, sawdust, oak S4H GREEN STAMPS Ph. 3-5533 3081 Broadway . n. i-iw West Salem Fuel Co. Tube or rusn u",u7,7j Ah. Maple and Oak Wood rfrv slab. Planer Ends 1525 Edgewater P" 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money lo Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONEY S Us All types of personal loans. Terms lo suit. No invesUgatlon chsrges. All dealings Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road (Next Door lo Bankl Free Parking Lot. Call 2-7031 M 369 S291. SHOPPING FOR A LOAN? Personal Personal Olfers These Benefits: "Yes" promptly to employed peo plemarried, singlel 4 Nationwide credit. Single visit loan phone first. Select best payment date! LOANS UP TO $1,500 On Auto, Furniture or Salary Personal FINANCE COMPANY Phone 2-2464 105 S. HiRh St., Salem State Lirense S-122, M-165 Loans over $.100 made by Personal Finance Co. of Marion County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. PHIVATK money to loan. Ph. 2-0794. REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO ROBFRT W. C0RM5EN. PKIS. 687 Court 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie No. M-50. S-154 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WANTED Young man, age 18-28. for train ing in Dept. Store Management. Must he high srhool graduate. Write for appoitnment. giving age and family responsibility. Box 266. Statesman-Journal. WANTED, strawberry plant packers? Ph. 4-24)0. 604 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Single man to work on poultry farm. Room, board, and wages. A. H. Berger, Wilionville, Oregon. .MAN TOWORk on tuTkey ranch. Small house available for bachelor or couple. Dayton, Bt. 2, Box 87. Ph. 29X17. KITCHEN HELP. Woodruff. San Shop. 3400 PortlandRd. WANTED Experienced malegroccry clerk. Steady employment. Broad way Grocery. 606 Help Wanted, Female ATTRACTIVE woman, former wait- , iu ,rdin as asst. in customer service dept. Top pav. S day week Apply 8 Jii.9 30 at 1:128 Slate. LADY who can type, write receipts 4 4Rj p 'iicuis, ana anve. call WOMAN to take care of 2 small chlU ..i nii u uKni housekeeping, W,!-M' Eschan" references. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. refeTT irquireo. Age 24-30. Apply for personal interview. 2-5 p m laJRd"' ShP' 3,00 WLlvJn' ."""'""I housekeeper. WANT: LADYliTilurt ,mall part foe JP"" "n,) """'"hold duties for home with semi-lnvalid Can work out. Phone 2.4014. ?iu Sales Peraonn We,i. , GOOD PAY Leading National Corporation fcaa foT rof, S'" Semce Dep, for college trained man 21-35 yri Ask ,r M,VBr?en Pm' ..uniea, Male ,NWij,. "Vtt "5ms; 5ggse7v: !lMv.TPh. 3bSs P'TreT: iuau GHAntvn . Hancock t.. ' ... . i I